Quiet In Beverly Hills - YB I...


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My second YUNGBLUD book, I'm back, my chickens! All types of requests are open, fluff, smut and angst! Reques... More

Massages [S]
Fool [F]
First Time [S]
Nesting [F]
Asthma [A]
Bookstore Girl [F]
Like A Virgin [S]
Baby Blud [F]
3rd Party [Poly S]
Nanny [F]
Tattoo [F]
Bunny [S]
Tattoo - 2 [S]
Places We Don't Talk [A]
Masquerade [F]
Vienna [A/F]
Time To Heal [A]
Teacher [A]
Double Date [F]
Disneyland Pt 2 - [S]
Graduation [S]
Skinny Dipping [F]
Lick Of Paint [S]
Lotus [S]
Interviews [F]
50 Shades Of Fuck-No [A]
Stretch Marks [A/S]
Anniversary Trip [A]
Carmilla [A/N]
Dom's Adoration [S]
Good Boy [S]
Being Dad [S]
Boyfriend Material [S]
Intimate Scenes [F]
A Day Of First [S]
Body Shot [S]
Gala [S]
Sweeney Todd [S]
Announcement/Final Chapter

Disneyland [F]

369 9 28

Summary: The bodyguard of a famous author has to guard her and her daughter at Disneyland

Word Count: 3,500

Dom's POV

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake!"

Rose's hands tap against my face, as she tries and wakes me up. She's standing on my chest, proudly stood in her pink Sleeping Beauty dress, and clutching her Fairy Godmother wand. "We have Disneyland!" She exclaimed.

If you didn't realise just yet, she is absolutely obsessed with Disney.

I reach over for my phone, as I look at the time. Christ. "Rose, it's five in the morning," I grumble, as I put my phone back down on the hotel bedside table. "I wanna go!" She complains, as she finally decides standing on me is not a good idea and can get a breath.

But, pretty much since Rose has been born, she's been obsessed with Disney. Every single Disney movie she's watched back, to back, to back. She has so many costumes of pretty much all of the Disney princesses, and some of just her favourite characters.

She runs around the house, or in the car, or on flights, singing all the songs. As sweet as it can be, it can sometimes be slightly headache inducing. There's only so many times you can hear a five old year scream the lyrics of whatever movie she's obsessed with at the moment.

But, one thing, she's never been to Disneyland.

Living in the UK, means we're neither near Florida or Paris, and due to her mum's busy work schedule, they don't too often have free time or a free schedule for holidays and trips to other places.

I've been the bodyguard for Y/N since she gave birth to Rose in July five years ago. Y/N was an extremely popular author, she's written year after years some of the most well known and well liked romance books.

Her most popular book, as well as her most recent release, Queen of Hell, has reached new heights of fame and popularity that no-one could ever possibly see coming. So, with COVID restrictions finally lifted, she could finally do some official press releases and signing for it.

This made my job a thousand times more important.

It was my job to sit next to her and keep an eye on her and the people who were approaching her whenever she was doing her book signings, and protect her from anyone suspicious. I was quite lucky in a fact that for the most part the fans were harmless.

They were mostly teenagers, between the ages of 12 to 19 year old, and they were vast majority women and teen girls, means for the most part, I could rely on them not being too much physical harm either. I instantly went on higher alert whenever men came over.

While the majority of them were boyfriends or dads of girls who were fans of the books, and has been sent to get their girlfriends or daughters books signed, there were of course a couple of men who were perverts.

Y/N is very pretty, I don't think many people could deny it. Every part about her, down the way she carried herself attracted male attention. Sometimes it would end up with some gross men.

They'd literally buy her books in the bookstore, go immediately into the line, and then spend the whole time she was writing and signing the book, they'd be flirting with her and try to get her to go out as she was in town.

That was when I came into play. I would stand straight behind her, and be looking at them as angrily as I possibly could, until they left, and could take a step back. Of course that wasn't all that I had to do.

I also had to make sure that Y/N was okay whenever she went out in public, with Rose. Because Rose was so small, she would get scared. So, my job was to make sure she had personal space, and get paparazzi away from her.

Y/N was, since she started writing romance novels, always had a sense of celebrity air about her. The way she promoted her social media, as well as the way she spoke in interviews, it always made her stand out a bit.

