The Reincarnated Hybrid

By VictoryForVictor

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A guy who loved Fairy Tail, survived the end of the world with slight mental problems, get a chance at life a... More

The End, and The Beginning Of Reincarnation
A Place Your Always Welcomed
Our Paths Will Cross Again.
Conquering the Desert, and Noticed
Being Watched, and Rescuing a Ice Queen.
Fairy tales and, More Mysteries to be Discovered
The Fairy and The Spriggan
The Regional Tournament!
The Eternal Flame, and a Fellow Magic user.
The Chess Board
The Wizard, and Helping a Black Cat
The Fall Maiden
Reunion and Beacon.
Meeting the Black Wizard, and Team Troubles.
The Talk Of The Gods.
A Normal Day At School.
The Nightmare, and Forever Fall Forest.
The Black Dragon, Acnologia!
Moving Forward.
Training, and more Mysteries yet again..
New Arrivals.
New Arrivals Pt. 2
Fusion Magic.
Going To Meet an Old Friend.
Mother-Daughter Reunion and The Declaration of War
A Secret Art? and Penny again!
The Adventures of Vic and Weiss! (A Small Side Story)
Confession, Secrets Revealed, and The Dance.
First Quest!
The Lesson From the Strongest Fairy.
The Sad Story of a God
The Fall of Beacon


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By VictoryForVictor

Hello! I know it's been awhile but if you would kindly look at up and see the amazing art someone drew of Team RWBY and Vic that i had commissioned, that would be awesome thanks!

The person that i got this from, goes by yuji_arts on twitter, they deserve a lot of praise. They didn't ask me to do this though, I really want other people to check them out as I love their art style.


Vic was currently in the middle of Emerald Forest, for more than one reason.

The first was because he was trying to create something, and he didn't know whether or not it could explode. He didn't want to take the chances. The second reason was because of the dance, why would that matter? Well apparently, Vic was more popular than he himself thought. It was officially one week till the dance, and now people were asking each other to it, and this brought on girls asking him to the dance, which he avoided answering and just ran.

He finally had a moment of peace, but he wasn't sure how long that would last.

Vic pulled out 6 dust crystals, and 2 piles of mixed dust. Among the 6 dust crystals there were, 2 ice dust crystals, 2 fire dust crystals, and 1 lightning dust crystals, 1 wind dust crystals.

When he was with Acnologia before he had an idea, with fusion magic and dust crystals, could he make his own type of lacrima? It sounded far-fetched but it could work in theory, and if it did, it could be used as a much stronger attack, like a magic spell inside a bullet, or they could break it and imagine their own sort of spell that happens.

Though he would have to test them first, he had a plan for that which he would do if it worked.

Vic picked up the 3 fire dust crystals, his hand glowed green as he had hellfire dragon flames come from it, which enveloped the crystals.

"Fusion Magic Make: Hellfire Dragon Dust Crystals." Vic chanted as he focused on fusing the magic and the crystals, the flames slowly becoming a part of the crystals as they were fused together.

Vic smiled as he saw the flames fully go inside the crystals, he sniffed them, they smelled both like dust and his flames. He brought one up to his eye and looked into it, inside of it he could see flames roaring around inside as if they were contained inside the crystal.

He set the crystals down and then began to work on the other ones, and one by one, he had them all done.

2 Arctic Dragon Dust Crystals, 3 Hellfire Dragon Dust Crystals, 1 Volt Dragon Dust Crystals, and 1 Tempest Dust Crystals. They did change colors from usual, the hellfire one went from a red to a dark orange. Arctic went from a light blue color to more of a dark blue color. Tempest, it went from a white color to a more gray color. And the Volt one went from yellow to a blue that was the color of his own lightning bolts, which wasn't surprising.

Now for the mixed dust piles, these were for Yin and Yang Dragon Dust Crystals. He held one pile in his hands, fusing it together with Yin Dragon Slayer Magic, and it slowly took shape into a crystal. Vic repeated the process with Yang Dragon Slayer Magic, and now had a Yin Dragon Dust Crystal, and a Yang Dragon Dust Crystal.

Now he just needed to test them, he picked up his scroll and called Ruby, who else would he call?

It rang for a moment before Ruby picked up, "Hi Vic!" She said on the other side.

