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By -saintsiren

154K 7.2K 11K

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Act 1 ā”ā” Ninteen Ninty One
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ACT 2 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Two
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Act 3 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Three
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Act 4 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Four
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Act 5 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty five
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Act 6 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Six
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Act 7 ā”ā” Nineteen Ninty Seven
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1.2K 71 50
By -saintsiren

Circa June 1995:

The 6th month of the year was going very well, it was the month that all of the Pureblood 5 had finally become 15-year-olds, Draco being the last to turn.

And contrast to how the girls celebrated their birthday, the Malfoy wizard preferred to have a little celebration in the boy's room, wanting to avoid the people he disliked.

Especially Pansy Parkinson who had been trying to talk to not just him, but his girlfriend as well.

It had freaked them all out, so they spend the whole day, in Mente Striae, but instead of watching their usual mobster films, they began to watch cartoons. Something they rarely did. They wanted to dial back on the usual violence they watched, since they were already surrounded by it, especially with the up-and-coming final task.

So at Draco's request, Septrim sent him many different DVDs, containing various cartoons for his birthday.

That day, was bright and sunny, matching their moods, they only hoped that's how the rest of the year continued.


Wednesday, June 23rd


"Well hello," Cedric greeted the Seramore witch with a wide smile. He felt excited about the last task, hopeful that he was going to win, especially due to being on a high after winning the second task.

"Hi," she smiled staring up at him.

"So, you decided to see the Hogwarts champion before he wins it all?"

"If your little brain can remember," she paused, "you're not the only one."

"Oh yeah, Harry," he playfully rolled his eyes, then tapped his chin, pretending to think, "the other champion that is in love with you."

"Shut up," she nudged him, "but just so you know, I have been supporting you through this entire thing," she mockingly raised her hands.

He gasped, pretending to wipe a tear from his eyes, "I can't believe I've had the support of the Slytherin princess."

"Well, take it all in, because this will be the last time you will have my support," she joked.

"I guess it's a good thing, that I have someone as truly brilliant as you on my side."

She nodded, "I know."

"If only being humble was a trait of yours." he quipped.

"Yeah yeah." she rolled her eyes, a grin pulled at her lips, "Good luck Ced."

Her words took him back, making him pause his laughter, he gawked down at her with wide and joyful eyes.

"Ced?" he repeated and she bashfully smiled. The first time she ever called me my nickname, "Am I warming my way into your cold heart?" he cooed and she reluctantly nodded.


He chuckle as he folded his arms, "I should be, it's my job as your big brother figure." he always felt like it was part of his responsibility to look after anyone who was in the younger years; the Jones brothers, Alana, Aurora, Artemis and even her group of friends.

Cedric was an only child, so his friends felt more like siblings to him, whether or not they were new additions, he just felt protective over them.

Artemis playfully scoffed, "You think you're mature enough for that?" she eyed him knowingly. He was just like Zacharias and Iziah.

"And Blaise is?"

They exchanged a brief look before she nodded in agreement, "Touché."

He started to lean against the wall, "Well next year will be my last year, so after that, you won't have anyone else to bump into." he grinned, thinking back to the first time he had met Artemis, 2 years ago, near the trophy room.

He couldn't believe how much they had grown closer since then.

"True but I might just have to replace you," she said teasingly.

"You would really do that?" he asked, feigning offence.

She tutted, "Sadly I don't think I could."

"Good, I'm one of a kind." they both laughed at his words, but Artemis couldn't help be believe that it was true.

"I guess you are."

He dramatically placed a hand over his heart, "Wow, I can't believe royalty keeps complimenting me today." he fanned himself.

"Love it while you can, it won't last long."

He shrugged and then offered her a hug, she let him embrace her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, whilst she snaked her arms around his waist and squeezed him a little tighter for good fortune.

"Yeah yeah, good luck for tomorrow Ced and be careful okay?" she mumbled into his chest before they pulled away.

"I will, take care now Princess."


Thursday, June 24th


Today was the day of the final task and to say Artemis was worried would be an understatement.

She didn't like the feeling that bubbled in her stomach, so she constantly tried to push it away and ignore it. But she could never just ignore her gut feeling, especially when it kept telling her that something bad was about to happen.

Regardless, she and her group showed up, sitting amongst the crowds, wearing less clothes compared to what they wore during the second task because now, the weather seemed hotter and there was not one cloud in the sky.

The crowd was cheering. One by one each champion came out, each adorning their colours, Harry in firey red, Cedric in amber, Fleur in her cerulean blue and Viktor in charcoal black.

