Quiet In Beverly Hills - YB I...


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My second YUNGBLUD book, I'm back, my chickens! All types of requests are open, fluff, smut and angst! Reques... More

Massages [S]
Fool [F]
First Time [S]
Nesting [F]
Asthma [A]
Bookstore Girl [F]
Like A Virgin [S]
Baby Blud [F]
3rd Party [Poly S]
Nanny [F]
Tattoo [F]
Bunny [S]
Tattoo - 2 [S]
Places We Don't Talk [A]
Masquerade [F]
Vienna [A/F]
Time To Heal [A]
Disneyland [F]
Teacher [A]
Double Date [F]
Disneyland Pt 2 - [S]
Graduation [S]
Skinny Dipping [F]
Lick Of Paint [S]
Lotus [S]
Interviews [F]
50 Shades Of Fuck-No [A]
Stretch Marks [A/S]
Anniversary Trip [A]
Carmilla [A/N]
Dom's Adoration [S]
Being Dad [S]
Boyfriend Material [S]
Intimate Scenes [F]
A Day Of First [S]
Body Shot [S]
Gala [S]
Sweeney Todd [S]
Announcement/Final Chapter

Good Boy [S]

676 8 56

Summary: Dom can't behave himself in front of his photographer, and gets put in his place for it

Smut Warning: SUB DOM!!!, fem!dom, masc!sub, praise, petnames (Miss, baby boy, etc) oral (Dom receiving), sub/dom dynamic (ofc), slight exhibtionism kink, Dom being put in his place, self degrading, praise, nipple sucking, sub drop, AFTERCARE!


Word Count: 7,000


"That was so fucking sick, Y/N!" Dom says as he rushes into the backstage, on an absolute adrenaline high.

Dom was jumping up and down all across the dressing room, as he has too much energy in his body that he can't contain. It's honestly adorable, as he jumps up and down. Looking out to the venue, and the lights have opened.

People are beginning to stream out of the venue, still on their own euphoric high from the concert. People are still madly excited, as they know Dom will come outside and meet them at the end of the gig.

Whatever fantasy has formed in their head of what meeting Dom will be like, they are so much closer to becoming a reality. Even if they are slightly off, they are finally forming into something for everyone as they leave.

It's so bizzare to think that Dom is pretty much a rock and roll star in his own sense at this point. Because he's always felt like a little piece of the world that was my secret.

I've been close with Dom, and we've been helping each other's careers since we were eighteen years old. He was getting started with his music career at this point, as both of us were trying to get our feet off the ground at this point.

I'd moved to Central London like Dom had, but I'd just moved in September of the year I'd turned 18, and he had moved from Doncaster when he was sixteen instead. I was just trying to finish my university coursework.

Since I first started doing my GCSEs, I had chosen to do photography. Because I was good at it. It wasn't difficult for me, and I liked experimenting with the photographs. One of my favourite things was to do live photography.

Catching people's expressions during true and proper moments, it was one of the most precious things to do for me. I loved seeing the unedited moments, and that was beautiful to me. And it showed my love in the grades I got.

My GCSE photography portfolio got me and A and that was enough for me to go on and do it for my A-Level. But, when I finally finished handing in my A-Level art portfolio, I was shocked when I got the A* grade for it.

That was how I got my place in the London School Of Photography, and it was only around 10 minutes away from the British Museum. I only had one person who I was close with, they were the second person in my university accomodation.

She was from the same area as me, and her name was Steph. She quickly became my complete best friend. She was attending the university as me, and she was also new to London and was going through the same emotions as me.

She remembered the petty dramas that had happened in our high school, the teachers and how funny or annoying some of them were, the stupid and sometimes extremely offensive graffiti that was put up in the school bathrooms.

And Steph really did help me get out of the house socially. She was far more of a social butterfly than I was, and she knew where everything was happening, and where to have fun in London. And that was absolutely essential for me.

