Fictional Character One-Shots...

By shiftsandgiggles999

83K 1.8K 320

This will simply be various scenarios involving whatever fictional character I'm feeling that day. There will... More

Narcissa M. X Female Reader & Lucius M. X Female OC A Summer Worth Remembering
Narcissa Malfoy X Reader A Modern Lovestory
Narcissa Malfoy X Female Reader (smut) Beach Day
Narcissa Malfoy X Female Reader Thunderstorm
Narcissa Malfoy x Female Reader Period Pain
Narcissa Malfoy X Reader Little Space
Narcissa Malfoy X Reader Panic Induced Fever Dreams
Narcissa Malfoy X Female Reader (Smut)
Narcissa Malfoy x Female Reader (smut)
MPHFPC The New Housemate (Fluff)
Narcissa Malfoy X Female OC The Boggart
Narcissa Malfoy X Reader (The Funeral)
Narcissa Malfoy X Female Reader A Modern Smutstory
Narcissa Black X Female reader A Modern Smutstory pt. 2
Day of the Death Eaters Part 1 (NM X Female Reader)
Day of the Death Eaters Part 2 (NM X Female Reader)
Day of the Death Eaters Part 3 (NM X Female Reader
Day of the Death Eaters Part 4 (NM X Female Reader)
Narcissa Malfoy X Female Reader (Smut)
Day of the Death Eaters Part 5 (NM X Female Reader)
Day of the Death Eaters Part 6 (NM X Female Reader)
Day of the Death Eaters Part 7 (NM X Female Reader)
Narcissa Malfoy X Female Reader The Boggart Part Two
NM X Female Reader Mafia Boss (Smut)
The New Fairy
NM X Dom Reader (Smut)
NM X Female Reader Smut
NM X Female Reader "My Princess" Part 2
NM X Female Reader (Smut)
NM X Female Reader "My Princess" Part 3
NM X Female Reader "Cam Girl" (Smut)
NM X Female Reader (Smut)
NM X Female Reader "Cam Girl" Part 2
Tina Goldstein X Reader (Smut)
NM X Female Reader (Fluff)
Update on "My Princess"
The Werewolf (Hurt/Comfort/Fluff)
Random Snippets
NM X Reader (Smut)
Royal Exhibition (Little Bit of Smut)
Royal Exhibition Part 2
Regina Mills X Reader (Smut)
The Alpha
Severus Snape X Narcissa Malfoy (Smut)
Death Eater Attack (Hurt/Comfort/Fluff)
NM/XL/Female Reader (Smut)
The Governor's Pet
NM X Reader "Panic Mantra"
"Runa Corvina Snape"
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 2
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 3
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 4
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 5
Seven Potters Gone Wrong (NM X reader) Fluff
Seven Potters Gone Wrong Part 2
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 6
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 7
"Runa Corvina Snape" Part 8
NM X Reader (Hurt/Comfort/Smut)
NM X Reader (Smut)
Random Snippets 2 (Smutty)
Canon NM x OC Reader (Smut)
Canon NM X OC Reader (Smut)
"Disappearance" (NM X Reader Mother Figure Fluff)
"Help Me" (NM X Reader Hurt/Comfort)
"Azkaban" (NM X Reader Smut)
"Professor" (Smut)
"Intruder" (NM X Reader Hurt/Comfort)
The School for Good and Evil
NM X Reader (Hurt/Comfort)
Lady Lesso X Female Reader (Smut)
NM X Reader (Hurt/Comfort)
Random Snippets Part 3 (Hurt/Comfort)
"Horse Show" (NM X Reader)
"End of a Life"
NM X Reader (Smut)
A Not So Merry Christmas
"Sick Day"
Vampire NM X Reader (Smut)
"Professor Malfoy" (Smut)
NM X Reader Smut
NM X Reader (Smut)
NM X Reader (Smut)

NM X Female Reader "My Princess"

1K 24 20
By shiftsandgiggles999

Despite the title of this story, it's not smut. Sorry y'all 😂

I couldn't help but hum a little tune as I plucked the blueberries from the large bush just outside the kitchen window. My life was perfectly simple and I had no reason to complain so why shouldn't I be happy?

The chickens clucked softly as they pecked at the ground beneath my feet, digging up bugs and weeds out of the small garden at the side of the cottage. Our horse nuzzled me as I stepped closer to the fence separating him from the vegetables, hoping I had something for him in my pockets.

