DC Universe Gets A Clean Up

Af La_Flame20

280K 7.1K 3.4K

After Accidentally Killing The Joker, Y/n Is Forced To Deal With The Consequences That come With Killing The... Mere

Day 1
Day 2
Day 2.5
Day 2.6
Day 2.9
Day 9
Day 9.2
Day 9.2 (Harley)
Day 10
Day 16
Day 16.2
Day 18
Day 19
Day 21
Day 22
Day 22.1
Day 41
Day 41 (night)
Day 41 (night 1.2)
Day 42 (Dawn)
Day 43
Day 43.1

Day 42.1

2.5K 54 46
Af La_Flame20


That's what was writing on the banner hanging in living room, with balloons on either end. I could see a serving tray at the far end of the room, with an assortment of food and drinks that made me realize I hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon and gulp subconsciously.

I turned my head to the two ladies in front of me holding a cake with big smiles on their faces and I tried to get up but something held me down. Wait. Something held me down.

Y/n: Yo! Get of me, man.

I shrugged Jason off with a bit of hand slapping and unsteadily stood up, halting immediately when I came face to face with the cake. Harley giggled and moved back with it.

Y/n: What's all this? What's going on here?

Harley: What do you mean? Isn't it obvious? We're having a party to celebrate your successful domination of all the parts of Gotham.

I took long look at her innocent and seemingly genuine confused expression before turning to Jason's smirking one.

Y/n: I'mma need an explanation, please and thank you.

Ivy: We. Are. Having. A. Party. For. You.

I glanced back and Jason firmly nodded.

Y/n: But. But I thought Lex..

Harley: Oh I see. Aww my baby was worried for me. Come here and give mommy a hug.

She pounced on me but I sidestepped, gently grabbed her arm and turned her to face me.

Y/n: Tell me what happened. Where's the team he sent?

Harley: Sigh. Well they came for us, yeah, but... *I nodded for her to continue when she stopped* come on. Did you really think they would win?

she folded her arms and turned her nose to the sky, her entire being screaming smug.

Harley: We beat the living hell out of them and left them in the basement. It wasn't even a fight.

Y/n: Really?

Harley: Whoa!* I held her chin and scanned her face for any injuries then her arms and body.* Okayy...

She seemed to be alright so I just accepted what she said and let her go.

Y/n: Okay then. Yo, Brian! Get out here!

He limply crept out of Ivy's shadow and stood in front of her while hesitantly twiddling his thumbs.

Brian: H-hey t-there, boss. Sorry about the call. *He flinched when my eyes narrowed.* They made me do it! They said you would understand. R-right, miss Quinn?

She stiffened when I glanced at her and she quickly pointed to Ivy.

Harley: It was her. I'm innocent. It was all her.

Ivy: Some friend you are. *she folded her arms* Yesterday you were feeling down and everything so I thought maybe this would cheer you up.

Y/n: hey, about that...

Ivy: Shhh. Later.

I nodded then I noticed the other red head in the room. Figures she'll be here. She probably told Jason.

Y/n: And I'm gonna guess you knew too.

Batgirl: Yep. You're a bit early but doesn't this place look amazing? It wasn't easy beating up assassins while setting everything up.

Damn. I wanna see that chapter.

Y/n: Y-yeah* clears throat* yeah. It's great. Whose is it anyway?

Ivy held up a hand as she sashayed back to the table and put the cake down. Dat Ass tho, I ignored him and waved at the two robins and they waved back.

Jason: Enough with the questions. *he rested his elbow on my shoulder with a grin. *So they wanted to throw a surprise party, so what?

Jason: If you're not going to party, *he snapped his fingers and Nightwing threw him a bottle* I am.

You know what, I change my mind. I like this guy

He took a swing then offered the bottle to me. I looked around at everyone and their expectant faces before accepting the bottle. I guess one night can't hurt.

Y/n: You know what? Fuck it. Let's fucking party!

As if on queue, loud music began to play and the lights switched to disco mode. It was at this moment that Harley noticed the cut in my suit. She dragged me to a seat for first aid and I had to reassure her I was fine before she calmed down but she kept glancing at it.

Robin passed me a glass of wine and I heard 'his' chuckle, a sure sign that there was something off about it but I couldn't bring myself to care.

Y/n: So, what brings you two?

