Tell me who are you??

By imagine_pure_love

44.1K 4.2K 312

People called her nerd, called her geeky.. But she had all the innocence of the world.. Or did she really... More

Character Sketch
Character Sketch 2
1. First View
2. Space School of Business
3. Private Tutor??!!
4. Too much to expect?
Malhotra Mansion
5. Strong and Independent
6. Final Decision
7. Challenge
8. Preparing the mind
9. Intruder at tuition?
10. Day #1
11. The aftereffects of Day 1
12. Cabir's Proposal
13. Day 2
Copied Story
14. MNMRA active or not?
15. The lady cab driver.
16. Fab 5's dangerous plan
17. Nandini's secret out?
18. Day 3 - Nandini's stand
19. Nandini's indirect message
20. Does Manik get affected?
21. Lara Maa to help Nandini?
22. Flashback - 1
23. Flashback - 2
24. Manik's anger or ...
25. Are the sparks igniting?
26. Challenge or no challenge?
28. Journey to Day 5
29. Meeting Lara Maa
30. Meeting the special children
31. Day 5
32. Troublesome Arohi
33. The surprise wish
34. Is FAB 5 back?
35. Mumma?
36. A complete Package
37. Reminiscing the day
38. Mukti's dangerous plan
39. Plan backfired
40. Revelation
41. Reality Check
42. The Outburst
43. Nandini's new friend
44. The regretful breakdown
45. Meeting the real her

27. Importance of your name

733 98 5
By imagine_pure_love

Date published: 30.04.22

Words: 1200+ Words


Finally, came the last day, the 5th day, the day that would mark the end of Fab 5's challenge for Nandini. The day that would decide the winner of these challenges.

A partly cloudy day with gentle breeze had made the perfect weather. Nandini messaged fab 5 to assemble in Malhotra Mansion and informed that she would come to pick them up. After texting, she called Navya to know about her whereabouts.

Nan: Good morning Navya, how are you?

Nav: Very good morning, I am fine, what about you?

Nan: I am fine too, by the way how are you commuting? I mean you are alone here, won't you find any problem in finding the routes here?

Nav: Not at all Nandini, and if I faced any, I'll call you. I know that you will come to my help immediately.

Nandini just smiles.

Nan: Ok then, Will meet soon.

Saying so, they both ended their calls and Nandini left for Malhotra Mansion.


Malhotra Mansion

Al: Guys, seriously I don't believe this, a common girl who is nothing but a tomboy is ruling on Fab 5. I mean look at us, I don't remember fab 5 waking up so early and that too on someone else's order and we, we are even following it!!

Cab: Alya firstly she is not ruling on us, she is trying to guide us and secondly we are listening to her because it's Fab 5's rule. We never go back on our words, so now when she has won the challenges, it's our turn to do whatever she asks us to.

Dhr: He is right baby, just relax.

Dhruv sees Manik lost in his own thoughts and Mukti busy in her mobile.

Dhr: Manik, Mukti, what happened guys? Mukti, what are you doing with mobile for so long? All OK?

Dhruv's question brought Cabir's focus on Manik. Manik finds Cabir looking at him with suspicious eyes and he understands that Cabir would now definitely pass a weird comment.

Mukti looks at Alya and they both try to convey message through their eyes.

Cab: Yes Manik, what's wrong? I mean you look 'distracted' since yesterday. Did something happen? )Asks him innocently but with pure mischief in his voice.)

Manik shots his head in Cabir's direction on hearing yesterday. He gets flashback of his time spent with Nandini in his room and thinks how does Cabir know about it.

Muk: Actually guys, I need to tell you something...

Cab: Nandini...

Man: What Nandini? What's wrong with you Cabir? Why do you always have to connect me with her? What do you think? I spend my days and nights thinking about her? No ways! I have a standard to maintain and she is nothing in front of me, you get that, NOTHING.

Mukti and Alya get happy on hearing all this from Manik.

