Quiet In Beverly Hills - YB I...


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My second YUNGBLUD book, I'm back, my chickens! All types of requests are open, fluff, smut and angst! Reques... More

Massages [S]
Fool [F]
First Time [S]
Nesting [F]
Asthma [A]
Bookstore Girl [F]
Like A Virgin [S]
Baby Blud [F]
3rd Party [Poly S]
Nanny [F]
Tattoo [F]
Bunny [S]
Tattoo - 2 [S]
Places We Don't Talk [A]
Masquerade [F]
Vienna [A/F]
Time To Heal [A]
Disneyland [F]
Teacher [A]
Double Date [F]
Disneyland Pt 2 - [S]
Graduation [S]
Skinny Dipping [F]
Lick Of Paint [S]
Lotus [S]
Interviews [F]
50 Shades Of Fuck-No [A]
Stretch Marks [A/S]
Anniversary Trip [A]
Carmilla [A/N]
Dom's Adoration [S]
Good Boy [S]
Being Dad [S]
Boyfriend Material [S]
Intimate Scenes [F]
Body Shot [S]
Gala [S]
Sweeney Todd [S]
Announcement/Final Chapter

A Day Of First [S]

593 8 81

Summary: Dom wearing a skirt to school for the first time isn't the first time that follows

WARNINGS: Dom wearing a skirt for the first time publicly, teenage boys making fun of sex, crude comments about sex, slight homophobia, assurance, worry about losing your virginity

SMUT WARNINGS: Virgin Dom & Reader, gentle sex, careful sex, oral (reader receiving, and Dom receiving, gentle first time, intense kissing/making out, heavy petting)

NOTE: Y/N & Dom are both 16 YEARS OLD at the time of this smut, this is the legal age of consent in England, so that is why they are the ages they are!  (I know the ages don't make COMPLETE sense, but for the sake of this, they do)

Word Count: 10,750

Dom's POV

I'm wearing the skirt for the very first time at school today.

Well, if I'm completely honest, it's not my skirt. It's Y/N's spare, I borrowed it from her, from the last time we ever slept over at each others houses. My hands are almost shaking, as I reach for the plaid skirt, and place it on.

I hike up the top of the band of the skirt, and roll it in a few times, pulling it from over my knees, to nearly by my mid thighs. Most of the girls usually roll it up to the point where it almost acts as a belt, I can't blame them though. Wearing a short skirt does give me a sense of confidence.

Over it, I button up the white plaid shirt - before undoing two of the top buttons, and place a dark blue jumper over the top of it. Looking up at myself in the mirror, the beginning of a smirk forms on my face.

I feel sexy as fuck in a skirt.

Whenever a little skirt is around me, whatever the material. Leather, cotton, the silky material of Y/N's nightdresses, anything she's let me wear of hers. I've been borrowing and trying on some of her skirts for a long time.

Her and me have been going out since we around fourteen years old. Though we were obviously extremely young, it seems that we were genuinely infants. I was twelve years old, and Y/N was also thirteen when both of us met for the first time.

That August, just before the school year started, during the summer holidays between Year 7 as well as Year 8, she moved to Doncaster, and then joined our school year in Year 8. And the moment she walked into the school classroom, she seemed so cool.

From the first impression, she was one of the few alternative people in the year, and that was exactly what I needed. I'd always been the weird "emo" guy in my year, frequently breaking school uniform rules for the sake of the aesthetics.

With my messy black hair, I'd constantly have almost chipped black nails, black eyeliner making a massive mess around my waterline, spiked bracelets, chains and necklaces over and underneath my school shirt, though ninety percent of this was against school rules.

Y/N wasn't too far from me, fashion wise. She wore black winged eyeliner every single day, her eyeliner being a lot cleaner than mine, usually wearing some variation of wearing black or red nail polish, chokers, jewellery, and black earphones shoved into her ears.

Her music was usually so loud in her earphones, that you could usually make out the song that was playing in them. And that how we originally connected. We sat next to each other in Maths, and when the teacher couldn't see, she'd play her music.

Both of us liked the same sort of music, Arctic Monkeys, The Cure, Oasis, those sort of bands, and those sorts of people. This created a sort of connection between us, we seemed to click with the other in a way that we hadn't before.

We just understood each other.

We became pretty much attached at the hip. During lunch, we'd rush to find each other so we could talk, we wanted to spend every moment that as possible with each other. We'd hang out on weekends, hang out at each others houses.

For all of Year 8, we were just friends, of course we were best friends, but we were only at the friend status. Then, the beginning of Year 9 finally started; and this was the beginning of our freshly teenage angst phase.

I'd just turned thirteen, and Y/N was already thirteen. And, this was when we wanted to try everything that we could possibly get our hands on. Drinking, smoking, that sort of thing. Drugs were off the table, so that wasn't in the question.

The first time the both of us ever smoked together was during the Halloween of Year 9. When my mum was upstairs on the phone, talking to one of her friends, I rush downstairs to the kitchen counter, knowing where my Mum kept her cigarettes.

They were sitting on the kitchen counter, packet exposed. Izzy & Jemima were upstairs themselves, Dad was not in the house at the time. So, this was my chance. I popped open the packet, and grabbed two of them.

It was pretty full, she hopefully wouldn't notice that they were gone. Usually, my Mum would nag at my Dad for nicking her cigarettes, so hopefully if she even noticed, she would believe my Dad was the one to blame.

I rushed into a spare drawer, grabbing a random lighter, after checking that the cigarette would light. I shoved it all into my jean pocket, making my way up the stairs. Passing my Mum, who had just finished her phone call, she suspected nothing.

I cringe thinking about how much of a smart-ass I thought I was. And then, I just had to wait until school the next day. I moved the cigarettes and everything else into my PE joggers pocket; and zipped up the pocket.


"Sir, can I sit out, please?"

I am going to complain until this man gives in, I swear to God.

We're meant to be doing football today, but if anyone thinks I'm going to be doing football in the freezing weather of October, with teenage boys who are sweating like Niagara Falls, I have another thing coming for them.

My lighter and cigarettes are still in my pocket, zipped into my joggers pocket. "If you're not going to do anything Harrison, you might as well," My teacher scoffs, and I jump at the opportunity, rushing out of the PE hall.