Vic smiled, "Hey Ruby, are you busy at the moment?" he asked.

"Nope, i was just eating some cookies, don't tell Yang." Ruby told him in a hushed voice.

Vic laughed, "Don't worry i wont, can you currently see Emerald Forest?" He asked.

He waited a minute as there was silence, "yeah i can from the window, why?" She asked him.

"Can you come help me with something, it has to do with weapons." He asked her, he could hear her breathing change as she got excited.

"Where are you, I'll bring Crescent Rose and come over right away." Ruby said to him, talking fast.

"Just wait one moment.." Vic said as he put up his fist in the air, and then shot flames from it making a beacon of flames, "Follow the flames." he told her.

"What?" She asked him, Vic heard silence for a moment, then the call ended.

"3.. 2... 1..." Vic said as he counted down and before he could say 0, Ruby appeared in a red blur and tackled him, he stopped the flames coming from his fist and hugged her. "Hey Ruby." He said to her.

"Hi! So what did you need again? It's about weapons right?" Ruby said to Vic as she let go of him, she saw the newly made dust crystals and went over to look, "What are these?" she asked.

"I made them, I wouldn't touch them yet." Vic said as Ruby stopped just before she was about to pick one up, she stood back up.

"Right, but you made them, cool! What did you need me for though?" Ruby asked.

"Can I see Crescent Rose for a second?" Vic asked, Ruby looked hesitant, "Don't worry i wont do anything, i just want to hold it for a moment." He told her.

Ruby handed Vic Crescent Rose, he looked at it, switching it to its Scythe Mode and Gun Mode, looking over it., he handed it back to Ruby, "Thank you." he told her.

"What did you need to see Crescent Rose for?" She asked him.

Vic smiled as he brought a fist to his palm, 'Arctic Dragon's Ice Make: Crescent Rose!' Vic thought to himself, a light shined causing Ruby to close her eyes.

When Ruby reopened them she saw an ice form of Crescent Rose which was being held by Vic, "What?! How? When?" She asked confused, never using Vic using molding type magic before.

Vic smirked as he looked at it, it was a copy of it, Vic knew Gray could do it and his molding had gotten better, it was a perfect copy of it. "I just copied it using my magic." Vic said to her.

"So cool! I didn't know you could do that? Can you copy anything?" Ruby asked him.

"Well, not really sure, if I can look at it long enough and know what it does then most likely." Vic told her, he wasn't sure of himself on his molding limits with copying something, especially if it was a high-powered gun scythe. "I need to see if this even works." Vic said as he got an idea, "here try it out Ruby, it's durable so go all out, try it out and see if it feels the same as yours." he said handing it to her.

Ruby had stars in her eyes as she held the ice version of her weapon. It was a bit cold, but it felt the same as her normal weapon, she switched modes to its Scythe form and spun it around and slashed it a bit. She messed with it like how she normally would with hers and then walked backed over to Vic.

"Does it have any ammo?" She asked him, Vic paused for a moment, before bringing up his hand and ice admitted from it, he copied an ammo pack of hers quickly and gave it to her.

She loaded it switching to its gun mode and shot a few times.

Vic walked over, "How does it feel?" he asked her.

"It feels like the real thing! It's amazing! Could you do this with the other weapons as well?" She asked him as she handed him the ice copy.

"Maybe if I could study there's, but at the moment, nope." Vic said as he took out the ice ammo, "Now to test mine.." Vic said as he walked over and picked up a Hellfire Dragon Dust Crystal, he made an extra one so he could test it.

"So what now?" Ruby asked as she stood behind him, watching him.

"Now I need to see how this fires.." Vic said as he held up the dark orange dust crystal, he loaded it into the weapon, it was one shot only. "I would stay back," he told her.

Ruby nodded as she vanished and reappeared behind a tree that was nearby, hiding behind it as she peaked her head out.

"Alright here goes nothing!" Vic said as he switched the weapon into its Gun mode and aimed it at a tree in front of him.

Vic pulled the trigger, as soon as he did, a magic circle appeared and out of flames burst forth from it, they quickly took the shape of a dragon head which went forward at a high speed, it left a trail of flames in its wake as it went towards the tree, when it reached the tree a explosion happened causing Ruby to close her eyes, Vic meanwhile watched as the flame dragon kept going, destroying tree after tree, lighting them all on fire, it stopped after it took down 20 trees.

