Mission With The Enemy

By h034e2l

235K 4.6K 4.9K

~ Nirah Avani Grey She's a skilled assassin who works under the name Ava. She is on the hunt for the person w... More

Info + Warnings
1 - Call
2 - Hate
3 - Contract
4 - Room 140
5 - Towels
6 - Blood Bath
7 - Wounded
8 - Babysitters
9 - Stripclub
10 - Dead Man
11 - Ex
13 - Nightmare
14 - Talk
15 - Alexander Dean
16 - Betrayed
17 - Hurt
18 - Father
19 - Tension
20 - Kiss
21 - Answers
22 - Trust
23 - Madly in
24 - Please Sir
25 - Yours
26 - Beg
27 - Love til Death
28 - Hospital
29 - Home

12 - Panic

6.8K 136 160
By h034e2l

He slowly walks over to me.

"Fucking stay away from me Brent," I say.

"Aw are you scared without your fucking bodyguard here to protect you? Who is he, your boyfriend or something?" Brent spits out.

"That's none of your business." I keep my voice steady but this is bring back a lot of memories for me and I can feel my throat close up.

"You bitch, just fucking tell me," he says walking closer.

"Stay away from me Brent." I force out of my mouth with a glare on my face.

"Tell me!" I flinch when he slams his hand on the lift wall behind me and comes up close to me. "Your wearing his fucking jacket Nirah," he says and he harshly pulls on the bottom of it.

I should just kill him right here but I can't get my body to move. I'm frozen.

Pull it together.

"You know you have a lot of people looking for you Nirah, it's a good price they have on your head. I'll take you in after I have my fun with you," he says eyeing me up and down he reaches for me but the door opens and I shove him away hard and run out but we aren't on the first floor, the doors are all 300 numbers it must be the 3rd floor.

I try to run but he catches me and grips on my arm tightly, my body isn't working properly right now and I hate that he can still make me this scared. I know I have the skills to beat him in a fight but I'm starting to panic.


Just get it together Nirah.

Get it together.

Get it together.

"You can't escape me Nirah, just let it happen," he says.

"Get off me!" I shout as he drags me into a room. I elbow him in the stomach when he pushes me to a wall.

"Ah, you fucking bitch!" He punches me in the head and it makes my vision blur for a minute. He pins me to the wall and trys to kiss me but I move my head and knee him, it hits his thigh, a little lower than what I was aiming for. He grabs my head and slams it into the wall.

"Stop it Brent!" I try to shove him off me again but he has ahold on both of my hands now. He runs the free hand up my side and it makes me feel fucking sick.

I quickly free both my hands he has held down and punch his head hard. He stumbles back a bit and I try to bolt for the door but he catches me again pulling me further into the room. "Let go you fucking dickhead," I shout.

"Don't call me that!" He screams and hits me in the face again, it gets my lip and I feel the skin split and I taste blood. He throws me on the bed but I see a pocket knife on the bedside table I reach for it and slice him down his arm.

He shouts in pain and stands up to grip his arm.

I know I should stay and kill him but I just need to get out of here right now, so I sprint to the door.

Luckily it opens and I run for the stairs, I dont have time for the lift. I hear him shout behind me but he sounds far away, there's no way he wouldn't try to follow me though.

What was he talking about, there being a price on my head?

I don't have time to think about it too much as I quickly run down the stairs to the first floor. I try to look for a key card but I think I forgot it.

I really hope Lucien is in our room.

I make it to the right floor and sprint to the room. I bang on our door as hard as I can, I can't hear Brent yet but he'll find me eventually.

"Please, please, please," I whisper as I continously pound the door. My throat clogs up and I look behind me to make sure Brent isn't there.

Is Lucien not here?

I try the handle but it's locked so I go back to knocking. The door finally flighs open, "What's got you so fucking-"

Lucien stops when he sees me and I barge past him inside. He checks the hall quickly before closing the door.

"Nirah," he says, he sounds concerned. I turn to face him.

I feel like I can't breath.

I think I might be having a panic attack.

He starts to walk up to me. "Please don't come near me," I choke out.

