Quiet In Beverly Hills - YB I...


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My second YUNGBLUD book, I'm back, my chickens! All types of requests are open, fluff, smut and angst! Reques... More

Massages [S]
Fool [F]
First Time [S]
Nesting [F]
Asthma [A]
Bookstore Girl [F]
Like A Virgin [S]
Baby Blud [F]
3rd Party [Poly S]
Nanny [F]
Tattoo [F]
Bunny [S]
Tattoo - 2 [S]
Places We Don't Talk [A]
Masquerade [F]
Vienna [A/F]
Time To Heal [A]
Disneyland [F]
Teacher [A]
Double Date [F]
Disneyland Pt 2 - [S]
Graduation [S]
Skinny Dipping [F]
Lick Of Paint [S]
Lotus [S]
Interviews [F]
50 Shades Of Fuck-No [A]
Stretch Marks [A/S]
Anniversary Trip [A]
Carmilla [A/N]
Dom's Adoration [S]
Good Boy [S]
Boyfriend Material [S]
Intimate Scenes [F]
A Day Of First [S]
Body Shot [S]
Gala [S]
Sweeney Todd [S]
Announcement/Final Chapter

Being Dad [S]

657 9 67

Summary: Dom proves that love is possible when you already have kids in the picture

WARNINGS: Mentions of affairs, having to go through labour near alone, cheating, low self esteem, mocking for having a step-parent in the picture, slight age gap (Reader, 30 years old, Dom, 25 years old!), stepdad Dom!  // SMUT WARNINGS: Gentle Dom!, oral (reader receiving), sub/dom dynamic, receiving oral outside of bedroom, "Mumma" nickname for reader, gentle sex, first time in a long time!

Evangeline, 8 years old
Hannah, 6 years old

Word Count: 7,000




Hannah immediately came bursting through into the bedroom. She's jumping up and down in place at practically a million miles an hour. How she has so much energy in such a small body, as well as this hour of the morning, is impressive.

We always joke she doesn't do anything walking. She does everything jumping up and down and squealing her way through it. She'll never stay in one place, like a little firecracker in human form.

She must've taken all the energy for herself because Evangeline, her older sister is the absolute opposite. Evangeline will be so quiet she scares the shit out of me sometimes, when I don't see her entering or leaving rooms. Trust me, it's horrifying. Especially at night.

I'll be making myself a cup of coffee at 11 o'clock at night by myself, and at the middle of the night, I turn around, and Evangeline is stood there in her PJ's and I did not hear her coming into the room at all.

She's extremely shy and quiet. She will prefer to sit in the corner of a room by herself, and play games by herself, or read by herself. I'm quite sure she would be quite happy to not talk to anyone except for me or Hannah.

They're the Ying to each other's Yang's in a way. They manage to balance each other, and sometimes it works. If both of them were both like Hannah, and were constantly being super energetic, and super super there all the time, I'd be overwhelmed.

It's finally Hannah's sixth birthday today, and she's so excited for it. She thinks she's so much older now, and while that's not true at all, she's only a small child, I'll let her believe what she wants to believe.

"Mumma," She says, putting her hands on my arm, and just in case the fact I'm sitting up in bed is not enough to figure out that I am awake. She shakes my arms back and forth and I know I've gotta speak.

"Hannah, Han, I'm up," I laugh, as I sit up in bed. She jumps up and down in her place, as she sits up on the bed, crossing her legs. "It's my birthday, Mumma!" She says, as she wraps her arms around me, giving me a hug.

"Happy Birthday Hannah! How old are you, now?" I ask her, as she loves being asked it. "I'M SIX!" She shouts, as she holds up six of her fingers, and before long, Evangeline comes into the bedroom, a small smile on her face.

She toddles up to bed herself, and wraps her arms around Hannah, taking me aback. Usually, Evangeline doesn't like physical affection most times. She doesn't do it to be cruel, she just has to make up her own mind when she wants to cuddle anyone.

And I don't make her, unless she wants to. If she wants to cuddle someone, she will. If she doesn't, she won't. So, it takes me aback when she cuddles her sister. "Happy Birthday, Hannah," She beams, wrapping her arms around her.