Ruby opened her eyes and saw the destruction that the one bullet had caused.

Vic, not wanting to start a forest fire, quickly inhaled deeply as he set the Ice version of Crescent Rose to the ground, 'Azure Dragon's Roar!' he thought as he launched the roar and it put out all the flames quickly before they could spread too far.

"At least it works, and that means these other ones do as well." Vic said as he smiled.

"That was so cool! It was like boom, bam! Woosh!" She said as she tried to describe it, Vic nodded with a smile, he made the ice version of Crescent Rose disappear as he didn't have a need for it anymore.

"Well they work, which is good." Vic said with a nod as he grabbed the 8 dust crystals.

"What are you going to do with them?" Ruby asked.

"You'll see. Are the others busy?" Vic said and asked the Red Reaper.

"Well, Don't think so, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are back in the dorm room, and Jaune and his team are in their room as well I'm pretty sure." she told Vic.

"I see, can you do me one more favor?" Vic asked her, she tilted her head, "Can you bring them all here for me?" he asked.

Ruby nodded, "Though why?" She asked.

"You'll see." Vic said with a smile.

Ruby didn't question further as she disappeared leaving a trail of roses.

Vic waited for them, he just stood relaxing as he felt the air hit his face, and blow through his hair. He felt something was approaching, something big, he didn't know what but his senses gave off something, he felt something was going to happen in the future.

He looked up at the sky, he wondered what the future would look like without Salem, what would happen when he turns into a dragon fully? What would they think?..

Vic also thought about some other things, he wondered if people would like him still if he transformed and turned into a monster? How would he protect them if they were afraid of him, it was what he was worried about most of all..

He looked at the crystals again, these were imbued with Dragon Slayer Magic, and his own, so he couldn't eat it. He knew one of the reasons he made this, it was for them to use against himself if they needed to. The other was in case they felt like they were in life threatening danger, which he hoped neither would happen.

He trusted Acnologia would deal with him if he went on a rampage, but if he couldn't get around in time, they could at least defend themselves against him if need be.

Vic waited for about 20 more minutes for them to arrive, when they did, he greeted them with a smile.

"Yo, thanks for coming out here guys." Vic said to them.

They all greeted him with a smile and a hello of sorts. Vic just kept his smile.

"So why did you have Ruby drag us all out here?" Weiss asked Vic.

"I'm glad you asked! Because I have a gift for all of you." Vic said, Ruby's eyes lit up as he said this, as she knew what it was, as she connected the dots.

"A gift? Vic you don't have to keep giving us things." Pyrrha said to Vic.

"Well, you're gonna get it no matter what, I made something for you guys using my magic." Vic said as got confused looks from them, meanwhile Ruby got more excited.

"You did? Is it safe for us to use?" Yang asked, a bit worried.

"Yep! Completely safe!" Vic said with a nod. He held up his hands, showing the crystals to them.

"Dust crystals?.." Blake asked, a bit unsure.

"Well, not exactly, they are a fusion of dust crystals and my magic to make a new type, in a sense, a Magical Dust Crystal." Vic said.

Both teams besides Ruby, were at a loss for words at how this was possible.

"How did you make these?" Ren asked Vic.

"It's pretty simple, combining my magic elements with the crystals. I had to refine it a bit, but in the end it worked out. I am giving you each one." Vic told them they were about to speak but Vic cut them off, "No buts, no nothing, I am giving you each one in case of emergency... these aren't your average dust crystals, they are powerful and can do some damage." Vic said as he pointed towards the destruction that had gone on before.

"Woah.. so cool!" Nora excitedly said, Ruby nodded in agreement.

"Are you sure it's safe for us to have these..? What if they explode on us?" Jaune asked, he was nervous to receive one.

"Yep, all safe! I wouldn't give you guys these if I didn't know they wouldn't be safe." Vic reassured Jaune and the others, who smiled.

"Well if Vic says it's okay then I'll believe him!" Yang said with a nod.

"Yeah, now which one do I get!" Nora agreed and asked with stars in her eyes.

