Opposite's Still Attract || J...

Door itsmehyunnieee

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When Jimin first set foot in University, he had his head held high and his record clean. Enter Jeon Jungkook... Meer

A/N: Please read!
1 • Spilt coffee
2 • Ionic Chemical Bonds
3 • Lab Partners
4 • Closer
5 • Only Exception
6 • Come my way
7 • For you
8 • Spade's Miracle
9 • Meetings
10 • Introductions
11 • Carnival
12 • Preparations
13 • Airport
14 • Intramurals
15 • Forthcoming
16 • Hospital
17 • Events
18 • Dinner
19 • Dangers
20 • Unsettled
21 • Rekindled
22 • Chaos
23 • Reconditioned
24 • Patching
25 • Volleyball
26 • Flowing
27 • Hawaii
28 • Promise Rings
29 • Serendipity
30 • Decisions
32 • Conflict
33 • Aced
34 • Moving In
35 • Graduation
36 • Rest
37 • Proposal
38 • Unwinded
39 • Final Preparations
40 • Wedding
Epilogue: Opposite's Attract
Special Chapter: FAQ

31 • Again

974 54 42
Door itsmehyunnieee

“I'll see you a week after semester starts?” Jungkook asked, staring at his boyfriend from the driver's seat with a fond smile.

Arriving back in Seoul was a breeze, the flight didn't even seem half as tiring as it was on the way to Hawaii.

Though spring break had already halted for them, Jimin had a weeks off to fulfill his extracurriculars for his environment class which consisted of community cleaning and planting trees outside of campus.

Jungkook may not be able to see him in campus for a week, so that's still a concern.

“Do you think you could live for a week without me?” Jimin teased, pressing the lock to release his seat belt and sliding it back into place. “I think you'd show up in front of my door after a few days.”

“I make no promises.” Jungkook says cheekily, “but I guess you're right. I'm not so sure if I can though since I have on site trainings coming up.”

“For your dad's business?” Jimin inquired, tilting his head to the side as he opens his door; quickly being followed by his boyfriend who walks to the back door of his Lamborghini to open the booth and pull our the silver-haired's luggage.

“Mmhm. I think I'll be pursuing business.” the raven haired replied, placing his boyfriend's luggage near the porch and folding his arms. “Well then, off you go Jeon Jimin.”

“Jeon Jimin?” the silver-haired repeated with an amused smile, “We're going by name basis now? No more nicknames?”

“Nope.” Jungkook chuckled, leaning down to steal a chaste kiss from the latter. “I just wanted to call you that for my ego. Miracle is still up in the books.”

“Alright, handsome. Off you go, stop sweet talking me.” Jimin giggled, opposing his statement by holding onto his boyfriend's shoulders gently and leaning in for another kiss.

Jungkook tilts his head to accommodate him, eyes fluttering shut as their lips hovered closely to one another.

“I said no kissing on the front porch!” Hoseok screeched, the door slamming open from the inside as Jimin's brother held out his weapon; a used spatula.

Jungkook screams at the intrusion, losing his balance and tripping on the first step. He lands on the grass with a soft thud and a startled looking Jimin with his hands still positioned in the air from where he was holding the raven haired.

“H-Hobi-hyung!” the raven haired gasped out, pressing a hand over his heart and sighing both in disappointment and shock.

“You two will not infiltrate this porch again!” Hoseok yelled out, waving the spatula around aggressively as Jimin presses his lips together to hide his laugh at his brother's appearance.

The tangerine haired still had a white moisturizing face mask plastered on his face whilst using a BT21 Mang headband which is holding his hair up and away from his forehead. “I've seen you the first time and I'm forever scarred! Leave the kissing at Jungkook's house!”

“Wait until we get married, hyung.” Jimin snorted, pulling his luggage back in their apartment. “So you'll have this apartment to yourself and you can kiss Taehyungie and Yoongi-hyung endlessly.”

“Hey!” Hoseok yelled out, his face was still covered by the mask so it's impossible to know if he's blushing but judging from the flustered look on his face Jimin considered his teasing a job well done.

“Off you go now, Jeon.” Jimin shooed, helping his boyfriend up back on his two feet and kissing his cheek as a farewell. “I'll see you. Call me and text me, okay?”

