Imagines [Book Four]

By thatpunkmaximoff

282K 8.2K 1.4K

Various 'Imagines' from various fandoms. Fandoms include: Marvel, The Originals, Teen Wolf, Sons of Anarchy... More

Marvel&TheOriginals [Gen Fic]
Teen Wolf [Derek Hale]
Marvel [Loki]
Marvel [Druig]
Marvel [Peter Parker]
Marvel [Peter Parker]
Vampire Diaries [Elijah Mikaelson]
Marvel [Bucky Barnes]
The Walking Dead [Gen Fic] pt. 1
The Walking Dead [Gen Fic] pt. 2
Marvel [Matt Murdock]
The Walking Dead [Daryl Dixon]
American Gods [Mad Sweeney] pt. 1
American Gods [Mad Sweeney] pt. 2
SoA & Teen Wolf [Gen Fic] pt. 1
SoA & Teen Wolf [Gen Fic] pt. 2
SoA & Teen Wolf [Gen Fic] pt. 3
Sons of Anarchy [Gen Fic]
Sons of Anarchy [Juice Ortiz] pt. 1
Sons of Anarchy [Juice Ortiz] pt. 2
SoA & Marvel [Juice Ortiz] pt. 1
SoA & Marvel [Juice Ortiz] pt. 2
SoA [Opie Winston]
SoA [Jax Teller] pt. 1
SoA [Jax Teller] pt. 2
Twilight [Paul Lahote] pt. 1
Twilight [Paul Lahote] pt. 2
Twilight [Paul Lahote] pt.3
Twilight [Paul Lahote] pt. 4
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Mayans [Gen Fic X Reader]
Mayans/SOA [Angel X Reader]
Stranger Things [Billy Hargrove]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson] pt. 1
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson] pt. 2
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
SOA/Mayans [Gen Fic]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Stranger Things/Lost Boys [Eddie Munson] pt. 1
Stranger Things/Lost Boys [Eddie Munson] pt. 2
Stranger Things/Lost Boys [Eddie Munson] pt. 3
Stranger Things/Lost Boys [Eddie Munson] pt. 4
Stranger Things [Billy Hargrove]
SoA/Mayans [Gen Fic]
Harry Potter [Charlie X Reader]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Stranger Things [Gen Fic]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Teen Wolf [Derek Hale]
Marvel/TVD [Enzo]
Wednesday [Xavier Thorpe]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Wednesday&Marvel [Xavier Thorpe]
SOA/Marvel [Gen Fic] pt. 1
SOA/Marvel[Gen Fic] pt. 2
TVD [Elijah]
Sons of Anarchy [Opie]
Lost Boys/TVD [Dwayne] pt. 1
Lost Boys/TVD [Dwayne] pt. 2
The Lost Boys/TVD [Dwayne] pt. 3
Sons of Anarchy [Happy Lowman]
Sons of Anarchy [Jax Teller]

Mayans [EZ Reyes]

4.8K 112 29
By thatpunkmaximoff

When the Sons of Anarchy take you for granted one too many times and then drop the ball by forgetting to call you up for lockdown, you leave. You leave Charming behind and find yourself in Santo Padre, trying to make a better life for yourself.

. .

. .

  Charming, California has been your home for as long as you can remember. You'd heard stories about the Sons of Anarchy growing up but were never properly introduced until after you had started working the ER at St. Thomas. The bikers were frequent visitors and though you never believed any of their stories about how they got their wounds, you looked forward to hearing what they would come up with next.

Being kind to them and chuckling over each new excuse they fed you led to friendships you never saw coming. And then soon after that you were invited to their clubhouse, became the club nurse when they needed to be patched up off the record, and found yourself integrated into the club for the next few years.

So, when you left in the middle of the night, you left with a heavy heart and with the opinion that this was what was best for you.

