The Conduit's Journey

By Dunked_oN

74.5K 2.4K 303

The Clonewars was now in full swing, Jedi masters Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were returning from bat... More

Chapter One: Trust In The Force
Chapter One: The Council
Chapter One: Waking Up
Chapter One: Meeting The Grandmaster
Chapter One: Windu's assessment
Chapter One: Suspicions
Chapter One: An Opportunity
Chapter One: Rest....
Chapter One: So It Begins!
Chapter One: It's A Start
Chapter One: An Early Morning
Chapter One: Meditation
Chapter One: For you. A Task I Have
Chapter One: Being Vocal
Chapter One: Progress!
Chapter One: Strength
Chapter One: Mounting Frustration
Chapter One: Calm Yourself
Chapter One: A "Forceful" Presence
Chapter One: An Upcoming Trial
Chapter Two: Mission Start!
Chapter Two: A "Small" Problem
Chapter Two: A Separatist Prototype
Chapter Two: Uh-Oh
Chapter Two: Instinct
Chapter Two: Retrieval
Chapter Two- A Problem
Chapter Two: Decided
Chapter Two: A Chance
Chapter Two: What?
Chapter Two: "Force Sickness"?
Chapter Two: Boredom
Chapter Two: Good Enough
Chapter Two: The Next Step
Chapter Two: Ilum
Chapter Two: Trials And Crystals
Chapter Two: His Voice
Chapter Two: Huyang And The Crucible
Chapter Two: A Blade Unlike Any Other
Chapter Two: Improving
Chapter Three
A Secret
Be Vigilant
Meditation Gone Wrong
A Meeting
A Force Of Darkness
Swimming Through The Darkness
Break In
A Revelation
Lost Child
Until We Meet Again
A Connection
A Delivery
Chapter Four
The "Chancellor"
The Final Trial
Light And Dark
Conflicting Feelings
An Awkward Conversation
A New Development
Being Hunted


521 19 5
By Dunked_oN

When Zephyr was told he would be guarding the Dutchess of Mandalor. He hadn't anticipated it to be this boring.

Sure it was a nice change from chaos and danger. But he was bored out of his mind.

He was stood next to the Dutchess for nearly three hours at this rate. A perk of cybernetic legs? They don't get tired.

At this rate if something were to happen he may be asleep.

The other members from the neutral systems were sending the conversation in circles, despite the Dutchess's best attempts.

However there was one familiar face. Well sort of.

It was a diplomat from the republic, he hadn't met her personally. But he knew of her.

Padme Amidala, the senator from naboo. Responsible for the treaty between the gungans and the surface dwelling members of society on the planet.

She was rather close with Master Skywalker. Ahsoka had brought her up a few times in conversation.

"I dont mean to speak out of turn Dutchess. But is this any place for a child?" One of the members asked.

Before Zephyr could respond. The Dutchess narrowed her gaze at the member, raising a hand to silence the boy.

"He is here for my own safety senator. If I deem there is a place for him here. Then there is one" The Dutchess stated in a matter of fact tone, a slight hint of a protective tone audible in her voice.

"Besides, why shouldn't the Padawn be here? This could be rather educational for him" Padme suggested, earning a disgruntled growl from the senator who had spoken up.

"Well for one he could be spying on us for the republic!" Another Senator retorted.

"Well by that logic so could I" Padme said in an unamused tone.

"That is quite enough!" The Dutchess said loudly, silencing the room.

"I asked the Jedi for a personal guard for the time being of my own accord! The republic had nothing to do with this!" The Dutchess continued, a clearly frustrated tone in her voice.

Zephyr shrank slightly at the noise, his green glow flickering.

"Your highness if im this much of a disturbance I could-"

"Nonsense! And sit down, you dont need to stand" The Dutchess explained, her voice softening as she adressed him.

Zephyr hesitantly did as he was told, the plating along his hands fluttering as he did.

"Now, where were we?" The Dutchess prompted.

"We were discussing the current state of the separatist march, they are getting far too close to neutral territory!"

"As are the republic"

"If we would contact count Dooku, im certain we could-"

"Are you a fool? Dooku wont reason with us. And even if he did, he would stab us in the back!"

And it was right back to square one. No one would listen to the other.

Zephyr rested his head on his hand, mild irritation visible on his face as he sat through the constant arguing.

It took four more hours before the meeting was over. Zephyr near let out a cheer as he stood up.

"You're Zephyr right?" A female voice asked, causing Zephyr to jump slightly.

"O-Oh, yeah. Padme right?" Zephyr asked in turn, relaxing slightly as he turned to the older woman.

"Thats right. Ahsoka has told me quite a bit about you" Padme admitted, a light chuckle escaping from her.

"All good things I hope?" Zephyr asked in a hopeful tone.

"For the most part. Though from what I know you seem a lot like Master Kenobi" Padme continued, earning a dry laugh from Zephyr.

"Well she has told me a bit about you aswell!" Zephyr said crossing his arms behind his back.

"Oh really?" Padme asked with a slight cringe.

"Yep, told me about your knack for getting yourself in trouble. Told me about getting caught by Greivous" Zephyr explained, earning a slight hiss from her.

"Yeah, not my best moment"

"How is Ahsoka by the way? I didn't get to see her before I left" Zephyr asked, slight concern audible in his voice.

"She's on her feet. A little tired but otherwise fine" Padme reassured with a chuckle, earning a small sigh of relief from Zephyr.

"Ah Padme, I see you've met Zephyr" The Dutchess said from behind the cyborg, earning a slight jump from him.

"Well, we know a few of the same people" Padme said with a nod.

"Kenobi and Skywalker correct?" The Dutchess asked with a sigh.

"Yep, those are the two" Zephyr confirmed, recognizing the tone in the older woman's voice.

"Well I have to get going. My shuttle for Naboo leaves soon" Padme relented.

"And for your information Zephyr, Ahsoka is worried about you too" Padme said as she began to gather her things. Causing Zephyr's armor plating stand up, having caught his attention.

"She is?" Zephyr asked in a slight tone of flustered surprise.

"She is, she wanted me to check in on you for her" Padme explained, walking away as she did so.

Silence fell as Zephyr stood in thought, his cybernetic plating closing back up.

"So, you're close with Padawan Tano?" The Dutchess asked curiously, snapping Zephyr out of his daze.

"Eh, I wouldn't say close. We've recently been through a rather....interesting experience" Zephyr explained nervously.

"You dont need to be so anxious, I wont tell the Jedi of your involvment with her" The Dutchess gently teased, earning a slight embarrassed blush from the boy.

"I just said we werent!" Zephyr protested, earning a laugh from the older woman.

*To Be Continued*

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