He stops in his tracks and even takes a step backwards. "Nirah who the fuck did that to you?" He asks. He looks pissed. I mean that's kinda just his natural look but he looks mad mad.

"I-" my words don't come out and my throat closes up again.

"You're okay, your safe now Nirah. You need to tell me what happened baby," he says.


"He-" I can't talk I just point to the door a few times, "I didn't kill him he's still here," my body is in shock and it's hard to talk.

"Who Nirah? I need you to tell me who fucking did that to you."

"The man from downstairs," I breath out.

"I need you to go sit down, okay love?" He says. I go sit down on the end of the bed. Lucien crouches infront of me but he doesn't touch me. "Deep breaths, follow me." He takes a few breaths and I try to copy him. "That's it, deep breaths," he says. I don't know how long he did it with me for, but it's helped to calm me down a bit. Once he sees I'm breathing properly again he says, "I'll be back in a minute." Then he gets up and walks over to the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"To kill him," he says.

"Wait, I'm coming with you," I say getting up. I'm not panicking as much anymore and I don't want to be here alone. I want to see Brent dead too.

"Love, you need to sit down and rest. I'll find him I promise."

I shake my head and walk over to him, "No, I'm coming with you."

"You sure?" He asks and I nod at him. I feel safe with Lucien, even if I would never admit it to him. I need to make sure Brent is gone for good.

He sighs and goes to grab his gun from the table. He walks back to me and hands me the gun. I take it and we both leave the room.

"Do you know where he is?" Lucien asks, I can tell he's trying to keep his voice calm for me but I can practically feel the anger radiating off of him.

"He has a room on the 3rd floor but he's probably out looking for me. I cut his arm but I- I couldn't stay there to kill him," I say.

"It's okay love, we'll get him," Lucien says.

We get to the stairs and start to walk up them. When we reach the 2nd floor I can see a few spots of blood. Lucien spots it too and he storms into the hall of the second floor. When I get there too I see Brent down at the end frantically looking around, he's holding his bleeding arm and the blood is coating his hand as it drips through.

He hears us walking down the hall and spins around. He looks over at Lucien and looks shocked.

"I can't fucking believe this," Brent says and he let's out a laugh "I didn't realise it was you earlier. He's been trying to track you down for years and here you are, with her of all fucking people. 2 in 1 he can kill the both of you at the same time," he starts laughing manically.

Sick fuck.

When Lucien reaches him he punches his face then grabs him by the hair and knees him, "The fuck are you talking about? You shouldn't have fucking touched her."

Brent chuckles his head now bleeding to, "Holy shit man, his fucking son is banging that bitch. The odds," he says.

What's he talking about?

Lucien punches him in the face again, and Brent throws one back at him but he blocks his head with his arm.

He punches my ex again, this time in the stomach.

Lucien then grabs his collar and throws him againt the wall. It makes a hole in the plaster board and I think I heard someone scream but I'm not sure. Lucien grabs his neck keeping him up.

"What the fuck are you talking about," he barks out.

"He's going to get you both. It's only a matter of time, I know your going to kill me Lucien but it doesn't change the fact that you're both going to be fucking dead by the end of the week," he laughs then rolls his head to look at me.

"Shame I didn't get to feel you again sweetie, it was always best when-" he's cut off when Lucien grabs his head and twists quickly.

Snapping his neck.

I gasp and his blood splatters over the walls and Luciens face. Brent's lifeless body falls to the floor and Lucien stands over him for a moment breathing heavily.

He turns around and starts walking back over to me, his eyes zeroing in on the cut on my lip.

"Are you okay?" He asks, he stops a metre away from me.

I nod my head and he says, "Come on we need to get back to our room, I'll tell Black to deal with the mess," he says.

I just nod again and we start walking back. We make it to the room and he opens our door, "Let's get you cleaned up," Lucien says.

"Okay," I whisper.

"Go into the bathroom and I'll get the first aid to clean your face," he says.

I go into the bathroom and sit down on the counter, I'm still a bit dizzy feeling but other than that my panicked feeling is gone.

