Wolf Bite || BL

By this-bsh-empty

1.4K 140 84

Monday, August 1 Dear Isaac, if you're reading this, that means you've turned eighteen. Congratulations, I'm... More

Chapter 1 || Hunting
Chapter 2 || Getting Lost
Chapter 3 || Way Home
Chapter 4 || Collecting
Chapter 5 || Potions
Chapter 6 || History
Chapter 7 || Setting Up Traps
Chapter 8 || Trust
Chapter 9 || Home
Chapter 10 || Exstinct
Chapter 11 || Memories
Chapter 12 || Talk
Chapter 13 || Quiet Day At Work
Chapter 14 || Getting To Know You
Chapter 15 || Feelings
Chapter 16 || Hurt
Chapter 17 || Crush
Chapter 18 || Chased
Chapter 19 || Alone Together
Chapter 20 || Dream (A/C)
Chapter 21 || Festival
Chapter 22 || Poison
Chapter 23 || Taking Down Traps
Chapter 24 || Love Story
Chapter 25 || Confession
Chapter 26 || They're Back
Chapter 27 || Reveal
Chapter 28 || Next Step
Chapter 29 || Change (A/C)
Chapter 30 || Research
Chapter 31 || Caught
Chapter 32 || Old Friends
Chapter 33 || Plan
Chapter 34 || Full Moon
Chapter 35 || New Hideout
Chapter 36 || Safe
Chapter 37 || Jail Break
Chapter 38 || Hit
Chapter 39 || Side-Effects
Chapter 40 || Powers
Chapter 41 || Tired (A/C)
Chapter 42 || 'Help' (A/C)
Chapter 44 || Out
Chapter 45 || New Plan
Chapter 46 || A Place To Stay
Chapter 47 || Staying The Night
Chapter 48 || Sleepover
Chapter 49 || Diversion
Chapter 50 || Make Yourself At Home
Chapter 51 || Secret Room
Chapter 52 || Privacy
Chapter 53 || Privacy (A/C)
Chapter 54 || First Time (A/C)
Chapter 55 || Morning After
Chapter 56 || Secret
Chapter 57 || Truth
Chapter 58 || Chores
Chapter 59 || Journal
Chapter 60 || Rain Day
Chapter 61 || Urge
Chapter 62 || Distraction
Chapter 63 || Dinner
Chapter 64 || Continueing The Plan
Chapter 65 || Busted
Chapter 66 || Explanations
Chapter 67 || And Then There Were Two
Chapter 68 || Control
Chapter 69 || Showing Off
Chapter 70 || Thirst
Chapter 71 || Shopping
Chapter 72 || Long Time No See
Chapter 73 || Starting To Make Sense
Chapter 74 || Apologies
Chapter 75 || Guilt
Chapter 76 || That Night
Chapter 77 || Not His Fault
Chapter 78 || Party Trick
Chapter 79 || Adiction
Chapter 80 || Intervention
Chapter 81 || Getting Ready
Chapter 82 || Money Problems
Chapter 83 || Desperate Times
Chapter 84 || Desperate Measures
Chapter 85 || Nevermind The Plan
Chapter 86 || Poisoned
Chapter 87 || Dont Do This
Chapter 88 || Antindote
Chapter 89 || Free
Chapter 90 || Betrayal
Chapter 91 || No Other Choice
Chapter 92 || Finding A House
Chapter 93 || Tying Up Loose Ends
Chapter 94 || The End
Valentines Day Extra

Chapter 43 || Escaped

7 1 0
By this-bsh-empty

Isaac POV*

I sat on the benches again as I watched Aubrey and Marc discuss their plans, I still wasn't sure why I had to be here too. Honestly, all I wanted to do was sleep. In a bed this time.

I sighed as I leaned back, folding my legs onto the bench. I looked down and the hole. I needed to change too, not only were my pants ripped but they were also covered in blood. I just wished I could find a way to sneak into the shop without dad noticing.

I kept seeing marc frantically move around as he argued with Aubrey again. I'm not sure if they get along or not. Lukas had gone up to another room to change. I couldn't help but blush as thought back on what happened, it was simultaneously the best and most embarrassing moment of my life.

I let out a sigh as I tried to calm down again. "Isaac- are you still with us?" Suddenly Aubrey pulled me out of my thoughts. "I- no not really." I laughed awkwardly. Marc smiled softly as he turned towards me. "Still tired, huh?" He asked. I nodded slowly as I leaned against the backrest. "Maybe you should just go home for today, get some sleep, maybe a shower." He smirked.

