Quiet In Beverly Hills - YB I...


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My second YUNGBLUD book, I'm back, my chickens! All types of requests are open, fluff, smut and angst! Reques... More

Massages [S]
Fool [F]
First Time [S]
Nesting [F]
Asthma [A]
Bookstore Girl [F]
Like A Virgin [S]
Baby Blud [F]
3rd Party [Poly S]
Nanny [F]
Tattoo [F]
Bunny [S]
Tattoo - 2 [S]
Places We Don't Talk [A]
Masquerade [F]
Vienna [A/F]
Time To Heal [A]
Disneyland [F]
Double Date [F]
Disneyland Pt 2 - [S]
Graduation [S]
Skinny Dipping [F]
Lick Of Paint [S]
Lotus [S]
Interviews [F]
50 Shades Of Fuck-No [A]
Stretch Marks [A/S]
Anniversary Trip [A]
Carmilla [A/N]
Dom's Adoration [S]
Good Boy [S]
Being Dad [S]
Boyfriend Material [S]
Intimate Scenes [F]
A Day Of First [S]
Body Shot [S]
Gala [S]
Sweeney Todd [S]
Announcement/Final Chapter

Teacher [A]

433 11 73

Summary: Dom as a head of year will always protects his young women students

Trigger Warnings: Scene of an underage Y/N (15 years old) being sexually assaulted, themes of sexual assault, allusions to rape, mentions of injury, Y/N has a panic attack, followed by Dom comfort

If any of the themes disclosed above are too triggering, then please do not read this imagine. Your wellbeing comes first - Lana 🤍

Word Count: 2,750


Y/N's Pov

I can still feel Brandon's hands against my thighs as I sprint away down the hallway.

His hands were pressed tightly against my thighs. His breath was hot and heavy against my neck. I tried to kick and scream and get away from him, but he wouldn't let me go. His hands were clamped around my waist.

Every part of my body was there for him to touch. Over my school uniform. My school blazer, my school jumper and skirt, tie, and white shirt. He treated me like I was something he knew I wouldn't give, so I was something to take.

He'd been obsessed with me for years, since we joined Year 7 and now we were in Year 10. He would always be creepy and make me uncomfortable. He'd always linger around for me, and stare at me.

He asked me multiple, multiple times to go out with him. It was any opportunity. Whenever we had a school dance or disco, or we were having a school trip, he would try and partner up with me. I would always reject him.

I was quite lucky to have Steph swoop in and rescue me whenever I needed. She would be my "date" to the dance, she would be the person I partnered up with for any project and any single thing where there was an opportunity.

But, sometimes he would just ask me out on dates, and ask me to hang out with him after school.

Which I rejected, every single time.

I told him no, that I wasn't interested in him, but from Year 7 to the end of Year 9 nothing was done about it, because of old head of Year was absolutely useless, and defended and sided with every single boy.

All the times I reported anything he did to me to her, she told me that he obviously likes me, and this was his way of gaining my attention and wanting my affection; that I needed to stop being so harsh about letting him down.

Because of course a "no" isn't enough for men.

Then, when we came back a couple of terms ago, we had a new year leader, and from the moment he walked in, we all knew things were changing.

Our old head of year was extremely conservative. She practically wandered the halls clutching makeup wipes, as she pulled every single girl out for the most minute of things.

Your earrings weren't studded, your hair was dyed an unnatural colour, you were wearing makeup, God forbid the horror that your skirt didn't go to below your knees, before you were dealing with her wrath.

Of course she didn't have the same standards of care for the boys who would walk around with their ties around their hands like bandanas and their trousers hanging so low we quickly distinguished who still wore Spiderman boxers on a day to day basis.

But, we could see our newest one was different.

He was wearing a black suit, with a black collared shirt underneath it, his fingers covered in rings, eyeliner on, black hair, a lock necklace around his necklace, which we learnt was a shared necklace with his girlfriend Jesse. 

He was first introduced to us as Mr Harrison but quickly told us we were allowed to refer to him as Dom from himself.

The first lesson I had from him was Media. He was the newest Media teacher, and I'd taken the class for GCSE. The classroom walls were covered in old The Cure, Arctic Monkeys, Oasis posters all over the room, as well as tons of old horror movie posters.

Instantly, I could tell his room was a comforting environment. He had a BIPOC flag on the wall, and on the board was written his name, his pronouns, and where he was from.

"Dom, he/him, from Doncaster,"

The very important things, name, pronouns, Doncaster.

He had such a comforting energy about him instantly, and his lessons became my absolute favourite. Our lessons would get extremely sidetracked extremely quickly, and we all loved listening to his rants.

He would start with actually teaching us about music and the marketing of albums and how the process works, and would begin to explain it to us by using a favourite band of his, but as we quickly learnt about his ADHD, it did not stay that way.

