Imagines [Book Four]

By thatpunkmaximoff

283K 8.2K 1.4K

Various 'Imagines' from various fandoms. Fandoms include: Marvel, The Originals, Teen Wolf, Sons of Anarchy... More

Marvel&TheOriginals [Gen Fic]
Teen Wolf [Derek Hale]
Marvel [Loki]
Marvel [Druig]
Marvel [Peter Parker]
Marvel [Peter Parker]
Vampire Diaries [Elijah Mikaelson]
Marvel [Bucky Barnes]
The Walking Dead [Gen Fic] pt. 1
The Walking Dead [Gen Fic] pt. 2
Marvel [Matt Murdock]
The Walking Dead [Daryl Dixon]
American Gods [Mad Sweeney] pt. 1
American Gods [Mad Sweeney] pt. 2
SoA & Teen Wolf [Gen Fic] pt. 1
SoA & Teen Wolf [Gen Fic] pt. 2
SoA & Teen Wolf [Gen Fic] pt. 3
Sons of Anarchy [Gen Fic]
Sons of Anarchy [Juice Ortiz] pt. 1
Sons of Anarchy [Juice Ortiz] pt. 2
SoA & Marvel [Juice Ortiz] pt. 1
SoA & Marvel [Juice Ortiz] pt. 2
SoA [Jax Teller] pt. 1
SoA [Jax Teller] pt. 2
Twilight [Paul Lahote] pt. 1
Twilight [Paul Lahote] pt. 2
Twilight [Paul Lahote] pt.3
Twilight [Paul Lahote] pt. 4
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Mayans [EZ Reyes]
Mayans [Gen Fic X Reader]
Mayans/SOA [Angel X Reader]
Stranger Things [Billy Hargrove]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson] pt. 1
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson] pt. 2
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
SOA/Mayans [Gen Fic]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Stranger Things/Lost Boys [Eddie Munson] pt. 1
Stranger Things/Lost Boys [Eddie Munson] pt. 2
Stranger Things/Lost Boys [Eddie Munson] pt. 3
Stranger Things/Lost Boys [Eddie Munson] pt. 4
Stranger Things [Billy Hargrove]
SoA/Mayans [Gen Fic]
Harry Potter [Charlie X Reader]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Stranger Things [Gen Fic]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Teen Wolf [Derek Hale]
Marvel/TVD [Enzo]
Wednesday [Xavier Thorpe]
Stranger Things [Eddie Munson]
Wednesday&Marvel [Xavier Thorpe]
SOA/Marvel [Gen Fic] pt. 1
SOA/Marvel[Gen Fic] pt. 2
TVD [Elijah]
Sons of Anarchy [Opie]
Lost Boys/TVD [Dwayne] pt. 1
Lost Boys/TVD [Dwayne] pt. 2
The Lost Boys/TVD [Dwayne] pt. 3
Sons of Anarchy [Happy Lowman]
Sons of Anarchy [Jax Teller]

SoA [Opie Winston]

4.7K 110 9
By thatpunkmaximoff

Imagine coming home to Charming after years in New York and you have to tell your family what you do for a living.

. .

. .

Growing up with the Sons of Anarchy as your family, it was no wonder you grew up a tomboy. Your mother did everything in her power to get you into dresses and skirts, but when that failed she tried for anything form fitting. Your stepdad and brother were grateful you stood strong, and the only form fitting clothing you wore was a tank top beneath a large flannel that rarely came off.

Dating was a no-no, especially with your brother and his best friend just a couple grades above you, but it wasn't like you were interested in anyone at school anyway. Having bikers as family and friends skewed your taste in the opposite sex, but considering you were SAMCRO royalty, no one close to your age would ever look in your direction. All except Opie.

Opie Winston was the one boy who looked past your tomboy exterior, brushing off all the teasing from your brother and his future brothers when he would spend a little too much time with you, teaching you how to fix up cars. But all good things eventually came to an end when Jax and Opie dropped out of high school so they could finally prospect for the club. You stayed in school, drawing into yourself, and doing the best you could so you could get into a decent college.

The relationship between you and Opie practically became nonexistent, which you knew would happen but had hoped it wouldn't, and your mom was the only one who saw how it had hurt you. She tried to cheer you up by telling you that boys would come and go, but you shrugged her off and threw yourself into your studies.

So after applying for many grants and scholarships and using the money you had in a trust fund that your father had started since before you were born, you applied to colleges all over the US in hopes of landing a school with a decent nursing program. After all, the club could use all the help since they were constantly coming back to the clubhouse injured, and sooner or later Chibs' medical expertise would not be enough.

When you had gotten your acceptance letter to NYU, the Teller-Morrow household erupted into complete chaos. For the most part, your mother and Clay kept their cool, and it was Jax who blew up and told you you weren't going anywhere. You and Jax had never devolved into a screaming match, but that night you did. And then Gemma had jumped onto the bandwagon, threatening to disown you if you stepped foot outside of the state, but surprisingly it was Clay who calmed everyone down. He wanted to listen to your plans and after everyone had calmed down, you explained it to them.

Your mother and Jax weren't happy, but when Clay's mind was made up there was no changing it. He tried to figure out if there were other schools closer that could give you the education you needed, but you pleaded with him that you needed out of reach from the club. You had nothing against the Sons of Anarchy, hell you loved them all, but you needed to grow and do your own thing without them interfering. And after many promises to come home for the holidays and to return to Charming after you've earned your degree, Clay gave you his blessing to go.

Your mother and Clay threw you a big going away party that you spent outside on the picnic table once the croweaters started making their rounds. You had been excited to finally be able to get out of town, especially when Opie started seeing someone who wasn't club affiliated. According to Jax it was serious and the last thing you wanted to see was your crush happy with someone else.

Over the next few years, you kept your promise and made it home for the holidays. Each and every time your mother picked you up for the airport, she was always annoyed that you hadn't come back made over and sporting something fashionable. And the times you couldn't make it home, they reluctantly understood.

