Zabini Heiress ~ Dramione

By hh_2000

601K 12.9K 2.4K

It had been too long, why reveal the truth after years? Hermione Granger was believed to be Muggleborn most... More

Help - Ch.1
Back - Ch.2
Alone - Ch.3
Home - Ch.4
Day 1 - Ch.5
Together - Ch.6
Test - Ch.7
Shredded - Ch.8
Match - Ch.9
Shock - Ch.10
Misery - Ch.11
Visiting - Ch.12
Finding - Ch.13
Diagon Alley - Ch. 14
Celebration - Ch. 15
Kings Cross - Ch.16
Prefects - Ch.17
Hogwarts - Ch. 18
Reality - Ch.19
Snap - Ch. 20
Report - Ch. 21
Broken In - Ch. 22
Aurors - Ch.23
Trouble - Ch. 24
Ministry - Ch. 25
October - Ch. 26
Distant - Ch. 27
Potions - Ch. 28
Halloween Dance - Ch. 29
Back - Ch. 30
Quidditch - Ch. 31
Ghost - Ch. 32
Rumours - Ch. 33
Truth - Ch. 34
December - Ch. 35
Fight - Ch. 36
Break - Ch. 37
Zabini Manor - Ch. 38
Flashes - Ch. 39
Clue - Ch. 40
Magic - Ch. 41
Connection - Ch. 42
Christmas - Ch.43
Finally - Ch. 44
Apologizes - Ch. 45
Evidence - Ch. 46
Greetings - Ch. 47
Staying - Ch. 48
Morning - Ch. 49
New Years Eve - Ch. 50
Dining - Ch. 51
Ball - Ch. 52
Surprise - Ch. 53
Teddy - Ch. 54
Paper Ring - Ch. 55
Hogwarts Express - Ch. 56
Curfew - Ch. 57

5 Years Later - Ch. 58

11.3K 298 153
By hh_2000

"Hermione, breathe. You're causing me to panic"

"Oh fuck off, Blaise"

"He's right you know. Twin connection"

"Then go get another twin!"

Blaise scoffed and threw his hands in the air. "Since you're so ungrateful, I'll go deal with Draco"

Hermione snapped her head toward him. "Draco? Is he okay?" She questioned.

"Hermione you have to stop moving your head if you want me to finish your hair"Pansy told, roughly grabbing her head and making her look straight.

Hermione stared into the mirror, watching Blaise check his watch. Her eyes drifted to her own face. Her hair was in an elegant bun, and Astoria had done her makeup perfectly.

The diamond necklace on her neck fit with her dress brilliantly, an engagement present from Narcissa Malfoy. Her eyes travelled down to her dress, one that had taken months to find.

"Is Draco okay?"Hermione repeated when Blaise didn't answer. "Oh yeah, brilliant, he almost killed Theo like 20 times"Blaise said sarcastically.

"Can you blame him? The git hasn't shut up since last night"Pansy rolled her eyes. "You go along, make sure everything is ready. And get Ginny here"She added.

"Are you dismissing me from my own sister's wedding?"Blaise questioned.

"Yes. Now go get Ginny"Pansy snapped.

Blaise huffed and left the room. "You would've thought that Luna would've knocked some sense into him by now. Can you believe he left Original industries to work at the ministry for her? And he still hasn't proposed yet?"

"Pansy, they've barely been together for 6 months"Hermione scoffed. "Painfully. Me, Theo and Draco have been plotting to get them together since graduation" Pansy said sadly.

"So I've heard. Did you really lock them in the department of mysteries?"

Pansy gave a cheeky grin. "Harry cleared us before the other aurors found out"Pansy told. "Ron however... he wasn't as happy"

"Neither was I when Harry told me you guys were messing in the ministry"

"We couldn't tell you what department because of your dear Potter. Ron found out by accident"

"You seem to tell him a lot of things by accident"Hermione raised an eyebrow, a smirk appearing on her face.

Pansy blushed, and didn't answer. "For your information, it was Theo who told him. Weasley had to make it all serious"

"All serious? Pans, you were about to get arrested"

"Luna and Blaise ended up together, didn't they?"Pansy snapped.

"Yeah, 3 years later"

Pansy rolled her eyes, but grinned as she finished Hermione's hair. "Well, my little bride, we finished just in time"Pansy said.

Hermione glanced at the time, 6 minutes before she had to walk down the aisle. How was she supposed to do this? Hundreds of people were outside now, all waiting for her. Merlin she should've limited the guest list, but she'd always dreamed of a big wedding.

