A Chance for Normalcy

By maggiexgrey

31.5K 428 24

Being born into the mafia, you are given the choice at eighteen to stay or leave. But even if you choose to l... More

CHAPTER 1; first meeting
CHAPTER 2; killer first date
CHAPTER 3; mine
CHAPTER 4; family
CHAPTER 5; old friend
CHAPTER 6; overdoing it
CHAPTER 7; princess
CHAPTER 8; incognito
CHAPTER 9; safety
CHAPTER 10; offer
CHAPTER 11; little black dress
CHAPTER 12; dying
CHAPTER 13; distraction
CHAPTER 14; babe
CHAPTER 15; 26 hours
CHAPTER 16; conflicted
CHAPTER 17; at peace
CHAPTER 18; tequila & emotions
CHAPTER 19; sasha
CHAPTER 20; miami
CHAPTER 21; uneasy
CHAPTER 22; mile high
CHAPTER 23; forever
CHAPTER 24; the Verstappens
CHAPTER 26; engagement, again
CHAPTER 27; trouble
CHAPTER 28; abu dhabi
CHAPTER 29; revenge of the cheesecake
CHAPTER 30; highs & lows
CHAPTER 31; revelations
CHAPTER 32; aftermath
CHAPTER 33; one look
CHAPTER 34; civil
CHAPTER 35; life events
CHAPTER 36; back on track
CHAPTER 37; sleep
CHAPTER 38; failure
CHAPTER 39; talking
CHAPTER 40; it's just sex
CHAPTER 41; unspoken safe word
CHAPTER 42; family
CHAPTER 43; family is forever
CHAPTER 44; a chance for normalcy

CHAPTER 25; monaco

521 5 2
By maggiexgrey

The week just seems to fly by between gym sessions, working with Charlotte, and trying to enjoy some alone time with your husband, Saturday of the Monaco grand prix has come around. You already know Jos and your father will be around the paddock today and tomorrow for the race. The four of you had met up for dinner last night after Friday practice to discuss the engagement announcement.

"I still think a public engagement would be best." Jos says biting into his steak.

"We're already engaged." Max says sipping on his glass of wine.

"But no one knows that." Your father says looking at your left hand.

"We agreed to wait until after the race to announce it. Kind of defeats the purpose if I'm photographed wearing a ring." You say sipping on your wine.

"Yes, we don't need any added media distractions before the race." Jos says cutting another piece of steak off. "I'm just thinking if Max wins, we do a public podium proposal, for show of course."

"And if I don't win?" Max asks cutting into his steak.

"Then we will post the pictures, after you cross the finish line either way. We'll call it a dream of a weekend, getting to watch our children get engaged, Max race in the Grand Prix. Just like proud fathers who 'accidentally' leaked the engagement." Your father says.

"Don't even pretend to be proud of me, you've done nothing for me." You snap.

"I made you who you are." Your father snaps back and Max has to squeeze your thigh to stop you from lunging across the dinner table.

"Regardless of wording choice, it will get out there." Jos says glaring at your father.

"Fine." Max says eating his steak.

Thankfully, your father didn't end up getting a Red Bull VIP pass, so he isn't allowed into the garage or hospitality building. However, he was able to get a Paddock Club VIP pass so you're trying to stay in the Red Bull garage as much as possible to avoid running into him. Max had also given you a couple VIP passes for the garage and told you to invite some of your friends, but truthfully you didn't want to. Ever since finding out about your relationship with Max that's all they ask about, can you get me race passes, when are you bringing me to a race etc. The only friends that didn't ask were Harper and Jeremy, so you decided to invite them, call it a late engagement present. Daniel had also given Cass a few passes, so she invited Curtis and Ron to keep her company.

"I can't believe we're actually inside the Red Bull garage," Harper says looking around.

"This is seriously so cool Ari," Jeremy says looking wide-eyed at everything. "Thank you so much for inviting us."

"Oh no problem, Max had a couple extra passes for this race so thought it would be a nice surprise. No better place to watch from in here I think." You say leading them down the garage to meet up with Sara.

"Hey guys!" Sara says waving at you.

"Hey Sara! Harper, Jeremy this is Sara, Max's assistant. Sara this is Harper and Jeremy some of my friends."

"Nice to meet you," Sara says shaking their hands.

"Speaking of, where is Max?" Harper asks looking around.

"He's just in his change room getting ready for the race, which reminds me, Ari he asked me to send you up there before he comes out. Something about discussing strategy with you." Sara says and you nod. Strategy is a keyword the two of you decided to use when Max wants a kiss before qualifying or before the race. Sometimes it helps calm him down and focus him before he goes out, and sometimes it just distracts him, so Max let's Sara know what he wants to relay to you.