But now you were coming home for good and the only person who knew was your mother.

Walking out of the airport, wheeling two cases behind you, you find your ma waiting outside, perched on the hood of her black Cadillac. She catches sight of you, moving her sunglasses from her face to the top of her head. "Seriously, baby girl? You could have at least worn a pair of short shorts or something."

You laugh as you near, letting go of your suitcases to hug her. "Missed you too, ma. How's everyone?"

"Stuck in church. Figured we'd surprise them with your glamorous ass perched at the bar, but you seem to be stuck in baggy jeans and shirts."

As you pull away to grab your suitcases and stow them in the trunk of her car, you say, "You're the only one who has a problem with my wardrobe choices."

"Because Clay and Jax will happily go through life letting the club continue thinking that you never grew tits." You laugh and then walk over to the passenger door, opening it and dropping into the seat. "Baby, you're never gonna get yourself a man if you continue dressing like your brother," your mother then says from her seat behind the wheel.

"Ma," you laugh some more, "if a man doesn't want me in all my tomboy-ish glory, then is he really the man for me?"

Gemma hums as she drives, mumbles something beneath her breath, but then smiles when you ask her to repeat herself. Then the entire drive back to Charming, she fills you in about what the club's been up to since you were last in town.

Pulling up into the Teller-Morrow Automotive parking lot makes you giddy, and you readily climb out of your ma's car when she parks. There are a few people manning the garage, but they're members you were never close to. The clubhouse is empty, with the exception of a few croweaters milling about, and you readily head to the bar. You hop up on a stool, awaiting the end of church, and ask the croweater behind the bar for a soda.

A black cap sitting on the bar catches your attention and you grab it up, putting it on backwards so the words Reaper Crew run across your forehead.

Immediately your ma pulls it off and you huff at her. "No. You already look dyke enough. You're not wearing the cap."

"Ma," you whine. "Come on."




"If I lose the shirt will you let me have the cap?"

Your ma's eyes narrow before she looks you up and down. "You mean the flannel?"

"No, I'll need the flannel to keep Jax and Clay from wrapping me up and marching me out of the clubhouse. I'll lose the shirt, but keep the flannel left open."

"Huh. Let me see what you're working with first."

You roll your eyes as the croweater behind the bar chuckles, but you don't give her shit for laughing at you. You've seen her around before and she was one of the few decent ones. So standing, you strip out of your flannel and then pull your shirt off over your head. When you can see again, you see your mother appraising you. Beneath the shirt you wore a plain white tube top and the waistband of your Calvin Klein underwear are on display thanks to your jeans riding low on your hips.

"Huh." Gemma muses, eyes taking on a sparkling sheen. "So my daughter does have a bod." You shake your head at her as she hands you back the cap and you put it on backwards once again. Then picking up the flannel, you slide your arms through the sleeves and leave it unbuttoned as promised. "I wish you would show it off more."

"Why?" You reclaim your seat on the barstool, sipping your soda.

"Because you need to snag yourself a man and start popping out some grandbabies." You choke on your drink. "Your brother's a slut puppy and won't make me a grandma."

"Jesus Christ." You take the offered napkin from the bartender to wipe up the spewed soda and then start giggling. "Ma, no. Just no. I'm too young to ruin my body right now. You can start bugging me when I'm thirty."



The chapel doors open, signaling the end of church, and you turn around in your seat. You plant your feet on the footholds of the stool, spreading your arms on either side of you along the bar top. Gemma turns on her own stool, crossing one knee over the other, ready to see everyone's reactions. A few Sons you're friendly with spot you first, but you're quick to raise a finger to your mouth to signify them to keep silent. They understand and move aside, stopping and waiting for Clay and Jax to take notice.

Opie, however, sees you before your family does and his eyes widen. "YN?"

Jax looks to his best friend who's staring right at you, and then follows his gaze. "Holy shit." Jax's astonished words clue in Clay to look forward as well and both their surprised expressions morph into one of elation. "You're home?"

"I'm home. For good." You smirk as you hop off your stool, accepting your brother's hug as he nears. "Skipped out on the big graduation ceremony since none of you were going to be able to make it, so they'll be mailing me my diploma."

"Why the hell didn't you say anything? We would've escorted you in."

You pull back and punch his shoulder. "Because I didn't want an escort. It's not a big deal."

"I beg to differ," Clay drawls. You face your stepdad, smiling wide at him and move to hug him. "Hey, baby girl. It's good to have you home."

"It's good to be home," you tell him. "I love New York, but there's just something about Charming and the MC. I've missed it so much."

"We've missed you too."

After Clay and Jax get their hugs in, you're fair game. Opie is the first to get his arms around you and you laugh as he practically engulfs you in his arms. Bobby and Chibs shove one another to hug you first, leaving you a giggling mess, and you fist bump Happy when you see him smirking at you. You walk over to Piney, kissing the old man's cheek before hugging him, and then swat at Tig when he wiggles his eyebrows at you as he glances at your chest. Juice is the only idiot to actually say something about the skin you're showing, but Jax swats him upside the back of his head.

You laugh as you hug Juice. "Missed you too, Juan Carlos. Now please stop ogling me before my brother takes you to the ring."

Juice blushes as he nervously chuckles. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right."

When you're back between Opie and your brother, the latter of who keeps trying to close your flannel, Jax finally gives up and says, "So you know what this means, right?"


"A welcome home party."

"Oh no, Jax, I don't-"

"Hey everyone!" Jax suddenly shouts and you groan, letting Opie sling an arm around your shoulders so you can lean into him. "Since the princess of SAMCRO is back for good, we're having a party tonight!"

"Jesus Christ, Jackson," you mumble. "Now ma's gonna hound me until I wear something slutty."

Opie laughs as Jax looks back at you, shrugging. "What you're wearing right now is fine. Just lose the flannel," he says and then frowns as if he doesn't really like that idea.

