Imagines [Book Four]

By thatpunkmaximoff

283K 8.2K 1.4K

Various 'Imagines' from various fandoms. Fandoms include: Marvel, The Originals, Teen Wolf, Sons of Anarchy... More

Marvel&TheOriginals [Gen Fic]
Teen Wolf [Derek Hale]
Marvel [Loki]
Marvel [Druig]
Marvel [Peter Parker]
Marvel [Peter Parker]
Vampire Diaries [Elijah Mikaelson]
Marvel [Bucky Barnes]
The Walking Dead [Gen Fic] pt. 1
The Walking Dead [Gen Fic] pt. 2
Marvel [Matt Murdock]
The Walking Dead [Daryl Dixon]
American Gods [Mad Sweeney] pt. 1
American Gods [Mad Sweeney] pt. 2
SoA & Teen Wolf [Gen Fic] pt. 1
SoA & Teen Wolf [Gen Fic] pt. 2
SoA & Teen Wolf [Gen Fic] pt. 3
Sons of Anarchy [Gen Fic]
Sons of Anarchy [Juice Ortiz] pt. 1
Sons of Anarchy [Juice Ortiz] pt. 2
SoA & Marvel [Juice Ortiz] pt. 1
SoA & Marvel [Juice Ortiz] pt. 2
SoA [Opie Winston]
SoA [Jax Teller] pt. 1
SoA [Jax Teller] pt. 2
Twilight [Paul Lahote] pt. 1
Twilight [Paul Lahote] pt. 2
Twilight [Paul Lahote] pt.3
Twilight [Paul Lahote] pt. 4
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Mayans [EZ Reyes]
Mayans [Gen Fic X Reader]
Mayans/SOA [Angel X Reader]
Stranger Things [Billy Hargrove]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson] pt. 1
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson] pt. 2
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Stranger Things/Lost Boys [Eddie Munson] pt. 1
Stranger Things/Lost Boys [Eddie Munson] pt. 2
Stranger Things/Lost Boys [Eddie Munson] pt. 3
Stranger Things/Lost Boys [Eddie Munson] pt. 4
Stranger Things [Billy Hargrove]
SoA/Mayans [Gen Fic]
Harry Potter [Charlie X Reader]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Stranger Things [Gen Fic]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Teen Wolf [Derek Hale]
Marvel/TVD [Enzo]
Wednesday [Xavier Thorpe]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Wednesday&Marvel [Xavier Thorpe]
SOA/Marvel [Gen Fic] pt. 1
SOA/Marvel[Gen Fic] pt. 2
TVD [Elijah]
Sons of Anarchy [Opie]
Lost Boys/TVD [Dwayne] pt. 1
Lost Boys/TVD [Dwayne] pt. 2
The Lost Boys/TVD [Dwayne] pt. 3
Sons of Anarchy [Happy Lowman]
Sons of Anarchy [Jax Teller]

SOA/Mayans [Gen Fic]

4.1K 105 11
By thatpunkmaximoff

When you left Charming all those years ago, you never thought you'd ever be going back. But the Chambers of Commerce reached out, asking if you'd perform for a new festival they were putting on. You were always a sucker for a good festival, especially if there was a carnival involved, and you couldn't say no. Especially since you were hit with a sudden wave of nostalgia and wanted to see a few faces you had left behind.

. .

. .

  Jax is sitting at the bar, nursing a beer after working a shift in the garage. Ever since he'd taken up the gavel, he'd worked hard to bring peace between the MC's in California, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona. It took several grueling months of arguments and transfers of power to get it done, but eventually everyone else started to want a bit of peace for themselves. There was still plenty of illegal activity going on, but everyone was less hostile if another MC was rolling through their turf so long as they called ahead to let them know.

Nearly done with his beer, Jax's phone rings and he slides it out of his pocket. He checks the name before flipping it open to answer. "Bishop," he greets. "What's going on, brother?"

"Hola, presidente. I got a favor to ask."

"Sure. You guys runnin' some guns through or what?"

"Not that type of favor, compañero. It's actually about the festival Charming is putting on next week."

"Oh yeah? You guys heard about that down in Santo Padre?" He chugs the last of his beer, gesturing for the prospect to grab him another. "My ma's on the committee that's helping out. Everyone's losing their goddamn minds over it."

Bishop chuckles down the line. "I'm pretty sure it's the concert line-up because that's what I'm calling about. Coco's daughter Letty is obsessed with one singer that's going to perform and she would rather pay the thirty-five-dollar entrance fee to see her perform than spend hundreds of dollars on a ticket for an actual concert."

"Ah. Got it," Jax says. "You're calling ahead to see if it's alright to roll up."


