
By Tleven

96.1K 1.6K 131

Nineteen year old Jade Elise Sanders is on the verge of flunking out of college while struggling to live unde... More

A/n: Important details!


1.9K 30 1
By Tleven


"Jade?" I heard Dacio's voice call after me.

I had spent a little over thirty minutes crying on the balcony, not moving a muscle since the phone call with my parents. While I had stopped crying, I still found myself feeling unwanted anger, and it was towards the very man looking for me.

"Jade..." Dácio sighed once he found me.

"I'm guessing it didn't go well.." he awkwardly started once he saw my tear stained cheeks.

He bent down to scoop me up, but I stopped him to stand up on my own. If he was going to spoil me like a princess then he was going to get the royal attitude that stood behind it.

"They know I'm safe and with you," was all I said as I walked past him inside to the bathroom.

"You know better than to walk away from me like that," Dácio grabbed my wrist, catching me as soon as I stepped foot inside.

"What's the matter?" His sharp eyes grew softer as he used my arm to pull me closer.

"What happened to after care, huh? I though that was apart of the contract? I think I did a good enough job to deserve that, even with the whole parent situation.." I found myself rambling as my eyes began to swell with tears again.

Dácio wrapped his burly arms around me, shushing me as he pulled me into his chest. He smelt of his exquisite masculine scent with a hint of baby powder, putting all of my nerves to rest.

"This is why after care is so important, and considered a punishment when you go without it. You did absolutely amazing beautiful, and I'm sorry I let my anger in that moment prevent me from doing my half," he vocalized his genuine thoughts.

As if it never happened, the past hour was wiped from my memory..

Though that didn't mean I wasn't going to milk him for it anyways.

"I accept your apology. I'm sorry for not doing my half either.." I apologized as well.

I didn't always have to address Dácio by sir or master. Usually when discussing emotions or getting to know one another, if I didn't say it after a response then it wasn't the end of the world. That's because he's talking to me as my partner, and not my dominant.

"I know how sudden both of our lives changed but that goes for your parents too. They deserved to know, and you don't wanna live your life as a lie..." he reminded.

"You're right. I feel better after telling them anyways," I shrugged, not entirely mad that I just told my parents I dropped out of college to become a sugar baby.

Not everyone could do it, some would really rather die, but I didn't see it as something that serious, so I prayed that they didn't either..

"So... how about a bubble bath in the guest bathroom, and I'll fix you some wine and cheese," Dácio smiled as he carried me through our villa.

"That sounds amazing," I dramatically replied, mouth gaped as I stared him down.

We shared a few playful pecks before he set me down on the bathroom counter. I played with my nails while he ran my bath, getting it nice and bubbly as he prepared everything as promised.

While Dácio prepared my cheese and wine I decided to slip out of my robe and into the tub. Just as I stepped foot into the warm water he returned through the bathroom door.

"Perfect timing.." he smiled.

I eased myself into the comforting warm water as my body disappeared under the mountain of bubbles.

Dácio handed me a red glass of wine as promised, and we toasted to each other before taking a few sips.

"You know, I do wonder if wine is all you drink," I teased.

"Around you? Yes."

I cocked a brow and tilted my head.

"What is that supposed to mean, sir?" I tried biting back the attitude in my voice.

"I love tequila, I enjoy vodka, even a few dark liquors, but I .. sometimes become a very violent man when I drink them..." he admitted, taking another sip from his glass after.

"Like.. a hit on me, type of violent?"

"More like a tie you to the mattress and fuck you until you pass out, but yeah.. maybe some of that too," he cleared his throat, looking away while he scratched his head.

Shock was a common feeling around Dácio. I shut my mouth before a fly flew inside and downed some more liquor myself.

"Wine will keep me tamed until I can trust myself. Or until I at least know you can handle whatever I may do."

"That's.. fair.." I shrugged.

Dácio sat his glass down to reach into the water. He began feeling around for my legs, raising them out of the tub one at a time to caress them with body wash.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, but, why me?" I asked the insecure question sitting on my mind.

"Why not you?"

Dácio's answer to my question made my stomach rumble with butterflies.

"Go ahead, say what's in that pretty little head of yours," he sighed.

"I just.. I'm so young. Is that why you chose me? You know I'm not gonna be this young and hot forever, right?" I began realizing out loud.

The very real fear that Dácio would spit me back out into society once I no longer had the things he wanted became very frightening. He could replace the main woman in his life until he laid on his death bed if he wanted to.

"Jade.." he began in a tone that told me I'd be getting a speech.

"You in ten years from now..twenty.. hell, if I even live to see those fifty, won't change the fact that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. That goes for inside and out," he reassured, rinsing my legs and feet off under the warm water.

"Besides," he raised a clean leg back up, bringing my foot to his lips so he could kiss it gently.

"I'm too jealous to ever let another man just simply have you."

"But you haven't even seen my worst days yet.." I softly reminded, gazing up at him.

"And you haven't seen mine," he reminded.

"You think I did all of that research on you for nothing?" Dácio added.

I chuckled to myself, laughing at the fact that he called his stalking 'research'.

"When I chose you I knew I wanted you then, that I do now, I will tomorrow, and all of those days after that. You're worrying too much about where this relationship may take you Jade instead of just enjoying the ride. As long as you're willing to make this work, then I am more than happy to have you as mine. Besides, I've met enough women in my life to know I don't need to look any further. I too won't be this "young and hot" forever," Dácio joked as he massaged my scalp softly.

"You're right.." I sighed, closing my eyes as I relaxed under his circular motions.

"Is there anything else you worry about, beautiful?" He asked.

"Welll..." I rolled my eyes in fake thought as I grabbed my glass again.

"When's our next trip?"


A/n: if y'all couldn't tell Dacio's definitely experiencing love at first sight lol

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