The Reincarnated Hybrid

By VictoryForVictor

117K 2.4K 818

A guy who loved Fairy Tail, survived the end of the world with slight mental problems, get a chance at life a... More

The End, and The Beginning Of Reincarnation
A Place Your Always Welcomed
Our Paths Will Cross Again.
Conquering the Desert, and Noticed
Being Watched, and Rescuing a Ice Queen.
Fairy tales and, More Mysteries to be Discovered
The Fairy and The Spriggan
The Regional Tournament!
The Eternal Flame, and a Fellow Magic user.
The Chess Board
The Wizard, and Helping a Black Cat
The Fall Maiden
Reunion and Beacon.
Meeting the Black Wizard, and Team Troubles.
The Talk Of The Gods.
A Normal Day At School.
The Nightmare, and Forever Fall Forest.
The Black Dragon, Acnologia!
Moving Forward.
Training, and more Mysteries yet again..
New Arrivals.
New Arrivals Pt. 2
Fusion Magic.
Going To Meet an Old Friend.
Mother-Daughter Reunion and The Declaration of War
A Secret Art? and Penny again!
The Adventures of Vic and Weiss! (A Small Side Story)
First Quest!
The Lesson From the Strongest Fairy.
The Sad Story of a God
The Fall of Beacon

Confession, Secrets Revealed, and The Dance.

1.1K 26 10
By VictoryForVictor

Vic walked through the somewhat peaceful forest nearby Beacon, besides the Grimm here and there, it was nice. Yesterday he was training with Rogue most of the day, so it was nice to have a calm moment.

He used moments like this to clear his head and think. He found a nice spot, he knew no one was around, no cameras, no Grimm, nothing.

Vic unbuttoned his coat, and set it aside, using his Glass Dragon Slayer Magic, he made two mirrors, one behind him and one he could hold. Using both mirrors he looked at his back.

He could see the scales; they were spreading still. Acnologia mentioned a couple days ago that he roughly had a month left, but it depends if he uses a lot of Dragon Slayer Magic before then.

Vic learned using Dragon Slayer Magic to increase the spreading of it. Acnologia knew this because of how much he used to use it, and how he learned he gained it much earlier on then most did because of going on his dragon killing rampages.

He has tried his best to not use too much outside of training, he does that because he would rather do it with Acnologia nearby instead of being around others.

Vic knew he would have to accept this power, to become stronger. To protect the people he loves, and cares for.

The fight with Zancrow and Bluenote increased the spreading a lot apparently, according to Acnologia it cost him a whole month with how much he used. And now he was down to one more month until it would finally take place.

'At least Acnologia said he's always ready and keeping an eye out for it, in case it does happen when I'm not nearby.' Vic thought to himself with a sigh.

He looked at his back again, moving his hair, as well as scarf more to get a better look, he noticed it starting to spread up towards his shoulders.

'Damn it, it's spread further.' he cursed in his mind, he checked it last week. It wasn't this high before, but it must have to do with making and using a Secret Art, as well as what happened a couple days ago.

He sighed to himself, "God damn it, I'll need to be more careful with how much I use." he talked to himself

Acnologia also told him for simpler terms, it's about 80% done. When it reaches 100% is when he will fully transform into a dragon. Around 98-99% is when the process will start to become more visible and start to affect him more than just his skin. Acnologia doesn't remember the effects he experienced himself seeing as it was long ago, but he remembered some sort of effect. Apparently before he met Atlas Flame, it was already pretty high, but due to consuming his magic power, it reset it completely and it then started to fill up again.

He looked up at the rising sun for a moment and then back at the scales on his back through the mirrors. He saw his skin cracking a bit as it fell away, revealing more scales. He still finds it weird, he feels no pain from it, perhaps it's like when lizards shed their skin, he wasn't sure and doubted he would find out.

