Silly Little Love Songs • Tee...

By dickgraysonsrobin

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"Vivian should have expected this, she really should have. 7 years of friendship and she still wasn't expecti... More

Silly Little Love Songs
➥ Graphics
➥ Volume 1
➥ Playlist
➥ Act 1
➥ Prologue
☆ That Night ☆
☽ The Full Moon ☾
☆ *Trying* To Get Out of First Line ☆
☽ The Game ☾
☆ The Dream ☆
☽ Double Dates Suck ☾
☆ Car Ride From Hell ☆
☽ Alpha Killed The Movie Star Employee ☾
☆ Never Train With Derek Hale ☆
☽ Anchors ☾
➥ Act 2
☽ Alphas Suck Ass ☾
☆ 'Accidental' Kisses ☆
☽ Secrets Revealed ☾
☆ The Alpha ☆
☽ The Stilinski Twins Are Horrible ☾
☆ Blood at the Formal ☆
☽ Saving Derek ☾
☆ Stopping The Alpha ☆
➥ Volume 2
➥ Playlist
➥ Act 3
➥ Prologue
☽ Vivian Goes Missing ☾
☆ Argent Starts A War ☆
☽ Ruining Lacrosse Practice ☾
☆ Isaac's First Full Moon ☆
☽ Tara Varrington ☾
☆ Another One Takes The Bite ☆
☽ The Ice Rink ☾
☆ Don't Train With Derek Hale ☆
☽ Swimming Lessons ☾
☆ Bad Lab Partners ☆
☽ Team Protect Lydia ☾

☆ Locked in The School ☆

24 2 44
By dickgraysonsrobin

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"We're screwed."

"Lock it! Lock it!" Scott said to no one in particular.

"Like I have a key or something." Stiles sassed back as the two boys held the doors closed.

"Grab something." Vivian instructed looking around.

"What?" Sydney asked looking around quickly.

"Anything." Vivian whisper-yelled back. Everyone else started looking around the front doors for literally anything they could use. They were all to busy looking around to notice Stiles staring out the window. Looking at the pliers they had left outside in their haste to get away from the alpha.

"Stiles, no, don't." Scott said when he finally noticed. Stiles tried to quickly and quietly slip out, but Vivian knew him. She was right behind him as the doors closed the others in.

"Vivian get back inside." Stiles whispered to her with a hard look, but Vivian could see the worry in it.

"I promised you a long time ago that you didn't have to do your dumb ideas alone," Vivian whispered back looking around to see nothing. "I'm not breaking it now."

She walked towards the pliers with Stiles right behind her. They were still slightly cautious but didn't feel as scared since they couldn't see the alpha and hoped it had just run off. Vivian crouched down to grab the pliers while Stiles looked behind them at the others.

Sydney was still staring at the parking lot when she saw the alpha stalk out from behind the jeep. The other two noticed it too and they all started banging on the doors getting the duos attention. Stiles and Vivian made eye contact with the murdering werewolf before it started to sprint towards them. Vivian grabbed the pliers before getting dragged up by Stiles as he pulled her back to the door by her hand.

They both made it back inside and place the pliers in the door handles, locking it for now. They all were ducked down still pushing the door closed, waiting for the impact. After a minute of silence they all stood up straight and looked out the windows again. They saw nothing, but couldn't be so sure.

"Where'd it go?" Scott asked looking at the spot it had just been.

"Where'd he go?" Sydney whispered agreeing with Scott.

Stiles turned the flashlight back on and flashed it outside the window. After another minute of nothing they all took a few steps back from the door. Tara was still right by Scott's side, Vivian doing the same with Stiles, while Sydney was alone on the side.

"That's not going to hold, is it?" Tara asked starting at the makeshift lock.

"Probably not." Vivian replied looking at the same place. She made eye contact with Sydney but having to look away. Too scared to focus on whatever was going on with them.

They all stood in silence for another moment. Sydney and Scott looking down to the other end of the hallway. Right when they started to finally calm down they heard a distant howl that had to be coming from inside. They all looked around at each other in fear before sprinting for the nearest classroom.

They made it inside with Sydney, Stiles, and Scott immediately booking it to the desk and starting to move it to the door. Stiles was on the opposite side of the two pulling and suddenly stopped them. "Shh, stop, stop. The doors not gonna keep it out."

"We know." Sydney said impatient and annoyed that they had stopped.

"I hate your boss." Stiles said glaring at Scott from across the desk, both still in their pushing and pulling position.

"What?" Scott asked confused.

"Deaton, the alpha?" Sydney explained on the same train of thought as her twin. "Your boss."