I chuckled as I offered the animal what he was after, a small carrot from the patch. He nickered happily as he crunched the treat down before returning to his hay. Later I would take a basket of strawberries down to the neighbors farm and exchange them for a jug of milk as I did every Saturday.

For now, I grabbed my full basket of blueberries and skipped merrily back into the cottage, rolling up my sleeves and returning to the blueberry pie I had been working on earlier that morning. I dropped the fruit in the pan with the crust, smushing some of them to make the consistency more jam like, and popped it in the oven to cook.

I could hear my father tinkering away on some of his tools in the background, fixing a few loose screws and handles and such. After my mother had passed we had grown closer, dividing up the household work as I got older and more capable. I knew it was easier on him to have someone else around to help with chores and had failed to realize how much I neglected my personal life.

There were a few men in the village interested in me but I had never so much as given them the time of day. They always chased me for a few weeks before growing bored of the challenge and giving up, leaving me still unmarried at the ripe old age of 19.

Only one had stuck around, determined that I was to be his and often pestering me for hours on end to try and get me to take real notice of him. Jeremiah was attractive, I certainly could not deny that. However, I just simply could not see myself settling down with him somewhere out in the country, farming a small chunk of land, and becoming his little house wife like he wanted.

Father had tried in vain to get me to give him a chance, wanting me to find love and start my life already. Nevertheless I continued to play by my own rules, refusing to marry simply because I was expected to.

A 'ding' pulled me from my thoughts and I grabbed a towel to protect my skin from the heat as I pulled the pie from the oven, resting it on the windowsill to cool while I made the trip down the road to fetch our milk for the week. I bid goodbye to my father and grabbed my basket of strawberries, setting out on the short journey to the farm at the end of the road.

I smiled at a few children running through the cobblestone streets playing, chuckling as they accidentally turned a lady's bucket of wet laundry over and causing her to shake her fist angrily. It was a warm, sunny day with a slight breeze in the air making it a pleasant walk, the scent of fresh bread and approaching Fall in the air.

A few people nodded to me and I returned the gesture, observing them go about their simple daily lives. As I rounded the top of the hill my gaze wandered up towards the palace on the outskirts of town, atop the mountain overlooking our small village.

We never saw much of the royal family unless something significant was happening and so I was quite surprised to see an army of royal guards riding down the hill towards the town. I couldn't imagine what business they could have down here on a random Saturday afternoon.

No matter, I'd find out soon, and I was nearly at the Baymyer's farm. I met Mrs. Baymyer out front and she greeted me warmly, expecting me.

"Hello there dear. And how are you today?" The older woman asked sweetly, wiping her hands on the front of her dress to rid them of the soil from the garden she had been working in.

"I'm good Mrs. Baymyer. How are you and Mr. Baymyer?" I couldn't help but steal a glance out of the corner of my eye to see the onslaught of grey horses with their armed riders riding closer to us.

"Quite well dear. I see you have something for us." I handed her the basket of berries.

"Of course. I always do." I chuckled, taking the jug of milk the other woman offered me gratefully.

"You don't happen to know why the royal guards are visiting today do you?" I couldn't keep the curiosity out of my voice as we both checked to see how far away they were now.

"No clue. It's quite odd indeed." I hung around to see if they'd make a stop at the Baymyer's farm and sure enough, one of the guards on the outside of the group offered me and Mrs. Baymyer each a letter before continuing on his way.

I took the envelope and ran my thumbs over the smooth, expensive paper, taking notice of the royal signature stamped in gold on the front keeping it sealed. I shared a confused look with the other woman before thanking her and tucking the letter into my pocket for later, deciding it better to let father hear its contents with me.

I bid Mrs. Baymyer a good day and returned to the path to follow the hoard of horses back into the village.

As I walked the cobblestone streets once more I saw nearly everyone either holding an envelope or reading the contents within, most seeming very excited by the news. What could possibly be going on?

I finally made it back to the cottage and took the milk inside before going to find father and show him the letter.

"Ah y/n. You've returned. How are the Baymyer's doing today?" He asked kindly, cleaning up his workspace from earlier.

"They're doing just fine father. The royal guards are in the village passing out letters. I was waiting until I got home to read it so that you could see it as well." I pulled the cream colored paper out of my pocket and removed the wax seal, pulling out the single sheet of paper within.

