Chapter Twenty One: All The Right Friends

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Chuck's POV
I took the week off my false pretenses to really think about my next move. It boils down to who I want in my life? Beverly or Gayatri. Gayatri has been faithfully checking in me every single day even when I don't respond. I'm debating whether to come clean and tell her that I have been lying about my identity. I think it's the right thing to do.

I'll tell her over dinner. After is probably better so that it's not awkward when she's mad at me. I could just go home and revisit it on another day.

My friends at the fire station called me to make fun of me. They said a girl was looking for me. Their description: short and cute. That's what she is. Short and cute. I'm excited to see her.

I am finally returning her calls. "Hello!" She answered as soon as the call went through..

"Are you okay? You sound breathless."

"I'm fine." She's breathing hard. "I'm sorry for flooding your phone with texts and calls-"

"It's okay. Don't worry. In fact I'm touched." No one other than Dani has ever flooded my phone like that. "What's up?"

"I wanted to talk to you. Where are you? I'll come to you."

"I'm on my way back. Do you want me to grab take out? Italian?" No response. "Gayatri?"

I checked to see that the call is disconnected. I stopped by the Italian restaurant close to the apartment and picked up dinner. There's something domestic about our relationship. It feels like something sustainable that will last a very long time. It's already working. All that is left are labels. It's just a question of whether the labels will change things.

When I got into the building, I met Shannon. "Oh Chuck! Thank goodness!"

"Miss Shannon, can we talk later?" I just want to get to Gayatri and not engage in small talk.

"It's important! It's about the spice girl! Gael!"

"What about her?"

"Two officers came here and she got arrested!"

"What? Why?"

"Something about assaulting a beaver?"

"A beaver?" I don't get it. Why would she assault a beaver?

"A beaver in a lane? I didn't understand-"

"Beverly Dane?"

"Yes! That is what they said!"

I put the takeout and the shopping bag in her hand. "Thank you!" I ran out.

I flagged a cab down. "To the police department. Go!"

He took off at once.

I called Alexander. "Dude! Who do you know at the police department?"

"Are you okay-"

"Alexander! Who do you know?"

"The General knows the Chief."

I have to call the General. No. I won't. "Thanks man." I hanged up. Maybe I should call him. It's for Gayatri. It went straight to voicemail. "It's Bruce, I don't read messages."

That's that.

I got out of cab and hurried into the department. I stopped at the front desk. I remember the last time I was here over her stolen jewelry. I spoke to a detective. What was his name?

"Fireman!" He showed up out of the blue with a smile on his face. ",This guy saved my pops!" He told his friends. "What can I do for you?"

"A friend, just got arrested over a misunderstanding. I was hoping to work something out."

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