11: Rich Friends

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Beverly's POV
"I want all the dirty dits. Do not hide anything! Go!" Abby smiled at me.

"It's great! He's the best I've ever had!" I squealed.

I told her about Chuck after meeting him back in South America. She has been dying to hear the details.

"Is he that good or are you exaggerating?" She called over a waitress. "The usual. Bev, what will you have?"


"Will you take any accompaniment?" The waitress asked.

"I don't take carbs."

"We have gluten free-" I waved her off.

"Who is he? Do I know him?" Abby carried on.

I did not give her a name. I can't risk my boyfriend finding out. Such high end relationships tend to be fragile.

"He's a nobody." I shrugged. Chuck is my secret. My friends can't know I'm banging a lower level citizen. The guy lives in Brooklyn and he drives an old car. He's only good for one thing. Sex. He is good at it. I have never been with a guy who gets my body the way he does.

"He is clearly somebody if he's setting your sheets ablaze." She chuckled. "What about your boyfriend? Does he know?"

"He has nothing to do with this. This is my own little thing on the side to get off whenever I need to. Don't you dare breathe a word."

"You know my rules. I don't judge and I don't tell."

"That's why I can tell you literally anything!"

We both chuckled at the same time.

I told Chuck we can date because he wanted to end what we have. I'm addicted to his body. Ever since we met in South America, ever since I lied to him I was a virgin, I have become addicted. He's the perfect lover. I plan to keep him around for as long as I can.  If it's telling him what he wants to hear, then I'll tell him.  I will say and do anything to keep him.

But my heart is committed to someone else. He serves his purpose too. Deep pockets. I can't let that one slip.

"What about you Abby? Are you seeing anyone?"

Abby Harrington is a drop dead gorgeous red head with eyes as blue as the sea. She comes for m a wealthy family. She is popular wherever she goes. She has everything going for her but she's not dating.

"I am not on the dating scene. I have too much to do on a daily basis to take care of a relationship."

"Not even something casual? If I wasn't so clingy with my guy, I'd so lend him to you." I did not like the idea of Josephine around him. When she said she loves him, I decided she is better off gone. I want Chuck fully devoted to me.

"I don't know how you live a double life Bev. I know I can't. But shouldn't you tell your boyfriend? These things tend to blow up in an ugly way."

"Abigail Harrington, don't tell him. Please."

"I don't judge and I don't tell." She assured me.

Gayatri's POV
"Hi Abby! I have something for you."

I presented the pearls she left on this very table. She was with her snobby friend Beverly for over an hour. I didn't approach the table until she left. I like Abby but I dint like Beverly. She's stuck up. Abby is rich but really simple. There's nothing boastful or complicated about her.

"Thank you! What a lovely gift!" She stood up to hug me. "I have pearls just like this."

"It's not a gift Abby!" I laughed. "They are your pearls. You left them on the table the last time we were together."

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