Santo Padre wasn't your first choice since it was so close to the border, but a friend had gotten you a job at a clinic that was in desperate need, and you had found a decent house for cheap in the little town that was the complete opposite of Charming. The new town seemed dusty and practically run down, but there were signs of life, and you were more than ready to give it a shot. So, after moving in a week before you were set to start work at the clinic, you made your house as homey as you could with what little funds you had for the meantime, and then settled in to prepare for tongue lashings you no doubt were going to receive once the Sons realized you were gone.

Only as one day turned into two and then three, you realized with an aching heart that the phone calls were never going to come.

Feeling down one afternoon, you get into your car and head to the middle of town where it's the liveliest. There's a used bookstore that you had your eye on the moment you realized it was there and figured you could look around for future reference or hopefully have the owner set a book or two aside for you.

Walking into the bookstore makes you exhale with relief and you quietly browse the bookshelves for something that piques your interest. You found books on Norse Mythology and Greek Mythology, and even found a couple of books on the Occult. You wanted everything, but knew you shouldn't buy them at just this moment. So instead, you set your pile of books aside and walked to the front of the store to talk with the owner.

The owner was a kind old man, slipping between English and Spanish as he spoke, but thankfully you had taken Spanish in high school and knew enough to understand him. No one had ever asked to have books set aside for them, but the man was more than happy to do so for you when you explained your current money situation. He got you talking a little bit about yourself- where you came from and what you did for a living- and then you were on your way when you figured you took up enough of his time.

You leave with a smile, but the moment you step foot outside and remember where you are, the weight is back on your shoulders and the sadness creeps back in. Your phone dings and when you pull it out to find a text message from Tara to see how you're settling in, the tears start to form and slip down your face.

With blurry vision, you type back that you're fine and are excited for work. You so desperately want to ask how everyone is doing and if anyone's asked for you, but you're not sure you want to know the answer. Thankfully, before you can make a fool of yourself, someone calls your name.


You quickly wipe your face before looking up, plastering on a smile. "Chucky? Hey!" He's standing with two men wearing Mayan kuttes, but you pay them no mind as you greet your old friend. "How've you been?"

"I-I'm good. But you don't appear to be. What's going on?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." You pull back and wipe at your face again, sniffling as you smile. "Don't worry about it."

"Family worries about family."

His words make your heart ache even more and you're quick to wipe away the next tear that falls. "I haven't had family in quite some time, Chuck."

"But the Sons-"

You shake your head, smiling sadly. "It's a long story." You can't help but glance at the two Mexican men standing behind him, watching curiously. "And from the look of those two, you have somewhere to be." You nod at each of them before giving Chucky your full attention. "You still have my number, right?"

"Of course."

"Then when you're not busy, shoot me a text. We'll meet up and I'll tell you all about what led to me living here."

He smiles at you. "I can do that."

You hug him one last time before addressing the Mayan men. "Please keep an eye on this one," you gesture to Chucky. "He's the only family I have left."

"Will do, querida." The Mayan who assures you has an El Secretario patch on his kutte and the one at his side has a Prospect one. Both of them smile at you.

Then with one last look at Chucky, you make your way to your car to head back home.

You and Chucky trade texts for a few days, but you're not able to meet up until after you've already started work at the clinic. The clinic was small and, though most of your patients were kids or the elderly, you really liked it. It wasn't the hustle and bustle of an ER, but the new speed of it all felt like a breath of fresh air.

When the weekend comes, Chucky asks you to meet him at the Mayans clubhouse. You're hesitant at first because of your past connection to the Sons, but Chucky promises he's vouched for you and that you're welcomed. So when you pull up to Romero Brothers Scrap and Salvage yard, you're not surprised when Chucky meets you by the gates and directs you where to park.