"No." Tara said from next to the three with Vivian next to her.

"Yes, murdering psycho werewolf." Stiles said with slight venom in his voice.

"They can't be." Scott said back, Tara nodding along.

"Oh, come on. He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek," Tara winces at the memory. "20 feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?" Stiles said sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"He's right, Tare." Vivian said softly looking over at the annoyed girl beside her.

"It's not him." Tara snapped quietly, glaring over at Stiles then Vivian.

"He killed Derek." Sydney said not really picking a side, just stating the obvious.

"He's not dead." Scott stated with conviction.

"Derek's not dead." Scott said, panic slowly filling his voice.

"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay?" Vivian snapped out. "That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury."

"He's dead, and we're next." Stiles added, they all could sense the tension. The knowledge that if they weren't careful they'd die.

"Okay, just.. what do we do?" Scott asked starting to slightly calm down.

"We need to get to Stiles jeep, and then get the hell out of here." Sydney said standing fully now with her arms crossed.

"You need to think about quitting your job." Stiles said getting a nod from Scott but a mutual agreement from everyone.

Sydney quietly snuck over to the open door and looked down the hallway, checking to see if anything was out of the ordinary. Stiles, Scott, and Vivian all ran over to the windows. Scott trying to open them and getting stopped by Vivian and Stiles. "They won't open. The schools climate controlled."

"Then we'll break it." Scott suggested, Vivian looked back to the middle of the room where Tara was standing there with a blank look. She walked over quickly and stood in front of the emotionless girl.

"Which will make a lot of noise." Stiles voice started to fade from Vivians mind as she focused on Tara.

"Tare? I know this is scary but I need you to stay with me." Vivian said, softly placing a hand on Taras shoulder and getting Tara to meet her eyes, taking a shuddering look.

"We are going to need a serious feelings talk when we get out of here." Tara said a completely serious look on her face.

"Name the time and place, I'll rangle up the whole gang." Vivian said with a small quick smile.

"Then we run really fast." Scott said getting the girls attention. They all looked over at Stiles jeep which was pretty far from where they were currently. "Really fast."

"Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your jeep?" Tara asked walking over to the window, looking at the dented hood.

"What do you mean? Nothings wrong?" Stiles asked looking over Scott's head to check on his precious car.

"It's bent." Vivian confirmed making Stiles surge forward, partially bumping Scott forward.

"Dented?" He asked trying to avoid the actual cause.

"No. Bent." Vivian said slowly. That got Sydney to walk over and look over to it too.

"What the hell-" Stiles said before something came crashing through the window. They all ducked down as the battery from Stiles jeep slid across the floor. All they could do is stare at it for a moment.

"That's my battery." Stiles said informing the others who didn't know as much about cars. He tried to get up but was pulled down my Scott.

"That's gonna take a lot of duct tape." Sydney commented still pressed against the wall.

"We have to move." Vivian said the panic coming back to all of their body's.

"He could be right outside." Tara said back even more panicked then her.

"He is right outside." Stiles snapped back to them. They all took heavy breaths and stared at it again.

"Just let me take a look." Scott reasoned. They all got on their knees with no argument and peaked out the window. They looked around and spotted no alpha.

"Move now?" Stiles whispered.

"Move now." They all whispered back.

The gang got up as quickly as possible and scurried over to the door. Once they were in the hallway, they looked both ways trying to decide where to go when Scott took the lead and turned to the right. "This way."

"Somewhere without windows." Stiles said turning the other way.

"Every single place in this building has windows." Sydney whispered back.

"Or somewhere with less windows." Vivian suggested walking off, already knowing the rest would follow her.

They briskly made it to the locker room, the rest catching on to where Vivian was going after a few minutes. They all piled in with Sydney being the last in, making sure the door was closed.

"Sydney, Stiles, call your dad." Scott said taking a quick look around the locker room.

"And tell him what?" Stiles asked as they all stopped in the space between the lockers.

"I don't know, anything." Scott said, thinking hard. "Gas leak, a fire, whatever."

"You think if that thing sees a parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off?" Vivian asked incredulously "What if it doesn't?"

"What if it goes completely terminator and kills every cop in sight," Stiles said next to Vivian. "including our dad?"

"They have guns." Scott stated while shrugging.

"Yeah, and Der- he had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down." Tara said next to Scott. "You remember that?"

"Then we.. then we have to.." Scott stuttered trying to find a better idea. "We have to find a way to get out of here and then just run for it."

"There's nothing near the school for at least a mile." Vivian said with her arms crossed looking down.