"Got it, sorry guys. I'll be right back." You say excusing yourself.

"Come on, let's get you guys set up with headsets." Sara says leading them down the garage as you make your way up to Max's change room.

You knock on the door before slowly opening it, "someone requested a strategy meeting?" You ask smiling as you see Max doing up his racing suit.

"Definitely." Max says as you walk over and wrap your arms around his neck, as his hands come around your waist and you can feel both of your bodies relax as you lean into the kiss.

"You've got this." You say pulling apart.

"I don't know about that." Max says sighing. "Charles and Carlos were looking a lot better out there during practice."

"Practice doesn't matter now, it's all down to this. One lap at a time." You say smiling and Max leans down to kiss you again.

"I love you Mrs. Verstappen." Max whispers so no one hears.

"I love you too Mr. Verstappen, now go out there and do your best." You say leaning up and kissing him one more time before heading back out the door to the garage.

"There you are!" Harper says waving at you, headsets around her neck now. Sara just chuckles passing you your headset and you put it around your neck.

"He'll be out in a minute." You say nodding to Sara.

"Hey, isn't that Max's dad?" Jeremy asks pointing over to Jos, surrounded by his security team.

"Yeah, he comes to some of the races, just keeps to himself mostly." You say smiling and nodding at him, for which Jos just smiles and nods back.

"Seriously?! That's insane, I can't believe he comes to races." Harper says looking over at him mesmerized which has you confused, but then again he is a previous world champion himself.

"Does your dad ever come to races?" Harper asks curiously.

"He's here now actually, somewhere. I think he'll come to the last race too. But that's about it." You say turning your attention back to the screen in front of you.

"Him and Max don't get along?" Jeremy questions.

"Him and I don't get along." You clarify. "I can't stand him on a good day, let alone the chaos of a race day."

Harper, Jeremy, and Sara just nod.

"Do you think Jos will come to the last race too?" Jeremy asks.

"Probably. He has every year. Bahrain, Monaco, Zandvoort and Abu Dhabi are the races he doesn't miss." Sara says as Max comes out of the dressing room, his headphones in a stern look of concentration on his face.

"You're so lucky," Harper whispers to you.

"I'm right here," Jeremy says rolling his eyes.

"And I love you, but come on," Harper says still staring at Max and you just chuckle. "Sorry Harper, he's all mine."

You watch as Gio passes Max his helmet liner and helmet, sending you a wink before putting them on.

"That's it, I think I just died and went to heaven." Harper says holding your hand.

"Easy Harper," you say shaking your head. "You're engaged and he's... taken by me." Married actually.

"I know, I'm happy for you really, the two of you are going to have smoking hot babies one day." She says turning back to the monitor as Max gets into the car. The four of you put your headphones on and stand around the monitor watches as Max's qualifying session starts and you hate yourself for hoping that he doesn't get this pole position. Monaco is a hard circuit to pass on, so usually the race outcome is all but decided at qualifying. Harper and Jeremy ask Sara a lot of questions during qualifying, but you're focused intensely on the screen and the pit lane when Max comes in to change the tires. Making it into Q3 easily, you hold your breath as Max puts in his last lap. He crosses the line, and you look at the leader board on the screen, P4 just behind Daniel. You sigh in relief but know that no one else will be happy about that position. Max pulls the car back into the pit lane and hops out talking with the engineers.

"So now what happens?" Harper asks taking off her headphones.

"Max will do about an hour or so of press, and then it's home for dinner and an early night." Sara says and you nod.

"I'll usually stay until Max is ready to go then we'll leave together, but you guys are more than welcome to head out whenever. There is a Formula 2 race on after this if you wanted to stay and watch that."

"No that's okay, I think we're just going to head out. We'll be back here again tomorrow anyways." Harper says giving you a hug.

"Say congratulations to Max from us." Jeremy says hugging you, and the two of them pass their headsets over to Sara before waving goodbye. Sara turns to you as soon as they're out of range.

"I don't like Harper; she gives me bad vibes." Sara says as the two of you walk down the garage to put the headsets away.

"She's just a little flirty, she's like that with everyone." You say laughing.

"She's engaged, the poor guy was right there." Sara says laughing along with you. The two of you walk over to Cass, Curtis, and Ron.

"Hey guys, where did Harper and Jeremy go?" Cass asks looking around.

"They left. Qualifying finished. They said they'll be back tomorrow so didn't need to stay for another hour or so until the guys are done." You say shrugging.

"It takes them another hour to finish?" Curtis asks looking shocked.

"Well yeah, they have media to do. Meetings with engineers, we probably won't leave for another couple hours." Cass says shrugging. She's settled into race weekends so nicely.