For me, it wasn't necessarily the issue of wanting to be antisocial, I just didn't rather know how to be social. I didn't know where the nightclubs were, where the good bars were in London, where was cheap or where was expensive.

Thankfully, she seemed to do a pretty good managing it for herself, and finding it all out. We probably spent more of our first few weeks at university learnings the best clubs and bars in the local area, rather than the way to our lectures.

Before you judge us, we were freshly eighteen years old and we were living in a city alone, and that was our main identity before we were "students". Of course we wanted to get absolutely shit faced, and go to clubs, kiss people and regret it later.

Were we going to actually do that? Probably not.

But, in my opinion, as I was a bit of a workaholic, it was a way we could get coursework done, and it would still be fun. If we photographed local bands for some small fees, we could get a lot of extra pictures, and as well as fit some briefs for our portfolios.

So, we started attending local bars at any free chance we got in Central London. We went across Camden Town, Shoreditch, Chalk Farm, South Bank, Soho, Portobello, Notting Hill, we went everywhere we could. And, in Shoreditch, that was where we met.

"YUNGBLUD" first performed live in a small and slightly questionable Shoreditch bar. 

Me and Steph were both having meant to have gone out for doing slight coursework that night, but Steph had almost immediately abandoned that night after her attention had been absolutely snatcheed by someone else in the bar that night.

She had been flirting with a Scottish guy at the bar, all night long.

While she'd been flirting, she'd started a drinking game with him. She had a bet with him that every single time that he managed to finish a shot before her, she would have to undo one of the buttons on her shirt.

By the time we reached about 11pm, she only had about three buttons on her shirt undone. One thing to know about Steph, that woman can take shots like a fucking champ. As we reached about 11pm, the guy she was flirting with disappeared into the backstage.

Well, backstage, it was just a small area behind the stage and it was a side door behind the stage that couldn't be much taller than a couple of feet. The bar was crowded, through there were only about twenty five to thirty people in the bar.

 It was just an extremely small bar, that was all there was to it. Me and Steph were extremely confused for a few moments, until an announcement was made. "Now, can all of you make some noise for YUNGBLUD!" The bar manager announced.

Pink lights came on, and quickly, the two of them came on stage. Steph's Scottish crush, Adam, was the guitarist for the main act, who was definitely the main love in my eyes, Dom Harrison. He was so young looking back, bless him.

Dom had brown hair at the time, and I saw that he was practically shaking for how nervous he was. As I found out later, this was his first time performing live. His setlist had no choice but to really be short, as he had three mains songs at the time.

King Charles, Tin Pan Boy & I Love You Will You Marry Me. Dom, being as small an artist as he was, absolutely lit up the stage with his energy. He was still jumping around the stage, he seemed to forget the other thirty people in the room were there.

His fingers strummed against the guitar, as the pink and white lights flashed above him, he was practically screaming the lyrics. As the songs finished, he was sweating. Through the lights, I could see beads of sweat dripping off of him.

He tried to catch his breath, as he disappeared into the backstage, with Adam. But not before Steph was called backstage by Adam, and she forced me to come with her. I asked her why she would want me to come backstage.

Maybe we were raised differently, but for me "going backstage" meant shagging.

As we got backstage, Adam basically had to explain that Steph was just a girl he'd been flirting with all night long, though I suppose by the state of Steph's shirt by the end of the night, that should have been something that was obvious. 

I ended up finally becoming a little more professional than Adam and Steph, who were practically ready to jump each other's bones, and gave Dom the pitch, basically. I offered to take pictures for his gigs, and he jumped at the opportunity.

He said he'd pay me and Steph £10 a gig, and that was a perfect situation for me. Steph wanted to spend time with Adam, I needed the photos, and we were getting a bit of money for it. So, that was what we did for the next six months.

We went all around London, photographing his gigs. Well, I did most of the pictures. Steph spent most of her times hyping up Adam, and to be honest, I don't blame her. I think I was the one denying that I had feelings for Dom.