"It reads: Royal Ball this Friday night starting at 9pm. The youngest of the Black princess's are looking to be wed. They are hosting a ball to find someone suitable for her." My eyes scanned the sheet of paper making sure I hadn't missed anything before passing it to father for him to read as well.

"A ball. How exciting. They haven't thrown a ball that included the commoners in ages. You should go y/n. Have a bit of fun. Perhaps even take Jeremiah." I rolled my eyes at his attempts to try and get me to spend more time with the man.

"I have far too much to do that is much more important than a silly old ball. Plus, I'm sure Jeremiah will be swooning over the princess alongside the rest of the men in the village." He couldn't deny that and just chuckled.

"You should still go my dear. You need a night out, away from the cottage." I sighed and agreed to think about it just to appease the man, not actually intending to go.


The village buzzed with excitement about the ball all week. The closer it got the more I heard the girls gossiping about finding their true love and the boys betting who the princess would choose to take her hand in marriage.

I couldn't deny the fact that it was exciting, and the constant hum of chatter and the energy circulating through the town had me convinced that I would be going as well. So, I made my way threw the garble of men, women, and children until I was standing in front of the tailor's shop.

The richer folk of the village were having their gowns and suits tailored in the finest silk, most likely sent over from the mainland. As for me, I was just hoping to find some matching pieces that I could throw together myself.

"Good morning Mr. Pollock. How are you today?" I asked the shop keeper cheerily, looking around at the mess of fabric covering the store.

"I'm doing just fine y/n. Busy, but business is certainly booming." He chuckled, pushing a few stray ribbons to the side in order to give him more room at the counter.

"I assume you're here for a roll of fabric for your ball gown hm?" The man quirked an eyebrow and I sighed, not even trying to deny it.

"Yes actually I am. With everyone going on about how exhilarating it will be, I guess I'll be going as well." The shop keeper smiled and pulled out a roll of shimmery black fabric from underneath his counter top.

"I've been saving this for someone special." It was beautiful. The silver sparkles shimmered in the light and I was sure I would stand out as much as the royal family themselves in a dress made from this.

"It's gorgeous Mr. Pollock. But you know I can't afford that." I sighed sadly, running my hands over the soft, expensive silk underneath.

"Take it y/n. Maybe bring me some of those pastries of yours I like so much next week." The old man smiled warmly at me, pushing the fabric towards me.

I thanked him graciously and rushed out the door with my package, excited to get started on my new ensemble.


Friday night came quickly, the village surprisingly silent in the hours leading up to the grand opening of the palace doors. Everyone was in their homes doing last minuet touch ups to their appearance so just maybe they would find their own prince or princess.

I had finished my gown last night and was looking over it one last time before actually putting it on. Was I crazy to think I would be one of the most beautiful girls at the ball? I was sure everyone thought that about themselves, or at least hoped, but I couldn't help but be a little excited about my entry.

Father helped me to do up all the buttons on the back of the sparkly corset, watching me in the mirror lovingly as I pulled my hair up into a swirl on top of my head. A few pieces of my mother's jewelry and I was ready to go, giving my father one last shimmery twirl before grabbing my mask for the masquerade portion of the ball and stepping out the door.

"Have fun my dear." I bid him goodbye and started the trek towards the palace gates, the cool clear night perfect for walking, thankfully, as I had no carriage. I was running a bit behind schedule and saw no one on my way there, everyone far too eager to miss the opening of the palace walls.

The guards tilted their heads in greeting as I passed by and I did the same, following the stone pathway towards the enormous front entryway. I stepped inside and followed the sound of hushed voices coming from the ballroom, taking in the sights all around me.

Guards were everywhere to stop thieves and I could certainly understand why. As far as the eye could see there was gold. Gold tiled flooring, expensive gold art in the form of vases and picture frames. The few things that weren't gold were black in color representing the Black family name and their haunted aesthetic.

Two guards were placed at the entryway to the ballroom and silently but synchronously opened the doors for me to enter into the throes of the crowd.

Just like a fairytale every head turned to stare, surprised by the glimmery sheen that caught their eye as I passed through the bright lights of the dance floor. Conversations stopped as people questioned who I was underneath my intricately detailed silver and black face mask.

"Care to dance m'lady?" A young blonde boy approached me with a warm grin, extending his hand as an offering.

