Secret Twins of Oh Sehun

By SGPresents

274K 7.7K 1.1K

Exo Sehun is a father and It's a secret. More



8.6K 262 13
By SGPresents


The family day event at school was fun. They play all throughout the time and that includes participation from the parents. Haeun knew about that since it wasn't her first time to join the event. Usually, Jiwoo would come to fulfill the empty space for the kids. But then, Sehun has to and she have to play along so the kids would enjoy.

That was the voyage all day. Some people would glance at him for having that disguise. Maybe feeling weird and odd of the way he looks.

If they just know.. They would definitely freak out when they saw the person behind the disguise.

After the Event, Sehun decided for them to hang around close by. They bought foods and drinks at a convenient store since Haeun preferred that way than being in a fancy restaurant he knew. They drive to the near park a few blocks away from their apartment.

Some families more often visits the place during weekends. It was nice. The view was quite relaxing. With a huge pond and wide land grass for the guests to have a picnic. Probably safest place for them to stay too. 

"Oh no! He's coming!"

"Daddy's here! I'm going to get you, Princess!"

Jieun trotted away with her barbie doll when Sehun tried to chase her. Acting like a Saviour Knight in her princess imagination. He join her fantasy.

Haeun smile as she continuously watch there father and daughter bonding time. Later on, She glimpse at the little beside her. Jihun was playing with his Ipad that Sehun bought. She couldn't guess when but one day when she got home, He already have it.


She approach but didn't get a respond. He is too busy dealing those games in his gadget. Tapping and Swaying it to the opposite ways.

She sigh. This is one of the reason she doesn't want to introduce any video games to the twins. They will get distracted from the moments that they should cherish. Mostly, Studies.

"Hey, Is there something wrong?" Sehun ask upon reaching the picnic blanket. Jieun was piggy riding at his back. They seem to be having real fun. The laughter was proof of it. Therefore, she wish Jihun would join their imaginative plays.

She shake her head. "We're fine. Are you two done playing?" Sweats were dripping down their shirts. Though, Sehun already take off his jacket to feel the fresh air. They still are.

"No, Mommy!" Her daughter oppose to her question. "We haven't beat the monster yet!"

Haeun cringe her eyes a bit. Trying to jump into her foresight. "If daddy is your knight and shining armor. Then who's the monster?"

Sehun glance at his back with a smile. He also wondered who. They kept on playing however the monster is still unknown.

"Jihun will be the monster!"

They laugh when Jieun pointed her twin. Jihun heard what he said making him distracted with his game. He frown at them. Resembling more of his father's visual. He's a perfect epitome of Sehun.

"I'm not a monster." In a calm state, He replied. Haeun caress his hair slowly.

"Yes, You are!" Jieun coed and stuck her tongue out. "You will be the monster. You have to portray it!"

Jihun, the small Sehun, frown even more. "I don't like joining your play."

"Then you are a monster!" She complain after a giggle. Jihun lend his Ipad on the blanket and stood up.

"Fine, I'll play with you." His tone that doesn't seem interested made her laugh.

"Oh no! Princess Jieun, The Monster is changing to his form. Hurry Hurry!" Sehun was acting as if he's scary about the situation.

"Superdaddy Let's fly! He's coming for us!" Sehun run with Jieun hugging on his back while Jihun recklessly follow and steer behind them.

Haeun can't help but smile as she watch Sehun and the kids. This is the kind of family she ever wanted to give to them. A father who's loving and affection to his own children. Haeun almost didn't wish it could possibly happen.

But has really full of surprise sometimes, with a tiny bit of help of fate a person has. She almost didn't believe yet here he is. Taking his precious time with the twins.

Unfortunately, She knew Sehun for a very long time. She was a suspect to his dreams about being cast in the entertainment industry. He has a pure fascination to pursue it. Too much that he has to pick and he did, leaving her behind those dreams.

Her heart aches in pain after visualizing all the scenarios in her mind. He care so much of what he is now. He love his fame and popularity. He dream a lot of his future and despite all of that, Haeun is very much proud of how he had become today. Her happiness for him was genuine and pure. Not even a single distrust.

If the time comes, That he have to choose once more in between the kids and his dreams, She will always let him choose the life he yearned for years. The talent he wanted to share to the world. The music that became his life. She will not let his journey come to waste. Because he deserves it.

"Mommy, Your spacing out again!"

