Guardians of the Galaxy

By SethCauble

40.4K 947 73

Blake Slader is Peter Quill's, A.K.A Starlord's, partner in crime. They went on adventures together as ravang... More

Blake Slader
Endings and Beginnings
Unexpected Turn of Events
Meet Peter Quill
Retrieving the Orb
Meeting the Guardians
In the Kyln
Meet Drax the Destroyer
Making a Deal
Prison Escape
Making Friends Everywhere We Go
Split up and Dominated
Making a Compromise
Plan out
The Battle Part 1
The Battle Part 2
A Clue
It's her. It's really her.
Day in the Life of Danger
High Priestess Ayesha
Wounds and Scars
Rocket, you Idiot
It Can't Be
The Talk
The Ravengers
Not what it used to be
The Escape Plan
Come a Little Bit Closer
We've gotta Save Quill
Let's End This
Final Battle Part 1
Final Battle Part 2
Final Battle Part 3
Goodbye Yondu
A Ravenger Funeral: Father and Son
The Christmas Special
Birth of a New Guardian
A Hurting Brother
An New Familiar Foe
A Kill Switch?!
No Way
Mission Preparation
Breaking into OrgoCorp
Hard to Cooperate
Planning Our Next Steps
Analogies and Metaphors
A Really Weird Planet
Not a Creator
It's a Face-off
The End of Counter-Earth
Ride or Die
Saving Rocket
Let's End This
No Sleep Till Brooklyn
Saving the Children
Rocket's Origin
I Guess This is Goodbye
Let's Celebrate

The Truth

382 11 1
By SethCauble

Later that night, we set up camp. I was still nervous. I think Zoe might've noticed.

Ego: I hired Yondu and Blake to pick you up when your mother passed away. But instead of returning you, they kept you. I have no clue as to why.

Quill: Oh, I'll tell you why. Because I was a skinny little kid. I could squeeze into places adults couldn't. It made it easier for thieving.

Ego: Well, I've been trying to track you down ever since.

Drax: I thought Yondu was your father.

Quill: What? We've been together all this time and you thought Yondu was my actual blood relative?

Drax: You look exactly alike.

Rocket: One's blue!

Quill: No, Yondu's not my father. He's the guy who abducted me, kicked the crap out of me to teach me to fight better, and kept me in terror by threatening to eat me.

I hated that. He still has contempt towards him.

Ego: Eat you? That son of a

Blake: Come on. You're not still gonna harbor a grudge against him?

Quill: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't. Because he treated you better?

I was hurt.

Blake: Now wait.

Ego: Yeah. Didn't Yondu say that he rescued only you from starvation?

Blake: Well, yeah but

Ego: Then where'd the girl come from?

He looked at Zoe.

Blake: She found me a while ago.

Ego: Huh. Interesting.

Gamora: How'd you locate us, now?

Ego: Well, even in where I reside outside the edge of what's known, we hear tale of a man they call Starlord. I say we head out there right now. Your associates are welcome. Even that triangle faced monkey there.

I held in a laugh when he gestured to Rocket, who was feeling his face.

Ego: I promise you. It's unlike any place you've ever seen. And there, I can explain your very special heritage and finally be the father I've always wanted to be. Excuse me. I've gotta take a whizz.

I was disgusted that he'd say that out loud.

Quill: I'm not buying it.

Gamora: Let's go take a walk.

After they left, Zoe still noticed my uneasiness.

Zoe: Blake? Can we talk in private?

I felt like I needed to get something off my chest so I agreed. I needed to get away from Drax, Rocket, Groot, and the creepy bug lady.

Once we were alone.

Zoe: Blake, what's wrong? You've been acting strange since Ego showed up.

I still felt silent.

Zoe: Are you scared Ego's going to take him away?

I finally decided to talk.

Blake: Ego should never have found us.

Zoe: Why. Isn't he Quill's father?

Blake: Yes, it's true we were hired to pick up Peter. But what he didn't tell the truth about that it was our job to find Ego's children from different planets.

Zoe: You mean he

I nodded.

Zoe: Oh my.

Blake: When we were on our way to Terra, when we crashed into a cavern on Ego's planet. We found the bones every child we gave to Ego.

Zoe: He killed them?

Blake: Yeah. And it was our fault.

Zoe looked shocked.

Zoe: It's okay. You never knew.

Blake: When we picked up Peter, we knew we couldn't give him to Ego. That story about him squeezing through places that adults couldn't. We told him that so he never knew that we were supposed to deliver him. Yondu made me promise to never tell him that.

Zoe: He doesn't know? You need to tell him.

Blake: I can't. Ego might accuse me of lying.

Zoe: Quill wouldn't trust him.

Blake: Quill probably wouldn't trust me or Yondu either now that he knows the truth about us.

Zoe: He doesn't know the whole truth. He's in danger. You need to protect him. That's what families do.

Blake: He's a tough guy. He can defend himself. Besides how can I protect him if I couldn't protect my own planet? Or you?

Zoe looked hurt.

Zoe: You were just a little boy. You're a lot stronger than you think you are.

I needed some time to think.

Blake: I need to let him be strong.

We went back to the campfire.

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