"Yeah, brother, I don't see any issue with it. We're all gonna be out there as well. My ma's pumped about one of the entertainers too."

Bishop chuckles. "We're gonna scare all your locals, presidente, with so many kuttes walking around."

It's Jax's turn to chuckle. "Nah. We'll be fine. The locals here know what's up. We keep the streets clean and their kids safe. We're fuckin' kings up here."

Bishop and Jax share another laugh before hammering out the details of who'll be making the drive up to Charming for the festival.

The festival that Charming is putting on is anything unlike Jax has ever seen. It's a four-day festival and so far, they've witnessed two of those days. The first day garnered a good size crowd since the entrance fee was free, and a twenty-dollar wristband gave unlimited access to the rides. The second day had a fifteen-dollar entrance fee since the concerts started at noon and lasted up until midnight, and all rides were a dollar each. There were numerous games, arts and crafts vendors, and food booths- food of all kinds that left the entire festival area smelling unlike the Sons had smelled before.

Now it's the third day and the entrance fee has jumped to thirty-five dollars since the entertainment was more well-known than the previous day's entertainment. Today also happens to be the day of the concert that the Mayans were rolling into town for. So, after spending some time with Tara and Thomas, watching Abel get on a few kiddie rides, Jax leads them over to the main stage towards the back of the festival grounds where the concert is to take place.

When he and Tara get to the stage, their eyes widen at the size of the crowd that this performer has garnered. He's about to lead her and his kids to a set of bleachers at the back of the crowd, not willing to risk pushing his way through so many people, when Gemma catches sight of them.

"Heya, Jackson. These are for you." Gemma hands him four neon orange wristbands that are stamped with the letters VIP.

"VIP?" Tara arches an eyebrow at her mother-in-law. "How'd you score these?"

"The performer is YN YLN." She smirks as Jax's eyes widen.

"No shit?"

"Shit." Gemma smirks before she takes in her daughter-in-law's pinched expression, Tara having been filled in about Jax's girl after she had left for college, and then rolls her eyes before slinging an arm around Tara's shoulders. "Don't be like that. YN knows all about you and Jax, and she's happy for you. She actually wants to meet up after she's done."

"You promise you won't stir shit up?" He asks his ma.

"I promise, baby." She smiles, eyes sparkling. "Everyone's all grown up now and she really does just want to catch up. You weren't her only friend here in Charming, you know."

"Yeah, I know. Just didn't think I'd ever see her again. I broke her heart." Jax winces as he recalls said breakup.

"Breaking her heart was the best thing you did for that girl, Jackson. She got out of Charming and made it big in the music industry." Jax slowly smiles then, realizing his mother is right. "Now I gotta go find some Mayans to give them their bracelets. Opie and Juice are already in the VIP section."

Jax chuckles and waves his mother off, he and Tara then putting the bracelets on their kids before helping each other put their own on.

Gemma walks around for twenty minutes before spotting more kuttes in the crowd, smirking as she approaches them. "What are you guys doing way back here?" The three Mayans and the girl all glance at her, one of them tugging the girl a little behind him. Gemma mentally rolls her eyes at that. "Relax. I'm Jax Teller's mother." They seem to relax at that. "My son tells me the girl is a fan of the next performer. I figured you'd wanna be as close as possible."

"Gemma, right?" One man asks. She nods. "I'm Angel, this is EZ, Coco and Letty." She smiles at each of them.

EZ sheepishly rubs the back of his head. "We got here a bit late. Didn't think the crowd would be this big."

Gemma huffs. "You and me both." She glances around the crowd, shaking her head. Then facing the Mayans, she reaches into her back pocket while pulling out more VIP bracelets. "It's a good thing I have these then."

Letty pushes past her father's protective stance, causing Gemma, Angel and EZ to laugh while Coco glares at his daughter. "Are those- are these for us?!"

"'Course, baby. Now come on. Let's see that dainty wrist of yours."

Gemma helps Letty put her bracelet on while passing out the other three to the men.

"How the hell did you swing this?" Coco asks once Gemma's leading them towards the front of the stage, flashing her bracelet smugly to the security guard on shift.

"Believe it or not, YN and Jax used to date."

"The president of the Sons?" Letty asks. "No way!"

"Yes way. She actually grew up here in Charming, you know," Gemma tells her. "Friends with Jax and Opie. Dated Jax when she was nineteen and then left after she turned twenty. I kept in touch with her even though my son broke her heart and she gave me VIP bracelets to pass around as I saw fit."

In front of the stage, the Sons of Anarchy and the Mayans greet each other like brothers that haven't seen each other in a while. Coco introduces his daughter Letty to everyone as Jax introduces his wife Tara to them as well. Abel and Thomas have been outfitted with noise cancellation headphones since they're so close to the stage and speakers, and Opie's doing his best to calm down Juice who is apparently a fan of YN's as well.

