Kings Game

By CeciliaOgilvy

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[Updates Daily] THE FINALE BEGINS!!! After losing friends and family, fighting in two wars, and suffering thr... More

Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (1)
Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (2)
Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (3)
Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (4)
Chapter 1 - All I have to do is die (5)
Chapter 2 - Kell (1)
Chapter 2 - Kell (2)
Chapter 2 - Kell (3)
Chapter 2 - Kell (4)
Chapter 2 - Kell (5)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (1)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (2)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (3)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (4)
Chapter 3 - Calm before the storm (5)
Chapter 4 - Murder (1)
Chapter 4 - Murder (2)
Chapter 4 - Murder (3)
Chapter 4 - Murder (4)
Chapter 4 - Murder (5)
Chapter 5 - The deal (1)
Chapter 5 - The deal (2)
Chapter 5 - The deal (3)
Chapter 6 - Nul (1)
Chapter 6 - Nul (2)
Chapter 6 - Nul (3)
Chapter 6 - Nul (4)
Chapter 6 - Nul (5)
Chapter 6 - Nul (6)
Chapter 7 - Karyn (1)
Chapter 7 - Karyn (2)
Chapter 7 - Karyn (3)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (1)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (2)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (3)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (4)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (5)
Chapter 8 - Going alone (6)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (1)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (2)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (3)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (4)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (5)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (6)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (7)
Chapter 9 - The living storm (8)
Chapter 10 - Aftermath
Chapter 10 - Aftermath (2)
Chapter 10 - Aftermath (3)
Chapter 10 - Aftermath (4)
Chapter 10 - Aftermath (5)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (1)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (2)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (3)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (4)
Chapter 11 - Hounds (5)
Chapter 12 - Turning point (1)
Chapter 12 - Turning point (2)
Chapter 12 - Turning point (3)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (1)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (2)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (3)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (4)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (5)
Chapter 13 - Preparations (6)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (1)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (2)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (3)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (4)
Chapter 14 - The Iron Gauntlet (5)
Chapter 15 - Favors (1)
Chapter 15 - Favors (2)
Chapter 15 - Favors (3)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (1)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (2)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (3)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (4)
Chapter 16 - The troll's gambit (5)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (1)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (2)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (3)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (4)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (5)
Chapter 17 - Blood debt (6)
Chapter 18 - Family (1)
Chapter 18 - Family (2)
Chapter 18 - Family (3)
Chapter 18 - Family (4)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (1)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (2)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (3)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (4)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (5)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (6)
Chapter 19 - The reaper (7)
Chapter 20 - Home (1)
Chapter 20 - Home (2)
Chapter 20 - Home (3)
Chapter 20 - Home (4)
Chapter 20 - Home (5) [End of Part 1]
Chapter 21 - Moving Forward
Chapter 22 - History
Chapter 23 - Focus Markings
Chapter 24 - Death
Chapter 25 - Topple the Tower
Chapter 26 - Sentinels
Chapter 27 - The King's Army
Chapter 28 - Departure
Chapter 29 - Balaki's Dagger
Chapter 30 - Ice and Snow
Chapter 31 - Into the Dark
Chapter 32 - The Lower Crags
Chapter 33 - Darling
Chapter 34 - Labyrinth
Chapter 35 - A Father's Request
Chapter 36 - Kellsinora of Uhlara
Chapter 37 - Akanos the Librarian
Chapter 38 - Ascension
Chapter 39 - The Tomb
Chapter 40 - Foundations
Chapter 41 - Running from Shadows
Chapter 42 - Reunion & Chapter 43 - Custodian
Chapter 44 - The Duel
Chapter 45 - Phalyn the Spear Maiden
Chapter 46 - Defeated
Chapter 48 - Capture
Chapter 49 - Options & Chapter 50 - Rendezvous
Chapter 51 - Castle Uhlara & Chapter 52 - The Keeper of Lost Knowledge
Chapter 53 - The Fel Miner
Chapter 54 - Relatives
Chapter 55 - Storm Breaks [End of Part 2]
Chapter 56 - Letters from Abroad
Chapter 57 - Homecoming
Chapter 58 - The Invitation
Chapter 59 - King's Court
Chapter 60 - Diminished
Chapter 61 - Saboteurs
Chapter 62 - Disoriented
Chapter 63 - Brittle Edge
Chapter 64 - A Small Cache
Chapter 65 - An Excuse
Chapter 66 - The Pantheon
Chapter 67 - New Hand
Chapter 68 - Old Acquaintances
Chapter 69 - That Which is Lost
Chapter 70 - Blood of my Kin
Chapter 71 - Still Alive
Chapter 72 - The Devil of Chains
Chapter 73 - A Little Party
Chapter 74 - The Queen's Ball
Chapter 75 - The Archives
Chapter 76 - Royal Conundrum
Chapter 77 - First Blooms
Chapter 78 - King's Blood
Chapter 79 - Fog of War
Chapter 80 - Heart's Blood
Chapter 81 - Ashes [End of Part 3]
Chapter 82 - Off to War
Chapter 83 - The Old Man and the Sea
Chapter 84 - Flesh and Bone & Chapter 85 - Tasos's Wrath
Chapter 86 - Godspells
Chapter 87 - Storm Chasing
Chapter 88 - Blood and Steel
Chapter 89 - The Kingfisher
Chapter 90 - Mandella
Chapter 91 - The Courtesan and the Sellsword
Chapter 92 - Siege
Chapter 93 - An Offer & Chapter 94 - Sailor's Melancholy
Chapter 95 - Awkward Favors
Chapter 96 - Burning Isles
Chapter 97 - Dream of the Shore & Chapter 98 - Bartering
Chapter 99 - Like Father Like Son
Chapter 100 - The Sentinel and the Kingfisher
Chapter 101 - The Immortal
Chapter 102 - The Death of a Reaper [End of Part IV]
Chapter 103 - Death's Flesh
Chapter 104 - Nightmares
Chapter 105 - Ghosts
Chapter 106 - To Kill a God
Chapter 107 - Revisiting the Past
Chapter 108 - Stormfront
Chapter 109 - Old Wives Tale
Chapter 110 - Poor Decisions
Chapter 111 - Suffering
Chapter 112 - Fracturing
Chapter 113 - The Crownsguard
Chapter 114 - Sidelines
Chapter 115 - Soulstone
Chapter 116 - Final Request
Chapter 117 - Insanity
Chapter 118 - The King of Storms & Chapter 119 - Companion
Chapter 120 - Blank Canvas
Chapter 121 - Forgotten Cities
Chapter 122 - Traps
Chapter 123 - Final Moments & Chapter 124 - The Oncoming Storm
Chapter 125 - Kingslayer
Chapter 126 - A New Adventure [End of Kings Game]
Author's Diary: One Year Later (Updated 3/7)

