Secret Twins of Oh Sehun

By SGPresents

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Exo Sehun is a father and It's a secret. More



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By SGPresents

C H A P T E R   T E N

"That's it. Good shot, Kai!"

The director complimented his co-member after his last shoot. The others staff clap at his magnificent performance. So does the team. No wonder he was assigned to be the face of the group. Kai have this unnatural talent to devour any audiences with one glance.

"Sehun, You're next!"

His hyungs tap his shoulders giving him few words of confidence and reliance. Levi then block his way to the camera. He smiled at him too.

"I'm sure you got this. You had a decent morning today, Yeah?"

Sehun can't contain to show his smile. Remembering what completed him after earlier this sunrise. "Don't worry, Hyung. I won't fail you today."

Levi nod at him. "I trust you, Maknae. Good Luck."

He smile and went straight to the camera. Sehun fixes his hair using his finger a little bit. The director looked at him and asked, "Are you ready?" Sehun nod with confidence.

"Okay, Camera starts. Action!"

At this scene, he has to do his rap parts over a bar counter and a drink. Using his alluring eyes and magnificent facial expressions, The camera started rolling many times. Shooting his best angles in different places. The members were amazed by him being into his character that fast.

"Sehun seems so odd today."

Chanyeol commented taking the team's attention. They started scrutinizing the maknae without his trance too.

"Something strange, Right?" Baekhyun smug. "I knew it wasn't just me who notice it this morning."

"He looks radiant and gloriously enlightened." Kris interpreted.

"I don't get you guys." Lay being clueless making everyone groan. "He's just him."

"Some things rather change," Kyungsoo remarked making them the one who's confused.

"What do you mean?" Luhan asked.

Kyungsoo shrugs his thought. "Maybe he's tired doing his ritual that's why." He earned a glare at everyone.

"That doesn't make any sense. No person could change in one day." Tao revolt. Everyone agree with him.

"Maybe he just found luck himself." Suho stated. Slowly giving answers to everyone's confusion.

"Who found luck who?" Levi made them startle at the corner. They almost went pale after realizing that he might heard their current conversation.


"We were just talking about Sehun, Hyung." Kris who seem to found composure retorted. "He's on his good state for the shoot."

Levi then concurred with him. "He is. Do you guys have any idea why? I heard a lot of compliments from the staff at the screening."

They shake their heads in unison.

"Maybe he just really found luck today."

"THAT's a wrap! Good job, Sehun!" The director clap so does the staff around him. Everyone looks pleased with his own performance.

"Thank you." He bowed through the camera. He glance at his Hyungs who raised a thumbs up at him.

"I like that energy, Sehun." The director came to him. "That's what we want you to show us and today you give us more than enough. You're shots were unbelievably great. Congratulations."

"Thank you so much."

He lent a full smile before walking to his Hyungs. They immediately rambled him with kiddy tricks as soon as he got nearer that made him laugh.

"Hey, Don't ruin his mood!" Kris tap and grip his shoulders. He smiled at everyone.

"You look so handsome out there and I am telling you this honestly!" Chen stated.

Sehun just shake his head at their random acknowledgments as they walk to the make up room. He immediately grab his phone from the table before everyone does. He check if there was a message from Haeun.

Yes, he exchange numbers with her this morning before he took the kids the school. Fortunately, The twins went to school safe and unharmed by any possible cameras. It's also good to know that the shoot end sooner than he expected. Because he volunteered to pick the kids later after class.

"You seem so happy today, Maknae." Xiumin interfered. Everyone eyed him like waiting for his explanation.

"What do you mean?"

They all frowned at him. "It's too obvious, Maknae. Stop being undeniable."

"I'm not. I don't know what you're talking about."

Now, He's totally undeniable.

"You're not good at lying when your face says it all." Everyone conceded with Kyungsoo.

Sehun glare before having his seat at the couch. Suho shut the door of the room making them enclosed privately.

"Suho said you didn't have your ritual last night and you came home late." Kris started putting him in a hot seat.

"I was tired, Hyung. Of course i have to rest for the next schedule." Sehun then gape at the other leader. "Do you stalked me?"