When you get off in the dusty parking area, you shield your eyes from the sun as Chucky leads you into the clubhouse. The Mayans clubhouse is not at all what you were expecting- the green and white of the building throwing you off. Chucky chuckles at your expression as you walk up the wooden steps and then holds the door open for you. The inside seems a bit more updated than what the Sons clubhouse looked like and thankfully it doesn't quite smell the same. Sure there is the smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke, but the smell of sex is absent and you're grateful for that. You don't know how the guys openly had sex for all to see. That was one thing that never sat quite well with you.

Chucky gestures to a table and tells you to take a seat while he goes to get drinks. And as soon as you sit, you're being joined by two Mayans- one you saw the other day and another with slightly wavy hair cut above his shoulders and a slightly crooked nose.

"I was wondering when we'd see you again, querida." He grabs his chair and turns it backwards so he's straddling it. "I'm Angel. This is Coco," he says while gesturing to his friend. Both are handsome in their own ways, but the one who had actually caught your eye was the prospect currently working the bar.

"YN." You flash them a small smile, making sure to keep your attention on the men at the table with you.

"We know. Chucky couldn't shut up about you once we got him started," Coco muses.

You chuckle. "He's sweet, but he doesn't know when to shut up, does he?"

"Nah, but it makes for great entertainment." You glance up when Chucky reappears, three beers and a Dr. Pepper in hand. He hands you the soda and Angel arches an eyebrow at you. "You don't drink?"

"Only on special occasions," Chucky answers as he takes a seat at the table.

Both Mayan men look at you and you shrug. "I got super wasted at a friend's wedding reception once. It was.. bad." You chuckle as you crack open your soda and take a quick sip. "It put me off alcohol for a while and now I only drink at parties, not for the hell of it."

"Now when you say bad," Coco wonders, grinning.

"I'm talking about thinking I was locked permanently in a bathroom stall even though I locked it from the inside, rolling off my bed and then barfing from the hallway all the way to the toilet."

"They found her passed out on the bathroom floor," Chucky says. "She wiped the throw up off to the side with a towel and proceeded to lay down to sleep."

Your cheeks tint pink as the Mayan men laugh. "I can't even smell crown and coke anymore. Makes me gag."

"We're gonna have to test that theory out one of these days."

You shake your head at Angel, still grinning, but then Chucky's next words make you falter. "So what happened to make you leave Charming?" Your gaze snaps to your old friend. "I know you, YN. You're loyal. You wouldn't have left unless it was bad."

You gulp as the atmosphere suddenly turns serious and your nails nervously tap against the table. Sighing, you decide to tell him just what it was that made you open your eyes and leave. "The club had a lockdown and no one thought to tell me. Their rivals picked me up right after one of my shifts at St. Thomas and beat me for information on the club." A tear streams down your face and you bat it away with a roll of your eyes. "I gave the club so many years of my life, Chuck, and they didn't fuckin' tell me about the lockdown."

"But.. you're family! Surely Juice-"

You shake your head. "Juice and I were done by then." You huff a laugh, sipping your soda to clear your throat. "The final nail in that coffin was when one of Nero's girls came to the clubhouse waving around a positive pregnancy test."

"Shit, ma, that's fucked up," Coco says.

"Thank you!" You exclaim. "But anyway, I didn't even care about the breakup. I knew that relationship had an end date as soon as we hooked up. No, what fuckin' broke my heart was that as soon as Juice's baby momma showed up, it was like I was thrown to the bottom of the fuckin' totem pole. Besides my job at the hospital, I took care of the Sons- patching them up, cooking, washing- and they didn't think to tell me about the lockdown."

"How long were you gone for before someone noticed?" Angel asks.

"No one did." You shrug. "The damn idiots had bad intel, and after a full day of being beaten on they realized I wasn't romantically linked to a Son anymore. They let me go."

"What did Jax have to say for himself when you returned?" Chucky frowns.

"Nothing really. Gave me a pat on the head, told me to take the day off, and then called me two days later to patch up Happy."

"I know we got an alliance with the Sons now," Coco says, "but that shit's twisted. You were still family whether you were bangin' a member or not, and they dropped the ball. You should have been protected."