When any of us go to sit out in PE, we go outside to the track, and we're meant to run laps, but it's mostly where the more socially awkward kids go and listen to music on our phones for an hour; our basic free period twice a week.

But, running a little further than past the track, I make my way to behind the girls netball court building, none of the girls were there right now, they're playing tennis this term, and I would honestly give a lot to be in that position.

Going past the tennis court, I make direct eye contact with Y/N, and she nods, and I disappear quickly behind the netball court building. Zipping open my pocket, I take out the cigarette and the lighter, holding in my hand.

It wasn't raining, thank God, but it was bitterly cold, so I had to rub my hands together, and wait before Y/N joined me, and thankfully I wouldn't have to wait much longer before Y/N finally makes her way over to me.


"Miss, can I go to the toilets, please?"

"Y/N, you should've gone before the lesson," My teacher remarked, but I have an excuse for it.

Reaching into my pocket, I take out a small pad, in pastel pink packaging. My teacher looks down at it, with a little bit of horror, rolling her eyes. "Fine, don't take forever," She says, as I shove the pad back into my joggers pocket.

More than relieved that Dom's plan has worked, my heart beginning to race a little faster in my chest, I make my way across to the girls changing room. The school has made the boys changing rooms as far away from the girl as possible.

That meant I had to walk to the girls bathroom, which was across from the netball building. And the netball building is the place where everyone's goes to hide, it's a state. Most days of the weeks you can find used cigarettes, empty bottles of alcohol.

Occasionally an old condom wrapper, but I don't think half of the people who go behind the building to do that use that. Everyone above Year 7 knows that it's the only building that doesn't have CCTV, as it broke years ago, and nobody bothered to replace it.

Knowing I was firmly away from the eyesight of my teacher, I sprint behind the building, and Dom is waiting straight there. "Oh, thank God you're here," Dom said, as I crouched behind him, tightening my ponytail.

He looks, bizarrely, attractive. His brown hair is messy and ruffled, it's kind of endearing, wearing his blue PE t-shirt, tight against his chest, and his black joggers, then his black trainers. "Hold the cig, I'll light it," Dom said, passing me one of the cigarettes.

Taking the cigarette between my shaking fingers, I tried to hold it as still as possible between my fingers, as Dom pulled the lighter out of his pocket. He flicks the lighters a couple of times, but it's not lighting.

Sparks fly a couple of times, but nothing comes to it. Dom swore underneath his breath, shaking the lighter. "Could you not get a lighter that fucking worked!?" I asked him, but Dom shrugged me off.

"FUCK!" He shouted, before striking the lighter again, and the lighter finally produced a flame. I brought the first cigarette to the light, and the cigarette cherry lit, and I passed it to Dom. Still holding down the button, I lit my own.

As we were done, Dom let the lighter extinguish, and put it back in his pocket. As we both had a lit cigarette, I put it between my lips, and inhaled. Well "inhale," but I basically sucked on the other end of the cigarette, I did not know what I was doing.

Dom laid back too, as the cigarette smoke surrounded us, and my nose inhaled the scent. The smell of cigarette smoke had always been oddly relaxing, and I enjoyed the smell for a few moments, before gazing over at Dom.

Looking over at him, he was oddly calm. But that makes sense. With his ADHD, normally, his mind is operating a million miles an hour, and with the nicotine he's oddly calm. He puffs the cigarette again, before matching my gaze.

He gives me a toothy grin, and I take another puff myself. For a second, I want to kiss him. Part of me wants to enjoy the smell of the nicotine on his breath, and feel his lips against mine. This can only run through my mind for a few moments.

Our moment is completely disrupted when we hear the clashing of keys, and the clicking of heels. Crap. A teacher is coming. Dom shoved his cigarette out on his own foot, and I did the same. We tried to waft the smell of cigarette away, and stand up.

We can barely stand up before one of the non teaching staff walks behind the building. "What are both of you doing?!" The teacher exclaimed, and we were both flushed bright pink in the face. Trying to hold back our giggles, we were ordered back to our lessons.

Before we got detention, we were quick to rush back, both of us giggling underneath our breath, both of our hearts in our chest. My heart however, was bursting out of my chest, with the vision that had just gone through my head.

The idea of kissing Dom.

I felt bizarre for being so attracted to one of my mates, but I really really wanted to kiss him. I wanted to touch him. Half in a non sexual way, well, I suppose, partially in a sexual way, yes. But I shoved the thought far back in my mind.


Dom's POV

The first time that both of us ever had a drink of alcohol, we were only fourteen years old. It was my fourteenth birthday, and Y/N was allowed to sleep over at the house. She's one of the few girls who's allowed to stay at my house.

Jemima and Izzy aren't allowed to have boys over for the night, and I'm not supposed to have any girlfriend over, but me and Y/N are just closer than anything else. She's always allowed to be at my house.

My parents were outside of the house, collecting our takeaway birthday dinner - for me, and Izzy and Jemima are at friends houses for sleepovers. While they were, the two of us snuck downstairs, and opened the fridge.

Thankfully, there were nearly ten or so in the fridge, so we grabbed one bottle to share between the two of us. Hopefully, they wouldn't notice. We rushed upstairs, and twisted the bottle until it came undone with a satisfying pop.

"Are you ready, Y/N?" I asked her, as we took out two plastic cups, and poured a little bit of the bottle into each. Looking each other dead in the eyes, we brought the plastic to our lips and slowly took a sip of the drinks.

While now, I love the taste of beer, it's definitely a taste that needs to grow on someone. But, the first time we ever drank it, it tasted fucking disgusting. "Oh that's fucking mank!" I exclaimed, rushing to the upstairs bathroom.

In the upstairs bathroom, I poured the remaining contents of my cup, as well as the rest of the bottle, poured it down the sink. Y/N quickly came in, to do the exact same thing. "Fucking hell, your parents are stressed if they're drinking this," She remarked, as I burst out laughing.

We tossed the bottle into the downstairs kitchen bin, and then back upstairs, all before my parents came home with the pizza for our birthday; and neither of us were ever caught for it, not even to this day.

And neither of us drank beer for a long while after.


A year or so passed before we had our first kiss. She was fifteen, and we were nearly at my fourteenth birthday, later in the year. It wasn't my birthday yet, but it was only a few months off. But, my parents were having a massive row.