"What about Derek's car." Tara said remembering where the murdering alpha had just been locked.

"That could work." Stiles said after thinking for a moment. "We go outside, get the keys off his body, ugh, and then we take his car."

"And him." Tara said with a sharp look leaving no room for argument.

"Fine. Whatever." Stiles said casually. They all started walking back towards the door, with the boys in the front and the girls in the back.

Stiles goes to open the door but is stopped by Scott, while the girls are stopped from going any further by Sydney sticking her arm out and stopping them. Both the were's were focusing and then Scott looked confused.

"I think I hear something." Scott asked more than told.

"Like what?" Stiles asked.

"Shh, quiet." Scott whispered back. They both focused again and then they all started backing up. Tara grabbed Scott's arm after they back too far to keep going.

Stiles looked at the locker right next to him and grabbed Vivian. He opened it and pulled her inside with him and shut the door. Scott followed after him pulling Tara inside with him similar to Stiles. Sydney sighed and complained in her head as she reluctantly followed after the four.

"This was a bad idea." Stiles whispered to himself getting a shh from Vivian who seemed completely unphased, while Stiles was taking deep calming breaths. Vivian was trying to peak out the small gaps in the locker.

Tara and Scott shared an awkward smile before trying to keep comfortable. They then gave up and Tara made sure to remember this for when her and Vivian talked. She also needed to talk about what happened in her and Stiles's locker.

They all held their breaths as the handle turned and the door opened. They couldn't see from their position who it was but they could assume. Tara latched onto Scott's arm, fear once again filling her body. That was happening too much for her liking. A blur passed their locker as they were both looking out. It backtracked and two very human eyes met theirs.

The locker was opened and all three of them let out small screams as Scott and Tara came pouring out of the locker, right in front of that poor janitor. Stiles and Vivian quickly followed after.

"Really?" The janitor asked in disgust. "Kids."

"Let us explain- we'll come back to what you are implying." Vivian said as Sydney came out of her own locker.

"He's my brother." Sydney said disgust in her voice similar to the look on Stiles face.

"Please just get out." The janitor asked starting to forcibly lead them out.

"Not even a minute to explain?" Stiles asked offended while the locker room door was slammed into their faces.

Not even a minute later he was slammed against the door, his hands bloody. They all stumbled back as he was pulled away and slammed against it again.

This time taking the door down with him.


"We're picking you up." Mikayla stated through the phone in the back of Jackson's car. Scott was almost half an hour late to picking Allison up for their study date.

"Please don't. I'm sure he's on his way." Allison said as Mikayla put her on speaker phone. "He's only.. 26 minutes late."

"You here that?" Lydia said taking the phone. "First it's 'he's only 26 minutes late.' A month later it's 'He only hits me when he's drunk.' Slippery slope, Allison."

"Scott's not like that Lydia." Mikayla said from the back seat. "But he still shouldn't leave you waiting this long."

"We're picking you up." Lydia said through the phone.

"No." Allison said back as her house came into view.

"Too late." Mikayla said through her open window as they pulled up next to her. Lydia hung up and Allison walked over to the drivers side door where Jackson currently was.

"Lydia gets what Lydia wants. Mikayla also pulled out the bambi eyes." Jackson explained with a shrug, Mikayla giving an example of those very eyes earning a small smile from Allison. Mikayla felt a satisfied spark in her stomach.

"Come on, get in." Mikayla said softly. "We can stop by his place and see if he's there."

Allison's attention was taken by her phone, which beeped. She had a perplexed look on her face as she read it. Lydia leaned over Jackson to talk to her.

"Is that him with the best excuse ever of why he's half a freaking hour late?" She asked in a tone that Mikayla didn't like when describing one of her friends. Allison gave a small shake of her head.

"Not exactly."


Vivian should have never skipped leg day. They were all sprinting down the halls, trying to get as far away as possible from the now dead janitor. They had just made it to a set of double doors that lead to some part of the parking lot.

They all ran into it, expecting it to open, only for it to stay in place. They all pushed harder but it wouldn't budge. "What the hell?"

Scott stuck his head out the small crack they could make. "It's a dumpster."

"He pushed it in front of the door?" Sydney asked not expecting an answer.

"To block us in." Vivian said while Stiles still tried to push it.

"Come on. Help me." Stiles said now slamming his body into the doors.

"Ugh, stop." Sydney said pulling Stiles away from the doors. They all started walking the halls again. All out of ideas.

"I'm not dying here." Stiles said as they walked past the hallway filled with windows which wasn't reassuring to Tara. "I'm not dying at school."