"I think we'll get going too then," Ron says looking and Curtis who nods. "I'm starving."

"Okay, well we'll see you guys tomorrow then!" Cass says hugging them before they wave goodbye.

"Man, nobody likes the waiting around do they?" You ask making Sara and Cass both laugh.

"Come on, I need a coffee." Cass says linking her arm in yours and Sara just sends you a warning look.

"I'm not leaving the hospitality building I promise. Just text me when he's finishing up and we'll head back down." You say giving her a reassuring look.

"Fine, but it's your head he's taking off, not mine." Sara says and you nod. Max still doesn't like you going anywhere without Sara just in case Declan tries something again.

"I won't let her out of my sight, promise." Cass says as the two of you head off out of the garage to the hospitality building. You both order iced coffees and bring them up to the roof watching the craziness of the paddock slowly die down as you drink them.

"I can't believe you're married." Cass says taking a sip of her coffee.

"Shhhhh... keep your voice down, someone may hear you." You say looking around at the few people also sitting on the patio. Cass rolls her eyes at you laughing. "I can't believe you kept it a secret for that long, you're usually terrible at keeping secrets."

"I know, I'm kind of proud of myself for it. Is it weird not wearing a ring?"

"I mean not really; I only wore them for a few hours. Would be nice to show it off and tell everyone though." You say taking a sip of your coffee.

"How's your tattoo healing?" She asks looking at your hand.

"Good, I think. It's not itchy anymore which is nice." You say showing her the healing tattoo on your finger.

"I never got that tradition anyways, I mean no one can see it." Cass says holding your hand looking at it.

"I mean it's just an old custom, so if you lose your wedding ring, or can't wear it – like when Max is driving – then it's still something that connects us." You say shrugging.

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds sweet." Cass says smiling.

"How's moving going?" You ask taking another sip of coffee.

"Good, pretty much have everything in now. We should have you over sometime next week once we're all settled." Cass says leaning back sipping on her coffee.

"We would love that, just say when, it's not like we're far." You say laughing finishing your coffee. "Are you excited for the after party tomorrow?"

"At Jimmy Z's? Kind of, I mean I love a good party but knowing all of our friends are going to be there too..." Cass says trailing off.

"Changes things." You say in agreement.

"They're going to be all over everyone if we invite them up." Cass says throwing her empty coffee cup into the garbage can next to her.

"And we look entitled if we don't say hi." You add in playing with your empty cup.

"Exactly. I don't know the best way to play this." Cass says sighing.

"I don't know either." You say sighing. You take your empty coffee cup and lob it into the garbage can. "Score."

You look down at the tattoo on your finger, "I guess it will all depend on how Max does tomorrow."

"What does that mean?" Cass asks confused.

"If Max wins, his dad wants him to do a big public proposal on the podium." You say and Cass's eyes widen. "But if he doesn't win, then they're going to 'accidentally leak' the engagement."

"I mean I hate to say it, but I think public engagement is the way to go. That or we need to start telling your friends, because if they find out the two of you are engaged and they didn't know, they're going to be pissed." Cass says sighing.

"I was thinking just telling everyone at the after party. Just show up wearing the ring and say surprise." You say running your hand through your hair thinking about the different options. "Not that I don't think he'll win."

"It would take a miracle for him to win in Monaco from 4th you know that. I know that. Hell Max knows that."

"You don't think he didn't get pole on purpose did you?" You ask worried now.

"I don't think so consciously. He wouldn't jeopardize the championship like that." Cass says sighing. I hope he didn't. "Ferrari looked really good out there today, as much as I hate to say it they deserved the one-two positioning."

"Daniel still got third, he's in a good spot for tomorrow." You say feeling your phone vibrate.

"Yes, I can't wait. I'd love to see him on the podium again, or maybe even the win." Cass says dreamily.

"If it's not Max up there, I want it to be Daniel." You say smiling at her. "But speaking of our boys are on their way back we should go."

"Yeah wouldn't want to piss off your husband." Cass says and you just laugh standing up. The two of you make your way back downstairs and into the garage waving by to Cass as you head up to Max's change room. Sitting down on the bed you take out your phone and check Instagram, over 250k followers. 

I haven't even posted anything about Max or tagged him in anything, this is going to get chaotic. 

Sure, you had posted a couple pictures out doing stuff, like on a hike you took with Bradley and Max, but neither of them were in it, or cryptic stories when you went out for dinner or spent the day on the yacht, pictures from travelling to the races with Charlotte, pictures with Charlotte now that you're working for her, that kind of thing. 

We really are going 0-100 really quick here.

Just then you hear the door of the change room open and a sweaty Max walks in. You stand up and wrap your arms around his neck kissing his cheek pulling him in for a hug.