"Yeah, well.. what's done is done," you say.

"How'd you end up in Santo Padre?" Angel then wonders.

"Believe it or not, it was Tara- the club president's wife." You slowly grin at him. "We were better as co-workers than as club friends, and she offered to help get me out of Charming when she saw the bruises I was sporting. And when I realized my life with the club would never be the same, I accepted. So she found an opening here at a clinic and I found a house, and now here I am."

"But the club knows where you are, right?"

You shrug at Chucky. "Tara knows where I am, but no one else has called or texted. They haven't called me to patch anyone up, so I don't know what's going on in their heads."

"Well damn," Angel says. "If I were in your position, querida, I'd have left too."


Some other men walk into the club, stealing Angel's and Coco's attention. Another man walks in, asking Chucky for help in the scrapyard office to which Chucky glances at you apologetically.

"Go." You wave him off, chuckling. "I live here now, Chuck. We have all the time in the world to hang out."

He beams and then scurries off after the man you had seen who wore the El Presidente patch on his kutte, and then you sigh when you see the men had left their empty bottles on the table in front of you. Rolling your eyes, because men will be men, you stand and gather up the empties before walking them over to the bar where the Prospect is wiping down some glasses.

"Hey," you call out. "Where can I dump these?" You then ask when he looks up at you.

"Oh. You shouldn't have," he says, immediately reaching over the bar to take the bottles from your hands. "I would have picked 'em up."

"It's fine. I'm used to grunt work," you muse. As he drops the bottles into the trash, you introduce yourself. "I'm YN, by the way."

"Ezekiel. Or EZ," he says. You can't help but smile when you see his, that little voice in the back of your head groaning at you because EZ had such a beautiful smile and you know you're fucked. "So how do you know Chuck?"

You open your mouth to retort and then sigh, chuckling as you take a seat on one of the barstools. "Well.."

You give EZ a quicker rundown of what you just explained to Chucky, Angel and Coco, and he shakes his head when you finish. "That's fucked up. I thought the Sons were all about protecting the women of the club?"

"They are, but apparently you don't mean shit unless you've got a crow, have the title Old Lady, are related to a Son or carrying their kid."

EZ shakes his head in disbelief before he turns around, grabbing a bottle of liquor from the counter behind them. "You need a shot."

"What? No, I don't."

"Yes, you do." When he's facing you once more, he grabs a couple of shot glasses from beneath the counter. And when he sees your expression, he chuckles. "Just one. I'm not trying to get you drunk."

You quietly groan when he flashes that smile of his once more and instantly cave. He knows he's won and quickly pours the two of you a shot. Then when you pick up your shot glass, you say, "I barely even know you and already I hate you."

EZ chuckles and picks up his own shot glass, clinking them together. "To starting over in Santo Padre. May the Mayans treat you better than the Sons ever did."

You and EZ down the shots, but you're the only one whose face scrunches up and lets out a cough. He laughs as he takes the shot glasses back and then there's a sharp whistle, followed by, "Querida! I thought you didn't drink for fun?!"

You glance over in the direction of the voice, finding Angel, Coco and a couple others staring at you. Angel's looking at you as if you've offended him and you shrug with a brief chuckle. "Have you seen that face?" You ask while pointing at EZ. "I couldn't say no!"

The men boo as Angel shakes his head in disappointment. "EZ? Really? I pegged you as someone who had better taste."

You press your lips together to keep the laughter in, cursing the blush you can feel heating up your cheeks and ears. "And on that note, I should get going." You slide off the stool, rapping your knuckles along the bar while smiling at EZ. "I'll see you around, Prospect."

"Yeah. I guess you will." 

Before you know it, you find yourself spending time at the Mayan clubhouse and falling into familiar patterns. When you're not working at the clinic, you're unknowingly carving yourself a spot within the Mayan family. And Chucky- well Chucky is all too happy to have you around all the time, making yourself comfortable and slowly earning everyone's respect.

