A Chance for Normalcy

Par maggiexgrey

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Being born into the mafia, you are given the choice at eighteen to stay or leave. But even if you choose to l... Plus

CHAPTER 1; first meeting
CHAPTER 2; killer first date
CHAPTER 3; mine
CHAPTER 4; family
CHAPTER 5; old friend
CHAPTER 6; overdoing it
CHAPTER 7; princess
CHAPTER 8; incognito
CHAPTER 9; safety
CHAPTER 10; offer
CHAPTER 11; little black dress
CHAPTER 12; dying
CHAPTER 13; distraction
CHAPTER 14; babe
CHAPTER 15; 26 hours
CHAPTER 16; conflicted
CHAPTER 17; at peace
CHAPTER 18; tequila & emotions
CHAPTER 19; sasha
CHAPTER 20; miami
CHAPTER 21; uneasy
CHAPTER 22; mile high
CHAPTER 23; forever
CHAPTER 24; the Verstappens
CHAPTER 25; monaco
CHAPTER 26; engagement, again
CHAPTER 28; abu dhabi
CHAPTER 29; revenge of the cheesecake
CHAPTER 30; highs & lows
CHAPTER 31; revelations
CHAPTER 32; aftermath
CHAPTER 33; one look
CHAPTER 34; civil
CHAPTER 35; life events
CHAPTER 36; back on track
CHAPTER 37; sleep
CHAPTER 38; failure
CHAPTER 39; talking
CHAPTER 40; it's just sex
CHAPTER 41; unspoken safe word
CHAPTER 42; family
CHAPTER 43; family is forever
CHAPTER 44; a chance for normalcy

CHAPTER 27; trouble

561 6 0
Par maggiexgrey

Max's alarm goes off an hour later and you both groan as Max shuts it off, slowly crawling out of bed. Max heads to the kitchen to make you some food while you start on your hair and makeup.

"Ari, food's ready." Max calls out from the kitchen some time later.

"Coming." You say walking out of the bathroom putting your earrings in. "Smells delicious."

Max just stares at you his eyes looking you up and down.

"What?" You ask thinking there's something in your teeth or on your dress.

"I've got the hottest wife." Max says smiling at you.

"Fiancé remember." You say winking at him.

"That tattoo doesn't lie." Max says nodding towards your left hand before setting a plate of pasta down in front of you.

"Speaking of, I should make that post now right?" You say pulling out your phone.

"Now is as good as time as any I think. It's already out there." Max says looking over your shoulder at the pictures.

"Good?" You ask passing Max your phone and he goes through them again.

"Good." He says passing your phone back to you, and you take a deep breath before hitting post and turning off your notifications for Instagram.

"That should keep out parents happy." You say digging into the pasta Max made.

"For now, at least." Max says nodding. You and Max finish eating the pasta quickly before Max heads off to get changed while you clean up the kitchen.

"Alright, Cass and Daniel are ready whenever we are." Max says heading back out from the bedroom.

"Well fuck me." You say watching as Max rolls up his sleeves on his black dress shirt.

"Don't tempt me." Max says and you walk over and kiss him. You wipe the lipstick off his lips and head to the door.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Max asks raising his eyebrow.

"Seriously? I think the ring on my hand does a good enough job scaring people away." You say sighing walking back over to Max.

"I'm not taking any chances." Max says and you tilt your neck giving him better access to leave his mark on you. Max goes right for the sensitive spot near your collar bone kissing it and sucking on the skin leaving an obvious hickey in it's place.

"There, now we can go." Max says admiring his handy work.

"Might as well just get that tattooed on me as well." You say looking at it in the mirror on your way out.

"Not as fun." Max says taking your hand as the two of you head downstairs to the lobby.

"There they are!" Daniel says nodding in your direction and Cass turns around smiling.

"Verstappens, looking hot as usual." Cass says hugging you quickly.

"Thanks Cass, you're looking good as well." You say looking at her tight dress that hugs her curves.

"I know." She says laughing. "Now come on, let's go get drunk."

The four of you climb into the car that's waiting just outside taking the quick ride to Jimmy Z's. Your heart starts to beat faster as you see the crowd of people out front waiting to get in. Camera's lining the streets hoping to get a good picture of the drivers entering. The car slows to a stop and the driver hops out opening the door as Daniel and Cass step out first, the flash of the camera nearly blinding you. Max steps out next and extends his hand for you to take as you step out. Cameras start flashing and people start calling out your name and Max's trying to get your attention. You keep your head down as Max holds your hand leading you into the club. You take a deep breath once inside, and smile as you see familiar faces scattered throughout the club.

