A Vampire's Love - Edward Cul...

By TheFrenchWriter99

45.5K 2.1K 351

Edward Cullen has never wanted to sleep more than he did at this moment, as he started junior year for the um... More

[TWILIGHT] Chapter 1 - Forks
Chapter 2 - Friends
Chapter 3 - The Beginning
Chapter 4 - Friends
Chapter 5 - Hot & Cold
Chapter 6 - Threats
Chapter 7 - Birthday (1)
Chapter 8 - Birthday (2)
Chapter 9 - Birthday (3)
Chapter 10 - Warning
Chapter 11 - Thoughts
Chapter 12 - Family (1)
Chapter 13 - Family (2)
Chapter 14 - La Push
Chapter 15 - Roots
Chapter 16 - Answers
Chapter 17 - Confrontation
Chapter 18 - Confessions
Chapter 19 - Questions
Chapter 20 - First kiss
Chapter 21 - Isabella Swan (1)
Chapter 22 - Isabella Swan (2)
Chapter 23 - Gone
Chapter 24 - Reason
Chapter 25 - Decisions
Chapter 26 - Him
Chapter 27 - Not Her
Chapter 28 - Fight
Chapter 29 - Port Angeles (1)
Chapter 30 - Port Angeles (2)
Chapter 31 - Port Angeles (3)
Chapter 32 - The Game
Chapter 34 - The Hunt
Chapter 35 - Lost
Chapter 36 - Danger
Chapter 37 - Blood
Chapter 38 - Prom
[NEW MOON] Chapter 39 - Party
Chapter 40 - Disaster
Chapter 41 - An End
Chapter 42 - A Beginning
Chapter 43 - Quileutes
Chapter 44 - Guidance
Chapter 45 - Almost normal
Chapter 46 - The Pack
Chapter 47 - New Recruit
Chapter 48 - History
Chapter 49 - A New Threat
Chapter 50 - Jacob Black (1)
Chapter 51 - Jacob Black (2)
Chapter 52 - Born to kill
Chapter 53 - Fearless
Chapter 54 - Rules
Chapter 55 - Inevitable
Chapter 56 - Paralyzed
Chapter 57 - Imprint
[ECLIPSE] Chapter 58 - Lone wolf
Chapter 59 - Humanity
Chapter 60 - Home (1)
Chapter 61 - Home (2)
Chapter 62 - Reunion
Chapter 63 - Alpha & Beta
Chapter 64 - School
Chapter 65 - Unexpected
Chapter 66 - Training
Chapter 67 - Scent
Chapter 68 - Clans
Chapter 69 - Intruder
Chapter 70 - Partner
Chapter 71 - Tutor
Chapter 72 - Clearing
Chapter 73 - Clothes
Chapter 74 - Army
Chapter 75 - Newborn
Chapter 76 - Theories
Chapter 77 - Graduation
Chapter 78 - Control
Chapter 79 - Target
Chapter 80 - Bet
Chapter 81 - Negotiation
Chapter 82 - Compromise
Chapter 83 - Battle
Chapter 84 - Aftermath
Chapter 85 - Engagement
[BREAKING DAWN] Chapter 86 - News
Chapter 87 - Prenuptials
Chapter 88 - Wedding Day
Chapter 89 - Ceremony
Chapter 90 - Reception
Chapter 91 - Isle Esme

Chapter 33 - Nomads

443 20 4
By TheFrenchWriter99


"Out !" I shouted.

I assumed Emmett was galloping from base to base, because the moment he had hit the ball, he was gone. I couldn't see him. His speed made him invisible to me. The ball was flying towards the forest, and I quickly understood that Edward had gone after it.

Emmett might be the strongest, but Edward was the fastest. When I saw Edward's wide smile, and his arm he had raised to show off the ball, I understood that Emmett lost. Again.

"And you want to be my trainer ? I should probably let Edward do it." I provoked him.

I heard Bella chuckle timidly behind me, and before I knew it, my back was on the ground and Emmett above me, tickling me knowing I couldn't hold it together. The sounds that came out of my mouth were a mix of laughs and screams.

"Say it again !" Emmett said.

"He..help !"

"I should teach you how to respect elders." I heard him say through one of my screams.

"Alice ?"

Emmett suddenly stopped, and looked towards Alice. I coughed and tried to catch my breath as I was letting out my last giggles, before I was back to myself again. Like all of them, I looked up at Alice whose face showed nothing but horror.

"I didn't know...I didn't see..." she murmured.

Emmett helped me up, and stood behind me. He was twice bigger than I was. It almost felt like I had a wall behind me.

