Fictional Character One-Shots...

By shiftsandgiggles999

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This will simply be various scenarios involving whatever fictional character I'm feeling that day. There will... More

Narcissa M. X Female Reader & Lucius M. X Female OC A Summer Worth Remembering
Narcissa Malfoy X Reader A Modern Lovestory
Narcissa Malfoy X Female Reader (smut) Beach Day
Narcissa Malfoy X Female Reader Thunderstorm
Narcissa Malfoy x Female Reader Period Pain
Narcissa Malfoy X Reader Little Space
Narcissa Malfoy X Reader Panic Induced Fever Dreams
Narcissa Malfoy X Female Reader (Smut)
Narcissa Malfoy x Female Reader (smut)
MPHFPC The New Housemate (Fluff)
Narcissa Malfoy X Female OC The Boggart
Narcissa Malfoy X Reader (The Funeral)
Narcissa Malfoy X Female Reader A Modern Smutstory
Narcissa Black X Female reader A Modern Smutstory pt. 2
Day of the Death Eaters Part 1 (NM X Female Reader)
Day of the Death Eaters Part 2 (NM X Female Reader)
Day of the Death Eaters Part 3 (NM X Female Reader
Day of the Death Eaters Part 4 (NM X Female Reader)
Narcissa Malfoy X Female Reader (Smut)
Day of the Death Eaters Part 5 (NM X Female Reader)
Day of the Death Eaters Part 6 (NM X Female Reader)
Day of the Death Eaters Part 7 (NM X Female Reader)
Narcissa Malfoy X Female Reader The Boggart Part Two
NM X Female Reader Mafia Boss (Smut)
The New Fairy
NM X Dom Reader (Smut)
NM X Female Reader Smut
NM X Female Reader "My Princess"
NM X Female Reader "My Princess" Part 2
NM X Female Reader (Smut)
NM X Female Reader "My Princess" Part 3
NM X Female Reader "Cam Girl" (Smut)
NM X Female Reader (Smut)
NM X Female Reader "Cam Girl" Part 2
Tina Goldstein X Reader (Smut)
NM X Female Reader (Fluff)
Update on "My Princess"
The Werewolf (Hurt/Comfort/Fluff)
NM X Reader (Smut)
Royal Exhibition (Little Bit of Smut)
Royal Exhibition Part 2
Regina Mills X Reader (Smut)
The Alpha
Severus Snape X Narcissa Malfoy (Smut)
Death Eater Attack (Hurt/Comfort/Fluff)
NM/XL/Female Reader (Smut)
The Governor's Pet
NM X Reader "Panic Mantra"
"Runa Corvina Snape"
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 2
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 3
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 4
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 5
Seven Potters Gone Wrong (NM X reader) Fluff
Seven Potters Gone Wrong Part 2
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 6
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 7
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 8
NM X Reader (Hurt/Comfort/Smut)
NM X Reader (Smut)
Random Snippets 2 (Smutty)
Canon NM x OC Reader (Smut)
Canon NM X OC Reader (Smut)
"Disappearance" (NM X Reader Mother Figure Fluff)
"Help Me" (NM X Reader Hurt/Comfort)
"Azkaban" (NM X Reader Smut)
"Professor" (Smut)
"Intruder" (NM X Reader Hurt/Comfort)
The School for Good and Evil
NM X Reader (Hurt/Comfort)
Lady Lesso X Female Reader (Smut)
NM X Reader (Hurt/Comfort)
Random Snippets Part 3 (Hurt/Comfort)
"Horse Show" (NM X Reader)
"End of a Life"
NM X Reader (Smut)
A Not So Merry Christmas
"Sick Day"
Vampire NM X Reader (Smut)
"Professor Malfoy" (Smut)
NM X Reader Smut
NM X Reader (Smut)
NM X Reader (Smut)

Random Snippets

464 16 11
By shiftsandgiggles999

Alright so this is basically just a jumble of ideas that I don't know how to write entire stories for and just want to get them out of my head lmao.


I power walked as fast as my legs would carry me down the corridor, awkwardly slinging my bag back over my shoulder every time it fell in front of me as I tried to beat the clock without getting yelled at by a teacher for running in the hallways.

I had woken up late and missed breakfast, simply throwing on my school robes and grabbing my things for my first period transfiguration class this morning with the Gryffindor matriarch. Professor Mcgonagall did not tolerate tardiness and I had no desire to spend my night scrubbing crusty cauldrons with Snape tonight in detention.

I managed to slink into the classroom unnoticed, barely a minuet before the bell rang signaling I was late. I dropped my bag in my seat as I tried to calm my racing heart and my fingers fumbled with my tie that I had half hazardous thrown around my neck as I ran out the door of the Ravenclaw common room.

"Ms. Adrego, I was not aware that you were in my house." The transfiguration professor eyed me with an amused expression as my eyebrows furrowed and my fingers stilled in confusion. My eyes widened and I immediately looked down to see that I was currently sporting a red and gold tie on my neck rather than the blue and bronze one I was supposed to have.

'Shit'. I thought in my mind, my outward expression being that of panic as I looked around the room wildly for the person who must have my tie if I had theirs.

Mcgonagall chuckled good naturedly as I abruptly turned and speed walked over to Hermione Granger's desk, at this point having pretty much the entire classroom's attention as they looked to see what their teacher was on about. I snatched up my tie off of her desk and replaced it with the Gryffindor one before quickly walking back over to my seat and dropping into it, using my hair to cover my reddening cheeks.

"Sorry professor." I muttered under my breath, hardly glancing up as everyone sniggered, including my teacher. I glanced over to Hermione to see the other witch smirking as her fingers worked to secure her own tie in place and she looked quite proud to have everyone know who's room I had spent the evening in last night.

'Bloody Hell.'


I kept my back turned to the kitchen table as I spread a bit of butter on my warm toast, watching it melt instantly. I could feel the cold, predatory eyes of Fenrir Greyback glued to my backside as he sat at the otherwise empty table without saying a word, simply observing me much like a wolf watches it's potential prey.

It made me highly uncomfortable but I refused to let the man know he rattled me, continuing to do as I pleased as if he wasn't there. Greyback had become increasingly more interested in me the longer I stayed with the group of Death Eaters at Malfoy Manor, even backing me into a corner yesterday evening before being called away for a meeting with Lucius and Scabior regarding their next mission.

I could feel his eyes wandering lower to observe the soft swing of my ass as I shifted my weight back and forth nervously. I had become completely oblivious to everything except my now over buttered toast and listening for the familiar heavy footsteps approaching me.