Her heart began racing, and Hermione let out a shaky sigh. She shouldn't be nervous, she was marrying Draco Malfoy. But maybe he didn't want to get married? She reminded herself that he had proposed, that he was ready long before she was.

"I'm supposed to be pacing now, right?"

"That's why I'm here"

Hermione turned her head and saw Ginny in the doorway. "6 minutes" Pansy told before leaving the room. Hermione stood, and hugged Ginny tightly. "I'd give you a calming potion but that'll ruin your reaction when you marry" Ginny said, pulling back.

"Merlin, I regret telling you to calm down at your wedding"

Ginny smirked, "it isn't so fun when all the possibilities are rushing through your head is it?"

"Help me, Ginny"

"Draco isn't going to leave you at the alter, he's waiting, Theo and Blaise by his side. No one is going to show up and ruin it, if they do, I'm here. No one will object, if they do, I'm also here. Everything will go smoothly, all the food is here, all the decorations and everything is in place"

"Your honeymoon is ready, the hotel in Italy has its finest suite ready for you, and your schedules have been cleared"

"But Ginny, I really think 2 months is a bit too long" Hermione told.

"No, you and Draco are going to mute everyone out for 2 months. Do what you want, and no one will stop you. Go kiss, cuddle, fuck-"


"Don't even start, we all know you'll barely make it to the bedroom-"


She grinned, and rested her hands on Hermione's shoulders. "Everything will be perfect. All you have to do is walk with Dad down the aisle and look pretty. Me and Harry will deal with the guests" Ginny reassured.

Hermione wanted to glare at her but hugged her instead. "You're amazing Gin" Hermione mumbled. "But you better tell me when you go into labour"

"James isn't due for another 3 months"Ginny rolled her eyes. "You'll be back before then"

"Come on, 2 minutes" Astoria told as she poked her head into the room. Hermione let out a sigh as she pulled back.

"I'm doing this"

"You're doing this"

"I'm getting married"

"You're getting married"

Hermione allowed a smile to spread across her face. "Let's go, Draco might die of a heart attack"Ginny said. She tugged on Hermione's arm and they walked toward the garden of the new Malfoy Manor.

Pansy was waiting at the double door, Teddy beside her and grinned. "Come on then" She said. Ginny left Hermione's side and walked over to Pansy. Each standing at a door, they pushed them open and Teddy walked out first, a basket of rose petals in his hands.

As Ginny watched proudly as her son walked down the aisle, Pansy turned to Hermione and gave her arm a little squeeze. "We'll be by your side if you need anything"Pansy told. Hermione gave her a grateful smile and nodded.

Pansy handed Hermione her bouquet of flowers and gave Ginny one of the smaller ones. Pansy took one final glance at Ginny and Hermione before walking out. Ginny followed her, telling Hermione to count to 10 before going.

10... 10 years since they'd fallen in love with each other.

9... 9 hours till they'd be on their honeymoon.

8... 8 months of planning for this wedding.

7... 7 weeks ago they had discussed their family.

6... 6 minutes and they'd be married.

5... 5 years ever since they'd gotten together.

4... 4 days till they'd agreed on the wedding date.

3... 3 weeks of practice to memorize the first dance.

2... 2 years ago he'd proposed.

1... 1 second and she's walking down the aisle.

His eyes met hers instantly, and it seemed as if he was relieved. Music began playing, and Hermione gave him a light smile. She looked away as Arthur Weasley stepped forward, a proud grin on his face.

One step after the other, they slowly walked down the aisle. Many people were turned in their seats, watching. She saw all her family to the left... the Weasleys and Eleanor were in the 2 front rows. Andromeda beside them, Teddy in her lap. Behind them was Seamus, Dean, Parvati, Padma, Luna, Neville, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Hannah Abbott, and Susan Bones.

On the right was Draco's. She was sure every single Slytherin in history was there. His father and Mother were in the front row, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Adrian Pucey, Grayson Bletchley and Graham Montague with them. Sally Smith, Lily Moon, Gavin Pike, Marcus Flint, and Millicent Bulstrode filled the second row.

Her eyes were drawn away as they reached the end of the aisle. She heard Arthur sniff and turned as he wild his nose with a handkerchief. "I'm sorry- not too long ago I had given my other daughter away" He mumbled, walking them closer to Draco.