“I love you!” Jungkook hurried out to say, pressing another kiss on the smaller's forehead and pulling away reluctantly. “I'll text you when I get home. Promise.”

“I love you too, Spade.” the latter responded warmly, lifting a hand up to wave at Jungkook farewell as Hoseok comment's something about them being icky and sweet.

Jimin doesn't disagree, he's doubting they'll ever stop being in the honeymoon phase.

He has no complaints either way.


The week went by like a breeze, the blond—yes, he had colored his hair back to blonde again because he was getting tired of the silver. He was debating on orange and brown but ended up settling with blond first as he left the bolder colors for another time.

Jimin swears his scalp should be complaining right now but his hair remained silky despite the chemicals already present, so he considers himself lucky because of that.

Monday rolled around pretty quickly, and before he knew it he's already standing in front of the University gates with his iced coffee on his other hand and his phone on the other. He walks in the halls; typically an hour earlier than his first class and is already surprised to be greeted by Yoongi and Namjoon who were carrying a pile of papers.

“Oh! Hey, Miracle! Good morning!” Namjoon greets, lifting a hand up to wave.

“You're here early.” Jimin says, his brows raising at the sight of Bambam and Jackson sliding through the halls with a bunch of paint buckets and brushes. “Oh my God, Nevermind. I guess you're all here early.”

He's also suprised to see the variety of their clothing, now they did have their own style prior from Spring break but they usually wore black every single day. Jimin thinks maybe it was to appear scarier, but he thinks he liked their fits way more now because they looked comfortable and more themselves.

“It was kind of a Spade's order.” Yugyeom chimed in, passing through the three with a rolling mop bucket and the mop itself. “We're all on theatre prop duty, we volunteered for more points in extracurriculars before graduation! They're playing Into the Woods I think.”

“Out of the way, losers!” Jaebum teased, pulling a rolling stand which had a half built paper machete tree. “Oh, hello blonde Miracle! Good morning!”

On top of the tree was Taehyung, his hands and face consiting of splotches of paint as he stradled the half finish trunk and held a paint brush with his two hands both in different shades of green. He uses two hands to wave at Jimin uselessly, his smile blinding.

“Hi, Mimi!” Taehyung greets, Jin's head popping out of the trunk hole in confusion when he hears his bestfriend's name.

Jimin supresses a giggle at Jin's tousled hair and paint smeared cheek, passing his half finished iced coffee to the latter when the sliding platform comes near to him.

“You can join us if you'd like, Miracle.” Jinyoung stated with an encouraging smile, holding his own box of fake tree leaves. “Spade's also in the theater right now, when we left he was helping Jackson and Bambam carry boxes and paint some props.”

“Okay, I guess I will since I have an hour vacant.” Jimin relented, quickly pressing his code in his locker– spoiler it was changed to Jungkook's birthday. He swiftly places his backpack in there.

He pockets his phone and wallet then slams the locker door close, rushing to catch up with the Ace's who were engaged in a dramatic conversation about the best musical they've watched.

As they walked through the halls, Jimin notices a tiny change in the Ace's behavior towards other people. They seemed reserved and very huddled to themselves back then, but now they're greeting and engaging in small talk with some of the people they pass through the halls.

Jimin wonders what he may have missed.

“By the way, Miracle. Some of the Ace's are trying out for the basketball team, I heard they're short with members for the upcoming Nationals.” Mark discussed from beside Jimin, popping up with a box filled to the brim with clothing pieces.

“I'd support you guys.” Jimin says brightly, facing the Ace's as he walked backwards. “I'll bring baked goodies so you'll have delights to eat whether you win or lose!”

His smile widens even more when he hears them all cheer at the promise in genuine delight, even calling Jimin the best again as they entered the Campus' auditorium with loud chatters.

“You guys took too long!” Jackson wailed, grabbing ahold of the other handle of the rolling platform and pulling it further in. “Get the damn tree in the set before my next class starts!”

“What's your next class anyway?” Jaebum grumbled, picking up his speed and pushing the platform further so the other Ace's could pull the prop on stage without breaking anything.

“Seokjin's inside the tree!” Taehyung screeched in panic, flailing his paint brush around. The Ace's pause their ministrations immediately, tapping the paper machete as Seokjin yelps from inside— reasoning that he was holding up parts of the tree that weren't dry yet. “Oh my God, be careful hyung!”