Her being attractive as well, definitely added to her more of a "celebrity" trait about her. And that was sadly the reason for some of the more disgusting male attention she managed to garner.

Thankfully, as Rose got older, though she is only still five years old to this day, she has gotten more used to the cameras. She thinks they're quite fun, and she treats it like it's her own personal TV show.

But, they do of course put her in absolutely dangerous situations. Especially when crowds of fans and people were swarming Y/N, it would be far too easy for Y/N and Rose to get seperated. So, I would immediately scoop her up and make sure she was safe, and got back to her mum safe.

That also lead her to get very emotionally attached to me. She would run to me whenever she was scared of anything, because she had figured out that it was, quite literally, my job to protect her from danger.

Scary TV character, she would rush to me. Spider in the bathroom or her room that was freaking her out, she'd go make me go get it out. If she was convinced there was a ghost in her room, she'd make me go "deal with them" or get rid of them.

And, the reason we were going to Disneyland, was because of Y/N's previously mentioned book signing. She's been doing a tour around, and we're in Paris at the moment.

So, she's decided to take three days in Paris as well as two a  

I'd do as she asked, thought it did feel that sometimes she would definitely milk it sometimes. But I can't blame her for it.

"Rose, it's 5am in the morning. How did you even get into my hotel room?" I ask, as I sit up in bed. "I took the card!" She sung, as she pulled out the black key card that was connected to our rooms.

We had copy of the keys together, I had one of hers and she had mine. The intention of that was not have a five year old waltzing into my room in the early hours of the morning excited for her day trip.

"Jesus," I said, as I sat up as I grabbed the key card from her. I quickly grabbed her hand, got out of bed, which was not my ideal idea, as I grabbed my own keycard, and opened my hotel room door, and went to Y/N's hotel room door.

I opened the door with the keycard, and Y/N was still asleep. "Get back in your bed," I silently whispered for her ear, and she was giggling. Her giggling clearly woke up, as Y/N sat up in bed. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Rose took your keycard, and decided to take herself into my room because she's all dressed for Disneyland," I chuckled, as I finished tucking Rose into bed. "Rose, go back to sleep for a few hours," Y/N said, as I put her keycard back on the coffee table.

She giggled, as she puts the bedsheets cover back over herself, as she waved me goodbye as I closed her hotel room door.


It's already 11 in the morning and I am already carrying a Fairy Godmother wand as well as a Merida cloak. I can envision myself already carrying far more things. Rose is a complete overbringer of things, and I will always end up carrying it.

Every single time.

Y/N looks equally gorgeous. She's wearing a pink crop top, with a blue jacket over my shoulders, paired with a pink skirt and a bag in a matching pink colour, with white knee high socks and a white pair of Versace heels.

Her hair was put back with a white clear claw clip, with two front bits in her hair, as she's clutching Rose's hand, though these attempts are not always successful. She keeps bolting about the minute she sees anything.

Honest to God, the look on Rose's face said it all.

Her eyes were like saucers, as she jumped around, her arm in the tight grasp of her Mum, as I followed around a feet or so behind them. I definitely stood out, but one thing that was a part of the job was that I had to look official.

So, in the middle of spring in Paris, I was wearing a black suit, with a white collared shirt underneath it, as I followed behind them. I stood out like a sore thumb in Disneyland, especially with how brightly dressed they both were.

The first squeal from Rose as she saw Alice. Her eyes went wide, as she shouted out. Her hands pulled out from the grip of her mum, as she rushed over to talk to Alice. Me and Y/N both quickly followed out and went over to her.

She thankfully didn't run after running into Alice, who was crouching down to talk to Rose. Rose was talking on and on, to Alice, who of course had no choice but to be quiet as well as listen. After a while, she runs on, and the almost chase of Rose continues.


I must've spent the best part of two hours, and as I predicted, I am carrying even more crap than I've ever had to carry. Y/N is treating Rose and buying her Disney ears, as well as so many others accessories and a stuffed animal of the Cheshire Cat.

So, I've been carrying the cat, as well as the million and one accessories. Even for a bodyguard's standards, I must've walked miles at the park. Thankfully we're taking a break for lunch, as we stop at one of the themed restaurants. 