In a blink of an eye, all of them joined us.

"What's wrong Alice ?" Carlisle asked, calm.

"They were faster than what I expected. They changed path."

"They changed path ?" Jasper repeated, leaning protectively towards her.

"They heard us play and decided to come play with us. They'll be here in less than five minutes."

Carlisle looked at both Edward and Emmett. "Do you think you can make it ?" he asked as he glanced at both Bella and I.

"No. Not if we carry them...And the last thing we want is to have them catch their scent and wanting to hunt." Edward answered.

"How many are they ?" Emmett asked Alice, and resonated through my ears.


"Three ! Let them come !" he boasted, confident.

"Emmett's right. Let's keep playing. According to Alice, they are just curious." Carlisle decided.

Edward looked at Esme. "I'll stay back." he told her.

Esme nodded and gave him the whistle. The others went back to their original spot while Edward stood in front of me.

"The nomads ?" I asked Edward in a whisper, fearing they'd hear me.

"Yes. Zip up your coats." he ordered us and both Bella and I did. "Do not move or get away from one of us."

Edward tried his best to hide the anxiety that tensed his body, but I could see it. I brushed his hand with the tip of my finger, and he grabbed it. When he looked down at me, his eyes were filled with disappointment.

"I'm sorry, Aiyanna." he mumbled. "It was stupid and irresponsible to bring you here knowing they'd come to town. I'm sorry."

I couldn't say anything back, because he stopped breathing and his grip around my hand tightened. He looked at his right, and moved slowly towards my right side to hide me. Alice, who had been standing close, stayed beside Bella, while the others all looked at the same direction, listening to the steps that were coming closer.

The three nomads appeared in the field, one by one. The two first ones who came, a long-haired blond guy and a red-haired woman stepped back to let the third one, a black long-haired man step in front of them. This small gesture said a lot about who the leader was.

The closer they got to us and the more I could see their differences with the Cullens. The way they moved wasn't as gracious as the Cullens. They looked almost like lions, ready to jump on their prey. They were dressed with dirty clothesand their red eyes followed Carlisle, who was probably overdressed for a baseball match, as he walked up to them with Emmett and Jasper on each side of him.

"I believe a game was taking place here." the leader said, not troubled with the fact that they were facing a clan bigger than theirs. "My name is Laurent. This is Victoria, and James." he added, while pointing at his members.

"Carlisle. This is my family. Emmett and Jasper, Rosalie, Esme, Alice, Edward, Aiyanna and Bella." Carlisle answered, without pointing anyone so they wouldn't pay too much attention to us.

"Can we join you ?" Laurent asked.

"We were just finishing up, but it would be a pleasure to play with you another time." Carlisle answered. I was shocked by how calm he was. "Do you plan on staying long in the region ?"

"We are actually headed north, but we were curious to see who was living in this region. We haven't met anyone like us in a long time."

Carlisle nodded. "Rare are those who come around here, indeed. Except for us and occasional visitors like yourselves."

The tension seemed to die down as both leaders kept talking to each other. Was it because of Jasper ? I internally hoped that we actually weren't forced to feel calm. That those feelings were true.

"Where do you hunt ?" Laurent asked.

Before Carlisle could answer, three things happened at the same time. The wind came from behind us and brought our scent directly to the predators senses. Edward froze and the second man turned his head abruptly towards both Bella and I.

In a second, both clans showed their teeth, snarled at each other and stood in a predator stance, ready to jump on the enemy. This was the most threatening scene I had ever seen. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Bella shaking from head to toe while I was just frozen in my spot.

"What is it ?" Laurent asked, genuinely surprised.

None of them changed their position. James tried to bypass Jasper, but was stopped by him.

"They are with us." Carlisle said, more to James than to Laurent.

Laurent glanced at Bella and I who were the only ones, standing like...like humans. Frightened humans.

"You brought snacks ?" he asked, his expression remaining the same.

"I said, they are with us." Carlisle repeated in a more authoritative voice.

"But they're humans !"

"Yes." Emmett intervened in a low and threatening voice.

James was the first one to stand up, his nostrils flared. Laurent and Victoria followed and finally, the Cullens stood up too. I could still notice how Edward was still tensed like a lion, in front of me. I had never seen such a scenery.

"I feel like we have a lot to learn about each other." Laurent talked again. "Why don't we go to a more adequate place ? Of course, we won't step in your territory and touch any of them."

James glared at Laurent, skeptical and annoyed. Victoria, on the other hand, had been looking at each one of us, as if she was studying us.