My lack of attention to the rest of my surroundings caused me to flinch as arms came to wrap around my waist, gently turning me slightly to face the room. Greyback was still sat at the table, now with an angry glint in his eye as he watched the scene unfold in front of him while casually sipping his cup of black coffee.

"This one is off limits Greyback. She's mine." The domineering voice of Narcissa Malfoy sent shivers down my spine as the older witch wrapped her body around mine protectively, resting her chin on my shoulder as her dark gaze penetrated the man in front of her.

Narcissa had become quite protective of me while I stayed with them, and I just fidgeted nervously as the two had a silent stare off, the other woman daring Greyback to try and claim me. She nibbled at my jaw as her hands lightly roamed around my stomach without ever losing eye contact.

Greyback finally sighed and released a low growl deep in his throat, knowing this would not go in his favor. "Fine. Keep your little whore Narcissa." He finally replied, glaring at the both of us as he stood.

Narcissa's grip on me tightened at his words, biting her tongue to keep from starting something as she knew I didn't like it. I would much rather just let the situation de-escalate and let the man walk away than have the older witch start a dual and piss the man off even more.

Greyback stalked out of the kitchen and Narcissa pressed a hard kiss to my cheek, a few lighter ones to my temple before dropping her arms.

"I won't let him touch you my darling."

(TW: Panic)

I was just feeling so indescribably anxious and couldn't manage to distract myself, needing my dad to make it all better. I wasn't sure exactly what was wrong, I just felt as if was suffocating in the silence, the air around me growing thicker and heavier as I struggled to comprehend the uncomfortable feelings I could hardly find the words to describe.

It was almost as if I could feel the air touching my skin and it hurt. The silence caused my ears to ring painfully and every minute sensation drove me to the brink of a full blown panic attack. I was so incredibly overstimulated for absolutely no reason and I needed my daddy to make it go away.

I rushed out my bedroom door in the direction of the small home office/library where I knew he would be reading the newspaper right about now. My breathing was becoming erratic and I scratched at my upper arms to try and redirect my attention to the mild physical pain rather than the intense emotional turmoil.

I rapped on the door quietly, shuffling from foot to foot as my eyes darted all around looking for potential dangers. A short 'come in' had me slinking into the room to see my father, Severus Snape, sat in his usual armchair with the newspaper turned down to face me.

He realized immediately what was happening as it was not the first, or even the 20th, time this had happened and he always knew how to make me feel better. The older man dropped his newspaper and his hard expression softened as he opened his arms for me to fall into.

My eyes were blurry with unshed tears as I fell onto his lap, pressing my face into the man's chest as his arms wrapped around my back comfortingly. The familiar scent of old books and a hint of cologne coated my senses and his rough hand rubbing my back took away from the uncomfortable feeling of everything else touching me.

I snuggled into his body as I fought back tears, safety overwhelming me and making me emotional. The older man didn't have to speak and he simply sat with me with the quiet crackling of the fireplace and pages of a book magically turning themselves the only sounds in the room. But I didn't mind this kind of quiet, the silence was alright when I had my dad to protect me from the demons in my head.


I anxiously twiddled my fingers as I waited, the ticking of the wall clock suddenly excruciatingly loud as the seconds crept by. I worked my bottom lip between my teeth mindlessly until the taste of iron hit my tongue, warm liquid spilling down my throat as the skin tore open from all my worrying.

I had already torn off all of the small bits of skin around my nails and had moved on to the inside of my cheek as I stood just outside the doorway to the dining hall of Malfoy manor alongside the Malfoy matriarch, Narcissa.

She was just as deep in thought as I as we both waited on the door to open, fearing it just as much as wishing for it. Today was the day Lord Voldemort would initiate either Draco or I into his pureblood supremacy group and force one of us to take his mark.

The Dark Lord being the sadistic fuck he was, had allowed Draco and I to choose who would become the next member of the Death Eaters, knowing how much it would tear the other apart. Draco and I had been openly together for 6 months now, friends since first year, and the act of having lover's choose who would partake in his Nazi fan club revealed to him just how devoted we were to his cause.

Draco had of course refused to even think about allowing me to ruin my life and my skin, giving me no choice but to let Voldemort take him into the privacy of the dining room to inform him of our decision and have the dark mark seared into his forearm forevermore.

Narcissa knew her son would take it himself and hadn't even tried to talk him out of it, very much aware of his kind heart and love for me and also that he would have done the same for her. So, we both waited together for Draco to emerge from that fateful room, each fearing two very different things leading to the same outcome.

Another ten minuets passed before the door opened quickly, a distressed Draco emerging. His normally cold, grey eyes were full of tears as his mother instinctively took him into her arms to comfort. He was struggling to speak through the tears in his throat but I got the gist of it.

"Y/n.. I'm.. I'm so.. I'm so sorry. I don't.. I.. I would never.. I don't know why.." the blonde boy stuttered as his mother tried to shush him, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Miss. Y/l/n. Come." I heard my name exit the snake eyed man's lips, his voice sending a shiver down my spine as I stepped into the room and shut the door behind me with a soft 'click'.

"Mr. Malfoy has informed me that you will take the mark. How very interesting indeed." He eyed me up and down as he undoubtedly contemplated what game we could be playing at. Even he knew Draco would never allow me to become one of his followers.

Taking the Dark Mark was excruciatingly painful, the magic being permanently seared into my skin. The snake wiggled within the flesh to get comfortable in its new home, accepting me and settling down to turn into nothing more than a sadistic tattoo.

"Well done child. I will see you in our next meeting." Voldemort grinned at me with his yellow, rotting teeth and I nodded my head in return, thanking the man for ruining my young life.

I returned to the hallway to see Draco hugging his mother and sobbing profusely, both of them turning to me when they heard the door open. My own eyes filled with water as I struggled to hold it together, knowing my boyfriend was going to resent me as soon as he found out the truth.

"Y/n.. I'm so, so sorry. I don't know how.."

"I do." My voice shook with tears but not because the boy had betrayed me.

"I couldn't let you do it Draco. I slipped a potion in your pumpkin juice this morning that would allow me to manipulate what you said. It isn't your fault." Draco went silent, sobs halting as he processed my words.

"You.. you did this!? Y/n!"

"I'm sorry Draco! I knew you'd never let me protect you like you've protected me over the years and this was my one chance to do what was right. We both know it's better that I take it anyways. It will make everybody's life easier in the long run.

"Except for yours." I swallowed the saliva building in my throat and dropped my gaze to the floor. I risked one last glance up into my love's sad, betrayed, eyes before rushing off upstairs to my room, hearing the worried voice of Narcissa calling after me as she followed me up.