In the time that they wait for the mini concert to begin, Letty and Juice bond over their love of YN's music and their awe over the fact that Jax dated her when they were teenagers. And though Tara was uncomfortable in the beginning knowing her husband's ex was the performer they were all waiting for, she couldn't help but find amusement in their situation. Hopefully Gemma wasn't playing them and there was no drama at the end of the night.

The lights on stage suddenly dim and the crowd cheers in anticipation, Letty and Juice included, which makes the other bikers chuckle in amusement. They can see several people taking the stage, settling down behind instruments or taking up a spot behind mic stands to sing backup.

The music suddenly starts, the crowd goes wild, and a lone figure takes center stage. As soon as the first word is spoken, the lights come on full force. "Take a hit, shoot me down, shoot me down. I will never hit the ground, hit the ground. Playing dead, I'll never do. Gotta keep an eye on you."

YN walks to the front of the stage, singing as lights pulse along to the beat behind her. As Jax takes her in, he can't help but realize that she really did grow up. She looks completely at home on stage, letting the crowd amp her up. She grins as she steps up on a long rectangular speaker, voice getting a little louder as she grins behind the mic in her hand.

"Oh, won't wave my white flag, no. This time I won't let go. I'd rather die than give up the fight, give up the fight, give up the fight, give up the fight!"

Jax is surprised that the crowd behind his back sings along, YN feeding off the energy of the crowd as she sings her heart out. The lights pulse brighter, and YN walks up and down the front of the stage, not staying in one spot for too long.

When the song comes to an end, YN is back in the middle of the stage and laughing. There's a stool there with a bottle of water sitting atop of it, and YN takes a hearty gulp from it. Only when the crowd dies down does she address them. "Wow." The crowd chuckles at her awe. "I mean, wow, guys!" She laughs. "When my hometown asked me to perform for this festival, I did not expect this turn out. Holy shi-" She cuts herself off, shaking her head in awe as the crowd cheers yet again, laughing along with her. "For those of you who don't know who I am, my name is YN YLN and I grew up here in Charming. And for those of you who do know who I am.. let's party!"

The beat for the next song starts, and the crowd goes wild yet again. The song then cuts out and YN laughs as their whines.

"I apologize in advance for the foul language, but well.. if you're that worried about it maybe you should put some earmuffs on the little ears like these parents have done up here." YN points right at Jax and Tara, smiling and waving at the two of them. "Kudos to you guys because I drop f-bombs in some of my songs."

Tara chuckles as Jax calls out, "I figured! You dropped f-bombs all throughout high school too!"

YN's jaw drops as she laughs. "Touché, Teller." Then glancing back at the crowd, she says, "If you haven't guessed by now, this next song is called Happier Than Ever. If you know it, I wanna hear you scream it!"

The beat starts again.

"You called me again, drunk in your Benz. Drivin' home under the influence. You scared me to death, but I'm wasting my breath 'cause you only listen to your fuckin' friends." The crowd screams at the f-bomb, Jax and Opie shaking their head at the high school friend. "'Cause I'd never treat me this shitty. You made me hate this city."

The crowd erupts into song, riling themselves up as YN rocks out on stage. Front and center, Letty and Juice scream the lyrics right back at her. "And I don't talk shit about you on the internet. Never told anyone anything bad 'cause that shit's embarrassing. You were my everything, and all that you did was make me fucking sad."

Coco can't believe his daughter is losing her shit over this singer, but he can't deny how happy it makes him to see Letty be so carefree. Even if she is hanging off the shoulder of a Son.

"Hey, 'mano," Angel nudges Jax, "was she this hot in high school too?"

Jax snorts. "You interested?"

Having heard the conversation since they were shouting it, EZ worms his way in between them. "Please," he scoffs. "She's famous. There's no way she'll slum it with a biker from Santo Padre."

"Well, she did slum it with a biker from Charming," Opie muses.

"Will you four knock it off?" Gemma elbows her way between the four men. "Enjoy the show!"

YN sings a few more songs, back-to-back, and by the time she takes a breather she's panting and heaving on stage. The smile hasn't left her face, but it's obvious her set is coming to an end.

Dragging her stool to the very front of the stage and taking a seat in front of the fan blowing air on stage, YN runs her fingers through her hair before fanning herself as if it'll cool her off faster. She exhales roughly, laughing as the crowd is still in titters. "So, I debated how I wanted to end my set and I think I have it all figured out now," she says. The crowd whoops and YN takes a beat to collect her breath. "The night is winding down so I'm gonna go out with a slow song, but not just any 'ol song. The song I'm going to sing was actually written for me by someone who was very close to my heart. I've held onto it for years and I think it's time I share it with the world." YN glances over her shoulder, watching as a man steps forward, dragging his own stool to take a seat and settling his guitar in his lap. Once he's settled, YN nods at him before addressing the crowd once more. "Sorry in advance if I start bawling."