Chapter 47 - Descent

12 3 0
By CeciliaOgilvy


Sarah gently shook Roran awake. "Kell is conscious again."

Roran groaned and sat up. Zan was still passed out beside him.

"What time is it?"

"Just before dawn. Zan will likely sleep for another hour."

Nodding, Roran crawled out of bed. He had already packed his and Zan's things so they could leave immediately after breakfast. This would be his only chance to talk with Kell for a while.

"Lead the way," he said.

Up in Kell's room, Roran found Karyn and Nul still asleep in the bed and Kell staring out the window, watching the sky slowly turn orange as the sun began making promises for the day.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice soft so as not to wake the others.

"I've been better and I've been worse. Wishing I hadn't lost my spear when we got here. One of my good spears never would have broken like that."

"I should have offered you my sword."

"I would have said no. Besides, it doesn't matter, I probably still would have lost. Phalyn is an amazing fighter, far greater than I imagined."

"Remnants gain power and experience with age," said Sarah. "She has the advantage of time. Even us lyhlim are unable to fight against her. If she hadn't backed down, I fear several of my kin would have died in the resulting battle."

"Are you in any trouble with them? It's our fault they got caught up in this."

"No, it's our fault you fought Phalyn at all. We encouraged you to call her out. If you had won she would have been bound to you. It's highly likely that she would have returned to the ebb and flow once your time together was done."

"Is that why you and yours are keen to support us?" asked Kell.