Vic chuckled a bit, he walked over to her and handed her a Volt Dragon Dust Crystal, her eyes sparkled as she looked at it, "Its full of the blue lightning I use, I'm sure you will know how to use it, it will give you much more of a power boost then a normal dust crystal." Vic told her and Nora nodded.

Vic looked at Ren who was standing next to Nora, "Ren this one's yours." Vic told him as he handed him an Arctic Dragon Dust Crystal, "I have trust you'll use this wisely. It's full of the ice I can use, I trust you can do a lot with it." he said and Ren nodded as he looked at it, he noticed how cold to the touch it was.

He walked over to Pyrrha, "This one's yours, use it wisely," He said handing her a Hellfire Dragon Dust Crystal, she nodded and smiled, she could feel the heat it gave off.

Pyrrha brought it up to her eye and saw the rampaging flames inside the crystal and it amazed her.

Vic looked at Jaune who looked a bit worried about receiving one of these, Vic smiled at him, "Jaune, you're going to do fine, this one's yours." Vic said as he handed him a Yang Dragon Dust Crystal. "This one uses Light Magic, it's perfect for you.." he told Jaune who looked at the crystal then at Vic and nodded.

Jaune looked down at the crystal again as Vic walked over to RWBY, he wouldn't let Vic's trust in him fail.

Vic walked to Yang who was smirking, "You get this one, full of firepower, I can trust you will use it correctly." he told Yang as he handed her a Hellfire Dragon Dust Crystal, it may have been a mistake to give her the flaming one, but he thinks it suits her.

He looked at Ruby, and handed her the Tempest Dragon Dust Crystal, "use it well." he said and she nodded. He didn't need to tell Ruby anymore, he knew she'd be perfect for it.

Vic looked at Weiss, "This one is yours, use it to its fullest potential, Ice Queen." Vic said with a smirk, holding out the Arctic Dragon Dust Crystal.

"Hey!" Weiss said, earning laughs from everyone else, she took the crystal, it surprised her at how cold it was, she brought it up to her face, looking at it, she could see inside the crystal, a raging blizzard, it reminded her of when Vic saved her from the white fang.

Vic looked at Blake, he could see how tired she was, he knew she was obsessed about finding Adam. He had been looking in his free time as well, he hadn't found much, Adam covers his tracks really well. Vic kind of wished he killed Adam that day, though he doesn't think Blake would've reacted well.

"This one is yours." He said and handed her the Yin Dragon Dust Crystal, "I know you will do good with it." he said as he smiled.

She nodded, and looked at it, she wondered what it could do.

Vic smiled as he watched them all look at the crystals. He knew they would do good with them.


Vic sat awake at the top of Beacons dorms, he had come here a lot. It was late at night, the broken moon shone over the sky.

He came here often, it was his place of relaxation. He could calm down here and just sit and do nothing.

He came here for various reasons, if he had a nightmare, and didn't feel like going back to sleep, which was one of these times.

He had a nightmare, which reminded him of things, things he did back in his own world. He regrets what he had to do to survive.

He told Rogue, Lucy, and Frosch, a bit of what happened, though not everything..

One thing kept going back to him in his mind, he always felt like something was missing from his mind, like a piece of his life or someone in it was just erased..

Vic sighed as he didn't know if he was going crazy from what happened or if something really was missing.

He felt his ear twitch as he heard the door open behind him, he turned and saw Lucy, she looked surprised to see him. She was in her PJ's.

"Huh Vic?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah, it's me." Vic told her

Lucy walked over to him, "What are you doing out here at this hour?" Lucy asked Vic

"I could ask you the same thing." He told her with a smile, she smiled back at him.

"Can I sit?" she asked him, he nodded, and she sat down next to him.

They sat in silence as they looked up at the sky. The stars shone over them both.

"So why are you out here?" Vic asked, looking at her.

"I asked you first." She said to him as she looked back at him, he smiled and sighed.

"Had a nightmare about the past, so I decided to come here and relax. It's what I usually do, it's oddly calming to look up at the broken moon." he told her then asked, "What about you?"

"Same reason, nightmare as well." she told him, "I was hoping you'd be awake, though I didn't want to bother you with it.." she said to him.

"You can, I don't mind, I like helping" Vic said to her with a reassuring smile.

