Sanscest Oneshots

بواسطة LeFriendlyBoi

39.1K 953 727

Title says it all, just... Shitty Undertale Oneshots. المزيد

Requests are closed for now
Forever - Afterdeath (1)
Forever - Afterdeath (2)
Broken Worlds - Afterdeath
Wind - Pray (1)
Wind - Pray (2)
Mercy - Bloodlust
10 Days - Bloodlust
Never again - Bloodlust (1k!)
Peace - Hatemare + Cream
Beer Pong - Errink ~
The Witching Hour - Lourik (Fell!Poth)
Trust - Lourik (Fell!Poth) (1)
Trust - Lourik (Fell!Poth) (2)
Trust - Lourik (Fell!Poth) (3)
Constellations - Nightkiller
Static - Nightkiller
Everything falls apart - Precursor
No motivation today... Have some Shitposts
Headcannons, UPDATED B)
Late night shitpostimg until more requests come in
You already know-
s t s o p t i h s
Not that important:
ahahah, more memes. Yey.
Le shitè poste
Ranting time-
Animating is fun-
Splishity splash my opinion is trash
Story time
Havent wrote shitposts in a while huh-
Ight, poll time
Hippity hoppity these shitposts wont stoppity
Shitposts that will revive my writing mojo
Springtime shitposts
The shittiest of posts
Just some art lol
Shitposts: The awakening

Everything falls apart - Insomnia (1)

454 9 0
بواسطة LeFriendlyBoi

Ship: Insomnia (Dream x Error)
Type: Angst(?)
Third person
Not requested. Still trying to get my shit together
Note: This oneshot takes place in Empireverse, where Dream and Nightmare are the leaders of two warring kingdoms. Look it up for more information
TW: War, mention of character death
Enjoy ❤️

EDIT: I published this like a week ago without realizing that half the chapter had somehow gotten deleted- I am so sorry about that!

"My name is Error." He paused. "I'm not going to kill you. I just need to talk."


"I have a lot of questions."

"About what?" Dream asked, skeptically.

Error sighed. "Nightmare has tasked me with gathering information from you whilst he is out. He's a very busy man- with the war that is. I'm sure you know the feeling." He closes and locks the cell door behind him once he's entered, and sat on a bench across from Dream. "So... What information do you have to give me?"

Dream stared. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything. Start with your name."

Dream scoffed. "I'm sure you already know my name."

Error shrugged. "Yeah. I guess I was just testing how cooperative you are." He paused. "Tell me more about your life. Who are your friends? What are your hopes and dreams? What questions do you have about the world?"

"Why? Why does any of this matter?" Dream said. Crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. "I know I'm going to be executed. Why not get it over and done with already."

"It matters because I want to know more about you. I want to know who you are. The others may not see it, but you and your people are more than just our enemy. Just because you're as good as dead doesn't mean you're dead already."

Dream paused. Who was he? He had devoted so much of his life into his kingdom and being a good leader that it was hard to remember what he actually enjoyed. He frowned. "I'm not telling you anything unless you tell me something first. Like an information exchange, I guess- you obviously think I'm some kind of a joke."

"A joke? Not particularly, most jokes are funny." Error said. He looked up at the ceiling, watching the muddy water drip down. "Do you believe in fate, Dream?"

Dream stared at the strange man in front of him for a very long time, but eventually he shook his head no. "Not really. I don't."

Error exhaled shortly. "Neither do I. But I've seen how this whole war plays out before. It's all written down. And it's a lot more fun to interfere with a story than just let it happen. And that's why I'm here." Error looked at him with a piercing stare. He didn't have malice or hate in his eyes, just a certain.. glow. Something Dream couldn't quite place. "Have you ever wondered what 'fate' really is? What it all means?"

"How would you know?" Dream asked warily.

"I just do. And I think you should think about it more."


Error stared at him for a few more moments. "I'm going to go back to my quarters and let you think on that. We'll have more time to talk later. Nightmare is out by the border planning another assault on your capital, once he gets back he'll address you directly. He should be back by early morning." Error got up and went to the door of the cell, leaving Dream in silence. Before he left he paused and looked back at him. "By the way, I won't kill you. I thought you might want to know that."