Sarah nodded. "The lyhlim are all in agreement, your mission is directly aligned with ours. We will support you as best we can."

"That's good to hear." Kell turned to face Roran. She was wearing a loose robe that was open at the front. Aside from her bandages, she was naked underneath. Dark bruises covered her ribs and chest. "How did your little plan go?"

"It went well, everything is settled. The elevators will slowly come to a halt. No one will be injured."

"Sounds like a plan you would come up with. I was thinking of telling Darling to leave the Rim, but I doubt she would listen."

"She should be okay. With the elevators out of the equation, Ahndor can quickly starve out the Uhlaran military. I imagine they'll also send a handful of Champions up here to assassinate the king and his top generals."

"You mean another handful, aside from us?"

Roran shrugged. "I think we were meant to be a catalyst. They wanted us to get caught so they could provoke the Uhlaran's into attacking, then they would have an excuse for an all out assault."

Kell grunted. "Too bad we weren't willing to play along. In a couple of days we'll be gone and it will be someone else's problem."

"Don't relax just yet, I still need to return Zan to his father. Once that's done we can leave."

"That should only take a day. Or are you expecting trouble?"

"I'm not expecting it, but I think it's a possibility. Your fiance was following us when you fought Phalyn. He stayed far enough away that Sarah couldn't spot him. I don't know how much he saw but he certainly knows we're the ones that wrecked the graveyard and the tomb."

Kell swore. "That bastard has been nothing but trouble."

"He hasn't made a move yet. I'm hoping to be back here by tonight. We can leave for the library after nightfall."

"And if he tries to follow us?"

"Nul says the library is well guarded. If it becomes an issue..."

"I hope it doesn't. I know how you hate killing."

Roran nodded.

Kell reached out and squeezed his shoulder. "Chin up, we're almost out of here. You get that boy back to his father and I'll bid my final goodbyes. By tomorrow morning, it will be just the five of us again."

"Sounds good."

Roran went back to the room to find Zan just waking up. They joined Kell's parents and sister for breakfast, bidding their final farewells and thanking them profusely for their hospitality. Karyn came down to collect more food for Kell and Nul, then scooped Zan up in a big hug. After bidding Roran a good trip, she went back up to hide in Kell's room with the others. After breakfast, Roran and Zan collected their things and met Perri in the foyer.

"Ready to return home?" asked the butler.

"I'm going to miss you! I've had so much fun here!"

Perri smiled. Even he wasn't immune to the boy's charm.

"We're ready to go, thank you again for letting us stay here."

"You'll be coming back, no?"

Roran nodded. "I'll be back tonight. Then the priestess and I will prepare for our own departure."

With that, Perri shooed them into the carriage and gave them a lift all the way to the warehouse. Zan bid Perri farewell and even managed to get a hug out of the stodgy old butler. With that, Roran and Zan entered the warehouse.

They were once more greeted by the old officer and his pair of guards. Zan handed him their visas.

"Two heading back to the Crags," he said, grinning.

The clerk adjusted his glasses and gave the visas a once over. "Let's see. Right, Zan and his companion, Roran." He leaned back and whispered something to one of the guards. The guard nodded and trotted off. "I should warn you, the elevators are running slow today so there will be a little bit of a delay."

"Is everything okay?" asked Zan.

"Oh, fine. There's just been some issues with loading and unloading down at the lower levels. Nothing serious."

Roran frowned. That wasn't the type of trouble he'd been expecting with the elevators.

The officer shooed them along and they joined the queue to board the elevators. Despite what the officer said, the elevators seemed to be coming and going just fine. When one of them opened, and several carts of goods were wheeled off, a guard stopped the next cart from boarding and motioned for Roran and Zan to board instead.

"Are we cutting in line?" asked Zan. "You're not supposed to cut in line."

Roran shrugged.

As they boarded, several soldiers boarded with them. They were all armed and wearing full armor.

"That looks heavy," said Zan, staring up at one of the soldiers. "Is your armor heavy?"

The soldier didn't answer.

Once they were on the elevator, Roran moved to the side to allow more people to board. Nobody followed after them. The guard manning the mechanism rang the bell and the doors began closing.