Jimin starts laughing at the unmanly shriek his best friend let's out when he crawls out of the tree as carefully as he could so he wouldn't break it, dropping on his stomach on the stage floor with a pained grunt.

“Hey, watch out!” Bambam yelled, his figure being held up by a platform and a bunch of secured ropes on his waist. He had accidentally let go of the cardboard moon he was trying to hang on the set. “Miracle, Watch out!”

Jimin screams, looking up at the cardboard in terror and raising both of his arms up to avoid the prop but his boyfriend pops out of nowhere with a huge bush in hand which he uses to casually block the big moon out.

“Ya! Kunpimook Bhuwakul!” Jungkook scowled out, glaring at the Ace who scratches the back of his neck in shame.

“It's giving Alpha.” Taehyung says seriously, using his paint brush to angle it on Jungkook's face like he was an actual painter scoping the background.

“Alpha Jungkook terrorizing the poor Ace by calling him by his full Thai name.” Seokjin cackled out, slapping his thigh as he starts laughing hysterically with the other Ace's.

“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked, turning to his boyfriend with a concerned look on his face despite the ridiculousness of the situation as he still held a massive bush on top of his head.

“It's a piece of cardboard, bunny.”  Jimin giggled out, “I would be okay even if I got hit.”

“Just checking. You might get a random paper cut on something.” Jungkook grumbled, noting the teasing lilt to the blond's tone. “Blond looks perfect on you, I think I'm biased to this color because it reminds me of when we met.”

“I think you're being cheesy.” Jimin says, stepping forward to press a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek. He compliments the yellow jacket the taller was wearing, saying something about it suiting his skin color to which he also earned a kiss on the cheek for.

“Has anyone told you about the try-outs?” Jungkook asked wearily, licking his lips and wringing his fingers together. Jimin feels warmth bloom in his chest once he sees that the taller was still wearing the promise ring.

“Yeah, Basketball right?” Jimin humored, helping Jackson by passing the box of leaves to him as the Ace winks at him as a thank you. “I told them I'd bake for them.”

“Well--” Jungkook says, fixing the bush on where it was supposed to be placed on the stage and dusting his hands off. “I'd love to have a baked treat too, but I think I'd feel better if I hear you cheering for me the loudest.”

“Wait, you're joining too?!” Jimin says in disbelief, turning to his boyfriend in shock.

The raven haired shrugs, folding his arms and smiling. “I think I'll do pretty well. It's a new challenge, besides Yoongi-hyung also agreed to try out too so that means I should.”

“Because Gi-gi is lazy.” Taehyung says helpfully, bumping his hip with Jimin when Jungkook tells his boyfriend he's just going to help with the sound system and lights.

“He's the laziest out of the Ace's so him volunteering to try out is a big thing.” the brunet continued as he puts the paint brush in an open paint bucket and turns his attention fully to his best friend. “It convinced most of us except Namjoon, me and a select few because we have other clubs we wanted to join. For example, I got into the music club as a saxophonist player.”

“Actually?!” Jimin yelled, turning to his best friend with bright eyes and hugging him immediately. “Oh my God, Taetae! That's such a big thing, Congratulations!”

“It isn't that grand.” Taehyung says shyly, lowering his head as a soft blush stays on his cheek. “Everyone has been trying to keep their life in check since the Ace's pulled out from the Board of Deeds so I also wanted to try something I've been meaning to try too.”

“Wait.” Jimin paused, pulling out from the hug and looking at Taehyung with his eyebrows raised. “What do you mean?”

“The Spade.” Namjoon says, hopping to sit at the edge of the stage and looking up at where Taehyung and Jimin stood. “That night at the campfire in Hawaii, he was going to  withdraw as the Spade.”

“Withdraw?!” Jimin says in shock, passing jis gaze from Taehyung to Namjoon as if he felt betrayed that he was only being told about this now. “Like actually pull out as a gangster?”

Jimin knew exactly what withdraw meant, he didn't study the Ace of Spade's rulebook for nothing.

“Uhuh.” Yoongi says, sitting on the spare chair situated at the side of the stage as he smoothly joins their conversation. “He was very serious, he didn't want us to think that he was choosing to abandon the Ace's because he said we were his family.”

