Wolf Bite || BL

By this-bsh-empty

1.4K 140 84

Monday, August 1 Dear Isaac, if you're reading this, that means you've turned eighteen. Congratulations, I'm... More

Chapter 1 || Hunting
Chapter 2 || Getting Lost
Chapter 3 || Way Home
Chapter 4 || Collecting
Chapter 5 || Potions
Chapter 6 || History
Chapter 7 || Setting Up Traps
Chapter 8 || Trust
Chapter 9 || Home
Chapter 10 || Exstinct
Chapter 11 || Memories
Chapter 12 || Talk
Chapter 13 || Quiet Day At Work
Chapter 14 || Getting To Know You
Chapter 15 || Feelings
Chapter 16 || Hurt
Chapter 17 || Crush
Chapter 18 || Chased
Chapter 19 || Alone Together
Chapter 20 || Dream (A/C)
Chapter 21 || Festival
Chapter 22 || Poison
Chapter 23 || Taking Down Traps
Chapter 24 || Love Story
Chapter 25 || Confession
Chapter 26 || They're Back
Chapter 27 || Reveal
Chapter 28 || Next Step
Chapter 29 || Change (A/C)
Chapter 30 || Research
Chapter 31 || Caught
Chapter 32 || Old Friends
Chapter 33 || Plan
Chapter 34 || Full Moon
Chapter 35 || New Hideout
Chapter 36 || Safe
Chapter 37 || Jail Break
Chapter 38 || Hit
Chapter 39 || Side-Effects
Chapter 40 || Powers
Chapter 41 || Tired (A/C)
Chapter 42 || 'Help' (A/C)
Chapter 43 || Escaped
Chapter 44 || Out
Chapter 45 || New Plan
Chapter 46 || A Place To Stay
Chapter 47 || Staying The Night
Chapter 48 || Sleepover
Chapter 49 || Diversion
Chapter 50 || Make Yourself At Home
Chapter 51 || Secret Room
Chapter 52 || Privacy
Chapter 53 || Privacy (A/C)
Chapter 54 || First Time (A/C)
Chapter 55 || Morning After
Chapter 56 || Secret
Chapter 57 || Truth
Chapter 58 || Chores
Chapter 59 || Journal
Chapter 60 || Rain Day
Chapter 61 || Urge
Chapter 62 || Distraction
Chapter 63 || Dinner
Chapter 64 || Continueing The Plan
Chapter 65 || Busted
Chapter 66 || Explanations
Chapter 67 || And Then There Were Two
Chapter 68 || Control
Chapter 69 || Showing Off
Chapter 70 || Thirst
Chapter 71 || Shopping
Chapter 72 || Long Time No See
Chapter 73 || Starting To Make Sense
Chapter 74 || Apologies
Chapter 76 || That Night
Chapter 77 || Not His Fault
Chapter 78 || Party Trick
Chapter 79 || Adiction
Chapter 80 || Intervention
Chapter 81 || Getting Ready
Chapter 82 || Money Problems
Chapter 83 || Desperate Times
Chapter 84 || Desperate Measures
Chapter 85 || Nevermind The Plan
Chapter 86 || Poisoned
Chapter 87 || Dont Do This
Chapter 88 || Antindote
Chapter 89 || Free
Chapter 90 || Betrayal
Chapter 91 || No Other Choice
Chapter 92 || Finding A House
Chapter 93 || Tying Up Loose Ends
Chapter 94 || The End
Valentines Day Extra

Chapter 75 || Guilt

7 0 0
By this-bsh-empty

!!Warning: POV Change Halfway!!


Isaac POV*

"So when will you be back again?" Dad asked as he stopped me a final time. As I was about to leave, for longer this time.

"Hopefully when this is all over." I forced a smile. He nodded, taking a step closer to me. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Just promise me you'll be careful." He said as he turned me around. I smiled back at him, letting go of the door.

"I will, don't worry." I tried to reassure him. He let out a sigh as he let go of me.

I opened the door and started to make my way back to the church for what would, hopefully, be one of the last times. I was extra careful this time as I stuck my way back into the forest.

As I arrived at the church, I went through the front door this time. I wanted to get back inside as soon as possible.

Even though using the back door would be safer. It would take longer and risk me being seen. So after making sure it was safe which, because it was already dark made it difficult to be sure of. Not being able to see much.

But that also meant it was difficult for others to see me as well, especially since there were no lights drawing attention to the church. Not ones you could see from outside, at least.

So after double-checking a final time, I opened the door and quickly got in.

I was quiet, which was to be expected, seeing as it was pretty late, everyone was probably asleep by now.

Well, almost everyone.