Narcissa POV:

The storm raged on outside the manor walls and I couldn't help but wonder how my girlfriend was faring in this weather. She had never been a fan of storms and this one had rolled in very suddenly.

Y/n had returned to finish her last couple of months at Hogwarts and it was the first time we had been apart since meeting over the Christmas holidays. I subconsciously clasped the enchanted locket around my neck y/n and I shared, connecting our emotions and alerting the other when something was the matter.

So far it hadn't done anything and I assumed the storm hadn't made it to the school quite yet. However, I kept a close eye on the small trinket just in case she needed me. This was a pretty nasty thunderstorm after all.

I continued about my night, basking in the energy of the storm and almost taking comfort in its power. Suddenly an overwhelming sense of anxiety and fear took over my entire being, my hand flying to my necklace as the source of the terror made itself known.

Without a second thought I used the floo system to floo directly into the headmaster's office uninvited, a group of people surrounding the man as they talked in panicked whispers.

"Narcissa?" Dumbledore asked with curiosity in his wrinkled eyes.

"Apologies headmaster. I'm just here to visit with a student." I responded, trying to hurry this along.

"At this late hour?"

"It's a bit of a long story sir. The locket I wear connects our emotions. She's afraid of storms and is panicking."

"Who is it if I may?"

"Y/n y/l/n."

Everyone in the room turned to look at me and my eyes flitted between everyone, confused.

"The girl went into the forest to collect ingredients for a potion's class and never returned." Dumbledore stated.

My mind became fuzzy with panic as I considered the possibilities. She was still absolutely terrified so I knew that she was alive but was she safe?

"Could that necklace of yours point you to her location?"

"Maybe.. it's supposed to allow me to apparate to her location but I haven't tried it."

Without waiting for the man's response I clasped the locket in my hand and focused on my love, willing myself to her location. I felt the familiar tug of apparition and the cold wind start to whip around me as I found myself outside in the forbidden forest.

The rain came down in sheets and I struggled to keep the hair out of my face long enough to check my surroundings. I spun on the spot, looking for any sign of y/n, until my eyes settled on a dark cave just in front of me. I lit my wand and stepped inside, listening to the natural sounds of the cave as I inched deeper inside, hoping to Merlin I didn't happen across a hungry predator weathering out the storm in here.

As I found my way into the heart of the cave, the sound of strangled sobbing found its way to my ears. Curled up in the corner was my girlfriend, sobbing into her knees as she fought the existential dread overtaking her mind and body.

"Y/n. Y/n I'm right here love." I tried to get her attention, softly laying a hand on her as I tried not to startle her. She still flinched, tear filled eyes shooting upwards as her breaths came in short bursts and her face reddened.

"Hey baby. I'm here. I've got you." Y/n launched herself at me, toppling us both backwards as I held onto her, shushing her. I stroked her hair and held her securely as the girl sobbed relentlessly into my chest, body shaking with fear as her fists clenched at my clothing.

"Shhh. I won't let anything hurt you sweetheart. I will always protect you." I pressed quick kisses to her face and let her ride out the anxiety attack, making sure she knew I was right there with her.


'These period cramps are going to be the death of me.' I thought as I curled myself tighter around the pillow and laid in the fetal position in hopes it would alleviate some of my pain.

I had already taken pain medication but it hadn't done a single thing, my cramps somehow seeming to have worsened even. While menstrual pain was never any fun, this one just seemed to be particularly bitchy for some reason. It felt like my uterus was trying to claw its way out of my body like a rat burrowing down through the ground and at this point I wish it would, at least then it would stop hurting.

I was trying to just fall asleep and get through the hours, the pain exhausting me but also keeping me out of the land of slumber, when I heard my bedroom door squeak open before closing again almost immediately. She obviously thought I was asleep as the door closed ever so softly but the rustling of a plastic bag had me rolling over to greet my lover with a wide grin.

"Did they have them?" I questioned hopefully, wanting nothing more than what was in that drugstore bag right now.

"Yep. I had to go to muggle London because the one in Diagon Alley was out but I got them." My girlfriend handed me the bag and I happily pulled out it's contents, ripping open the packaging and stuffing 3 sour patch kids in my mouth in one go, the fruity flavors mixing together as the sour dust coated my tongue.

"I love you so much." I all but moaned out, already going back in for another handful of the sweet treat. I swear candy somehow worked better for period cramps than any pain medication out there.

"I know." The other woman grinned cheekily, sliding into the bed beside me and curling into my side, one hand slipping just underneath the waistband of my shorts to rub my lower stomach.

She peppered kisses onto the side of my face which I returned, the two of us going back and forth as we laid in bed together cuddling the afternoon away. Her presence and the soft fingers gently running across my lower abdomen finally allowed me to give in to a much needed rest.

Joan Ferguson👮🏼👮🏼👮🏼Vera Bennett
(TW: Panic and Torture)

I instinctively threw up my hands to shield my face, flinching backwards and turning so that the blow came to my spine. I yelped as the searing pain enveloped me and more blows landed, undoubtedly bruising my entire back. I fell to my knees and pushed myself as far into the corner as I could get, the cold cinder blocks against my forehead as I hid my face from the attack.

I could do nothing other than cry and scream, hoping the torture would end soon. I began to lose myself in the fear and pain, my body shaking as sobs wracked my form. I curled my arms around my face as I tried to push myself further into the corner to escape the torment, vision going blurry from the constant onslaught of the baton.

"That's enough! Linda that's enough!" I vaguely heard in the distance, the beating coming to an end but I was still scared out of my mind. I continued to cry and shake as the voices continued behind me, seemingly speaking into a radio.

"We need medical attention in D block. Governor, we also require your attention in D block." The voice was quieter on the second request, pausing for a moment before requesting her superior's presence.

"Linda I can guarantee there will be consequences for your actions. That was unnecessary and uncalled for."

"I was doing my job, Vera. The prisoner was uncooperative."

"I was watching the CC tv Linda. She did absolutely nothing to warrant this abuse. You let your emotions get the best of you and took it out on her. The Governor and the board will be hearing about this."

Silence filled the air between the two, the only sound my own distressed breathing as I continued cowering in the corner, knees pulled up to my chest as I leaned against the wall, sneaking small glances into the room to ensure I was safe. Miss Miles had taken a seat on the sofa with a resigned sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose and running her hands over her face as she came to terms with what she had just done.