"No thanks. I rather not have pervy hands accidentally brush up against me all night long." You grab both sides of the flannel then and shut it over your chest, crossing your arms over it. "Ma wouldn't let me keep the cap until I made a compromise. I lost my shirt, but I got the cap in return."

Jax reaches for the cap, yanking it off your head and putting it on his own. "There. Now go grab your shirt. The cap looks better on me anyway."

"Bitch." You laugh, but do as he's said.

Your mother grumbles as you pull your shirt back on, but quiets down when you leave your flannel behind the bar. She then grabs the keys to an Escalade and tells you to get your ass in the passenger seat. Though it's your party, you've still got to help do the shopping.

Hours later, you've got both your suitcases stored away in Jax's dorm while you freshen up. You've decided to change out of jeans since it was a little warm and decided a shower sounded pretty good as well. And since your ma clearly approved of a tube top, you decide to surprise her a bit more. So after you're done showering and mostly drying your hair, you pull on your bra and underwear before pulling on a plain white crop top and jean short overalls.

You put on the minimum amount of makeup on, tie a pair of black and white Converse onto your feet, and then grab a black beanie from your suitcase so you don't have to bother with your hair much. Then making sure you have your phone in your pocket, you head out into the front of the clubhouse.

"Oh my." Tig whistles appreciatively. "Who knew the princess had legs for days!"

"Damn! Is that what you've been hiding under all those sweats and baggy jeans?" Juice asks. Promptly it earns him a slap upside the back of his head. Again.

"Yeah, yeah. Get your fill of ogling," you say. "But the second any of you fucks touch, I'm cracking a bottle over someone's head."

Piney chortles from his seat at the bar, but only ends up in a coughing fit. You walk over to him and rub his back before kissing his temple. "Heya, sweetheart. How are you doing?"

"Real good, Piney," you tell him. "I missed home. Feels good to be back."

"It's good to have you back. Family's all complete again."

"Yeah. Now I just need to cross my fingers and hope St. Thomas has a spot for me on their staff so I don't have to find a job elsewhere."

Piney smiles. "You're a smart and beautiful young woman. St. Thomas would be stupid not to take you."

"Smart, yes," Jax says, coming up to your side and slinging an arm around your shoulders. "Beautiful, not so much."

"Fuck off," you laugh, elbowing your brother.

"Come on. Leave Piney alone and come join us. We want to hear all about the fabulous life you led in New York."

You groan and Piney waves you off, and you let Jax lead you to the couches where Opie, Happy and Juice are sitting. Your brother shoves you down onto the couch, right next to Opie, and he takes the spot on your other side.

Crossing one knee over the other, you stare at Happy and Juice opposite you. "Hiya, boys." Both smirk and you laugh, turning your head to look at Jax. "So what do you wanna know?"

"How hot are the girls in New York?"

"Ugh." You groan. "Seriously?" Jax smirks at you and you shake your head. "Nope. No way. It's time for you to settle down."

"What?!" He squawks and his brothers laugh.

"Did you know ma tried pimping out my vagina today?"

"Ugh. Don't say vagina." Jax grimace.

"Tough shit. If you can stick your tongue in it, the word can be said aloud. Vagina, vagina, vagina." From your other side, Opie chokes on his beer, as does Juice. Happy is actually living up to his name tonight, grinning all the while. "Anyway, ma said she wants grandbabies. So while I was behaving up in New York for school, it's time for you to pass the baton. It's my time to be the slut puppy while you knock up some poor unfortunate soul so ma has a baby to spoil."

"Jesus." Jax rubs a hand down his face, laughing. "Not happening."

Juice chortles from the other side. "Slut puppy. Who even came up with that?"

"Ma. She said Jax is a slut puppy and won't give her grandbabies which is why she's now putting everything on my shoulders."

Opie nudges your arm with his elbow until he's got your attention. "You're too young. You need to have some fun first."


"Like hell," Jax grumbles. "We need to approve of any fun before the fun begins."

Your eyes roll. "If that were the case, then you'd have me shackled to a Son in a heartbeat."

He freezes and then glances at you, eyes quickly darting to your other side. You tense when you realize who he's looking at. "Would that be a bad thing?"

"Jax, I don't think-"

"Hey, everyone!" Clay suddenly calls out and the clubhouse goes quiet. "As all of you are aware, we here at SAMCRO love a reason to party and what better reason than SAMCRO's very own Princess returning to her rightful home?" Many cheers and whoops of elation ring out, and you sink into your seat. "Our baby girl YN is finally home!" More cheers. "Now let's remind her how we party so she doesn't want to leave us again."

Clay and Gemma walk over to you then, and you stand up so you can hug them both.

"Wow. I got to see your rack and legs in one day," your ma muses. Both you and Jax groan. "I'm loving this new you."

"Sometimes I wish I had a different mother."

"No you don't." Gemma grabs your chin between her forefinger and thumb, and pulls you in to kiss your forehead. You laugh as she turns towards the bar. "Prospect!" The adorable blonde behind the bar looks up, smiling a dimpled smile. "We need a round of beers over here."

Within moments the prospect has a tray of beers for your entire group.

Grabbing yours, you salute the prospect. "Thanks, Half-Sack."

Half-Sack stutters and everyone watches in amazement as he turns redder and redder. Your ma ends up taking pity on him and sends him back to the bar. Then smirking, you turn around and reclaim your seat.

"Hell no," Jax tells you. You glance at him and he shakes his head. "The prospect does not meet the criteria. You're not sleeping with him."

"Agreed." You clink the neck of your bottle to his. "Definitely too scrawny for me. I'd break him before the real fun even began."

Opie chokes on his beer, and both you and Jax laugh at your friend's misfortune.

Your ma reaches down, squeezing your shoulder. "'Atta girl. Keep your standards high."

"And on that note," Clay sighs, "you kids have fun."

Your ma laughs as she follows her husband and you settle in with your brother and friends again.