Dream scoffed. "Got it."

Error chuckled. "Also: the bricks are enchanted. Magic-suppressant." And with that, he was gone. Dream sighed and laid back on the wall behind him. All those questions seemed so meaningless, and yet as if it was important to remember at the same time. Strange to say the least, but the feeling of confusion, it lingered.

That night, Dream sat in the cold of his cell, and waited. What could possibly be happening in the outside world? What would happen to his people, his friends, after he was killed? It was a terrifying thought. And along with what Error had been saying, the thought that everything might have just been for some... thing's sick amusement...

It was nearly to much to bear.

He thought about his comrades, his people, those who they had fought and died for. Tears came to the emperor's eyes, to think it was all for nothing... his thoughts drifted back to Error. He spoke in riddles, and it confused Dream to no end.

The cold, it was lonely, but he was unsure if Error's company would be much better. He looked down at his gloved hands, and the scars that lay beneath the cloth. This sparked a thought in his mind - he'd been so focused on being a strong leader that his people had never truly seen how broken he had been. He saw his past as weakness, when it could just as easily have strengthened him and his people. It was a sad reflection, as he could never now use that information to his advantage.

The next morning was as cold as the night was. Thin rays of light shone through the tiny window at the top of the cell, and Dream lay and shivered from the cold. He hadn't been able to sleep that night, but that much was expected. Who would be able to sleep peacefully when the lingering threat of death hovered like a moth to a flame? It didn't take long for the echo of footsteps once again ring through the dark hallway, and Error appeared at the cell door once again. Dream sat up and looked at him.


"Nightmare and the others returned this morning. He wants to talk to you." Error said, unlocking the cell door.

Dream sighed. He knew this couldn't go well- but he stood and went along with Error without resistance. He allowed his hands to be tied, and they walked in silence for a long while, eventually reaching the stone stairs.

As they reached the large wooden door leading to the throne room, Error spoke up. "He's going to interrogate you about your capture, what your plans for the war were, and when you'd expect a rescue party for you to arrive. He isn't going to be happy with any of the answers you give, he never is. Halfway through, Horror is going to start talking and Nightmare's going to lash out at him for interrupting." He says.

Dream looked at him warily. "How can you possibly know all this?" He asked.

"I just do. And I have a feeling if you really want a real answer, you'll find out soon enough." Error stated vaguely.

Dream stared, dumbfounded, but didn't resist as he was lead into the throne room. It was a very intimidating sight. Very different from the bright tapestry and large windows from his home and silhouetted in said window was the throne his brother sat upon. It was dark, even for the early morning of Autumn. The cold stone walls were decorated to a minimum, as was the rest of the room. The three of them weren't alone in the large room, though. A few others were dotted about, quietly watching as Error lead Dream across the floor.

One, in the corner wearing a blue jacket and red scarf, unblinking as the two walked past. Unsettling. Another, one he recognized, the skeleton with a cracked skull and bloody clothing who had killed his friend. His heart sank and he averted his eyes after briefly making eye contact with them. One stood near the throne, and wore black and white. There was a deep sort of melancholy feeling in his eyes. And the last one wore mostly black and practically sat on the arm of the throne, whispering something to Nightmare.

Nightmare flicked his hand and the one in black frowned, got up and walked over to stand by the one in black and white. Dream stood a few meters away, and Error stepped away from him to go stand by Nightmare's side. Nightmare stared for a few long, tense moment but leaning forward and opening his mouth to speak.

"When are you going to kill me?" Dream interrupted. He held a firm tone, but internally he was terrified of the answer he'd receive, and he knew Nightmare could sense it.

"First of all, don't interrupt me when I'm speaking. Second, you don't get to have the luxury of knowing that anymore." Nightmare sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He could feel the fear resonating off of Dream's soul, only a few feet away, but underneath the layers of panic the ever-present warmth and graciousness lingered, and he was irritated by it already. "Let's just get this over and done with. I'm sure you don't really want to be having this conversation either."

Dream opened his mouth to say something, but no words came, so he decided against it and just nodded.