"I know it's not the placing you were hoping for, but I'm still proud of you." You say holding him close.

"Thanks, going to be nearly impossible to get on the podium tomorrow let along the win." Max says as you take a step back letting him get changed.

"Yeah but if anyone can do it, it's you." You say sitting back down on the bed.

"Where did Harper and Jeremy go?" Max asks changing out of his race suit and into his team gear.

"They left just after qualifying, didn't want to wait around. They say good job today though." You say sighing.

"Ah, still would have been nice to hear it from them directly." Max says chuckling.

"Curtis and Ron didn't stay either, I guess waiting around is not for everyone."

"Lucky I have you then." Max says putting his Red Bull hat on.

"Damn straight." You say standing up and grabbing your purse. "Now let's go home, I'm starving."

"What's the chef cooking up tonight?" Max asks grabbing his bag.

"Guess." You say heading out of the change room, Max closing the door behind you.

"Sweet potato ravioli, spinach and salmon?" Max says chuckling.

"Just what the nutritionist ordered." You say smiling. You say bye to Sara and arrange to meet her in the garage tomorrow since Harper and Jeremy won't be coming until later in the day for the race.

"You guys heading out soon?" Max asks looking over at Cass and Daniel.

"You guys go ahead; I still have to talk to Christian." Daniel says and both of you wave heading out of the garage for the night heading down the paddock. The clicks of the cameras don't bother you as much anymore, they've just become background noise as the two of you walk down the paddock.

"Max! Arya!" A familiar voice yells. You both turn around stopping when you see your father jogging towards the two of you.

"So close." You whisper under your breath.

"I just wanted to say good job on 4th today Max, Monaco's a bitch of a circuit." Your dad says chuckling.

"Yeah it's not the easiest." Max says dryly.

"Well, if anyone can pull the win it's you. Just wanted to say good luck tomorrow if I don't see you before hand. Now I've got dinner with your father to get to." Your dad says patting Max's shoulder before he continues on down the paddock.

"I don't like that." Max says.

"Me either." You say watching him jog down the paddock, before continuing on to the drivers parking lot. Max opens the car door for you as you climb in, closing it gently behind you before walking around and climbing into the drivers side. With the track running down the streets of Monaco it takes a little longer than usual to get home, but you don't mind watching the hustle of the people of the streets pass by. You get back home and are in the elevator about to head up to your floor when an arm reaches in at the last second to stop it. Both you and Max tense up when Declan smiles stepping inside.

"Max, Arya." Declan says pressing the button to his floor a few floors up.

"Do you live here now Declan?" You ask bluntly.

"No." He scoffs. "Just staying with a friend."

You narrow your eyes, and you don't believe him, but before you can question him more the elevator doors open and he steps off.

"Come find me if you get bored though princess." Declan says winking at you, and you grab Max's arm as he goes to step towards him.

"Don't amore he's not worth it." You say pulling him against you. "He's just trying to get under your skin for tomorrow."

"Well, it's fucking working." Max says and you hold up your ring finger showing Max your tattoo.

"Don't let him. We're married remember. You've got me forever." You say and you watch Max's expression slowly soften.

"You're right, I just hate that he won't give up." Max says shaking his head.

"That should change after tomorrow." You say smiling holding up your left hand. "I get to wear one of my rings again."

"I can't wait." Max says smiling as the elevator doors ding open to your floor. You get back home and change into some comfortable clothes before starting to cook dinner while Max hops in the shower. By the time Max is out of the shower and changed dinner is ready and sitting on plates at the kitchen island ready to be eaten.

"So, I was thinking, I want to tell Charlotte and Harper about our engagement ahead of the race tomorrow. If they find out online, they're going to be pretty upset." You say biting into a piece of salmon.

"We should tell Sara and Bradley too. You going to wear your ring tomorrow?" Max asks putting a piece of pasta into his mouth.

"No, I was just going to show them some of the pictures. I was thinking I'd wear it to the after party though. What do you think?"

"I think I want to see that ring back on you as soon as possible." Max says leaning over and kissing your cheek quickly.

"Do you know what you're going to post tomorrow?" Max asks sipping on his glass of water.

"Yeah," you say nodding. "I've got a Monaco Photo Dump series to post, just going to sneak one of us in there. What about you?"

"Well, the team will have something similar to post, so I've asked them to sneak a picture in there with some cheesy caption."

"Awe cheesy, you're just a big softie." You say nudging him.

"Princess I'm anything but soft." Max says winking at you, and you blush.

"Ugh, I hate that I can't fuck my own husband in our own home." You say sighing.

"Less than 24 hours now." Max says looking at his watch.

"Can't come quick enough." You say popping a piece of pasta into your mouth.


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