"We're not going to die." Vivian said from next to him. That annoyed look that they were all familiar with appearing on her face.

"God, what is he doing?" Stiles asked starting to go crazy. "What does he want?"

"Me." Scott said while Sydney had a similar response in her head. "Derek says he's stronger with a pack."

"Yeah, great." Tara said from next to Scott, rubbing her hands over her arms. "A psychotic werewolf who's got a thing for teen wolf. That's- that's beautiful."

Scott and Sydney once again stopped them all at the same time before looking out the window and staring right at the alpha who was on the roof of the building across the field. The alpha stared for another moment before starting to sprint on all fours at the 5. They all started to sprint back from where they came as the alpha crashed through the windows.

He was right on their tail as they made a sharp turn for the stairs.


Jackson parked on the curb at the front of the school. He got out and pushed his seat forward to let Mikayla and Allison out, Lydia opting to stay in the car.

"What are we doing here anyway?" Jackson asked looking at the pitch black building.

"All I got was this." Allison said showing her phone to the two. It was a text from Scott that said 'Meet at the school. URGENT.'

"They lock the doors at night, you know" Lydia informed them, still inside the car.

"That one's not." Allison said motioning to the door in front of them. It was help open by a pair of pliers.

"You don't need me to state the obvious, right?" Mikayla asked as they walked towards the open door.

"It looks like they broke into the school? No pretty obvious." Allison said looking around and finding no sign of Scott or any of his little group.

"This is just.. soo not like him." Mikayla said, nervous and confused. "Do you want us to come with you?"

"It's okay." Allison said after a minute. She started to walk away but Mikayla just had this bad feeling.

"Hey Allison..." She trailed off, not knowing exactly what to say.

"You have this look on your face like you're about to say 'be careful'." Allison teased taking a few steps back.

"I am." Mikayla said with a small flustered smile. "What?"

"That concerned look on your face. I've never seen it before." Allison said as Jackson let them have their own little moment.

"I like thinking on the bright side of things." Mikayla said that same flustered look on her face.

"Well, both are good looks on you." Allison said a flustered look appearing on her face. "Don't worry."

Allison walked away, and Mikayla watched her. She still didn't like the weird feeling this gave her.

Especially when the door seemed to close on it's own right after Allison was inside.


Sydney was glad she was last in the little line they've made. Everyone had seemed to pair up except for Sydney. She should have expected like everything else, their little dynamics to have changed. Sydney was the odd one out. She couldn't have her very own pity party yet since they were still running as fast as they could away from the murderous alpha.

They were in the basement area of the school with rusted lockers. They turned to press up against some older lockers. All of them scared shitless. Scott and Tara looked like they were trying not to cry, Vivian looked like she was suppressing a panic attack with Stiles closer than necessary, and Sydney was just trying to keep everyone safe. That's what she was last in line and the closest to the hall the came from on the line of lockers.

She peaked an eye out from behind and saw the alpha on all fours looming at the end of the lockers. She quickly whipped her head back around hoping he didn't see her. After a minute of it not appearing in front of her Stiles mouthed at her. 'What!?'

'Go.' She mouthed back. They all took the hint and walked quickly around to the back area where the generator was located. They backed up so they were behind the open door of the generator room.

"All right, we have to do something." Stiles said after a distant growl made them all flinch back.

"Like what?" Tara asked him picking at her skin.

"I don't know. Kill it, hurt it, inflict mental anguish on it- Something." Stiles rambled like he always did when he's nervous. The normalness of it comforted Vivian and calmed her enough to think of a small plan. She hit Stiles arm after some glass breaking made him backup closer to her. She motioned to the generator room and the metal door. He nodded and reached into his pocket.

He grabbed his keys right as the shadow of the alpha came into view. He threw it into the generator room before they all scrambled away from the door with the forceful direction help from Stiles and Vivian. The alpha was a blur as it ran into the room. Vivian and Stiles ran to the door slamming it and leaning all their weight against it. Sydney and Scott pushed it towards the door and the other three helped position it to block the door. The alpha slammed against the door but the desk kept him in. They all took a moment to let it sink in.

They trapped the alpha.


Mikayla was ansty. Jackson was back inside the car with Lydia and she was outside the car with her arms crossed. Waiting anxiously.

"Do you see that?" Jackson asked with furrowed brows. Mikayla lean forward confused on what Jackson could be seeing.

"See what?" Lydia asked looking over at Jackson, who was now leaning forward while squinting his eyes.

"The hood on that piece of crap jeep looks crappier than usual." Jackson said helping Mikayla finally see what he meant. Stiles. Stiles jeep was bent.