I took the offered hand and he led towards the middle of the ballroom, the music picking up and everyone forgetting about me as they fell into rhythm with their respective partners. As we moved and twirled about the room I caught a few glimpses of the royal family seated on their thrones watching the crowd for a bit before joining in. I assumed they were selecting their choices for the princess to get acquainted with.

The dance came to an end and I bowed to the man as he did the same, walking away from each other. I approached a waiter and took a glass of champagne from his tray without him even realizing, stepping off to the side to watch the hustle and bustle as I sipped the alcoholic beverage.

"I don't believe I recognize you." The soft lilting voice startled me, my eyes darting around to land on a surprising sight.

The youngest daughter of the royal Black family, Narcissa, stood in front of me with a curious expression on her face. She looked absolutely breathtaking in her emerald green bejeweled ball gown, the young woman's two toned hair in a simple half up half down style.

"Your majesty." I bowed my head and curtsied the best I could in my current attire, taken aback by the fact that the princess Narcissa was speaking to me.

"What is your name?" She questioned, an heir of authority in her voice.

"Y/n. Y/n y/l/n Miss."

"You have quite the gown for a commoner Miss y/l/n." I knew my dress would get attention but not that of the hosts themselves.

"The fabric was more or less a gift your highness. I made the dress myself."

"That's quite impressive actually. You have talent in tailoring y/n." I found myself blushing a bit at the compliment but I couldn't imagine why. It wasn't the comment itself that had me thanking God for the mask covering the redness in my cheeks but her.

All three of the princesses were well known for their unmistakable beauty, but Narcissa had always been the one to catch the most eyes. Her caring nature towards those of us below her in status certainly helped as well.

"Thank you your highness. I am so glad you like it. Congratulations on your upcoming marriage." The princess sighed and I quirked an eyebrow as I studied her less than enthused expression.

"Yes, well, thank you. Quite frankly I will be glad when it's all said and done." She sounded a bit sad and I couldn't help but pry.

"You aren't excited about finding your Prince Charming?"

"I am just worried about not finding someone I am truly interested in. My parents have already picked out the boys that they approve of, all of which are from neighboring kingdoms. They allowed the villagers to partake in the festivities to fill space but only have eyes for the 4 prince's attending tonight as well. Not much of a choice I have in who I spend the rest of my life with." Narcissa chuckled nervously, trying to make light of a situation she was truly stressed about.

"Well, I may not be able to do anything about your royal princess affairs, however, I can help you have a little bit of fun before the choosing begins." I gave her a little half smile and offered her a hand. I could have sworn I saw the tiniest hint of a blush on the other woman's cheeks as she gave me a playful glare through her feathery green mask and took my outstretched fingers.

I pulled her onto the dance floor and began to sway with the music, twirling the princess and laughing as we struggled not to trip over each other's dresses.

"So, why aren't you with anyone tonight hm?" She asked me as we got comfortable swaying to the music once more.

"Uhh I have no interest in anyone really. The guy that wishes he had my interest is here but I don't believe he's recognized me yet and to be perfectly honest I'd rather he didn't." I had seen Jeremiah while dancing with the blonde boy but he had been entranced with a pretty red head and I had taken the chance to be ignored by him gratefully.

"How old are you might I ask?"

"I'm 19." I was a bit ashamed at the fact that I was still unmarried at this age and was a bit afraid of what Narcissa would say. However, it just confused me all the more when she simply 'tsked' her tongue and smirked, clearly thinking something threw.

"Have you ever thought that maybe.. there was a reason you didn't want to marry a man? I mean.. I obviously don't know anything about you or your life but perhaps it wasn't an outside influence causing your decision to not wish for marriage with a man?" She was rambling a bit and suddenly seemed very nervous, as if she was trying to admit a dark secret to me.

"I'm not sure exactly what you are getting at your highness. I apologize. I've always denied the men that try to come into my life because I need to help my father with the household chores. He has no one except for me and I just cannot bare the thought of abandoning him. I do have somewhat of an understanding by what you mean. I've often thought about whether or not that was simply an excuse or a real concern of mine but always come back to the conclusion that he needs me." The young princess was looking at me as if she was debating whether or not she should speak her mind, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth as she thought.

"Have you ever thought.. that you might.. like.. women?" Her warm, brown eyes found mine as she said that, fear consuming them as I realized what exactly she was admitting to me.

