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By -saintsiren

155K 7.2K 11.1K

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Act 1 ā”ā” Ninteen Ninty One
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ACT 2 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Two
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Act 3 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Three
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Act 4 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Four
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Act 5 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty five
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Act 6 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Six
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Act 7 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Seven
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953 50 33
By -saintsiren


Saturday, November 3rd:


"Gryffindor Wins!"

It was the first match of the quidditch season and Slytherin lost.

They were livid.

Losing by a landslide is one thing, but losing by a few points is another.

The Slytherin stand was booing at the other fans, unsurprisingly their threats were louder than the cheers.

Daphne and Theo immediately got up from their seats and left, after flipping off the opposing team.

From the ground, Artemis and Blaise may have rolled their eyes at the commotion but they didn't let their annoyance show like their teammates.

"Head inside before a riot starts," The Seramore witch instructed and the team complied without question.

Since Marcus left last year, she wanted to be as assertive as him, luckily for her, they all feared the witch, especially the 2nd years.

Artemis stopped in front of her Blaise, making him huff, "Cugino."

"Yes?" He murmured tiredly. He wanted to be rid of all responsibility and lie in bed for the rest of the day.

"Are you alright?"

Blaise scoffed, "I'm trying not to snap at you for asking that question."

"Fine," she sighed and raised her hands in surrender, "come to my room so we can get ready for Slughorn's dinner party."


"Ti amo," she said, bashfully smiling when Blaise froze with shock until he immediately started grin.

After all these years, this was the first time he had heard her say 'I love you', despite it being in Italian, it still counted.

"Took you long enough to say it," he mused and she rolled her eyes.

"Dick," she mumbled, suppressing the urge to nudge him because he didn't want to be touched.

"Bitch," he grinned, "Ti amo."



In all honesty, Artemis wanted to stay with her fiancé instead of going to Slughorn's little gathering. She promised not to tell the rest of their group about what he likes to call an 'incident', although she did make sure they kept an eye on him whenever she wasn't around.

Therefore before she left to go to the event, she opened Mente Striae so Daphne, Theo and Draco could watch cartoons and just relax.

Artemis and Blaise sat in front the large round table next to their peers, that they didn't care for nor did they bother to remember most of their names. A sundae was placed in front of them, one vanilla and chocolate and other strawberry and chocolate. Artemis refrained from hexing the Mclaggen wizard, as he kept leering at her whenever Blaise wasn't looking.

"So tell me, Cormac, do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberius these days?" Slughorn asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, sir. In fact, I'm meant to go hunting with him and the Minister of Magic over the holidays," the McLaggen wizard replied, smirking, then shot the Sermore witch a wink, which she rolled her eyes at.

"Well, be sure to give them both my best."

Slughorn chuckled before turning to Marcus Belby, who had to wear a napkin around his neck, to prevent the ice cream he was stuffing his mouth with didn't ruin his oversized suit.

"What about your uncle, Belby?" The professor questioned.

"Him and Dad don't get on. Probably because my dad says potions are rubbish. Says the only potion worth having is a stiff one at the end of the day," Marcus responded with a grin, with a large portion of ice cream in his mouth, that made Blaise slowly shuffle away from him.

"What about you Ms Granger?" Slughorn turned his attention to the muggle-born after being underwhelmed by Marcus' reply, "What exactly does your family do in the Muggle world?"

"My parents are dentists," Hermoine stated and was met with silence.

Artemis knew about the profession from muggle studies and found it disgusting.

"They tend to people's teeth," the muggle-born explained, gaining a few odd looks.

Slughorn hummed, "Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?"

The Muggle world always captivated the professor, however, he would never admit that too loudly, especially if he wanted to social climb.

Hermoine gulped, "No. Although, one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches," she laughed nervously and Harry smiled at her, meanwhile everyone just stared at her with blank looks, before the door burst open.

Ginny awkwardly walked into the room, gaining everyone's attention, she shifted uncomfortably in her stance.

"Ah, Miss Weasley. Come in, sit down," Slughorn said, motioning to an available chair.

"Sorry, I'm not usually late," Ginny declared and Harry abruptly stood up.

Artemis used her sundae to hide her amusement, whereas her cousin gagged at the second hand embarrassment.

"Sit down four eyes," Blaise hissed and Harry rolled his eyes before settling back in his seat.