Not wanting to be in the house while they were still going at each other and having an argument, I went to her house. Her parents understood the situation, so I was allowed to come up to her room, and we were sitting on her bed.

As we did, I was just sobbing my eyes out, being an emotional fourteen year old, I was toeing the line of having a mental breakdown. "I don't even know if love is real," I sobbed into her shoulder, as she rubbed my back, trying to comfort me.

She let me sob into her, as she relaxed and soothed me. "It is, Dom, I promise you," Y/N assured to me. "I know your parents have a lot of issues, at the moment, but it doesn't mean they love you any less. I know it's shit, but you're going to find your own love,"

Not being fully convinced yet, it did slightly calm me down, and I did calm slightly. Still slightly upset, we talked it through a little longer, and then, we got to the discussion of whether I was loveable or not. Bad. Idea.

It sent me into a complete spiral again, and Y/N straight back into comforting mode. "Dom, Dom, I wish you knew how truly loveable you were, I love you," She said, and my heart beat faster, but my brain tried to stop myself

"I mean, yeah, but you don't love love me, you're my best mate," I said, shrugging her off. She paused for a moment, her lips pursing, making my heart race. My mind was begging for her to say she liked me back, but I never thought I could believe that this would be my reality. 

"It's a little bit more than mates, Dom," Y/N said, laying her gentle hand over mine, and I took it in mine. Her other hand reached and cupped my cheek, and our eyes met. My eyes stared into hers; and I could get lost in them forever.

"If you don't believe you're loveable, Dom, can I kiss you until you believe it?"

Those were the words that made my world slow for a few seconds.

A small yes left my lips, before our lips collided against the others. My back pushed against the soft collection of pillows and blankets on her bed. Her hands still cupped my face, her lips were perfect and gentle, keeping her body close to me.

Being absorbed by her, we lost reality of the world. I truly felt loved in that moment, for the first time in my life. My body shook, for whatever reason, there could've been multiple reasons for that at the time.

I don't know how long we were kissing for, it felt like forever, before our lips pulled away, and her chest rose and relaxed as she caught her breath. Running a gentle hand through her hair, she giggled, as she sat up again.

After that, we became an official couple. We went from Y/N and Dom to; Y/N & Dom. We'd be inseparable for years already, and now we were an official couple. And that was how we gained a whole new level of intimacy and trust for each other.


Fixing the skirt around my waist, adjusting the rest of my uniform, before applying the final layer of eyeliner; I walked downstairs to get breakfast. "Dom," My mum said slowly, as I made my way to the kitchen, grabbing a bacon sandwich that she'd made.

"Yeah?" I asked, as I sat at the kitchen table. "You look lovely, don't get me wrong, but is this one of the times I do worry about," She says, and I try and relax. "Mum, I'll be fine, all the people from school know I like wearing skirts anyways," I assured.

She seems comforted by this; and is quickly distracted by Izzy & Jemima coming downstairs to get ready for the day at school. They were happy enough, siting and talking through what was on their schedules.

After eating, I rushed back up to my room to put on my daily dose of jewellery I wouldn't be seen dead without. Chains, chokers, my rings, my necklaces, including the one I matched with Y/N. One quick brush through of my hair, and I was ready.

Finishing getting ready for the day, I left the house, and walked to the bus stop, waiting to meet Y/N. We get the same bus to school at the same time everyday. Well, we don't really have a choice. In Doncaster, buses are scarce.

The buses on weekdays come at 8:05am or either 8:50. Our school is twenty minutes away, and our school start at 8:45. So, you either have to get there for the 8:05 bus, or you have to beg your parents to drive you to school.

Getting at the bus stop at eight in the morning, Y/N's already there waiting for me. She has her headphones in, but looking up and seeing me, a massive smile spread on her face. "Oh my God! Dom, you look incredible!" She beamed, wrapping her arms around me.

Whenever I'm in her arms, I feel safer. Having her body close to mine, and have her rub my back always relaxes me. She's just on time, as the bus arrives on cue, and we get on the bus. Our unofficial seats are free, as they usually are.

Our seats, though of course they're not "ours" are at the very back of the bus, on the left, Y/N sitting in the window seat, and me next to her. She has her headphones in already, and I reach into my bag to grab mine.

To prepare for the day of school ahead, for both of us to sensory prepare ourselves for the day ahead, most of us end up listening to music. The music, while not being calming in the slightest, but it does calm us both.

Her head resting on my shoulder, she relaxes completely. She seems completely unaware of everything else, and unaware of the glares that are darting straight at me, as I sit on the bus. I'm already known for my fashion, but now this is a step further.

People know that I wear makeup and eyeliner, which they don't agree with, but for them, me wearing skirts and dresses are somehow the things that stood out. I'd only posted a few pictures on my story, but they hadn't really gone around - not many had mentioned it.

The stares are from everyone. People who I go to school with, judgemental parents sitting with their small children on the bus. Some older people were staring at me with a gaze that they were both horrified - as well as disgusted.

Rolling my eyes, I roll my skirt inwards one more time, making it even shorter. If they want to judge me, they can fuck off. "You really do suit that skirt," Y/N comments, and I take my headphones out to listen to her.

"Cheers for lending it to me, Y/N, I feel sexy as fuck," I say, whispering the last bit, and she giggles quietly. "Keep it," She says, and my eyes widen. "Are you serious?" She asks - and I nod. "Of course, I've got more skirts," She said.

"How did your mum react to the skirt?" She asks, as she puts her own headphones away, to listen to each other. "She was a little bit worried about how people would react to it, but she's used to it, doesn't judge it, obviously," I explained.

Y/N seems to not hear a little bit of it, as she's glaring back at one of the boys who's staring at me. When he finally breaks eye contact, she scoffs at him, and shoves her middle finger up at him, her finger next to her skirt.

"Sorry," She replies, lifting her head up to listen to me. We talk for the rest of the bus ride, it taking a little longer than usual, but we were still there in time to not be late. Putting my phone in my pocket, we walk into school together.

People's eyes dart to me, and I ignore it, as we make our seat to a bench, and talk for as long as possible. While we usually do have most lessons together, our first class of the day is our options, and we take different classes.