"Stiles is there, which means Vivian and Tara have to be in there." Mikayla muttered to herself. "With whatever did that."

Jackson could hear her better than Lydia and could tell what Mikayla meant. He started to get out of the car but was stopped by Lydia.

"Where are you going." Lydia asked whipping her head between the two.

"To take a look. Stay here." Jackson said with a dismissive look at Lydia. Mikayla just stared at the jeep that she's come to love.

"We'll be right back." Mikayla said, letting her curiosity and worry get the best of her.

"I'm not staying in the car." Lydia said pointedly.

"Just stay in the damn-" Jackson started to say his voice raising. Mikayla looked away as Lydia grabbed Jackson arm.

"Do not leave me alone in the car." Lydia said, letting her nervousness seep into her voice.

"Fine." Jackson relented after a minute. "God, don't have a meltdown."

Lydia rolled her eyes and got out of the car with Jackson, helping her sister out as well. They walked a few feet and made it to the jeep. Jackson looked at the deepest part of the jeep. There were for jagged lines going down, they looked suspiciously like claw marks.

"Look at that. It really is a piece of crap." Lydia said looking around the almost empty parking lot with a nervous breath.

"Lydia, be nice." Mikayla quietly said turning towards her.

"Can we just get Allison and get out of here?" Lydia asked getting more nervous by the second.

Jackson started backing up slowly with long strides, Mikayla hesitantly following. Lydia turned her head towards the two of them. "What are you doing? Are you getting Allison?"

"Sydney could be in there." Mikayla said. Which was a bit of a stretch but she knew it would get Lydia inside, they would be safer in groups if they saw another mountain lion.

Lydia huffed for a moment, before following them to the door.


Stiles was resting against the wall with Sydney and Vivian, while Scott and Tara were on the other side of the desk. All of them taking a small breather when the alpha slammed against the desk/wall again. They all jumped and decided their break was over.

"Come on, get across." Stiles said to Scott and Tara, both of whom were more than slightly hesitant. Tara just looked at Scott who was staring at the window, waiting for something else to happen.

"Scott?" Tara asked making him look her in the eyes. He nodded and made Tara go first, helping her over, before he followed. They both went to the wall the other three were at. They all turned to leave, except Stiles who was slowly leaning closer to the door.

Vivian grabbed him arm getting his attention as his eyes darted down to where her hand was then back to her eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Just trying to get a look at it." Stiles explained getting the same look from all his friends.

"Are you crazy?!" Scott asked getting a sigh from Stiles.

"Look, it's trapped, okay?" Stiles said still not getting a good response. "It's not gonna get out."

Stiles went ahead with his plan, slipping out of Vivians grasp. All of them too stunned to stop him. He crawled onto the desk and sat up on his knees flashing on the light into the window trying to get a glimpse. "I'm not scared of it."

As Stiles finished his sentence a gigantic paw hit the window making him stumble back, basically falling off the desk, and stand next to the others again, a little shaken. "I'm not scared of you."

Stiles took another breath before continuing. "Right, because you're in there, and we're out here. You're not going any-"

They all saw as the roof was broken through and Stiles frozen mid sentence. They saw as the ceiling above them start to bend under the alphas weight as he crawled.. away from them. Vivian grabbed Stiles arm and pulled him as the others fled.

"This is why we don't antagonize werewolves."


The Martin sisters and Jackson made it to the main hall, with Lydia and Jackson arguing most of the time. "There's one right there."

"Are you kidding me? Do you seriously have to use the bathroom right now?" Jackson asked annoyed.

"Yes now, do you have a problem my showing basic biological function?" Lydia sassed back. Mikayla was in front of them, she turned with her usual smile on her face.

"You know, I'm starting to have a problem with all your functions." Jackson said back.

"It'll be quick. Plus maybe if we stay put then we'll find Allison quicker." Mikayla said when they made it the bathroom.

"Come with me?" Lydia asked getting a nod from Mikayla as they left Jackson alone in the hall. Lydia made quick work and they were soon just standing by the sinks.

"Are you okay, Lyds?" Mikayla asked after a long inner battle.

"Fine, why?" Lydia said taking a quick look in the mirror. Mikayla sighed before making her smile wider.

"Just if you need help or anything. I'm here." Mikayla said softly, Lydia looked over and her eyes softened at the look Mikayla was giving her.

"I'm the big sister. That's my line." Lydia said getting a small laugh out of Mikayla. "I'll be fine. Worry about your own little love life."

"You mean my non-existent one?" Mikayla asked getting an eye roll from Lydia.