She smiled back at him, she felt so calm at the moment in Vic's presence. "Thank you." she said to him.

He nodded, keeping the smile.

They stayed there for a while as they talked back and forth, Lucy talked about the nightmare she had and Vic listened.


It was now day time of the same day, Vic talked with Lucy all morning, but now it was a hour past noon, Vic could be seen in the middle of emerald forest, they were far away from any camera and were in a more deeper part of the forest, helping Rogue train as both dragon slayer's clashed.

"Come on Rogue! I know you can do better than that!" Vic yelled to him as he moved his arm and sent a wave of ice towards Rogue.

Rogue gritted his teeth as he sunk into the shadows and dodged the ice wave. Vic smirked as he turned quickly and caught Rogue's fist with a smirk.

"Come on Rogue.. Get a bit serious.." Vic told him.

Vic pushed Rogue back causing Rogue to get sent back, he landed with ease though.

Rogue inhaled deeply, "White-Shadow Dragon Mode.." Rogue muttered as Shadows and White magic flowed around him.

Vic smirked as he watched Rogue's hair rise showing the other half of his face.

"There we go, that's more like it!" Vic said, "Don't worry, I'll get a bit serious too." Vic said as he gathered magic around him, "Tempest Dragon Mode.." Vic said as the wind picked up.

Rogue's eye widened as he felt the familiar magic, "This feeling.. Sky Dragon Slayer Magic?" Rogue asked.

"Nope, but it's similar, as I said, It's called Tempest Dragon Slayer Magic." Vic said with a smirk.

"I see.. You are full of surprises, when did you get this magic?" Rogue asked Vic.

"When we helped Raven, I asked her to lend me some wind magic, and fused it together with Volt and Azure Dragon Slayer Magic, and was able to make Tempest Dragon Slayer Magic." Vic answered with a smile.

"Of course you'd be the one to think of something like that, and have it actually work.. Very well then, show me what it can do." Rogue said to Vic, who nodded and smiled.

Both inhaled deeply, leaning backwards,

"White-Shadow Dragon..."

"Tempest Dragon..."

Both stopped inhaling as they looked at each other, smiling.

"Roar!" both yelled as they unleashed their breath attacks towards each other.

The roars clashed in the middle, with both Dragon Slayers smirking as they each planned their next move.

While Rogue and Vic are training, let us take a look at what is currently happening in the RWBY dorm room.

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Lucy, Nora, and Pyrrha could be seen in the dorm room. They all sat around the room, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Pyrrha seemed confused while Nora smiled.

"So.. why are we all here?" Blake asked, she as well as the rest besides Nora, were confused.

"I'm glad you asked!" Nora said, Blake got a feeling she would regret asking. Nora walked around the room with a devious smile, none of them liked it and wondered where this was going to go.

After a few seconds of silence, Yang spoke up, "So.. are you gonna tell us?.." she asked Nora.

Nora nodded with a smile, "Yep! I've gathered you all here to talk about the dance." She said, gaining confused looks.

She looked at RWBY and Lucy, "So who's asking Vic?" Nora said with a smile. They didn't know how to react, meanwhile Pyrrha sighed to herself, and hoped she wouldn't be the next target.

"What are you talking about?" Weiss asked, her face red, she looked at Nora.

The other girls mentioned, turned red, while looking away, Blake hid her face in a book, Ruby looked at the ground, Yang whistled while looking at the wall, and Lucy froze with a red face.

"Don't bother hiding it, it's obvious." Nora said giggling to herself a bit, she looked at Pyrrha, "Oh you're not getting out of this that easily!"

Pyrrha froze, she was inches away from the door, she cursed herself for being too slow.

"When are you asking Jaune to the dance?" Nora asked Pyrrha, as her face went as red as her hair.

"I-I.." Pyrrha tried to speak but nothing came out, causing Nora to laugh.

Yang wasn't gonna let her off though, "what about you and Ren, have you asked him?" She asked Nora.

Nora's face turned red as the others looked at her, "Well, we... aren't.. Together together.." she said as she looked away, it was the others turn to laugh at her.

"Not together-together... Sure.." Yang said, laughing at Nora, who still had a red face.