"It's okay! We love you!" Letty screams.

YN hears and chuckles, looking directly at Letty. "Thank you. I love you guys too." She glances at the guitarist then and nods again, and his fingers start plucking the strings to emit a calm tempo.

"Take it," she sings. "If she gives you her heart, don't you break it. Let your arms be a place she feels safe in. She's the best thing that you'll ever have."

Gemma and Jax glance at each other at the same time. "Near and dear?" He muses.

Gemma shrugs. "She never mentioned anybody."

"She loves pop songs and dancing and bad trash TV. There's still a few other things. She loves love notes and babies and likes giving gifts. Has a hard time accepting a good compliment."

"Yep. Sounds like her," Opie mutters.

As YN sings, she sways side to side on her stool, eyes closed. Then as the chorus is sung again, she reaches up with her free hand and quickly swipes under her eyes. Tara glances at Jax and he shrugs, smiling sadly before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and bringing her close to his side. Whoever wrote this song for her must have really loved her and they wonder if she ever got to experience that love.

"Kiss her with passion as much as you can. Run your hands through her hair whenever she's sad. And when she doesn't notice how pretty she is, tell her over and over so she never forgets."

The chorus comes up again and YN's voice cracks, and the backup singers are quick to pick up right away. She pulls the mic away, trying to smile through her heartache and tears. The crowd picks up on her emotional state and cheers for her, but YN quickly pulls herself together to finish the song.

"She'll love you if you love her like that."

As the song comes to an end, the crowd erupts. YN smiles before bursting into tears, setting her mic down on the stool as her guitarist quickly stands to hug her so she can hide her face. The crowd continues to cheer, some wiping tears of their own, and then YN collects herself long enough to take a bow and thank the crowd for coming.

Jax glances at Tara, only to find her wiping her own tears away. He chuckles at her before pressing a kiss to her forehead and then outright laughs when he sees Juice trying to subtly rid himself of his tears as well.

"This was the best night ever," Letty says, tucked under Coco's arm now. "Thanks for letting us roll up, Jax."

He smirks. "Don't even worry about it, kid. I'm glad you got to enjoy the concert from the front row."

"Night's not over, kiddos," Gemma cuts in. "We're VIP. We get to do a meet and greet."

Letty perks right back up and Gemma leads the group towards the back of the stage, opting for all of them to go last since they had a personal connection to YN.


After cleaning yourself up and making yourself presentable, you have a brief meet and greet with those who had scored VIP bracelets. You take pictures with them all, accepting a few gifts here and there, before a large group comes in together. When you see Gemma leading them, you can't help but laugh and rush up to hug her.

"Hey! I'm so glad you could make it."

"Baby, I wouldn't have missed it for the world." Gemma pulls back, looking you up and down before nodding in approval at whatever she sees. "I even brought some old friends and new ones."

"I can see that." You glance up and over her shoulder, smiling at the two troublemakers you remember from your youth. "Jax. Opie."

"YN." Both men step forward, pulling you into a group hug. Though one of the men broke your heart long ago, you feel nothing but platonic love for your blonde ex.

"God, it's good to see you boys." As you pull back, you catch Jax sheepishly smiling at you.

"I, uh, I want you to meet my wife Tara."

As he reaches for someone just behind him, you smile at the pretty brunette. "Ah. So, you're the infamous Tara." Her smile falters and you wink at her, offering her your hand to shake. "It's nice to finally meet you, even though I'm pretty sure we graduated the same year."

"Likewise." Tara grins. "And can I just say, you're a great singer."

"Thanks." Your eyes slide to the boy in her arms and it takes everything not to coo. Your gaze slides down further to the boy who's holding both Tara and Jax's hands. "Jesus, the Teller genes are really strong in those two."

Jax laughs. "This one standing is Abel and the one in Tara's arms is Thomas."

"How the hell did you end up with angels for kids while I birthed the spawn of Satan?"

Nearly everyone in the room snorts with the exception of Gemma who arches an eyebrow at you. "You got a kid?"


You wince. "Speak of the devil." Turning around, you bend down and scoop up the dark-haired terror making a beeline for you. "Luna, mi amor!" You hug her, kiss her cheek, and then pull back to playfully narrow your eyes at her. "Why aren't you asleep, young lady?"

"Because you sang my favorite song!"

"All my songs are your favorite songs."


Your eyes narrow further. "They gave you candy, didn't they?"

Luna's eyes go wide in her excitement. "So much!"