He put back on his coat, and fixed it. He dispelled the mirrors and they vanished. He had a meeting soon with Ruby, Yang, Blake, Weiss, and Lucy. He wondered what they wanted to talk about.

'I hope I didn't mess something up, or do something to upset them, this seems really out of the blue..' Vic thought to himself as he fixed his scarf and hair.

He thought back, this reminded him of something, like in old manga he used to read from Japan, and other anime he used to watch. The male gets asked to meet somewhere out of the blue by a group of girls, and then they ask him out, a typical harem anime or manga.

Vic sighed, "gotta remember, this isn't a manga, or some anime. As one purple being once said, reality is often disappointing. They most likely just want me to help train them for the tournament with Lucy's help." Vic said as he shook his head, getting the other things off his mind, he knew it wouldn't happen, he didn't deserve it anyway, with all he's done.

The eyes, the stares, screaming, the pleading, it is stuck in his head on loop. The littlest thing reminds him of it, unexpected glass shattering, unexpected explosions, everything makes him think back to those days. The amount of things he did to survive in that world, and people he had to kill just so he himself could survive. His mind made him forget a lot of it, it must be the brain trying to get rid of his trauma, but he can still see flashes, flashes of blood splatter, gun shots, and the roars, howls, screeching of monsters.

'I gotta stop thinking about it, keep moving forward.' Vic told himself, as he tried to stop thinking about it all. "Like Gray said, I need to stop looking back so I can get ahead.' he told himself.

'I need to learn from what I've done and not make the same mistakes and protect what I love, I can't afford to keep letting these thoughts drag me behind.' he told himself, he knew he could do it, he knew it. He's done too much to let these thoughts swallow him whole, just keep thinking about who you love and keep doing that.

He was brought out of his thoughts as he felt his phone buzz, and pulled it out of his pocket, it was a text from Ruby. He said they were gonna meet up soon.

"Well, better start making my way there." Vic said to himself as started making his way to Beacon.


Vic walked through the halls of Beacon, he knew RWBY and Lucy were on top of a small roof of Beacon, he could sense them and was told by Ruby to meet them there.

When he eventually arrived, opening the door to the roof, and walking out onto the rooftop.

"You're here!" Ruby said happily, as she noticed him, the others did as well, and waved with smiles.

Vic saw them standing nearby each other, they were on a part of the roof where no classrooms or dorms were, it was the same place Vic always came to get away from people. He sniffed the air, it was just them here alone.

"Yeah, what did you guys need?" Vic asked with a smile on his face, he wasn't sure what was going on, but he hoped he could help.

Vic took notice, he saw their cheeks were slightly pink, but why? He had to be seeing things.

Weiss was the first to speak, "Vic, we have something important to tell you. Will you please listen to us?" She asked him.

"Yeah, is something wrong though?" he asked them.

"No, nothing is wrong, in fact it's the opposite." Lucy said, smiling, the others nodded, agreeing with her. Which calmed Vic down internally, he was worried that something bad happened.

"Then what is it?" he asked them.

"Vic.." Ruby spoke, causing Vic's attention to be on her, "You've done a lot for us, you've helped me, and the rest of us so much. You've helped me get better with my semblance, helped me get faster with it, helped me use Crescent Rose better, when we first met you were always so kind to me, and were always there for me if I needed you." she said to him, Vic noticed that she had her hand near her chest, above it, holding the rainbow rose necklace he had gotten her at the arcade.

Vic didn't speak yet, he thought it was a dream? Was God now playing a game with him?

"You've helped me as well," Yang spoke, Vic looked at her. As she talked she messed with the bracelet Vic had won for her that was on her wrist. "That day, you saved me and Ruby from those Grimm all those years ago, helping me through anything, and always listening to me when I couldn't tell my dad. You have always been there for me when I needed you the most, and you reunited me and my mom again after all these years.." Yang told him.

Vic stayed silent, he wondered if this was real? This had to be another dream of some kind like before?