"We aren't!" Nora said to Yang who kept laughing. "This isn't about me or Ren, this is about you guys!" She said, trying to get back to the topic, she pointed at them "You 5 clearly have a crush on Vic, and Pyrrha is so obvious that I'm surprised Jaune hasn't figured it out," Nora said as she sighed.

The others looked at each other, unsure of what to say, they've all been called out by Nora who successfully got back to the topic she wanted.

"Why haven't one of you guys tried asking him out?" Nora asked them.

They all looked at each other, "Well, I did, but then got found out by the others before I could." Yang said as she scratched the back of her head.

"Wait what?" Nora said, surprised, Pyrrha looked surprised as well.

"Yang, that's supposed to be a secret!" Weiss said to her.

"Cats already out of the bag Weiss." Yang said to her, causing the ice princess to sigh.

"Go back, what happened?" Nora asked, very very curious.

"Well, I was going to try putting on the Yang charm," Yang started, getting eye rolls from them, she ignored them, "and try to ask him out, they found out and we all came together and found out all of us liked him, decided to do a peace treaty." Yang explained.

"Why did Weiss try to deny it then?" Nora asked.

Yang shrugged, "That's just Weiss being Weiss."


"Moving on, what does this peace treaty entail?" Nora asked, being curious as ever.

"We haven't fully thought it out.. For now we just have decided to not do anything.." Blake said as she moved her book away from her face.

"Well what are you going to do if someone else steals him away from you guys?" Nora said.

"That won't happen." Yang said to her.

"Really.. You do know he is daily getting chased by a mob of girls who want to ask him to the dance.. Right?" Nora said.

"Yeah, but he's not saying yes to any of them, and is constantly on the run from them, honestly they should just leave him alone." Weiss said, gaining nods from the others.

"Fair enough." Nora said with a shrug. "But you guys should at least make some sort of move, who knows what's going to happen in the future." Nora said to them.

"We should also take Vic's feelings into consideration.. What if he doesn't feel that way towards us?" Ruby said, catching their attention.

"Knock him over the head until he falls for us?" Yang suggested.

"Yang, we can't do that.. Can we?" Ruby said, looking around.

"No, we can't." Lucy said with a sigh. "We need to figure something out, we also need to know how Vic feels about us.." she said to them.

"Easier said than done, we can't just go up to him and ask him." Weiss said.

Nora smiled and laughed, catching their attention, "Well, don't you worry! I've already thought of that!" Nora said to them.

"Should we be concerned?" Lucy asked Ruby, who nodded.

"What did you do now?" Weiss asked as Nora giggled to herself.

"I've asked for someone's help! Rogue's help!" Nora said with a smile.

"What?!" the 5 of them said.

"As you know, Rogue and Vic are training off somewhere deep in the forest, far away at the moment, so I asked him to do something for me, predicting that this would come up!" Nora said.

"How did you get Rogue to do something for you?.." Blake asked, surprised Rogue would do something for Nora willingly.

"I bribed him, I gave him some money to get Frosch a new outfit as well as told him I'd be quiet around him for a week." Nora said with a smile.

"That makes sense, but how did you know it would go this way?" Lucy asked her.

"I didn't! It just worked out this way, and I'm glad it did!" Nora said with a confident smile.

"So what is Rogue going to ask Vic to begin with?" Yang asked her.

"Well, he's going to ask Vic what he thinks of all of you, obviously." Nora said to them.

All of them face palmed, Nora looked around and noticed Pyrrha not there anymore.

"Wait, where did Pyrrha go?" Nora asked.

"She left a while ago." Blake said as she pointed to the open door.

"Well.. I'll get her later." Nora said with a shrug, walking over to the door and closing it.

'We should've ran with her..' all 5 of them thought.

"So when is this going to happen?" Yang asked.

"No clue, Rogue said he would call me when he got the chance to ask him." Nora said with a shrug.

Now we go back to Emerald Forest, where Vic and Rogue are. Rogue looked tired and a bit beat up while Vic barely had any scratches on him.

"Now you know how I feel when training against Acnologia." Vic said with a smile.

Rogue smiled back, "I'm guessing you've yet to even put up a decent scratch against him?" Rogue asked, Vic nodded in response.