"That would be nice." I laughed, dropping y legs off the bench. "Go on then." He said as he gestured towards the door. "Thanks." I smiled as I got up, making my way towards the door. I looked around carefully, making sure no one was out there to spot me. I did look pretty suspicious.

When I did t see anyone I closed the doors behind me and carefully made my way home. It was pretty quiet in town today, it was a sea day after all. As I passed the prison I noticed there were no guards anymore, guess they won't need them if there are no prisoners. Why do we even have a prison if no one is ever in there?

I walked past it quickly in case there were still some people inside and turned the corner towards the town square. It felt weird walking through the open spot, a few people were sitting outside their homes, or walking their dogs as I made my way to the other side. I got a few suspicious looks but I just smiled at the. And I quickened my pace.

I reached the shop not too long after that, but as I was about to enter I realized I shouldn't take the front door looking the way I did. I turned around and quickly made my way to the back door. I looked through the window and when I didn't see my dad I went inside, being extra careful not to make a noise.

As soon as the door was closed I ran up to the stairs, making my way up as fast, but as silently as I could. I got into my room without my dad noticing. I closed the door behind me. The first thing I did was run up to my closet and change my clothes, throwing the dirty ones under my bed, I won't be needing those anymore.

I quickly washed my face and put on some fresh clothes. I'll shower late, it would be a little weird for me to just appear home and then immediately shower. As soon as I was changed my bedroom door opened. I looked up, noticing my dad in the doorway.

"Oh- when did you get back?" He asked confused, "just now..." I couldn't lie, it would be more suspicious for me to have been up here all night without him knowing.

"I didn't hear you come in.." he added. "Well, I came through the back." I stood up awkwardly as I waited for him to speak again. "Well okay," he straightened his back and turned around. "Go freshen up and come downstairs, I need you in the shop" he commanded as he made his way to the stairs.

As soon as I heard him leave the steps. Let out a long sigh. Thank god he didn't ask anything more. I dropped down onto my bed for a bit, staring up at the ceiling. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep, it's been a minute since I've laid in my bed. I forced myself to get up and made my way to the shower.

I quickly washed up and made my way back downstairs. My dad was already behind the register. I got in as he finished up with a customer. She smiled at me brightly and walked away.

"Ah, there he is," my dad commented as he put the money away. "Now can you take over for me, I have some things to restock." He said as he got up from the seat. I nodded and took his place behind the register.

Dad walked around the counter and grabbed a nearby box, he took it around the room and started to restock some empty shelves. I watched him silently as we waited for the customers again. "So, where have you been..?" He asked, not making eye contact.

I flinched as I sat up. "Uhm, well... I was with Ava..." I lied. He nodded understandingly. "The whole night?" He added. "I- yeah.." I said back, a little confused. He looked over at me for a second before returning to his work. "Good to know."

I looked over at him confused, what does he mean. Don't tell me he thinks we- "wait dad, it's not like that-" but just before I was about to finish my sentence, the bell rang and someone else came in.

My dad turned around to greet her and she soon made her way to me, right after grabbing the potion she was looking for, "ah you restocked them, great." She said to my dad. "Yes, I. Sorry, it took so long, I've been a bit busy lately." He apologized, getting down from his step ladder.

"It's okay Nigel. I have extra at home." She smiled. She came up to me and put it in front of me before handing me the money, I didn't even need to tell her how much it was. I grabbed the money and put it away. "Thanks" I smiled at the woman. She winked and turned back around. She was about to leave the store when she turned back to my das. "Oh by the way did you hear?" She asked. L.hear what?" My dad smiled.

"That werewolf they caught last week. It escaped." I flinched as she said it, I guess the word finally came out. "What?" Dad asked shocked. "Yeah, it got out last night. They tried to go after it but they failed." The pulled the potion closer to her chest. "It's a bit scary to think about, isn't it." She put on a smile.

"Well, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about." My dad tried to reassure her, but she still looked frightened. "I hope you're right," she said before finally leaving the store.

It got quiet again as my dad stood in the room, completely still. I didn't know where to look. It's a good thing no one saw me yesterday...

"Dad- uhm" I tried to get his attention. He shook his head and looked over at me. "Yeah, what is it?"

"Are you okay?" I asked carefully, he nodded and turned back to his stock. "Yeah, I'm fine, just- get back to work..." he got quiet again as he started stocking again, clearly lost in thought.

I decided not to say anything anymore. We spent the day in the shop together, occasionally helping customers, but besides that, we didn't say a word. He clearly had a lot on his mind, and all I could think about is that people now know Marc is out there somewhere.

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