"What happened to Boyd?" Lydia asked doing one last check up.

"Oh, I thought we'd be better as friends. He's too good for me currently." Mikayla nervously explained but got a knowing look from Lydia. "Jacksons waiting for us."

They walked out and both stood in front of Jackson, who looked different. Mikayla couldn't tell how, but his usual demeanor wasn't present.

"Do you find them?" Lydia asked, ignoring or not noticing, the change in Jackson. He was staring behind them and didn't show any understanding of what Lydia had just said.

"Jackson?" Mikayla asked both the girls looking behind them at what Jackson was staring at and finding nothing. He snaps back and looks over at them, rubbing the back of his neck before brushing it off and continuing.

They walked off before Jackson could see whatever he saw walk past again.


They had ventured deep into the school at this point. Their only hope at escaping is if they make it to the pool before the alpha does. Vivian and Tara were squished in the middle of the group as they stumbled through a hall filled with steam pipes. Everyone, even the two werewolves, were starting to run out of breath.

They had seemed to lose the alpha when they heard a phone ringing in the distance. They were all forced to stop behind Scott who had been the first to hear the ringing. "Do you hear that?"

"It sounds like a phone ringing." Scott said his face confused until he came to a realization. "I know that ringing."

"It's Allison's phone." Sydney confirmed looking over at Tara. "You have her number, right?"

"I mean, yeah. but-" Tara stuttered, she did have Allison's number since they had talked once or twice but Sydney had to have it to. Why did she have to call her.

"Great, call her." Stiles said all of them staring at Tara. Waiting. Tara sighed and pulled her phone out, quickly dialing Allison's number. It rung for a few moments before she answered.

"Hello?" Allison asked, sounding confused. Scott grabbed the phone from Tara as soon as Allison answered.

"Hey, it's me. Where are you?" Scott rushed out. "Where are you right now?" Scott asked after a moment, presumably Allison answering.

"Where? Where are you exactly." Scott asked, now getting desperate.

"Get to the lobby, do it now." Scott said finally before hanging up and immediately running off. They made it to the lobby in record time. Getting there right when Allison did.

"Why did you come?" Scott asked before he even reach Allison. "What are you doing here?"

"Because you asked me to." Allison said with a confused look.

"I asked you to?" Scott asked now as confused as she was, looking at the other 4. She pulled up the message telling her to come to the school and showed it to them all. They all shared a silent look of fear.

"Why do I get the feeling you didn't send me this message." Allison said starting to feel uneasy.

"Because I didn't." Scott said back.

"Did you drive here?" Sydney asked gaining the girls attention.

"Jackson drove." Allison answered making them all show different levels of disgust. Everyone except Tara.

"Jackson's here too?" Tara asked.

"Lydia and Mikayla are too, what's going on?" Allison asked getting fed up. "Who sent this text?"

"Lydia and Mikayla are here?" Sydney asked rhetorically, now actually worried about the people not with them. Allison couldn't respond or get an answer to her question when her phone rung.

"Where are you?" Allison asked right as Lydia, Mikayla, and Jackson came through a pair of door. Lydia hanging up the phone when she saw them.

"Finally." Lydia said, her eyes more focused on Sydney and Allison then the others. "Can we go now?"

Allison nodded and as they started to walk in the direction of the exit they heard the ceiling above them start to break. Scott grabbed Allison's hand, Vivian grabbed Stiles arm, Sydney ushering both the Martin's closer, and Jackson stepping closer to Tara. Sydney and Scott shared a look before yelling. "Run."

They all ran towards the stairs right when the alpha broke through. Sydney the last to make it up the stairs turning for a second to see the alpha starting to run after them. They all ran through the large hall as the alpha ran after them, it being too dark for them to really make out what he looked like.

They slammed through the doors to the cafeteria, Sydney and Scott closing and locking the doors right as everyone made it through. They were all spread out through the open space, in similar groups to what they made before the alpha started chasing them.

Stiles and Vivian inspected the windows while Jackson and Scott pushed one of the coolers in front of the door. Sydney was trying to calm down a panicked Lydia.

"Scott, wait, not here." Stiles said getting no response from the panicked party.

"What was that?" Lydia asked starting to hyperventilate.

"Stiles?! What was that?" Mikayla asked in a similar state to her sister.

"Scott what the hell was that?" Allison asked, more pissed than anything. After the boys finished blocking the door everyone but Vivian and Stiles went to the stacks of chairs, continuing to block the door while the other two tried to stop them.

"Guys!" Vivian yelled finally getting them all to turn to the other two, varied expressions of panic.