Everything was going so great that it was only a matter of time before you started second guessing your life with the MC.

Chucky had called you late one night, asking if you were available to patch up Creeper. You didn't think twice before jumping out of bed, grabbing your medical bag and rushing over to the clubhouse. No one had batted an eye at your spaghetti strap tank top and tiny sleep shorts, nor did they question your work methods as you asked what type of wound you were dealing with before snapping on a pair of gloves and getting to work. Then later on, when you were done and mentally freaking out that you were getting too comfortable with yet another MC as you stood on the porch outside, the door behind you opened and EZ stepped out.

"Hey. You alright?" The concern in his features halted your panic. "You look dead on your feet."


"I can see that." EZ stepped forward then, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "Come on. You're not driving. You can take my bed in the trailer."

"What? No, I-"

"Don't fight him on this, ninita." The voice had startled both you and EZ, neither of you having heard the door open as Bishop stepped out. "You did great work tonight. Thank you."

"You're welcome," you had told him. "You guys are family to Chucky and Chucky.. well he's the only family I got left. If he needs me to help you, I will."

Bishop had hummed before flashing you a faint smile. "You see, that's where you're wrong."


"No, EZ. Let me finish." EZ had backed off, squeezing you tighter in anticipation for whatever his president was going to say next. "Chucky is not the only family you have left, YN. You've got us now and I promise we will not throw you to the coyotes."

Your bottom lip had trembled as you smiled at him, your heart swelling with affection as a single tear fell down your face. You had laughed as you wiped it away, turning slightly to hide your face. "I'm too goddamn sleepy to be crying."

Both men had chuckled and then EZ nudged you towards the steps. "Come on. You can sleep it off in the trailer like I suggested."

After that, you laughed more freely and let your guard down around the men. Chucky was happy to see you so happy, especially when EZ was involved, and told you that EZ was nothing like Juice if you were interested. You were and you thought maybe EZ was too, but with all the teasing from his Mayan brothers, the two of you didn't quite know how to take the next step.

As the months slowly pass, your birthday sneaks up on you. You're not one who cares for presents or parties, but you did like for it to at least be acknowledged. However, since you're in Santo Padre, you don't expect anything. So you go through your work day, an air of melancholy surrounding you that alerts your coworkers to something being wrong. Thankfully, they don't bother you after you assure them you're fine and that you're just having an off day.

On your way home from work, you get a birthday message from Tara that makes you smile before making you sad because out of everyone you left behind, she was the only person to say anything. So when you get home, you take off your shoes by the door, turn down the AC so your house will be colder, and then head straight into your bathroom to shower off the day.

Afterwards, dressed in a black tank top and a pair of joggers, you toss last night's leftover Chinese into the microwave and then pour yourself a large glass of wine. You tie your hair up in a messy bun and then take your food and drink to the couch so you can watch something mind numbing.

You end up drinking more wine after you finish off your food and then wrap yourself up in a blanket to doze on the couch. The sun is no longer in the sky when someone knocks on your door, and you startle into alertness. Then, still wrapped up in a throw blanket, you get up and answer the door.

EZ stands there, a cupcake and a single flickering candle in his hand. You slowly smile, shaking your head at him as you open the door wider. "How did you know?"

"Chucky might have mentioned something." As he steps in so you can shut the door behind him, he holds the cupcake closer to your face. "Make a wish, querida."

"Making wishes are for children, EZ."

"Just do it."

Letting out a soft sigh, you close your eyes and make a wish just to appease your friend. Then cracking open one eye, you blow out the candle. "There. Happy?"

"Ecstatic. Now come on. We're splitting this." On your way to the kitchen, you drop your blanket and make a beeline for the drawer where the butter knives are. EZ peels off the wrapper and sets the cupcake down so you can cut it, and then picks up his half. And then with the most heartfelt smile, he says, "Happy birthday, YN."