They were each accompanied by their mentors, Amos Diggory for his son, Madame Maxime for Fleur, Igor Karkaroff with Viktor and of course Dumbledore stood next to Harry.

"I wish I brought food," Blaise murmured and Theo nodded in agreement, their witches turned to them and motioned to the bag by their feet, the boys ducked down and their eyes widened when they saw the contents.

It was filled to the brim with different sweets from Hogsmeade.

"When did you guys get these?" Draco asked, chuckling at the expression on the boy's faces, they were practically foaming at the mouth.

"We have our ways," Artemis winked up at him, he pulled her against his chest and kissed the top of her head.

"Just don't eat all of them," Daphne said but then huffed when she noticed they had already eaten most of the gummy worms, "alright give me the bag," she held out her hand and the boys shook their heads defiantly, "now."

They begrudgingly gave it back to her, causing Artemis and Draco to laugh at her authoritative tone.

Blaise and Theo made sure to stuff their pockets with enough to last the whole task, knowing it would be quite long.

The crowds were full and most of the fans had their favourite champion's name painted on their faces.

Artemis and Daphne considered doing the same for Cedric but instead, they only wore his Hufflepuff bracelets, Blaise and Theo did the same.

The Diggory boy had many so he handed them out to his friends, so they could support him with them.

"Silence!" Dumbledore shouted, and everyone instantly quieted down and turned to him, "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard cup, deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. "Now as Mr Diggory- " Hufflepuffs roared with cheer and even the most popular Slytherins and Ravenclaws joined in, "Mr Potter- " his housemates stood up and cheered loudly, "They are tied for the first position and will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr Krum-" manly cheers could be heard from Durmstrang stands, who stomped as well, "And Ms Delacour- " many of her supporters squealed loudly, "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner!" he grinned, resulting in rowdy applause from the crowd.

"I don't like mazes," Theo mumbled, then took a bite out of his chocolate frog.

"Me neither," Draco commented, but still looked forward to seeing the results of the task.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, "I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands" he explained, "Contestants! Gather round!" he beckoned each of them all to come forward. They huddled in a tight circle.

No one could hear what they were saying, but many just assumed it was encouraging words.

"Champions! Prepare yourselves!" Dumbledore, shouted, followed by each of them lining up an entrance to the maze, each colour-coded for each contestant. They all were nervous about what lay within the forest green walls of the maze. "On the count of three. One..."Dumbledore was quickly interrupted by a loud boom, causing cheers throughout the mini-stadium.

It was time.

Each of them slowly entered the 20-foot-tall maze. Draco, Blaise and Theo conversed, leaving Artemis to turn to her best friend, "I don't like this Daph."

The blonde shook her head, gulping nervously, "Me either."


Fleur and Viktor had returned over half an hour ago. The crowd were a bumbling ball of nerves.

"Where are they?" Artemis asked over the cheerful music, that was trying to keep everyone in happy spirits.

"They'll be out soon Arty," Draco said with uncertainty, he reached and gripped her hand, offering her a reassuring look, but she didn't take notice of it.

How could she? Viktor and Fleur seemed traumatised after witnessing whatever lay between the aisles of the maze. When they arrived back, they were in shock and their supporters were quick to comfort them,

The Krum boy seemed like he had been in a trance and had to be brought out of the hex someone inflicted on him. Neither champion would be the same.

And suddenly, cheers engulfed the stands, once Harry appeared, the Triwizard cup in hand, but something was wrong.

He was covering a body.

Cedric's body, but everyone was too happy to notice that no one could see that he wasn't moving.

That was until Fleur let out a heartbreaking cry once she realised what had happened. The music stopped, making everyone really look at the sight.

Harry wailing over a dead Cedric Diggory.

Blaise was quick to grab Theo and Daphne, turning them away from the scene, already feeling their sobs against his chest, Draco mirrored his actions and Artemis painfully gripped her boyfriend's sides, she couldn't help bawl into his chest.

The godbrother's exchanged sullen expressions and shuffled closer together.

They had just lost one of their peers.

They heard the cries from the Hufflepuffs students, more specifically his closest friends.

"Harry!" Dumbledore shouted reaching the boy.

"For God's sake. Dumbledore, what's happened!" Fudge exclaimed.

"He's back! He's back! Voldemort's back!" Harry shrieked and sobbed, "H-He killed him. He killed Cedric," he sobbed, not letting go of the dead boy.

Dumbledore struggled to look away from Cedric's lifeless green eyes.

He was only just a boy.