"Come. We have a permanent residence nearby." Carlisle invited the three nomads. "Emmett, Alice, accompany Edward, Aiyanna and Bella to get the Jeep." he ordered. "Jasper, Rosalie and Esme will come with me."

The three Cullens gathered around Bella and I, while the others gathered around Carlisle.

"Let's go, Aiyanna." Edward ordered in a weak voice.

His eyes were empty when I looked up at them. He had to grab my arm to get me out of my spot, as I had been frozen for a long time. Alice had grabbed Bella's hand, and were walking at a human speed which was probably irritating them. Emmett, was walking behind, dissimulating us.

Once we were in the forest, Edward threw me on his back and ran. I held onto him tightly, and lowered my head to not get sick. I believed Alice had carried Bella too because when Edward arrived in front of Emmett's Jeep that he had used to pick me up this morning, Alice, Bella and Emmett arrived a second later.

I wasn't able to see clearly what was happening. All I knew was that Edward was already behind the wheel with Alice on the passenger seat, while Emmett was sitting in between Bella and I on the backseat. The next second, my seatbelt had been put on.

The engine roared as Edward drove on the sinuous road. Edward was driving so fast that I felt like my back had been glued to the backseat. Emmett had his arm around both Bella and I, as if the seatbelt wasn't enough to protect us. I automatically grabbed his arm, searching for something to hold onto as Edward drove like a mad man.

"Where are we going ?" Bella asked them, but none of the Cullens bothered to answer.

Judging by how their lips were moving, they were talking among themselves in such a low volume that neither Bella nor I could hear.

"Edward !" I called at him, forgetting that he'd hear me even if I had whispered. "Do you even know where you're going ?"

"Far away. We have to bring you far away."

Edward was focused on his driving. He was driving at 170km/h.

Far away.

We were fleeing.

Fleeing away from Forks.

Before I even said anything, Alice turned around and looked at me. She didn't have to read my thoughts to know my decision on the matter. She knew. She already saw it.

"Pull over, Edward." Alice ordered, her eyes holding my gaze.

Instead, Edward went even faster.

"Let's talk about this."

"You don't understand anything !" Edward exploded.

It was the first time I'd seen him in such a state. He had been angry before, but had never been furious like he was at the moment, at least not in front of me. The sound of the Jeep roaring under us, the wind that hit the car and his voice made my ears hurt. I lowered my head, still holding onto Emmett.

"He's a tracker, Alice." Edward continued on the same tone. "I read his mind. Tracking is his passion. He wants both of them, regardless of...He's going to start tonight."

"He doesn't know where..."

"How much time do you think it'll take him to find their scent in town ? His plan was already ready even before Laurent spoke again." Edward said.

"I can't." I said in a low voice, knowing where my scent would lead James.

To my parents.

I couldn't leave.

"Edward, let's take the time to think about our options." Alice suggested.

By the end of Alice's sentence, Edward suddenly pulled over.

"We don't have any other options." Edward rumbled, looking directly at me.

"I'm not going to leave my parents behind. You know I would never." I told him, trying to sound more confident than I actually was. I was terrified inside. By being in danger, I was putting my parents in danger too.

"I won't abandon Charlie, either." Bella said.

I felt Emmett's gaze on me which was as heavy as Edward's.

"No." Edward said, not leaving room for anymore discussion. "I'm bringing you far away."

"No, Edward." I refused.

Edward sighed, furious. "Could you please think about your safety ?"

"And who's going to think about my parents safety ? I'm telling you Edward, I'm not going anywhere. You won't change my mind."

The whole dialogue, I felt all eyes on me. The more I thought about my parents, and the more firm my words sounded. I wasn't going to leave room for any discussion on the matter.

"You can't possibly think that you alone will be able to protect your parents." Emmett intervened, serious for once.

He was frowning, a sign of his worry.

"I won't be alone. I'll put my mom on it. I'll deal with her." I suggested.

"She doesn't stand any chance against one of us." Emmett reminded me.

I was well aware that breaking up the news to my mom would ignite her fury. More against me, for getting involved with vampires, than on the situation. But she had once said to me that if I ever faced a situation that I couldn't handle on my own, I could come to her. She had grown up with her mother talking to her about Quileute legends. It wouldn't take much for her to believe me when I'd tell her everything she needed to know. I trusted her.

"We'll try."

"Nonsense." Emmett commented, ignoring me. "James doesn't stand a chance against us. He won't touch them."

"He'll wait." Edward said.

"I can be patient too."

"You don't understand...when he hunts, nothing can stop him. We'll have to kill him."

"This is the only option I was thinking of." Emmett agreed.