She was finally getting more traction with Adam, and they were getting into dating/friends with benefits territory, and I was still there trying to keep a professional relationship with Dom, and that I did not have feelings for Dom.

But that was absolute bullshit.

My sexual dreams were absolutely obsessed with Dom, and every dream I had left me absolutely craving his body. Even when I had a couple of hook ups with other people, I was absolutely out of it, because I couldn't imagine it without anyone but Dom.

I pretended it was Dom's head between my thighs, or Dom's lips pressing against mine, anything he could do to make me feel good. I wished it was him instead of whoever it was guy. I wished I could pretend it was false.

Whether that was bullshit, I was in denial until about 2020.

As COVID hit, we were in LA at the time, which was definitely difficult for me, Dom and Adam.

Two Northern accents and a Scottish accent trying to communicate in LA, we were doomed from the start. We wanted desperately to back in England, back in our homes, and I needed some breathing space.

I lived by myself, and then Adam and Dom lived near each other but still had separate houses. But now all of us were forced into a small apartment, and it was incredibly awkward. The close proximity was killing all of us.

Especially when it came to showering or the issue of how much clothes we were, or weren't wearing. One of the first times before we worked out an actual routine for how showers were going to work, Dom came in near naked.

He stepped out with a towel around his waist, and I swear to God, if I was ever going to have a heart attack, he was going to be the reason to it. His soft tummy over his towel, and his gentle arms, he looked like he needed to be dominated then and there.

He apologised for being nude around me, but honestly over the past two years at the time, four years now, I'd seen almost everything with him. I'd seen him cry backstage when bad things happened and he wouldn't admit it.

I saw him cry tears of joy when he won his first awards, when he got his black hearts tattoos finally done. Seeing his look of pure happiness and enjoyment when he jumped around the stage and lit the room on fire.

It was far more awkward for me, as while we had some really sweet and gentle conversations, he didn't see me physically intimately. We'd had extremely sweet and deep talks about our trauma, and I'd cried into Dom's arms on slightly more occasions than I'd like to admit.

But, he never saw me physically, intimately. The most he'd ever seen of my skin was when I wore bikinis at the beach, and that was a lot of skin, but Dom didn't make any moves on me, in hopes of getting some sort of "professional", relationship.

That had definitely gone far out of the window.

I think there was some bizzare unspoken acknowledgement there. Both of us knew in ourselves that we fancied the other, but whether we were ready to confess that was a whole other matter. So, it became so weird cat and mouse flirting game.

Especially when we were sharing that damn LA apartment, if I needed to have a shower, Adam and Dom would physically go upstairs onto the roof, and wait until I came up the stairs to the roof wearing my clothes then.

We got out of that situation of course, when travel opened a little bit more, and we could rescue back to London, me finally reuniting with Steph, and Dom moving back to his apartment. It was honestly a really depressing time until August 2021.

Dom didn't do any shows, and that meant a lot of our social time were taken away.

So, while some people thought Dom was mad for doing back to back shows, I was enjoying it, because it felt like we were making up for all of our lost time with each other. Almost from September 2021 to now we'd been doing gigs.

And, that was how we ended up with gigs, like this.


"I'm sorry to be a bother love, but thank you for waiting for me, love. I'll be back in a bit after I meet everyone," Dom says, as he has a smile on his face, as he takes off his shirt, and my cheeks darken slightly.

He's flushed from how much he'd been performing, and, flushed, takes off the sweaty shirt, before tossing onto a clean white jumper of his. He takes off a few moments after, as the shouts calling for him are getting louder.

He went outside to meet everyone, as I stayed behind with Adam. Adam was getting ready to go back to his hotel room with Steph, now they're in the dating stage. They've been together for nearly a year now, and they deserve it.

They're so sweet. She plays the mini rockstar girlfriend role, and feel super comfortable officially being girlfriend and boyfriend. I think a small part of is stupidly jealous that she has a relationship like that.