"Thank you sissy!" Hannah beams, as I have such a massive smile on my face, imagining her little reaction to her birthday surprise. I stayed up for hours the night before, standing in the kitchen, calling Steph as I managed to get flour all down me.

But, I'd managed to make some birthday cake cinnamon rolls. I did not come up with that recipe myself, it was entirely Googled. And it took a lot of me shout whispering over the phone that I did not have a clue what I was doing.

But I managed to do it, with all of the cinnamon rolls cooked, and my sanity as good in tact as it could be for around four in the afternoon. "Do you wanna come downstairs, and see your birthday surprise?" I ask her, and she has a massive grin on her face.

"SURPRISE! SURPRISE!?" She asks, as she almost falls out of my bed, as she's practically scrambling on her hands and knees. Sometimes I'm convinced she's half puppy. She rushes downstairs, and I have to rush to follow her.

She waits eagerly for her surprise, and I reach into the cupboard and pull her out birthday breakfast surprise. "There you go!" I say to her, as she tilts her head and waits to look at him. "What are they?" She asks.

"Birthday cake... CINNAMON ROLLS!" I announce to her, and her eyes go wide. "YAY!" She squeals, as I go and grab some plates. She's going to make an absolute mess, I know her. She manages to make a mess with a bar of chocolate.

I grab two plates, as well as a small stash of napkins for the mess, as Evangeline and Hannah both sit down eagerly, and they're practically scrambling as I pass them plates. "Thank you, Mumma!" Hannah beams, as she begins eating.

She kicks her legs back and forth, as I pull out my phone, and open my phone. Looking, Dom's sent me a text, and I smile softly, as I saw he's texted me.


Tell Hannah Happy Birthday from me <3

Will do lovey 💕💕

Are you happy for me to come over later?? What time is the party at?

12 - 3 (pray for me 😭) but I'm pretty much starting getting shit started from 10:30/11:00

Feel free to come over before 12

I'll be there around 11:30 🖤🖤

Love ya X

I am stressed, I can barely turn around before Hannah has polished off a plate of birthday cake cinnamon rolls, and wants another, so does Evangeline. I oblige, it's her birthday after all. She wraps her arms around me, and smiles softly.

Making her another round of rolls, I have to prepare what the hell I'm going to do. In both girls classes, it's almost a social expectation that you have to invite all of the kids in your daughters class to your child's birthday party.

Especially Hannah's class, oh God. You have to invite your whole class or else you have to deal with the horror of the bitchy sub texts in the mum's group chat, going like "Oh Y/N love, just checking, is it Hannah's birthday? Yeah just checking because we didn't get an invite, X"

How about that's just because your sons a dick?

So, I caved in this month, and invited all of her class. 28 kids, not including Hannah, and then of course Evangeline will be there, with her best friend, Bethanie. I let Evangeline invite her so she won't be surrounded by loads of kids younger than her.

As I start getting ready, I get a text from one of my favourite Mum friends in the world.



Please come over, I need all the support I can get

Omw 💕💕

Steph only lives about fifteen minutes away from me, and she's been my best friend for near forever. She loves me to death, and I love her to absolute death. She's been protecting me since I started going into labour with Hannah,

Long story.

I need to summarise, quick.

I was young when I met Alex, my 1st boyfriend, we met at university Freshers, he lived in my student hall. We'd only been dating a couple of years, when I realised I was pregnant. Of course I was worried, I was twenty-two years old at the time.

But, I was ready to undertake the task of being a parent. I was pregnant, however that happened, and I wanted to take care of our unborn baby.

 And, we accidentally got pregnant. I don't know how we did, we were using protection, but shit happens. We'd only been together a few months, and I was twenty-two years old at the time.

But, I was ready to undertake the task of being a parent. I'd gotten myself pregnant, and I was going to manage and take care of our baby. I don't think Alex was too happy about it, but he was still there for me when I needed him.

He was in the delivery room supporting me through the labour, and he helped me buy the clothes beforehand, buy everything that I needed. And, I gave birth to Evangeline Willow L/N.

Alex was kind of annoyed about my daughter having my last name, and that was something I knew was a massive red flag. But I ignored it because I needed the support. I needed someone to be there for me, as I got used to being a parent.

