8: The Girl From 4B

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Chuck's POV
I'm winding up my shift. The guys are talking about going for drinks. I would love to join them but I have a board meeting with the directors of the St Patrick Group at 6pm.

"Next time, I promise."

"You are one flaky dude!" One of the guys I work with gave me a playful punch.

I don't take unnecessary risks. I don't want to run into my friends. If I do, they will blow my cover. So I mostly stick to my own company or Phinney's or someone new. I have to be careful.

"Next time. I get to pick a place. My treat." They all roared with excitement. If I pick a place, I pick somewhere my rich friends won't be.

I got my bag together and headed out. I have about an hour until my meeting. It's a big meeting.

"Excuse me!" A police officer called out to me.

"How can I help you offer?"

"I'm looking for a Chuck De la Cruz."

"You found him."

"Do you live in this address?" He showed me the address of the small apartment I live in.

"Yes I do."

"A complaint was filed against you concerning missing jewelry."

"Missing jewelry?" I frowned.

"Will you come down to the station and talk to us?"

I glanced over my shoulder at my friends who are watching on. One of them, the one I answer to came down to where I am. "Officer, is there a problem?"

"Just having a friendly conversation with Mr De la Cruz."

"Are you good Chuck?"

"Yeah. It's just a conversation. I'll drive down. Meet you there."

"I would prefer if you get in the back of the car." He opened the back of the police car.


"It's cool. It's cool." I assured my boss.

I got into the car. He closed the door. I have never been in the back of a police car before. As he drive away, all U can think of is not what lies ahead but the fact that the board of directors at the St Patrick Group don't fuck around. They mean business. They drove Charlie out. If I mess this up well and good. My business with the St Patrick Group will be over but my father will be very disappointed.

Dude, I'm in the back of a cop car.

I pressed send and waited.

I muted my phone to keep it silent. The officers are glancing back at me. I'm sure that as soon as I reach the station they may confiscate my phone.

Dude what did you do?

They say missing jewelry.
They want to know where I was that day you were at my place.

That day there was smoke from the apartment upstairs!

That bitch Gael probably called the cops on you! The nerve! I'm headed to your place now. Should I come to the station?

My place? Were we hanging out tonight?

Calm down buckaroo. It's just a movie and cuddling. I promise little Chuck down south won't be at my service tonight. Do you want a conjugal visit in case this shit is serious?

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