"Come on, we'll say hi later." Max says leading you up to the usual table in the VIP area away from everyone else. You smile at the bouncer holding the rope as he nods letting you and Max in.

"There she is!" Charlotte shouts. "The future Mrs. Verstappen." Charlotte says handing you a glass of champagne and you smile up looking at Max. Already Mrs. Verstappen.

A chorus of congratulations echoes from everybody and the two of you take a few minutes to show off the ring and tell them how it happened.

"I always knew he was a big softie." Lewis says nudging Max who laughs.

"No proof though." Max says smiling and Cass just raises her eyebrow.

"I beg to differ." Cass says pulling her phone out and showing Lewis a video of the proposal, but the sound is muted so you can't hear what's actually being said.

"Alright maybe there is some proof." Max says shooting a shot of Vodka back.

"Okay everyone, I've got shots all poured out." Mick says handing everyone a shot of tequila.

"Daniel, your win." George says looking over at Daniel.

"I don't even know where to start. I'd like to thank the academy for my training." Daniel starts imitating the Oscars and everyone laughs. "No, it was a good race. Excited for more wins to come, so Ferrari, Mercedes better watch your backs. But for now, let's get drunk and have a good time!" Daniel says raising his glass.

"To a good time." Everyone cheers before shooting their drinks back, feeling the familiar burn of tequila as it slides down your throat. 

It's going to be a good night. 

Several shots and drinks later and you've got a good buzz going, you see Harper across the club waving, and you smile taking Max's hand leaning in, "we should go say hi to the others before we get too tipsy." Max nods looking over at Cass sitting in Daniel's lap. 

"Should we wait for them?" Max asks as they start making out. 

"No, I think they'll be fine to stop by later." You say laughing. "Oh Charlotte," you say catching her as she passes by with another round of shots. "Max and I are just going to say hi to some friends, we'll be back." You say taking one of the shots for courage.

"Sounds good, don't be gone too long. I can't remember which one is water." Charlotte says looking at the tray of clear shots in front of her. "Well, it wasn't that one." You say shuddering the taste of Vodka lingering in your mouth. "I'll figure it out." Charlotte says laughing shaking her head bringing the shots back to the table.

You hold Max's hand as you walk through the club towards Harper and some of your other friends.

"Hey guys," you say walking up to their table.

"Ari, Max, hey," Harper says moving over as you and Max sit down at the end.

"Congrats on the race today Max, that was amazing!" Evan says.

"Thanks." Max says nodding.

"Congrats on the engagement as well! Let's see the ring." Someone else says and you stick your left hand out showing it off. Everyone gawks over the ring as you tell the story of how it happened.

"So romantic." Someone else says and you smile.

"It was just the perfect day." You say leaning back against Max.

"Congrats," Elliott says shooting another shot back, and you smile back at him, "thanks."

"Any thoughts on when the wedding will be?" Harper asks curiously.

"Sometime after the season finishes." Max says.

"We were talking about December." You say nodding.

"But that's only like 7 months away. Honey that's not enough time to plan a wedding." Harper says.

"We're still figuring that stuff out." You say shrugging. "Don't worry you'll know when I know."

"Oh hey guys!" A shrill voice says, and you can feel Max tense beside you.

"Sasha, hi," Max says.

"Hey guys," you say looking around Sasha to Curtis and Ron.

"Well squish in, make room." Sasha says waving her hands at Max trying to get him to move into the booth. Instead, Max just stands up towering over her, making her jaw drop slightly.

"I'm going to get us some more drinks." Max says turning his head to look at you.

"Thank you fiancé," you say smiling at him before he turns and walks down to the bar.

"Fiancé?" Sasha asks as you stand up to let Curtis and Ron into the booth, making her sit on the opposite side across from you.

"Max proposed, didn't you know?" You ask holding out your left hand to show her the ring.

"After the race? You weren't wearing it earlier." Sasha says looking at it.

"No last weekend, we just didn't want to the added media attention before the race, so we waited until after to announce it." You say pulling your hand back.

"Oh." Sasha says and you're hoping that'll get her to stop flirting with Max, but oh no, the second he comes back with drinks for the two of you the flirting starts again. You have to give Max massive credit though. He handled it really well and was very polite about everything keeping his arm around you. The two of you sit around and chat for a few minutes before you text Charlotte under the table telling her to come and rescue you. Sure enough a few minutes later Charles comes running up to your table, "Ari, Charlotte's gone to throw up again. Can you please go check on her?" Charles says out of breath.