"To be perfectly honest I haven't. Although that would make an enormous amount of sense. Women are far more beautiful than men and certainly irritate me less." I laughed lightly as Narcissa relaxed and did the same, relieved I hadn't shunned her.

"Those sorts of things are just.. not accepted in royal society. I cannot see myself settling down with a man but I also cannot go against everything I have ever known either."

"Again, I cannot influence your decision or your parent's decision but what's the point of a loveless marriage? Sure you continue your line and follow the rules set up by your ancestors but is that really what you want? To fall into the very same trap generations before you did? The Black family line will continue with your sisters and their children, you are not solely responsible for your family's future, only your own, so don't do something that you're going to regret for the rest of your days Narcissa."

The princess seemed to be considering my words with much turmoil happening inside of her head. Nonetheless, before getting the chance to respond the trumpets sounded from the front of the room indicating that the king and queen wished to speak to the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen if you please, it is time to choose the princess's new suitor. Bellatrix, Andromeda, if you and your husbands would join the Queen and I up here. Narcissa, to the front of the stairwell so the four prince's can each have their opportunity to dance with you."

Narcissa immediately followed her father's orders, as did the elder princesses, and soon the four young men deemed suitable for the princess to marry had all lined up in front of her trying to catch her eye. However, I could tell she was looking straight through all of them and towards me for a hint of reassurance which I tried to give her in the form of a warm smile and a nod of my head.

The music started up once more and she was swept into the crowd, as was I. As the song played I would catch a glimpse of Narcissa's emerald ball gown or her two toned hair as she gracefully danced with each of them for a few moves before turning to another to do the same.

I was met with several different partners as the melody continued, my feet easily keeping time with the fast paced tempo and my eyes searching the room for each tiny glimpse of the princess to make sure she was alright. Every time I would see her she had that fake smile plastered across her beautiful face that so often graced her features. Even as a commoner I had always known the young woman was unhappy with her arrangements, the deep sadness always permeating her dark brown eyes during the few times a year they traveled to the village.

I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for her. Sure, my life was dreadfully bleak compared to hers, but I was happy. I was loved. She was but a pawn in someone else's game of chess.

The melody finally came to an end and everyone slowed to chat amongst themselves, Narcissa and the four prince's included. I could see them all hovering around her trying to impress her with their wealth and beauty.

One boy in particular caught my eye. He had long, platinum blonde hair that had been tied back with a black silk ribbon. He was quite pale and wore very expensive looking tails, hints of dark green here and there. Lucius Malfoy of the Malfoy Kingdom.

He seemed particularly adamant about winning the princess's hand in marriage and was obviously showering her in fake affection to do so. The Malfoy's were known to be very harsh rulers, uncaring of their subjects or even their own family members. I did hope Narcissa wouldn't end up with him of all people.

"It is now time for the princess to choose who shall take her hand in marriage. Narcissa, if you would follow us into the back we shall discuss your choice before announcing it." The royal family made their way through a small door behind their thrones to discuss the future of the youngest princess.

I couldn't help but listen in to the conversation of the four young prince's awaiting their fate as we all anxiously awaited the return of the royals.

"The girl will of course choose me. That is if she has any common sense. Women aren't known for that unfortunately." I felt my jaw tense as I tried not to speak up against the dark haired lad.

"She didn't so much as give you a second glance Henry. The girl will be mine." Another brunette boy badgered.

"Quite frankly I do not care if she chooses me or not. I have three others wishing to be my bride at home." The smugness in the red head's voice made me want to knock his perfect, white teeth all over the ballroom floor.

"I do believe you'll see gentlemen, that the lady will in fact choose me. And if she doesn't, my kingdom will just take over this one and imprison them all anyways." The Malfoy boy shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his drink as if that was something that happened everyday in his kingdom.

It was quite some time before the royal family returned from their meeting, the King and Queen looking rather irritated. Narcissa appeared behind her sisters with her head hanging low, her usual heir of dignity gone in that moment. What had happened back there?

"Now, if you would all turn your gaze to the front of the room where princess Narcissa of the Black Kingdom will make her choice between the four prince's." We all turned to watch as the boys gathered in front of the row of thrones, Narcissa stepping up to the edge of the short stairwell and looking around at her subjects before her sad brown eyes landed on me.

As soon as she made eye contact with me I saw her hesitate and a look of panic cross her features for a brief moment. The princess eyed each of the young prince's carefully, each surely trying to win her over with their facial expressions as she cycled between them in her mind.

