Mission With The Enemy

By h034e2l

235K 4.6K 4.9K

~ Nirah Avani Grey She's a skilled assassin who works under the name Ava. She is on the hunt for the person w... More

Info + Warnings
1 - Call
2 - Hate
3 - Contract
4 - Room 140
5 - Towels
6 - Blood Bath
7 - Wounded
8 - Babysitters
9 - Stripclub
10 - Dead Man
11 - Ex
12 - Panic
13 - Nightmare
14 - Talk
16 - Betrayed
17 - Hurt
18 - Father
19 - Tension
20 - Kiss
21 - Answers
22 - Trust
23 - Madly in
24 - Please Sir
25 - Yours
26 - Beg
27 - Love til Death
28 - Hospital
29 - Home

15 - Alexander Dean

6.8K 166 71
By h034e2l

"Wake up love, it's time to get ready," a deep voice pulls me from my nap. I can feel him stroking my cheek and I lean into the warmth of his hand.

We are catching Alexander Dean in a matter of hours. I've been hunting all the people who were there when my parents were killed for years.

There was a few of them whose names I found out and I've killed as many of them as I can. There's only 5 people there who I haven't slaughtered and those include the Silencer and Alexander.

Alexander was one of the men who was holding my mother down when the Silencer shot her. His face is engraved in my brain, when her blood splattered everywhere he smiled. He looked around 20 at the time, he was still a fairly new soldier. Now he must be around 30 and he's the Silencers right hand man.

"Come on, wake up," Luciens deep voice says as he taps my cheek a few times.

I open my eyes and he's crouching beside the bed. His hair is wet like he's been in the shower and he's in black trousers and a black T-shirt. I move to sit up against the headboard and he stands up again.

He takes his phone out of his pocket when a message dings through, "Black said he's going to send photos of what Alexander looks like in a minute."

I nod and he sits beside me on the end of the bed, I swivel my legs around so they are on the floor too.

A message pops up on his phone and he clicks on it, there's 3 different photos of Alexander. They're all zoomed in on his face and it looks like they we're taken without his knowledge.

Lucien frowns at the screen but looks up when I take a deep breath at seeing Dean's face again. He looks older now, his head is shaved into a buzz cut and he has a few new scars but apart from that his face is still the same one that smiled at my parents death all those years ago.

"You know him?" Lucien asks, shit. I need to get a fucking grip today, at this rate I might as well just tell him my whole life story. I mean I practically have. Him knowing the Silencer killed my parents is already too much, I dont want him to know all the details of it.

I blank my face again, something I just kinda picked up from doing missions. I was always good at hiding emotions as a child too, it was just how I coped with things. It meant no one really knew who I was so they couldn't hurt me.

That's what I thought anyway.

"No, never seen him before," I say, still looking at the pictures before they disappear, it's not like I need the extra time anyway. My brain would never let me forget that image, my parents death. Even if I tried to push it away for years after it happened.

After I ran away and started to get involved in the crime world, I eventually accepted what happened and decided to get my revenge.

Lucien looks at me for a second but then shifts his gaze back to the screen. I see his jaw clench and his grip on his phone tightens.

"Do you know him?" I ask back at him.

"No," he replies. His face doesn't change though, he still looks like he's angry or... hurt?

The images disappear a minute later.

"You can use the bathroom if you want. I'm ready " Lucien says to me and turns off his phone.

"Okay, what time do we need to leave?" I ask him.

"Just over half an hour."


I've had my shower and changed. I'm just finishing my hair and makeup in the bathroom.

I decided to go with a black lacy corset top and a black skirt. I'm dancing on one of the polls tonight but I'll get clothes for that at the club. Lucien put me on the list as a guest dancer when we were going through the plan earlier. He doesn't seem too keen on it but it's the best way we can get Alexander alone.

I'll do a quick show to get Alexander's attention on me, then after it I'll walk up to him and make him ask me to go to a private room. When he does I'll guide him to the room me and Lucien agreed on, then Lucien will come in and we'll torture some answers out of him.

