Forces of Fate

By SashaSkoog

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Crosshair+Force wielder OC Version one All her life she has been someone's weapon. Weather her wielder was t... More

A Traveler from afar
Capture on Kiros
Life on Kiros
Breaking the Chains
Discovering a new World
Commando in Action
Rescuing a Batch
Temple of the Force
The Chancellor's Ball
Zandra joins a Squad
Tension among the Group
Slumber in the Dark
Final day
The Wronged Jedi
Finding the Fox
Republic Security Bureau
Rescue & Reunion
Revealing the Truth
King Killer
Fighting a Losing Battle
The Fall of A Jedi
Escaping Coruscant
Help on Batuu
Searching Serenno
A New Era
Rescue on Kallar
The Path Begins
Treasure among Trash
Proof of the Sith
The Raising Action
Ending it where it Began
Im rewriting
It's your turn

Servitude Begins

595 20 0
By SashaSkoog

Name: Seren Skywalker
Titles: Executioner
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 115lbs
Hair color: red but dyed brown
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth
Rex's pov
I sat against the wall as I listened to Seren's slightly stronger breaths. I had stitched together her chest again after an hour of a bacta patch. Her eyes were glued shut by sweat and tears, while her lips were pressed into a firm frown. When the faint sound of feet marching against the stone floor sounded through the air. I mentally began to prepare to defend the two of us when Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Anakin were thrown into the cell. The three Jedi gathered themselves and turned to face us. "Seren." Anakin breathed out as whisked over to the two of us. Suddenly she scrambled away as Anakin went flying back. Anakin smacked against the wall loudly. "MASTER!" Ahsoka shouted. I whipped my head to turn towards the assassin once more. Her chest panted up and down as she stared in panic at Anakin. "Cee it's okay, it's just me," Anakin assured as he began towards her once more. "No......keep away." She gasped out as she held her hand out. Her face twisted in pain as she grasped her chest. I quickly rose to my feet and stood in front of Anakin. "Hey...I'm Rex what's your name?" I asked as I stared into her glossy eyes. She shook her head in reply, I cracked a smile as I stepped closer to her. "Oh come on, I know you have a name. We all do, even us clones have names." I reasoned. She shocked her head again and began. "I'm.....a weap-"She began. "No you are not a weapon, you are like me. A slave to an empire we don't understand, no matter how much we try to." I affirmed as I inched closer. Her eyes cleared slightly as she gathered her surroundings. She stared into me as she moved her arm to clutch her chest. A confused expression spread across her face and then she pulled her hand away from her chest. A crimson liquid clashed against her usually tan skin. "Oh, you popped your stitches. Let me fix it." I sighed as I stepped forward. Her head snapped back up to me as I carefully wrapped my arms beneath her. She stiffened as I picked her up and walked back over to where we were. "Seren." She breathed out painfully. I stopped dead in my tracks at her words. "What?" I questioned flatly. "My's Seren." She affirmed as she lifted her head to look up at me. I smiled lightly and nodded my head. "That's a beautiful name." I  sighed. Her head fell upon my chest and I felt her relax in my grasp. Obi-Wan let out a sigh and then sat down across from the cell. "Well, it's good to see she trusts someone." He sighed. "Why wouldn't Seren trust you? She's never seen you before now has she?" I interrogated. Anakin looked down as he ran his hand through his hair distressed. Obi-Wan sighed again and looked up at me. "Anakin is her twin brother...and he was forced into torturing her," Obi-Wan confessed. My eyes widened in shock and then I looked down at the slight of the resting Skywalker in my arms. "Wait...if you two are twins why did you guys separate?" Ahsoka quizzed. Anakin turned to glare at Obi-Wan who let out a sigh again. "At the time, their slave owner owed the Hutts some money. So when Jabba requested Watto's and Seren's presence they had to go. Master Qui-Gon and I tried to get both of the Skywalker twins, but Watto said he would only sell one of them." Obi-Wan confessed. "That's why she didn't see us off. Not because she didn't want to, but because she couldn't." Anakin stated in a remorseful tone. Silence overcame the cell and after a few moments Ahsoka suddenly spoke up. "Here Rex, let me help you stitch her up." Ahsoka nodded as she walked over with the needle in hand. I watched as she carefully stitched the slice back together again. "Will she be okay?" Ahsoka asked worriedly. "I'm sure she'll be back and at it in no time," I assured her as I looked down at Seren's thin sleeping frame that was soundlessly resting upon my chest.