For the next couple of hours, the boys regale you with tales of the shit they've been up to while you were away. They boo you when you tell them you only attended a handful of parties the entire time you were away, but completely understood when you told them frat boy parties had nothing on the clubhouse parties you were so used to attending. They expected some scandalous stories, but unfortunately the only scandalous story you had was getting into a fight at a club when you caught some douchebag trying to lace another girl's drink.

Eventually, you start to take notice of more than a couple of croweaters glaring at you. Then finishing off your fourth beer, you lean forward and set it on the table.

"Well it's been fun catching up, boys, but I think it's time I go bother someone else so the party favors can have their wicked ways with you."

Opie snorts as you stand, but grabs your wrist and tugs you back. Suddenly unsteady, you fall into his lap. He laughs. "You okay there, princess? I don't remember you being so easy to topple."

You glare at him. "Well that's what happens when you give up alcohol while away. I wasn't about to let my guard down without my boys around."

You move until you're sitting sideways on his lap, one arm going around his shoulders while the other stays in your lap. You cross your ankles, kicking at Jax when he tries to shove your feet off the cushion.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought you and Ope were siblings," Juice says. "You two look related, especially since you're wearing matching beanies."

You and Opie both whip your attention to Juice, scowling. Happy splutters on his beer at your expressions and Jax guffaws. "Jesus. You should see your faces right now." You continue scowling and Jax shakes his head at you.

"Whatever." You pull off your beanie and whip it at Juice who catches it, laughing.

"Well as fun as it is watching you two dance around each other, I got my eye on one of those so-called party favors," Jax muses, standing up.

He ruffles your hair as he passes and you swat at him. "Enjoy your slutty puppy days while they last, Jackson!"

"I will!"

Happy and Juice are left with you and Opie, but after arching a perfectly plucked eyebrow at Happy, the Son in question rolls his eyes before standing up and grabbing Juice by the neck of his shirt to drag him away with him. Juice squawks as he was mid-sip of his beer, and you and Opie laugh at his misfortune.

"And then there were two," you say. Opie smirks at you and you don't bother to attempt to move. After all, you can feel his thumb tucked into the back pocket of your overalls. "So how've you been, Ope?"

"Can't complain." He shrugs. "And you?"

"Better than ever." You lazily smile at nothing in particular as he hums. "Getting out of Charming was the best thing I could have done. No offense," you say when he huffs. "But I'm so glad to be back now. I missed everyone."

"Yeah? Even me?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I miss you?"

"I dunno, princess, maybe because those last two years before you took off you avoided me."

You grimace. "Well you and Jax had girlfriends, and I was pushed to the back burner there for a while. I knew I wanted to leave for college, so I had to start becoming independent."

"You weren't pushed to the backburner." Opie frowns.

"I hate to break it to 'ya, Winston, but I was. I became the annoying little sister and the girlfriends didn't like me much." You shrug. "I didn't want to cause issues so I kept my head down and threw myself into school."

"What are you talking about? Tara adored you."

You scoff. "You're joking, right? Tara hated me! Donna too." Opie looks at you as if you've grown another head. "Both your girls hated the club and the club runs through our veins. They didn't understand how I could be so supportive of it and they didn't like it when I told them to fuck off about speaking with you and Jax about not prospecting."

Opie's hand leaves your back, resting on the skin of your waist. "They really told you to tell us not to prospect?"

"Yeah." You squirm a little as his fingers light ghost your waist up and down. "I hated that Tara broke Jackson's heart, but I was glad to see her leave. That was the best thing to ever happen to my idiot brother."

"Yeah." Opie sighs and takes a sip of beer, staring ahead. "You know Donna and I only lasted a couple of years before we called it quits? I didn't know she hated the club as much as she did. If you had said something, you could have saved me a shit ton of trouble."

You chuckle. "Sorry. Maybe next time I'll vet the girl before you try to slap a crow on her."

"Nah." Opie finishes off his beer, setting the bottle aside. "I'm done with girls who don't understand the MC life. I'm not gonna risk dating another Donna." Your heart thuds in your chest and your stomach churns with butterflies. God, this man hasn't made you nervous since you were just a teen. "So what about you?"


Opie chuckles, obviously figuring out your mind was elsewhere. "What was the dating life like in New York?"

"Ugh." You groan and suddenly wish you had another beer.

"That bad?"

"It was absolutely pathetic," you admit and he laughs. "Don't get me wrong, I had a little bit of fun, but none of them were interesting enough for a callback."

"Not even a booty call?"

You bark out a laugh, putting a hand on Opie's face and pushing him away. "Please never say booty call ever again." Opie's entire body shakes with muffled laughter. "Now come on," you say while standing up and pulling on his hand, "let's go hustle some idiots at the pool table. It's been a while since I've done so."

Over the next few days, you fall into a routine of helping out your mother down at TM. She loves the help, especially since it's from you, and she also loves that she has a front row seat to whatever's going on between you and Opie. Your friendship had picked right back up from what it was like pre-Donna, though it was a little different now that you both were adults.

When Opie wasn't working in the garage or busy with club business, he was hovering nearby and waiting for you to finish what you were doing so he could have your attention. Jax would have been offended if he weren't so amused by his best friend following his baby sister around like a lost puppy. It was just like old times, instead it was Opie following you instead of you following him.

Then as it turned out, St. Thomas didn't have an opening at the moment, but they did have a nurse retiring in the upcoming months. They asked you to send in your résumé and that they would take a look at it when they needed to fill the position.

Fortunately for you and your bank account, nursing wasn't your only job. But the job in question was something you weren't sure how the men in your life would feel about it. Your mother, on the other hand, would love it. It would be like Christmas come early for her when you told her, and unfortunately you had to tell her. Soon.

There was a photoshoot coming up that you'd been asked to pose for, and you immediately agreed. Especially when you saw the outfits. But you didn't exactly know how to break it to the entire family about what you did, so you asked your mother if she wanted to head down to Los Angeles with you. When asked what business you had down there, you told her you just wanted a mother/daughter day with her. She seemed skeptical, but ended up agreeing when you mentioned it was your treat. Clay, however, wanted to send a protection detail with the two of you.