"Thanks, EZ." You flash him a faint smile in return.

You're not paying him any attention as you pick up your half of the cupcake, nor paying any attention to his smirk as you raise the cupcake to your mouth. Right as you're about to eat it, the bottom of your hand is pushed upward and the cupcake icing smears across your top lip and nose. "You motherfu-"

EZ laughs as you try to shove your piece of cupcake into his face, his large hands wrapping around your wrists to keep you at bay. You drop the cupcake in the struggle when EZ apologizes. "I'm sorry. I had to."

"You didn't have to do shit." You pout at him as your struggling ceases, and he continues to laugh as he loosens his grip on your wrists.

Then with one hand, EZ reaches up to wipe away some of the icing.

You don't think much about standing nearly chest to chest with him, but as his thumb swipes across your top lip, you tense. EZ freezes too and unwillingly your gaze clashes with his. You gulp at the expression on his face and your breath starts to quicken the longer you stare at one another. Then slowly but surely, it's like a flip has been switched as he raises his thumb to his mouth.

"Mmm." EZ hums with a smirk. "You taste good."

Your eyes subtly widen. "Fuck."

He chuckles at the quiet exclamation, and before you can chicken out you reach up with one hand to grasp the back of his neck. Quickly bringing his face down to your level, EZ's hand grasps onto your waist as you pull him into a kiss. He smiles against your mouth before getting with the program and letting his hands slide down to the back of your thighs so he can lift you. You hum as he sets you on the counter and then gasp as he pushes your knees apart so he can press in closer to you. His hands move to cradle your face to bring you into yet another kiss and you greedily wrap your legs around his waist.

"Tell me why.. we haven't done this sooner." He mumbles between kisses.

"Because.. we're idiots?" EZ pulls back to chuckle, resting his forehead against yours. As his thumbs brush back and forth over your cheeks and your head clears some, you reach up to grasp his wrists and pull his hands away. Your smile slowly vanishes. "What are we doing here, EZ?"

"I thought it was obvious?" He glances down to where your legs are still wrapped around him and you snort, letting your legs drop.

"Well yeah, but.." You trail off with a laugh, pushing him back a step so you can breathe a little easier. Then taking a breath to settle your nerves, you say, "I need to know what this is before I jump all in. If you abide by the what happens on the road, stays on the road rule then you need to tell me right now so I don't take whatever this is between us too seriously."

"Fuck that. I won't make his mistake, querida. If I'm with you, I'm only with you. I don't play around."

"Well that's a relief." You sigh. "Because I don't think I can share you."

"Same." EZ leans in for another quick kiss before pulling back and tugging you off the counter. "Now go change. It's Friday so we're going to the clubhouse."

"No," you whine as he starts to push you towards the living room. "I just wanna finish my wine and curl up under the blanket."

"Put on jeans. We're taking my bike."

"You're no longer my favorite Reyes brother."

"Of course I am. I don't recall seeing you flirt with Angel."

"Whatever. Just for this, I'm drinking tonight and you get to babysit my ass."

EZ laughs as he pushes you into your room, shutting the door behind you. "That's fine. We'll just sleep in the trailer so you don't fall off the back of my bike."

You continue to grumble as you switch out your joggers for a pair of skinny jeans and then throw on a purple plaid long sleeve over your tank top. The clubhouse is usually warm so you know you'll end up shedding the long sleeve not long after you get there. Then pulling on a pair of worn-in Doc Martens, you loosely braid your hair over your shoulder and keep the tie around your wrist because you'll know it'll end up back in a bun once you get a few drinks in.

When you join EZ out in your living room, you're surprised to see he has a helmet in hand. "You were so sure I'd be joining you tonight, weren't you?"

"If I recall correctly, which I do," he muses, "you once said you couldn't say no to my face."

"You and your goddamn smile," you mumble. "Give me the helmet, and lets go before I change my mind and try to seduce you into my bed."