The room's occupants laugh again and you shake your head. Hitching your daughter on your hip, you turn to face everyone. "Everyone, this is Luna. Love of my life, pain in the butt, but all around a pretty decent kid." She giggles as you tickle her stomach. "Luna, these are mommy's friends from school Opie, Jax and Tara. Tara's boys Abel and Thomas, and then Jax's mommy Gemma."

"And what about them?" Luna points out the other individuals in the room you've yet to meet and your eyes go wide.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry! Hi! Hello." You lurch towards the group of five grinning at you. You shake each of their hands. "Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoyed the show."

"Don't even worry about it, hermosa. And we did." You smile at the handsome man, trying not to blush under his gaze. "I'm Angel."

You glance at the man next to him and he smiles, sticking his hand out. "EZ. Or Ezekiel."

"Hi, EZ."

"Coco. And the whole reason why we're down here is because my daughter Letty is a huge fan." He gestures to the petite brunette beneath his arm and you smile at her.

"H-Hi. It's so cool to meet you. I'm a huge fan."

"Hi, Letty. And thank you. It's always nice to hear that someone enjoys the music you put out."

"I'm, uh, I'm Juice," the final person says. "I came with Jax and the others, but kinda didn't wanna interrupt the whole reunion going on."

"You should have." You chuckle. "I don't think anyone would have cared."

"Mommy," Luna suddenly pipes up, suddenly shy. "I need to potty."

"Alright, babe. One more minute." She nods and you kiss the crown of her head. "Mommy duty calls."

"Don't sweat it, baby," Gemma says.

"Hey, uh, if no one is in a rush to head home, is there a place we can hang out? I really would really like if we could catch up."

"Yeah. The clubhouse is free," Jax says. His gaze then slides over to the Mayans. "You guys are more than welcome to come hang too."

Letty perks up, attention snapping to her dad and expression pleading. He groans, and EZ and Angel laugh. Angel agrees for their group and YN promises to meet them at the clubhouse once she tends to Luna.

"I actually need to put the boys down," Tara says. "Sorry."

You smile reassuringly at her. "Don't be. Thanks for coming. It was nice to meet you."


As Jax walks his wife out, Opie calls out to the Mayans and tells them he'll take the lead on the way to the clubhouse. You wave off Gemma when she offers you a ride and tell her you'll be there as soon as possible, and to make sure no croweaters are around because Luna will be tagging along. She laughs, but agrees to kick everyone out.

After tending to Luna and making sure she's okay with visiting with the people she had just met, you buckle her into her car seat and wind through the familiar streets of Charming until you're pulling up outside of Teller-Morrow Automotive.

Hand in hand with Luna, you walk into the clubhouse and shake your head in bewilderment. "Wow. This place hasn't changed a bit."

"I do not believe it," a voice rings out. "YN, as I live and breathe." The owner of the voice stands up from where everyone had congregated, and you beam at the man you used to tease about marrying when you were younger. Chibs. "And with a wee lass of her own? Times really have changed."

"Hi, Chibs." You walk forward, hugging him with only one arm as Luna refuses to let your hand go. "It's been a while."

"I'll say." As he steps back to take you in, he crouches in front of your daughter. "Hello, lass. Name's Chibs. I used to bail your mom out of jail."

You kick out at him as your daughter's eyes light up and you mentally groan. You know she'll remember that for the rest of her life. "If she blackmails me with that, you're dead."

"She's a bit young for blackmail, isn't she?" Jax calls out.

You shake your head as you find a seat in the corner of a sofa, pulling Luna down next to you. "It's all the Spanish blood running through her veins. She's a menace."

"Wait, you're Spanish?" Angel asks.

You glance at him, grinning. "Yeah. Could you not tell?"

"Well, I didn't want to assume, querida. In this day and age, people are really sensitive about that stuff."

You open your mouth to retort before snapping it shut. He wasn't wrong.

"So, what the hell have you been up to?" Opie asks.

Settling into your seat, you grin. "After I left Charming, I applied for college. Spent four years in school and in my last year is when I met my husband."

"Yeah? And where is he now?" Gemma asks.

Your smile falters, but before you can answer, Luna does. "Daddy's in Heaven with the other angels." Everyone looks at you in surprise and you shrug. "Mommy, I'm thirsty."

Immediately, Juice stands up. "Hey, kid, come on. I think we got something you can drink in the refrigerator."

Luna looks at you for your direction and you grin at her, nudging her to go. She hops off the sofa and walks towards Juice, reaching for his outstretched hand. You smile gratefully at him and when he disappears behind a door, you say, "Andres had a brain aneurysm. Went to bed one night and never woke up."

"Jesus, baby, I'm so sorry."