"Why are we going so soon?" asked Zan, "We could fit a couple of carts or a dozen more people easily."

Roran glanced around at the soldiers. They were all staring straight forward. He closed his eyes and heaved a sigh.

"Not again."

The doors boomed shut and the elevator began descending.


Nobody moved as the elevator began its long crawl down to the Spires, nobody except Zan. He continued to shift from foot to foot, smiling up at the soldiers. Sarah appeared in front of Roran.

"It looks like there are more soldiers waiting for you down in the Spires."

Roran nodded, then glanced at Zan.

"I don't think they want the boy," she said, "but I doubt they'll let him go. Demetrio's friend, Julius, is waiting with the soldiers down in the Spires."

Roran nodded again and let out another sigh. His palms were starting to sweat.

"Why do you keep nodding?" asked Zan.

"Talking to my spirit," said Roran.

"What's she saying?"

Roran reached out and ruffled the boy's hair. "That we're going to get you home in no time."

Knowing what was waiting for him, the slow crawl down seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Light began streaming through the portholes as the elevator shaft opened up to the outside, revealing the sprawling Spires that housed Uhlara's military. Roran felt a chill as the soldiers shifted, spacing out and surrounding Roran and Zan.

A bell rang and the elevator began to slow. The soldiers kept a close eye on Roran as he rubbed his palm against the pommel of his sword. He did his best to look relaxed.

The elevator jerked to a halt and the doors started sliding open. Standing on the other side was another squadron of soldiers, making a dozen in total. Roran recognized Julius standing among them, his face stern.

Realizing something was wrong, Zan frowned. Looking up at Roran, he asked, "Is everything alright?"

Julius answered the question for him.

"Roran Aurandale, you're under arrest. Come quietly and no harm will come to you."

Roran continued rubbing his palm against the pommel of his sword, weighing his options.

"We know what you are," Julius continued, "and we have no desire to fight you. Please, let us avoid senseless violence. Drop your sword and surrender yourself. We assure you nothing will happen to the boy."

Zan scooted behind Roran, grabbing onto his coat.

"Is he telling the truth?" Roran asked.

Julius frowned. He looked around at the other soldiers, wondering who he was talking to.

"No," said Sarah, "They have orders to kill you and capture the boy."

"I thought so. Close the door and get the elevator moving again."

Confused, Julius said, "Who are you talking to?"

Roran didn't answer. There was a loud click and the doors started sliding shut. The elevator jerked and started sliding downward before the doors were even closed.

Julius jumped into action, rushing forward and leaping into the elevator. Roran moved forward and met Julius, punching him square in the chest with his fist. There was a loud crunch as Julius's armor dented inward and he flew back out of the elevator. The elevator dropped below the bottom of the doorway, sealing Roran in with the other soldiers.

Turning, Roran drew his sword. The soldiers already had their blades out, ready.

"Stop this elevator," one of them said to the guard manning the levers and pulleys.

"I'm trying but the controls won't respond!"

"Zan, get back."

"But...they're soldiers. They're supposed to protect us."

Roran pushed Zan behind him as the soldiers moved forward.

"You're outnumbered and without armor, drop your weapon."

"You know that's not going to happen," said Roran.

"Roran, I don't understand what's going on."

"Zan, get back and hide in the corner. Close your eyes until I tell you it's safe."

"Drop your weapon!"

The six soldiers pressed in on Roran. Surrendering to the inevitable, Roran raised his sword and shield and stepped forward.

The first soldier broke formation and lunged at Roran. Roran deflected the blow with his shield and drove his sword into the soldier's chest, piercing the armor with raw strength. He kicked the soldier off his blade, sending him tumbling back towards his comrades.

"Be careful, he's one of their Demons! His skin is hard as steel and his sword will cut through our armor."

The remaining soldiers moved together this time, using their greater numbers to press in on him. Roran lunged forward, slamming into a soldier and breaking their formation. They hit the ground and Roran rolled back to his feet. He lashed out at the nearest soldier, slashing him across the chest.