I've never seen Rose so happy. She's happily eating her sandwich, which she's trying to scarf down as quickly as possible, before her Mickey ice cream melts. She's swinging her legs, as she's too short for her legs to touch the ground.

Y/N is eating a burger and fries, as well as a drink, and I'm eating the same. She has her own smile on her face, it's just a look of absolute love for her daughter, who is so happy, this has been something she's been insisting on for months.

"Are you having fun, Rose?" I ask her, and she absolutely beams, as she looks at me. She is, extremely literally, having the time of her very short life. As she looks behind me, she sees that Cruella is walking.

One of the Disney villains she is most scared of is Cruella, and she is absolutely freaked out. Grabbing her sandwich, she runs behind me and hides. "Is she gone?" She asks, as her hand reaches out to touch my arm.

Her small hand is barely touching me, as she wants me to protect her. She knows it's what I'm meant to be there to do. I wait a few moments before Cruella is out of sight, down another pathway in the park.

"She's all gone now, Rose, you can stop hiding now," I assure her, and she peeks out over my shoulder, looking out for her. Seeing she can't see her anymore, goes back to her seat and moves onto eating her ice cream.


My heart is beating out of my chest.

That was far too sweet. The way Rose just feels so safe, is one of the best things in the world. I always sometimes wonder if Rose sees Dom as partially her dad figure, as she doesn't have one in her life currently.

Dom is obviously so close with her. He's been in her life since she was a week old, and she was brought up knowing Dom was in the house, to protect the both of us from any form of danger. She definitely milks it, but oh well.

As we finish our lunch, Rose takes my hand, as we walk across the park to one of my favourite rides, one which I've been looking forward to before the chance is ripped straight from my hands, and it starts with a scream.

I immediately look up, and Dom's eyes widen as I see who's screamed. There's a massive group of teenage girls there, I'm talking twenty to thirty girls, and before I know it, all of the girls are rushing up to me.

Rose's hand slips from my grip, and I desperately try and find her before book after book and sharpie pen after sharpie are pushed into my face. I desperately want to try and get to Rose, but I can't see past the sea of girls.

I don't like the girls rushing and crowding around me, and I try and shove past before feeling the familiar push of Dom's hand on my shoulder, his voice becoming strong as he tells the girls to clear away.

I'm still panicking as I look up, but I let out a sigh of relief as I look up and see Rose. Rose's sitting, maybe a little shaken up, sitting on Dom's shoulder, where she's safe. She's still clutching her stuffed animals tightly in her hands.

The crowd of girls are slowly separated by Dom as well as the Disney security. But, I can feel everyone eyes staring at me. I feel just bad for Rose. Because she's the one who's had to pay for all of this, and have trips like this ruined.

"Are you okay?" Dom asks, as he lays his hand over mine. Rose gets off his shoulder, and she wraps her arms around my waist, and Dom gives her the Cheshire Cat stuffed toy he's been keeping in his bag, and clutches it tightly.

Thankfully, Rose manages to bounce back pretty quickly, and her worries are forgotten about as she gets into the cup for the teacup ride. Rose is sat with me in one teacup, and Dom is sat in an opposite teacup, and Rose is bursting out laughing.

Dom, sat in a pastel pink, yellow and blue teacup, in almost an all black suit, and she thinks it's absolutely hilarious. I can't say I disagree with her. My phone comes out of my pocket, as I snap some pictures of it. It's just too good.


It's 5 in the afternoon by the time we leave the park, as it's getting too long before Rose will get restless and she will get so overwhelmed and burnt out and will burst into tears. She's done it a couple of times before.

I also know her anger and burnout is very much based on how much she's eaten, so we try and find a restaurant. Rose seems to still be in a good mood, as she's holding my hand with one, and holding Dom's with her other.

And she's using our arms to make herself a personal swing. She runs back, still holding onto our hands, and then lets go and swings forward, as we walk along the pavement. "Should we get dinner here, Y/N?" Dom asks, as we stop outside an Italian restaurant.

I quickly look at the menu that is at the window, and check that they have a kids menu. They do, and from looking in, it seems too early in the afternoon for only couples to be there, I can see a few families eating.

So, we go in. Me and Rose sit in the booth on one side, and Dom is on the other. Finally I have a free moment in the day to sit down and check my phone. I pull out my phone, and immediately, I have a spam of messages from Steph.