You nod at Gemma, smiling softly. "Thank you. I've come to terms with his passing long ago, but sometimes I'll do something or someone will say something and I'll get emotional all over again."

"He's the near and dear person you were talking about when you sang that last song, isn't he?" Letty asks. Everyone looks at her and Coco nudges her. She winces and punches him back. "What? I just- I'm sorry. I just assumed because the lyrics were that of someone truly close to her."

You smile at the teenager. "You assumed correctly. Andres wrote that song and he sang it at our wedding."

"So what are your plans now?" Jax asks, changing the subject. "Luna's at that age where she can start school. You going to homeschool her or..?"

You sigh before admitting, "I want to get her enrolled into a school. I'll have to take a major break from the music industry so she can have a normal childhood, but that's all part of being a parent so.."

"Abel's starting school this year too," Gemma muses. "I'm sure he and Luna can use a familiar face in school when they start."

"A Teller and a YLN?" Opie groans. "The teachers won't know what hit them."

"We'll be called for a parent/teacher conference by the end of the week," you mumble.

The group chuckles and when Luna reappears, a little too bright eyed for having just something to drink, you put Juice on babysitting duty. He happily accepts and it isn't long before Opie, Chibs, Gemma and Jax are regaling the Mayan crew about your youth.

Opie tells them all about your stints in detention because of some chick fight you always seemed to be in, Gemma tells them about you and Jax hotwiring a car during a dare, and Chibs tells them about when he had to bail you out of jail for public indecency.

"I was peeing on the side of the road! It wasn't like I was flashing my kitty cat to the world," you grumble.

As the night continues on, you learn about Jax taking over for the Sons and how he made peace with everyone. You muse about wondering how they were at complete ease with the Mayans because the last you remembered, they were on different sides of a war. Then you end up taking pictures with everyone- Juice and Letty getting their own solo pics with you, but everyone else groups together. Gemma and Chibs stand on either side of you, arms wrapped around your shoulders and waist, for one pic. Opie and Jax for another. And then Angel and Coco stand on either side of you with EZ standing on Coco's other side.

When your time is coming to an end, you're surprised to see your daughter on the lap of a Mayan. Angel looks smug as can be that Luna chose him, sitting sideways on his lap with her forehead pressed to his neck as she's half awake, half asleep.

"Well, it seems that's my cue to go and check into our hotel room," you say, gesturing to your daughter.

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Gemma asks.

"Luna and I are going to be at the festival. I have loads of food coupons and wristbands for free entrance and unlimited rides."

"Lucky," Juice grumbles.

"I have more than enough if anyone wants to tag along. I wouldn't mind some of you guys coming, actually, to keep the people at bay."

"Sorry, darlin'," Jax slightly frowns. "We got a run tomorrow."

"And I have errands," Gemma mutters.

"I'm not doing anything tomorrow!" Letty immediately perks up.

You glance at her and then at her dad who's shaking his head. "I gotta get back to make a run for Bishop."

"I'm free," EZ says. "I can give Letty a ride back if the Sons are okay with us staying in Charming."

"Yeah. That's not a problem," Jax says.

Letty turns a pleading gaze to his father and he sighs. "Fine. You can stay."

"One call and I'm free," Angel muses. "I doubt my baby brother will be enough to keep anyone at bay all on his lonesome."

"Thanks. I'd appreciate it."

You spend a few more minutes hammering out the details, trading numbers with EZ, Angel and Letty so you can meet up with them tomorrow and give them their wristbands. Jax offers up a few dorms for the Mayans there at the clubhouse so they don't have to worry about booking any rooms anywhere, and then Angel's offering to carry Luna to the car you had rented when you stand up to retrieve her.

You spend a few minutes hugging your old friends, promising Gemma you would be in touch because you were serious about settling down and wanted her help looking into houses. She was more than ecstatic to hear that and promised to start looking around Charming first.

As you're walking towards your vehicle with Angel at your back, you open up the back door for him. He moves to settle Luna into her seat and her hand drags across his beard. "Mommy?" She sleepily calls out.

"Yes, baby?"

"This one's pretty. Can we keep him?"

Both you and Angel snort at her words, and you can only shake your head at your daughter's audacity. "Well, mami, what's it gonna be?" He asks, crossing his arms over his well-toned chest.

"¡Cállate!" You huff a laugh. "We already have un perro, we don't need another."

"Ouch, querida, that hurt." His shoulders shake as he tries not to laugh too loud and disturb your daughter's sleep.

"Just call 'em as I see 'em, guapo." You smile at him, softening your previous words. "Thanks for carrying her. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Buenas noches, hermosa."

You grin at him. "Buenas noches." 

