Gym Class

By booktopia14

15.6K 367 117

Casey is the total opposite of her twin sister Caley. Caley wants to be ''let loose'' and have fun but Casey... More

Chapter 1
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Chapter 3
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Chapter 4
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Chapter 5
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Chapter 6
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Chapter 7
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Chapter 8
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Quick Note!
Gym Class
Chapter 9
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Gym Class
Chapter 11
Gym Class
Gym Class

Chapter 10

98 2 0
By booktopia14

Prom wasn't on my list of things to "accomplish" this year since obviously I want to get my hopes for getting into Harvard. His face was so hopeful those eyes filled with desperation. I nodded nonchalantly hugging him like a child hugs that huge mouse in Chuck e Cheese. He laughs muttering how I'm totally not fangirling like normal teenage girls do.
"Are you saying that I should?" I ask cocking an eyebrow at his hands going up in surrender.
"Hey, it's tradition okay?"
"Whatever." Muttering under my breath, I just realized I had to go prom shopping. Ugh! As if he read my mind, or face since my smile had instantly vanished replaced with anger he chuckled tucking a piece of my brown hair behind my ear saying that he could volunteer doing the picking and staying their fangirling about how I'd look. Yeah, no. It hit me that I had nobody to shop with because apparently Caley wants me to suck up my sulking, and Nerissa is totally pissed at me for no reason. Alexa is in coma so that's checked off to no prom. Thinking how happy she'd be, going shopping and picking out the perfect dress for herself. Her bald head and blue chapped lips came into mind but it totally flew right by like water pushing through the rocks in an uncontrollable river. Jake looks at me his lips slightly parted as if he was going to say something. "You don't have anybody don't you?" I nod slumping against the bench which the wood was digging hardly into my back, annoying me. The pain these months have been hard. Incredibly hard. Seeing the face on Jake was too hard to reject so I bring up a random person I know who can go shopping with. Definitely not my mom. Who knows what she'd say if I said Pete broke my heart. Picturing it, her monster claws coming out and digging them into his body like Freddy Krueger.
"Stephanie!" I blurted out totally regretting what I said. Her going shopping with me? Oh god no.
"Hey yeah I know her, Pete's biological mother.
I woke up in my bed totally shocked of how I even got here. The only thing I remembered last was Pete being sort of my stepbrother. Holy Shirley Temple. He was my sort of brother in a way. Gross. "Honey come here! The girls are here!" Steph said when we were at the Halloween party. Before, I thought he probably just was a stuck up being a pet and getting comfortable with my family but now, it's our family. Shivers run down my spine with ice compiling together in my veins freezing me to death just thinking about it. The morning was very tranquil and serene with the beautiful sun throwing its sun rays through my window. How ironic that the beautiful weather is happy and blissful while my mind is cold hearted filled with negativity. There was a sticky note stuck to my forehead which I thought at first, was Caley or my mom or even Jake since he knows where I live. Nope, my guess was out of the line. It was from....Stephanie? My stepmother wrote in her beautiful cursive writing which I was immediately jealous of, Meet me at the mall! Can't wait to see you sweetheart we have a full day ahead of us. Love- your stepmom ;)
Great. Prom shopping yay! This better be good. Well, now that I'm up I guess it's better to get changed. Getting out of my increasingly uncomfortable apparel which I've been wearing for the past day was reading with a stench mixed with sweat Oh yeah, Fishy Friday. Since it's Stephanie we're talking about she literally despises what I usually wear so instead of getting her on my fussy side, I pick out some high waisted shorts, since it's basically summer, almost, and a blue cotton sweater, layering that over with a green army jacket. Yeah looks fine enough. I grab my brown messenger bag tying off my hair with a messy bun and heading out. The black converse await me once again, so after slipping it on I drive over to the mall, hoping she won't pick out some slutty princess dress. Well let's hope for the best. I don't think this trip will be the best but whatever she ain't gonna tolerate my stubborn attitude and we both know it.

Hey guys! I appreciate you guys for reading my book and dang it's already at 2.54k! I'm so happy so can we get it to 2.6k any time sooner please? Thanks and I love you internet people to an infinite and beyond. Fuck the haters and yeah cyber hug!
Fatima <4

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