Chapter 27: Show You Love Part 1

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Chuck's POV
"I like you too..." I paced and came back to the same spot. "I love you too. You just best me to it. No... that's not how to respond..."

She ran out quickly after I hesitated to respond to what she said. She said she loves me. I almost couldn't believe it. The last girl who said that to me did it to get her way. Does Gayatri mean it?

I went after her. I opened her bedroom door just a crack,tempted to go in and demonstrate my feelings but I didn't. I can't put it off anymore. I need to respond.

She's not in her room. Her bed is made already. I made my way down the stairs. I saw her seated at the dining table, having breakfast. She's beautiful. She stirs my heart wildly. It cannot go unsaid.

"Good morning."

She looked up. Her pretty eyes lit up. She's wearing the diamond studs. Her fingers touched the one on the left. "Good morning Chuck." She stood up. "Can I serve you tea?"

"Yes please." I took a seat. She got a tray together and brought it to me.

"The idea was to make you breakfast but the housekeeper beat me to it." She poured tea into the cup. She put in a teaspoon of sugar and stirred it for me. "There you go. She makes delicious eggs! Try some."

She took her seat. "Join me?"

"I already ate."

She sipped her tea as I took my breakfast. My heart will only get rest when she knows how I feel. She was brave to express herself. I'm still struggling to say the words.

"About last night-" we spoke at the same time. We also laughed at the same time. The only two people I know who complete each other's sentences and also say the same thing at the same time are my nephews, Marco and Nico. They are twins. It makes sense.

"You go first." I urged her.

"I was caught up in the moment. I was overwhelmed by emotion when I told you I love you. Can you just forget about it? Forget I said it."

"Often when we say things that come from deep within our hearts and we don't get a favorable response, we regret the words. Do you regret telling me that you love me?"

She looked down at th table for a moment. "No." She gazed at me. "I don't regret it Chuck." Her eyes are tearing up. "But I was up all night worried that I had succeeded in pushing you away. That's not the outcome I want. I just want you know that I am in love you, whether you reciprocate or not."

"I wanted to tell you that this affection I feel for you is well beyond friendship. It's a deep feeling that keeps getting deeper. Gayatri, my heart races whenever I'm around you. Just the sound of your voice stirs me to life. I cannot imagine another day of my life without you in it because..." I stretched out my hand to take hers. "... because I love you."

She got up from her seat, circling the table at lightning speed just to crash her lips on mine. For a mom and I froze. She definitely knows what she wants. Just when my lips gently moved against hers, she pulled away.

It's the same look she had last night when she told me she loves me. Uncertainty and confusion. Before she could say anything or even make her signature swift exit, I got up and took her by the waist, sitting her on the table and separating her legs to stand in between. My lips picked up where she hastily left off, tasting a whole new sweetness. My whole body felt hot as my lips trembled with need.

I have kissed many girls but not once have I ever ver been this nervous. Not once have my lips quivered this much. I go in swiftly and deeply. That's how I do it. But this girl is making a whole new set of rules and I'm playing by them. She tastes like a sweet dream. I pulled away just to make sure she's real, feeling the softness of her face with my fingers. The Innocence in her eyes is about as true as the sun coming up from the east.

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