"You've done so much for me, more than you could know." Blake spoke next, Vic turned his attention to her, he noticed her fidgeting with the bracelet he had won for her as well. "You helped me defect from the White Fang, you've helped me since then, talking me through the bad times I have had since then. You eased my constant worry about Adam finding me and helped my doubts clear up." Blake told him.

Vic tried to speak, but no voice came from him, he didn't know what to say, he had to be dreaming, he had seen a lot of romance anime and read romance manga, this couldn't be going this way..

"Too much, you've done too much for me." Weiss told him, Vic drew his attention to her as she held the necklace he won for her at the arcade. "You saved me from the white fang, and got me back to my family. Throughout the whole journey, you listened and talked to me about my problems, and helped me through some of them. You helped me improve as a person as a whole, changing my view of faunus completely how it used to be before I met you." She told him.

Vic bit his tongue, he felt the pain and tasted the iron. He knew it wasn't a dream, but why was this happening? He turned his attention to Lucy next.

"Ever since I met you Vic, you've done so much for me, helping me make friends, and finding a place and people who I can feel protected and safe with. Helping me through my nightmares of that day and those moments where I lost everything, and helped me find a new place where I can feel like I belong again. I can't even thank you enough for what you've done for me since we met, the warm smile you always give me to help calm me down." Lucy said to him, she had her hand over the fairy tail guild mark, her thumb rubbing over it.

Vic watched as they all looked at each other, "Vic.." they all said at the same time, their cheeks getting more red.

Vic could hear their hearts race with his enhanced hearing, he knew what was going to happen. Something had to go wrong, there was no way this was happening to him of all people, there had to be a mistake.

"We all love you." They all spoke together, smiling warmly at Vic.

Vic stayed silent, his hair covering his eyes, it confused the girls, "Why..?" he asked them, he knew what he said before, but he was panicking, this couldn't be real?

"We just told you why." Yang said to him, the others nodded, Vic was confusing them though.

"Why me of all people? I don't deserve it.. After what I've done, I don't deserve your love.." he said to them, he clenched his fist, he felt the wall hes built up slowly falling.

"Vic.." Ruby was about to talk.

Vic beat her to it though, "I've killed people, I have blood on my hands, I've done unspeakable things to others. I've taken so many lives away from people, and have done so many things unspeakable just so I could survive.." he spoke, his voice slowly cracking. Tears slowly went down his face.

"We already know you've killed people.." Ruby said to him.

"We don't put any blame on you for it, you did what you needed to, you saved me because of what you did.." Weiss said to him.

"Yeah, and we still love you, being a huntress requires a strong will and resolve, we have to fight with our lives on the line, we know we may also have to end someone's life as well to survive.. " Yang told him.

"You may have done those things, but you did it all to protect yourselves and others, more people may have died if you didn't do what you did.." Blake said to him.

"No matter what you do, we still love you Vic.." Lucy said, the girls nodded in agreement.

Vic looked up at them, tears coming down from his face. "I love you all as well.." he said, the girls all smiled and were about to speak but Vic kept going, "But.. I'm not what you think, I'm a monster.. And have also lied to you all.." Vic said to them, making their eyes go wide.

Lucy's eyes went wider, 'Is he going to tell them?' she thought to herself.

"Huh?.." The rest were confused.

Vic wiped his tears away as he looked back down, "I'm a monster, you may think you know everything. Let me explain to you all.. I'm not originally from this world.." he told them.

Yang was about to speak, but he put his hand up, causing her to stay silent.

"8 years ago, before I was in this world, I was in another. I died in my old world.." He said to them, "The Apocalypse happened, causing me to lose everything, friends.. Family, I alone remained for so long.. I killed others for my own survival. I was hunted down by demons and other monsters, and other people. It was so long ago I don't even remember all of it fully. I still have dreams and nightmares about it." he told them, Team RWBY was in total shock, Lucy looked down, she was told this story already.