I mean, I cannot have a go at her, my feelings for Dom are nothing else than a stupid crush.

"I'll see you Tuesday night, Y/N," Adam says, picking up his guitar case, as he begins to leave the venue. He always leaves quicker than me, I usually end up staying behind with Adam, to let Dom look through the pictures with me, and pick which are best.

I usually just end up sending the pictures to Adam over Instagram. I can hear the screaming of the fans outside, and it gives me a small sense of satisfaction. I look through the pictures, and already I can feel myself squirming a bit.

Dom's worn a black tank top and a skirt tonight, showing his arms and his chest, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't admiring his body. He looks absolutely beautiful, his soft arms showing off as he was singing.

He ended up taking off his shirt at one point during the gig, which ended up with a lot of screaming from the fans. But, it showed his tummy. From playing on stage every single night for the past few months, a soft toning of a six pack has been beginning to form for him.

And I am not complaining.

About fifteen minutes have passed, and I've just managed to scan through and process the pictures from my camera and onto my laptop, when Dom comes back in. "Sorry for taking so long," Dom laughs, as he sits down next to me.

He reaches into his bag and grabs a packet of crisps, and he tosses me one. "Thank you, Dom," I say with a laugh, as he wraps his arms around me. As we ea, I let him look through the photos, and he's admiring all of them.

Maybe it's a photographers intuition, but as I look around the room, I see all sorts of different places that I could take pictures of Dom. The main one that catches my attention is the open bathroom.

It's covered in graffiti, and I think it'd make a good backdrop. "What's got you all distracted?" He asks, as he looks at me, our eyes meeting. "Dom, do you wanna take a quick picture, there?" I ask him, grabbing my camera and getting it ready, as I point to the background.

Dom nods, with a smile on his face, and, for some reason, he takes off his shirt. He must be trying to do this to tease me at this point, I am convinced. I'm slightly taken aback, but I try and pull myself together a little bit.

Dom poses, reaching up and his hands make contact with a beam above, and he poses. I sit down on the floor in front of the doorway, angling the camera up and I try and get the best angle possible. Dom's face is his usual expression, his lips slightly parted.

I count him in, slowly. 3, 2, 1.


I check the picture, and I try and stop myself from biting down on my lip.

But, it's absolutely useless. Saying out loud that I don't want to confess he's hot, is basically just admitting out loud he's hot. I take a couple more shots of pictures just to be sure, but it's not as good as the original, so I delete the others, and keep the first shot.

Dom smiles at me, as I show him the picture. "You always make me look nice," Dom says, as we go back to sitting on the seats, as we talk again. After a while, Dom asks me a question, and it makes my heart beats a little faster.

"Y/N, would you like to do a bit of an impromptu photoshoot at my hotel room?" Dom asks. Something in my heart beats a little faster in my chest. I'm taken aback at his openness, but I can't help but agree, and say yes.

Before I know it, I'm packing my laptop into my backpack, as well as my SD cards, anything I need to do with my laptop, and my camera itself. I put my backpack on my back, and Dom gets his own stuff packed up.

Both of us leave the venue together, and my hand has to resist the temptation for reaching for Dom's. Dom's hands are coated in rings, and his fingernails are painted black. But, I resist, as we get to the front door of the hotel.

We make our way up the lift, going up on a couple of floors, and he has a soft smile on his face, as we go into the hotel room. "Look, c'mere, I wanna show you something," Dom says, as he reaches into his suitcase, and pulls out a convincing looking pair of handcuffs.

My heart must've stopped for a few seconds.

"WHAT THE FUCK, DOM!?" I burst out laughing, honestly really caught off guard. "No, wait, wait, look!" Dom says, as he cracks the handcuffs, and the chain extends massively, almost triple the size of the chain, as it was before.

I'm rarely made speechless, but this is one of the deserving times. I don't say anything, honestly, just seeing Dom in a gaze like this. He's not even as kinky as people think he is. "May I ask why you have this?" I ask, and Dom tries his hardest to not giggle. 