“There was even a disclaimer at the start.” Namjoon continued, chuckling at the memory. “He told us his decision was coming from him instead of from you. He not only wanted to focus on his future but he also wanted to prove so much to himself.”

“I, of course, didn't approve. I don't want to be the Spade.” Taehyung mumbled, sitting on top of Yoongi's lap who accomodates him immediately. “I never wanted to be the Spade in the first place, I only became Jungkook's second in hand because I loved him and I wanted to be there no matter what he decided to do.”

“The ring was a very big deal for him, Miracle.” Jackson interjected, throwing a hand over his shoulder and tilting his chin towards their Spade. “Jungkook forgot everything about his past when you gave him the ring, it's like he was ashamed of having to be a gangster. He wanted to be someone stable, someone who could be the best man for you before you guys actually get married.”

“As hopeless romantic as it seems.” Namjoon added, turning to look at Jungkook fondly. “It was a very Jungkook move to do, and therefore it was also a slap to our own faces that we were graduating and we need to keep our life in check.”

“But the prospect of not being the Ace's anymore, hurt us more than it would have.” Yoongi says this time, resting his head on Taehyung's shoulder. “because like Jungkook said, the Ace's were always more than just a gang. We were his family as much as he was ours.”

“So you guys are still continuing?” Jimin inquired, tilting his head curiously and looking up at Jackson. “Right?”

“Na-uh, Miracle.” Jackson filled in, ruffling the blond's hair and stepping back. “We're deciding to keep the title of Ace of Spades but we're no longer gangster's.”

“And you need to go to class because your Oral Communication speech is going to start in a few minutes.” Yugyeom scolded, grabbing Jackson by the ear and pulling him out of the group huddle. “See you around, Miracle!”

“Good luck!" Jimin hurried out to say, earning two salutes in response as the blond returns his gaze to his other best friend's.

“Don't think you pressured Jungkook into doing anything.” Taehyung comforted as he massaged his boyfriend's scalp gently. “I've known him since we were in diapers, he wants to prove to himself that you didn't make the mistake of trusting your life on him.”

“It's in his nature to be selfless.” Namjoon explained, scratching the top of his lip in thought. “So for his sake, Miracle; Just don't bring up anything about his past. He wants to forget his mistakes and start on a blank slate, he's working on himself.”

“Please be patient with him, Mimi.” Taehyung says, his eyes gleaming with emotion. “Jungkook is the most husband material ever,  please be his end game. We all need you to be his end game.”

“There will never be any other Miracle than you.” Yoongi complemented with a soft smile. “Please take care of the Ace of Spades, Miracle. This time as your family.”

“You've always been family.” Jimin says, placing a hand on his heart as he felt gratitude wrap around him like a blanket.

“What are we talking about?” Jungkook says brightly, skipping to hug Jimin and press a kiss on his forehead. “Miracle, want to go have lunch at the rooftop later?”

“Yes to the rooftop.” Jimin agreed, rising on his tippy toes to kiss Jungkook's nose. “Wanna walk me to class, Tiger?”

“I haven't even passed the Try-outs yet!” Jungkook exclaimed with wide eyes at the nickname, Taehyung gives Jimin a thankful smile just before they start walking out the auditorium.

The blond looks at Jungkook, stares at him rather with a look of serenity painted on his features. Jimin thinks that he can't wait to marry this douchebag even if it takes him a thousand more years.

“What is it?” Jungkook asked, touching his face consciously. “Do I have anything on my face, Miracle?”

“Nothing.” Jimin replied, cupping the Taller's cheeks and halting their steps. He faces his boyfriend and then kisses him square on his lips, not minding the other student's who pass by them. “I just love you.”

“I love you too, Jeon Jimin.” Jungkook whispered, his eyes sparkling underneath the shitty lighting of their University's hallway. “I love you too.”

“Now get me to class, Spade.” Jimin teased, running his fingers through the raven's hair. “Miracle's order.”

“Yes, sir!”


Author's Note:
Yehey, I finally finished this. Idk why it took me so long it was supposed to be updated two days ago. Anyway, enjoy! Stay safe and lovely, lovelies!

xo Hyunnie ♥️

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