I turned my face back into the corner as Miss Bennett finally looked down at me, sympathy in her eyes. Hot tears fell down my face and I flinched, hard, as kind hands came to rest on my bruised back, moving to rub my shoulders.

"Hey. Y/n? You're alright now. Medical is on their way. You're ok." I shook my head 'no' as my body tensed, untrusting of her words.

"Ok. Come here." I gasped as I was pulled into the other woman's arms, completely caught off guard by her actions. Miss Bennett sat back against the wall with me in between her legs, running one hand up and down my arm as she held me, fully going against protocol.

"You're alright. It's over now. I promise you're alright." I clung to the older woman's arm as I shook in her embrace, furrowing my eyebrows and clenching my eyes shut as I fought the fear consuming me, time creeping by.

"What the hell happened here?" Another voice soon filled the air, heels clicking rapidly as the Governor strode towards us.

I felt the woman behind me sigh before answering, surely glancing to her friend as she was forced to lag. "Miss Miles got a bit.. heavy handed with her baton Governor. The prisoner did not fight back and as far as I could tell from the CC tv she gave no reason for the attack."

"Miss Bennett please escort Miss Miles to my office. I will deal with her actions momentarily." The Governor was squatting in front of us, trying to catch my eye as she spoke to her deputy.

"But-" Vera started, immediately interrupted.

"Now Miss Bennett." The older woman's voice became more stern as she met Vera's eyes, daring her to intervene again.

"Yes Governor."

Miss Bennett hesitantly let go of me, removing herself from behind me and leaving quickly with her coworker, stealing one last sympathetic glance back towards me.

"Shhhh. She won't hurt you anymore." The Governor cooed, hesitantly resting a hand on my knee as I worked to calm myself down.

Governor Ferguson and I had an.. unconventional relationship. She had grown fond of me when I first arrived and I had taken advantage of the power and free snacks until eventually she had truly become someone I cared for.

My eyes darted around nervously to make sure the coast was clear before launching myself at the other woman, wrapping my arms around her neck and burying my face in her chest. The Governor was quite taken aback, hesitating again to touch me but finally letting her hands rest awkwardly on my back.

"There is no need for this much emotion. You are alright." Her voice was soft, not pushing me away even though I was technically being scolded for being emotional.

Governor Ferguson sighed, accepting that this was what was happening and letting me lean into her. The older woman's arms came to rest around my shaky frame as I rested my back against her chest, arms wrapped tightly around my torso as I was finally calming down. She had decided to forgo appearances in favor of comforting me, something the woman would never do for literally anyone else and I found myself loving the special attention she offered to me.

Shuffling was heard behind me and the nurse suddenly appeared, fear consuming me once again. She tried to touch me to see my injuries and I instinctively flinched back, mumbling about not wanting to get hurt again.

I saw the nurse share a glance with the Governor and felt her sigh against me as she folded her shoulders around mine protectively.

"Let the doctor help you. I am right here. No one would dare to hurt you while I'm here." I finally nodded, showing the nurse the darkening bruises on my back and letting her make sure nothing was broken.

After being cleared the nurse left, leaving me alone with the Governor. "I will do what needs to be done. For you, y/n."

I nodded my thanks, uncaring of what happened to officer Miles right now even though the Governor was notorious for torturing those that displeased her. It was a perk of being the governor's pet after all.


"Thank you for doing this Narcissa, Lucius. I will return as quickly as possible." My father, Severus Snape, stated tiredly with a sigh.

"It's no trouble at all Severus. Y/n is always welcome here." The witch returned kindly, cocking her head to the side as she searched her old friend's sad eyes.

"Draco, please escort y/n to her room." Lucius requested, the younger blonde boy nodding curtly and striding off, expecting me to follow suit.

3d person pov:

The adults remained silent until the footsteps quieted, the two teens disappearing into the large manor.

"There is one thing I should probably make you aware of." Severus continued, meeting the shorter witch's eyes as he knew she would be the one to use this information.

"Of course Severus. What is it?"

"Y/n has gastrointestinal issues. The only reason I bring this up is that it isn't uncommon to find her up at all hours of the night, usually watching a tv program on her tablet. She has a few vials of pain potion in her trunk and knows to use them should she need them."

"Is there anything I can do to help her during one of these episodes?"

"No. It is just something she has to ride out with the help of the potion. That being said, her anxiety will not allow her to wake you even if she's in unbearable pain. If you do happen to find her during one of the episodes she won't admit it but she doesn't want to be alone. She will try to push you away but wants you to stay with her."

"Of course Severus. I will take care of her."

The younger man thanked his two friends again before returning to the icy cold downpour outside, apparating as soon as he stepped across the boundaries of the wards.

Time skip, Y/N POV:

I awoke at 2:15am to a familiar sensation. The sharp pressure in my lower abdomen made me feel sick as it pressed against my stomach and churned up the acid, pain settling somewhere in my intestinal tract.

I sighed as I laid there for a moment, wishing this would just go away already. It had been months of this, virtually every night, and still no apparent cause. I had been in and out of doctor's offices more in the last year than I had in my entire life and not one of them had even the slightest clue what was wrong with me.

While it didn't help my physical state I had learned that it at least kept me from having a full blown panic attack if I got out of the dark and focused my attention on a comfort tv show. Before my anxiety could start to bubble up within me I hauled myself out of bed, clutching at my lower stomach as the fast movement caused it to roil.

Before leaving my bedroom I downed one of the potion vials of pain reliever like a shot, dropping the now empty vial back in my trunk with a small 'clunk'.

It felt like I had been stabbed with a rusty screwdriver and it was now being jostled around inside of me as I walked downstairs, clutching my tablet in the hand not settled across my body. I didn't want to be any more a problem for my hosts by wasting electricity, settling on turning on one small lamp beside the sofa I sat on and set up my tablet on the coffee table in front of me.

I started up my current favorite show and rested my head on the back of the black leather couch, curling my legs up underneath me with a sigh as my attention was redirected and I instantly began to relax.

I was so tired, this happened so often I never really slept very well, and my eyes were half closed as I daydreamed about scenarios in which the fictional characters on my show were there with me to make me feel better. Time moved slowly during these episodes and I found myself sleepily glancing at the time every couple of minuets hoping it had been hours and I just didn't know it.

About 2:30am someone sat down beside me on the couch, drawing my attention as a soft hand was rested on my knee.

"Hey love. Have you taken a pain potion?" Narcissa asked quietly, sympathetically. My father must have mentioned this to her before he left.

I nodded yes without speaking, taking comfort in another person's presence. It was strange dealing with one of these episodes outside of the safety of my own home and it scared me. I didn't have my dad to hold me or even the familiarity of my own bedroom to suffer in.