"It was a gag gift from Adam last week," Dom explained. I don't know whether that's true, but it sounds about right, knowing the dynamic that Dom and Adam have. "Can you take a photo of me, with this?" He asks, and I put my backpack down on the floor.

Grabbing the camera, Dom leads me into the bathroom, and my hearts beats faster, as I wonder what the hell I'm going to do. Dom giggles, as he opens one side of the handcuff, telling me it opens itself, and has no key.

And he attaches it to the towel rail on the bathroom wall. He sits down on the floor underneath it, and attaches the handcuff to the wall, forcing him down onto the floor. I am painfully aware of how easy it would be to just dominate Dom right now.

"Pose, bitch," I tease to him, and he decides to give me a taste of my own medicine, as he teases me right back. He lifts two fingers to his mouth, and he opens his mouth, sticking his tongue and letting it rest between his fingers.



I can't even deny it anymore. He looks sexy as fuck. My heart's beating faster and faster underneath my blouse, I never wanted to imagine him keeping Dom in his place on the floor, make my way to his face, and fuck him until I came.

My body heated up at the very thought of it, but I had to swallow a lump inside his throat. Dom clicks open the handcuff on the rail and the rest of the cuff falls onto his lap, and he takes it off him completely.

I will do anything to keep him in the room. "Dom, do you wanna try and have a bit of a photoshoot in here?" I ask to him, and he looks around, and has a smirk on his face. I need to try something, and quick.

"Do you want me to sit in the bath? I don't think you want to photograph me when I'm sat on the toilet," He laughs. "Well, I think you just answered your own question," I laugh to him, and he smirks. He slips off the rest of his clothes, and I try and look away.

"I'm going to go into the hotel room, I'll see if we have anything to take pictures with," I say, as I leave the bathroom for a second. I look around the hotel room, and try and desperately find anything to use for some form of prop.

In the hotel room is a disco ball that fell of a ceiling at a bar through no fault of our own, but a very drunk Adam decided to take it home with him, and it's ended up in our hotel room. Along with a teddy bear Dom was given at a meet and greet last night.

I go back into the bathroom, and Dom is stripped over nothing to expect his boxers, as well as his necklace. My camera is against my chest, beating a little faster, and he looks at what I've found from the room.

"Can you pass me that?" Dom asks to me, reaching out for the teddy bear. I pass it to him without question and he places the teddy bear against his back, and lays down against the tub. "It's so my fucking back doesn't kill me," He says.

"Are you a fucking old man?" I ask him, as I position the disco ball against his shoulder. "Not at all, Y/N," He says, jokingly moving his hips side to side and back to back. "Pose for me, Dom," I said, as I bring my camera up.

Dom brings his arms around his head, and it rests against his opposing shoulder. He does his usual pose, his lips softly hanging open, showing some of his teeth. I count him in as I usually do, trying to take the pictures.


My hearts skipping beats at this, and I want to try and tease him.

Dom's been teasing me all night long, and I am going to get back at him. "You're so fucking pretty," I compliment to Dom, not making direct eye contact with him, mainly just looking at the picture staring at me in the pixels.

Dom manages to flush a little harder, and a smile begins to appear on his face. I think I've just unlocked some golden kink in Dom's brain. His want to be praised, and I am going to do anything possible, to encourage it.

"Y/N, are you okay with me taking my boxers off?" Dom asks, and my heart stops for a split second. 

I cannot imagine seeing Dom, that naked. I've seen him ass naked, but he's always covered his front. He's a far more desperate baby than I thought. "Answer me, Y/N," Dom cooes, knowing that my brain is definitely getting side-tracked. I give myself a reality check.

It's a fucking cock, Y/N, pull yourself together.

"No, Dom, of course, it's fine," I say to him, and he pulls down his boxers.

Dom takes them off, and I swear to God, I get flutters all throughout my body. Dom's cock is not hard yet, but is comes out of his boxers, which he throws across the room. He's far bigger than I thought he'd be.