"No matter. You're just in time for dessert. That is if Belby's left you any," Slughorn teased the wizard, who didn't take notice and continued eating his dessert.

The Weasley witch took her seat and Artemis finally noticed the bags under her eyes. She must've really liked Dean.

"How many husbands has your mother had again, Blaise?" Slughorn suddenly asked, making the wizard tense, which caught Harry's attention.

Artemis wanted to glare at the professor but her cousin had gripped her hand under the table. She was stunned by the sudden contact, regardless she interlinked their fingers.

Blaise swiped his tongue over his teeth before responding, "Seven. They all passed away," he plastered on a frown, appearing to look sad, although he was anything but.

Slughorn nodded, "I heard Ophelia and Celeste are engaged to Mikaelsons."

All attention was on the cousins now. The Mikaelons were infamous to many wizarding families, their names struck more fear in them, than the Dark Lord himself, but due to the treaty that was put into place, they were not a threat.

Slughorn would love to talk to the the family one day, founding each and everyone of them fantasising, despite their crimes.

Artemis suppressed an eye roll, "Not yet, but I believe they will be married soon."

She sounded almost hopeful, causing a smile to tug at Blaise's lips.

"Ah yes, Artemis, you and Blaise have understandings," Slughorn's exclaimed as his gaze darted between the cousins, as did the others.

Harry eyed the ring that rested on Artemis' hand with a subtle scowl. When he discovered that she was engaged to Draco during the summer he became deeply frustrated, because he believed that the Malfoy wizard was a death eater and potentially was putting her at risk.

He had tried warning her many times but she had just ignored him.

Artemis smiled, "We do."

"Blessings to you all," Slughorn grinned, then he went back to questioning the other students.


Friday, November 23rd:


"If it doesn't work out with Malfoy... you know where to find me," Padma teased Artemis as she, Luna, Pansy, Lavender and Aurora strolled the corridors.

Yes, it was an odd mix of witches, but it was known that the Slytherin princess consulted with a variation of people, whether it was in public or in private.

She wanted to talk to people that she didn't usually see. Although she had the Don meetings and the Divine group ones, she just wanted some time where she didn't have to think about anything too severe.

Not everyone had that luxury.

Artemis playfully nudged her, "Yeah yeah and truthfully he makes me happy."

Pansy groaned, "I did not sign up to hear about boys."

Aurora nodded in agreement, "And definitely not your boy."

"Ferret," Padma quipped with a loud cough.

Artemis cast them a glare, "Shut up."

"Unless you want a slap to the face," Pansy murmured.

Artemis shook her head, "Daphne slaps, I punch and the boys stomp, it's what we do," she smiled innocently, making Aurora pitch her cheeks, before getting her hands swatted away.

"I would know." Pansy piped up, making them all laugh and gaining a wink from Artemis, that was quickly returned.

"Girls, could I ask you all a question?" Lavender inquired and they turned to her and nodded, "do you think Ron likes me as much as I like him?"

The question made them all stop in their strides.

"He should," Padma replied.

Pansy hummed, "Why wouldn't he?"

"You're lovely," Luna beamed at the girl and Aurora nodded in agreement.

"Artemis?" Lavender questioned, realising that she was the only girl that hadn't answered.

"I don't like Ronald," Artemis said with a shrug, making the girl frown.

"We know," they all said, some with a snort and the others with a grin.

Lavender's frown, made Artemis continue her explanation, "Honestly I think you deserve someone better than him, I would say he's attractive but his personality makes him a 4 and you should aspire to be with a 10."

"Or a 11," Padama added.

"12" Pansy and Luna said in unison and squeezed their hands tightly.

"But he kissed me back, doesn't that mean he likes me?" Lavender wondered, feeling confused and frustrated.

"Or he just want someone to routinely snog," Aurora argued and Artemis pointed to her in agreement, meanwhile Pansy gagged at the word.

The witches were sent a scolding look by the Padma who wrapped a reassuring arm around her best friend's shoulders, "do you like him Lav?" she asked softly.

Lavender nodded frantically, "Yes."

"Then go for it."

Her brown eyes shone with glee, "Really?"

"But if he breaks your heart, I'll kick him," Padma added for good measure.