Amos weaved through the crowd, pushing through everyone, desperate to get to his son, needing to get to him, "That's my son!", he wailed and pushed Harry out of the way, shrieking loudly once he saw that he had lost his only child, "That's my boy!" he let out a gut-wrenching cry.

Leaving the students and professors to stare ahead, traumatised and horrified that nothing would ever be the same.


Friday, June 25th:


It was the day after the tournament, the day after Cedric's horrific death.

His corpse, lying on the quidditch field, clung to everyone's subconscious like a bad daydream.

Judging from the deep-set bags which hung below everyone's eyes across the great hall, indicated that no one could sleep a wink. Shock and sorrow were splayed across each student and professor.

Artemis couldn't sleep, she didn't want to, she felt as if she closed her eyes that she would just lose the memory of the Diggory boy she had grown to care about.

She didn't want to keep thinking about how he didn't reach the age of 18. That he couldn't graduate from Hogwarts. He couldn't go on to live a happy life, get married and potentially have children.

The pureblood 5 all stayed together in the boys' dormitory, laid out across their bedroom floor, staring up at the transfigured ceiling, counting the stars, until the sun rose.

Neither of them knew how they could go on after witnessing something like that, how they could listen to anything after hearing the gut-wrenching cry Amos Diggory let out.

Artemis remembered the words that Harry wailed, that Lord Voldemort had returned and was the reason for Cedric's death.

She believed him. She also believed that the Dark Lord was responsible for a lot more than she could comprehend.

The Great Hall looked almost mimicked the expression that touch everyone's faces. It was colourless, dreary and sorrowful.

Each table was sitting unmoving and uncheerful.

The transfigured ceiling had been removed, the starry night had been replaced by the dull reality that swept through the school...That nothing was the same.

The vibrant colours of the banners had seemed dull and drab.

Soft cries and sniffling engulfed the hall, no one could even plaster on a smile, not having the energy to do so.

It would be disrespectful and no one was low enough to do that.

Artemis and Daphne at between the boys, senselessly playing with the amber-coloured bracelets, unaware that Cedric's closest friends were also doing the same.

Blaise, Theo and Draco interlinked their fingers with the witch's, feeling them trembling, despite the expressionless look on their faces.

Dumbledore's voice rang through the silence "Today, we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard-working, infinitely fair-minded, and most importantly a fierce, fierce friend."

Artemis' last conversation bounced around her head, Cedric was a big brother figure for her, always joking and never seemed to be unhappy.

Every time they bumped into each other, unknowingly brightened both of their days.

Each 'princess' and 'your highness' may have seemed at first like he was mocking her, but over time brought comfort to her heart.

There would never be another Cedric Diggory, why? I'm one of a kind, his words echoed through her head, making Artemis bit down on her bottom lip to stop the sob that threatened to spill from her lips.

Draco guided her head to rest on his shoulder, he pressed a kiss to her forehead, before he turned back to listen to their headmaster.

"Now I think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died, you see... Cedric Diggory was murdered! By Lord Voldemort!" he announced, causing everyone to stiffen by the news.

The biggest threat to their safety has returned, so what did this mean in the long term?

"The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this! But not to do so would be an insult to his memory!" Dumbledore exclaimed loudly, anger clung to his tone, "Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us, while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one."

Zacharias and Iziah held back their tears, having to comfort Alana who shook in sadness.

The Hufflepuff trio locked eyes with the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan, who had the same expression.

Meanwhile, Aurora laid her head against Luna's shoulder, the latter who combed her hands through her auburn-coloured hair. The Routledge girl looked up, catching Artemis' sullen eyes.

The Seramore witch seemed to mouth something to the girl, who understood immediately.

"In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship we've made this year, will be more important than ever" Dumbledore continued, "And Cedric Diggory would not have died in vain. You remember that!" he nodded with conviction, "And we'll celebrate a boy who was kind, and honest, and brave, and true, right to the very end."



Artemis had made sure to gather everyone she knew was close to Cedric and even the people who were close to her.

The Dons, the Weasley twins, Lee and the Jones brothers and the Spectres.

They all stood tired and exhausted.

All wearing their house jackets, along with melancholy expressions.

The sun shone through the windows of the room, however, its rays only seemed to shine and reach only one metallic statue, one standing silhouette of armour.

The centre one.

Therefore each student gathered around it, staring up at the tall armed sculpture. The Hufflepuffs decided to bring Cedric's house jacket and scarf, wrapping them around it. The Slytherin girls decided to place the bracelets that he had gifted them on each wrist.

Creating a shine on the charismatic boy.

Showcasing how he would never be forgotten. He could never be forgotten.