"I eventually died, by the hands of a dragon, and I met a being who called himself a God, he was the one who was apparently the cause of it all. He gave me two choices, to go to Heaven, or be reincarnated, I choose being reincarnated. I was granted these magics and body by him.." he said to them.

"And then I woke up in this world, and soon met Yang and Ruby.. This body of mine isn't my original one, but one I was given by the god who sent me here, as well as these magics.." he told them.

"Vic... You've.. Held onto this for so long.. Why didn't you tell us?" Yang asked him.

"I was afraid, of what you'd think of me, I'm a monster and a murderer who killed innocent people just so I could survive." Vic told her, "You think I'm strong, but I'm not in reality, im constantly worrying about everything, my sins are hovering over my head. I get random memories from when I used to be back in my old world, what I've done, and how I used to look.. I was weak, and still am.." he told them, "on the inside, I'm just a weak person who can't do anything.." he spoke again.

"Vic.." Ruby said, she and the rest were surprised, Vic was in so much pain, and they didn't even realize it. They all realized they should have paid more attention..

"I'll show you.." Vic spoke, confusing them for a second.

A white light covered Vic, causing them all to cover their eyes for a moment, when they reopened them, they saw someone new standing there.

A boy with brown hair, it was pretty long and wore a ponytail, his eyes behind cracked glasses, his brown eyes looked as if he was dead. His face showed little to no emotion, and what emotion they could see was fear and sadness. He wore beat up clothing, with rips and tears, dirt all over him. Dried blood could also be seen on his clothing, and around his face, his body looked like it could break with the slightest punch. They knew this was Vic, seeing as he was standing where he was before.

The eyes reminded Ruby and Yang of when they first met Vic, the lifeless eyes.

"This.. is what I used to look like.." he said, "The weak and pathetic person I used to be.. And still am inside.." he said to them, he used his Yin-Yang Dragon's Illusion to show them, and only them what he used to look like.

The voice they heard was tired, cracking, like it could break at any moment. He looked so skinny and weak, it was a 180 from the Vic they knew..

"I don't deserve any love from you five." he said as he looked down, tears came from his eyes.

Vic kept looking at the ground, he closed his eyes, he had told them the secret he had been keeping from them all, what his true self looked like, and how weak he truly was. He felt his knees give out on him, as he cried away, he was on the floor now, on his knees, hands in his face.

Vic was suddenly met with a warm feeling, a warm embrace, he opened his eyes to see them all hugging him. He was overcome with surprise by this feeling.

"Vic.. We're sorry.. We should have seen how much pain you were in and what you were going through deep down.. You've helped us so much through our tough times.. But we weren't there for you.." Blake said to him.

Yang nodded in agreement, "We really should have done something sooner to help you. It doesn't matter to us what you did in the past, or what you did now, we still love you.. No matter what you look like, we still will love you." she told him.

"Please Vic, you've helped us through so much, let us help you now.." Lucy said, gaining nods from the others.

"Vic, please let us.." Weiss said to him.

Vic's tears stopped for a moment as he was overcome again with a warm feeling in his heart, it had been so long since he felt the feeling of being embraced by people who loved you and you loved back.

The spell vanished, and Vic went back to his regular self, with long orange hair.

His voice cracked, "I love you guys so much.. Please don't leave me.." he said to them as tears came from his eyes.

"Don't worry Vic, we will always be by your side, for as long as you want us to be.." Ruby said, patting him gently on the head, the others agreed, they wouldn't leave him to be alone.

"I'm so lucky. To be loved by you guys. Luckier than I realized. Thank you all..." Vic told them as he smiled through tears, happy tears. He felt as if a huge weight was released from himself. He felt loved for the first time in so long.

They smiled warmly as they all stayed together for a bit longer. Just sitting there, enjoying the warmth.

