A Wind After The Winter • Boo...

By LucaYukimi

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Winds have always been together with the other elements, Storm; Rain; Sun; Lightning; Mist; Cloud. Making the... More

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78 3 10
By LucaYukimi

Chrysanthemum's Fourth Petal

Cough Cough

“This fucking sucks... I'm still not dying...” Yuki chuckled a little as she stared at the pool of blood from earlier, holding an empty small bottle, ‘I thought if I ruin myself from inside, I would have my way, since I can't hurt myself fron outside. I guess I had the wrong idea of Lucas' powers.’

She parted her lips and sighed, “How mean of you, Lucas... Are you rejecting me at this moment? You keep pushing me away, you don't love me anymore?” Her words waver at the keep as they keep disappearing, “This is unfair...”

"That's not true at all. I love Yuki more than anything."

She heard a voice behind her. Yuki didn't even bothered to look behind her, “I'm having hallucinations again. I already drunk many though.”

Her eyes drop with tears threatening to spill, ‘But then again... I'm glad that my hallucinations are talking... I can still hear Lucas' sweet and calming voice and I won't forget it... If I ever forget how he sounds like... I don't know what to do anymore...’


A girl with long black locks sat on the balcony of her room, with a book on hand, ‘I wonder if my name will appear in the rankings...’ She hum and turn to a page.

She is reading a book about butterflies.

‘I hope not.’ She sighed.

Yuki's pov:

I wonder if Fuuta will be kidnapped tonight.. I can still sense his presence around this town so probably not tonight. But, I can sense Mukuro around...

It's a really good thing I look into the manga timeline before. I also thank you my parents from my past life that gave me Eidetic memory..

Speaking of past life..

I look down at the book on my lap.

I never met my parents. My beloved sister said we we're abandoned by them.

I love my sister at the point that I probably have sister complex at that time. Remember them is embarrassing to be honest... but... I couldn't blame my past self at all, because even now, I still love my sister.

She's my only family in my past life after all... She keep us both living a better life. If I look back, she was my idol. Long black hair that resembles the night sky, deep dark blue eyes. Those eyes who always look at me with love and adoration. Whenever she smiles at me, I feel like all my worries are being blow away and it's all warm... She's glittering and glowing like a fairy in my eyes.

She's very pretty... It's such a shame she died... In my arms.. It would've been better if I died before her. I didn't want to see her die, particularly in my arms... Why do all people I love die?

I rest my clenched hand on my lower lip.

Speaking of my past life. I really had a weird appearance. Bright blond hair and blue eyes. It wasn't a normal blue eyes. Those eyes are very bright, almost like jewels. Yes, like my eyes right now.

The eyes of Obelia Bloodline.

Thinking about it makes me disgusted and chill down my spine. It must just be a coincidence. Yes. There is no way such bloodline exists in my past life....

But I don't look like my older sister and its really making me upset. But right now... I feel like I do look like sister with my raven hair, even though, it's mainly because of Lucas.

Because of my extraordinary appearance, I was quite famous that some agencies scouted me as a model...

I sighed and look at the night sky that reminds me of her hair.

I miss my sister... I hope she's living peacefully in afterlife or if she is reincarnated somewhere... please, let me see her again.

3rd person pov:

Yuki sighed as she close her book and stood up from her seat. Immediately feeling the gentle cold wind hitting her skin like a feather. She close her eyes and feel it for a moment, as her hair sway behind her.

‘I want to feel this peace forever...’

She open her eyes, showing her ocean blue eyes, ‘But there are no such thing in this world.’ She turn around and enter her room, ‘Damien should be going to the second one now.’


“Guess I don't have to do to something on this.” Yuki mumbled as she look at some Kokuyo students, base on there uniform, beating up a prefect from Namimori Junior High School.

‘It's not like I can interfere or something. I'm only here to watch what is happening. I can only do things freely if it's out of the plot.’ She thought and close eyes.

The next day,

Tsuna is walking to school with Reborn, looking at the flyers about martial arts to protect himself that his mother offered him earlier breakfast, “When did mom get all these anyway? You were hired from a flyer too, aren't you?”

“If Fuuta were here, he could come up with a ranking list of the best fighting styles to suit Tsuna.”

“I don't need that kind of list!”