He was comforting, and gentle as I needed to be. He was taking care of me, and he cared for Evangeline. He recognised Evangeline as his own daughter, truly. But that was something that was lost on him, the next time I got pregnant.

Just before Evangeline turned one and a half years old, I found myself pregnant. And it was Alex's. There was nobody else it could be, he was the only person who's child I could be pregnant with. 

But, he rejected this idea absolutely.

He became so angry and started an argument with me. He insisted that there was no way I could be pregnant with his child again, and he was so angry with me. He insisted I had cheated, and I was pregnant with another's baby.

And, I wasn't.

But this was enough for him, to leave me. He left, not wanting anything to do with Evangeline either, who was his real daughter. All that he left me was a monthly child support cheque, and a lot of rude text messages.

I did the rest of the stuff for preparing for a baby alone. The buying of the baby clothes, finding out the gender of the baby, all of it. I had to leave everything out, before I started giving birth, and eight months pregnant.

I was a month before my due date, so I was absolutely panicking, because nobody was ready. My parents weren't there, my family was near. I literally had my water break while I was at home, making myself dinner.

So, I had to get myself to the hospital, pretty much in labour. I was absolutely panicking, before I managed to get into the hospital room, and into the water pool, and all of the nurses were trying their hardest to comfort me.

Then, she walked into the room. 

Steph was seven months pregnant at the time, but she wasn't in labour, thankfully. She was heavily pregnant, but she was staying in the hospital for safety reasons, as her pregnancy was high risk due to her PCOS.

She did her best to comfort me. Through contractions and probably some inhuman noises, I explained about Evangeline, what happened with Alex, everything. Steph promised we could be parent besties, and I'd have someone there for her.

With Steph's support, I gave birth to Hannah Stephanie L/N.

Yes, I named her after Steph, she deserves it (Both Hannah and Steph). And, a few months later, Steph gave birth to her first child, Jules. Jules is the sweetest little girl, her and Hannah are absolutely inseparable.

And having another mum as a best friend is absolutely amazing, as we could always vent to each other about anything and everything, and make sure neither of us feel insane. She could text me the most insane things, and I'd agree.

Is it normal for it to feel like ur baby's trying to eat ur tit off when you're breastfeeding?
Bc Jules like chomps

I hope so, because Evangeline did, and Hannah does

At least if we both gave birth to demons, we'll do it together

Hannah and Jules are in the same year at school together, and it's so sweet to see them together. I remember on their first day of primary school together, both of them tiny, their jumpers nearly falling off them, toddling into the school gates.

At exactly 10:30, Steph comes bursting into the house, as she has a spare key. "Where are my favourite nieces!?" She asks, as Hannah comes up and wraps her arms around Jules, who has come with.

Jules looks absolutely adorable, wearing a little navy blue dress, with matching blue bobbles into two pigtails on either side of her head, her wavy hair so volumized. "Happy birthday, Hannah!" Jules says, as she passes a cutesy bag to Hannah.

Hannah practically tears into it, and she pulls out a stuffed unicorn plushie, which is her favourite animal in the whole world.

And if you don't think unicorn is a "real" animal, Hannah will fight you.

"Thank you, Jules!" Hannah says, as she wraps her around Jules waist and cuddles her. "What do you say to Steph?" I ask her, as I look down at her. "Thank you, Steph," Hannah says, remembering her manners.

"You go upstairs and get ready, Y/N," Steph says, as she grabs all three of the girls, and usually gets them occupied. I need to be ready, and pretty quickly. I grab a black dress of mine, which goes to my mid thighs.

Siting down in my dress, with my jacket over me, I begin to do my makeup. I've never really gotten a grip at what constitutes enough for a party of a six year old, because you either get bitchy looks for being overdressed, or told you're underdressed.

I end up going with my usual makeup, just with a red lip and more glittery eyeshadow than I normally wear. I brush out my hair, and curl it a little. It sits in gentle curls near my face. I add the final touches to my outfit, as I leave softly.

Coming downstairs, Steph is helping me get ready, but she's practically restraining Hannah to not dive head first into the sea of birthday gifts, sitting in the colourful bags, waiting for her. "Y/N, can she please open them?" Steph says, near desperation in her eyes.