The night before, you and Clay were still debating who the protection detail would consist of. You caved and told him you didn't care, so long as it wasn't Jax, Tig or Juice. Your stepdad had seemed like he wanted to question why you didn't want those three, but shrugged it off and told you you'd just have to deal with Opie and Happy watching your backs then.

The following morning, dressed in a crop top that displayed Sons across your chest and black leggings with your hair tied up in a loose and messy bun, Gemma wondered what kind of day she was in for with you dressed like you had just rolled out of bed. She wanted you to doll yourself up a bit more, but after promising her that she'd understand your lack of an appropriate outfit soon enough, she climbed into her Cadillac and waited until your escorts were ready to roll.

Gemma drove while you answered emails in the passenger seat, and Opie and Happy followed behind on their motorcycles. It was a five hour drive and the boys had been a bit disgruntled to learn they were just watching over you doing some girly shit for hours on end.

"So what's all the way in Los Angeles that you're so excited to drag me to? Is it a spa or some shit? We could have done that in Lodi or someplace closer."

You chuckle nervously. "It's not that kind of mother/daughter day."

"No? Then what are we doing?"

"I am working," you say. "You are watching."

Your mother scoffs before she glances at you. "Are you shittin' me? You pulled me out of Charming just so I could watch you play nurse? YN!"

"No." You laugh. You shake your head, giggling, and then face your mother. "Ma, you've seen my bank account. Did you really think I made all that money just by being a nurse?"

Her attention is torn between you and the road. She takes a moment to think about it. "You in the sex industry? That why you refused your brother tagging along?"

"No. We're actually headed to a photoshoot."

Her eyebrows raise in surprise. "You're a photographer or something?"

"Or something," you muse. Your phone beeps in your hand and you smile at your mother. "No more questions. It's a surprise, but I promise it's a surprise you'll love. I wanted you here because I felt you'd be most excited for this. Now if you'll excuse me, I got more work shit to answer."


Hours later, Gemma's parked outside a nondescript brick warehouse. Happy and Opie park on your side, and you and your ma get out. As she walks around to join the three of you, the boys glance up at the building.

"Looks sketchy," Happy says.

"What exactly are you ladies doing today?" Opie wonders.

"That's what I'd like to know." Gemma crosses her arms over her chest, arching an eyebrow at you.

You sigh. "Fine. We're not doing that whole mani/pedi thing like you boys were scared of. I'm actually here for a photoshoot."

Opie and Happy turn to face you, and you squirm under their stares. Your ma smiles. "What kind of photoshoot?"

"The kind that would have Jax going into overprotective brother mode, and Tig and Juice perving on the others."

Opie and Happy frown, and Gemma's smile widens. "Baby, what aren't you saying?"

You groan. "I'm one of the models. I'm not the photographer."

"And? That doesn't explain why Jax would go into overprotective brother mode."

You wrinkle your nose and sigh. "It's for Victoria's Secret."

Your ma's eyes widen, but the smile stays in place. "You model lingerie? My sweet, little tomboy models lingerie?"

"Yes." Glancing at Opie and Happy, you see Opie torn between being annoyed and ecstatic, and Happy's just full blown smiling. "I don't know why you're happy," you tell him, "you're on the clock. No perving on my coworkers." He shrugs, his smile falling some, and you chuckle. "Inside there's gonna be a lot of women walking around in their underwear and possibly nude. No one cares if you look, but don't be caught staring. This isn't Cara Cara."

"This is a classy establishment. We got it," Gemma says. "Can we go in now? I need to see what they're putting you in."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go."

Gemma links arms with you, letting the boys follow at your back.

Inside the warehouse, it's cooler than it is outside and you exhale with relief. The two-story warehouse has been gutted, as have a majority of the second floor since you can see the obvious glaring hole in the middle of what would have been the ceiling. Some tented rooms have been erected for some privacy, but everyone in the business is comfortable no matter what.

As flashes go off and the photographers call out different poses and what not for the models, you can hear Opie swear softly under his breath. You grin and look over your shoulder, and though Happy's expression is neutral enough, you can detect a hint of a sparkle in his eye as he looks around.

"Where we going, baby?" Gemma asks, looking more ecstatic than you've ever seen her.

"My dressing room is gonna be this way."

You lead the small group towards the right of the warehouse, finding a tented room with your name taped to the outside. When you step inside, you're not surprised to find your usual make-up and hair stylists in there already.


Both females- one with purple hair and piercings (Niylah) and the other brunette with a bit of a shy aura about her (Odette) greet you with smiles. You kiss their cheeks in greeting, then introduce them to your family. "Girls, I'd like you both to meet my ma Gemma. And the two looming bikers behind us are Opie and Happy."

Niylah smiles and winks, and Odette tries her best to not appear uncomfortable.

"Don't worry about them," Gemma says, catching on to Odette's unease. "They're just our protection detail. Totally harmless unless someone tries to mess with us."

Niylah arches an eyebrow at you. "Protection detail? What the hell have you been up to since we last saw you?"

"Nothing." You laugh. You hand your phone off to your ma, grab a silk robe from a chair, and then walk behind a privacy curtain to undress and then redress in your chosen outfit. "I told you guys I grew up in an MC. I just left out the tiny detail that I was- am, sort of- the club's princess."

"Baby girl doesn't go anywhere without at least one Son watching her back."

You roll your eyes as you step out from behind the curtain, securing the belt around your waist to keep your robe closed until it is time to show your outfit. "And since the queen and princess are out and about, we get two Sons following us."

"Girl, you are living the dream," Niylah muses. "Now take a seat. I need to get started on your makeup while Odie does your hair."

"Yes, ma'am."

Opie and Happy each find chairs to occupy while Gemma perches on the vanity desk to watch Niylah work her magic. The two hit it off as if they were long lost friends, and you roll your eyes when you catch Odette's gaze in the mirror. She giggles and then gets back to work.