When I'm done curling my hair I unlock the door and walk out the bathroom.

My eyes immediately find Luciens as he looks up from sitting on the couch. He looks me up and down and I hear him mutter a curse under his breath.

"Are you ready to go? I just need to get some shoes on," I say to him.

"Yeah I'm ready," he says still looking at my body, his jaw ticks then he looks away from me.

I like when he looks at me.

I walk over beside him and put on my shoes. I may or may not have accidentally held onto his thigh to steady myself. When I put my hand on him I feel him go still under me and I could feel him staring at me, but I refuse to look at him.

We gather some of our weapons and head out. We made it to the taxi and we were standing outside the club in no time. Its around 8 now Alexander should be here somewhere.

We walk up to the door and slip inside, Lucien grabs my arm and starts leading me to the backrooms. His large hand is decorated in silver rings and they are cool on my arm.

His hands are so hot.

"Love, pay attention," I hear a deep voice say from beside me.

I look up at Lucien but he's still looking ahead while he guides me through all the sweaty bodies. "I am paying attention asshole."

"Yeah, to my fucking hand."

"You have nice hands, that's not my fault," I say to him.

He looks down at me and his eyes fall to my lips before he quickly looks away. He takes me to a black door in the corner with 'staff only' written on it and pushes it open.

When we get in it looks a bit like a waiting room, the floors are black, the walls white and there's some couches along the wall. There's a few people sitting on them but my attention is dragged to Lucien when he let's go of my arm and points to another door.

"Go in there and look for the woman with a clip board, tell her the name Ava and she'll help you get ready," he says looking into my eyes.

"Can you not come with me?" I ask.

"No, it's where they all get ready," he says. I'm not nervous for going on stage, I used to know someone who owned a stripclub and she let me dance sometimes when I needed the money. I'm not a professional but I'm decent.

"Oh, okay," I say quietly.

"This is a microphone, I'll be able to hear everything you or any one around you says," he says, pulling out a small microphone from his pocket. He lifts it up to my top but looks at me before he touches me. "Can I?" He asks, I nod and he starts attaching the microphone to my top.

"I'll be able to hear you the whole time, okay love?" Lucien says, I hum a 'yes'. "I'll come into the room as soon as you get Alexander in there and if anything goes wrong before that I'll come and help you," he says.

I nod at him and begin walking over to the door he pointed at. I push it open a bit, "Nirah," Lucien says. I look over my shoulder at him and he's still standing by the open door. "Be careful," he says to me.

I stare at him for a moment before gently nodding my head at him. I turn around and slip through the door and it falls closed behind me.

There's some lockers at the back of the room and another room with a toilet sign on it. There's a room to the right too but it doesn't have a wall, there's some black changing cubicles in there. On the left side is a huge counter with a mirror and there's loads of girls sitting in the seats doing hair and makeup, some are doing it themselves and some have other people doing it for them.

It's really busy in here.

Lucien said to find a woman running around with a clipboard but I think she's found me instead.

She looks like she's in her late 20's and is storming over to me with a huge fake smile on her face. When she reaches me she sticks out her hand for me to shake, I take it. "Hello, my name is Ashley. Are you dancing tonight?"

"Yes," I say smiling at her, "I'm Ava."

She runs her eyes down the clipboard and stops on my name. "Ah there we go, Ava," she says highlighting my box. "You're the one who was put on here by the boss, weren't you?" Oh god here we go. "you must be special he's never done that before. Actually none of us has even seen him before," she says with a little laugh. If I'm not mistaken she looks a tad bit jealous.

"Yeah he put me on the list," is all I say to her. I just want to get ready I don't need all this gossip, especially not today. Not to mention Lucien is listening to it through the microphone.

"Do you know him? There's rumours going around that he's like the hottest man on the planet."

He's going to fucking tease me about this later.

"He's not that good," I say.