She takes Film Studies, and I take Heath & Social Care, so we won't be together for the lesson. As the bell rings for the first lesson, I slowly lean over and kiss Y/N on the forehead. "See you later, lovey," I said to her, beaming.

While Health & Social Care is a very interesting class; I hate the boys in my class. A lot of the boys chose to take it because they thought that it'd be easier than most other classes. But, it just means I have a lot of dicks in my class.

Especially, the "four". There's four boys in my year, and all of them are basically the definition of toxic masculinity. Extremely entitled, behaving like they deserved anything and all women should fall at their feet, as well as pushing ideals.

The ideas that men should be big and strong and masculine, and women should stay in the home and work, and cook. I reckon a couple of them need to come out of the closet, honestly. And they love to torment me.

Since me and Y/N have gone public in our school about our relationship, they've decided to push us onto their favourite topic. Since we started Year 11, their favourite topic has been sex and anything to do with it.

Sex, kink, losing your virginity, it seems to be the only thing that they want to talk about.

Walking into my lesson, all of them stare at me, and I take my seat, across from them. I don't even acknowledge them, but seems I don't have to wait. They are more than happy to approach me first - sadly.

"Ay, Dom! Why are you wearing a skirt, fam?" Alex asks. Alex is basically the second in command to the leader of the group, James. They're both as smug of a prick as each other, though. "Because I can," I state, replying to his question.

"Does your girlfriend like this?" James asks, mocking me and Y/N simultaneously. "Yes, she actually let me borrow her skirt," I scoff, and all four of them pause for a moment, seemingly taken aback.

"Whatever!" One of the henchmen of the group scoffs. "This is why you're one of the few guys who's still a virgin except the fact you've got a fucking girlfriend!" He says, and all the boys laugh at it despite the fact it's not funny.

Yep, as well as their obsession with sex, of course it's never about actual intimacy, just living through your porn fantasies. Since Year 11, it seems the boys sex drives have hit the ceiling. It's some weird competition.

Whoever will lose their virginity first, who could have the highest body count, and whoever could have the "kinkiest" sexual experience. But whatever they said, it never sounded like it was pleasurable for the girls they were talking about.

The guy in my year who started it all off, he came into our year after back from summer break, and started bragging about how he'd lost his virginity at the Wireless Festival in Central London. Of course, the boys demanded details.

His story, which I'm not entirely sure I believe, was that he was in the crowd and met a girl, and was flirting with her - and somehow convinced her to come back to his tent at the festival where they had "insane," sex.

All of the boys were hanging up on every single word that he would tell them about this most likely fake encounter. I don't know honestly - if it is true, I feel bad for the girl. He said that she was "screaming" the tent down - and that doesn't sound like a good thing to me.

This seemed to motivate the boys even more to lose their virginities, and the boys came into school eventually, one after the other to brag about their sexual experiences. Every one after the other, some stories being false, some just sounding cruel.

They were talking about their stories, how they had girls finish multiple times, a couple of boys trying to claim they'd had threesomes - which even these boys had to shut down. This was a world I felt completely disconnected from.

Despite the fact that me and me and Y/N had been together for so long now, we've never gone further than a more intense making out session. We'd never even exchanged nudes, the most I'd seen was her in her bra, and that was over the phone anyways.

She took me aback by doing that, as I was completely unexpecting it. We were just on a video call with each other, and we were getting pretty flirtatious and making sexual comments, which was usually the most intense we got, but without prompting, she went further.

Before I even had time to react, she pulled up the top of her top, showing me her red lace bra she was wearing underneath. She only did that for a few seconds, before pulling down her top again. It was embarrassing how quickly she turned me on.

My breath immediately caught in my throat, it almost felt like I was gross, as though I was objectifying her for finding her sexy, but it was just a fact she made me hard. Y/N assured me that it was literally how a relationship worked.

After me and Y/N discussed the topic of virginity, and sex, and we agreed that we'd obviously wait until the both of us were sixteen and above the age - and we wanted to be gentle. Whether we did have kinks - we didn't want to go much further than just losing our virginities.

She wasn't into the idea of having really kinky sex for her first time, and I didn't want to be super kinky with her, not for our first time. And, we've kind of left the topic for then, lust and sexuality not being a main thing that we needed in our relationship for it to function.

Health and Social Care class came and went, and the rest of the lessons did the same. Biting the inside of my cheek when the class was on break, waiting for Y/N, I don't know why, but the idea of us being intimate kind of popped up again.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted, as she approached me again, wrapping her arms around me again. We sat down together, Y/N just filling me in on the drama in our lesson, before the boys approached us again.


"Y/N!" Alex said, and Y/N immediately crosses her arms, looking bored already. "Yes?" She asks, in such a monotone voice. "Why the fuck are you going out with Dom?" He says, treating me like I'm not even sitting there. "He's fucking gay, bro," James adds.

"And that's why he has a girlfriend, and none of you do," She says, as she cups my face, leaning and kissing against my lips softly, making my stomach full of butterflies. She doesn't usually kiss me on the lips in public, but now she has.

Usually we consider kissing on the lips a little bit past usual PDA, but she's proving a point right now, and it's really worked. All of the boys seem mortified as well as slightly disgusted, crossing their arms and walking off. 

The next lesson of the day, me and Y/N are in a class together. We're in our Citizenship class together, and now we're discussing sexual and reproductive health. It's more about consent, and using contraception than anything else.

It's rather ironic sitting in a class while our teacher discusses consent with us, knowing that a lot of the people in this class are no longer virgins. The class kind of washes over most of us, as it's stuff we all know.

Absolutely horrific in the end, having a woman come into school to do a talk about it, a couple of people staring at me and Y/N, as it was often a question whether the both of us were sexually active together, though we never had been.

The most horrific bit of it was when she said she was going to show us how to put on a condom - and took out a blue dildo, put it down on a table in front of everyone, took a condom out of a packet, and showed us how to put it on.

Everyone was left extremely embarrassed, it was too late for most of the class to lose their virginities, so the talk was no longer useful. The glances over and over at me and Y/N were honestly one of the more uncomfortable things.

The hour managed to pass and I think the class practically scrambled out of the door, and rushed over to the canteen. Going over to the canteen; both of us got in the queue together, and Y/N bursts out into giggles.