"Okay, nice work guys, really beautiful job, everyone." Stiles said oozing sarcasm letting Vivian taking over for the last bit.

"Now.. what should we do about the 20 foot wall of windows." Vivian says, Stiles motioning to the wall. They all took deep breaths and it was quiet for a moment before Mikayla sprinted over to Stiles and flung herself into his arms.

"What was that, it was so scary." Mikayla said still clinging to Stiles. Vivian looked them over for a moment before looking back at the others, ignoring the smug look from Lydia. Allison finally broke after one too many minutes of silence.

"Can somebody please explain to me what's going on, because I'm freaking out here." Allison said looking specifically at Scott. "And I would like to know why."

Scott walked away from the group and leaned against one of the tables, facing away from them all. He wiped his face down and was silent for too long making the ones who didn't know get annoyed.

Vivian looked at Stiles who was still preoccupied with Mikayla. Vivian took a step forward giving Scott another look before speaking. "Someone killed the janitor."

"What?" Allison asked with a slight panicked laugh.

"Yeah, the janitors dead." Sydney confirmed from right next to Lydia who was holding Jackson's arm.

"What's he talking about? Is this a joke." Jackson asked all of them more scared than ever.

"What, who killed him?" Mikayla asked quietly.

"No, no, no, no. This was supposed to be over." Lydia said looking at the ground a few feet ahead of her. "The mountain lion was killed-"

"Don't you get it?" Jackson asked annoyed by how in denial Lydia was. "There was no mountain lion."

"Who was it?" Allison asked her voice cracking with tears in her eyes. "What does he want?"

"What's happening." Mikayla whispered, tears starting to come to her eyes too. Stiles trying to calm her down.

"Scott!" Allison yelled finally getting Scott to look at them. He stood tall again and looked over to them again, his voice just as terrified as the rest of them.

"I-I don't know!" Scott said starting to stutter. "I-I.. I just know that- if we go out there. He's gonna kill us."

"What?!" The not in the know asked.

"He's gonna kill us?" Lydia asked taking deep breaths.

"Who?" Allison asked looking at Lydia then back to Scott.

"Who is it." Lydia asked looking pointedly at Vivian. Vivian rolled her eyes and looked over at Scott, waiting for him to finally take charge. She knew for a fact Sydney wouldn't. It had to be Scott.

"It's Derek.. Derek Hale." Scott answered after a few minutes. Tara gaped at him. Derek was dead so they were going to blame it all on him.

"Derek killed the janitor?" Jackson asked in disbelief and a bit of confusion.

"Are- are you sure?" Allison asked and that's when Tara remembered the ride he gave Allison.

"I saw him." Scott said confidently.

"But the mountain li-" Lydia tried to say but got stopped by Scott again.

"Derek killed him!" Scott said again, getting louder.

"All of them?" Mikayla asked taking a step closer to Scott leaving Stiles behind her.

"Yes, starting with his own sister." Scott said not even having the balls to face who he was lying to. Tara side stepped over to Vivian.

"Is he serious?" Tara whispered so only Vivian could hear.

"Blame the dead." Vivian whispered back staring at Scott. "It's the best play we've got."

"The bus driver?" Allison asked her voice cracking again.

"And the guy in the video store. It's been Derek the whole time." Scott said with such conviction that Sydney was starting to believe him.

"He's in here with us." Sydney said taking over for Scott, surprising Vivian. "And if we don't get out now... he's gonna kill us too."

Scott finally turned back to them. They all stood there silently, taking it all in. Mikayla had made her way back to the group. They were all standing close together, except for Scott who was in front of them a few feet away.

"Call the cops." Jackson stated plainly.

"No." Stiles immediately said, not even looking over at Jackson.

"Wh- what do you mean no?" Jackson asked getting annoyed again. He turned toward Stiles, Stiles doing the same.

"I mean no. You wanna hear it in Spanish? No." Stiles said back not in the best mood for Jackson.

"Look Derek killed all these people, okay? We don't know what he's armed with." Sydney explained, also not wanting her father to get killed.

"Your dad's armed with an entire Sheriff's department. Call him." Jackson said as if Sydney and Stiles were the dumbest people in the world. Lydia, Mikayla, Allison, and Jackson were all turned towards the other 4 with serious looks on their faces.

"Okay, I'm calling." Lydia said pulling her phone out. The 4 tried to grab it but were all blocked by Allison and Jackson. Mikayla just stood off to the side, not knowing who to follow.

Vivian had a hard glare focused on Lydia making Stiles grab her wrist. She looked over at him then quickly at Mikayla before ripping her hand from his grip.