"The woman too. I read her thoughts. She was terrified by our number. She knows she doesn't stand a chance in front of us. But she's with James. She is most likely to follow him if he asks her too." Edward reported.

"There has to be another solution"

Edward answered to Alice murmur, in a furious snarl. "There isn't !"

Both Edward and Alice stared at each other for a long minute, before Bella interrupted their exchange.

"I may have a plan. Is there anyone who'd like to hear it ?"

Edward answered immediately "No."

Bella ignored him. "You bring me back and I tell Charlie I want to go back to Phoenix. I pack my stuff, and we wait for the hunter to look for me and then we leave. If he follows us, he'll leave town and will leave my dad alone. Then, you guys can bring me wherever the hell you want."

We all looked at her, surprised by her plan. It almost looked like she had planned this beforehand.

"It could work." Alice admitted.

"But what about her ?" Emmett asked, pointing me.

I could see his disapprovement in his eyes and I couldn't blame him.

Edward had once told me.

Emmett was most likely to go on a killing spree if anything happened to me, which in some sense, had reassured him. He had the guarantee that someone other than himself was thinking about my safety.

Two years after Emmett's birth, his parents had welcomed another child. His little sister. Edward had told me that my close relationship with Emmett had reminded him of the one he had with his little sister. Right after becoming a vampire, Emmett had lived as a nomad as well. He had tried animal blood, but aspired for more.

While roaming around town, his feet had guided him to his house. The one his sister used to leave in, even after the death of their parents. She lived alone, and died alone. Emmett couldn't have resisted.

Unable to cry, Emmett's grief lasted for 3 years during which, he killed humans one after another. The newspapers had found him a name, although they never found out who it was. He used to be called : the Ripper.

What brought him back was Rosalie. In her umpteenth attempt at trying to bring him back, he had given in, despising the person he had become. Hating himself for what he had done.

Submerged by negative emotions accompanied by grief that had consumed him during his nomad years, Emmett's only way to come back to the Cullens and adopt their diet, was to distance himself from his feelings. Negative ones.

This explained why Emmett seemed to be the only one who didn't take things seriously. Who lightened up every situation.

Edward had confessed that their only fear was for him to lose control again, and start again from ground zero.

"Esme and Rosalie will watch over my house and Charlie. Jasper and Alice will go with Bella. Edward, Carlisle and you will go after James and Victoria."

"Hell no !" Emmett exclaimed.

"Do you even hear yourself, Aiyanna ? I'm not leaving your side !" Edward protested.

"The female is staying in town. And James will go after Bella first." Alice suddenly intervened. She must've had a vision.

"It's her scent." Edward concluded.

"What about my scent ?" Bella questionned them.

Judging by how clueless Bella was, Edward hadn't told her that her scent was stronger for him than to any other vampire ? Had he already told her how he once thought about succombing to his desires ?

But was it possible that Bella's scent was as strong to James than it was to Edward ?

"Your scent is more...enticing than Aiyanna's." Edward stated.

This didn't explain what it had to do with James. I was well aware of the power Bella's scent had on Edward, but what about James ?

"There is something about your scent, Aiyanna. We all noticed this. You smell like any other human, but there is a hint of something that lingers. It's close to soil...nature." Emmett described.

The more I listened, and the deeper the frown on my forehead became.

"So I smell bad ? Is that what you're trying to say ?" I asked, trying to find sense in this.

"That's not what I meant. I just said..."

"It's perfect then." I cut him off, before my eyes focused on Edward's again. "Kill James." My words almost sounding like an order. "Victoria is terrified. You said it yourself. I personally think that if she gets the chance to put the fault on James to survive, she will. And if she tries anything against me, my family or Charlie, Rose and Esme will track her down. Don't you think she's staying in town to keep an eye on the situation before James comes back for me ?"

I noticed how she was the only one of the three who looked at the whole situation. James had only focused on Bella and I while Laurent's eyes had gone from the Cullens to James.

"James will follow Bella's scent right ? Take her clothes and lure him to the opposite side of where she's going so she can leave with Alice and Jasper." I ended.

"So what ? You're just going back to school as if nothing happened ?" Emmett asked, not expecting my answer to be :


His eyes widened and his arm around me seemed to have tightened.

"Are you crazy ?"

"Better be around a crowd than alone." I said.

Victoria couldn't possibily risk being seen attacking me in front of so many people, right ? I was 70% sure she won't act without James, which would give me a few days. But they had to make it fast. If she realized that James took too much time to go back to her, she'd get suspicious and would attack me.

Edward sighed and brought his hand to his temples with his eyes tightly closed. I knew he heard my thoughts. His reaction meant one thing :

My plan was plausible.

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