They all kept hugging Vic, letting him feel their love for him by embracing him and letting him know that he isn't alone anymore, for an hour.

Vic slowly got up and the rest did as well, he smiled, it was brighter than any smile before, one full of love and happiness..

"Vic, you know how we feel about you now.. Will you please go out with us and let us be your girlfriends?" Blake asked him.

"I would be honored too, I will be the best boyfriend you could all ask for.." Vic said with a warm smile, he was happy, this was the happiest day of his new life, he never thought this would happen to him.

"We know you will! Please treat us all fairly alright?" Yang said to him, Vic nodded.

"Just one question though.." Vic asked, catching their attention. "Could you all close your eyes for a moment, I have something I want to give you all." he told them, with a warm smile.

They did as Vic said, they were a bit confused but went with it, trusting him. When suddenly, they all felt a soft warm feeling inside as something made contact with their lips.

One by one, Vic kissed each of them, nothing big, just a quick kiss on the lips.

They all opened their eyes, in shock at what just happened, their cheeks red as Vic smiled, his cheeks red as well. It felt cliche, but it also felt like the right thing to do.

"Surprise." is all he said with a small laugh, the five smiled at him, their cheeks still red from what just happened.

They soon joined in Vic's laughter, laughing a bit with him.

"Wait, Vic, I have a question." Ruby said to him.

Vic titled his head, "what's up?" he asked her.

"So, If you were reincarnated to this world 8 years ago, on the day you met me and Yang, when did you meet Lucy, as well as Rogue, you said you knew them from a village when you were little.." Ruby asked him, this caught all of their attention and caught Lucy and Vic by surprise. Vic sort of forgot about that at the made up story.

"Well..." Vic said as he sighed, "Give me a moment." he said as he pulled out his scroll and texted Rogue quickly. Rogue texted back quickly as well. Vic told him that their cover was blown and all Rogue sent was an ok hand emoji along with a frog emoji. Vic eyebrow twitched a bit but he sighed yet again and put away his scroll.

"Do you all remember that story I told you?" Vic asked the four, lucy was confused.

"Yeah, I do." Blake said with a nod, he had told her a bit about it before to help her when she needed calming down.

Vic had told all four of them the story of Fairy Tail. He told Weiss when they traveled together and Ruby and Yang on the last night before he left.

"I somewhat remember it... It was a long time ago." Yang said, "It was about a place called Fairy Tail, right?" Yang asked, Lucy went wide eyed as she said this.

"Yeah I remember now! You told it to me when we were traveling together, when I had trouble sleeping.." Weiss said as she remembered that cold day.

"And you told me and Yang before you left!" Ruby said to him.

Vic nodded and smiled, "I did, Fairy Tail, it's a guild, in a far away place, in a different world full of Magic.." he said to them, he looked towards Lucy for permission to keep going, she nodded. "That's where this mark comes from, on my shoulder and clothing, it's the guild mark of Fairy Tail, its also where Lucy got hers." he said to them.

Vic saw the realization come over their faces slowly, "Lucy, Rogue, and Frosch lost their lives in that world, and ended up here like I did. Acnologia, my teacher is similar as well, he was in their world as well, and lost his life." Vic said to them.

"Wait, but then how do you know of Fairy Tail? If it wasn't your world?" Weiss asked him.

"It's kind of a long story, but in the world I used to be in, there was no magic, or anything like that. Fairy Tail was a show in my world, but it appears that God has done something and now we are here, the magic I wield is from that show." Vic told them, he could see all their heads trying to process this.

"My head hurts from all this thinking, I'm so confused.." Ruby said as she held her head, Yang nodded in agreement.

"It happens to us all." Lucy told them, "When me and Rogue found out, we were really confused." she said laughing slightly

"Well it explains a lot though, like that fully explains what Frosch is.. And how you guys know magic, and can use it." Yang said.

"Yeah, it clears up a lot of stuff, but all that counts is they are here now." Ruby said with a smile.

