Seeking the Truth (Completed)...

By PuppxtQueen

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Lilia has untold secrets that awaits her. She soon finds out who she really is on her birthday. On her jour... More

Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited)
Chartper 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13 (Edited)
Chapter 14 (Edited)
Chrapter 15 (Edited)
Chapter 16 (Edited)
Chapter 17 (Edited)
Chapter 18 (Edited)
Chapter 19 (Edited)
Chapter 20 (Edited)
Chapter 21 (Edited)
Chapter 22 (Edited)
Chapter 23 (Edited)
Chapter 24 (Edited)
Chapter 25 (Edited)
Chapter 26 (Edited)
Chapter 27 (Edited)
Chapter 29 (Edited)
Chapter 30 (Edited)
Chapter 31 (Edited)
Chapter 32 (Edited)
Chapter 33 (Edited)
Chapter 34 (Edited)
Chapter 35 (Edited)
Chapter 36 (Edited)
Chapter 37 (Edited)
Chapter 38 (Edited)
Chapter 39 (Edited)
Chapter 40 (Edited)
Chapter 41 (Edited)
Chapter 42 (Edited)
Chapter 43 (Edited)
The Epilogue (Edited)

Chapter 28 (Edited)

37 4 0
By PuppxtQueen

~Cody Moore~

Finally, the ceremony is today. My mate and Jade will finally be a part of the pack. I have to still figure out what Joshua is up too and fast. I can't have someone in the pack out to get their Luna. I'm going to call and ask Joshua about this. I pick up the and dial his number.

'Ring' 'Ring'

'Hello' Joshua says.

'Joshua, I need you in my office now.' I tell him in my Alpha voice.

'Yes Alpha.' He tells me as he hangs the phone up.

About a few minutes later I hear a knock on the door. The person's heart beat is racing. I say "Come in" to find Joshua looking very nervous. As he walks into my office he closes the door. "You wanted to see me Alpha" Joshua says as he stands in front of my desk.

"Yes, I did, I need to talk to you about something." I tell him as I look at him. "There is a trader in the pack and I want to know who it is." I tell him as is take a stack of folders out my desk.

"I'm not sure who it could be sir." He tells me as he looks at the floor. He doesn't think I know about him being the trader. "How's your mate doing?" I ask him. "She's good and we have having pups soon." He tells me with a smile. He cares for her but who is threatening him to do something terrible.

"That's great. But what I wanted to ask is could you get some people to build a play ground near the orphanage house?" I ask him. It looks like he is relaxed now. "I'll even give you a bonus check for doing." I say to him. His face lights up like a kid on Christmas morning. "I'll do it Alpha." He tells me.

"I'm trusting you with this project. Your Luna thought it would be a good idea to have one for the kids." I tell him. He looks me like he is confused but covers it up like it was never there. "Oh, I have something for you mate that the Luna wants to give her." I say to him.

"What does she want to give her?" Joshua asks me so I hand him the basket of cookies and other sweets. His face lights up again. "I'll be sure to give them to her. She's been wanting sweets but we don't have to money. Everything is going to the bills and food for every month." He tells me, he looks so pained like he is torn between himself and his wolf.

"Well you could've come to me and ask for some work." I tell him a stern voice. "I know Alpha but I didn't want to bother when you are with the Luna." He tells me nervously. "She wouldn't have minded, she wants to make sure the pack has what they need. She even cooked the sweet for the ceremony today." I tell him as I get up to walk him to the door.

"She must be a very good cook. But I'll see you later Alpha." Joshua says as he takes the door knob in his hand. "One more thing if you need anything tell me or my mate." I tell him. He shakes his head yes as he walks out the door.

I need to get ready soon for the ceremony or Lilia is going to beat me up. I am not messing around it's not a good thing to be on her bad side. She can get very scary when she is pissed.

~Lilia Gwinn~

Right now, Jade, my and I are shopping for tonight. We haven't found anything for me yet but we found Jade a purple dress that comes up to her knees at macys.

We walk in to this store at the mall I didn't see the name of it but it's small with some nice clothes. As I'm walking around the dress area I found this amazing blue dress. I go into the dressing room. When I put the dress on it fits me perfectly. It hugs my curves in the right places. It's not a slutly dress, it's like a formal dress wear.

But it comes to my knees, it also overs my boobs. I don't like to have my body exposed like some of these girls. I only want my mate see my body. It has halfway sleeves, it looks great on me. I walk out the dressing room to show my mom and Jade.

When I do, their faced look shocked. "You look amazing." The both of them tell me. "I know it's just want I was looking for." I say to them. I spin around so that they can see it fully. "Alright go get dress so that we can get you shoes to go with the dress." My mom says as I groan.

She's going to make me wear heels. I hate heels they hurt my feet. I don't know how women wear them all day it's like torture wearing them.

I change back in to my clothes and go grab the dress. So that I could found Jade and our mom now. When I do they are in the shoe place in the store. They are looking at the heels. Yayyy my life, Note the sarcasm.

"Lilia come over here." Jade tells me as she waves her hand to come over. I walk over to them when I see what's they are looking at. These nice black heels that will go with my dress in my size. They aren't too tall for me either.

"I'll get them so let's go pay for these so that we can get food." I tell them as we walk up to pay. When we get up there, it only cost about $100 which is really good.

After we paid we went to get pizza at the food court. Jade and I go find us a table for the three of us. When a guy comes up to me and jade. "Hello lady's." The man says to us trying to be all charming. Buy it's not going to work. He looks about around my age and he smells really bad too. He must be a rogue.

"Excuse me but what do you want?" I ask him as I glare at him. "Well I just wanted to come and talk to the beautiful lady's that all." He tells us as he tries to get close to jade. "You get any closer to this table I won't regret biting your face." Someone growling at him. I look over to find it was jade who says it. Because our mom is still waiting on the pizza. "You heard the girl move it or lost that face of yours. But it's really your choice." I say to him with an evil smirk as I start to get out my seat. Before I'm up he runs to the doors like the person who runs from the bad guy in the scary movies Lol.

I turn back to find my mom standing there trying not to laugh, I guess she was watching what happened. "That kids face looked so funny, he looked he was about to pee himself." She tells me. There really wasn't a lot of people in the mall so no one was paying any attention to us. "I'm going to tell Cody when we get home about this. So that he can have someone go after him." I tell them both as we start to eat this amazing pizza. Mmmm is so good.

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