She remembered the awful experience she went through during the yule ball when Ron reluctantly asked her to be his date. She felt like second best and only hoped her best friend didn't go through the same thing.

Aurora and Artemis exchanged a look before nodding, "Same."

Lavender was taken back by their support, nevertheless, it warmed her growing heart.

"I would love to," Luna nodded gently, making her girlfriend giggle.

Pansy raised her hand, "I'm definitely in."

Lavender squealed with excitement before changing the topic to who is the most attractive in the school.


Saturday, November 24th:


"You said you wanted two braids for tomorrow," Draco stressed as Artemis rose from the floor and walked towards his floor-length mirror.

"I said four." she scoffed and examined how they looked.

Even though she was mad that he misheard her, he still did a good job. She thought that helping her with her hair was a good distraction for him, especially after that night. So she insisted that this would be a great way to see if he would be ready to do this for their future children.

Draco sighed, "Sure."

"I'm not lying."

"You look great with two," he gestured to the mirror as he started placing her hair products into their designated bags.

He found it easier to do her hair when it was blow-dried however he did want to attempt at braiding it when it was kinky from the shower.

"Four insinuates my head shape," she said and continued to eye the hairstyle.

"I love your head shape."

"And it would've looked better with four cornrows, but you did do a good job," she praised and turned around.

He slowly started to smile, "Does that I get a kiss?"

She playfully rolled her eyes, "Just one kiss."

Artemis approached him taunting slow, which made Draco pull her towards him and smash his lips on hers.

The kiss was short and not sweet enough to please him.

"Come on," he exacerbated when she pulled away, "I feel kiss deprived."

She pouted, "I kiss you all the time."

"Not like you used to," he whined.

Artemis cocked her head to the side, "And how do I used to?"

"Come here." he insisted, trying to pull her closer but her bare feet were firmly planted on the ground, "Arty."

She shook her head, "No."

His brows pinched together, "Why?"

"Stop it," the seriousness of her voice startled him.

"Stop what? It's just a kiss," Draco mumbled, but she could read him like a book.

She pursed her lips, "sure."

She didn't think it was appropriate to do anything but hug or peck, at least not until he showed signs that he was progressing mentally and was being more open about his feelings. Hypocritical? Yes, but she believed that she was being more expressive, much more than she had been in the past.

"I don't, not after what happened," she exclaimed, cupping his cheeks and instantly felt him tense at the subject.

He huffed, "Yes, it happened, meaning it's in that past."

"Don't say it so apathetically," she scolded.

Preventing him from making a life-altering decision weighed on her mind. She constantly grabbed or gripped him whether he was close or just out of instinct.

Draco quickly caught onto that. His guilt grew whenever she did so. He knew that it wasn't because she was making sure he was okay, no, it was out of precaution.

"Just understand that I'm trying to help you," Artemis added in a much softer tone.

He raised a brow questioningly, "By not kissing me?"

"We can kiss," she stated with a small smile.

He tossed his head back in annoyance, "Come on Darling."

"No amore, not yet okay?"

He nodded stiffly, "Okay."

Her smile contorted into a grin, "Good now help me pick out an outfit tomorrow."

"Say please," he called out once she opened his door and slipped through.



Sunday, November 25th:

Blaise used to love his birthday, he loved being the centre of attention and being on everyone's mind for hours or days on end.

But today, he wished to avoid everything and everyone.

For the first few hours, he and Daphne stayed together and listened to his favourite song, Louie Armstrong's 'what a wonderful world'.

Ironic?... clearly, however, Blaise chose to cling to every word of the song, finding hope in the melody and a yearning for a better life.



Loud music pounded through the green tiled walls of the common room, banners firmly hung, whilst the ghost of Slytherin alumni danced around the guests.

Even Salazar himself sat to the side on a table alone, leering over the new generation, with his infamous scowl, especially when he caught the half-bloods who were invited.

Artemis moved throughout the room, sober, just like Theo.

Dean, The Jones brothers and the Dons remained in Artemis' dormitory as they were not welcomed in the common room. It was a rare sight for a non Slytherin to be in the their common room, so Theo reluctantly advised them to stay away.

Artemis' head snapped to the side when Daphne desperately grabbed her arm, "We have a problem." the blonde yelled over the blaring music.

"Who's the problem?" the brown-eyed witch asked nervously.