You and your daughter Luna sleep in the next day, only waking up when the urge to pee can no longer be ignored. Luna is still dead to the world when you finish up your business and then decide to shower when she won't be fighting for your attention while you're naked.

You're ordering some brunch when she finally wakes and then afterwards you help her through her morning routine so she's awake enough to eat without fuzzy teeth. Then once she's full, you help her bathe and dress, and put her hair up into two buns with the ends of her hair sticking out at the bottom to give it a fun and crazy look.

You somehow end up with the same hairstyle as Luna since it made you look a little different and you hoped it was enough to deter any fans from approaching. Then you put on a pair of Aviator sunglasses that had a blue-ish, purple tint, and grabbed up all the wristbands and food coupons you had left over after distributing some to your tour crew.

When you meet up with your group for the day, Letty squeals over your and Luna's hairstyle and immediately busies herself with your daughter. You laugh, shake your head at her, and then greet Angel and EZ with hugs.

"You boys ready for today?" You ask. You gesture for Angel to raise his hand and he does, and you're quick to wrap two bands- neon green and orange- around his wrist. "Someone better get on the SlingShot with me."

"Count me out." EZ chuckles as he offers you his own wrist so you can wrap two bands around him too. "I'll take Luna when you get on though."

"Gatito," you mutter. The brothers laugh as you move onto Letty and Luna, wrapping wristbands around their wrists as well. Then when you're done, Letty wraps the wristbands around your own wrists. "So," you sigh, addressing the group at large, "the plan is for you guys to follow me so you can park the bikes where no one will mess with them. Letty, if you want, you can ride with me and Luna."

"Hell yes."

Once you get Luna situated back in her car seat and Letty buckles up in your passenger seat, you drive towards the festival grounds. You have access to the private parking in the back and you briefly stop to tell security that the two men on motorcycles are with you.

"Alright." You clap your hands excitedly once you're out of your vehicle and everyone is gathered around once again. "Who's excited for some thrills and the most unhealthiest of foods?"

"Me!" Luna screams.

You divide up a handful of food coupons between you and Letty, the two of you shoving them into your pockets since you had a less chance of losing them with how tight your shorts were. Plans were made so that the adult who didn't get on a ride would hold all the phones and then you were off, Luna holding onto your and Letty's hands while Angel and EZ walked a step behind the three of you.

Luna doesn't waste a second before choosing a ride of her choice, choosing a miniature roller coaster in the shape of a dragon that merely went in a loop with a few hills here and there. You can see the horror on her face at the first small drop, but the cheering from you, Angel, EZ and Letty ends up making her laugh and forget all about it.

She goes on the swings and then the train by herself, and then you and Letty get on the enormous slide and the carousel with her much to Angel's amusement. But then the tables are turned when she wants to get on the spinning pool balls, and asks Angel and EZ to get on with her. You and Letty get on as well, phones at the ready to record the broody Reyes brothers on the cheerful spinning carnival ride.

When Luna starts to be uninterested in getting on rides, you decide to feed her. Everyone eats something small while your daughter stuffs her face, and then she gets her face painted and manages to get the Reyes brothers to compete for one of the large plush unicorns for her. Angel wins it and becomes unbearably smug about it, and then the rest of you decide to hit up the funhouses before opting for a ride since the corndogs and lemonade were still heavy in your stomachs.

You and Letty laugh your heads off in the House of Mirrors when Angel walks into a mirror and hits his forehead pretty hard. In another funhouse that has a few different obstacles to overcome, you and Letty stumble over a conveyor belt hallway that changes direction every few seconds. EZ pokes fun when you stumble out of the spinning tunnel at the end, and then you and Letty urge him to do better.

And better he does not do.

The moment EZ steps onto the conveyor belt and it changes direction, he hits the ground with his knees. The look of surprise on his face has you, Angel and Letty losing your collective shits. The belt jerks forwards and backwards, and EZ curses up a storm as he tries to get his feet beneath him while holding onto the railing. By the time he's stumbling out of the spinning tunnel at the end and glaring at the funhouse operator, you and Angel are practically holding each other up with tears in your eyes.

The Ferris Wheel buckets are enough for all five of you to get on and Letty takes plenty of photos of all you inside the bucket plus an aerial view of the carnival all lit up down below. You drag Letty onto the Zipper and the Fireball with you, and before you decide to eat dinner, you beg Angel to get on the SlingShot with you.

Angel's as confident as can be until he actually sees what the SlingShot is and then you can see his confidence waver. But EZ steps in, calls him a coward, and then Angel's dragging you to the line. There are not too many adrenaline junkies so you make it to the front of the line fairly quickly, and all too soon you're being strapped into the spherical seat.