"You don't have to sit up with me mrs. Malfoy. I'm alright. This happens a lot." I mumbled, wanting nothing more than for her to stay but my anxiety made me fear bothering her more than being alone and sick in a strange place.

"I know I don't. But it makes me feel bad knowing that you feel bad. Come here." The older woman opened her arms to me, allowing me to fall into her side and rest my head on her chest as she rubbed my shoulder.

"What are you watching?" Narcissa whispered, pressing a light kiss to my forehead and eyeing the small screen on the table.

"Wentworth. It's my comfort show right now. It's about the drama inside a women's prison basically." I knew my voice was getting husky and slower as I became sleepier, eyes growing heavy once more as I watched the show.

"Hm sounds very interesting. You'll have to tell me more later." I nodded against the other witch's chest as a big yawn escaped me, Narcissa going silent as she knew I would soon be out cold.

(TW: Death)

Narcissa POV:

Draco and y/n would be here any minuet, the fireplace quiet as we awaited the green flames to ignite and bring them home. I was happy to have them back but I did wish it was under better circumstances.

The roaring of the floo brought me out of my thoughts, Draco stepping through alone. I immediately stepped forwards to bring my son into a warm embrace, feeling him melt into my arms as Lucius stood by watching and allowing me to mother him.

"Hey love." I whispered sadly, stroking blonde hair out of his melancholy face, finding those stormy grey eyes even more clouded over than normal. "I'm so sorry darling."

I let the pad of my thumb caress the icy skin of the boy's cheek, feeling the slight twitch as emotions ran rampant just underneath the surface. I knew he wouldn't allow himself to cry in front of his father, the man instilling in him from a very young age that tears were a nasty weakness, but I'd be there when he did release his emotional turmoil.

Finally I glanced behind my son, looking for the girl he was supposed to be with. Y/n was unable to return home during this unfortunate accident and was to stay with us being as she and Draco were so close and her parents had gratefully agreed to it.

However, the girl was nowhere to be found. The floo remained silent and empty as I consoled Draco.

"Where is y/n?" I finally asked, curious to know if she had changed her mind or if something had happened.

"She was right behind me. I don't know. She may have gotten caught up with the headmaster." Draco's voice was small and quiet, catching in his throat as he pushed down tears threatening to spill now that he was in the safety of his own home.

Y/n POV:

"Of course headmaster. Thank you. You have a nice evening." I nodded curtly with a tight lipped smile, accepting the dismissal as the old man gave me a weary smile and a nod in return.

I finally made my way into the floo now that Draco would be out of the way, spoke the password that would take me to Malfoy Manor, and disappeared in a burst of green flames as the headmaster watched me leave.

As soon as I landed my feet carried me out of the fireplace, reflexively brushing soot from my school robes and hair as my eyes lazily flitted over the three Malfoy's. Draco had his head hanging low as he stiffly stood in his mother's embrace, Lucius standing back and observing the emotional display uncomfortably.

I stepped up beside the blonde boy as Narcissa's warm brown eyes rested on me, taking in the dark circles underneath my own eyes and pale complexion, not to mention she was obviously aware of how my clothing hung just a little bit looser on my frame than the last time she saw me.

"Hey sweetheart." The Malfoy matriarch whispered sympathetically, immediately taking me into a tight hug. I could feel her fingertips brushing across the protruding bumps of my spine as she hugged me just a little bit tighter.

"We were starting to worry about you." The older witch pulled back and held me at arm's length as her eyes tried to find mine.

"I got held up by Dumbledore." Was all I mustered, shrugging my shoulders and dropping my gaze as I pushed stringy hair back behind my ear.

"Did you two know her?" Narcissa's eyes flitted between Draco and I as she waited on one of us to speak.

My old friend's own solemn gaze darted sideways to meet mine before he released a sigh, finally meeting his mother's eyes as he spoke.

"I barely did. We were friendly but not friends." He stated, instantly going back to sulking as he shifted his weight from foot to foot and twiddled with his thumbs in his pants pockets.

"I did.." I started, any and all emotion fading from existence as I had already come to terms with the fact that she wasn't coming back.

"She was my best friend." Narcissa gasped quietly as I said that, pulling me into another bone crushing hug and I found my fingers curling in the fabric of her shirt, not wanting to let go.

Maisie had been my first friend at Hogwarts and we had grown up together, navigating this strange world and helping each other when no one else would. The girl had also been a bit too exuberant for her own good, experimenting with spells and potions she had no business messing with as a 6th year.

Maisie had been trying to perfect a spell that had been forgotten about for decades, most claiming it to be too unpredictable and dangerous to be of any real use. However, that just made Maisie want to tame it all the more.

She had been practicing in the astronomy tower one night as she often did, teacher's rarely checking up there for students out after curfew. The spell backfired, knocking her unconscious and over the tower's railing, the fall instantly fatal.

I had been asleep when it happened, blissfully unaware of my best friend's last moments on this Earth and never knowing if she had felt alone, scared, or completely at peace.

"I'm so sorry love. I really am." The kind voice brought me back to the present, Narcissa watching sympathetically as my eyes had clouded over during the flashback.

"Thanks Mrs. Malfoy." I mumbled, sniffing harshly and clearing my throat, wanting desperately to get out of my head.

Narcissa sighed at the use of her last name which I only ever used when I was uncomfortable for some reason or another, gentle hands rubbing my upper arms before releasing me and stepping back to address both Draco and I.

"You both know I'm here for you if you need anything. Come, I'll show you to your room." She motioned for me to follow and Draco and I ascended the stairs after the other woman, the blonde boy silently veering off to his own bedroom as I continued to follow his mother ever further into the old manor.

*Time skip to that night*

I laid in bed curled around a pillow just thinking. Thinking about all the memories that were now nothing more that just that. I would never again hear my best friend's laugh, see her eyes light up as she deciphered the ingredients to a new potion she had found, see the way one side of her lips quirked upwards just a little bit more than the other side when she smiled.

Hot tears blurred my vision and ran down my face as I finally released the pent up sadness, anger taking over as I wished she hadn't been so stupid. She had left me here to suffer without her and to deal with the godforsaken sympathy from others who had laughed and jeered at us in the past. I didn't want to do this without her. I couldn't do this without her.

My knuckles turned white as I gripped the pillow, burying my face in the fabric and tensing my body as I curled myself tighter. I let the emotions wash over me, feeling the anger, confusion, pain, and just a little bit of guilt at not being there for her that night.