"Merda," she cursed and raced out of the common room, with Daphne hot on her tail.

The moment the witches approached Draco's dormitory, they burst into his room instead of knocking.

Draco was sat on his bed with a few empty bottles of dragon whiskey surrounding him, whilst Blaise tiredly cleaned his mess.

The lights were dim and the ceiling was black, with no star in sight.

Exactly how he felt, like he had burnt out.

Blaise locked eyes with his cousin, she silently nodded, telling him that she had it handled.

The Zabini wizard strolled past her and pressed a kiss to her forehead, before grabbing his future wife's hand and walking away.

Artemis didn't miss the small smile on Daphne's face when they left.

"How much did you drink?" Artemis' softly asked when she slowly approached her fiancé.

Draco didn't bother to look up as tears tooled in his eyes.

He hiccuped, "E-enough to forget..."

He wanted to forget everything, all his actions, his mistakes and especially want he was going to do in a few months.

He didn't want to hurt anyone and more importantly, he didn't want to hurt anymore.

Artemis slowly sat down next to her, "Darling."

The strong sense of alcohol drifted and clung to her nostrils, instead of gagging she simply swallowed the acid that climbed her throat.

Leaning on her side, since he wasn't strong enough to hold himself up, he managed to reply, "I'm sorry I just can't deal with everything right now.'

"I know."

"I rarely feel like I can breathe-" he gulped, "Sometimes I can't. The pressure is too much I just needed it disappear for... forever."

Artemis turned him on his side, "I'm sorry."

She didn't know what else to say. She was drained and tired. She rarely ever broke down, because told herself to stay strong or compartmentalise.

She never wanted to burden people with her problems, just like Daphne. They chose to prioritise the people in their life because they couldn't let their tears show or they would break.

Many people talk about how they yearned to have a Seramore on their side, but never about why you shouldn't ever antagonise them. A bad spectacle, exactly how one could describe their breakdowns.

Draco sniffled, "I'm sorry for ruining our place..." he croaked out, drawing her attention again, "The astronomy tower was ours and I took that from you."

He had been thinking – too much. Realising that he had torn apart their safe space. It was enough to make him pick up a bottle and chug the contents and drown the guilt.

Artemis didn't look at him the same, her eyes offered more sympathy. It was embarrassing and although she was unaware of it, he felt it.

Regardless of being in love with him, She pitied him and he only hoped that she wouldn't grow bored.

He would crumble if she ever did.

Artemis blinked away her tears, "I know."

"I never meant to," he cried.

"I know."

"Hold me. Please hold me."

Artemis wrapped her arms around him, letting him sob into his chest as she promise to never leave him and she didn't.

They stayed in his room for the rest of the night.


Monday, November 26th:


Blaise and Theo's dorm was packed to the brim, Aurora and Alana were on the ground laying across each other with The Jones brothers snoring loudly on either side of them.

Blaise slept peacefully for the first time in months in the arms of his love. On the bed opposite them, Theo held his boyfriend's hand as he slept without a care in the world.

Artemis and Draco took up space in the corner of the room, the latter hadn't slept a wink, he just stared up at the ceiling.

Counting each transfigured star, hoping that a blissful slumber would take him, but it never did. Instead he lay awake, playing with the loose threads of the bonnet protecting his fiancé's braids.

Artemis laid across him, clutching his waist and breathed evenly as she dreamed.

The winter sunset crept through the thick curtains of the dormitory, the Thomas wizard's eyes to slowly fluttered open and he let out a groan.

He grinned when Theo gripped his hand tighter before rolling onto his side.

"Oi Thomas," Draco whispered, loud enough for Dean to hear.

The Gryffindor boy stared at him, slightly startled before responding, "Yeah?" he asked, voice raspy, due to just waking up.

"You hungry?"

Dean cast him a funny look then nodded, "Yeah."

Draco slowly moved from under Artemis, hoping not wake her. Briefly he saw the fearful expression appear on her face, until it faded quickly as she turned away.

He ran his hands over his pale face and let out a huge sigh, "Let's go to get breakfast for this lot," he proposed and gestured to the teens laying around him.

He wanted to make amends, even if he didn't like most of them, he wanted to try for his group, especially Theo.

The suggestion almost made Dean choked on the morning air, shocked, he was, but his nod concealed it, "Okay."