Two more came at Roran from the side. Roran parried one blow and dodged the second. Moving on instinct, Roran followed up with his sword, slashing one of the soldiers open. Their armor was sturdy but Roran was using every ounce of strength his etchings had to offer. Each blow jarred Roran's wrist as steel impacted steel.

"Behind you!" Sarah yelled.

Roran spun around, raising his shield just in time to block a sword from slashing his neck. He kicked the soldier away and bashed them with his shield. They stumbled to the ground. Roran took the opening to drive his sword into a gap in their armor. Then he was moving again.

There were three soldiers left, all of them wide eyed and scared. They hadn't realized how strong a Champion would be. Roran pressed his advantage, not letting them regroup for even a moment. He rushed one of them with a flurry of blows from his sword. The soldier blocked the first two but dropped his sword on the third strike. Roran ended him with a powerful downswing.

One of the remaining soldiers tried to rush Roran from behind only to slip in a puddle of blood and tumble to the ground. Roran spun around, his sword flashed and blood splattered the elevator walls.

One soldier remained. He stood opposite Roran, his face pale and his eyes wide.

"Drop your weapon," said Roran. "I don't want to kill you."

The soldier raised his sword. "For the King!" Abandoning all sense, he rushed at Roran. Roran easily deflected the blow and drove his sword through the soldier's heart.

Roran stood over the six dead bodies, his sword dripping blood. He turned to the guard manning the levers and pulleys. The guard drew his sword. It was thinner and smaller than the ones the soldiers were carrying.

"Don't," said Roran, "Just, don't."

The guard dropped the sword and huddled in the corner.

Turning, Roran found Zan staring at him. The boy stood there, gaping. Stray blood splatter had painted his face with little red flecks.

"You're one of them, aren't you?" Zan said, "One of the Demons."

Roran nodded.

"Pa says that all of the Demons have a special name. What's yours?"

"I'm Roran the Reaper, Death walks in my shadow."


They all stood in silence as the elevator finished its slow descent to the Lower Crags. No bell sounded as the elevator crawled to a halt. Roran finished wiping the blood off his sword and sheathed it.

"Sarah, don't let the doors open all the way. Just enough for me and Zan to get through. Once we're through, shut the door behind us and send it down to the valley floor."

Sarah nodded.

"Zan, you'll go first. Once we're through, we'll just keep heading out."

"What about him?" Zan asked, gesturing to the guard.

"He'll ride the elevator down."

"You're not going to kill him?"

"No, not if I don't have to. I hate killing people."

"But you're one of the Tyrant's Demons..."

"We're called Champions, most of us are gladiators, not soldiers. Fighting outside the arena...wasn't something I ever wanted to do."

"This is why Pa didn't want me to be a soldier, isn't it?"

Roran nodded. "The army sent to King's City was wiped out by a single man. None of them stood a chance. Being a soldier for this country is a death sentence."

The doors started sliding open. Roran gave Zan a gentle push. The boy moved forward, stepping over the dead bodies on the floor. Roran followed close behind. As soon as they were out of the elevator, the door started grinding shut behind them.

"What in the world?"

pair of startled guards stared at the pair.

"We didn't hear the signal bell. Why is the door shutting?"

"The elevator is malfunctioning," said Roran as he steered Zan forward.

"Wait, Zan, is everything okay?"

Roran paused, letting Zan come to a halt. He waited, wondering what Zan would say.

After a moment, Zan turned and smiled at the guards. "Everything is fine. Just a weird day is all."

"If you're sure."

"I am."

Zan started moving forward of his own accord and Roran matched pace behind him.

When they were out of earshot of the guards, Roran asked, "Why didn't you tell them about me?"

"You've done right by me and Pa. I don't know about all the other stuff, but you kept me alive and stopped me from being robbed."

The walk away from the elevators was a long and quiet one. Roran wanted to ask Zan more questions. He wanted the boy to ask him questions. He wanted anything other than the sullen silence between them.

Eventually, they made it out of the tunnel and into the snowy field that marked the descent into the Crags. Zan nodded at the pair of guards at the entrance and they passed without a word.

As they walked through the field, Zan slowed, his eyes falling to the stone path before them. In the middle of the path was a dark stain. Roran winced; he'd forgotten about the body he'd left down here. He opened his mouth to say something but Zan started moving again without a word. Sighing, Roran followed after him.