GIRL! have you not checked social media?! it's literally everywhere
so many people at the park were filming it.

Oh you're fucking kidding me.

I do as Steph instructs, and check my Twitter mentions. And she was not kidding. Disneyland, Y/N and Rose are all trending on Twitter.

Everyone's posting the video of me getting swarmed by the group of girls, and then as well as the videos, and the video finished as Dom begins to disperse out the crowd, and Rose is on his shoulder.

I don't post her face online, and I was lucky that the main news sources that had posted it first had blurred out her face, and I didn't find it possible to find any version of the video where Rose's face was posted.

I won't deal with it.

I close my phone, as the food arrives, and I think Dom can see from the look on my face that something is not correct right now. Dom knows me extremely well by now. He's the person I spend the most time around, for the past five years.

I try and eat dinner as normally as possible. Of course Rose has no clue. Her feet swing back and forth, as she makes an absolute mess on her face of the spaghetti sauce. Honestly, it's a mess. But I let her, she's a little kid, I'd never scold her for it.

After she finally finishes eating, I finally finish cleaning up her face, as she is holding her Cheshire Cat to her side. She's swaying her legs, as she fidgets in her seat. She'll never ever sit still, I'm sure she wouldn't if her life depended on it.


I am glad to finally be back in a locked room. Dom is currently in my hotel room, as he's making sure the hotel room is safe for the night.

Dom locks the hotel room door, as he closes the curtains, and Rose has finally finished changing into her Little Mermaid pyjama sets, the leggings made to look like a tail and the top has got Ariel on it.

Dom picks up her up, and carries her to the bathroom. Leaving the door open, he helps her get her toothbrush ready, and makes sure that she brushes her teeth properly, as I have a moment to just get ready for myself.

All my jewellery comes off, and get changed into a white pyjama shirt, and matching pyjama trousers. I manage to just get my clothes on before Rose comes bounding back into the main space, and straight onto my bed.

"Rose, let your Mum get ready for bed herself, yeah? C'mon, I'll read you a story," He says, as he goes into my suitcase and gets out a storybook version of Tangled, which finally settles her, as she sits down on her bed.

I take my time in the bathroom. I treat my skincare routine like a ritual, taking my time as I take off my makeup, wash and cleanse my face, and cleaning off my face. I take my time, until my anxiety has finally calmed down, and I'm more relaxed.

Going back into the living space, my heart beats faster and faster within my chest. Rose's head is laid against Dom's chest, as she's fallen asleep, despite with the lights being on, from the story that Dom read her.

Dom is sitting in her bed, as he was sitting with her to read her book. And, he doesn't dare move. Rose rarely sleeps as easily as this, and we are doing everything possible to keep it this way. I dim the lights, and get into my own bed.

Dom, as slowly as possible, takes himself out of bed, and lays Rose down in her bed, as he tucks her stuffed animal underneath her arm. He begins to leave the room, but I don't want to let him leave.

He looks too good to be let go. Steph has coined it as "Naked Dom" which is not my preferred nickname for it, whenever he's not dressed up in his suit.

He's wearing a pair of black shorts, as well as a white t-shirt, and he's wearing a pair of bunny slippers, which Rose bought for him a few years ago, and made him agree (forced him) to wear ever since.

"Stay," I say, taking his hand, and his eyes dart towards me. He's not used to my physical touch, I don't know how much physical touch he gets outside of Rose's grabs and tugs on his arms. "Are you okay, Y/N?" He asks.

"I'm still shaken up about today? I guess," I confess, and Dom sits down on the end of my bed. While we don't usually have much physical contact between the two of us, as he slowly lays his hand over mine.

"I understand," Dom says, as he sits closer to me. His hands slowly wrap around my back, as my chin rests on his shoulder. He slowly lays down, his body over mine, his hands around mine, as he rests his body over mine.

I slowly get used and love the feeling. The feeling of his body over the top of mine, the weight of him protecting me. I don't hate it as much as I know my body should. My hand turns off the light, as my body relaxes into his.

// To be continued...


I hope you had a good Easter (if you celebrate it!)

Also I hope you liked the fluff, you needed it after all the angst.

Love ya, Lana 🐔💐

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