Lucy smiled at Ruby, and the rest agreed with her.

"And we won't tell anyone about this, but that's obvious though." Blake said and the others nodded.

"Thank you." Vic said to them, he hugged them all, with a smile on his face, he was happy.


Vic could be seen on the roof still, alone this time, the girls had gone to tell the others the good news. He smiled, and looked upwards, looking at the clouds in the sky and the sun nearby.

He took in a deep breath and let it out. He sniffed the air, he smelled someone, he turned and saw Loke, who was leaning against the wall near the door to the stairs.

"Loke.." Vic said, speaking to the spirit.

"Vic.." Loke said make and got off the wall and walked over to him, his hands in his pockets.

"I'm assuming you summoned yourself without Lucy knowing?" Vic asked him.

He nodded, "Yeah." he told Vic, "I wanted to talk with you." Loke told Vic.

"I see, I had a feeling you would, I assume you and the rest of Lucy's Celestial Spirits were watching?" Vic asked him.

Loke nodded, "Yeah, how could we not?" he said with a smile.

"That means you heard everything." Vic asked him.

Loki nodded, "We did." he answered.

Vic smiled, he didn't mind it, he considered the Celestial Spirits his friends, he met all of them and talked to them as well as trained with them. They also already knew about him being a reincarnate from previous encounters.

Loke and Vic have actually talked alone before and have gotten along well and joked around.

"I figured as much." Vic said to him, he wasn't exactly sure if Loke just liked flirting with her, or he actually liked her.

"I must say who knew you to be such a ladies man! Getting 5 girls! You make me so proud!" Loke said as he wrapped his arm around Vic's neck.

Vic sighed, "I didn't try to do this though.." he said to Loke, "Aren't you mad though?" he asked him.

"At first I was, but you're a good guy, I know I can leave Lucy safe in your hands." Loke said to Vic, smiling.

Vic smiled back, "Thanks, I won't let you down." he told Loke.

"I already know you won't! Just make sure you leave some girls for me, alright?" Loke teased Vic, smiling.

Vic sighed, while Loke laughed.


Word quickly spread thanks to Nora that Vic had a harem of 5 girls. Vic was surprised that everyone accepted it easily, though not to say some weren't jealous. Yang explained it to him though, while a person having a harem was rare, it has been seen a good amount of times, and all the people who had one were either very skilled in combat, were a king or queen, or were just very powerful one way or another, or just very nice and likable.

It didn't make sense to Vic, but at least there would be no problem with it, besides the jealous glares, but he could live with those.

Ozpin congratulated him as did most of the teachers. Glynda told him to make sure to treat them all fairly, he promised he would to her.

Acnologia also congratulated him as well, giving him a pat on the back.

Vic, Rogue, Lucy, and Frosch all helped team RWBY finish the preparations for the dance. And then the day finally came.

Vic, and Rogue could be seen putting on their suits.

"I hate ties." Vic said as he sighed, adjusting his tie.

Rogue nodded, "Yeah, but it's a dance, got to look nice." he told Vic.

Rogue wore a black suit with a white tie, while Vic wore his black suit with an orange tie.

"Yeah." Vic said to him, as he finished adjusting his tie, he then put his scarf around his neck, he then put his hair up in a ponytail.

"You really take that everywhere huh?" Rogue asked, and Vic nodded.

"Yeah, I like having it on." Vic said to him with a smile.

"I'm not surprised.." Rogue told Vic as he sighed, and finished adjusting his suit and tie.

"Well, we should start making our way there." Vic said as Rogue nodded, they left Rogue's dorm, which they were using to change in. Rogue carried Frosch in his arms, the Exceed was wearing a small tie as well.

They walked down the hallway towards the ball room, they could hear the music already, as well as people. Vic knew the girls already went ahead of him, and he'd see them there, he already promised to dance with each of them.