Zan didn't say a single word as they descended down the stairs. When they passed a couple miners, he simply smiled and waved and went on. When they made it to the bottom of the stairs and found a group of people, chatting and laughing, Zan didn't even look at them. He kept his face neutral and his head down, cutting a straight path towards home.

When he got to the front door, Zan opened it and walked inside. He left the door open for Roran but Roran paused at the entrance.

"Welcome back!" Vin called, pulling himself out of a chair to greet them.

Zan ignored him and went to his room.

Vin frowned, watching as his boy slammed the door shut. He turned to look at Roran.

"Everything alright?"

Roran shook his head.

"Well come inside, you're letting the heat out."

Roran stepped inside and closed the door, but he didn't take off his boots or leave the entryway. He dropped his pack and pulled out the money.

"Here, it's everything we got from the jewels."

"That's a nice little pile of money. Did you already take your cut?"

"No, you need to leave."

"Leave? What do you mean?"

"War is coming. Take the money and leave, head down into the valley. Better yet, head west into the Kings' Empire. Find somewhere quiet to wait out the fighting."

"Slow down, what are you talking about?"

Roran took a deep breath, then slowly let it out. "The King's Army is going to come and conquer Uhlara. There is nothing that can be done to stop it. Your king is too oblivious to realize this nation doesn't stand a chance. He'll sacrifice everyone from the Spires down trying to keep his crown. You and Zan included. Here's all the coin I have as well. Take what you can and leave."

The seriousness of the situation started getting through to Vin and fear crept onto his face.

"But...this is our home. We can't just leave."

"You don't have a choice. In a few weeks, maybe a month, this place will be a warzone."

"Where will we go?"

"Head west," Roran said again, "Get away from the front lines. If you need to, you can find me in King's City. I'll do anything I can to help you."

"Okay...okay. We have money now, thanks to you. It might be a good time for me and Zan to go on a little trip through the valley. I'll pack up and we'll see about getting a spot on the elevators."

"You can't take the elevators."

"Why not?"

"They're going to stop working in a couple of days. Besides, the army will be taking control of them, I doubt they'll let civilian traffic through."

Vin rubbed his face. "What happened?"

"The army learned what I was. They set a trap on the elevator...listen, you should leave today. They know who Zan is and that he's tied to me. If they figure out where you live-"

"Bah." Vin waved the comment away. "Nobody pays attention to the miners, they'll never find us. But you're right, we'll get on the road today, tomorrow at the latest. Damn, and I was having such a nice week."

"Good, I should get going. The army will be looking for me."

"Any way we can help?"

Roran shook his head. "I've caused you enough trouble. Please, take the money and get somewhere safe."

"You weren't the one that started this war. We have only the kings to blame for that, every last one of them. If this is the last time we meet, then I wish you well."

"You too."

The clasped hands and Roran left the small home.

"Not going to say goodbye to Zan?" asked Sarah.

"Wouldn't know what to say. How is he?"

"He's sitting quietly and staring at the wall."

Roran swore. He pulled his hood up and started trudging through the snow, back towards the massive staircases that would lead him to the elevators.

Chasing after him, Sarah said, "Roran, it's not your fault."

"I killed six men in front of him, how is that not my fault."

"You didn't have a choice, they would have killed you otherwise."

Roran grunted.

"What are we going to do now?"

"I need to get back to the Rim."

"How, you won't be able to take the elevators. Even if I take over the controls, they'll have a whole army waiting for you in the Rim."

"I'm aware, we're going to have to take the long way."

"What do you mean?"

"Sarah, I need you to find someone for me. A middle aged man that recently lost one of his hands."

Sarah frowned. She appeared directly in front of him, cutting off his path. "Why?"

"I need something from him."

"Okay..." Sarah vanished and reappeared a few minutes later. "Found him. He lives alone a little ways away, I'll guide you."

Several minutes later, Roran was pounding on the door to a little home carved into the mountainside. A miserable looking man opened the door. When he saw Roran, he let out a yelp and stumbled backward.

"Hello Kip, I need your help."

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