Secret Twins of Oh Sehun

By SGPresents

274K 7.7K 1.1K

Exo Sehun is a father and It's a secret. More



8.7K 264 45
By SGPresents


"Daddy is here!"

It was another day when Sehun decided to come by and see the kids. It wasn't like he doesn't have time, He usually comes every single day. Picking them up from school and Sending them home. He became an instant school driver for the twins for a few days. But then Haeun never heard him complaint of his responsibility. He even seems to be enjoying his task.

"I'll go get it!" Jieun jumps off the couch and ran through the door.

Jihun remained probing by the window. Gliding the curtains at the corner to see a better view of his dad from outside. Sehun smiled upon catching sight of him.

Just before Sehun could knock, Jieun reach the knob and open the door wide for his entrance. Sehun heard another light thuds on the floor from the right-wing, It was Jihun.


"Hey, there you two!"

He laughs as soon as the twins came clasping his waist. Sehun took off his usual disguise, Mask, shades and a head cap, before leaning down to reach them. They both smooch his cheeks.

"I miss you two. Did you miss, Daddy?"

Sehun didn't come yesterday because of a mandatory meeting held by their company. But good thing, Jiwoo was available to take care of the kids. While Haeun gets to work by Saturday because of her boss's request.

"We miss you too, Daddy! We thought you wouldn't come today." Jieun made a sad face. Sehun giggle and pinch her sunny cheeks.

"Sorry, Baby. Daddy just have to take care of his work. Can you forgive me?"

They both nod in unison. Sehun suspect the place when she didn't saw Haeun reaching them anytime soon. He informed her about coming today. Unless she has another urgent attendance at work by Sunday that needs to be fulfilled. His jaw clench, tough.

"Are you looking for Mommy, Daddy?" Jihun said in a giggle. "She's having a bath upstairs."

He felt relief upon hearing the answer from his son. Sehun played his hair before pulling the kids at the living room. Guess they'll be waiting for her to finish.

"Daddy, what kind of work do you have?"

The very talkable Jieun asked after sitting on the couch again. Sehun was in the middle, Jihun at the left side and Jieun over his lap.

"Daddy performs. Don't you know that?"

The two look at him distracted. The farther the days that past by, The longer he recognizes the resemblance of the kids from him. Jihun is the perfect epitome of his childhood. All his traits were very much his side. However, his characteristics are all from Haeun. He was like a good combination of his features and Haeun's personality, calm and serenity.

Then Jieun. She's a little bit naughty sometimes. Which was his own manner when he was little. She loves to have random chitchats too. First it was barbie dolls then suddenly skip to her princess imagination. However, Her eyes resembled of Haeun. Light and hooded almond. The rest was his. From the nose, lips, and shapes. They inherited most of his traits the reason why they look more of him at different angles.

"Do you perform like the disney princesses?" Sehun chuckle and kiss her cheeks. Enunciating of her favorite characters.

"No, Baby. It's not like that."

"Do you perform like the idols on the tv?" Jihun catch his thought. He look so amused.

"Yes, Daddy performs and do concerts."

The twins look at each other. They were confuse and didn't want to believe. Here he thought the kids knew about his job. looks like Haeun made it up too.

"What's the name of your group, Daddy?" Jihun protruded.

Sehun doesn't know if it's right to let them know the truth at this moment. But he trust his kids. They are too smart than what they are and They easily understand any situation.

"Do you know Exo?"

The twins were more surprise now. They nod in unison.

"Daddy is a part of Exo." He grin upon seeing their reactions. "Can you guess who I was in the group?"

"You're Oh Sehun. The Maknae." He wasn't even surprised of how sharp Jihun's mind was. C'mon. He is like a walking dictionary. Too smart to know everything at the age of five.

"We have a celebrity Daddy?!" Jieun squealed making him laugh.

"Yes. But we have to keep it a secret because Daddy wants you to be safe."

"Is it that's why you always wear a disguise?" Sehun nod and fix his cap.


He caress their heads and thought, His kids are very smart. Haeun was very open to them about many things that's why they intend to think of possible aspects when they got involve in a tough situation. They think mature at their age and he is proud of that.