"Anytime now Narcissa." The King was becoming antsy, seemingly knowing something about his daughters thoughts that the rest of us did not.

"I choose..."


Back track to the royal family leaving the ball room to discuss

Narcissa POV:

"It is time for the princess to choose who shall take her hand in marriage. Narcissa, if you would follow us into the back we shall discuss your choice before announcing it."

I followed my sisters through the back door, behind the row of thrones, and into a much smaller private room. The guards remained just outside the door to allow us to speak freely and without worry of listening ears.

"So my dear, which of the young royals caught your attention this evening?" My father asked me with a small side smile.

"The Malfoy prince seemed very interested in you indeed. They would make fine allies but the choice is yours my dear. They are all fine choices for husbands." I bit my bottom lip and allowed my gaze to drop to the floor, very unsure of my decision.

"Quite honestly father, I do not like any of them." I heard him 'hum' in disapproval. They acted like I had a choice but in reality it was all fake, I would be married to who the both of them saw fit whether I liked it or not.

"You must choose one of them Narcissa. It is your duty as the last of my daughters to find a prince to settle down with and unite our kingdoms." The man was growing angry at my indecisiveness and I could see my mother scowling at his side.

"I do like someone here.. but not one of the prince's." I figured I may as well express my true feelings. It wasn't like it mattered anyhow.

"A commoner? You've been spending your time with a commoner this entire time?" I shrunk back a bit in fear, afraid of what he would do to me for disobeying and disappointing him.

"Father, if I may, the Black family name will die no matter what. All of our children will take their father's name so does it really and truly matter if she chooses a prince or a commoner? If she likes this person, why shouldn't she be with them?" Andromeda stared our father down, unafraid as she stood up for me.

"It is unacceptable. She will marry one of those boys out there and that is not up for debate. Narcissa you are a princess. You will marry a prince. That is final." The man was scowling at the both of us now, daring either of us to speak out against him again.

"Yes father." I bowed my head and accepted my fate, tears threatening to fall down my cheeks as we returned to the ball room.

"Be brave Cissy. Choose who you want to be with." Andromeda whispered in my ear just before we made our return, making me even more confused than I already was.

"Now, if you would all turn your gaze to the front of the room where princess Narcissa of the Black Kingdom will make her choice between the four prince's." Everyone turned to watch as I stepped up to the front, the four boys crowding around at the bottom of the stairs and flashing seductive grins at me when my eyes fell on each of them them.

'Stay true to myself or follow my ancestors and settle for a man that would treat me horribly. Andromeda encouraged me to do this. I have to do this. But can I actually go through with it?'

My eyes landed on the girl from earlier. The one who had encouraged me to be myself just as my sister had. I didn't know why but she had instantly stolen my heart and I wanted nothing more than to have her at my side.

'Was I brave enough to do what needed to be done?'

"Anytime now Narcissa." They were growing impatient and I had to say something. I had to make my choice.

"I choose..."



I was stunned into silence as the princess spoke her choice, the room going deathly silent as everyone processed what she had just said.

"I choose... y/n y/l/n."

After the awkward moment of hesitation from the group as a whole, all eyes started gazing around the room as they looked for the person in question. Me.

All I could do was stare, mouth gaping open, at the princess doing the exact same to me. The King and Queen were absolutely livid, however princess Andromeda looked surprisingly pleased with her sister's choice.

My feet carried my towards the girl, the crowd parting like the Red Sea as all eyes fell on me. The room was deathly silent as I slowly made my way between the four prince's with their looks of shocked confusion and up the stairs to stand beside Narcissa.

Our eyes never disconnected as I made my way to her, those warm brown irises keeping me grounded and from running out of the palace fearfully. I silently took my place beside her and turned to face the crowd.

You could have heard a pin drop for what seemed like an eternity but was truly only a few seconds. Finally someone began clapping and everyone quietly joined in, unsure if they were actually supposed to or not.

"Well, there you have it. The new princess of the Black Kingdom. Y/n y/l/n." The king was obviously mortified and would surely have much to say to us in private later. But for right now I reached over and intertwined my fingers with Narcissa, offering her a small smile of reassurance and she did the same.

For right now, I had my princess.

This definitely could have been written better over a few chapters lol. It feels super rushed but I was trying to keep it as a one shot and it was getting quite long. Over 5,000 words long 😅. But I could do a part two if y'all are interested <3

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