He tries to cover himself for the sake of the picture, and he tries to position his thighs to cover his modesty for the picture. The disco ball is out of the frame, and the teddy bear is sat up behind him. Dom's hands bring his hands up, his fingers almost in his mouth.


Dom stands up, still completely naked, and my eyes can't help but stare. Everything about his body is appealing to me now, and I want to kiss him. I want to touch him, some part of my body just wants to be with him, physically now.

He grabs his boxers and puts them back on, before he sits back down on the bathtub. "Are you going on, Y/N, you seem distracted," Dom teases, as he chews the inside of his cheek, his ego loving how flustered I am.

One part of me wants to smack him, and another part of me wants to fuck him senseless.

Something snaps inside of me at his teasing, and I can't let him get away with this.

I know  that he knows what he's doing to me.

I move closer to the bathtub, and press my hands down on his thighs, applying pressure. Instantly, Dom's eyes widen, I hope he knows his times up. "Is this what you like doing, Dom? Teasing people?"

Instantly, though Dom's boxers are just below out of my main view, I can see his growing erection in his boxers. He's more desperate than I'd judged him to be before. "Y/N,," Dom begs, a strain building in his voice.

"Answer my question, Harrison," I demand to him, and he squeezes his thighs shut.

He pauses for a moment, his eyes fluttering, as though he's judging whether it's safe to confess his true feelings. I let my own eyes soften, though my grasp on his plush thighs don't falter, as I keep eye contact.

"I'm being like this because I want you," Dom says, as he crosses his legs, trying to apply as much pressure to his cock, which I assume at this point must be throbbing. I can't believe the words that are coming out of his mouth.

"You, want, me?" I ask him, and he looks up at me, his hips shaking as he lifts them slightly above the surface they were lying on. He looks at me though the answer to the question really were the most easy one in the world, and as though I were being ridiculous in this situation.

"Of fucking course I want you. You're so fucking beautiful, and hot, fuck, fuck I really want you," Dom says, starting such a sweet sentence but it's brought to a deliciously sexual end as I bring a soft hand and stroke it against his clothed cock, his hips bucking up.

I don't think he wants to harshly dominate him, but I am genuinely curious to see how he'll react to me being a softer dominant.

I lean into him, letting my teeth graze just against his ear, as he's confessed before to liking having his ear nibbled at teasingly. He's far too open about what he likes, it makes teasing him and riling him up almost too easy.

"You're doing such a good job baby. Being a good boy, so desperate for me,"

"I'm sorry-,"

He fucking came.

My hands fly off his thighs in shock, and he loses himself to the pleasure of his orgasm. He thrusts his hips into nothing, as moans of my names escape his lips like it's fucking sacred. My pussy's throbbing already.

Looking up at him, his eyes are soft, his cock softening in his boxers, and I can see the wet patch with his come at the front of his boxers. "Did that feel good, Dom?" I ask to him, and he has an almost delirious smirk of pleasure lazily on his lips.

"I wished it was you that gave it to me,"

"I did, Dom, don't get it wrong. It was your fucking body that came to my words. You should be grateful I'm making you come, baby. Say thank you", I say, grabbing his face by his chin, and bringing him up to look at me.

Dom's tongue almost lolls out his mouth lazily, he's that fucking aroused. His cock seems ready for another round, poking through the wet fabric. "Thank you, Miss," Dom says, as he reaches for the band of his boxers.

That's more fucking like it.

"I need these off," He says, as he reaches off and takes off his boxers. I don't complain, if it's his own personal boundaries, his discomfort isn't for me to decide. He gets out of the tub, and his hands wrap around my waist.

Our lips are inches away from the other, all of our bodies are inch from just connecting with the others, and every inch of boundary between us would melt away.

Dom Harrison, who everyone knew as such a strong person, his eyes looking up at me with a look that can only be described as complete desperation for pleasure. Begging for praise and to be taken care of.