Hermione squeezed his hand before stepped toward Draco, his arm already out for her. She looked away from Arthur so she wouldn't cry, but the urge only got worse as she looked at her fiancé. This was it- she was getting married.


Husband*. He was her husband now, and they were about to leave to their honeymoon. Draco was speaking with his parents as Harry and Ron pulled Hermione to the side.

"We know it's a bit too late-"

"-We should've spoken to you years ago-"

"-If he hurts you-"

"Or even makes you shed a tear-"

"-Owl us-"

"-Floo to us-"

"-And we'll tear him apart-"

"-We'll kill him-"

"-Head Auror has its privileges, you know-"

Hermione let out a sob and threw her arms around them, pulling them into a tight hug. "I don't think I'll be able to leave" She mumbled.

"We'll send Blaise with him-"

"-Theo too"

She managed a laugh through her tears and they hugged her tighter, their heads buried into her shoulders. "We're gonna miss you 'Mione"

"Oh for Merlin's sake, she's not dying!"

Ginny pulled the two dramatic Gryffindors away from the newlywed and shoved them away. "Go do something, she hasn't waited practically 3 years just to cancel!"

"2 actually, it's not October yet-"

"3 months difference!"

Hermione grinned and pulled Ginny into a hug. "No- I can't"Ginny shook her head, but didn't pull away. "I've been holding it back all day!"Ginny cried as a tear slipped. Hermione laughed and Ginny shook her head again.

"I told you 2 months was too long"

"Me and Harry would've gone for 3 if it weren't for my quidditch team"Ginny scoffed, pulling away and wiping her face.

Hermione glanced over at Draco, and saw him with Blaise and Theo, overhearing a bit of what they were saying.

"Listen here you little shi-"

"-If you hurt her-"

"-Even raise your voice at her"

"-I'll bury you so close to the earth's core that no coffin will save you-"

"-I'll cut your tongue off and feed it to you-"

"I went from having 1 boyfriend and one brother to 1 boyfriend and 4 brothers in 5 years"Hermione scoffed and Ginny smirked. "And you're lucky that they're all willing to hex Malfoy's ass"

Not too long later, they'd said good bye to everyone and apparated away. Hermione was surprised to see that Draco hadn't taken them to the hotel, but it was a yard. A wide, green yard. She recognized it but didn't exactly remember why.

Draco took her hand and began walking, not saying a word. "Draco- where are we?"Hermione asked. "We're doing the last thing on your list"He told.

She was confused, allowing him to lead her toward a gate. As they crossed it, she knew exactly where they were and stopped. She froze, not taking a step back or forward.

"Draco, I can't-"

"'Have my family with me'. That was the last thing you wrote, Hermione" Draco said. She met his eyes, and he squeezed her hand. "Do it"

He slowly led her across the field, towards their tombstones. Their names stood largely, and Hermione brought her hand up to cover her mouth. She hadn't visited them in 2 years. Since she'd came and told them she'd gotten engaged.

"Tell them. You won't be happy if you don't" Hermione looked over at him and he pressed a light kiss on her head. "You've been scared about this for months, you can't hide it from me, Hermione"

She turned back to Ellen and Patrick Granger, and kneeled on the floor in front of them. She heard Draco shift as he turned his back to them, giving her a bit of privacy as he stepped away.

Tears filled her eyes as she read their names again. "Mum...Dad..."She didn't know why she still called them that. After everything they'd done. But it was everything they'd done. Given her the love she needed growing up and all she ever wanted.

She smiled a bit, "I've... I'm married now"She told. "You told me you couldn't wait till the day my Prince in shining armour would come and ask for me. You always dreamed of my wedding, Dad, you told me all about how you wanted to walk me down the aisle"

"Mum, I added your favourite flowers, the ones in your wedding photos. The ones-" she let out a sob and lost her voice. "The photos we would look at for hours, and you showed me your wedding dress and the cake and everything"

Hermione ran and hand through her hair and leaned forward. "I... I just wish you were here to celebrate it with me"

She closed her eyes, feeling a pain in her chest as tears ran down her face. She felt Draco kneel down beside her, wrapping his arms around her. She let out another sob as he pulled her tight against him. The photo her parents had left her was still clear in her mind, all 3 of them, happy.

After a minute, Hermione sat up and turned to Draco. She raised her hand to his cheek, and leaned in, kissing him softly. "Thank you" She mumbled, burying her head into his shoulder.

"Anything for you"



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