Robin: There's something I want to see but I would wait until you're drunk and more, 'compliant'.

Nightwing: What he said.

I nodded and raised my glass for a toast.

Y/n: Okay then, let's have a toast. *they raised their glasses too* With the success of tonight's events, I can proudly say that I have brought peace and security to my new empire.

Red Hood: Your new empire?

Y/n: I meant we. Our new empire? *their disapproving looks did not change* Our... umm... Ah, We won! Cheers everyone. All threats are neutralized.

Batgirl: You just love setting of red flags, don't you?

Y/n: Keep your chin up, Barbs. What's the worst that could happen? Everything is going to be fine. Now who was to feed me?

Surprisingly, no one volunteered.


Black mask took the helmet off and tossed it across the room before standing up and walking away from the console. He had been watching the meeting through Clayface's eyes and talking through him. He picked up a towel and dramatically wiped his face then tossed the towel away.

(Does Black Mask sweat from his face?)

Riddler: That went well. Your performance was great.

Thank you, Nygma. *sigh* Though it didn't go done like we expected.

Riddler: I honestly expected you to loose it to second you saw him. Still, I'm rather satisfied with this outcome.

Black mask: I'm not! his partner wasn't there. Neither was Harley or Ivy. I really wanted to see his face as they become bits and pieces.

He took a breath to calm down and rubbed his chin in thought.

Black mask: Contracts, huh? Really didn't see that coming. No matter.

He put on an overcoat, a hat and wore a skin like mask on his face before he picked up a briefcase Riddler passed to him.

Black mask: let's move on to other things. Riddler?

Riddler: Already on it. *His fingers tapped away at the keyboard* Get moving already. Batman would be here soon.

Black mask nodded and hurried to the exit. Soon after he left, a monitor came on and Riddler stood up at attention.

Riddler: Greetings, Master.

Ra's Al Ghul: How did it go?

Riddler: My apologies but we failed to infect him. The boy arrived alone and even though he definitely got the virus I doubt it would work.

Ra's Al Ghul: Well that was to be expected. What else?

Riddler: Apparently the boy can extend contracts and that is what he used tonight. Black mask attempted to 'negotiate' for ownership but well, Batman interfered.

Ra's Al Ghul: Ahh. *to himself* So they are working together?

Riddler: not quite, master. They seemed to have reached an agreement but the Bat didn't know about the boys plans. Neither does he approve.

Ra's Al Ghul: I was actually referring to the other one.

Riddler: That was a rather fascinating sight. They keep fighting over the body but the boy is still in control. Albeit, waning, fleeting. And I have successfully mapped his mental structure.

Ra's Al Ghul: Haha. Excellent. That would be of great interest for my associate. I assume you have prepared for Batman's arrival?

Riddler: One moment. *he flipped a switch and the building lights began to go off* Annd... Done.

He stood up and grabbed his own briefcase then bowed sincerely to Ra's Al Ghul.

Riddler: For the glory of the Demon's Head.

Ra's nodded and then the monitor went off. Riddler put on his hat and picked up his cane then walked out the same way Black mask did. He took one last look behind him then closed the door.


Y/n: Alright! That really hit the spot! Another!

I had made my way through most of the buffet table and now was relaxing with a glass of wine, patting my belly for extra measure. Robin passed me another glass and I raised it with a smile before taking a big gulp. I felt myself relaxing almost immediately.

Hehe. Yes. Yes. keep drinking.

I ignored him and finished the glass, which Robin quickly refilled.

Y/n: Seriously, this is some good stuff. So what did you want to discuss?

Robin: Not yet. Here, have another.

I graciously accepted and downed it too. Harley snapped her fingers and then took a bottle of wine from under the table and slammed it down with a flourish.

Harley: Okay! Who's up for a little drinking game?

Y/n: Me! Pick me! Pick me! I volunteer!

Harley: You're already drunk. Put you hand down.

Y/n: Nah, it's fine I have a stupid high tolerance. Bring it on, quinnzel, Show me what you got.

Harley: Nah uh uh. Truth or Dare edition, ma boy. You still down?

that's a good move. how would you counter?

Robin: Oh now I'm interested. I'll join.

Jason: No kids allowed.

Robin: Ha! Like you guys are any older.

Y/n: We're at least taller and that's what really matters in this game.

Barbara: How does that even matter?