"So have you showed your ma what you'll be wearing?" Niylah asks.


Gemma sits a little straighter. "You knew this entire time and you didn't tell me?!"

"I wanted it to be a surprise." You chuckle. "It's not lace or risqué," you tell her, "but it is something I think even the boys will appreciate."

"Well come on. Let me see."

You smirk as you slowly untie your belt, fighting off a blush when you see Opie squirm in his seat. Letting your robe fall open then, you practically preen under your ma's approving stare. Your red and black plaid underwear have silver studs sewn all around the waistline and leg holes, and show off some generous cheek in the back once you let the robe completely fall. The red and black plaid bralette has silver studs sewn in around the band under your bust, and several black straps cupping your cleavage before clasping behind your neck.

"Holy shit," Gemma muses as she looks you up and down. "How the hell do you look like this and dress like one of the boys back home?"

"I'm not gonna parade around the clubhouse in my underwear and be mistaken for a croweater," you say. "And besides, I like to be comfortable. None of the guys care about what I wear."

"You know this isn't going to stay a secret for long, right?"

"Yeah. I mean I can trust Happy to keep his mouth shut, but I'm not sure about Opie." You glance over your shoulder and arch an eyebrow at him when you catch his stare a little lower than you had anticipated. You roll your eyes and Happy snorts at his brother being caught staring at your ass. You turn back around to face your mother. "Besides, you'll tell Luanne and she'll slip up. I'll let Clay and Jax know soon."

"Hey YN, we need to get you into your shoes now," Odette says.


Niylah brings your shoes out and Gemma's eyes light up. They're black and plaid as well, but with six inch heels and they lace up all the way to mid-thigh.

"Oh honey, we are definitely going shopping one of these days and you're getting an entirely new wardrobe."

"If you say so, ma."

You sit in your chair and let your stylists put your shoes on you, each of them tightening the laces as they work their way up towards your thighs. Then when they're done, you stand up to make sure nothing pinches.

"Alright," you say, addressing your family. "So you guys can come watch, but I don't wanna hear a peep out of any of you. The photographer knows what he's doing. Don't say shit to piss him off or get kicked out."

"Deal. Let's go." Apparently your ma is more than ready to see you work.

Niylah and Odette wish you luck, and your family follows after you.

Opie and Happy follow behind Gemma, glancing here and there while being careful to step over the many wires taped to the ground.

"And here we thought this job was going to be fuckin' dull," Happy mutters.

Opie huffs a laugh. "This is a trip, man. I didn't know- I didn't think YN would be into shit like this."

"People change, brother. Just be glad your girl chose to model underwear rather than ask aunt Luanne for a job."

Opie snorts and shoves his friend lightly. It was no secret among the Sons that Opie realized his feelings for SAMCRO's princess too little too late, and now that she was home everyone was waiting to see what would happen between the two. So far, everyone was greatly amused by the way the two of them danced around each other while trying to remain unaffected by the other.

Opie snaps back to attention when YN greets her photographer with kisses to the cheek. There are three other females, dressed similarly to YN in underwear that was edgier than the normal lingerie. The photographer looks at Gemma, then at Opie and Happy a little warily, but after reassurance from YN he relaxes.

The photoshoot is apparently a group session and they watch from the sidelines as YN and the other girls line up against a wall that holds artsy graffiti. The photographer tells them to just have fun with it, so there's a hip cocking this way and then cocking the other way as the man behind the camera snaps away. YN places a hand in hair, briefly ruffling it while looking to the side, and the girl next to YN laughs. Soon all the girls are caught laughing on camera, and then the photographer has them take pictures one by one.

There are a pair of wings spray painted on the wall and each girl stands in front of it, taking a few pictures each. Then there are a few other pictures taken of the girls leaning on brick pillars, and by the time the photographer is calling it a wrap, an hour has passed.

Each girl is handed a robe and thanked for their time, and then YN is being tucked under Gemma's arm before she leads the way back to her dressing room.

"Baby, that was so good!" Gemma gushes. "Where are these pictures being published? I'm gonna need to buy whatever magazine they end up in."

"Some of these pictures will end up in the lingerie catalog while others are shipped off to every Victoria's Secret store to be hung up as artwork."

Niylah and Odette are waiting for you in your dressing room, but before they can start removing anything, Gemma stops them. "Hold on. Do either of you girls have a camera? Like one of those professional ones."

Odette shyly raises her hand. "I have one in my backpack. I take pictures when I'm out and about."

"Good. Do you mind taking a picture of me and my gorgeous daughter before she strips out of this cute little outfit she's got on? I need proof of this day."


"Ma," you groan, embarrassed. Opie and Happy chuckle.

Odette quickly grabs her camera while Niylah touches up your makeup, and then you're standing side by side with your mother- her arm around your shoulders while yours is around her waist. Then Gemma calls for Happy and Opie to get in, and Opie stands on your other side while Happy stands with your mother. You can't help but laugh, staring up at Opie and shaking your head in amusement when you hear Odette snapping away.

Sorry, you mouth at him.

Opie grins down at you. "S'alright."

"Hold on!" Niylah perks up, eyes gleaming. Everyone looks at her, but she only has eyes for you and Ope. "I don't know how a motorcycle club works, but is it a no-no for someone else to wear your.. vest?"

"It's called a kutte, Niy," you muse. "And it is a no-no unless the owner of the kutte approves of it. I think."

"I think at least one of my boys wouldn't mind offering up their kutte for a personal picture," Gemma says. "What'd you have in mind?"

Niylah smirks as her gaze bounces between you and Opie, and you mentally groan. She's definitely picked up on something between you and your favorite Son. "I'm picturing YN with the kutte on, sitting backwards on a chair with her back to the camera and-"

"Done. Opie, give YN your kutte."

"Ma!" Opie laughs as you admonish your mother, but shrugs out of his kutte anyway. You look at him, shaking your head. "Ope, you don't have to do that."