"No. I was watching some movies." Suho answered fast taking away his doubts.

"Tell us some good reasons why you came late. You said you'd be home before ten."

Now, They're acting like an absolute guardian and he is the kid involve in the situation.

Ugh. Too much of having few parents.

"I enjoyed the party last night."


He frown at their eagerness. "I guess that's it."

"We thought you're going to see your ex-girlfriend? She wasn't there last night?" Luhan already disappointed.

He laugh. "She was there."

"You told you still love her already? That's the meaning of that smile, Right?"

He hope so. But unfortunately, that wasn't the story.

Sehun shake his head making his Hyungs whine. He wanted to laugh at their responses when they haven't know the whole story yet.

"But I met my kids last night."

Everyone ceased and got silent. They stared at him bewilder of his message.

"We thought you were at the party?"

"I am."

"Then how did you-"

There eyes widen in enthusiasm making Sehun frown.

"Yah yah yah! Stop thinking weird thoughts. It wasn't like that."

"We haven't said anything yet. Stop being so defensive, Sehun." Kai smirk. Everyone laugh, except him.

"So how did you met your kids- wait. Kids?" Alarm consumed Baekhyun.

Sehun nods smiling at them with proud and dignity. "You heard it right. It's twins."


"Yeah. I went to stop by their house last night after the party. That's why I came home late."

Silence creeps among them for about a few minutes before they got back to their senses. But not fully attentive and still in dazed of the truth.

"You've got to be kidding, Sehun." Chanyeol coed.

"This is so no true." Tao still in disbelief. "Really, Maknae? Twins?"

"To tell you the truth, I was expecting that she will reject you at the party." Baekhyun made him frown. "I mean- They say expect the unexpected. See. It works!"

"Well, How did it go?" Suho who came back to his awareness. "Did she said some rude things or whatever?"

He was expecting that. But seems like Baekhyun was right after all.

Sehun leans back to the couch and sigh. "No. Our conversation was smooth than what I imagined it to be. She was just natural and calm. Then I went straight to the point and she.. She gave me my chance. She welcomed me to their house with respect. She was kind to me all the time."

Sehun saw amusement in their eyes making him scowl.

"Hyungs, Just stop."

"And that's why I smell love in the air." He glare at Baekhyun.

He shouldn't have confessed a word. Now, they have reasons to tease him every time they want and he hates it. They shouldn't just make the mistake of mentioning it when Manager Levi is around. They are so screwed.

"Damn. I almost believe there was HunHan, and now.." Luhan made everyone laugh at his joke. "Kidding aside, What's the gender anyway? Two boys?"

"That would loose Sehun's mind for sure. Can't wait." Xiumin imagined.

Sehun sigh. Wanting this conversation to stop as sooner as possible.

"They have opposites. Boy and Girl."

His band members, once again, went stiff after he dropped another bomb. Exploding their minds into the most unbelievable thought.

Sehun needed to laugh and capture their reaction. But he's definitely more enjoying whatever is happening right now.

"A What?!"

His face went numb. His fingers reach his ears to tickle it a bit. Damn. He thought he'd be deaf.

"Can you just stop screaming at me!" He hissed.

"Boy and a girl?" Suho still shock. "That's a bullseye over there."

"Sehun might be the youngest. But i'd never thought he'll be wildest among us." He scuff at Kris.

He's not that wild. Haeun was just extremely tempting, she could wake up the beast in him.

"Apologies to our reaction, Maknae. We weren't expecting two surprises from you."

"More like not expecting another two of you." Kris punches Chanyeol in a jokingly manner.

"When are you planning to bring them to the dorm? I can't wait to see a mini version of you." Lay ask in delight. Good thing he coped up with that long conversation. That's a first.

Sehun shake his head. "I can't do that now. Haeun and I want to protect the kids at all costs. And them visiting the dorm is not a good idea. Someone might caught them off guard. We don't want to take the risk."

Besides, It'll better for them this way for now. Secret and Hidden. He doesn't want to introduce them to the harsh world he's entangled to, Especially the kids.