"That was so fucking awkward," She said, and I nodded in agreement. "Nothing like thinking about losing your virginity than watching a condom demonstration," I added, and she giggled. We couldn't really continue the conversation; because of everyone else.

Lunch came and went, being without much heckling from the skirt, as everyone else had just gotten used to the fact the skirt was there and I wasn't going to be taking it off. We only had a few lessons left before we could go home.


The pair of us practically running out of the school gates - as we'd been clawing out for the past few hours for it to finally be over. Waiting for the bus to take us back to the town centre - I decide to ask her something.

"Do you wanna come stay at mine tonight and have a sleepover?" I ask her, and a small smirk forms on the corner of her lips, as the bus finally arrives for us, and both of us go to take our seats on the bus.

"What sort of sleepover?" She asks, barely trying to hold in her giggles, leaving me stunned. Would she genuinely be ready for something like that? "Are you sure you're ready for that sort of thing?" I ask her, and she nods almost immediately.

It takes me a moment to process it, honestly. Of course I've been thinking about it for a while, but I was never going to bring up the conversation without her being fully ready and prepared for it. The idea of it - and actually doing it, are completely different things.

Twenty minutes or so finally pass, as we get back to my street. Instead of going straight down the road though back to my house, we keep walking, and begin to make our way to our local high street - I know there's a local Superdrug there.

"Dom, where are we going?" She asks me - as she begins to realise that we're walking past my house. "I wanna like go to our local Superdrug, to get some stuff," I say, not being particularly loud as I don't want to draw too much attention to ourselves.

"What sort of things?" She asks, realising I just have to be transparent, communication being one of the most important things. "To get condoms and lube, I want you to be comfortable, and safe too," I say, and her eyes widen.

"Thank you,". That's the first thing she says after a few moments of silence. "Why would you be thanking me?" I ask her, as we walk a little bit closer to our local Superdrug. "Do you want me to pay for it?" She asks me, as we get to the door.

Immediately, I shake my head. "No way love. If both of us have to use them exclusively because of me, I'll pay for it," I say, as I begin to look through the aisles of different things, trying to find what we're looking for.


My eyes are darting desperately around the Superdrug, checking that absolutely nobody from our school is here. If anyone actually saw us here, I don't think I'd ever show my face at school again. There's enough rumours we've been shagging for years, I don't need to add to that.

Once my anxiety has been calmed that finally nobody is here, with a few adults giving us glaring looks, both of us disappear into the sexual health section of the store, and look through the different things that we could possibly buy.

I'm completely overwhelmed by all of the options that exist, anything to do with sex, and pleasure, was a fucking taboo. I was never taught what sort of lube was the safest to use, nothing more than just being taught how to put on a condom, literally a few hours.

"Should we just get a three pack, if this is only gonna be our first time? We're not going to go multiple rounds," He says, as he lifts up a smaller 3 pack of condoms. "That'd probably be best, yeah," I said, as Dom still seems to be looking further.

"What are you looking for?" I asked him, as he crouches down. "I'm trying to look for some lube," Dom says, and I let out a small breath of relief. I've heard horror stories about what happens when you don't use lube, and I don't want pain during my first time.

"We should probably just get like a plain one, don't like the flavoured ones give you a bad reaction sometimes?" He asks, and I nod. Going through a couple of the options, Dom slightly flushed in the face, grabs a plain one too.

Making our way to the front of the store, we go up to the cash register and put the things we're buying on the table. The woman working there doesn't give us a weird look, but she doesn't really make eye contact.

Paying for our things, Dom is quick to pack the things into his school bag - making our way out of our local store. "I suppose we should go back to your house, love, so you can get your stuff for tonight," Dom says, taking out his phone and texting his Mum.


"I'll wait for you here," Dom says downstairs, sitting down on my sofa, as I go upstairs to my bedroom. I've slept over at Dom a lot of the time, so I know the usual things that I need to pack for tonight - of course with a couple of other things.

I pack my pyjamas, a few pairs of clean underwear, changing out of my school clothes into a pair of clothes for today just a top and shorts, that I'll wear tomorrow morning. Along with some skincare, makeup and makeup wipes, the usual hygiene stuff.

As I'm getting changed into my new clothes, my mind cannot stop thinking about the set I could surprise Dom with. The first time Dom's ever seen me in anything except normal clothes, we were on a call together, and I lift up my top, showing my bra.

It was a red lace bra, but he only saw the bra, there's a matching underwear in red, and I change into them, as they hide underneath my clothes. My heart beats a little faster, as I rummage into my drawer, and my fingers wrap around that familiar feeling.

Hidden in my underwear drawer - is my bullet vibrator. It's a small little thing, I only paid around £15 for it; but it certainly is very well used by me, and honestly powerful. I got it from the same Superdrug we were just at.

It was slightly embarrassing; I grabbed it trying to avoid gazes, and made my way up to the cash register. The woman working there gave me a slightly confused look, but there was no age restriction on it, of course, and she had to let me buy it eventually.

Grabbing the vibrator, I slip it inside my makeup bag, and grab my tote bag to go downstairs.

Making my way down the stairs, Dom's sitting comfortably on my sofa, tucked up with a cereal box of my mine, just eating cereal straight out of the box. "I was waiting for you, love, let's go!" He said, as he puts the cereal down on the table.

"Stop eating my things!" I laugh to Dom, and he giggles himself. Grabbing my keys and saying goodbye to my parents, we leave my house and make our way to Dom's. As we walk down the street to his house, my heart starts beating faster in my chest.

Hopefully it's a secret that he'll see pretty soon.


I am so glad the house is relatively empty at this point.

Jemima is at a friend's birthday party, Izzy is at a residential school trip, so that leaves both of them out of the house. Dom's parents are also in another one of their off periods, and Dom's dad in some weird protest has moved out of the house, staying at Dom's uncles place.

So that leaves only me, Dom and his mum in the house. "Do you two want me to make you anything to eat, or were you planning to order something for yourself?" She asks, and Dom shows her his phone screen.

"We were just gonna order some McDonalds," Dom says, as he takes my tote bag from my hand, and we begin to make our way up to his room. The first thing Dom is change out of his school uniform, and into a similar pair of jeans and t-shirt as me.