"Yes, yes," I say, and Steph happily opens all her presents, and a lot of it is unicorn everything. One of the bags, rather sneakily says "From, Dom <3". It's from me, of course, I just agreed the gift with Dom, and wrote his name on the bag.

Dom is my boyfriend, of nearly a year and a half.

We met around a year ago though, we just took a while before we properly got together. Me and Steph had found a babysitter, and we were finally having a break, going to a bar by ourselves for the night. We were relaxing, until my eyes locked onto him.

A gorgeous brunette, sat across the bar with a smirk on his face, as he was doing a shot competition with Adam. I was far too nervous as I was sat across the bar, he looked younger than me.

I was 29 years old at the time, and he was 23 years old at the time. And keep in mind I was a twenty nine year old woman who had one child under five years old, and another child who was only seven.

Dom's eyes locked onto me, and I had a massive smile on my face. He smiled, a gentle smirk on his own lips, his green eyes locking onto me. Excusing himself from his friends, he made his way up to me, and sat down next to me.

We started talking, just small talk, with a small smile on his face. We were talking, and I didn't mention his kids just yet, but my hands were shaking softly, as he made his way around me. I was so nervous.

But, Dom made me feel really comfortable. His soft tone as I relaxed, and gentle relaxations to it. I couldn't help but have a feeling of safety, but my heart almost stopped for a second, when Dom saw my lock screen.

I was opening my phone to text the babysitter, and tapped on my screen to activate it, and my phone lock screen was a picture of me, my two daughters on the first holiday we ever had, with Steph and Jules.

Evangeline was only five years old at the time, and she was stood by my side, a massive beam on her face and an ice cream in hand, Hannah was sitting by my feet, which I don't know why she did, the pavement was boiling hot.

"Who's those girls in the picture?" Dom asked, looking up at me with genuine intrigue. I felt my heart beating out of my chest, wondering if this would screw all my chances up with him. It had happened before.

I'd been going so well with other men, and then they'd realised I'd got a kid, and run a mile. It seemed no other men wanted the responsibility of a child on their hands, and I guess that technically wasn't their fault.

But it wasn't my daughters fault. They deserved to have a good father, and have someone by their side, and was going to take care of them, as well as me. But something about Dom was so endearing, and I ended up just telling him.

"My daughters," I reply, in a small voice, but a smile spreads on my face. "Awww, how old are they?" Dom asks, as he looked at me softly. I'm surprised by his genuine interest, but continue. I pointed to each girl, and told him their age, and their names.

As we kept talking, we grew closer and closer each night, and had a soft smile on his face. He was really soft and gentle, and was careful. He didn't make many attempts to touch me when I didn't want it yet, the conversation of kissing or anything else like that is not needed.

Leaving the bar, we had each others numbers in our pockets, and butterflies in our stomachs.

We spent a couple of weeks talking, and we were flirting with each other constantly. I felt safe enough to give him a little bit of updates on things with Evangeline and Hannah. Just small things, sweet things they did that day.

I told Dom about what happened with Alex, and he was of course horrified and sympathetic. And then, I got a text from Dom, asking me if I was free this weekend, for a dinner out. I practically screamed down the phone to Steph a few moments after getting that text.

I begged her to babysit Evangeline and Hannah for a few hours, and she was more than willing to. She told the girls it was a playdate with Jules, and they were happy for that, they were none the wiser to my romance.

Steph knew how much this meant to me, and she was more than willing to let me do this. And she rushed into the house with bags in hands, and she was so happy to help me get ready. I hadn't gone on a date in nearly 7 years, I didn't know what I was doing.

She got me dressed into a little red dress, insisting that it was my colour. She helped me do my hair for me, as I did my makeup. None of the girls figured out what we were doing, and she had a soft smile on her face.

"Oh, you look so beautiful!" She complimented, as she smiled at me softly. She'd always been more in the dating scene than I ever had, so I think she was glad to see me going out somewhere, with someone.

The girls safely at Steph's, I texted her that I was going to a local restaurant, I drove there. I was slightly nervous, butterflies exploding in my stomach. As I got there, Dom was waiting for me, a big smile on his face.

He was wearing a black suit, and had a massive smile on his face. "You look beautiful," Dom beams, as he looks at me. We went into the restaurant, and we must've spent hours there. It seemed I could talk to him forever.