"Nah. I wanna," he says and you hesitantly take his kutte in hand. "I'm curious as to what this pic is gonna look like."

You narrow your eyes at him, grumbling, and he smiles even wider. Shrugging into the kutte, Niylah quickly grabs you a chair and sets it down. "Alright, sweetheart, now you're gonna straddle this chair backwards." You do as you're told. "Good. Now spread your legs a little wider, but keep your heels planted."

"What about having her run her hand through her hair, partially holding it up while looking to the side so we can capture the back of the kutte on camera?" Odette suggests.

"Yes!" Niylah cheers. "Odette, you're a genius."

You follow your friends' direction and let Odette snap a few more pictures. But the moment Gemma suggests Opie strip off his shirt and get in there, you're up out of your seat in a heartbeat. "And that's enough. I'm not getting paid for these and we're not having Opie strip." You nervously laugh and then rush behind the privacy curtain to change back into your regular clothes.

From the other side of the curtain, you hear Gemma giving her email to Odette so she can email her the pictures as soon as possible while Niylah attempts to chat up the boys.

Then walking out from behind the curtain back in your own crop top, leggings, and sneakers, you thank your girls for everything. You leave the makeup and hair as it was, figuring it'd lead the boys into thinking you caved and let Gemma convince you to get a makeover.

You lead the way outside afterwards, calling out your goodbyes along the way. Then once you're standing by your mom's vehicle, you turn and face the crowd of three.

"Not a word. To anyone!"

Opie and Happy crack grins, nodding in agreement easily. Your ma, however, smirks. "Baby, they're gonna find out."

"I know, but I wanna be the one to tell them."


"I don't know."

Gemma chuckles. "You better do it fast because Odette's editing those pictures of you in Opie's kutte for me as we speak. I'm having one of them blown up to hang on the wall at home."

"Jesus Christ," you grumble. "Why do you have to be so embarrassing?"

"You should be proud," Opie says, stepping up to your side and tucking you under one of his arms. "Those pictures came out good."

"So good." Gemma agrees. "I might even have some made to hang around the clubhouse."

"No!" You and Opie simultaneously say.

Happy snorts as he walks to get on his bike and your ma looks incredibly proud. You roll your eyes and then swat at Opie. "Get on your damn bike. I want food and then the comfort of my bed before I have to break it to Clay and Jax gently about what I do on the side for cash."

"Don't even sweat it, baby," Gemma says. "Clay's going to be incredibly proud and your brother will get over it. He might want to be on protection detail from now on if you have more of these photoshoots, but that's it."

"Yeah right." You scoff. "The last thing I need is Jax flashing those pretty blues of his and fucking all my friends." You shake your head. "Not happening. That was the exact reason why I didn't want Tig or Juice coming."

"Good luck with that," Gemma muses. "Now seriously, let's get going. I'm starving too."

It's been a couple of days since you let your mother in on your secret side job. Opie and Happy had kept their word, not mentioning anything about the modeling gig, but Gemma was in too good of a mood around you that it made Clay and Jax suspicious. You were going to have to tell them sooner rather than later.

But as of right now, you were more interested in grabbing a shower. It was Friday, which meant there was a party later that night at the clubhouse, and you had promised Gemma to dress up a little. Not much, but enough to convince the visiting members of the Tacoma charter that you were indeed a girl.

Towel wrapped around your body, you walk out of the bathroom and head for your bedroom. Only the second the door is opened, you nearly yelp in surprise when you spot Opie sitting on the corner of your bed.

"Jesus fuck, Ope," you mumble, stepping in and shutting the door behind you. "Warn a girl next time."

Opie sits there in a plain black shirt and his jeans, hair loose from its usual confines of a beanie. It looks like he too had a shower not too long ago. "You coming tonight?" He asks, voice all rumbly and sending a shiver down your spine.

"Mhm." You gulp and head for your dresser, grabbing a bottle of lotion to use on your hands and arms. "Why? What's up?"

Opie's quiet as you work lotion into your skin. "Go with me."

"Hmm?" You'd heard him loud and clear, but the words had surprised you.

"Go with me. And not just as Jax's little sister or SAMCRO's princess. Go as mine."

Your gaze snaps to Opie, mouth slightly parted in surprise. He slightly smiles at you and then once your brain has rebooted, you huff a laugh. "So all it took was you seeing me in bra and panties, huh?"

"No. I've known I had feelings for you right after you left for college, but you were gone and I was still with Donna. That's another part of the reason why things didn't work out with her. She wasn't you."

You stare at Opie, brain needing yet another reboot before your feet carry you over to him. He sits a little straighter, spreading his knees a little more as you stand between them. Your lips twitch as you stare down at him and you place your hands on his shoulders. "Do you think Jax will be an issue? I know he teases us all the time, but-"

"He already gave his blessing," Opie muses. "Actually, he's the one who reminded me Kozik was coming down and that I needed to do something less that asshole hit on you all night."

"So you're staking your claim now, huh?"

"Might as well. Everyone's gonna know either way once your ma hangs up that photo of you in my kutte."

Your nose wrinkles at the thought of your mom showcasing the photo and Opie chuckles. To shut him up, you lean down and snap your teeth near his mouth. His eyes widen and he seems to hold his breath. Smiling, you lean back in and brush your nose against his before pressing your lips to his briefly. Opie gulps and it's your turn to chuckle. "We're only doing this on one condition, Winston."

"Name it."

"No more croweaters. Here or on the road," you tell him. "I can deal with you handling club business at odd hours, but I can't deal with being with someone who can't keep it in his pants."

"S'fine. I only want one pussy anyway." You grin wickedly at him then, pressing your lips harder against his. Opie lets you lead the kiss, his hands going to your waist as you push him back and then climb onto his lap, one knee on either side of his hips. He groans and you take his bottom lip between your teeth, tugging on it as you lean back. "What are you doing?"