On the journey to the great hall, the pair walked side by side. At first Dean was apprehensive and even stared at Draco for a moment before speaking. Surprisingly Draco wasn't bothered, well he was, but his exhaustion prevented him from speaking on it.

Their small talk gradually turned to chatter and then snickering.

Their camaraderie faded once the double doors were pushed open. They loaded the trolleys that Snape slyly left for them and ignored the stares they received from their peers.

One pair of green eyes lingered on them and ignored his own friend's conversations until they departed.

The moment Draco and Dean reentered the dormitory, they started up a conversation about Christmas and the gifts they wanted to receive.

"Oi," the Malfoy wizard yelled, making his acquaintance snort. The rest of the teens all started to groan and wake from their slumber, "Wake up, we got you breakfast."

Draco quickly filled up a plate, then jumped over their bodies and slid next to his witch, smiling softly as her beautiful brown eyes opened.

Artemis smiled, "Hi."

He pressed a kiss to her forehead, "Hi."

He presented her with a plate full of toast, bacon, beans, mushrooms and scrambled eggs, her smile morphed into a grin as she sat up.

Iziah was the first to get up and walk over to the tray and collected as much as possible, he cast the Malfoy wizard a look, "You two went to get us food? Are you dying Draco?" he asked, making those that were awake laugh.

Draco rolled his eyes, "Thomas got yours, not me," he replied dryly.

"That's not surprising," Iziah quipped as he walked over to his brother, nudging him awake and presented him with enough food to rid him of his handover.

"I still don't like you."

"The feeling is mutual."

Artemis whined, "Boys hush," her hand muffled her voice as it was full of food.

"Only for you, brown eyes," Iziah yelled back, with a laugh, earning a glare from Draco, who was about to lash out but a small kiss on the lips from his fiancé stopped him.

On the other side of the room, Dean softly shook the Nott wizard awake.

Theo loved his sleep and hated whenever something or someone disrupted it.

He groaned, "What?"

"I've got you breakfast," Theo jolted upright, before Dean could finish his sentence.

"Have I told you that I love you?" Theo questioned with a wide grin as he and Dean shared a plate of pastries before being presented with cups of hot chocolate.

"When I have food, you do."

"Well, I love you."

"I love you too."

Artemis turned to Draco as he silently traced his finger over her rings, "Are you hungry?" she asked, sipping on some orange juice.


Growling emitted from his stomach.

"Just eat something," she insisted.


The couple stared at each other, trying to suppress their amusement. Trying is the keyword.

"Pass me the toast please," he gestured and she handed him a piece that was lightly coated in butter. He took a bite and offered her a teasing smile.

Aurora noticed looks the couple exchanged from across the room and sighed, "Can you two stop with those looks? It's putting me off my food."

"Umm, look at Theo," Artemis exclaimed, pointing to the two boys that were snogging.

"Look Daph and B," Theo yelled, after pulling away from his boyfriend and everyone turned to the other engaged couple who shared a chaste kiss.

Blaise flipped everyone off, then turned back to Daphne who shyly smiled at him.

They've only kissed a handful of times this term, she never wanted to say aloud how much she had missed it, and neither would he, so instead they would bask in their fleeting happiness.

"That's disgusting," Alana jokingly shouted.

Zacharias nodded in agreement as he ate his food, "Extremely."

"Can we play a game?" Aurora asked, already finished her plate of food.

Theo chuckled, "Don't you have N.E.W.Ts to study for?"

"Not today," Iziah immediately put that thought to bed, he did not want to think about exams.

The term was draining enough and hoping for a better new year was clearly asking for too much.

Zacharias pushed his plate away and laid on his back, "We need some fun."

"What about monopoly?" Theo suggested with a mirthful glint in his eyes.

Iziah snickered, "You sure snow bunny can play a muggle game?" he taunted the Malfoy wizard, earning a few laughs.

Annoyance replaced Draco's flirty mood making him glare at the half-blood, "Piss off."

"Monopoly it is then."

And the rest of the day did not go smoothly, not at all.



lovie simone as 𝗹𝗮𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻.

originally, the girls who were cast for lavender were black but as soon as the character gets a speaking role, she suddenly becomes white... not in my book.

next chapter you will finally discover the truth of what happened to ezekiel and few more things.

any predictions? or questions.

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