"Yeah of course, sorry guys, I've got to go." You say as Max gets up and the three of you head off to the women's bathroom. You open the door and smile seeing Charlotte standing by the sink.

"Did it work?" She says and you nod hugging her.

"Thank you, I'm not sure I could handle much more of her."

"How long should we give it before we head back out?" Charlotte asks.

"Few minutes maybe, I'm actually going to use the bathroom since we're here." You say heading into one of the stalls. You come out and wash your hands while Charlotte leans up against the wall.

"Good?" She asks and you nod wrapping your arm around her pretending to support her.

"Come on, let's get you back to the table." Charles says taking her from you.

"Thank you." Max whispers leaning down.

"She's a good actress isn't she." You say watching Charlotte lean on Charles as they walk back to the table.

"Maybe not Oscar worthy, but convincing enough." Max says laughing as you rejoin the group. You notice more people have shown up now, including Pierre and Declan.

"There's the happy couple! Congratulations guys!" Pierre says hugging you.

"Ah Pierre, thank you!" You say hugging him back before Pierre goes to shake Max's hand. Declan doesn't even acknowledge the engagement. He just congratulates Max on the race. You ignore his comment and sit with Charlotte and Cass drinking and talking about the upcoming races and plans for the future.

"Come on, let's go dance. This is my jam." Cass says pulling you and Charlotte up and towards the dance floor. The three of you start dancing together, moving your bodies to the beat of the song. The alcohol flowing through you lowering your inhibitions. It doesn't take long before Daniel, Pierre, Declan, Lando and Carlos come to the dance floor to join you. You dance around with everyone moving your body to the beat of the song when you feel an unfamiliar set of hands on your hips. Immediately you turn around seeing Declan smiling back at you.

"What're you doing Declan?" You ask stepping back from his reach.

"You're not his yet princess. I'm not giving up until I get what I want." Declan says stepping towards you again. "I want you." Declan whispers in your ear before walking past you leaving you alone on the dance floor surrounded by strangers.

"Ari, you okay?" Carlos says passing you a drink.

"Yeah." You say snapping yourself out of your gaze. "Just something Declan said is all." You say taking a sip of the drink looking up at the table to see Max talking with someone who looks like your dad.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." You say sighing.

Carlos follow's your gaze. "Who's Max talking to?"

"My dad." You say heading up the stairs. God could this night get any worse.

"Arya darling there you are!" Your dad says smiling at you as you walk up the stairs.

"What are you doing here dad?" You ask crossing your arms.

"I came to congratulate you on your engagement seeing as how I wasn't invited to the celebration." Your dad says frowning.

"This isn't an engagement party dad, we're here to celebrate after the race."

"Oh, is that why you've been showing off your left hand all night?" Your dad sneers and Max stands up.

"How about we take this outside, before someone gets hurt." Max says pushing both of you towards the balcony.

"What do you want?" You ask as Max closes the door to the balcony behind him.

"I'm not allowed to stop by to see my own daughter?"

"No." You say shaking your head no. "I don't want to see you."

"You don't have to like it Arya, but I am your father, your blood, and that runs thicker than anything." Your dad yells.

"God, do we really have to do this now?" You say tears in your eyes.

"When else are we going to? You don't answer my calls." Your dad says angrily.

"Because I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to see you. I don't want you in my life." You yell back at him. "God why can't I get that through to people." You say shaking your head and Max wraps his arm around your waist.

"Arya, you need me. I'm the only family you have." Your father says stepping towards you.

"No, I don't. Max is my family. Cass is my family. I have a family here that doesn't involve you." You say sternly tears in your eyes.

"I think you should leave." Max says looking at your dad who just huffs.

"Fine. I'll leave. But this won't be the last of me." Your dad says leaving the balcony. You let a tear fall down your cheek and quickly wipe it away sniffling.

"I just want him to get it, I don't why him and Declan just don't – " you say frustrated.

"Declan? What did Declan do?" Max asks a mixture of concern and anger in his voice.

"Nothing, he just said a ring's not going to stop him from getting what he wants." You say shaking your head wiping away your tears.

"I'm going to kill him." Max says turning to go back inside.

"No Max, don't." You say stepping in front of him putting your hands on his chest, but he just brushes them off stepping past you walking inside. Why won't men listen to me.

"Max!" You yell after him but it's no use he's on a mission. He heads back to the table not seeing him and you run up to Daniel and Cass.

"Have either of you guys seen Declan?" You ask frantically.

"I think he went outside for a smoke, why?" Cass says.