After ordering, we both relax on his bed; laying with a blanket over us. Kissing my forehead, Dom cosies up to me, as he slowly pulls me in and kisses me softly. I swear I could kiss Dom forever. Every time he presses his lips against mine, the rest of the world disappears for a second.

His lips are so soft and gentle, and Dom's hand carefully lays over mine, and he holds it, the gentle touch against my skin stimulating me even more, as I feel my heart beating faster and I can't stop myself wanting to giggle.

After a few minutes of kissing and catching our breaths, before doing it again, there's a knock at the front door, which we both know is our dinner. Dom kisses my forehead, before excusing himself for a second, and going downstairs.

Wanting to tease Dom a little bit, I reach for the button up shirt I'm wearing, and reach for the first few buttons on my shirt, and unbutton a few. I stop myself from smirking as Dom comes upstairs with our dinner, and lays it out on the bed.

Dom puts up one of my favourite shows on his laptop as we eat, as I usually need distraction while I'm eating, or else it takes me forever to eat anything. Dom notices my intense gaze, but he doesn't judge me for it.

As we finish eating, Dom grabs the packaging for the food, and goes downstairs to bin it, as I slowly decide I want to make a couple more moves on Dom. Laying down on the bed, I take off my shirt, and leave myself wearing my bra.

Finally coming back into his bedroom, his eyes widen at the moment he sees me laying with my bra and shorts on. Dom quickly closes the bedroom door, as he immediately sits down next to me on the bed.

Dom's POV

Y/N is the hottest woman in the whole world right now, right in front of me.

Sitting in the same bra that I can only recognise from the call, and she's laid softly against my bed. My fucking bed. One of the most gorgeous women I've ever laid my eyes on, laying herself out to me? "Fuck, love," I swear out, making my way onto the bed with her.

"You like this, baby?" She asks, as she straddles my waist and I instantly get hard. "Yes," I instantly say to her, giving her an instant response. Her hands move from my chest to touching my hair, her fingers running through my hair.

She knows I like being touched in my hair, and it's a whole different form of stimulation. Pressing her lips against mine again, she pushes me down onto the bed, and she reaches for my top, I'm already sweating profusely, and need it off pretty soon.

"Yes, yes, please," I say, and she takes off my shirt, leaving my chest bare and exposed to her. As her fingers trace down my chest, I feel my body tensing up, expecting stimulation. My hips lunge forwards as she reaches for my belt.

"You want this off?" She asks me, and I know what she's implying. "Are you saying that you want to give me a blowjob?" I ask to her, and she nods. "Yes, Dom, I want to," She says, and my cock gets so much harder, twitching in my boxers.

I almost feel dirty for being so aroused and turned on, though I know this is a genuinely normal reaction and response to her acting like this, she is trying to turn me on and I need to recognise it. "Do you want me to take off your jeans?" She asks.

"Go ahead, love," She says, and I give her my consent. Her fingers work magic against me as she strips my clothes down until I'm only in my boxers, my obvious hard-on showing through the fabric, my whole body feels like it's on fire.

She turns me on in a way I cannot explain, and she smirks as she slowly reaches down for her own pair of shorts. As they come off I can see the satin lace red underwear that she's wearing underneath, her whole body a literal work of art.

"Do you want to take off your boxers, or do you want me to do it for you?" She asks me, and I know I'll have to do it myself. If she makes me so sensitive already, I'll come on the spot if she touches my boxers.

"I'll do it myself," I say, reaching for the fabric of my boxers and I know they're already damp from the pre-come already leaking from my tip. I slowly take them off, and my cock rests against my stomach, dripping pre-come and demanding stimulation.

Y/N's eyes are fixated on the sight for a few moments, before she reaches for a hair-tie on her wrist, and my body already knows what she's going to do. Instantly knowing what she's going to do; she ties her hair into a low ponytail.

She drops onto her knees on my bedroom floor, in her bra and I can't focus. "Holy fuck love, you look absolutely gorgeous," I swear out, as I slowly bring my thighs along the end of the bad, as she places both her hands on my thighs.

Looking down at her hands, they're shaking against my thighs, I slowly put mine over hers. "Love, don't push yourself too far, it's alright," I promise her, as she looks up at me. My body is sensitive from arousal, and I take my hand in hers.

She pauses for a few moments, our eyes meeting, a look of lust as well as adoration in her eyes, as she slowly spreads my legs a little. "I want to," Dom she assures, as she releases my hand and wraps it around the base of my cock.

I groan out, closing my eyes instantly. Her hands feel fucking amazing, my cock never feeling anything except my own hand, and her fingers feel so, so good as she begins to work me from my base up to my tip.

As her hand moves against my cock, I am overwhelmed from the pleasure. My eyes cannot stay open, my body feeling hot, eyelids flickering as I stare up at the ceiling, and I have to let out a whimper. It feels too good.

I don't want to make too much noise so my mum finds out, but my cock feels too good, my fingers gripping the bedsheets so hard my knuckles are bleaching white, as I whimper out her name. Then, she gives me so much more stimulation.

Her hand still working me, her lips wrap around my tip, and she sucks. I let out a disgustingly filthy moan, all inhibitions thrown out of the window, as my thighs begin to shake. "Fuck love, fuck, you're doing so good," I praise to her, my hips bucking.

She tries her best to go a little further down onto me, before she begins to gag. While I can't speak on behalf of all men, and some may find someone gagging and choking on their dick hot, I don't find any arousal in it. She seems uncomfortable.

I pull away from her, and let her catch her breath. "Love, are you okay?" I ask, and she finally calms down. "I'm sorry, I wanted to give you a blowjob," She says, though she's apologising for absolutely nothing.

"Love, it's your first time, I didn't expect you to be perfect, you don't owe me an apology," I say, as she looks up at me softly. "C'mon, get up off your knees, it can't be comfortable, c'mere on the bed" I say to her.

I position myself on the bed, my back against the headboard, my legs spread again, and I start getting hard again once I know she's comfortable. She gets up off the floor, her knees slightly red, as she sits back down on the bed.

"How about you stick to giving me a handjob? If you're comfortable with doing that, you seemed before," I say to her, as she wraps her hands around my hard cock again. "That's more than fine, Dom," She giggles, her strokes sending waves of pleasure through me.