20 minutes in and we would've just ended up talking about which Arctic Monkeys album was the best and everyone debating which year Alex Turner looked the fittest in. 2014 if you were wondering.

The other thing that made us love Dom so much was how supportive he was of everyone. He was extremely advocating of LGBT+ rights, POC rights, neurodivergent rights, etc.

He would scold whoever misused racial slurs, the r slur as well as homophobic ones. He had no time for anyone who could misuse slurs and hurt people in that way, large portions of his lessons would be left in order to explain this point.

He also started a pride society and multiple people joined it, some were just allies, but he made a massive change that our year needed. We were no longer "allowed" to be gay in the year, but not mention it when it was inconvenient.

We were allowed to be loud about our sexuality, Dom would encourage it. In the club, we would write down our sexuality, and our pronouns, and we could talk about lgbt novels that we'd read, what was going on in the community, anything we wanted.

Dom quickly became like our friend. He was always willing to have a joke with us, and he was far more relaxed about the rules. As long as you were polite, behaved well, did your work and had good attendance, he didn't care if you wore makeup, or had rings or your uniform altered in some way.

We all knew the other head of years and teachers were getting extremely frustrated with him, as they would send report after report of "incidents" which were just our bodies existing as teenage girls, and Dom would say he was "dealing with it" but really did nothing.

Another thing that made all the girls instantly rush to him like a magnet was how he advocated for women so much. He always talked about consent, and the importance of it. He would often have lectures for the boys about it.

He was "vulgar" in his language about how he talked to the boys. He would describe what happened to women, rape and sexual assault. I won't forget in an extremely long time what he said to them.

"Young women like the girls in your year should be safe here. Grown men are the ones that they should worry about hurting them. But if you all are going to hurt them and make them feel scared, then God help them when they go outside of school,"

It meant everything to us. I thought it meant that something was going to change.

But, three months after Dom became our year leader, this was still happening to me.

Brandon was sexually assaulting me in the 2nd floor science corridor, his hands against my hips, as he went to kiss me.

My fight of flight kicked in, my heart was beating out of my chest, and I fought.

So I bit.

I bit down on his tongue as hard as I could, and my knee went to crush into his balls as hard as I could, it was quite easy. I was against the wall, so my boot made contact with the wall as I shoved my knee forward as hard I could.

"You fucking bitch!" He shouted out, as he let go of me, and collapsed to the ground. Blood was coming out of his mouth now, dripping down onto the floor. I could practically taste it on my own tongue.

It was lunch now, so this was why no-one saw us.. I'd gone up to the 2nd floor to talk to my English teacher if I could borrow a school copy of the Bell Jar for my upcoming Women's Literature essay.

Another, saddening, but necessary detail is that Science and English corridors were only able to be left during lunch breaks by the same main stairwell.

The stairways that lead down from the end of both hallways are locked during any form of break or after school, mainly because too many older years were caught smoking cigarettes, doing drugs underneath the stairs or hiding while bunking, there's no supports underneath the steps.

And that embarrassing incident as the beginning of Year 9 where one of the girls in our year, the known school bully and, though I don't always call her it, slag, was caught by our old head of year giving a Year 11 boy a hand job during after school detention hours.

Surprised she didn't die of shock, both the girl and my head of year.

So, I had no choice to walk down the main stairwell, and as I got down to the stairwell, that's where I ran into Brandon.

He's close with the Science department, he's planning to do some performance thing as the Year 10 Science Fair, which I've skipped every single year without fail due to him, so I assume he was probably talking to something about it.

I tried to avoid him, beginning to walk down the stairs, but he seemed to have other ideas.

He grabbed the back of my backpack and slammed it against the wall, his hands replacing the touch on the straps to my waist. That was when his hands went everywhere.

They travelled so quickly in such a short amount of time. It was only about 5 seconds before he went to kiss me, and I just bit.

As he was bleeding, unable to get up from how hard I'd hit his balls, I ran. I ran away from the Science corridors and along the Art corridor to the end, where the media room is.

Dom's room.

I was so fucking terrified, but kept running. I felt like the weight of Brandon's hands on my hips were still there, but I could not and would not stop running for a second. Not till I got to the end of the hallway, where it was safe.

I rushed into the room, and burst the door open. Dom's eyes immediately widened as he saw me. He was eating his lunch, I knew he had a free period the 4th period on Friday, which would be the next class.

He was watching something on Youtube, but instantly paused it as he saw me. "Woah, woah, Y/N, love, what's going on?" He asked, putting his plate of food down on his desk, beginning to come over to me.

"LOCK THE FUCKING DOOR!" I screamed, terrified that Brandon would see where I'd run and come and assault me more.

Dom, concerned, did as I asked him, and he locked the door of his classroom. I was in genuine emotional distress, as my body shook and I began to cry.  I was so scared, as I began to shake and cry.

