His Path Of Redemption

By Manhattanwannabe

4.3K 543 1.3K

Prologue How do you fix something that is beyond repair? How do you stop your heart from breaking each time y... More

Chapter- 3
Chapter- 8
Chapter 10
Chapter- 19
Character aesthetics.
1K? 1K.
Chapter- 38
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 50

64 6 14
By Manhattanwannabe

Olivia's Pov:

A part of me still thinks this is some sort of fantasy I read as a kid and imagined living in. It's like 8 months since me and Blaze have been together and everytime I watch him sleeping peacefully just makes me realise the beneath that cold exterior there is a man who just craves for few hours of good sleep without any nightmares creeping their way in.

We had returned from Greece 2 days back. As usual Blaze was at work all the time but this time, real work. He had been going the Knight corp. from the lasts 2 days as something involving business needed his attention immediately. As for me, I had been missing out on shoots too much hence I was back at work too, we've both been working so aggressively that the only time we meet is on facetime because our timings don't match. Today after 2 days I actually have a call time of noon so I decided to sleep in and turns out, the Blaze who would wake up an hour before his alarm didn't wake up from his alarm either today, and obviously I let him sleep.

I lowkey like being this way, him going and doing normal work me going and doing normal work. It's good to not have blood on our hands once in a while. However, I'm pretty sure both of us can't survive for long without that danger and adrenaline rush, oh and also without any problem hovering over us, the only difference is we could actually survive not peacefully but atleast happily without the last one.

I saw the time on watch as it was 10 in the morning, I decided it's time I wake Blaze up since I'm pretty sure he wouldn't wanna miss out on work.

I slowly ran my fingers through his hair and went closer to his ear.

"It's 10 Blaze." I whispered.

No response.

He usually has a very alert sleep the guy would literally wake up if I even move slightly in the bed it's pretty surprising how he's sound asleep today.

"Blaze" I said a a little louder still running fingers through his hair.

A small grunt was left.

"Alright kid, wake up now, you're the one who's gonna be pissed if you're late." I said, maybe...yelled a bit.

He was up, in seconds. The first thing he saw was the time on his phone and boy...wasn't the man out of his bed faster than Zayn Malik changes his hair dye.

"Livvie it's fucking 10." He said.

"And?" I asked.

"I'm suppose to be at the office by 11:30, there's a meeting." He explained.

"It's literally just 10, you're faster than me, go freshen up." I said and he just glared at me but went anyway.

I got out of bed too and headed downstairs as I was up an hour ago and was done with breakfast too.


I was sitting on the breakfast bar in my sweats and tank while Blaze walked down the stairs in all his Black glory.

Okay statistically we have sex..a lot...like more than normal people do, but still I can't help but get horny seeing him in that EVEN THOUGH I'VE BEEN SEEING IT FOR 8 MONTHS STRAIGHT, EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN DAY.

Okay, the mood swing just tells me satan's on his way.

Yea may- *sneezes*

Ah, definitely paying a visit.

Ugh plea- *sneezes*

It seems like a good day to wear a pad, doesn't it?

Jesus Christ.

"Periods?" Blaze asked.


"How'd you know?" I queried.

"You catch cold 2 days before your periods.'' He said walking towards the breakfast bar.

"Wha- okay I agree I catch cold before my periods but it's definitely not specific." I clarified.

"It's been your pattern for the past 8 months and also from the time I've had eyes on you." He said like this was the most normal thing in the world.

"Okay, that is not creepy at all." I said sarcastically.

"It isn't." He said casually.

"How are you so sure this is my period cold?" I questioned.

"What do you mean? you avoid any cold thing livvie, you terrified of catching cold and getting a ear pain." He said.

No way in hell would he know that, I never said it.

"Okay 1. it might be because of the way you keep the AC on 18 every night while the temperature outside is freezing and snowing in some parts. 2. I never mentioned about my ear pain and avoiding cold stuff." I said.