Time skip
Seren's pov
As I came to I felt a firm arm wrapped around me, but it wasn't the usual firm grasp I felt. Instead, it felt like a protective and safe embrace. One that I hadn't felt in what felt like ages. "Enjoying it?" A voice whispered. I turned my head to face the voice when I noticed that it was Kenobi. I slowly nodded my head as I stared at the Jedi master. "Good you deserve it." Obi-Wan nodded. I let out a sigh and relaxed into who I knew to be Rex's embrace. Suddenly the door was slammed open and two guards stormed into the room. Everyone shot up when a guard suddenly threw a helmet and a bag in my direction. "Executioner, you have a new mission. You are to escort the two Jedi to the processing facility." The guard snarled. I slowly pushed myself to my feet and then bowed. The door slammed shut and I summoned the helmet to go into my grasp. "Well, you heard him, prepare for leave." I nodded. I tilted my head back and forth to crack my neck. I grabbed my pants and began to dress. "You don't have to do this." Anakin professed as he pushed himself upright. I looked down at my helmet and let out a deep sigh.

Time skip
I stood beside Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka as we flew into Kadavo's atmosphere. "Prep the slaves for the transfer." The guard snapped quickly. I stood up and grabbed the chains from beside me. I held them in front of me when I quickly swished three ration bars into Anakin's hands. "Eat them before intake," I whispered. "You'll need your strength," I added. Anakin hurriedly handed the two bars to Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. I watched out as they scarfed down the bars. I turned back to them and placed the cuffs onto Anakin first. "I'm sorry." I apologized through my red-lensed helmet. "It's okay Cee, I know you wouldn't do this willingly," Anakin affirmed. I turned to Obi-Wan and Ahsoka with the chains in my hands. I silently clipped their cuffs, clipped them together, and then turned towards the gangplank. I kept my head high as the door lowered, flooding the cargo hold with light. I stepped forward and lead the three Jedi into the processing center, where Keeper Argus was surely waiting. A dark foreboding sense crept through my chest as we were allowed entry into the center. my metal boots clanked against the floor as we marched on. "What is this place?" Ahsoka gapped in shock. I stayed silent even though memories tore through my mind's eye. "You've been here haven't you?" Obi-Wan questioned. I began to pick at his mind, trying to wiggle my way in to form a connection, but he was far more skilled than Ahsoka at windshields. Just then his mind opened and I felt a lightness I hadn't felt since our departure. "Are you alright Seren, I can feel your fear," Obi-Wan stated flatly in my mind just as the doorway that hunted my dreams appeared before us? I kept my sight on the door at all times even if I knew I wasn't the one who was going to be processed. "What is wrong with that door?" Obi-Wan interrogated in my mind. "You can't breathe in there,"  I answered point blankly with my body aching at the memories. "So you were here." He proclaimed. "Yes, I spent my first four years here," I informed. "Why were you here for so long?" He gapped. "I had to learn what I'm about to tell you now. Don't look at the guards, don't try to protect anyone you don't know, and don't ever speak out. If they want to do something to you, let them and whatever you do, don't fight against them." I urged. I felt Obi-Wan's shock, horror, remorse, and

stream from him. We entered the command center where Keeper Argus sat in his levitating chair. "Ahh look who it is our greatest achievement, the Executioner." Argus beamed with a twisted grin. I nodded toward the keeper and offered the three slaves. I bowed my head and kept it lowered. "You see Jedi that is how you will behave once you are done here." Keeper Argus beamed. "You are excused, Executioner." He waved off. I dropped into a bow and pivoted. The briskly rushed out of the room and with fear creeping into my chest for those three unbroken souls. I felt tears stream down my cheeks and I suddenly became thankful for the helmet.

Time skip
The moonlight illuminated Rex's and I'd shared cell. He sat across from me as I stared into my thin hands in front of me with an unfamiliar feeling in my throat. "Is it true?" I asked blankly at Rex. I felt his confusion flurry within him. "Is what true?" He asked gruffly. "Is it true that a single Jedi can take down an army?" I questioned as I maintained my state at my now clenched fist. "I've seen it done before, yes," Rex affirmed. "Then my decision is final." I nodded as I lifted my head to Rex.

"I'm breaking them out."

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