Harley: Hey! Stop that! *she tried to grab the bottle but Y/n pulled away and guzzled it all down, sighing like a middle-aged overworked salary man.

Y/n: Woohoo! I *hiccup* WIN!

Harley: Seriously, where are you putting it all?

Y/n: I thold you *hiccup* I have... Tolra*hiccup* to-le-rance.

Jason: Andd, He's wasted. I'll get him out of here.

Robin: No! He's perfect.

Jason: What are you talking about?... Damian, put the knife down.

Robin froze in place with his knife inches from Y/n's exposed neck. He frowned but didn't pull away.

Robin: What? He'll be fine, no? It's not every day you get a willing immortal test subject.

Y/n: Waa!? Test... Subject? I'm *hiccup* down.

Damian: See, he consents.

Nightwing: Damian, knife.

Y/n: No, no. Seriously, I'm down. I've got a few things I always wanted to try. *I tossed my gun to Jason* Shoot me in the face.

Y/n took a step and quickly tripped over his own feet but Jason quickly held him up. He looked to Grayson for support but he just shrugged and leaned back even further in his seat.

Nightwing: Not getting involved. I only came here to drop him off. I have a... thing coming up and I need someone watching Damien.

Jason: So? His Dad is still in the city, no? Even Alfred.

Nightwing: Batman is busy. And today is Alfred's day off, remember?

Jason: And the Titans?

Y/n: I luv those guys. Whoa, everything is swimming. Ouch!

Batgirl: Damian! Would you stop that!

she reached for the syringe but was too late and a healthy amount of Y/n's blood had already been drawn. Two syringes full in fact.

Nightwing: Go on Damian, tell us why you can't stay with the Titans.

Robin: Some people tend to get too familiar and don't recognize their limits.

Nightwing: He kicked beast boy of a roof and then hung him upside down, naked over a highway. Over a 'your Mama' joke.

Y/n: Haa! You- *hiccup* are my new favorite... person. *loud whisper* I think you are the best Robin.

Jason: You know what, I've been waiting to do this for a long time.

He took aim but Ivy grabbed the guns with some plant vines.

Ivy: Not in the house. I'm not cleaning up blood too. Outside, now!

Robin: Come on, let's go to the roof.

Y/n: Aye, to the roof, my young Padawan.

Batgirl: Now I kinda wanna go too. *she held his other arm and soon the four were out the door. Harley sank into a chair and picked up a tablet and then began to rewatch episodes of the office.

Nightwing: You're not going with them?

Harley: Nah. They're not kids anymore. Besides, I'll just ruin their fun.

Nightwing: You do know you're not Y/n's mother.

Harley and Ivy burst into laughter and then Harley pulled out some papers and waved them in his face. His surprise grew when he noticed they were official adoption papers for Y/n.

Harley: I quite literally am. But he doesn't know yet. So don't tell him! It's his birthday surprise.

Nightwing: You stay you, Harley. Don't ever change.

Harley: Why thank you. You know, I'm sensing a lot of tension from you. Is there anything you want to talk about?

Nightwing: Not my therapist, Harley.

Who said I wanted to be? We can all see you're a young man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Being Nightwing and also taking care of the Teen Titans, I'm sure you can handle it and still find the right time to propose to Starfire.

He gave her a deadpan look before throwing his hands up and leaning back in the couch.

Nightwing: Okay, so I do plan to propose but I don't know how to do it. Something always comes up.

Harley: Yes, the stress must be straining your relationship. It's very frustrating, isn't it. Maybe I could give you some advice that could help.

Nightwing: Really?

Harley: Of course. But first, why don't you take a moment to unburden yourself. I'm sure you have a few things that have been bothering you. It's okay, I won't judge no matter what you say.

Nightwing: Where do I even start.

Harley: How about your morning how was it? Make your self comfortable. There's no rush.

Ivy laughed bitterly to herself as Nightwing adjusted to lie down in the sofa and began to spill his sorrows to Harley.

Ivy: And that's 200 bucks gone. Shouldn't have taken that bet.


And Done.

Sorry this took so long. I had it ready on Saturday but internet was acting up. Anyway thanks for readying and if you want to support me you can check out my buymeacoffee page.


I'm working on a new project and a few one shorts. Anyway stay safe and remember.

The Divine Bread Watches us All.

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