EZ's smile falters at your words. "That.. that was a possibility?"

"Well it's not now. You're on babysitting duty, Reyes."

EZ only has himself to blame as you hunt down your phone and house keys, pocketing them before taking the helmet from his hands and walking towards your front door. He stares longingly at the hallway leading to your bedroom and you laugh while waiting for him outside. But when he's sitting on his bike and you're climbing on behind him after locking up your house and clipping on the spare helmet, he's suddenly very eager to get you to the clubhouse.

On the ride with your arms wrapped around EZ's waist, you realize how much you've missed cruising on the back of a bike. Your head falls back and you let a laugh loose towards the sky as EZ speeds up just a little bit more.

When you get to the clubhouse, it seems like a normal Friday night party. The usual hangarounds are milling around the dusty parking lot- some sitting at picnic tables and others congregating around the cage where a fight is currently taking place. You climb off the back of the bike when EZ parks, unclipping the helmet and hanging it from his handlebars. He beams at you as he removes his own, then slings an arm around your shoulders while leading you towards the porch steps.

"Don't be mad." EZ opens the door for you and you step into the clubhouse.

"Why would I-"


Confetti poppers explode in front of you, startling you and showering you with shimmery gold and silver pieces of paper. You gape at the gathered Mayans and hangarounds you've become acquainted with as EZ comes up behind you, sliding his arm around your shoulders again.

"What the-"

Chucky stumbles forward, dressed in his best, as he smiles at you. "Family celebrates family. Happy birthday, YN."

"Chuck-" You shake your head in disbelief, stepping forward and pulling the man into a hug. You can feel the tears coming and your face scrunches up on instinct.

"Aw, querida, don't cry!" Angel laughs.

Through your tears, you laugh as you pull out of the hug. "Shut up and get me a shot. EZ's on babysitting duty tonight."

Angel and Coco cheer in delight, the two of them eagerly rushing to the bar where a woman is currently tending to it. Bishop, Hank, Taza, Gilly, and Creeper greet you with a hug and happy birthday wishes before Angel and Coco shove a filled shot glass into your hands.

"To the birthday girl!" Angel shouts. "May she get shit faced, barf all over the place, and not remember a goddamn thing in the morning."

"To barfing all over the place!" Everyone rejoices.

You down the shot with a grimace, laughing as another woman steps forward with a birthday sash. As the men cheer while you're draped with the sash, you can't help but compare the situation here with the Mayans and previous ones with the Sons. No croweater back in Charming would be doing this, instead she'd be off to the side and glaring at you for daring to have any of the Sons' attention on you. But here with the Mayans- a majority of the women had accepted you right away without any issue, with the exception of a couple who had tested you once they realized you were going to be a regular.

"Ma, get over here!" Coco calls out. "Gilly and Angel wanna play pool. I want the birthday girl as my partner."

As you make your way towards the pool table with EZ at your side, you tie your hair up before shedding your plaid long sleeve and tying it around your waist. "Alright, gentlemen," you say as Coco hands you a pool stick, "prepare to eat shit."


You're three beers in when Angel and Creeper somehow end up in the cage outside. You're sitting atop the picnic table, feet planted on the bench where EZ sits between your knees, as you watch the two men throw punch after punch.

"Yeah, Creeper, kick his ass!" You shout and EZ snorts.

Angel stumbles around in the cage, eyes seeking you out. "You're a fuckin' mean drunk, querida! EZ, don't let her drink anymore."

"Oh no, pretty boy. You wanted me to drink, I'm drinking. Suck it up." You salute him with the neck of your beer bottle, giggling when Creeper swats the back of Angel's head to get him back into the fight.

EZ laughs as he glances over his shoulder at you. "That wine and beer finally catching up to you?"

"Barely." You grin while raking your nails along the back of his head. You see his eyelids flutter and you grin. "I don't plan on overdoing it. Don't worry."