Tsuna flinched in surprise he suddenly heard Yuki's behind him. He immediately look behind him, he swears he almost broke a neck doing that, “Ka-Kazehaya-san! Good morning.”

Yuki smiled at him, “Good morning. Are you taking a martial art lesson?” She ask.

“No.” ‘I don't want to get involve with any fighting! And they're tiring to learn too! Besides,why should I? This is a fight between gangster.’ He thought.

Yuki blinked at him, then smiled, “I see, but I think it's more safety to learn even just a little martial arts to protect oneself.” She tilt her head down a little with drop eyes.

“I'll think about it..” Tsuna look at the gates of the school and saw many prefects from Disciplinary Community on the front gate, “It's the prefects!” He exclaimed and look around, “There, too...”

“Considering that there've been so many cases. They're getting jittery, too.” Reborn said. Tsuna sweat a little, nervous, “This really is a gang fight or something...”

“You're wrong.”

Tsuna, Reborn, and Yuki look forward and saw the well know prefect who is obviously the most affected by this (for them)

“Hibari-san!!” “Ciaossu!” “Good morning, Hibari-senpai.”

Tsuna waved his hand on the air, “Ahhh, no... I was just on my way to school...” He said with a pale face, obviously scared of Hibari, if the ravenette prefect hear what he just said and misunderstood it, his funeral is sure.

“This is a mischief with no meaning.” Hibari narrowed his eyes, “But of course, these sparks that have ignited must be severed from their origin.”

Yuki whistled. While Tsuna is crying in his mind, “Hibari-san is really scary~~!”

They suddenly heard the school anthem around the area. Tsuna look around finding where it came from. While Yuki took Reborn and carry him, which the infant didn't really mind.


‘It's Hibari-san's ring tone~~!!!?!’ Tsuna shouted on his mind, and slowly turn around nervously, “Well, I'll be running along now.”

“He's an acquaintance of yours, isn't he?”


“Sasagawa Ryohie... was attacked.” Hibari informed them from his call

Tsuna paled immediately run to the Namimori Central Hospital. Yuki followed after him with Reborn still on her arms. Not because she's worried, because she wants to find out something.


Yuki stood outside the room where Sasagawa Ryohie is, while Tsuna and Reborn enter inside, worried about the older. She look around and lower her presence, ‘So crowded, if Hibari is here, he'll go havoc.’ She mused.

Her hand rest to her chest, ‘Just a little more...’

Soon, she saw Kyoko running pass her, to her older brother's room, she didn't noticed Yuki presence as expected.

“...” Bored, Yuki open her bag and found a familiar red band, ‘I wonder if I'm in the list... but I think the Obelia Family already erased my existence courtesy to that bitch so the whole world only knows that that bastard have one daughter that will bring them long and lasting prosperity. Of course, no one knows about the true story behind the first child, all that knows have been killed by the orders of the mistress. That's why, Reborn sure is lucky to have Luca as his source of info.’

“Kazehaya-san, you're still here?”

Yuki tilt her head and saw worried brown-honey eyes, her eyes widened a little, ‘He just noticed my presence, didn't he?’ Then close it slowly, “Yes, I was worried but it seems fine now.” She smiled, “More important, look around.”

Tsuna did what she said and, “The hospital is filled with Nami high students~~~!!?”

“Oh, its no-good Tsuna. Things are really bad.” One of the male students appeared before them.

Yuki doesn't really care about the conversation and closed her bag before Reborn see it, ‘I want to sleep...’ She hold back a sigh, ‘It's obvious I'm stronger than Hibari, so he'll be number 2 in the rankings if that happens.’ Her eyes darkened, ‘If that happens... should I manipulate it?’

She shook her head lightly, ‘No, lets just hope the Obelia actually erased my existence, if that ever happens, then the ranking planet won't acknowledge my existence too right? Since, if the Obelia put me dead, then wouldn't I also be dead in there... and dead people have no use. Let's just really hope.’

“Being in the same school as Hibari-san is great!!” “We'll leave everything to him! He's a God! He's Hibari-sama!”

That perk Yuki's attention from her thoughts and look at the two prefect who just walk pass them, ‘God huh... I don't particularly believe nor believe they exist... but I do hope.’ She close her eyes, ‘Hibari... this is probably the second time he'll get humiliated after me, since he'll be defeated once again.’