She heard Jihun called that seized her senses back to its life. She eyed them carefully. The smile and happiness in their faces was very noticeable. It's the moments she wish would never end for her kids.

"Haeun, Are you okay?"

Worried consumed Sehun as he tried to catch his breath from running around the Park with the two.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine." She avert their gapes and busied herself with mending the food instead. "Are you guys done playing?"

"Yes. I'm so tired, Mommy!"

"Me too!"

Sehun held Jieun on his arms while Jihun went to his mommy to fix himself. "You have too much sweat, Baby." She grab a towel to dry the moistures dripping down his diminutive body.

"Sorry, Mommy. but playing was so fun!"

Haeun kept a tight smile. Right after changing his shirt, He lounge on her lap and tried to make himself relaxed with his mother's touch.

"Go to sleep baby. It's okay."

Sehun noted taking her awareness. The little princess is already taking a nap, leaning over his chest.

Silent Muzzle cover them after the kids went to rest. Awkwardness slowly lifting in between. The last few days, It was the kids who shattered the barriers she made for five years against him. But every single moment they depart from her and Sehun, It would come back around.

Her eyes went to seize the moment to capture his view. Unfortunately, Sehun did it first. He was passionately staring at her the whole time.

Haeun averted her gaze and cleared her throat before throwing a question.

"I-Is it okay if I ask.. something?"


This wouldn't be the first conversation they have in a few weeks. Eventually, Her voice was always reluctant when it say a word to him.

"Sure, What is it?"

"Why do you have to disguise as clown? I mean- You could've cover your face instead like the usual stuff you do."

She knew it was a ridiculous question but she couldn't find any other things that could ease the awkward feeling.

Sehun's chuckle snatch her eyes. "I have to keep you safe, Haeun and at the same time, I don't want to make the kids uncomfortable just because we have to keep it a secret."

His fingers nuzzle his daughter's wavy curls. Touching it gently as she wandered to her own pursuit.

"If I were to make the decisions, I will proudly walk out there and tell the world that I have two wonderful and smart kids. I don't care what people will say. They could criticize me all my life. So what? I don't want to keep this a secret, Haeun. Not forever."


"I know, Haeun. I know what stops you. The reality I have out there was never good for the kids to live in. People interfering with your life, digging information every single day, following your directions all the time, Not being able to give you the privacy that you want. I know how dangerous it is for the kids and I don't want to affect there childhood because of that."

It brought in silence in them. Haeun understand how risky his profession is. It doesn't have freedom. Even a single mistake could mess their life forever and she doesn't want that to happen. Though Exo is the media's hottest target, She doesn't want to get involve.

"I understand your situation, Sehun. You don't have to explain yourself." Haeun gave him a smile that was real and genuine.

Guilt resurfacing his sanity as he stares at them. His life. He thought fortune and popularity could fulfill it but no, It was them who could complete a hole in his heart. It was them who he was yearning for all these years. It was only them and nothing else.

"If i have a chance.. I will confess to the media about you and the twins. I don't want to keep your in the dark, You don't deserve it."


"That would be my final decision but I don't want to do it without getting any permission from you. I respect any answers you'd give me. Because I know it's only for the sake of the kids."

Haeun felt the guts of solace. She don't want them to be a secret forever but she cherish his career more than he does. That's what important at this moment. She don't want to ruin it.

"Can i ask you a question too?" Haeun shrug her shoulders. Preventing his crucial gaze. "S-Sure."

He gasp before blurting the question he needed to be answered for a long time,

"After our break up, what happen?"

She peered at his eyes. The eagerness in both his gaze was filling in, Patiently waiting for it's clueless thoughts. However, the harshful memories flew like a streamline on her mind. Clashing and Brawling against her senses. Stopping her for saying a word or two. It was there. But she doesn't have the prestige to tell the story. The past that hunts her some of the times.

"I.. I don't want to talk about it. I'm sorry."

Sehun saw the uncertainty in those pair of eyes. It was suddenly a trap. The cruelty of the world against her speak through her eyes.


"Can we go home instead?" She gape over Jihun. "It's getting late. I think we need to leave."

Sehun scrutinize and appreciate her aspects before finally giving in. He doesn't want to push her limits.

"Okay, Let's go."

"TAKE care of driving and thank you for coming for the kids today."

After tucking the twins to bed, Sehun decided to leave earlier than usual. So Haeun could take time to rest too. She still have work tomorrow and so does he.

They went straight to the porch. She was behind him watching as he goes to his car in front of the small gates. It's dark and quiet outside so no one would recognize him.