He was Cedric's bloody Diggory and he would always be remembered, by his family, his school, his housemates, his year group and especially his closest friends.

Artemis was the first to speak, Draco stood by her side for moral support, their hands were interlinked. "This was where I first met Cedric," her voice was shaky but she continued, "we bumped into each other, he called me the princess of Slytherin and bowed like a prick" they all laughed as tears trickled down most of their cheeks, "but he was one of the best people I met." she exhaled sharply, trying not to let her emotions get the best of her.

"When I first started Hogwarts, I thought it was a big scary place," Zacharias voiced, his eyes staying on the shining statue.

"Which it is," Iziah joked, through his tears, earning a few chuckles, "but Ceddy helped us, even when he was busy or we got him in trouble."

"And we did that alot."

The two Jones brothers, held onto each other tightly as they went back and forth, amusing their peers.

"He was always there for us," Zacharias paused, choking back a sob, he felt Lee wrap an arm around his shoulder, "I wish he was still there for us, so we could be there for him." and with that, he broke down and was brought into the arms of his younger brother.

Lee decided to speak up, "When I first met Cedric, he told me to always keep my head up when i walk through the halls of this school, because there were many monsters around, always lurking in the shadows," a single tear coated his cheeks, "then I met the twins," he nodded to his best friends, who each grabbed his trembling hands, "and we decided that we would scare the monsters that threatened to scare us. We became the jokers-"

"The pranksters," Georges teased, with a teary smile.

"So we would always let laughter carry us through, instead of letting our fears drive us," Fred was quick to wipe away his tears, "Cedric kinda taught us that, he was a cheeky little git." he sniffled, making everyone else either smile or laugh sadly.

"But had a smile that could make you smile," Lee continued, staring at the shrine of his friend, "we love you, Cedric."

The Jordan boy rested his head on George's shoulder.

"Ced and I bonded over cartoons." Blaise spoke up after a while, "usually I was the oldest and had to take care of everyone, but being around him allowed me to breathe a little bit," he inhaled deeply, then felt his girlfriend loop her arm through his, "I felt like I was being taken care of. But now he's gone, I'll just come here," he motioned towards the statue, "and just talk to you."

They all nodded in agreement, exchanging sad smiles.

Each story that was told allowed them to deal with the loss a little more.

"We always talked about Mobster movies together." Daphne didn't bother to wipe her tears, "and we even shared hair tips, because I can't lie, that boy had great hair."

"He did," they all agreed, even Draco, making them laugh in disbelief.

"The Delinquents will never be the same without you," Iziah croaked out, Zacharias and Alana nodded in unison.

"Neither will the Divine group," Theo added with a chuckle, trying to ignore the pang he felt in his chest.

The Nott wizard rarely liked anyone out of his group, but he had grown very close to the Hufflepuffs, Aurora, Lee and the Weasley twins.

"He was a genuine soul," Alana muttered, then grabbed the Routleledge girl's hand.

"And he will always be remembered," Aurora added.

They all turned to the Malfoy wizard who stared ahead, looking at the decorated statue.

He swallowed harshly, "Cedric was a little shit, but he was nice to my friends and I guess that's what I could ask for."

They all couldn't help but laugh at his brutal honesty.

Draco did dislike the boy, but he also admired him, although he would never say it aloud.

What followed next was the sounds of Alana dragging a bad from out behing her, with Aurora's help. The bag was full of bottles of Cedric's favourite drink.


Aurora used wordless magic, to unscrew the caps and allowed the bottles to drift around until they ended up in each teen's hand.

"To Ced." Zacharias tearfully exclaimed, holding up the bottle, everyone else mirrored it, before they all spoke in unison.

"To Ced."




hopefully, you liked the last chapter of this act, even though it was very sad and dreary.

it honestly made me cry writing this because Cedric viewed himself as the big brother to the majority of the OCs. Artemis had viewed him as such and opened up to him slightly. i wanted the ending not to be about where they will go on their holidays,  but about someone who was very underrated in the books/ films and in my eyes died too soon. but his death had a great impact in my opinion.

this act was probably the quickest to write, despite having to showcase the change in dynamics. which is why I liked writing from philosopher stone.

I can't believe we are over halfway through this book.

I can't wait to continue this book, because I have made many changes to the order of the phoenix. especially with how artemis is impacted by Cedric's death, umbr*dge and more.

more reveals about Ezekiel's death and more will be uncovered in the next act. i can't wait for you all to understand my plans.

thank you for being ready this far.

until then, read a few of my other books, or just follow me on TikTok guys @saintsiren.wp so you can see my edits

- liv

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