"Well firstly, I'm a mob not to mention worlds most feared mafia's mob, I observe things. I don't tell you but I'm aware when your periods begin and when they end. Secondly, I've seen how you hate ice creams and you don't even drink cold water and everytime we get out of pool or fuck in the shower for long you take steam and drink warm water for 2 days straight because you're scared you'll catch cold and you keep checking your ear for no reason to make sure it isn't hurting." He explained.

Girl, ion know about you but I fell in love all over again.

Yea no, same.

"Wow." That's all I could say.

He pushed a strand of my head behind and said.

"Just because I can't give you enough time and attention doesn't mean I don't at all. Livvie, the mafia has and will always be my priority, it is a responsibility that has been put upon me and I just do my duty but when it comes to you, everything I say and do is because I WANT to. You've given me a reason to come home everyday, so remember this, near or far, I will always look out for you, I got you liv." He said and I was full on emotional.

Yes, they're on their way.

"You're my bestfriend Knight, I love you." I said.

"Okay, can't say the feelings are mutual-" I cut him off with a spine shaking glare.

"Joking, you are mine, don't worry. I love you." He said.

With that he gave me a quick peck and resumed with breakfast.

I smiled contently and continued to have small conversations with him. The ring of his phone made ms stop mid sentence.

He checked it and picked it up immediately.

"Chris." He said.

"Hm, yea. Sure. We'll be there." He said and kept the phone down.

"There's a charity event we gotta be at in the evening." Blaze explained.

"You do charity too?" I asked, it was more of a sarcastic statement though.

"Yea, been doing it for years now." He said.

"What is it about?" I questioned.

"So um, have you heard about the 'Pearls'? He queried.

"Who hasn't! it's the worlds most biggest and well known NGO that accommodates small girls, provides them with all necessities and takes care of them till they're good to go on their own, of course if they wanna leave." I said.

I've heard a lot about the pearls foundation, they're actually doing a great job, they've actually made sure that they genuinely work unlike some NGO's who just are NGO's for the sake.

"Yea, I started that few years ago." He said sipping his coffee.

I literally choked on the water I was drinking.

"YOU WHAT?" I yelled.

"Uh, yes. I started it like 7 years back." He explained.

"Dude, wow. Do you have any idea how many lives your initiative has saved?"

"I hope enough, that's the only way I can pay for the lives I take everyday." He said and chuckled.

"Okay but what's this charity event?" I interrogated.

"It's more of a fundraiser. As years passed by news about the foundation got out and there were people who genuinely wanted to invest for the girls, that is the reason we worked things out and now we have this fundraiser every year. I couldn't personally deal with it all the time that is why I hired this guy named Chris, he's made sure that everything functions smoothly." Blaze explained.

"Why'd you start this? and why'd you name it pearls?" My mind just wouldn't stop wondering.

"In one of the attacks with the Mexicans, we founds girls being trafficked across the globe. That's where Asher found Sage too. After dealing with the Mexicans none of us knew what to do with the girls. The ones who were old enough and knew their way home, we arranged flights and stuff for them and sent them back. Asher and Sage had started to become cozy and Sage was anyway running from home for whatever reason. After sending all the girls we could, there were still few left, few who were too small to know their address. I remember telling Tyberias to take them to our safe house and make sure they're okay. They were around 10 girls. We just took care of them for as long as we could and eventually shifted them to a better house. I never met those girls after that day but always had someone to check on them. Stacey got one new born babygirl there whom she saw was left on the road and well as time passed it kinda turned into a home for girls who had no home. I honestly never visited it after that one day but made sure they were okay. That's how it was formed and as for the name, Stace chose it." He narrated.

I was teary eyed for the second time in half an hour.

"Why'd you never visit them?" I asked.

"Kids are annoying liv." He replied.

Oh, bullshit.

"Say that to you kid one day." I said and chuckled.

"Who even wants kids, they're just an add on stress." Blaze said in all seriousness.


For split second I imagined a little girl having Blaze wrapped around her fingers.

Imagine. that's all you can do.