"Yeah, I only fought against him in his dragon form once.. And it's insane.." Vic said as he sighed

Rogue grew a surprised look, as if Vic was crazy, which he was but that was besides the point, "You fought him in his Dragon Form?.. It seems you are stronger than I thought." he said to Vic.

Vic chuckled with a smile, "Yeah, but didn't last long, I only lasted two attacks, and I was done for. I didn't even manage to hit him while in that form."

"It seems we both are still far from his league." Rogue said with a sigh.

"Yep, but one day, we will get there." Vic said to him with a smile, Rogue smiled back.

Rogue moved his hand into his pocket, he had memorized the scroll screen by now and opened it up and called Nora, he made sure to press the mute button though so Vic wouldn't hear them. Rogue knew this was a bad idea, but a Nora free week and money to spoil Frosch with was worth it.

Rogue looked towards Vic, "Vic, do you mind if I ask you something?" Rogue said to him.

"Hm? What is it?" Vic asked Rogue, for some reason Rogue saw Vic's ear move a bit, he didn't know what that meant.

"Pardon my curiosity, but I was wondering, what do you think of team RWBY? As well as Lucy?" Rogue asked Vic.

Vic looked at Rogue with confusion, "Why are you asking something like that?" he asked Rogue.

"To be honest, It's just my curiosity of what you think of them. I've seen how you interact with everyone, I just want to know what you truly think of them." Rogue said, Nora was lucky Rogue had prepared a bit of something.

"Hm i see.." Vic said as he looked up, he thought about it.

"You never really ask about this, so I was surprised." Vic said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I know but I've been curious and thought now would be a good time." Rogue said to Vic.

Vic sighed, "Well, I care a lot about each of them, they mean a lot to me, and I would do anything for them, I've told you this before." he said to Rogue.

"Yes, I know, but I was curious if there was anything else." Rogue said to Vic.

"I see.." Vic said as he put his finger to his chin to think.

"What about romantically? Do you feel anything like that towards them?" Rogue asked, it was the big question, he wanted to get it out of the way. He internally sighed.

Vic's cheeks turned red, "Eh??" he said, looking towards Rogue.

"You heard me."

"I did! But why are you asking that!"

"Because I'm curious."

Vic sighed as his cheeks remained red, while Rogue smirked at him.

Vic looked upwards at the sky, clouds covering the sun at the moment, "I honestly.. Do.." Vic said as he looked at the ground.

Rogue kept his smile, he didn't speak yet.

Vic went on, "They've all done so much for me, Ruby, Yang, Blake, Weiss, and Lucy. Everyone has done so much for me."

"I see.. Why don't you tell them this yourself?" Rogue asked Vic.

Vic smiled, "I'd like to, but.. I doubt they feel the same way, and They deserve someone better than me." he said with a slight chuckle.

"You look down on yourself too much Vic, you are an amazing person." Rogue said to him, he never thought he'd be the one to tell Vic this.

"Thanks Rogue, glad to hear you think so." Vic said with a smile.

Rogue nodded, "Should we get back to training?" he asked as he reached into his pocket, and ended the call with Nora.

Vic nodded as he smiled.

Both of them went back to training, meanwhile in the RWBY Dorm room...

"Yes Yes Yes!" Nora cheered, she got the result she wanted, Rogue did exactly as planned.

"You know what this means?" Nora said, looking towards the other 5 girls who were red in the face. Nora smirked as she wanted this to happen.

They remained silent while looking at each other, not sure of what to say.

"Come on, this is your chance! You heard him loud and clear!" Nora said to them, she really wanted to help them all get together. "You guys gotta do something now!" she told them.

"Fine, but we need to do it correctly." Weiss said, surprising them that she would be the one to take the lead.

"Didn't expect that.." Blake said, as Lucy nodded.

"I thought Yang would've taken the lead on this." Ruby said.

"Yeah, good going Weiss." Yang said with a thumbs up.

Weiss sighed, regretting speaking up first now, "Whatever, just listen." She said, catching their attention.

Nora smiled to herself as she knew she was the cause of this and couldn't wait until all of them finally got together.


I'm indeed still alive! Writer's block has been killing me for the longest time. Iv also got a new story if ya want to check it out!

Do you like Pokémon? My Hero Academia? Follow Akane on his adventure in a world full of heroes! Its first chapter is out already so go take a read if it seems interesting, thanks!

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