Tell me who are you??

By imagine_pure_love

44.3K 4.2K 312

People called her nerd, called her geeky.. But she had all the innocence of the world.. Or did she really... More

Character Sketch
Character Sketch 2
1. First View
2. Space School of Business
3. Private Tutor??!!
4. Too much to expect?
Malhotra Mansion
5. Strong and Independent
6. Final Decision
8. Preparing the mind
9. Intruder at tuition?
10. Day #1
11. The aftereffects of Day 1
12. Cabir's Proposal
13. Day 2
Copied Story
14. MNMRA active or not?
15. The lady cab driver.
16. Fab 5's dangerous plan
17. Nandini's secret out?
18. Day 3 - Nandini's stand
19. Nandini's indirect message
20. Does Manik get affected?
21. Lara Maa to help Nandini?
22. Flashback - 1
23. Flashback - 2
24. Manik's anger or ...
25. Are the sparks igniting?
26. Challenge or no challenge?
27. Importance of your name
28. Journey to Day 5
29. Meeting Lara Maa
30. Meeting the special children
31. Day 5
32. Troublesome Arohi
33. The surprise wish
34. Is FAB 5 back?
35. Mumma?
36. A complete Package
37. Reminiscing the day
38. Mukti's dangerous plan
39. Plan backfired
40. Revelation
41. Reality Check
42. The Outburst
43. Nandini's new friend
44. The regretful breakdown
45. Meeting the real her

7. Challenge

830 68 4
By imagine_pure_love

Date Published: 08.04.2022

Words: 2500+ Words


After Neyonika informed them about their final decision, there was a pin drop silence in the cabin.

While on one hand, Fab 5 were shocked: Manik was thinking of ways to stay away from her, Nandini was calm all the time, on the other hand Neyoniks was very happy, because she wanted Nandini to step into Fab 5's lives, especially Manik's life to set everything right that was wrong since a long time. She felt that its only Nandini can train her spoilt kids and get them back on the right path and maybe.. maybe even untie the knots that are in her and Manik's relation. Maybe she could get her son back. Maybe.

But she even knew the heights of mischievousness of Fab 5. And she was sure that they would definitely do something to force Nandini to refuse from this job. So she came up with an idea.

Nyo: So, now we all know that Nandini is going to give you tuitions, let's discuss other rules too.

Cab (whispering): What else is left now? She has already blasted the bomb, and now does she wants to bury our grave?

Muk: This Nandini... How could she agree tot his deal? I am sure she must be having a great benefit for this!

Al: You are right Mukti! Now what will we do?

Cab: Why fear when Cabir is here. Let's see till when she can stick to us, to the Fab 5.

Dhr: What rules ma'am?

Nyo: 1. Your tuitions will start from tomorrow and Nandini would be teaching in the Malhotra Mansion.

2. Timings will be decided by Nandini

Alya interrupts.

Al: But ma'am, we can't always adjust our times according to her comfort. We are busy people, unlike her who has nothing do except sticking to books.

Muk: Yes ma'am, and we are the Fab 5. So it should be her who will have to adjust her timings according to us and not the other way round.

Nyo: Are you guys done? Or is there something else?

So yes Rule No. 2 Your timings will be decided by Nandini and ONLY NANDINI. (while glaring at Alya and Mukti)

Because unlike you, who are busy only in getting latest fashion trending clothes into their clothes or clubbing, this girl is indeed a very busy girl and by busy I mean in something genuine and useful. And don't forget, it's you guys who need her and not the other way round. (looking at Mukti)

So now rule no. 3 and the MOST IMPORTANT rule: 

If I get to know that you guys are doing any mischief with Nandini or if Nandini leaves this job because of you guys then be ready to face the consequences.

On hearing this, Cabir who till now was smirking got tensed. And when Neyonika turned towards him while saying the last line, he nervously gulped down his saliva and asked: What consequences ma'am?

Nyo: Oh well, nothing much. Just that you guys , I mean the FAMOUS FAB 5 will have to come early every morning till next 6 moths and clean the entire college.

And by entire I mean the backyard, the classrooms, the corridors, the canteen and yeah not to forget the bathrooms as well! And for tuitions, you would have to take extra classes from your professors int he college itself.

And here fab 5 were almost at the verge of fainting. Manik too was too hell shocked on hearing his mon's "consequences". While Nandini gave a small chuckle on hearing their consequences, Neyonika was all the time smirking at Fab 5.

Fab 5: You can't be serious!!

Nyo: Well, I can't but I am absolutely serious.