Lucien just killed Brent.

He's finally gone, just like that.

Lucien comes back into the room and sets the first aid kit on the counter beside me. He gets out some antiseptic and the cotten pads and walks over to me, he stops when he's about a foot away.

"Is it okay if I touch you?" He asks.

"Yes," I say. He walks between my legs and then gently takes the cotton pad to my split lip. It stings and I flinch slightly, Lucien takes his other hand and cups my cheek. He still has blood all over his face.

"Tell me if it stings to much." He dabs the pad on my lip again and when he's done that he takes a small bit of medical tape and puts it over the cut.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

I nod.

"I'm sorry I didn't come with you outside," he says quietly.

I look up at him again, "there's nothing you need to be sorry for Lucien, you didn't know who he was. It's not your fault."

He waits a moment before asking, "How did you know him?"

"I met him in a foster home when I was 15, we dated for a bit but he started to get too... violent, so I ran away."

"I'm sorry love," he says sadness swirling in his eyes. I just shrug, I'm not big on talking about my feelings and shit. It's always made me uncomfortable, I understand it's healthy to talk to people but I've never had someone I've felt comfortable enough to open up to fully.

I think Lucien knows it too, "is that when you became an assassin? After you ran away?" He says changing the subject and clearing the first aid away.

"Yeah pretty much," I say.

He looks up at me for a little bit before saying, "get some rest now okay? I'll wait outside while you get ready for bed," he says.

I hop off the counter and Lucien leaves the bathroom. I get out of the bloody dress i'm wearing and Lucien's jacket before I have a quick shower and change into my pj's.

When I get out Lucien goes into the bathroom to clean up and he comes back out a soon after.

I check my phone to see what time it is. 9:57. 

"What was he talking about before? Whose after the both of us and why was he talking about someone's son?" I ask, sitting on the bed.

He looks away from me and says, "I don't know love."

"Maybe he was working with the Silencer, he might have found out we are after him," I say. I think that's the only explanation as to who is after us but Brent said a lot of confusing things before he died.

Well before Lucien killed him.

"It's possible," he says vaguely, still not looking at me.

"He was saying something about a son," I say, it sounded like he was referring to Lucien but I'm not sure.

"I think he was just spewing out random bullshit to confuse us love, he knew he was about to die," he says with a clenched jaw.

"Yeah probably," I whisper. I lay down on the bed, "you should get to sleep to Lucien, your wound still isn't fully healed and you need a good sleep for that. It's a big day tomorrow." I say.

"I don't think I can right now," he says, paceing about.



"Fucking lay down," I say to him.

"Don't tell me what to do," he says. I swear to god if this man doesn't stop wearing out the floor boards I'm going to shove his own dick in his mouth.

"Or what Valentino? Just get in the damn bed, we'll fall asleep and then we'll get up and catch Alexander Dean tomorrow," I say.

He stops paceing, "Fine, I'll take the couch tonight," he says.

"Lucien no, you're still hurt why don't you realise that?" I ask. He was shot not even a couple days ago and he's still trying to do everything like he's not injured. I get the feeling he's always been like this... or that someone forced him to be like this.

"I know I'm hurt Nirah but I promise you it's not that bad," he says.

"Just sleep in the bed Lucien, please," I say.

He gives a defeated sigh, "I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable Nirah," he says softly, "Really I'm okay to sleep on the couch."

His words seem to have a weird effect on me, no one has ever really tried to make me feel comfortable. Not since my parents were killed. I feel my face soften, "You don't make me feel uncomfortable, and I'd appreciate it if you weren't in pain all night so can you please just sleep in the bed?" I say.

His jaw clenches a couple times as he looks at me then his head falls. "Okay," he says then he gets in the opposite side of the bed. We both fall asleep soon after.


Well this was a roller coaster and a half.

My Poor baby Nirah 😕 This chapter hurts my heart.

*SPOILER? kinda* no wonder I can't handle books with sad endings. Which is exactly why this one will have a HEA :)

What do you think Brent was talking about?

Thoughts and predictions? ---->

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