"So basically you don't like the concept of marriage and kids are the last thing you'd want?" I asked.

"Right." He said.

For some weird reason I felt a pang in my heart.

"Anyway, I gotta leave. Be ready on time, alright?" He told me and stood up, gave me a quick peck on the forehead and left.

I sighed and decided to relax for some more time and then get ready for the shoot.

I was scrolling through Pintrest when I got a call.

Danica calling...

I smiled and answered it.

"Hey kid." I said.

"Sup bitch?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing, just chillin before I head out for shoot." I stated.

"Ah, I actually called to ask what you wearing for the fundraiser thingy?" She questioned.

"I honestly don't know, I'll just put on whatever I see first." I replied.

"Cool, also, I fucked Shawn." She said casually.

"Oh? When." I queried

We both spoke about it like it was the most casual thing which it honestly was for both us, others might think otherwise but hey! I already saw this coming, I mean I was breathing the same air as theirs which by the way held SO MUCH sexual tension.

"Yesterday night. We kinda got into a fight and one thing led to another." She explained.

"Ah, so what are y'all like fuck buddies?" I questioned.

"Eh, I don't know, let's just go with the flow, THOUGH! I must say, it was wild and like crazy wild, nothing I've felt before, so I wouldn't mind if it happened again." She spoke.

"Sure, whatever." I said and chuckled.

"Alright, what's up with you? you sound...well not you." She asked.

"Um, well, turns out Blaze doesn't like the idea of marriage and kids are not even anywhere close." I opened up.

"Sis, you gotta slow down. It's too early to have wedding and kids conversation with him, the guy will get scared obviously." She said.

"Dan I'm not idiot. He told me about how he feels about marriage during Zara's wedding vows and the kids thing came up from the fundraiser." I explained.

"Oh yea about that, who knew THE BLAZE KNIGHT, could do something good too." She said.

"How'd you know?"

"Shawn." She said.

This more than fuck buddy shit bruh.

Mhm, I smell that too.

"Anyway, why is it bothering you so much? not like you wanna marry him like right now at this moment and very second."

"It's not that, the way he feels about marriage is understandable to me because he has that fear of abandonment. Every relationship has abandoned him, he doesn't want to face that pain again but...I can't accept the fact that he doesn't like kids." I spoke my mind out.

"Honestly, that's not weird at all to me, like i don't blame him. Do you remember the kids we use to baby sit in the beginning? bruh, I was so close to yelling the living shit out of them." She said, dramatically.

I rolled my eyes.

"Sure, D, very helpful, thankyou." I said.

"Livvie, chill, this is what he thinks now, we don't know what the future holds, besides. If not him, I'd totally get you pregnant and we can have kids while he can be jealous about how he doesn't get to see your sexy pregnant ass and also doesn't get to fuck it and simultaneously my dream of, for once, seeing you fat, comes true." She said.

I laughed, hard.

"Okay bitch. bye." I said chuckling.

"See you!"

I cut the call.

I checked the time on the clock. It said 12 noon. i decided to finally get up and get ready.

I lazily got up from the couch and headed to our room, upon reaching I opened the door.

I headed straight to the closet and started looking for clothes to wear, but suddenly something caught my eye.

I saw the blue stone was shining brighter than usual. The sun isn't even shining here, why is it shining so much?

I walked towards it and picked it up. It was shining so bright that I had to hold it at a distance from my eyes.

"Livvie?" I heard Greta yell.

"In here Grets" I said.

I heard footsteps and Greta was in front of me.

"I wanted to- wait." She stopped mid sentence.

She stared at the stone and slowly walked towards us.

"Oh my god." She whispered.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

"Livvie, something bad is about to happen." She stated.

"Wha-What?" I interrogated.

"The first time this stone shun this brightly, Blaze's father died. The second time it did, Blaze and Flora got separated. After that, this is the third time this has happened, livvie everytime it shun this brightly, it rained sorrow and pain in the family." She explained.

I just stared at the stone.

What's gonna happen?




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