She gasps, "so you do know him?" Oh. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"Briefly," I say. "Can you show me where I need to get ready now?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"Yes of course," she says and she leads me over to the changing room bit. We reach a closet but she just has to start talking again, "What age is he? Oh is he tall? I heard he was tall. What's his name?" She asks looking through all the clothes.

"I don't really know him that well," I say. If she doesn't stop talking I think I might slit her throat.

"Oh, that's a shame. He's rich too, if I met him I would make him fall for me and then I'd be able to live in a nice big house and not have to work."

This bitch.

"As if you could," I mumble under my breath.

Her head whips around to face me, "What was that?" She squeaks.

"Oh nothing, I just said that's good."

She looks me up and down checking out my outfit, "your top should be fine since your just a guest preformer, but I'm going to give you a skirt that can rip off. What underwear do you have on?" Damn okay.

"Black lace," I say.

"Lingerie?" She asks me.

"Sort of yeah..." I don't know what she wants from me.

"Ok good, go change your skirt for this one and you can rip it off it the middle of your performance. You can keep the other skirt in here and put it back on when you come off stage," she says handing me a short red skirt and leading me to one of the cubicles.

I open the stall door and start changing into the new skirt. "I swear to god Valentino, if I hear you talking about what just happened I'm going fucking murder you," I whisper in hopes he can hear me with the mic.

I finish changing then walk out. After showing me where to put my spare things, Ashley gave me a mini tour then told me I would be on in 15 minutes. Everytime she tried to talk about Lucien I just changed the subject.

I'm waiting in the waiting area now, ready to go on.


I've just been told it's my turn.

I follow the staff to where the entrance is and they say to wait until the stage is cleared to go on. The song will begin playing as soon as I walk out.

I need to try find the eyes of Alexander or else the plan might not work.

The stage has been cleared and I walk out from the entrance. The song plays as soon as I step out. There's lights shining on the pole and I can see people sitting in the booths watching, a lot of them whistle at me as I walk down the small runway to the pole.

When I reach it, I move around it in time with the music, I get on the pole and begin my routine. I look around the room for Alexander, but as I'm looking for him I accidentally catch the eye of Lucien. He's man spreading in one of the booths with a drink in his hand and he's staring right at me. He pushes his hips up slightly and re-adjusts in his seat I glance down quickly and it's clear there's a buldge in his pants.


Fuck. I need to look for Alexander. I tear my eyes from Lucien and look around the booths. That's when I see him, he's looking right at me with a few of the Silencers men sat in the same booth as him.

I spin around the pole and lock eyes with him, I continue to dance for a bit before the part of the song where I rip the skirt comes up. I keep eye contact with Alexander when I rip it off, now I'm just in the black lace top and underwear. The smile that spreads across his face disgusts me.

I have the urge to look over at Lucien again but I resist it and my routine finally comes to an end. When I descend the pole I wink at Alexander then walk off stage. People whistle and throw money as I go.

I get to the exit and then take a deep breath to calm myself before walking back to get my clothes. I take them and head to the stalls. "I spotted him," I whisper for Lucien, "he's 5 booths to the right of you. I'm changing then I'll walk by him, I'll try to get him to stop me instead so it's less suspicious."

I hope he can hear me and I'm not just talking to myself for nothing.

That would be funny.

Wait maybe he gave me a fake mic so I wo-

Shut the fuck up bitch.

I pull the skirt on then walk to the door Lucien took me in through before. I push past all the horny, sweaty people and start walking by the booths slowly. I reach the row Lucien is in and he's still sitting there, my gaze meets his as I walk and I see his eyes darken and jaw twitch.

I drag my eyes from him and continue on.

Alexander is still in the same place with about 6 other men. He hasn't seen me yet and I'm 2 booths away.

How do I get him to stop me?

I decide on pretending he doesn't exist.

I walk past his booth slowly swaying my hips and looking away from him. "Hey, gorgeous why don't you come sit with me," a voice sounds from beside me.


Some exciting shit is coming lads.

Don't forget to vote at the end of the chapters if you are enjoying the book! I'd really appreciate it and thanks to everyone whose voted already <3

Thoughts and predictions? --->

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