They got to the doors, "I wish you the best of luck," Rogue told him with a small smirk, and Vic sighed.

They entered and were greeted by Yang who was wearing her light yellow dress, "You guys are finally here!" She said with a smile, and purred a bit when looking at Vic.

"I shall leave you two to talk." Rogue said as he walked past Yang.

Yang chuckled as Rogue made his way past her, "You look handsome in that suit." She told him and he walked up to her with a smile.

"And you look beautiful in that dress." Vic told her and hugged her, as well as kissed her on the forehead.

She smiled and hugged back, "As much as I'd like to keep hugging you, I've got to keep doing my job." Yang told him as she broke the hug. "Make sure to save me a dance." she told him and he nodded.

"I will." Vic told her and walked past her, and into the ballroom. He saw lots of people dancing and partying.

He walked more into the part, and easily found the rest. Ruby was wearing a black and red dress, Weiss was wearing a white dress, Blake was wearing a purple dress, and Lucy was wearing a pink dress.

"Vic! You're here!" Ruby said as she went up to him and hugged him, he hugged back and kissed her on the forehead, causing her to smile.

They broke the hug, "Yeah, sorry took a bit, the tie was bugging me." Vic told them with a laugh.

He walked over and hugged the others, as well as giving them a kiss on the forehead.

"You look amazing Vic." Blake complimented him, the others agreed, Vic blushed a bit. He still wasn't used to compliments like this.

"You all look beautiful in your dresses as well." Vic says to them with a smile, he watches as they all blush a bit causing him to smile.

They all started to dance and talk, and having a good time, Yang soon joined as well after finishing checking in everyone.

Vic danced with each of them when slow songs came on, they were all having a fun time, everyone started laughing though, Vic and the girls turned and saw Jaune wearing a dress.

Vic laughed a bit too, he heard the conversation between Pyrrha and Jaune, he smiled to himself. He was surprised though as the music changed and JNPR broke out into a dance routine.

'When did they have time to practice?..' Vic asked himself in his mind, he sighed though and smiled.

The dance still kept going strong with everyone partying, Vic saw the teachers partying as well, he went to the balcony though, and something caught his eye, a person running across the rooftops.

'Well.. That's not normal..' Vic thought to himself, 'guess I should see what they are up to' he thought but he heard footsteps behind him and turned and saw Ruby.

"There you are Vic!" Ruby said to him as she walked up to him, "Getting some fresh air?" She asked.

Vic nodded, "I was but.." he said as he gestured to the rooftops and Ruby saw the women running across the rooftops. "Wanna go see what she's up to with me?" He asked her.

She nodded with a smile, Vic smiled back as they both slowly sunk into the shadows.

"Call for your weapon locker when we get outside the shadow." Vic told her, and she nodded, and pulled out her scroll awhile.

They emerge from the shadows and Ruby quickly tapped on her scroll and a few seconds later her locker landed next to them, she quickly pulled out Crescent Rose, and both of them made their way.

They saw Atlas guards knocked out, Vic could see them still breathing, "Still alive, let's keep moving." Vic said and Ruby nodded and they made their way inside the CCT tower

They find more guards knocked out, Vic quickly uses Troia as they get on the elevator and go upwards. Vic learned how to use it soon after learning the enchantments Wendy used using Tempest Dragon Slayer Magic, though he knew it wouldn't work always.

The door opened on the top floor, Vic and Ruby got off of it, Vic sniffed the air, he could smell the person clearly now.

'This feeling.. It's the same Maiden from before who was working with Torchwick.... and like before it feels like the fall maidens..' Vic thought as he and Ruby walked out of the elevator.

Vic noticed the smell though was covered up by dust, and other things, like dust and aura.

"Come out, I know you're hiding there." Vic said aloud, Ruby looked at him as she quickly changed her Crescent Rose into its gun form.