So I have informed you about the general rules, and now Nandini, it's your turn, you can inform them about your rules of teaching and your timings. But I would suggest you all go to your classes and first attend them.

Nan: Yes ma'am.

Saying this she leaves form there and Fab 5 too leave not for class but to their favorite spot, their jam room, the same room where they once used to play music and form a strong unbreakable bond with music but is now no more used as a jam room.

Manik enters first banging the door and raging with anger. He was pacing across the room with anger clearly visible in his eyes and actions. Fab 4 were themselves fuming thinking how a mere ordinary girl would now come and rule their lives, guide them, tell them what to do and what not to. This mere thought was enough to boil their blood.

Muk: Fu*k man. What the hell is this? I mean how can aunty do this to us? That commoner is now gonna teach Fab 5!!! Amazing!!

Cab: I am still shocked after hearing the consequences. I mean I was planning all types of nasty pranks to make her run away from us but after hearing the consequences I really don't have the guts.

Alya was all the time imaging about the consequences, she was picturizing herself holding a broom and cleaning the corridors, wearing apron and doing the dishes, that breaks her just perfectly manicured nails, then cleaning the washroom and smelling the disgusting foul odour, she is about to vomit

All of a sudden she screams: 


And the pitch of her scream gives a mild heart attack to the rest of Fab 5.

Fab 4: Alyaaaaa. Are you mad! Why are you yelling????

She runs to Dhruv crying and says: Dhruv baby, please I can't clean the dishes, see it broke my nails, I had just got them manicured by paying a huge amount. Please I won't do the dishes. And not just that even the washrooms, the smell there, it was so yuck. I just vomited. Please baby...

Dhruv yells: Cam down babes! Why are getting you so worked up? Look, your nails are perfect, you haven't even vomited, it was just a dream.

Alya looks at her nails and checks herself from head to toe and then tells Dhruv: You call this a dream??? This is was the worst nightmare of my life!!!!

Dhr: I think it is better if we just accept aunty's decision and adjust ourselves to it. Moreover, we all know that we need help for our grades. And Nandini might really be a help.

Muk: Are you out of your mind Dhruv? You really think that we will take tuitions from her?

Man: Who said?

Fab 4 look at him confused. What do you mean?

Man: It's right that it's decided that Nandini is our tutor but this is not decided that WE WILL take tuitions from her.

This follows a few seconds of silence in the jam room, which is soon broken by Cabir.

Cab: You mean to say Manik that Nandini being our tutor and we being her students are two different situations?

Man: You got it right Cabir. (smirks) She will come everyday to teach us, that's her job but this is not necessary that we obey her like obedient and sincere students right??

All pounced on Manik for a hug.

Muk: You are really a savior Manik.

Al: Yes Man, I feel so relieved.

Dhr: But don't you think that this is risky? I mean what if she complains about this to aunty?

Cab: Well Dhruv has a strong point Manik.

Man: Then let's show her that she can't take help from trustees all the time. What say guys?

And puts his one hand in front of him and within no time all the other members of fab 5 put their hand on Manik's hand.

Cab: Great Manik, you finally proved that the kind of people one lives with affects him/her. You are growing intelligent and smart in my company.

Man (rolls his eyes): Yeah, yea.... why not?

Muk: But don't you think Manik that we need to inform Nandini about this?

Al: Yes Manik, Mukti is right. Wait I will ask peon to call her.

Man: No need to call her Alya. She will come on her own as she still has to tell us about her "rules". So just chill and let her do some hard work to reach up to us.

Cab: Wow man, that indeed sounds like a superb plan. So what are we waiting for? Come, let's go to the canteen, anyways it has been 2 hours since I last ate something.


After completing the class, Nandini goes in search of Fab 5. She first goes to the canteen, knowing their eating habits, but to her amazement, they weren't there. she asked a student and he tells her to check their jam room. On reaching the jam room, she finds it to be empty. She starts looking for them in the rest of the college, on the terrace, in the classrooms, in the corridor everywhere. She continues to look for them for 45 mins.


Al: I seriously don't believe this

Muk: Manik, why did you get us here?

Cab: If someone gets to know that the Fab 5 is here then they would definitely get a heart attack.

Dhr: Well, even I agree, we have never stepped in here and today we are here since last 30 min doing nothing.

Man: Chill guys, as I said Ms. Nandini might be looking for us so she will be roaming the entire college in search for us except this place, LIBRARY. So basically, we are just giving her a little tough competition to reach to us so just relax and enjoy the show!