After the fight, everyone finds their way back into the clubhouse with new friends from a visiting charter.

The Reyes brothers and Coco find their way to a table as YN heads off towards the bar. EZ watches as she chats up the bartender, laughing at something that's said between the two of them. He grins when he sees the bartender putting an ice pack together, no doubt for his brother who's grimacing at his bloodied knuckles. His grin then falters when a patched member from the Stockton charter moves in on YN, chatting her up.

"When are you gonna lock that down?" Coco asks. "Girl like her won't be single for much longer."

"What makes you think I haven't already?"

Angel scoffs. "You're too chicken shit to have made a move."

EZ shakes his head at his brother before all three gazes turn back to YN. Her smile seems a little forced as she continues to talk to the Stockton guy and when she catches EZ's gaze, she nods and smiles brighter than before. She says something to her companion to which he turns, frowning at EZ when he lays eyes on him. As YN walks around the guy, he decides to follow her.

"Oh shit." Coco starts to laugh.

As you make your way towards your three friends, you roll your eyes at the fact that you have a tagalong and then wink at EZ when he tries to cover his amused smile. You hand Angel the makeshift ice pack as they greet the patched member following you. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood."

"You spoil us, hermosa."

"Yeah, yeah. Save the flattery for the other women, Angel. I doubt your brother will tolerate it for much longer."

"Why wouldn't EZ-" You grin as you move towards a smiling EZ, standing behind him and bending down to wrap your arms loosely around his shoulder.

"The fuckin' prospect? Really?" The Stockton member huffs, shaking his head in disappointment.

Angel's eyes narrow at the guy before he looks back at you. "That doesn't mean anything. You've hung off Bish like that a couple weeks ago and he laughed before patting your hand and sending you on your way."

One of your arms straightens down EZ's chest and you rake your nails across his clothed abdomen that causes him to inhale sharply. "Sorry, 'Mano, but I don't fuck in front of an audience."

Angel's eyes slightly widen as you smirk at him.

"Ohh.. she a bold drunk," Coco muses as his gaze darts back and forth, the Stockton member walking off when he realizes he's not holding your attention.

EZ chuckles as he grasps your wrist and tugs you out from behind him. He pulls you down into his lap, sitting you sideways. "Stop teasing." And before you can say anything in return, his mouth is claiming yours in a kiss for all to see.

"Fucking finally!" Angel exclaims. You have to pull back from EZ, laughing as his brother addresses the other members. "Pay up, perras. I told you it was gonna happen today."

As Angel collects payment from many disgruntled and disappointed Mayans, you make yourself comfortable on a smug EZ's lap. "You good?" He asks, one hand running up and down your jean clad thigh.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" You ask.

"I don't know. We only just decided to give us a shot before we showed up to the clubhouse and already you had to out us just to shut up my brother."

You quickly glance back at EZ, shaking your head with a grin. "That wasn't for Angel. That was for anyone who was thinking I was available for a quick fuck in the supply closet."

"What?" His brow furrows as he tenses in his seat. "Is that what that guy-"

"It's fine." You laugh and shove his shoulder back when he leans forward in his seat as if he were about to stand. "Maria behind the bar warned him off and then I tried warning him off, but he didn't think I was being serious. Now he and everyone else does."


"Yes." You lean forward as if to kiss him again, but stopping just shy of your lips touching. You brush your nose along his with a smile. "Now go get me another shot. I think I'm only a couple of tequila shots away from thinking I give great lap dances. According to a friend, it's quite the sight to behold."

The table in front of you jerks as Coco immediately stands, having hit his knee on the underside in his rush to get up. "On it! I'm on it. I'm bringing all the shots."

You and EZ laugh as Coco makes a beeline for Angel and then the bar, and you exhale with a shake of your head. You never thought you'd ever find yourself a part of another MC after Charming, but now- now you're grateful for their terrible treatment of you that led to you settling down in Santo Padre.

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