The female walked out, she had amber eyes and black hair, she was wearing a black outfit, the legs though glowed orange, it was dust, with a black mask which covered parts of her face around her eyes. She didn't say anything, just slowly backed up.

She moves her wrist, and something comes up from her sleeve and she strikes it Infront of her, it causes Ice dust shards to be made in this air and get sent towards Vic and Ruby.

Vic put out his hand, and quickly caught all the ice dust shards and ate them, causing a look of surprise. "Thanks for the meal, I've been getting hungry from all the dancing." Vic told the women with a smirk.

Ruby quickly shoots crescent rose at the women, but the women quickly uses her aura to block the bullets, Ruby quickly transforms Crescent Rose back into its Scythe form and uses a bullet to boost herself over and try to slash down at the women.

The woman dodges as she twists around and jumps and forms a bow in her hands with 3 arrows. Ruby blocks the arrows with ease but is sent back from the small explosion they caused.

Vic rushes forward quickly as lightning crackling could be heard and appears in front of the women, who grow a look of surprise, Vic smirked widely.

Flames came from Vic's fist a black mark could be seen as well under the flames, 'Hellfire Dragon's Iron Fist!' Vic thought as his fist connected with the woman's collar bone and launched her away, she flew across the room and smashed through the window, and out of the tower.

"Vic! Why did you do that!" Ruby said to him as she walked over.

"It's alright, her aura didn't fully break, only 90% of the way." Vic said with a smile.

"That's not what I mean! You let her get away!" Ruby said and Vic started laughing, causing Ruby to look confused.

"Oh, She's not getting away, don't worry." Vic told her, patting her on the head.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked him.

"Just trust me alright?" Vic asked her.

"Alright, I trust you." Ruby said with a small smile, Vic smiled back.

The elevator dinged, and both of them looked over and saw Ironwood standing there.

"What is going on here?" Ironwood asked as he stepped off the elevator and saw the window broken, and then looked at Vic and Ruby.

"Well, you see, there was a woman running across the rooftops, me and Ruby followed her and found her here. She was messing with the CCT computers, or something. Me and Ruby got here and fought her for a second before I sent her across the room and out the window." Vic explained simply, with a smile.

"Yeah!" Ruby said with a nod, confirming Vic's story.

"You might want to check your computers, no clue what she was doing." Vic said to him.

Ironwood just sighed, "I see, thank you both for dealing with this... I'll also check the security footage." Ironwood said, he knew it would be a long night. "You two go back to the party in the meantime, we can speak of this tomorrow morning." he told them.

Vic and Ruby nodded, "Let me just fix this though." Vic said as he walked over to the broken window and put his hand out towards it. Both Ironwood and Ruby looked confused.

'Glass Dragon's Repair.' Vic thought as glass came from his hand and repaired the broken window, looking good as new.

"Woah... cool..." Ruby said with surprise, she hadn't seen Vic use this type of magic yet.

"I really should stop being surprised at this point..." Ironwood mumbled under his breath while shaking his head.

Vic just smiled as he walked back over to Ruby, and they made their way out as Ironwood made a call on his scroll.

Vic used Troia once more to go down the elevator and both made their way back to the party.


Cinder after recovering slowly made her way back after changing her outfit into its dress form, she was beyond pissed.

'That damn Faunus, he almost broke my aura, and that look in his eyes... What the hell is he?' Cinder asked herself. She felt the killing intent from him, but she was still alive, it was all so quick, and she didn't see any of it coming. She felt him use magic as well, he had more magic than her, it was overwhelming.

Unknown to Cinder, a small black mark flashes on her collarbone before it vanishes before it disappears.

'He will pay for that...' Cinder thought before she made her way back to the ball room to meet up with Mercury and Emerald.


Another Chapter done! woohoo! Its also the 30th chapter, sorry if the confession scene wasn't good, I rewrote it so many times and I liked that one the best. 

I hope Ya guys have a good day/night/morning/afternoon! See Ya next chapter!

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