Dom seemed so obsessed with every word I said, and it felt like he was genuinely listening to what I was saying. And Dom was so accepting of the fact I was a Mum. He said he was happy to be in my daughters lives, if I felt comfortable with it.

I wasn't ready for it, just yet. I hadn't dated anyone since Alex, let alone have someone be trusted in the life of those girls. I would give anything to protect them, and any man would be protected from harms way.

So, we continued this little dating game for around two months or so, before we asked if we were going to be boyfriend and girlfriend. And we agreed to be exclusive, and I felt like I was a little kid, falling in love again.

Then, after six months, Evangeline and Hannah walked into the living room, and I was on the phone to Dom. "Who are you on the phone to, Mumma?" Evangeline asked, as I pause the conversation with him, to answer to him.

"I'm on the phone to my boyfriend, Dom," I say. They already knew I was dating him, and they didn't have a problem with it, thankfully. "Ooh, can we meet him?" Hannah asked, and her eyes widened. I flushed, and Dom giggled over the phone.

"I wanna meet him! I wanna meet!" She said, being only about five years old at the time, and she was jumping and squealing in excitement. I ended up not being able to give in, as I felt safe enough with Dom coming over to the house.

Though it must've been a little bit daunting, making the change from Mum's boyfriend to Stepdad.

The next day, Dom came over to the house, and he damn knew what he was doing. He'd brought a tub of candy floss, and a soft cuddly toy for Evangeline and Hannah each. They instantly fell in love with him.

He knew that to them, he wasn't' going to be an official parent just yet, so he didn't take up the responsibility just yet. He was more than happy to just get along with the girls, and play their ridiculous games.

Letting him play the knight in the shining armour in their princess games, letting them win in their board games, giving them piggyback rides, though Evangeline was probably a little too old for piggyback rides.

And they hated whenever Dom left, they liked having that dad figure. As long as either of these girls could remember, they did not have a father figure. And Evangeline knew that their dad wanted nothing to do with them.

But, now, there was a male parental figure. But, I'm sure it must've been a worry in case if she was going to just take off and leave. I mean, it could've been a fear. But talking to Dom, he made it clear he wanted to stay in the girls lives.

Around nine months into our relationship, Dom made it clear he wanted to be in my daughters lives, and he did that by coming along with me for my daughters school pick up run, like I did every single afternoon.

Our school pick up was a very communal thing. We couldn't park up our cars near the school, it wasn't allowed. So, we'd have to get out of the car, go into the school gates and go to the area where each year group were allowed out.

Thankfully dismissal times were different, Evangeline got out ten minutes later than Hannah, so I'd get Hannah, then walk across the grounds and pick up Evangeline. And I acted like I did every other day, just with Dom by my side.

But, you would think fucking Chris Hemsworth would have shown up for the school run, how some of the mums were acting.

Dom was just wearing a black jumper with a skull on the front, as well as black jeans, pink socks, his creepers, and his usual jewellery. But mums in both girls years were staring at me and Dom, as I tried to make it obvious were together.

I know I was one of the younger Mums already, but Dom wasn't young. Most Mums in the classes were in their mid thirties, Dom was twenty four for God's sake, he wasn't a fucking eighteen year old.

Dom's hand was holding mine, and he cuddled both girls in turns, as we picked them up. Then, a Mum I'd never spoken to, leant in and spoke to me softly. "Is that your brother?" She asked. I rolled my eyes.

"No, my boyfriend,"


Hannah seems satisfied, sitting and playing in her small throne of wrapping paper and various unicorn themed gifts. She's happily sat cross legged now, eating a bar of chocolate that was given to her in one of her gifts, while watching TV.

Evangeline and Jules are also watching TV and that lets me and Steph get the house ready. We got some old picnic tables and set them up in the back garden when everyone eats, because we are not fitting thirty kids into the kitchen, no way.

Steph is decorating the house, and also making it up clear that nobody is allowed upstairs, and we cornered it off, as I get the back garden ready. Around 11:30, as promised, there's a knock on the front door.

It's Dom.

Steph calls me inside and I rush in and open the door, and Dom has two gift bags in his hand. "Where's my birthday girl?!" He asks, and Hannah runs up to him, and cuddles his legs. "IT'S ME!" She said, as Dom passes her a gift bag.