"Stop being thankful of the small things I do, Haeun. It's not enough despite all those years I wasn't there to be a father to them."

Haeun purse her lips and cross her arms. She tuck some of her hair behind her ear.

"Still, Your effort is counted as it is, Sehun. You work hard for it so you deserve the privilege."

Sehun halt his path. He turned around making her startle in that same spot she always stop whenever she send him to his car at night.

Staring at her beautiful glorious features that no one could even outdo. She kept that same smile. But he knew better. Underneath those cheerful face, Sorrow and Misery was scrapping her inside.

"You should leave now. It's getting late."

He wondered how she could restrain that smile after everything and all. After the rejections she received from him, She was still have that bright personality.

Sehun couldn't stop himself. Haeun was like a magnet he wanted to stick himself with and he did. He grab her waist and pulled her to a warm hug. Causing her mind to panic. She shivered upon feeling the natural warmth of his body that was very familiar to her susceptible spots.


"Give me more minute, Haeun. Please."

Sehun push himself closer. Trying to keep his big stance for her fragile body. Haeun didn't know how to counter especially when He started to nudge his face over the crook of her neck. His cozy breath grind against her husk. She could feel the tip of his nose slowly rubbing her skin. It recalled the fate of her youthful heart.

"Sehun, someone might see us."

Her eyes roam around to check. Shit. He's not wearing any disguise at all.

"Let them be."

His whispher compound his thick hoarse voice that bring shudders to her entire being. Sehun tighten the hug on her waist pushing her close to his chest. She wanted to push him away. But how? If she herself was getting pleased of his touch.

"I know what happened in the past was horrible.I might not know all of it but I could feel it in my heart. I could read it in your eyes, Haeun. You can hide it as long as you want but I know you. I know you so bad I'm hurting the way you do."

She stop the urge of the tears building at the corner of her eyes. "Sehun.."

"I'm sorry, Haeun. I wasn't there when you needed me the most. I wasn't there when you needed strength for the kids. I wasn't there to support our future that I promise you."

Sehun shut his eyes and grip her tight between his arms.

"I'm sorry that I have to hurt you before.. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean all of it, Haeun. Believe me.."

SEHUN entered the dorm making sure not to make any noise. He check his wrist watch that says ten pm. It's not that late but the short time with the kids were worth everything. Maybe he'll try having another overnight at there house one of these days.

He then recall what happen last week. His overstay was fine. The kids enjoyed bonding with him from morning till night.  However, Haeun's a little bit distant herself. He could see her getting anxious of his presence. But she have to suck it up for the sake of the kids.

He went to the hallway, entering the living room while brushing his hair with his fingers. He paused when he saw all the members inside the room, with Manager Levi. It suddenly turned into an unpleasant atmosphere.

Here he thought he escape the reality he was in. He forgot he has to come back. The kids and Haeun occupied his mind that he didn't mind the consequences.

"Where have you been?" Levi was the one to break the silence. His eyes was gazing at his direction.

Sehun sigh. Rubbing his nape. "I'm sorry."

"The shoot was suspended after you escaped."

He purse his lips. They could be mad at him for a whole damn year and he doesn't care, He still have the best day.

"I'm sorry." Sehun repeat, resisting the looks they give him.

Levi took a deep breath. Glancing at the two leaders then back at Sehun who was currently interrogated.

"I will let it go this time."

Sehun raise his head. Everyone was smiling at him. Kris tap Suho's shoulder and chuckle.

"Are you guys joking?"

Levi occurred from his seat. He stretch his arms to the air before nodding at them. "We will proceed the shoot next time. You guys should go to rest. It's late now."

"Hyung, I'm really sorry."

Levi jerk his head. "Forget about it, Maknae. Just learn to manager your time from now on."

He glimpse at the leaders who's beaming at the couch. "Suho, Kris.. You take care of this kid. I have to leave. My wife is looking for me. Aish! You kids are a waste of time, I should be sleeping by now." It made them laugh. They bid him goodbye until Levi reach the door.

"Sehun." Suho hailed his thinking.

He lifted both of his hands in defeat. "I know, I'm sorry alright."

They all shook their heads before a chuckle. "You still owe us a story, Maknae."

"He do. But story telling will be tomorrow morning. We have an early schedule." They all agreed on that.

Besides, He need to take time resurfing himself from what happened earlier before he got home.

Damn. He's turning insane.

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