"So, Can we keep it a secret?" They both nod.

Jieun hugs his nape and said, "I don't want to share my daddy to your fans when you're home. You're mine."

Sehun gleamed at her possessive ways. That was more of him right there.

"Don't worry, Baby. Daddy is yours forever."

HAEUN just finish drying her hair when she decided to walk downstairs. Sporting her casual clothes on weekends, Tshirt and comfortable shorts, She check the kids and heard them laughing at the living room. But then another voice she overheard that made her heart skipped into tranquillity.


Why did she forgot that Sehun's coming by today?

She was about to go on and change. But it's too late. Jihun caught her at the door frame. "Mommy, Daddy is here!"

His little boy grab her arms and pulled her inside the room. She instantly snatch Sehun's attention from the couch. Jieun was sitting on his lap, giggling at some point.

"H-Hey?" She tried to act normal.

His eyes scanned her body. She felt a lump over her throat at what he did. The shorts were obviously too little, It show excess parts of her skin underneath.

"Hey." He greets after.

"D-Did you have your breakfast already? I cooked some food in the kitchen this morning." And now she's being considerate.

Great. Just great, Haeun.

"No, It's fine. I had some food before getting here so."

Haeun nods and purse her lips. She sat at the couch not that far from them. She cursed inwardly when she felt the fabric elevated, Almost reaching her waist. She really have to change but that'll be so rude to leave them like that.

Sehun cleared his throat before beginning to speak, "Haeun, We talked about their Family Day at school while your upstairs."

She glance at Sehun in surprise. "The kids told you about it?"

He nod not having hesitation. "Yes and I'm planning to come."

Haeun was more astound with his timely decision. It'll be too complicated if he comes. What if somebody caught him at the event? or maybe someone will recognize him?

Sehun is very popular not to be noticed by anyone.

"You know it wouldn't be that easy for you to join, Sehun."

He shake his head stubbornly. "Don't you trust me on this one? The kids will be fine, Haeun. and so do you."

She stared at his eyes with evident doubts. It's not that she doesn't trust how he handle the situation. She's worried about the people surrounding them. People nowadays are too attentive. Mostly, when they knew they were enclosed with any celebrity. Therefore, News happen too fast the following day ahead.

"I-It's not that."

"Trust me, Haeun. You and the kids will be safe, And I'll be joining you guys normally."

Haeun sigh. Though she was against his plan, Sehun is a little stubborn on the aspects he wants.


"Daddy is also planning to stay here tonight, Mommy!"

Haeun was in daze. Stay overnight? Sehun chuckles and played Jihun's hair. the little boy laugh.

"Daddy will stay if Mommy says yes. We talk about that already."

How many hours has she gone again? They seem to have a lot of conversation and plans than she expected.

"Mommy, please? Let daddy stay here for the night." Jieun went to her and made a pleading face. Those almond eyes that twinkle almost made her bit the bait.

"Daddy still have work tomorrow, Jieun. Maybe when he has free time."

"I don't have any schedule so it's fine, Haeun."

Her eyes blink more than twice. Confuse and Pressure crammed her being. She couldn't think more when exchange gazed with Sehun and Jieun.

"Okay." The three cheered in joy. That was fast and Why She couldn't feel any hesitation?

"Is daddy going to stay in your room, Mommy?"

Haeun felt her cheeks blush. Damn. Not now. She have to withstand her marbles.

"No, Daddy will stay in Uncle's room." The twins made an awful face but then moved to another cheer.

"HYUNG, Do you think we have the right address?"

Chen who's all in confusion ask. He carefully reviewed the map on his phone locator once more.

"Let me see!" Kris now in annoyance of his complaint. He snatch the phone. "Seriously? Checking the map locator is the most simplest thing you'd do to help."

Suho sigh beside Kris, at the Driver's seat. "We shouldn't have brought you two."

He groan regretting of his plan to let Baekhyun and Chen come to fulfill their undercover mission.

"It was Chen's fault. Not mine!" Baekhyun whine. The two made fake punches at each other.