She sighed, ‘The annoying scent of Lotus flower have been around lately, I want it to disappear.’

“Eek!! What's this~~!!”

Yuki heard Tsuna scream and look down to see a tail... Leon's tail, “Leon's tail broke off.” Reborn said, picking up the tail which is still wiggling.

“Eewww, that's gross! But wait, do Chameleons lose their tails?!”

“When this happens... It's an unlucky sign.”

Yuki sweat a little, ‘I hope I won't be included in that 'unlucky sign'.... and Tsuna have been shouting since earlier, dude, this is a hospital.’


“Is.. Is he alright!?” Tsuna ask worriedly at Leon who keep changing shapes on Reborn's hands, “Leon keeps changing into all sorts of different shapes!”

“Once he loses his tail, he can't manage his shape-changing ability.” Reborn said, and Leon changed again.

“What the heck~~~!?”

Yuki looked amazed, ‘Woah, I want one like Leon too... It seems interesting.’ She suddenly remembered a certain someone, ‘Maybe not... they wouldn't live for another day.’

“Make way!! Another Nami High Student got beat up!!”

All the people in the way look at where that came from.

“Eh!?” “It's the assistant head prefect, Kusakabe-san!” “They said he was beaten up right outside the hospital!”

Tsuna nervously smiled, “Impossible. There's no way Hibari-san could lose a fight~” He is definitely trying to calm himself.

Reborn throw Leon on Yuki, who catched it perfectly, “Take Leon for a sec.”

“Oi, Reborn!” Tsuna turn to Yuki, “I'm sorry about this, Kazehaya-san.” Yuki smiled at him, “It's fine.” She look down at Leon on her hands with sharp eyes, ‘This feeling...’

She look forward and saw Reborn jumping from the stretcher, “Oi, what are you doing?!” Tsuna ask him. Reborn didn't look at him, “There can be no doubt about it.”


“The cause of all this fighting... is you, Tsuna.”


Yuki's eyes dropped at Leon who is also staring at her too, if you look and observe more, you can see Leon's eyes having nervous emotions on them. Yuki first broke the eye contact and gave Leon back to Reborn.

“What do you mean, the cause of all the fighting!?” Tsuna panicked.

“Do you remember how many teeth all the victims have lost?”

“Eh? How many...? Kusakabe-san, who was just beaten up, lost 4, you said... Didn't Ryohie lose 5? Before that...”

“Before Ryohie, a student named Moriyama was beaten up, and he lost six. Before that was Oshikiri with 7. Before that was Yokomine with 8. The guy before that was 9. Before that was 10.” Reborn explained.

It finally clicked on Tsuna's mind, “Ahh...! The numbers like up exactly!!”

Yuki put a finger at her lower lip, thinking while looking down, ‘Its like in the original plot...’

“So, you noticed? The first person who got beaten up lost all 24 of his teeth. Since then, each successive victim has lost one less tooth than the previous one. The perpetrators are counting down with teeth.”

“What the heck~~!!”

Yuki nodded slightly, ‘How awful... I don't do those kind of torture.’

Suddenly a paper appeared on Reborn's hands, “Once I realized there was a count down, I found a correction. Take a look at this.” Tsuna grab the paper, and Yuki walk beside him, reading the ranking.

‘I'm... not there..’ She sighed in relief mentally. This one also makes Reborn confused, since this is the Namimori Junior High Ranking, Yuki's name should be in it, he knows she could match to Hibari Kyoya if not stronger than him, he seen it with his both eyes. He was hoping he'll see her real name in it too. This just makes him more wants to know more.

But at the same time, he is glad, he already concluded that Yuki must be Camilla's lost daughter and so he doesn't want her to be beaten up or be in danger.

“Namimori Junior High's fighting strength ranking? Eh...? What about it...?” Tsuna said in confusion. Reborn look at him, “You really are slow. The order of victims matches the ranking list exactly.”

“Ehh~~!!? For real~~~~!?”

(Y: not gonna lie, these “~~” are getting annoying to write
A: we can't help it, it's written in the manga)

Tsuna look again at the paper on his hand and read the ranking, “It's true!! By the way, this ranking list...”

“Yes.” Leon on Reborn's hands suddenly shape-shifted to Fuuta, “It's Fuuta's ranking list.”