Shit. He actually got her something.

But Hannah doesn't even seem phased that the other gift bag said it was from him, this is just an extra gift for her, all she wants. She tears into the tissue above the bag, and she lets out a little gasp.

In the bag, is a massive unicorn plushie. It's basically the size of her, but she loves it. "I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!" She says, dancing around the bedroom, and she cuddles Dom. "Thank you!!!" She says, before running up to me, showing me.

"Evangeline, c'mere," Dom says, and her eyes widen in confusion. "I got you something too, a little un-birthday present," He laughs, as he passes her a smaller gift bag. She tilts her head in confusion, but Dom assures her that it's his present.

She goes through the present, opening the bag, and looking at me, softly. Opening the gift bag, she pulls out a small gold butterfly necklace. She loves it, as a butterfly is her favourite animal, and she adores the necklace.

"Put it on for me! Please, please!" She says, as Dom smiles softly. He undoes the necklace, and takes it off, and places it on her neck. She looks at it in a small mirror in the living room, and cuddles Dom softly.

"Thank you," She beams, and my heart is literally exploding. They're absolutely enjoying and adoring his company, and it makes my heart burst. I'm just planning to mentally prepare myself for the hours of the party coming up.

// 12:45pm

This party is fucking packed.

All thirty kids are running around somewhere in the house, though Steph is guarding the bottom of my steps furiously, to make sure that none of them go upstairs where it's not allowed. All the kids are in one of three places.

They're outside playing games, in the kitchen in an attempt to get food or they're somewhere downstairs, playing games. Dom is outside, and he's refereeing the boy's football games, so they all don't kick off again.

I tried to convince as many mums to leave their kids at my house as possible, but about ten of them have not been convinced to leave, and I know the main reason that most of them are staying, sadly.

Attempting to flirt with Dom

A lot of the mums were bombarding me with questions. If he was actually my boyfriend, how we met or how we got to know each other, all of the things like that. Looking out of the window, one of the mums seemed intent on conversation with me.

Dom's POV

As I referee the boys football game, one of the mums makes her way out of the house. I don't know who she is, honestly, but she seems intent on talking to me. "Dom! Hi," She says, and I break eye contact, looking at the boys football game.

"Hi," I reply, slightly unimpressed, knowing what she is going to do. "How do you know Y/N?" She asks, absolutely confirming my worst fear. "I'm her boyfriend," I reply, and she scoffs a little. "Y/N, really?" She asks, as I nod.

"Yes, she's my girlfriend," I reply. "What about the girls?" She asks. Could this woman get any more invasive?  "I'm their stepdad, if you really insist on using labels," I remark to her. Thankfully, she finally clears off.

It's hot out right now, with it coming into June now. I have a tank top on underneath my main shirt, and I take it off, letting myself wear my tank top, tying the rest of my shirt around my waist, to keep it in place.


"Oh good God, Y/N, look," Another Mum says, patting my arm, and I look up out of the window, and see Dom wearing a black tank top, playing football with the rest of the boys. My cheeks flush, as he looks beautiful.

He's quite hot, and he was playing with the boys, playing football. They were enjoying themselves, and he had his arms out, and his arms were quite tan. He looked absolutely beautiful.

But, all the mums were lusting and obsessing over him, and it was driving me mad. I ignored them all, as it was just stupid comments and them mentioning it, and I continued finishing making the food for everybody else.

As I finished making food and getting food ready for all the girls, Dom wraps his arms around my waist softly, he doesn't try and kiss me, as a lot of kids are in front of us. But as we were talking, another mum gets extremely intrusive to me.

"Now, how long have you and Dom been together?" She asks, as I take a sip of drink. "About a year and a half, roughly," I reply to her. "Dom, how old are you?" She asks. God fuck, this question. 

"I'm 24," Dom replies, with a soft smile on his face. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Y/N?" She asks me, and my eyes widen. Dom smiles at me softly, in terms of encouragement, his eyes widening.

"What do you mean?" I ask her, and she takes in an inhale of breath. "Y/N, I know you got pregnant really young," She begins. "And I just don't know how much of this relationship is for you and not for the kids,"

"And you know what young men are like, they're too much of a flight risk. I don't think it's a good idea for you to have your kids around him. Is he your boyfriend, or is he their in their life too?" He asks.