Nan: I didn't know that even after growing up you still love playing hide and seek but I guess you forgot the basic rule and that is the seeker should know that you guys are playing, then it is called a FAIR GAME.

Man: Tch Tch Tch Nandini Murthy, I didn't know you are such a cry baby just because it took you a bit longer to get a catch of us, just because you had to roam the entire college to finally reach up to us here in the Library, you are feeling bad!! Awwww..... SO SAD....

Nan: Are you done with useless talks Mr. Malhotra? If you aren't, then let me take a seat and make myself comfortable so that you can continue with your whining.. hmm?

Man (angry): If you think by accepting this tutor bullshit, you will be able to rule us, then let me break your bubble because this is never going to happen.

Nan: I am not here to rule anybody, I am here to teach you that you should have already learnt. But not a problem, better late than never.

Man: If you think that we fab 5 will take tuitions from you,, then it's the biggest mistake of your life.

Nan: I don't think so, I am confident about it.

Man: I like this confidence because more the confidence, more will be the fun in breaking you.

Nan: And it would be more fun to see you accepting your defeat.

Man: In that case, let's make it a challenge...


Nan: Well, challenge accepted Mr. Malhotra but what will I get on winning?

Man (sarcastically): You are really over confident, aren't you? Ok then. 

Let's make a deal, a FAIR DEAL as you call it.

If we Fab 5 win this challenge, then you will yourself resign from this post and leave,

And if you win then....

Nan: Ah... Let me say my part as a part of the fair deal?

Manik nods.

Nan: Well, you gave a challenge of 5 days. Let's make it this way, everyday my teaching hours would be 3 pm to 7 pm, that means you guys have 4 hours to win your challenge. 

And if I still stick around you guys, then at the end of the day you will have to obey whatever I say.

Muk: You really think we will listen to you? You will just come up with some crap and want us to follow that? No way!!!

Nan: Already scared Ms. Vardhan??

Man: let it be Mukti, we are anyways going to win. So let her put her conditions forward as well.

Ok so Nandu..... we accept your deal.

Cab: Ahan, before completing the deal.... Manik I think we shouldn't deal with her.

Manik looks at him stunned and Cabir winks at him which goes unnoticed by Nandini..

Cab: I mean she was there right when lady... I mean Neyonika ma'am was telling the rules so if we do any mischief or prank with our RESPECTED TUTOR MA'AM... then she would immediately complain to this trustee... and we would be punished.... so I don't think this is a fair deal nah......

Manik opens his mouth in O and looks at Nandini...

Nan: He has a point, you can backstab us whenever you feel like, we can't trust you.

The last line of Manik gets some old haunting memories of Nandini's life... the calm and unexpressive eyes get filled with pain, remorse and hurt... "back stab us.... can't trust you" this was roaming in her head... 

Manik saw those unshed tears in her eyes as he was standing facing her directly and don't know why he felt a bit uneasy that feeling in Nandini's eyes got some unusual unrecognized feelings in his heart but he quickly chucked it.

Nan (getting a grip on herself): You aren't even supposed to trust me and don't trust me ever. I believe in fair games and since the challenge is between us, so it would be ONLY between us. You want to buy it cool, you don't believe it, I don't care.

Fab 5 were shocked and stunned looking at her carefree attitude. First time in her life, they faced someone with equal confidence, arrogance and pride, someone who is in competition with them. 

Man: Fine. It's a deal (Forwarding his hand)

Nan (shaking hands): Deal..


At night, around 10:45 p.m., a girl carrying her handbag and a suitcase in one hand, and other hand holding a slip which had some address scribbled on it, was running on a deserted road. She was near Mumbai railway station, shouting for help, few road side goons were following her.

Suddenly a car comes and stops there and asks the girl to get in. The girl without a second thought enters the car and sighs in relief.

Girl: Thank God, I thought I was gone today. Thank you Lord for saving me today.

Looking at he driver, the girl says: Thanks man, You saved me from those goons.

Cab driver: You are welcome ma'am.

On hearing the voice of the driver, the girl gets shocked. she was expecting a heavy hoarse voice, but what she heard was a melodious sweet soft voice of a girl.

Girl: You are a female?

Cab Driver: Yes!

Girl: That means, God sent me his incarnation in form of a female.

(smiling fully)

Thank you, Thank you so much 

Although I was a bit astonished to see a lady driver, but whatever it is, I am happy I found you, otherwise from the moment I stepped in Mumbai, I have only faced psychopaths. 

By the way my name is Navya, Navya Naveli. I am from Patna. And you are?

Cab Driver: Nandini.


7th Chapter it is.

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