Cab: Relax Manik, why are you getting so worked up? I was just saying that Nandini has arrived, she is behind you.

Manik gets shocked and immediately turns back to find Nandini standing there again with same cold expression face. Manik starts feeling guilty for what he said. He didn't mean all and only said to shut Cabir's mouth.

Nan: Good morning everyone. I am really impressed that Fab 5 has come on time, it's really appreciable.

Dhr & Cab: Good Morning Nandini.

Muk: If your morning sessions have completed. Can we please make a move? I don't have my entire day for you and yeah before we move, I need few answers, you better give them.

Nan: Shoot.

Muk: Where are we going? At least give a hint or the name of the area?

Nan: XYZ

Muk: How long are we going to be there?

Nan: Well, if we move by now, then by 12 or 12:30 pm your work will be done.

Mukti gets happy on knowing all these details as she will be requiring them to implement her plan. She then again gets busy on her mobile.

Cab: Ok so let's move now.

Nan: Ah Mr. Dhawan, your pocket money?

Cab: Oh yes, we all have got our 10,000 rupees in cash, here you go.

One by one everyone give their one day pocket money in Nandini's hand. Lastly when Manik comes and hands over the money, he looks into Nandini's eyes and finds them cold, expressionless, unlike yesterday when they played the role of being a window to her inner soul. Nandini collects the money and asks everyone to leave.

Al: Well miss tutor, if you really need money then you could have simply asked for it, we could have given it to you, in fact Manik had even given you an offer right? Then why did you choose this way?

Nan: Ms. Saxena, this money isn't for me. It's for you guys, I am just going to invest it into something and return it to you with interest.

Now is everything clear or does anyone have anymore doubts?

Cab: I do have a doubt Nandini. See, I call you Nandini, in fact all of us do, then why do you address us with our surnames? Ms. Saxena, Ms. Vardhan, Mr. Dhawan, Mr. Vedant and Mr. Malhotra (stressing on Malhotra)

Manik glares at Cabir when he stresses on Malhotra but then looks at Nandini because even he wanted to know the reason. No matter whatever he says to Nandini, the truth is that even he doesn't like her addressing him as Mr. Malhotra.

Nandini smiles a little.

Nan: Because you yourself like to be called with your surnames.

Dhr: No Nandini, that's not true, We have good names and we really like them.

Nan: Then why do you keep using your surnames for getting your work done? Today people are known by their work first and then their name. But in your case, your surnames reach first and then your work.

Al: What rubbish? That's so untrue. Of course we go for the name first.

Nan: Ok, so let's take it ths way, Ms. Saxena, which is your favorite make-up brand?

Al (confused): What?

Nan: I asked which is your favorite brand in make-up? Is it Maybelline, Lakme, Faces, L'Oreal, Revlon, Bonjour or any other?

Fab 5 get stunned on hearing all these high brands from Nandini. They never thought that a tom boy taxi driver would be even knowing what make-up is, leave alone their brands.

Al (recovering from shock): Maybelline

Nan: Ok, do you know who is the mastermind behind Maybelline?

Al (proudly): Of course I know, It's Tom Lyle Williams. He found Maybelline in 1915.

Nan: That's nice and when did you do a small research on him?

Al: Obviously after using his products, had it not been for his products I wouldn't have known if someone of this name even existed.

Nan: And that is what I am trying to explain. You saw his work, you liked it, you appreciated it and that led you to know about the mastermind. 

Saxenas, Vardhans, Vedants, Dhawans and Malhotra are all known for their hard work and for their success but this all has been achieved by their names. The day you guys realize the importance of YOUR name, not only me, but the world would address you with your names.

Fab 5 were astounded to hear all this, deep down they felt that whatever Nandini said is absolutely true.

Nan: Shall we leave now?


Thank you guys for all your love, we are close to 10k reads and it wouldn't have been possible without you.

Keep showering your love.

Love Love 


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