As her fingers work against my cock, using one hand to stroke me, bringing her fingers across me, her other hand working my tip. My teeth bite so hard down on my lower lip, so hard I'm convinced it's going to bleed.

"Fuck, fuck, love, oh my God, you're going to be the death of me," I say, feeling like I'm going to come. My cock twitches in her hand, a warning I'm going to come, feeling like I'm going to burst. I feel like I'm finishing too soon, eyes darting to the ceiling to try hold it off.

"You're twitching Dommy, do you wanna come baby?" Y/N says in a sultry voice, leaning right into my ear as she says it, before her teeth brush against my ear, and she knows that turns me on so much.

I already know I'm not going to last a second.

My brain goes absolutely blank, my eyes seemingly flashing for a second as my come coats her hand. I moan and whimper her name, as she lets go of my cock, I squirm on top of the bedsheets. As my hips lift up, I look at her for her reaction.

She seems so genuinely turned on, and it's something I'm in absolute disbelief of, I can't imagine having that affect on someone as gorgeous as her. "Do you want me to go get you a towel, to clean you up?" She asks.

"There's one in the bathroom," She says. Y/N quickly darting out of the bedroom, she comes back after a few moments, with a clean towel, and cleans me up, most of the mess being on my thigh or her hand, the bedsheets being relatively unscathed.

She throws the towel down on the floor, as she straddles my thigh, and I can feel the dampness in her underwear. "Fuck, I wish you knew how wet you got me, Dom," She giggles, her face a bright shade of pink.

Fuck, she's going to drive me insane. "Do you wanna see, baby?" She asks, as she slowly lifts up off my thigh. All I can do is nod. Getting off my thigh entirely, she pulls her underwear off, throwing it on my carpet, before sitting herself down on my thigh.

She soaks my thigh from sitting on it, as she's wet as fuck. It makes my cock harder again, knowing I made her like this. Her hands on my waist, she begins to roll her hips against my thigh, and I wanna give her so much more stimulation.

"Love, if you want me to touch you, you can just ask," I tease her, as her eyes widen. "Could you start with just touching me over my underwear, and then please work up to full oral?" She asks, and immediately I agree with her.

"Come here, sit in my lap," I say to her, and she sits herself down in my lap, her soft thighs against mine, and her back is against my chest. My hearts beats so so fast, hoping I'll perform well for her, there's a lot of pressure.

Watching a woman in a porn movie being wet and turned on, and seeing a real woman in front of you, soaking wet, and begging for your fingers or your tongue, is a whole other thing entirely.


Dom's slender fingers slowly push against the soft satin of my underwear, and I instantly whimper, as the tips of his fingers stimulate my covered, sensitive clit. I can't help but moan, as my hand wraps around Dom's wrist.

"Fuck, oh that feels good," I whine, nobody ever touching me like this, as Dom seemingly begins to get over the initial shock of the first moan I've ever made in front of him, as he slowly takes his finger, and begins making circles around my clit.

Careful and teasingly slow, each teasing motion, around my clit, drawing moans out of me, laying back against his chest, my thighs melting against his, my body relaxing to the euphoria of it, seconds feeling like multiple minutes.

Moaning faster and faster, he slowly brings his fingers down into my underwear, and I'm so sensitive that I can't even begin to suggest the bullet vibrator, Dom's fingers are already stimulating me. "Can I take your underwear off?" He asks.

"Yes, Dom, please," I say, as he pulls down my underwear, and starts slowly. His fingers trace down my pussy lips, making his way slowly up and down, and I whine and whimper before he starts making circle around my clit.

"FUCK!" I shout out and we both giggle from how loud I'm being, as he teases. "Love, you need to keep quiet," He teases, as he traces my clit and starts stimulating it directly, and I can already tell I'm going to come.

"Fuck, I think I'm going to finish," I warn to him, as I lift my head up, and he looks me in the eyes. "Love, genuinely, can I give you oral to let you finish?" He asks, and I pulsate just thinking about it. "Yes, yes," I say, as Dom changes position.

My back pushes against the headboard, Dom grabbing a pillow. "Love, lift your hips up, please," He asks, and I do as he asks, and I lift my waist up, as he places a pillow underneath my hip to make me more comfortable.

Dom positions himself between my thighs, lifting my legs up, and spreading them, slowly lowering himself, his soft hair tickling the side of my thighs, as he slowly brings his fingers to my lips, before allowing his tongue to work.

He slowly works his tongue against me, being careful to not overstimulate me, but his carefulness makes me way more sensitive to the stimulation, as he licks up and down, finally letting his tongue lay against my sensitive clit.

Dom's tongue feels like heaven against me, better than anything else could feel, as I slowly roll my hips onto his face, as he finds my sweet spot, as he stimulates my clit over and over, and my hips react to his touch.

My hands find his way into my hair, as I slowly use my hand to guide his head.

His tongue feels more amazing against me than anything else could ever feel, and as I slowly roll my hips onto his face, as he finds my sweet spot, simulating my clit over and over, as my hips react to his touch.

My hands fly into his hair, as I slowly put my hand into his hair to help control his hair. "Fuck! Dom, Dom, I'm so close!" I warn to him, as he slowly goes a bit faster. "Please, please, come for me," Dom begs, and my pussy pulsates.

Losing myself to the pleasure, my hand buries into his hair as I come. "Fuck, Dom!" I swear out, as my head rocks back, my legs wrapping around Dom's head, as Dom doesn't stimulate me further, his head just staying there.

Finally calming down from my orgasm, we both giggle, as he kisses me softly. "You comfortable, love?" He asks, as he wraps his arms around me. "Oh so fucking comfortable," I say, as Dom pulls back the bedsheets.

Dom gets off the bed, and reaches into his pocket, grabbing a condom, and a packet of lube. Grabbing a packet, he opens the condom, slowly lowering it onto himself, before grabbing the bottle of lube.

He slowly pours some onto himself, still whining as he spreads it and my pussy instantly knowing I'll finally get to feel him soon. Everything I've fucking waited for, now me and Dom can finally be intimate on a level we haven't experienced before.

"Love, that is a lot of lube," I comment to Dom, seeing how much he's put on himself. "I'd rather we were messy than have you be in pain," He says to me, as he gets on top of me, and I get flustered at the look of him on top of me.