"Let's go to bed, love," I say, taking Dom's wrist and leading him back to the room. He practically throws himself into the bed, as I take off my jacket, which I've forgotten to take off this whole time. Everything is abandoned in the other room, our only focuses being the other.

I straddle him, sitting on his lower tummy, as he reaches for my thighs, immediately. "Needy baby," I say, as his fingers hook around the top of my knee high socks and instantly pull them off, and he throws them over roughly in the direction of his suitcase.

"Please, let me undress you," Dom says, as he reaches for my skirt, but I take his hand. "You need to work for me baby. Now, tell me. What do you think about when you come for me like that?" I ask him.

He's rendered speechless as my fingers reach for the top button of my blouse, but my fingers linger, and he has to work for it. "I've always imagined you were the one dominating me," He says, and one button pops undone.

I want him to get the message that everything he tells me brings him more pleasure, and press my knee that is straddling him into the side of his thigh, making him whimper. "And, you're on top like this, and I'm just yours," He says.

Second button comes undone, and the top of my cleavage, pushed up by a white lace bra is becoming visible to Dom. He practically drools at the sight, and he hasn't even worked for it, but I undo the third button to see his reaction. 

He instantly reaches up to touch my chest, and I take his hands in mine. "Fucking desperate," I say to him, and his hands are shaking in my grasp. "Are you always like this, always so desperate to touch every girl you're with?" I ask him, releasing his hands.

They drop to my lap, and Dom starts grinding his hips underneath me, which I felt myself, as his cock, covered by nothing, grinds against my pussy only clothed by a soft pair of cotton underwear.

"No, I'm only like this for you. Your fucking whore,"

Mine, I quite like that.

"Good boy," I say to Dom, taking his hands and placing them against my chest. "You've been so good, take off the rest of the buttons for me. You can play, baby, have your fun," I instruct him, and his fingers work quickly.

It only takes a few moments before my shirt is pulled off me and off the bed entirely. Dom reaches behind my back and takes off my bra, and I would be slightly self conscious if Dom wasn't acting like he hadn't seen something sexier in his life.

"Can I-, can I kiss your chest, please?" Dom asks, waiting for my consent, and I can't help but give in. "Go ahead, Dom," I say to him, and he presses a kiss against my left breast. He kisses me all over, before his tongue finds its way around my nipple and sucks.

I moan from the pleasure, and Dom's hand gropes my other one, as his fingers pinch my other nipple. I feel a weird band of pleasure, I don't know if it's a full blown orgasm yet but some part of my pleasure is being satisfied. Moans begin to escape my lips, and that encourages him.

Hearing the soft moans leaving my lips, Dom goes faster, and faster, and faster. "You sound so pretty, love," Dom says, as his lips leave one nipple, and he swaps and sucks my other nipple and pinches the other one.

I hump Dom's bare cock as much as I can through the soft fabric of my pants, and I feel Dom's cock leaking with pre-come again. "Dom, Dom, don't stop, fuck I might come," I warn him, as the band of pleasure intensifies.

And that's when he goes mad.

He goes quicker and quicker, faster and faster, as he attempts as best he can to bring me to the point of orgasm, and it works when my orgasm hits me like a ton of bricks, and I moan Dom's name, as I can't stop myself from orgasming.

Dom holds my hips softly, as he pulls me into a kiss, and I calm down. "I'm glad I made you feel good," Dom said, with a giddy smile on his face, as he brings his arms around me, and I push Dom down onto the bed.

"What are you doing, my love?" Dom asks, as his hips shake, and I reach down for his sensitive cock, and just as I thought, the tip of his hard cock is leaking with pre-come, from his arousal of giving me an orgasm, just from sucking my tits.

"I wanna make you feel good, Dom. Would it make you feel good, love. With my mouth on your delicate cock?" I ask, as I place my head near his thighs, and he lets out a noise that is somewhere between a moan and a whimper.