"Hey. Yes, we're at Beacon Hills high school. We're trapped, and we need you to--" Lydia started before trailing off listening to who was on the other line. "But-- She hung up on me."

"The police hung up on you?" Allison asked.

"She said they got a tip warning them that there was gonna be prank calls about a break-in to the high school." Lydia explained. "She said if I called again they were gonna trace it and have me arrested."

"Okay, then call again." Allison said her voice loud.

"No, they won't trace a cell. Then they'll send a car to your house before they even send anyone here." Stiles said dashing the groups hope for help.

"What the- what- what is this?" Allison asked covering her face with her hands. "Why does Derek wanna kill us? Why is he killing anyone?"

Everyone looked over at Scott for an explanation. "Why is everyone looking at me?"

"Is he the one that sent her the text?" Lydia asked leaning towards Scott.

"No. I mean I don't know." Scott stumbled over his sentence.

"Is he the one who called the police?" Allison asked pointing to the blocked doors behind them.

"I don't know!" Scott snapped at Allison making her back away.

"Let's all just give him a minute." Vivian said looking over at Tara and Sydney motioning them over to Scott and Stiles.

They all walked a few feet away from the group who was now turned away and trying to fully take everything in.

"Okay, first off, throwing Derek under the bus, nicely done." Stiles complimented as they were all in a tiny huddle.

"It'll probably cost you 10 hail mary's though." Vivian commented.

"I didn't know what to say. I had to say something." Scott said exasperated. He looked over at Sydney. "You sure weren't much help."

"Your the werewolf here." Stiles said confused. Scott let out a frustrated sigh.

"If he's dead then it doesn't matter right?" Scott reasoned.

"That's what takes the 1 hail mary to 10- I'll stop." Vivian said getting a few glares.

"Also, he might not be dead." Tara helpfully added. Scott glanced over at Allison who still looked hurt.

"God, I just totally bit her head off." Scott worried getting a sigh from Vivian.

"And she'll get over that. Bigger issues at hand here, Scotty." Vivian said with her arms crossed.

"Like how do we get out of here alive?" Stiles said holding onto Scott's shoulder, trying to keep him grounded.

"But we are alive. It could've killed us already. It's like it's cornering us or something." Scott theroized.

"So what, he wanted to eat us all at the same time?" Stiles asked confused.

"No. Derek said he wants revenge." Sydney said.

"Against who?" Tara asked.

"Allison's family?" Scott suggested.

"Maybe that's what the text was about. Someone had to send it." Stiles said them all starting to slowly put the pieces together.

"Okay assheads.. new plan." Jackson said snapping them out of their little huddle. "The twins call their useless dad and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that."

"God, shut the fuck up for once." Vivian mumbled to herself turning to face Jackson. They all looked at Scott with expectant looks.

"He's right." Looks like he picked his side. Vivian scoffed and walked over to the windows. "Tell him the truth if you have to, just call him."

Sydney and Stiles look at him as if he was crazy. Tara just looked plain confused. "You piece of shit."

"I'm not watching my dad get eaten alive." Sydney said as Tara and her walked over to Vivian and away from everyone else. Stiles started walking that way but Jackson leaned forward and grabbed at Stiles jacket.

"All right, just give me the phone." Stiles punched him the minute he touched him. Mikayla walked over to Stiles and looked him over with a worried look. Tara ran over to him and grabbed his arm.

"Jackson are you okay?" She asked with Allison crouching next to her. Vivian walked over to Stiles standing on the side Mikayla wasn't.

"How's your hand?" She asked softly grabbing it and looking it over ignoring the looks she got. Stiles reluctantly grabbed his phone from his pocket and clicked his father's number.

"Dad, hey, it's me.. and it's your voicemail." Stiles said letting out a subtle breath of relief. "Look I need you to call me back now, like right now."

Across the room, Tara was still checking up on Jackson and ignoring the pang of worry for the sheriff. The bang on the door startled them all, Sydney grabbed the phone from Stiles hand as everyone backed the furthest away from the door they could. "We're at the school, okay? We're at the school."

The banging kept going and the screws on the door were starting to come loose. They all knew they didn't have much time. Allison was pressed against Scott, same with Lydia and Jackson. Sydney was shielding Mikayla as much as she could. Vivian had a hold on Stiles arm as he turned his head to the only other doors.

"The kitchen, the door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell." Stiles explained only staring the the shaking door.

"Those only go up." Scott said.

"Up is better than here." Vivian said as the final screws came out. They all turned and rushed out the kitchen doors.

On the run again.


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