"Y/N, you have to tell me if at any point you get uncomfortable," Dom says, and I nod. "Yes, Dom, I will, please I just need you right now," I say to him, before Dom finally pushes inside of me, filling me up, and I moan out.

I feel so good being so full, Dom's eyes observing my reaction, and he has a smile on his face. "Fuck, darling, you feel so so good," He moans out, as his eyelids flutter, his eyes beginning to slowly roll, almost back into his head.

Since Dom seems to be getting adjusted, I make the initial move and slowly roll my hips against him, and he moans as I stimulate him. "Your pussy's fucking perfect," He compliments to me, and I hold onto his shoulders.

Reaching up and kissing on his chest and neck, he whines out, as his hips shake. "God, love, you're going to be the fucking end of me, I already know I'm not going to last long," He warns, and I already know.

"Love, it's fine, it's our first time, it's normal to feel this good," I can barely say through my whines and noises of pleasure. Bringing his lips to mine and getting into an intense session of making out with the other, pleasure overrides my body.

We can only last a few moments longer before we're already close. "Dom, Dom, I'm going to come," I warn him, gripping onto his shoulders, and it doesn't seen Dom is far behind. "I'm glad you are, because I'm so close," He says through gritted teeth.

Our moans fill the room, my mind thinking of nothing except of Dom and pleasure, as we both moan each others names and come undone next to the other, in a position that is purely for us, and purely intimate.

He kisses my forehead as he lays down on top of me, pulling out of me, and pulling off the now full condom. His hands slowly run through my hair, and we're both giggling messes. "Fuck, I'm sweating my tits off," Dom says, making me burst out laughing.

"Go bin that condom please, and get me a towel, please?" I laugh, as I get out from under the covers, and Dom throws his dressing gown over himself. "Of course, my love," Dom says, as he goes for a few moments and I try and compose myself.

I honestly cannot process that tonight happened, and it all just happened so quickly. I'm no longer a virgin, which is a lot to take it, and while the idea of "giving" somebody your virginity is honestly a concept created by patriarchy, some days I am soppy before I am a feminist.

And Dom being the person who has my virginity sounds like a pretty safe place for it, in my opinion. Dom interrupts my train of thought as he walks into the room with a clean towel for me, and walks over to me.

"Love, come here, I want to clean you up," He says, giving me more dignity than anyone else would've. He slowly cleans between my legs first, as I'm dripping wet, and Dom cleans the rest of my body second.

"You should probably go for a piss, love, it's meant to prevent UTI's," Dom says, as I grab the towel around myself. "I'm going to go do that, excuse me for a second," I say, leaving the bedroom; and down the hall to the bathroom.

Extremely relieved I didn't run into Sam on my way to the bathroom, I look at myself in Dom's bathroom mirror and it's honestly a mess. My hair is messy around my head, the hair moving out of the ponytail, and my face flushed.

After finishing up in the bathroom, I made my way into Dom's bedroom, and the atmosphere is so lovely. Dom's turned the fairy lights in his bedroom on, and turned around his bedding to the cold side, my pyjamas laying on the bed.

"Aww Dom!" I say, as I close the bedroom door, taking off my towel, before changing into the pyjamas. As I'm doing it, Dom slightly opens the curtains to open the windows and let some cold air in, as he pulls back the curtain.

"I'm so glad you got the double bed," I said, giggling as Dom pulls back the covers. After Dom's dad moved out, for the next time, Dom got the double bed, and Sam opted for the single bed as she's trying to make a statement against his dad.

But that does a lot of favours for us. As we both lay against the sheets together, I see Dom's laid a clean towel against the bedsheets. "I did that so we don't have to lay on the sweaty sheets," He giggles, as I lay on his chest.

Looking up at his fairy lights, my heart skips a few beats. Hanging up on clips on the fairy lights is pictures of us. Things from all throughout our relationship, photobooth strips, our birthday, our first relationship anniversary.

"Dom, when did you do that?" I say, looking up at it, my heart melting. "I did that after I got the bed, I just thought I'd have a little something to like remind me of healthy relationships, you know my parents relationship and everything,"

"It's just nice to remind myself that we don't have to be like my parents, and like I love ya, and I hope you know that I'd never do anything like that to you," He says, and I lean in and softly kiss him on the cheek.

"Dom, you literally were just the kindest person to me right now, you put so much effort into making sure I feel comfortable and safe in bed, you're nothing like your parents relationship, we don't have to be,"

As Dom dims the lights in his bedroom, I put my headphones on to make sure I can sleep, as I usually need music to sleep at night. "One thing before you go to bed love?" He asks me, and I nod my head. "Yes?" I ask him.

He slowly leans in, and presses a kiss on my forehead. It's gentle at first, as he pulls away from me, his hand on my cheek, and I slowly lay in bed. "Goodnight, Dom," I say, genuinely exhausted from the night I just want to sleep.

"I love ya, Y/N," He says, kissing my forehead, as I roll in my bed. "Dom! I want to sleep," I laugh, facing away from him. My body is slightly sore from tonight, but as Dom slowly falls asleep, his breathing soft and gentle, it calms me down.

There's no place I'd feel safer than in the arms of Dom, and laying next to him in bed, I slowly close my eyes, and let myself fall asleep, knowing I'm completely safe in his arms.


Waking up the next morning, I open my eyes, and am laying on Dom's chest. "Good morning, my love," Dom says, already being awake. "Are you feeling okay, love?" He asks, and I nod. "Slightly sore love, but yes," I laugh.

"At least that makes one of us, my hips are fucking killing me, next time you're getting on top, swear down," He says, and we both burst out laughing.

"Noted, Dom,"


A/N! Hello chickens! 🐔💐

Sorry for being so inactive for a while, a lot of things have just been going on, but I hope you enjoyed this regardless!!

ALSO I finally met Dom a few days ago at Tom's signing and oh my GOD it was so amazing, they were so so sweet. Dom called me a rockstar & said I looked sick, he was amazing!

Full vid of me meeting him is on my tiktok @bunny.blud if you want to see the full video <33 

I still have so many cute pics to show (these are mostly screenshots from vids, but some are pics!)

Love you all!

Lana <33

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