I started to rock softly as my sobs grew harder, quickly losing control as it didn't matter anymore. No one was here to see me breakdown. I had no reason to hide and no reason to suppress the pent up suffering. I could let go.

That is, until the touch of a warm hand to my back made me flinch, quickly turning over to see Narcissa gazing down at me worriedly. The older witch took one look at my tear streaked face and sat herself down on the bed behind me, pulling me around so that I was curled around her instead of the pillow.

"I'm here. I'm here darling. You're alright. I know baby." The other woman murmured reassured as I cried into her chest, soaking her shirt with tears and saliva as I wept with abandon. Narcissa never left my side as I let it out, simply rubbing my back and making sure I knew I was not alone in my pain.


I lazily strode into the manor's library, book in hand, ready to find my next paper adventure. However, I was stoped dead in my tracks as I turned to walk down an aisle between the bookshelves and found my secret lover in a bit of a compromising situation.

I bit my bottom lip to suppress a large grin as my eyes quickly scanned the room to ensure we were alone. I watched as the other witch struggled to keep her mind busy by searching through the various books on the shelf in front of her, mind very much preoccupied by another need.

She shifted her weight from foot to foot, clenching and rubbing her upper thighs together with a displeased sigh as she failed to find the friction she so desired. I hid behind one of the sides of the shelf as my eyes lingered on her for a moment, watching as her irritation grew at not having her needs satisfied.

I quietly crept up behind the other woman, knowing she was too focused on what she was doing to notice me. I pressed my body flush up against her back, lightly grabbing her hips and letting my breath tickle her ear as I spoke, startling her.

"Are you really that desperate?" I husked, fingers slipping underneath her shirt to trace the ivory skin of her lower stomach, Narcissa shivering at the gentle touch.

"Yes.." she breathed out, head lolling back slightly and I took the opportunity to press slow kisses to the side of her neck and shoulder.

"Can't even go two days without me touching you." My hands roamed higher underneath the shirt, trailing between her ribs and just barely beneath her bra, feeling the heat resonating from within the garment. "That's a bit pathetic darling."

I knew my breath was tickling the sensitive flesh around the other witch's ear, ever so softly letting the tip of my tongue caress the outer shell as my hands now palmed at her clothed breasts, pads of my thumbs caressing the heated skin above her bra.

"Please.. I need it." Narcissa begged, wanting my touch to go lower.

"God you're hot when you beg." I returned with a chuckle, my own desire for her growing heavier as nimble fingers released her breasts from their annoying confines.

I slipped my hands underneath the loose hanging bra, groping my partner fully as she tried to suppress a low moan. Thumb and forefinger played with hardened nipples as my lips continued their journey to her jaw, alternating between nipping and kissing at the flesh.

"Please, mistress. I'll do anything.." Narcissa continued, core begging to be touched.

"Oh I know you will, pet." I squeezed one pert nipple, eliciting a small gasp from the other witch before soothing the mild pain. "But I suppose you've been good. You have avoided touching yourself even though you're so indescribably horny."

My hands removed themselves from her breasts, unbuttoning her business pants and slipping inside to run over the flesh of her upper thighs, nails tracing the soft inner skin just underneath where she needed me most.

"Is that what you want?" I asked as two fingers traced her outer folds from her entrance to her bud, never touching her needy clit. "Is this what you need, pet?"

Narcissa nodded quickly, bottom lip stuck between her teeth as her eyes clamped shut. Even just by touching around her center I could feel the wetness pooling there, clit swollen with desire.

"Uh, uh, uh. Use your words darling."

"Y-yes mistress. I want you. I need you. Please touch me."

I grinned as that answer fueled my own dominant desires, slipping one finger into her entrance and finally getting a true moan out of the other woman. That lone finger slowly moved in and out for a few strokes, pulling out to drag her arousal all over her heated core.

Four fingers started to rub her clit, Narcissa releasing a shaky breath as her needs were finally being met. With my free hand hand I pushed the fabric of her pants and underwear down around her mid thigh to both give me more access and to be able to watch myself fuck her.

The other witch had to lean forwards and brace herself on the bookshelf in front of her as her legs grew weak, giving me the opportunity to use the other hand to penetrate her again.

Two fingers stimulated her clit while two others thrusted inside of her, curling upwards to find her sweet spot. Narcissa's legs parted as much as the fabric surrounding them would allow, hips jerking as she quickly grew close to release.

"Does that feel good baby?" I asked quietly, my own voice becoming airy and breathless.

"Yes.. feels.. so good."

I kept a steady rhythm as I fucked her, speeding up or pushing harder as per my partner's requests. I did hope no one walked in at this moment because neither of us had an ounce of attention to spare to our surroundings and the sweaty skin on skin contact was none too quiet.

"Fuck.. I'm gonna.. cum in my pants." Narcissa breathed out, making me chuckle.

"You wanted this remember. Now be a good girl and cover those expensive trousers in cum."

Thighs tried to clamp shut as she came, profanities being spat out as the other witch squirted all over the library floor and the clothing hanging around her legs. I worked her through the orgasm, the wet sound of sex filling the otherwise silent air around us.

As she came down from her high I pulled back, a shit eating grin on my face as Narcissa took a look at the mess we had made and tried to fix her clothing well enough to make it upstairs to clean up.

"Really? You had to make me squirt on the floor like a dog?" She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes, glaring at me in what she believed to be an intimidating way.

"Aw, you're cute when you're upset." I drawled in a baby voice, making her huff and stalk away from me albeit awkwardly as her legs hadn't quite adjusted yet.

I laughed as Narcissa very nearly fell over, grabbing the bookshelf to catch herself.

"Oh let me help you. You'll never make it up the stairs like that."


The piercing sunlight hurt my eyes as I stepped into the yard, feeling the fresh air and natural warmth for the first time in nearly two weeks. I took in the sweet smell of the Spring air, quiet chatter surrounding me as the prison enjoyed their afternoon yard time.

I had been in isolation for the past two weeks after getting into a little spiff with a woman from H1, the bitch harassing me about taking too long at the phones the day prior and costing her her own time. I only vaguely knew of the woman, however, I did know that she ran with the top dog's crew which undoubtedly spelled trouble for me when Bea found out one of her henchmen had been slotted as well.

"Oi! Adrego, get over here." I sighed, speak of the devil. I squinted against the sun to spy Bea and a group of her followers striding towards me, an unamused expression on all of their hardened faces.

"So, what did you do to get Vidia in the slot aye?" Bea questioned, crossing her arms and resting her weight on one foot as she eyed me up and down.