Yuki deadpanned, ‘Tsunayoshi, this is a hospital.’

“What the heck is going on...?” Tsuna nervously ask.

Reborn answered him, “We mafia, have a code, the Omertā. It's a code that says under no circumstances should a person reveal the secrets of his organization. Fuuta's ranking list are the entire industry'a top secret. There's no way an ordinary person would have access to it. In other words, to get access to this ranking list means...”

“Ah!” Tsuna cut off Reborn's sentence, “Since the fourth-ranked Kusakabe-san was beaten... Then, the third-ranked person would be targeted next!”


“Third... Third...” Tsuna chanted as he look at who is the third person on the paper, “!! No way~~!!? Wh-What should we do, Reborn!?”

Reborn look down, “Things are getting worse and worse.” and look at Tsuna, “You go deal with it. I'm going to check out something that's bothering me.”

Tsuna shriek pointing at himself, “Me~~!!?” he soon run out of the hospital to find the third-ranked person, who is, Gukudera Hayato.

Yuki look at down at Reborn, holding the paper that Tsuna left, “Should I go too?”

Reborn nodded at her, so she left, while Reborn also left to do something about the situation.


Yuki sat at a seat in a park, behind the trees, she accidentally found this secret place when she was bored, she never expected to find such place in Namimori. She sigh and look up, ‘I've been really lonely these days... Damien is not going home too...’ She depressingly thought.

Though, it's not that she held any affection on them, she is aware of her sadness about Lucas' death, after that, she recovered all her memories of her past life. Going around to cope with her sadness, meeting new people she used to cope. If we ask her, she actually hates that she uses other people to cope with her situation.

They can make her mind go somewhere other than thinking of Lucas' death, like Reborn, she was interested on him finding her secret but he was going on a fast pace which is dangerous at the current timeline of the original story which she stopped halfway. Tsuna and Hibari too...

It's like forcing herself but she have another reason why she is near the Vongola and Tsuna. She just uses Hibari to get away with her boredom and lately, she have been really bored around him.

‘Maybe I should leave him... Damien is complaining about me being near him too...’ She slumped on her seat remembering the man, ‘I do appreciate him but could he not get in my way? I know he is worried about me but I don't really care... I want to die anyways.’

She met Damien 2 years ago now, sometime after a year of Lucas' death by a way you'll know in the future. He's a worrywart one, he is affectionate, Yuki's used to it now, she actually realized that she likes physical touch because of him being clingy to her. She doesn't hate it actually, it feels nice.

He is the only man she can be comfortable with other than Lucas in the past.

Yuki does know that she have to stop grieving about Lucas' death because of what her master is telling her but... how could one stop grieving when the person that the most important on them was killed literally in front of them and they can't do anything about it.

(A: don't ask me, I didn't had any emotions when someone died in my family)

She finally stopped seeing Lucas on Hibari, then Mara arrived. That girl reminds her greatly of Lucas, that's why she send her to Italy, to hide and protect her, she doesn't want to do the same mistake of being ignorant and carefree, she wants Mara to grow up fine and strong, happy and healthy, without any worries. She is still regretting about being carefree and helpless, even though, it's already been 3 years since Lucas' death.

-No matter how I think about it, it's really weird using the Obelia surname from Who Made Me A Princess, but if I use it this story plot will have more sense (i also don't want to explain the plot furthermore) and it's already written in the previous version before rewrite so I can't just change it..
Who Made Me A Princess belongs to Plutus (story) and SPOON (artist)

- I'll tell you the timeline of Lucas' death soon enough (literally made a timeline)

- The real reason why Yuki's name isn't in the list is because the ranking are the strongest in Namimori Middle School. Yuki enrolled herself as 'Kazehaya Yuki' which is her fake name by now (Fuuta can't rank fake names, in this fanfic at least), unless she enrolled with her real name, then she'll be on the list. The ranking planet doesn't rank fake names, they rank real names. -Another reason, is that the Obelia really did erased her existence in the world and proclaimed her dead, the ranking planet is polite enough to accept that. Stan Ranking planet. -If that doesn't apply with you, then you can imagine Yuki's 'Oji-sama' doing somethings behind the scene and changing the ranking.

- I'm sorry if it's a mess...

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