"Because I think Max might just kill him." You whisper and their eyes go wide as the three of you run outside to see Max push Declan against the alley wall the cigarette falling out of his mouth.

"Stay away from my fucking fiancé Declan." You hear Max yell.

"Or what?" Declan sneers.

"I'll fucking end you." Max says tightening his grip on Declan's shirt.

"Let him go mate, he's not worth it." Daniel says as he steps in between Declan and Max pushing Max backwards off him.

"You see what kind of a monster you're marrying princess." Declan says staring at you. "You deserve so much better."

You walk right up to Declan anger clouding your judgement and punch him square in the nose. The sound of his nose cracks under your punch as blood starts to pour out.

"You broke my nose." Declan says holding his nose.

"Next time you come near me I'll break more than that." You say staring at him. "Now leave us alone."

"You know what, I take it back. You two are fucking perfect for each other. Both fucking insane." Declan says shaking his head heading inside.

"Cass, come on you were supposed to stop her." Daniel says letting Max go.

"Why would I do that? The prick deserved it." Cass says looking at your right hand a little bloodied. "Nice punch by the way."

"Thanks." You say shaking it.

"You okay?" Max says holding up your hand to look at it. "That was some punch."

"He had it coming." You say sighing and Max stares at you intensely.

"We're going to head back inside." Daniel says recognizing the look in Max's eyes leading Cass back into the club. Max doesn't acknowledge it. He just cups your face with his hands and kisses you passionately. You kiss him back just as passionately moaning as his hands grip your hips tightly.

"God you looked so fucking hot punching him." Max moans pushing his body against yours, so you feel him. You bite your lower lip wanting nothing more than to feel him inside you at this moment taking his pent-up rage out as he fucks you.

"Thought it would be better if I punched him instead of you, that way you don't get in trouble with Red Bull or the FIA." You say looking into those lustful blue eyes.

"Oh, believe me, you're worth the trouble." Max says brushing a loose strand of hair from your face tucking it behind your ear before capturing your lips with his again. Max runs his hand up your thigh sneaking it under your dress and over the thin material of your underwear covering your wetness. A smirk coming across Max's face when he feels how wet you are already.

"Is all this because of me princess?" Max asks kissing down your neck while pressing his thumb into your heat moving it in gentle teasing circles.

"You and tequila." You moan softly.

"Right, tequila does get you horny." Max chuckles moving his hand away and you pout.

"Tequila gets me horny, but only you make me this wet." You say brushing your lips against Max's. Max looks both ways down the alleyway before turning you around to face the wall.

"Not a sound." Max says hooking your panties in his fingers pulling them down around your knees, before undoing this pants pulling them down just enough to get his cock free. 

Suddenly, you're very aware Max is about to fuck you in the alley, and anyone could come out and catch the two of you in the act. Or worse, a fan could come around the corner and – those thoughts melt out of your brain as you feel Max's cock push inside you. 

You bite your bottom lip holding back a moan, and Max moves slowly knowing there wasn't any foreplay to adequately prepare either of you. You lean your head back arching your back into him, encouraging him to move faster. Max takes the hint and starts thrusting in harder and faster, neither of you wanting to get caught but enjoying the moment too much to stop. Luckily with the alcohol and adrenaline running through the both of you it doesn't take long until you're both on the verge of you climax. Max wraps his hand around your mouth to muffle your moans, and you take hid thumb in your mouth swirling your tongue around it as if it were his dick. Max's grip on your hip tightens and you take that as your que to cum as you can feel him tensing up behind you. Your walls clench around Max's cock as you cum continuing to suck on his thumb as he follows spilling his cum inside you. Max quickly removes his hand from your throat and hip doing up his pants and you pull your panties back up a big smile across both of your faces. Max rests his hand beside your head and leans down to kiss you when the back door opens someone stepping out to smoke. You both turn your heads to look before chuckling turning your attention back to each other as your lips connect gently. 

Thank God it wasn't a minute sooner. That would have been awkward.

You head back inside through the back door to the club and head straight for the bathrooms to clean yourself up as you're sure your panties are soaked in both Max's and your cum by now. Deciding that it would just be better to go without you toss your panties into the stall garbage can before heading out and washing your hands. You look in them mirror and smile, almost two months ago you were making out with your mystery man in this very bathroom. Now you're married, and living together, and he just fucked you in the alley. 

Oh, how times change.

Max heads out of the bathroom the same time as you and you both smile as you head back to the table to enjoy the rest of your night celebrating with your friends, unaware of the beady eyes watching you and Max from a distance. 


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