As soon as I closed the door behind me I noticed Marc was sitting at his workstation. But he wasn't doing much. He was just kind of sitting there, thinking.

The sound of the door closing startled him, because he suddenly looked up, fully focusing on the source of the sound.

We briefly made eye contact, but when he realized it was, he quickly looked away again.

"Back already, huh?" He commented, still looking down.

I slowly walked up to him. "Sorry, I didn't know how you would still be here." I apologized.

"It's fine," he said as he brought his hand up to his face. "I just wasn't expecting you to be back this early. I thought you would be staying home." He said back.

"I won't be going home anymore," I said back. He looked up at me confused. "At least not until we're done with your plan," I added.

"Oh, right." He looked away again and went quiet. I walked up even closer. Stopping right by the benches in front of him.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. He nodded reluctantly. "Then why did you run out like that."

"Because-"he looked up, meeting my eyes. "Your mother, I didn't know." He struggled, bringing his hands up to his face.

"You did t know what?" I asked confused.

He let out a sigh, not looking up. "I didn't know she died." He said quietly.

"Oh..." I did t know what to say, I froze as I waited for him to speak again, or until I could come up with something myself. "Look-"

"I'm sorry." He sighed, looking to the floor.

"Sorry? About what?" I asked confused.

"It's all my fault." He shook, his head. I stared at him, not sure what he was saying.

"What do you mean, she was sick, how is that your fault?" I asked. He sat up a little and turned to me.

"There's more to it than that." He started.


25 years ago*
Marc POV*

"You won't believe it, she said yes!" I looked up confused as Nigel burst through my bedroom door, his face flushed. Almost as if he had been running.

"What?" I couldn't help but laugh at how he looked, he closed the door behind him and tried his best to catch his breath as he walked up to me.

"Ayleen," he said in between breaths. "She liked me back." He let himself fall on my bed.

"Oh.." I looked away, "that's... great." I tried my best to be happy, but I can't help but feel jealous.

"It is isn't it." He laughed staring up at the ceiling.

"So does that mean you two are like- together now?" I asked carefully, scared of the answer.

He sat up and turned to me, "we are" he said, a bright smile on his face. I tried my best to copy his expression and match his excitement. I can't tell him how I really felt.

He stayed in my room for a while, telling me all about what happened the night before, and I listened to all of it. I was happy he was, but it still hurt.

But not as much as in the years that came after.

Because we were a group of three, we were always together, which meant those two were always together. And I had to sit through their lovey-dovey behavior. I couldn't say anything about it, they were just in love, and I was nothing but a third wheel.

"I think it just gonna head home." I sighed getting up from the grass. At this point, all I was doing here was sitting a few meters away from them as they giggled amongst themselves.

"What? Why?" Nigel asked as he got up as well.

"I feel like I'm intruding," I said a little quieter.

"I'm sorry-" he started, I held up my hand, shaking my head.

"Don't worry, I get it, you two stay here," I said.

"But-" he tried.

"It's fine, I didn't mind," I said again, as I tried my best to keep eye contact with him. He stayed quiet as I started to walk away.

"Can we hang out later then?" he yelled after me. I turned to look at him.

"We can't. It's a full moon." I sighed. He stayed quiet. His face said enough. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," I turned around again and left, this time without being stopped.


2 years later*

"So when are you gonna get a girlfriend?" Nigel asked as he made himself at me on my bed.

"Not interested," I said as I tried my best to read the book I had grabbed.

"Why not?" he laughed as he turned to me.

"I'm just not," I said back blankly. I heard the sheets rustle as he got up

"Maybe you should try anyway- it might make you less grumpy." he laughed.

I let go of my book and turned to look at him. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

He let out a laugh as he dropped his legs off the bed. "You heard me." he got up, making his way over to me. "Maybe it would help to have someone special in your life," he added.

"I doubt it," I said as I turned back to my desk. I felt his hands on my shoulders as he continued to annoy me.

"Oh come on, do you never even think about it?" he asked,


"Not even a little?" he leaned down. I shook my head. I was more than ready to end this conversation. Afraid of the direction it was going.

"You've got to have imagined something..." I felt his say in my ear quietly. I could almost feel the smirk on his face.

I could feel my face burning up as I felt his breath on my cheek, I quickly turned away and got up, pushing him back. "Can we please stop talking about this now!" I yelled, my back turned to him.

"Okay, okay- I'm sorry," I heard him. "I'll stop."

I let out a sigh as I turned back to him. "I don't want a girlfriend," I said firmly, making eye contact. He nodded as he smiled at me.

"Alright!" he smiled holding his arms up. "Your loss."

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