"I'm in both of their lives," He replies. "I can be Y/N's boyfriend, and the girls stepdad, it's not impossible to do both," He explains to her, and he has a sort smile on his face. I smirk at him, grateful that he cares so much.

"Hannah!" The mum claims to her, and Hannah stops from shovelling cake in her mouth, and looks up confused. "What?" She asks, being annoyed as she tries and takes another mouthful of cake. "Who's Dom?" She asks him.

"My stepdad, and Mumma's boyfriend!" She smiles, as she takes another shovelful of cake into her mouth. She seems so nonchalant to what is going on, and Dom presses a kiss against my cheek, and I just beam.

I can't do anything except feel rage. Dom is in my life, he does not deny being in these girl's life, and he does so much for me. He doesn't just ignore their life, and not be involved. The fucking audacity of this woman to just assume on my life.

She assumes that she knows because she's got an "older husband" aka he's only like 38 years old, and she thinks that means that she has the right to comment on anything else, like she doesn't know my ex boyfriend has ditched me when pregnant.

I try and ignore it and focus on Hannah's birthday, but all of the comments that she has mentioned to me, spirals though and through in my head, and I can't get rid of the thoughts. I shouldn't care what they say, but I really do.

Part of me is set in my head that I won't and didn't convince Dom into this life without me, but another part of me is also extremely set in this mentality, and it absolutely terrifies me. I'm so scared of it, and it makes my heart beat faster and faster.


The party finished hours ago, and both of the other girls are out of the house. Hannah and Evangeline are staying at Steph's house, having a sleepover with Jules. That leaves me and Dom alone, and we're cleaning up the kitchen.

Cleaning the kitchen, Dom notices that I am scared, and nervous. "Y/N, Y/N, are you okay?" He asks, as both of us are in the kitchen. Dom's hands are around my waist, and I flinch. I don't want him to do anything, but still do.

He looks at me softly, and he wraps his arms around me softly. "Y/N, are you okay"? He asks, and I look up at him, gently. "It's what the other mum said to you earlier, isn't it?" He asked to me, and I nodded to him.

I let out all my feelings then, as I take out a deep breath of worry, and tell her everything that is worrying and concerning me. I tell Dom everything that's going wrong, and he smiles at me softly. He looks at me softly, and he kisses my forehead.

"Y/N, Y/N, I wish you knew how silly you sounded," He said, kissing my lips softly. "You were completely upfront with me, literally the first time we met, you were open with me that you had two daughters," He replies, softly.

"Darling, you've done nothing wrong. You know I love those girls to absolute bits, and I adore you so desperately," He says, softly, as he kisses my neck, slowly he begins to make his way down the rest of my body.

He reaches for the small dressing gown I'm wearing and undoes it. It's long into the night by now, the kitchen blinds are drawn down, nobody can see what we're doing. Now I'm stood in only a small bra top, and underwear.

"No, keep going love, don't mind me," He replies, as I go and try and focus on cleaning, but it's all absolutely failing. He kisses down my chest and my body, before he drops onto his knees, and starts kissing my lower stomach.

My hands grip in his hair and I lift up his head to face me. "Love, if you're going to eat me out right now, at least let me sit down, or else I'm going to fucking collapse on this floor, and it's your fault," I laugh, feeling myself getting turned on.

I drop off my dressing gown, letting myself only wear my bra and underwear. Dom picks up my hips and places me down on the kitchen counter, and my back presses against the cold tiles of the kitchen walls.

"Do you want me to eat you out, love? Right here, right now?" He asks. I nod, as I reach for my own underwear, and practically rip it off. "Love, you have to tell me. Do you want my tongue on that pretty pussy making you come, or no?" He asks.

This man is going to be the end of me.

"Hmm? Do ya?" He asks, as he kneels in front of me on the kitchen floor, the counter being low enough that when Dom stands himself up on his knees, he can reach me. "Oh please, Dom, Dom, eat me out, please," I whine out.

Spreading my legs, Dom buries his head between my thighs, and his tongue buries inside of me. His wet tongue drinks up every single inch of me, and I lose myself to the pleasure of it. He soon lets his tongue slip out of me, and his tongue wraps around my clit.