You have to bite back a laugh when Angel makes absolutely sure the ride operator has him secured in properly, but end up caving when you hear Letty and EZ teasing him from the safety of their positions. And when you glance at them, your heart melts a little to see Luna happily seated on EZ's shoulders as Letty holds onto her unicorn for her.

You and Angel are waiting in your seat when you notice a little red light on the camera in front of you turn on. The spherical seat you're in gets reclined backwards so you're now looking up at the darkened sky and you snort when you see Angel cross himself from the corner of your eye.

Glancing directly at the camera, you wink and completely school your expression. "Hey, Angel?"

"Yeah, hermosa?"

"I think we fucked up. I'm having second thoughts."

"Jesus fuckin'- don't tell me that. I didn't even want to get on this ride to begin with!"

You laugh as he starts to curse and then the ride operator starts a countdown. You can hear EZ and Letty join in as you grip tight to the bars that are sitting over your chest, and then the ride operator green lights the ride. You and Angel shoot upward, your scream of terror soon turning into screams of laughter as Angel curses up a storm next to you.

As your seat continues to bounce, turning this way that way and slowing down, you decide to mess with him some more.



You smirk at the hint of a bite in his tone. "I think I'm gonna hurl."

"¡Hijo de puta!" He curses and you snort, shaking with suppressed laughter. "You better not, querida. You better lock that shit down right now."

You're still giggling when the ride comes to a complete stop and the ride operator releases you from your restraints. Angel hurriedly stomps off the platform and you rush to a set of TV monitors to see the pictures. They're absolutely hilarious and you quickly shell out money for the pictures and the DVD video of it all.

With your purchases in hand, you finally rejoin your friends and daughter.

"Did you seriously buy all that bullshit?"

"You bet your sweet ass I did," you tell Angel, causing Letty and EZ to laugh some more. "Now who's hungry?"

With Luna on EZ's shoulders, he leads the way to all the food booths. Everyone takes their time figuring out what they want to eat and after waiting in line at a couple different booths, everyone gathers around a picnic table to eat their findings.

And after eating a cheeseburger with chili cheese fries and half a funnel cake, you can barely manage to keep yourself upright. Your elbows are on the table, chin resting on the palms of your hands as you watch Luna eat and exhibit far too much energy than you think she should be capable of right now.

As soon as Angel finishes his last taco, he wipes his hands off with a napkin and stands up just enough to turn in his seat. Now straddling the bench, he pulls you in so you're resting against his chest. You happen to catch EZ's gaze across the table and he wiggles his eyebrows at you. You roll your eyes and practically melt into his brother.

"So, what's the plan now that you've done your obligation to the festival committee?" EZ asks.

You shrug. "Find a house and plant roots, I guess."

"You were really serious about that?" Letty asks. "Would you still be making music?"

"I want to," you admit. "I love writing, but after tonight- after having a normal night of fun with you guys and my daughter, I just want her to have a semi-decent childhood where people aren't crowding us."

"Where are you going to look for a house at?" Angel asks.

"Most likely here in Charming. Gemma wasn't wrong when she said it would be nice for Jax's kid and my kid to have a familiar face with them when we leave them on their own."

"You don't think that'll be weird? Your kid and your ex's kid going on playdates and shit."

"No." You laugh. "While I can admit Teller aged like a fine wine-" Letty snorts across from you, "-I can also admit that there is no longing or what if's when I look at him. I'm happy Jax and Tara found their way back to each other. Luna wouldn't be here if Jax hadn't broken up with me, so for that I'm also kind of grateful. I don't think I can picture my life without that tiny terror."

"So that's that, huh? You're just gonna be a mom now?" Letty arches an eyebrow at you.

"Sort of. I'll still write, but most likely just sell the songs. I have to keep the cash rolling in somehow," you muse. "And when Luna's old enough, then and only then will I think about getting back into a recording studio."

"Well, whatever you decide, querida, we'll support you."

"Yeah? You think you'll still be around that long down the line, huh?"

"Of course. You've got blackmail material on me. I ain't goin' nowhere."

EZ laughs at his brother. "I need to see that video, YN. The boys back in Santo Padre would pay to see it too."

"Fuck that." Angel frowns. "No one's seeing a goddamn thing."

"Little ears, Angel!" Letty glares at him, covering Luna's ears with her hands. "Shut up."

"I'm pretty she's heard worse or have you not heard her ma?"

You smirk and wink at Letty. "I can't wait until I can attend those PTA meetings. These Charming mothers won't know what hit them."

"Yeah?" EZ chuckles. "I've heard stories about Teller's wife. I have a feeling the two of you are going to piss off a lot of these PTA moms."

"Oh, I'm counting on it."

Songs used in this fic are White Flag by Bishop Briggs, Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish, and If You Love Her by Forest Blakk.

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