THE boss seems to be uptight to his employees this morning until the end of their shift. Haeun can't help but check out the people he fired because of too much frustration.

The one-minute meeting that held last week was about the urgent product to be produced by the company for the latter season. They shouldn't be doing it this year. But then JK Company, L.E. Company competitor, did them so wrong.

They produce new products for this year, creating a huge blast in the skincare industry. Now pulling the sales of L.E. Company to the nearest lower point. No wonder the boss was so mad.

"Sir, We can't argue when there products were promoted by The Nation's Boy Group."

Haeun felt bad upon hearing that. Yes. Exo became the newest JK Skin Ambassador. Pulling a lot of their fans, Even the other L.E. customers because of their fame and wide success. Buying the products that has been used by the members of the group. It was all in chaos everywhere in South Korea even if it's only two weeks of promotional sales.

It was considered a trend.

"Damn It! I don't care!" Mr. Lee screamed making them frighten. "Get me a new group that could possibly withstand their prestige!"

"No one could surpass Exo, Mr. Lee." Said the girl acting calm out of the boss's outrage.

"Then you're fired!"

Mr. Lee stormed inside his office and bang the door too loud creating a loud noise that made everyone flinch.

"He is literally boiling hot." Haeun glance at Sohyun that looks so ready about leaving the office today.

Poor night shifters. They have to deal with his wrath until dawn. Too bad.

"Hey, Are you ready to leave?" Sohyun tap her arms.

Haeun glimpse at the other staff and her table for a minute. She wish she could still have this work until next week. No one knew what could possibly happen.

"Yeah. Let's go." 

Striding to the elevator. Her phone tuned in for a call. Sehun's name plastered on her screen. Her mind function for a while, not believing what she see, when Sohyun bumps her side.

"Go answer it. Everyone's looking at you!" Sohyun said like a fact.

Haeun scanned the place and her friend was right. The loud tune of her phone is irritating everyone.

"Sohyun, You go ahead. I'll get this call first."

Just in time, The elevator opened. Sohyun nod at her. "Okay. See you tomorrow, Haeun. Ciao!"

She waved before letting the elevator closed again. She made a deep sign before answering the continuous call.

"Hey.." Sehun's surround voice made her shiver. It sound so deep and intense.

"H-Hey." She grab her hand bag and grip it over her left shoulders.

"I already send the twins home. Jiwoo was there to stay with them. Where are you?" His informations were coming too fast but she manage despite the uncertainty.

"Oh, Thank you. I'm heading home now. Thanks for picking them up."

"That's fine. Do you want me to pick you up?"


She was startled when she saw Mr. Lee coming through her way almost losing his breath. Why is he running? Is she fired too? Her heart skipped in tension.

"Mr. Lee? Is there something wrong?"

He shake his head and smile. Trying to cover his uneasiness. He fixes his coat after collecting his breath.

"Good thing you're still here. I thought you were gone home already."

Haeun shake her head. "Do you need any help, Sir?"

"Yes. I wanna ask if you and Sohyun could come this weekend for work. I need more people and i know you two could help with planning for the layout of the product." He cringe a little. "I hope it wouldn't bother you that much?"

Haeun felt relief. She smiled and shake her head. "No problem, Mr. Lee. We'll be here this weekend."

She saw a glimpse of happiness in his eyes. "That sounds good. Thank you so much, Haeun and I'm really sorry."

"That's not a big deal, Sir. We are very willing to help you and the company at anyway." He chuckle at her.

"Thank you again. Anyway, I have to leave now. I just came here to check and I am very fortunate you're still here."

"No problem, Sir. Have a good night."

"You too, Haeun!" Mr. Lee waved before running away. I bow at him before proceeding to the call.

"Sehun? Are you still there?"

It was a long silence before he speaks again. "Yeah. So.. Do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, It's okay." Haeun check her wristwatch. It's almost six pm. "You should go home and take a rest. Thank you for taking good care of the kids."

"Y-Yeah. Sure. Uhm- Take care."

"Hmm. You too!" Then the line ended.

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