He sucks my clit, licking it over, and over, and over, again, and I moan out. He feels so good, and I wrap my legs around his head, and grab the edge of the counter, Dom pushing his face in further into me, and his hand rises.

"Do you want me to finger you, sweetheart?" He asks, and my body shakes. His tongue already gives me enough pleasure, his long fingers inside of me makes my stomach do fucking backflips. "Want my fingers to make you feel so fucking good?" Dom asks again.

"Please, please finger me!" I beg out, and Dom pushes his ring finger and his middle finger inside of me. My hand bucks, laying down from the pleasure, and I feel so good. Moaning from the feeling, my body melts.

I feel like my body's going to fucking explode, and I'll just fucking melt with Dom on his knees right in front of me. "Dom! Dom! I'm going to come," I warn out, as I rock against his face, before my hips give out, and I orgasm in front of him.

Moaning and rocking my hips, I grab a fistful of Dom's hair and he slows on the action inside of me, as I try and slow my breathing, and the orgasm finally calms down and relaxes. "Fuck, you taste so fucking delicious, addicted," Dom says, pulling away from my face.

His face is soaked with my arousal, and I feel my clit throbbing again. Looking down at Dom, he's rock hard in his boxers, and I look at him softly. "You look absolutely stunning," He says, as he picks me up, and begins to carry me upstairs.

Beginning to carry me up the stairs, I try and undress Dom, taking off Dom's shirt and leaving that on the stairs, before we finally get to the top of the stairs, and he carries me into the bedroom, placing me down on the stairs.

He lays me down on the bed, and he straddles me, as I take off my bra. "I want you so badly, so badly," I beg to him, as he reaches into the bedside table and grabs out a condom, and puts it on, as he spreads my legs.

"My pretty girl, so fucking strong for everyone, still fucking begging for my cock," Dom says, as he holds my hips, and slowly push into me. As he pushes into me, my body melts away as he fills me up. He holds me softly, as he slowly begins to push my back and forth.

He slowly thrusts back and forth, as he holds my hips. "Fuck, love, love, you feel good," He moans out, his soft dominance melting away. He's so obsessed with me, and whipped for me, and I think I know it feels so good for him.

Dom can't hold on, overwhelmed by the feeling, as he thrusts a little softer and holds my hips. "Fuck, love, shit I'm going to come," He moans, as he looks me in the eyes. His soft look at me, the true love and adoration in my eyes, and I can't hold on.

Both of us come at the same time, moaning each others names, as our chests collapse against the others. "Love, fuck, come here," Dom says, as he wraps his arms around me. He rubs my back, and both of us are in some sort of drop.

"Fuck," Dom said, as he goes into the bathroom and grabs a towel for me, and slowly grabs a towel to clean me between my legs. As he cleans my legs, he goes into the drawer, and grab some soft clothes for me.

I could never imagine being in a situation like this. With a man who loves me and my kids, making me come so many times, and laying down in bed knowing I'm safe with him. He wraps his arms around me, as he gets me dressed.

"Are you okay, my love?" He asks, as he lets me lay on him, and rubs my back. "You're so sweet, yes, Dom, I'm fine," I say, as I let myself lay on his chest and enjoy the feeling of contentedness on his chest.

He makes me feel so loved and safe, and as we go underneath the covers together, and he cuddles me. "Love, I do hope you truly know that you never forced me into anything, with you," He says.

"I love you and Hannah and Evi so much, honestly I adore them. And I love just being a little family unit with you, regardless of what anyone says. Even though I'm younger than you I can step up to the plate some men your age couldn't,"

Everything that leaves his lips is magic to my eyes, and I relax and smile to his words. "Plus I think she's just jealous her husband isn't as gorgeous as me," He adds ,and I burst out laughing, as he kisses me softly.

"I hope you don't think I'm some cougar or something," I say, and Dom burst out laughing. "Nah!" He laughs. "I don't even consider that to be an option," He laughs. "Plus I don't consider someone to be a cougar unless they're like,,, 40,"

"Glad we got that out of the way," I laugh, as Dom kisses my cheek, softly. "Don't ever forget that I love you, so much, my love," Dom adds.




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