"Y/N, Y/N, come here," He said, as his hands took mine softly. He held my hands, as he looked me in his eyes. "Breathe with me," He said, as he slowly took a deep breath. I did as he told me, and took in a deep breath.

I took a deep breath, and then breathed out, and he copied and did the exact same things as me. We did this for a few moments, and I finally began to calm down. The way he breathed with me, and took his time with me to properly calm me down.

My hands were shaking, but slowly my tears began to stop flowing, as he wiped my tears. "You're okay, you're okay. We're in a locked classroom, you are safe, Y/N. You're not going to be hurt," He assured.

Wiping my own eyes, I looked up at him. "What's going on, Y/N? Please tell me, so I can help you," He said. With my breath caught in my throat, I finally took a breath out and tried to explain everything.

I told him all about the assault, as I'd already told him about Brandon's creepy feelings towards me, and he'd given him many a lecture as well as a punishments for what he's done. But, he clearly had no way of being stopped from doing what he was going to plan.

Dom's eyes widen, and his mouth drops open as I tell him what happened. By the time I'm finished, I look softly at him, and he takes a deep breath before saying anything to me.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N,"

My eyes begin to water again, and Dom passes me a tissue. "Whenever anyone violates you like that, it's never your fault," He explained, as my hand slowly places over his.

"It has nothing to do with however you looked at him. Or if you weren't 'clear' enough rejecting him. It has nothing to do with your smile, or how gentle you are. It was nothing to do with your uniform. It was all on him, and how he hurt you, knowing that it was wrong. I'm so sorry you were just the one who had to experience it,"

I don't know what to say.

No-one has ever been so understanding whenever anything has happened to me. My eyes water more and more as he holds out his arms. "If you don't want to hug me, it's okay. But if you want to, come here," He said.

I can't hold back. I wrap my arms around him, as he holds me. "I promise, Brandon is going to be dealt with properly. He won't be in any of your lessons with you, I will do everything in my power to keep him away from you, it's a miracle if he'll still be in this school after this," Dom said.

As I break away from the hug, Dom goes over to his laptop, and sees that an email has already been sent from the deputy Headteacher and my heart drops as I see what's the email says.

Brandon has said that I have assaulted him.

Dom's mouth drops, as he gets onto the email and she says she's bringing Brandon down to his room. I'm so scared, so Dom finds me somewhere to go. "Y/N, the printer room locks, are you comfortable staying in there?" He asks.

Connected to Dom's room, there's a smaller room, which links to the printer. I nod, and go in there. "Do I have your permission to lock it?" Dom asks. I do as he says, as he locks the door. 

My stomach is churning as the Deputy Head brings in Brandon. "Brandon, what do you think gave you the right to assault Y/N?" He asks him, and my heart skips beats. "I didn't, she assaulted me," He replied.

"Look at my tongue," He says, sticking his tongue out, as it was covered in drying blood. I feel no sympathy for what I did. "Well, how do you explain what Y/N told me. There's CCTV in the stairwell Brandon, we will see what you've done," Dom orders.

That's where Brandon breaks down. "Alright, fine! I fucking did it, but she still fucking assaulted me!" He said, as Dom's face gets angrier and angrier. "You're lucky that she didn't do worse to you," Dom scoffs.

"It's a crime you just committed, Brandon. The CCTV shows it, Y/N and her family could get you convicted if they wanted. And if she doesn't, count yourself lucky biting you was all she did,"

"One day, you're going to cross with the wrong woman. If you keep trying to assault women, one of them is going to give you what you deserve, and you will have no-one to blame for it, and I won't have you assaulting other classmates," Dom finishes.

"What's going to happen to me?" Brandon asked, his voice significantly smaller than before.

"I'll be reporting this to Y/N's parents, your parents, and straight to the Headteacher. I will definitely be vouching for you to be permanently excluded. Whether the police will get involved is out of my hands," Dom says, and I can't stop from a smirk forming on my lips.

"Miss, can you please take Brandon up to the Headteacher?" Dom asks. He's looking down at the floor by the time he's led away.

The moment the door shuts, Dom unlocks and immediately opens the door. "Do you really mean that?" I ask him, and he nods and my eyes widen. "Yes, every word of it. I will do absolutely everything in my power to get him away. I promise that to you," Dom says.

"Do you want me to call your parents? I know you have two classes left today, and I know you're extremely upset. I'll tell them everything, and come get them to pick you up, I don't want you going home alone," He says, as he goes to call my Mum.

I let out a long sigh. I'm hoping and praying that the nightmare is over. Brandon will hopefully go from the school, and he won't hurt me. I open my phone, and quickly answer all the texts that Steph has sent me, asking where I went.

I barely get time to tell her anything, before I'm already leaving the school, and wait. Just have to wait.


My heart bursts as I see the email from Dom. Brandon's been permanently expelled. I almost break down in Steph's arms, who's come to me after school. It's all over now. 


Author's Note! AHHH I'M SO SORRY!




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