"Don't worry, babe. We're not fucking. Not yet at least," you tell him and then quickly peck his lips once more.

"Then what are you doing?"

Your right hand, which had slid up to rest against the side of Opie's neck, slides a little towards the front of his neck. You use your thumb to press up against the underside of his jaw and make him tilt his head back. "Marking my territory. Riding bitch with you to the clubhouse won't keep the party favors at bay, but hopefully a necklace of hickies will."

Opie's laugh turns into a groan the second your teeth sink into the flesh of his neck and his hands tighten on your waist. "Fuck. I can't mark you back, can I?"

"Not this time," you tell him, panting against his neck as you find a new spot to lick and suck. "I got booked for a runway show back in LA since a few of the models had to drop out."

"Fuck. I've never loved and hated a job at the same time."

"You and me both." 

No one was surprised when you showed up on the back of Opie's bike, but they were a little surprised by your show of possessiveness. Opie, however, loved every second of it.

The runway show was just a couple days away and you had been given five tickets for your family. Gemma had claimed two for herself and Clay, Opie claimed another because there was no way he was missing his girl strutting her shit, which left you with two extra tickets. You had a terrible feeling Jax was going to want to go, but you had no idea who would duke it out for the last one.

Oh well, they could take it to the ring if they wanted to go that bad. Winner takes the ticket.

You still hadn't told everyone that you modeled part time and were struggling with a way to do so when your mom suggested a family dinner. Let everyone you considered family know at once instead of doing it little by little. And though you wanted to let your stepdad and brother know before anyone else, you were tired of working up the nerve, only to chicken out at the last second. So you agreed to the family dinner.

But after dinner was served and everyone was sprawled in a chair out in the backyard, you still hadn't found the nerve. At least, not until you saw your ma walking out of the back door with two large squares wrapped up in brown paper. Portraits, your mind supplied. Your ma has portraits.

"Whatcha got there, Gem?" Tig asks when he sees her.

Your ma's sparkling eyes dart to you and you quickly jump up from your seat next to Opie. "I, uh, I have something to tell you guys!"

"You're pregnant!" Juice exclaims and you shoot him the dirtiest look you can muster.

"Fuck off. Don't jinx me with that bullshit right now." Everyone laughs and then you take a moment to gather your thoughts. "It's nothing bad, so please stop looking so worried, Chibs."

"Can't help it, lass. I worry about 'ya sometimes."

"Thanks. But, uh, I actually need to tell you about my side job."

"Why?" Jax frowns. "Are you a porn star?" He then winces. "Please don't tell me you're a porn star."

"Ew. No. Why would I wanna risk Tig finding that shit?" Everyone laughs again, especially when Tig shrugs. It was no secret the man loved porn. "I just want to warn you about what I do before ma shows you because I have a feeling I know what those portraits in her hands are."

"You can bet your sweet ass they are," Gemma says. "Your friend Odette came through for me. I owe her."

You sigh and suddenly everyone is looking curiously at you. Everyone except Opie and Happy who don't bother hiding their amused expressions.

"You boys know?" Clay asks.

Opie nods. "Gemma's new artwork is from that day you put us on their protection detail. It was no spa day like everyone assumed it was."

"Then what was it?"

"I model!" You blurt and then your eyes widen. The backyard goes quiet. You exhale, shoulders sagging. "A modeling agency took interest in me while I was in New York. Victoria's Secret picked me up and I model. For them."

Juice splutters on his beer. "Seriously?"

"Seriously." Gemma's like a kid on Christmas as she rips open one of the portraits, a smirk sliding into place. As she turns it around, she says, "My baby girl is fucking hot and I've never been more proud of her."

You groan when the picture in question is of you in plaid underwear, standing against the brick wall with wings painted on behind you.

"Holy shit!" Juice exclaims and you walk around to stand behind Opie. He chuckles at your discomfort.

"How did you even get that picture?" You ask your ma.

"The photographer liked one of the pictures from our private photo session in your dressing room, so he asked if he could keep one for a future spread. I agreed and in return he gave me this one."

"Which one?"

"This one." She lets the first portrait lean against Clay's chair and opens up the second one. It's the one of you straddling the chair, knees spread and wearing Opie's kutte, hand in your hair and the side of your face visible. "I told him he had to edit out anything related to our MC, for obvious reasons, and he agreed."

All is quiet until Jax opens his mouth and says, "I hate that this is my baby sister, but I gotta admit that picture with Opie's kutte is fuckin' amazing."

There are several mumbles of agreement.

"How'd you know it was Opie's?" You ask.

"Please." Your brother scoffs. "First of all, I don't see Happy volunteering his." The man in question shrugs. "And secondly, this is visual proof of Opie staking his claim. I bet he readily agreed for you to wear it."

"He did." Gemma laughs.

You rest your hands on Opie's shoulders, but he grabs you by one wrist and drags you until you're standing in front of him. He quickly pulls you down into his lap, letting you curl up there. "Whatever. I have a fashion show coming up, but I only have five tickets. Ma already claimed two, Opie another-"

"As your brother, I get one."

"Fine. Jax gets the fourth which leaves only one extra." Immediately Juice and Tig glare at one another, and you shake your head at them. "I'm not choosing so all you idiots get to take it to the ring. Winner takes the last ticket to a Victoria's Secret runway show."

Bobby grumbles about not being young enough to enter the ring anymore, leaving Juice and Tig and Chibs looking quite smug about their chances. At least they're smug up until Happy voices he'll be stepping into the ring.

Jax laughs as Juice pales. "Good luck there, brother. I don't think Happy's gonna take it easy on any of you."

You chuckle as you lay your head on Opie's shoulder. "Fuck. He's gonna kill them all, isn't he?"

"Probably. He seemed to have his eye on that purple-haired stylist of yours."

"Of course he does," you mumble.

You glance around at your gathered family, the weight that had been pressing down on your shoulders now gone. Your family took your modeling career fairly well and you couldn't have asked for a better reaction.

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