"She was on my ass about being at the phones too long. She threw the first punch and I defended myself. That's the honest truth." I met the top dog's unyielding gaze to instill the fact that I was being honest. I had no reason to lie to her, I actually quite respected Bea as our top dog, I just wasn't a part of her main crew.

"We'll see what Vidia says if she ever gets out of that hellhole." Boomer spoke up, eyeing me up and down and waiting on the signal to beat my ass.

"Easy Boomer. We'll find out whether or not she's telling the truth. And for your sake, I hope you are." Bea threatened, taking a step closer and peering down at me.

"I'd hate to see those pretty little hands of your ends up in the steam press." The others chuckled and I had to swallow the bile rising in my throat at the thought. It wouldn't be the first time I had ended up in that position and my left hand was still recovering, a sharp ache making its way through the muscles at the reminder.

Suddenly a look of fear passed over the group's faces, the top dog unaware as she watched me watching them. I furrowed my eyebrows as I wondered what on Earth could have startled them when the biggest threat in this prison was standing right between us.

A cold hand slithered around my throat and cupped my chin, pulling me backwards against a strong chest. I had absolutely no clue as to who could have come to my rescue until an unmistakable voice reached my ears, sending Bea back a step as she peered up at the other woman with equal amounts of hatred and confusion.

"Is there a problem here Smith?" Ferguson asked in a calm, collected voice. I could hear the venom dripping in her tone as I stood stock still, afraid to move.

I wasn't on bad terms with Joan Ferguson but I had never been on particularly good terms either. We typically just avoided and ignored each other. Quite honestly I didn't even know she knew that I existed.

"What do you care, freak?" Bea spat, malice in her tone as her dark gaze held eye contact with much cooler ones. I felt the pad of the other woman's thumb lightly caressing the skin of my cheek absentmindedly as she spoke to the top dog, holding me in place.

"I just don't want to see any trouble is all." There was an underlying threat in her almost sing songy voice, a malicious smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"And there won't be, so long as Atarah here is telling the truth." Bea grinned, eyes flitting between the both of us as she raised her hands in mock surrender and turned to walk away, swishing one hand to instruct her crew to follow her.

As soon as they were gone the older woman released me, allowing me to turn and face her as I contemplated what to say.

"Uh, thanks.. for that." I stammered out, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck and fidgeting as I struggled to maintain eye contact with such an intimidating gaze.

"You should watch your back. Smith doesn't take kindly to those that make trouble within her ranks."

"Yeah, believe me I know. I've been on the end of Bea's punishments more than once unfortunately."

"Join me in H6 for a bit. Let's have a little chat about your alliances." I finally met the other woman's eye as I tried to swallow the saliva building in my throat. I was unnerved yet intrigued and against my better judgement I found myself following the woman deemed 'The Freak' into the solitude of her own unit, catching the top dog's angry glare as she watched us from the other side of the yard.


"We won't be long, we just need to discuss a few grown up things. You have your locket and if you need anything at all just hold it tight and think of me and I'll be here." I nodded in acknowledgement as my mother smiled sweetly, closing the double doors behind her and leaving me in a random room in Malfoy Manor.

My parents had some things to discuss with the Malfoy's but refused to tell me what, insisting that they were not important or that it was just grown up nonsense. Nevertheless, I had not been allowed to attend their little meeting, not that I particularly wanted to anyhow, and had been left to entertain myself until they were through.

That wasn't particularly hard at least. The room had a comfortable sofa and a flatscreen television hanging above the fireplace, a roaring fire crackling within as the snow poured down outside. The normally frigid house was quite warm right now and I made myself comfortable on the sofa, curling my legs up and propping up my elbow on the armrest to lay my head on my hand and stare mindlessly at the tv screen in front of me.

*Time skip*

I suppressed yet another yawn, flinching at the sudden pain it caused, and trying to work out the tightness in my jaw. The pain potion had worn off several hours ago and my latest tmj flare up was once again niggling at me.

Every time I moved the lower half of my mouth a dull ache went through the muscles of the left side, little crackly pops accompanying it as it tried to lock up. This had been a nuisance since childhood but had become particularly bad last week when I had somehow hurt it even further, most likely tearing something in my jaw.

I hadn't been sleeping or eating due to the extreme uncomfortableness and now that it was nearing 10pm at night I was getting incredibly sleepy, the constant yawning just making matters worse as it stretched out those aching muscles all the more.

I had had no need to summon my mother as of yet but I did wish they would hurry up. I was tired, bored, and in pain and I just wanted to go home, take another potion, and go to sleep.

I was more or less dozing in and out as the program on the television lulled me to sleep in the awkward position I had been sat in for several hours now, startling as I felt a light touch to my thigh.

I quickly sat up and turned to see who had woken me up, finding the gentle face of the Malfoy matriarch, Narcissa, sitting beside me. I tried to blink the sleepiness away, once again feeling the tightness and pain in my jaw from giving it time to tense up as I had been drifting off.

"I'm sorry to startle you love, I just wanted to see if you need anything. Food, water, a nap perhaps?" She chuckled, cocking her head to one side as one hand caressed my cheek.

I shook my head no with a small, sad smile. "I'm fine mrs. Malfoy." I told her, another yawn escaping me as I tried to bite it back to no avail, flinching again as my jaw popped with a loud 'crack'.

"Are you alright?" Narcissa asked in concern, eyebrows furrowing as she worried over me.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I shook my head, dropping my gaze as my fingers massaged the aching muscles to try and relax them.

"You don't seem fine. Does something hurt? Why did you flinch?" I sighed, she clearly wasn't going to let this go.

"I just haven't taken a pain potion in awhile. I have tmj and I think I must have ripped the tendons in one side of my jaw or something because it's hurt a lot more than normal. It hurts too much to sleep some nights so I'm just.. tired and hurting." I admitted, rubbing my hands over my face exasperatedly.

"Aw I'm sorry darling. I can get you a pain potion. Which one do you need?"

"You really don't have to do that mrs. Malfoy. I'll be fine, it's just a nuisance."

"Which one y/n?" I sighed, accepting the fact that she was going to help me whether I liked it or not.

"Just a mild one knocks it out."

"Accio mild pain potion." The older witch murmured, swishing her wand. The small glass vial came hurtling into the room, Narcissa catching it as it flew towards us.

"Drink." She commanded, holding it out to me. I downed the liquid in one go, handing the vial back to the other woman.

"Thank you."

"Of course love. You should have called your mum instead of just suffering."

"I didn't wanna bother anyone." I admitted with a strained smile. I was far too willing to admit things when I was sleepy.