"Stop it you two." Kris scold still eyeing the locator. "We only need to turn after two streets, Suho. Three houses and we're there."

Suho started the engine and followed Kris direction instead of the two rascal. After few turns, Baekhyun check his phone to look at the neighborhood. Eyeing carefully, He panick when he saw a trance of the house they were searching for.

"Yah yah yah!"

The other three was astound of his loud and high pitch voice.

"What the hell, Baekhyun?!" Kris shrieked in annoyance.

"Why do we even decided to bring them instead of Kyungsoo and Lay?" Suho protruded. Baekhyun was still hysterical.

"You were the one who ask them to come with us. So don't count me on that, Suho." They both shook their heads at the loud boys at the back seats.

"Suho, Hurry! Let's leave!" Chen jerk his shoulder. Baekhyun followed after.

"They might see us. Oh my gosh!"

"How the heck would they see us inside a fully tinted car, You idiots!" Kris yell making them resurfaced.

"That's the house we were looking for! Look!" Baekhyun referred his fingers at the two-story house with a small gates in front. He held his phone to the air so they could compare in between.

"Someone's coming out."

There eyes scanned. Patiently waiting who'd come out. They were shock to see Sehun. A woman then came behind him. But she paused at the door frame and look at both sides of the road.

"That woman is so pretty."

"Is that her ex?"

"I guess so."

"He's lucky then. So, Damn lucky!"

They watch Sehun proceed to his car. He seized a bagpack from the back seat and shut the door. They were surprised.

"He staying for the night?" The four looked at each other, flabbergast.

"No one knows he's staying here for the night?" The three shake their heads at Kris. "Even Luhan?"

"Kris you were there this morning. He only said he'd go see to the kids but not staying overnight." Suho said like a fact.

"Damn." They all sigh.

"Did someone told him to use protection this time?"

"Kris hyung!" The three wail. Suho punch his chest. He laugh at there reaction.

"Stop acting like kids. You're too old to know condoms and such." He scowl. "As if the name would put you to hell."

He's just being candid.

HAEUN didn't know how to compose herself that night. After having their dinner, Sehun volunteer to help wash the dishes and tuck the kids to bed later on. It was his first overnight. Now she's here standing by the door frame watching him play with the kids.

It's close bedtime already so they have a few minutes left to bond.

"Daddy, Will you read me some story books before we sleep?" Jieun who keep clinging to him ask.

Sehun nod and kiss the tip of her nose. It made her giggle. "What story do you want?"

"Princess stories! I love the swan lake!"

Jieun jump off his lap and went to their small bookshelves. She started digging each layer of it until she found the swan lake princess. She went back to Sehun to show it to him.

"Here, Daddy!"

Sehun glance at the door frame and saw Haeun silently watching them. She quickly averted her gaze when his eyes meet her. She went inside the room to join Jihun instead.

He took a deep breath before opening the book. Jieun sat on his lap again so he lean back the couch to make her comfortable.

"Daddy you have to make sound of it, Okay? Mommy does that all the time." His little girl request clutching his neck.

He cleared his throat and glance at Haeun once more. Jihun was having a conversation with her as he tuck into bed already.

Sehun did what her princess ask him to do. He played along with the storytelling and made extraordinary sound effects. He did a good job though. Until he heard little snoaring over his chest. He lend the book at his side and kiss Jieun's forehead.

What a fragile little angel.

"You could send her to bed now."

Haeun seized his attention. He carried her to bed afterward and plant Jihun a kiss on the forehead before leaving the twin's room.

"Thank you for the help tonight." She said sincerely.

"It's the least thing I could do." Pursing her lips, She nod at him and motioned her room.

"I'm heading to bed now. If you need something, Don't hesitate to knock on my door." Sehun nod and left a genuine smile.

"Have a good night, Haeun."

She stood there saying nothing for about five seconds. "Y-You too."

That was a sign for her to go. So, she did. She almost flee on the way to her room and lock the door without looking back again..

Of course, She just was joking herself to not do that. Haeun did check Sehun one last time. She was facing his ample back before finally closing the gap between them.

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