"Now," Nightmare started, "what happened last night. Where were you captured, was anyone else with you?" He asked, testing the waters.

Dream was prepared to lie on the spot, or just straight up refuse to speak, but then he noticed the look Error was giving him. It wasn't malicious, or sinister... just a look. Another look he couldn't quite place. But something about it, against his better judgement, compelled him to tell the truth.

"I was a couple miles north of the palace, in the forest. I was with a friend of mine, but..." He trailed off. Nightmare glanced over at the bloody-robed skeleton for confirmation, and he nodded.

Nightmare sighed. "Right, well, who were they, and did you have any plans to retaliate? What would've happened had you not been captured?" He questioned.

"Well, uh, he was just a friend of mine, helped with the horses mostly..." Dream choked on his words. Blue hadn't deserved what he'd gotten. "And, uh... as far as plans go..." He hesitated. He didn't feel like he could lie under the harsh eyes all around him, but telling the truth would be a terrible fate for everyone struggling back home. And then he looked back up, and realized that whatever look Error had been giving him was gone now. Somehow, all the pressure suddenly lifted.

"Uh, we were planning on making a push against your capital once all my soldiers reconvened. The plan has probably been put on priority after they didn't find me and Blue in the woods at the hiding place. Since, you know, I'm here now." He said, trying not to let his voice waver. he'd surprised himself with how easily he was able to lie.

He wasn't the only one who was surprised, either. Nightmare stared at him for a long few moments before looking over at Error. "Is he telling the truth?"

Error stared Dream down, holding eye contact for about thirty seconds. Dream shrunk back at the intrusive gaze, and Error paused before speaking up again. "I... can't tell. A lot of the body language is contradictory, and his hands are tied. Hand gestures are always a huge give-away."

Nightmare huffed. "Fine." He turned back to Dream. "When do you expect a rescue party to be sent for you?" Dream was about to lie again, but this time he was interrupted by the skeleton with a cracked skull in the back of the room.

"Probably soon." He said. "If they were going to retrieve the two the next morning, they will have found what's-his-name's dust in the forest by now. They'll proba-"

"Horror." Nightmare said, glaring. "Did I fucking ask you? How many times do I have to tell you to only speak when spoken to?" Horror went quiet, and averted his eyes. The ones in black and black and white snickered to themselves. Nightmare turned to them, still glaring. "Cross, Killer, this is not a laughing matter. Do you have something to contribute?" They both muttered a 'no, sir' and went quiet again.

Nightmare sighed. "Dust, go organize a border patrol," The skeleton with the blue jacket in the corner nodded and left the room. "Error, take him back down to his cell. Horror, Cross, Killer, we're going to have a talk about your professionalism."

The three went a bit pale but said nothing as Error left Nightmare's side to escort Dream back to his cell. As the two exited the hall and began walking in silence, the tension between them grew. Dream had so many things he wanted to say, but he just didn't know where to start. As they reached the stone stairs that lead to the dungeon, he spoke up.

"Is he going to kill them?" Dream asked, slight concern lacing his voice. Error scoffed and shook his head.

"No, only yell at them for a bit. He doesn't like being interrupted, and Horror tends to get on his nerves a lot." Error explained.

Dream nodded. He didn't like to admit it, but he was concerned for the safety of these people he didn't even know, and probably wouldn't hesitate to kill him if they were given the chance. "Why did you help me? If that was even intentional..." Dream asked, sentence drifting off.

They stopped walking once they'd reached the cell, and Error spared a glance in his direction before unlocking the door. "In all honesty, Dream, I have a feeling you'll find out soon enough." He said, opening the door and gesturing for them to go inside. Dream did as he asked without question, and turned to look at him as the door was being closed.

Error lingered at the door for a while, staring, before leaning close to the bars of the cell. "I'm not supposed to be a part of this story, Dream. The others can't see beyond what this universe is- just lines of code in an endless void. It's all for something bigger's entertainment, and I don't know why I was drawn to this place." Error whispered lowly. "...And I don't know why, but I want to help you, and I'm going to get you out of this hellhole."


AAAAAA sorry that took so long. Hope you enjoyed, feedback is appreciated :))

2357 Words

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