"Do you? Tell me now," I say to him, as he sits up, and spreads his legs, making space for his hard and throbbing dick. "Please, please, please, my love," Dom begs, as he spreads them further for me, and holds the base of his cock.

I replace my hand, and slowly my lips wrap around his sensitive tip. I lick and suck, collecting the pre-come, and Dom whines out desperately. He's so sensitive from coming once in his pants, and how finally getting what he wants affects his mind.

"Miss, Miss, fuck! Oh it feels so good, your mouth feels so good, ahh," Dom whimpers, as his head rocks back. He can't and won't control how good it feels. I slowly take all of him into my mouth, and he whimpers.

His head is shoved into the pillow, and he grabs and clutches the pillow in the bed, and he tries to keep it down. Adam is right next door, and at any moment, Adam could hear Dom whimpering and whining.

But, he can't stop it. He lets out a harsh moan, and can't warn me, before he comes for the second time that night. He comes into my mouth, his come coating my throat but I swallow every single inch of it.

Dom whines as I pull away, and he looks up at me. "What do you want, princess? You look needy," I ask to Dom, and look down at him. I don't know how, but after coming twice already, he's almost back to being hard in seconds.

"I want to make love to you, Y/N. Please, please, you're still in charge, I just wanna be on top physically," Dom says. I look up at him softly, a hand running through his messy hair, as I give him a sweet, soft kiss.

I can't resist an offer from Dom as sickly sweet as the words that leave Dom's lips.

"Of course, love. How do you want me?" I ask Dom, a grin on my lips, and he beams softly. He goes into his bedside drawer and grabs a condom for us, and he slowly takes ahold of my hips. He lays me down on the bed, and he spreads my leg a little bit.

"Is doggy style, okay?" He asks, and I agree to go along with it. I am soaking wet, and Dom takes a hold of my hips, and he slowly pushes into me. I slowly melt away as he pushes into me, his soft cock filling me up.

Both of us moan out in pleasure, as he takes a hold of my hips. He slowly takes them in his arms and pushes back and forth, inside and out slowly, wetter than I've ever seen him. "You feel so good, so good," He moans, as he can't stay a sub top for long.

"Fucking work for me, if you want me, Dom," I say, reaching and kicking his thigh a bit, and he slowly goes back and forth, pushing his cock back and forth. He thrust in and out of me faster and faster, as he's getting angrier and desperate for me.

Going faster and faster, I moan and buck against him. Both of us erupt in the pleasure of each others names, and he wraps his arms around me, softly. His hands wrap around my waist, and he lifts my hips up, and my hips can't hang on.

"Y/N, Y/N, I'm going to come!" Dom warns, as he buries his head inside of my chest. His hips are shaking, and his hips give out, and force me over the edge. "Dom, Dom!" I moan out, and my own orgasm hits me.

Dom slowly pulls out of me, as he wraps his arms around me. He looks at me with the softest eyes, and he collapses against my chest. He's in total sub space, it's obvious. "Hey, hey, shush baby boy, Dom look at me, it's okay," I say to him.

I go into the bathroom and grab two towels, and I bring the towel between Dom's thighs and clean up his sensitive cock, though he whines a little bit as he does it. He doesn't say anything, as he lays his head on my chest.

I go and grab two pairs of joggers, one for Dom and the other one for me. I change myself into clean clothes, and I go into the bedroom, and get Dom changed into clean clothes. He lays my head on his chest, and I hold him softly.

"Dom, shush, it's okay. I'm here now, I'm here, it's okay," I assure him, and soothe him. He softly mewls as I wrap my arms around him and plays with his hair. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm such a brat," He confesses, but I slowly shush him.

"Dom, Dom, it's okay," I promise him. "You are not a brat, you're not a brat for being horny, baby," I say, as I pull the covers over us. I dim the lights, before turning them off, and we're still holding each other.

My heart is beating out of my chest at what happened. None it feels real, but it sure as hell doesn't feel wrong. I'm too tired to care.






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