"You wouldn't have bothered anyone! If you need something you need to tell one of us ok?" Narcissa's motherly tone came out as her eyes peered at me with nothing but sympathy and sadness in them.

I nodded quickly, dropping my gaze as I found it hard to experience just how much kindness she held in those chocolate brown eyes.

"Come here." Narcissa opened her arms to me and I gladly fell into them, being cradled by the older witch as we waited on the potion to take affect and the pain to subside.

I relaxed into the warmth and comfort of another person's touch, feeling small hands slowly running up and down my spine as my eyes began to drift shut. I was so tired, and she was so comforting, I never wanted this moment to end.

(TW: Panic and ¿Men?)

I was high key panicking as I stepped through that door, hearing it close behind me and indicate that I was now alone. The nurse motioned for me to follow her to get my weight and height, showing me to an empty room where I was to wait until she came back to run a few basic tests.

I nervously dangled my feet off of the edge of the table I was sat on, paper crinkling under me as my legs swung back and forth. The doctor's office was cold and I shivered, knowing I'd be getting my blood pressure taken soon and that I should wait until that was done before putting my hoodie back on.

I was just here for a yearly checkup but I still despised it, especially hating the doctor's now that I was old enough to handle the appointment by myself. My own mother had been busy and so a friend of hers had escorted me, Narcissa Malfoy, who I had grown up around and saw as a second mum basically.

However, I was 16 and was expected to go back alone, the older woman only here to keep me from being kidnapped or having to take muggle transportation. So, I continued nervously swishing my feet as my eyes roamed around the small room, memorizing every inch of it as a way to occupy my anxious mind.

"Sorry to keep you. It's busy today." The nurse said kindly as she reentered the room, flashing me a warm smile before asking me numerous questions about my health.

After getting blood drawn and my blood pressure taken, which was spiking due to my anxiety, I was permitted to throw my hoodie back on. I was somewhat comforted by the garment as the nurse finished up and told me the doctor would be along shortly, leaving just as quickly as she had come.

I sat there in my thoughts for maybe 20 minuets before the door opened again, this time a man entering and shutting the door quietly behind him. He was clothed in light blue scrubs and had a stethoscope slung around his neck, greeting me softly as he took a seat on the rollie stool and started scribbling at a piece of paper.

"So, just here for a checkup then?" I nodded quickly, uncomfortable at being locked in a windowless room with a strange man, even if he was a medical professional.

"I see your blood pressure is a bit high. Nervous?" I nodded again with a small 'yeah' and an awkward laugh, an understanding expression on the middle aged man's face.

"It's alright. I don't like doctor's either." He made a funny face and I chuckled, shaking my head.

"We'll get this over with as quick as possible." The doctor tested my reflexes and heart, breathing with me as he listened to the steady, albeit fast, rhythm.

"Sounds good. You seem very healthy Miss y/l/n. If you'll just lay down for me and lift your shirt up a little bit, I'm going to feel your stomach and make sure there's no lumps or bumps ok?" I hesitated for a moment, not comfortable with removing clothing even if it was just to halfway pull my shirt up.

The man must have saw the spark of fear in my eyes and cocked his head, expression softening. "I'm not going to touch anything other than your belly and ribs y/n, I promise."

I nodded in understanding, biting my bottom lip hard enough to draw blood as my breathing came quicker. I didn't actually believe this man would harm me but the fear had been engrained in me long ago and the fact that I had nowhere to run and was now being asked to remove clothing had my vision going fuzzy.

I shook my head to clear it as I fidgeted, trying to work up the nerve to just do as he asked. I was on the verge of tears as I willed myself to lay back and get it over with, petrified of even just the thought of those gruff hands roaming over my body. The man in question watched the storm roll in behind my eyes, the cloudiness of a panic attack surfacing rather quickly.

"Hey, y/n? Ok, ok, just relax and take some deep breaths for me." I heard him say, still trying to regain my composure.

"Do you want me to get your mum?" I simply nodded, unable to correct him, and ran my hands over my face to help me think.

"Lidia!" A nurse came scurrying in with a confused expression as she saw me all but hyperventilating on the table.

"Please get her mum." The nurse nodded curtly and ran off, the door slamming behind her and making me flinch.

"Alright, it's alright. Nothing bad is going to happen." The doctor scooted away, realizing why I was most likely panicking, and we waited on the other woman to come back.

After what felt like an eternity but was surely less than a minute the door reopened, Lidia and Narcissa quickly walking in. Narcissa's confused gaze flickered between the doctor and me shaking on the table, trying to discern what had happened.

I forced a tight lipped smile onto my face as I sat there quivering, trying to make it look better than it was. It was rather pathetic that I couldn't even handle being in a doctor's office without my mommy at the age of 16 and I was sure everyone else here thought that too.

Narcissa kind of side stepped towards me as she looked to the doctor for an explanation, lightly laying a hand on my back and running it up and down my spine as I sat there disgruntled and annoyed with myself.

"She started getting overwhelmed. I'll step out and let you two have a moment to calm down ok?" Narcissa nodded and the doctor and nurse took their leave, both throwing one last look of sympathy towards me.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I stammered out through the panic, refusing to succumb to the sheer terror and embarrassment coursing through my veins right now.

"What happened love?" The older witch asked gently, taking a seat beside me and keeping one hand on my back while the other removed a few strands of sweaty hair from my face.

"I just.. I was alone.. in a room with a closed door.. with a man.."

"Ok, ok. I get it. Come here." I leaned into Narcissa's side as she held me, leaning her cheek against the top of my head as I focused on my short breaths and making them longer. This was utterly pathetic.

I was feeling incredibly guilty for making a scene and including Narcissa who wasn't even my mother, and just wanted to get today over with and forget about it.

"I'm sorry." I finally got out, now much calmer. "It shouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have involved you. I'm too old for this. I'm.. sorry." I sighed, my fuzzy brain struggling to form my thoughts into coherent sentences.

"You have nothing to apologize for y/n. And you have no reason to be embarrassed by this either. It is scary to be locked in a room with a strange man, especially when they want to touch you even if it's consensual. Your reaction was perfectly normal." The other woman pressed a kiss to my forehead as she checked to see that her words were sinking in and not going in one ear and out the other.

"How about I stay for the rest of this, if you're comfortable with that of course." I nodded gratefully, the other woman squeezing me one last time before going to fetch the doctor to finish the exam.

A/N: There will probably be another of these, I just wanted to stop at 10k words lmao. This still ended up being very nearly 11,000.

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