Just A Typical Gay Story [ Bx...

By felicitousapple

4.5K 190 8

REMINDER: Switching Point of Views I know this is so unprofessional of me (not that I'm really a professional... More

Just A Typical Gay Story
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Six

71 2 0
By felicitousapple

Warning: SPG

Chapter Thirty-Six

Leron Angelo's POV

Saturday has arrived. Declan and I are no longer at work, and I told him earlier that we would meet with my chosen engineer for our soon-to-be-built home.

Our soon-to-be-home sweet home. 

”Who is this engineer, anyway? Why are you so eager to meet him? It's not like you've already finished the designs.” With a slightly irritated tone, he inquired. He'd already been that way before. Instead of doing something like that, he suggested that we just go on a date. Again.

I rolled my eyes and pursed my lips at the same time. Well, that's not a bad idea, but we can always go on a date after this. 

“For your information, it will be done anytime soon. Also, you must see our engineer later. I won't tell you who it is. But I promise you, he is the best. He's actually my partner from my last project.“ I answered back with a very proud smile.

“Your last partner from your previous project. You mean Gerald?” I really became a statue as soon as he mentioned that name. I was even confident about it being a surprise, and here he was, already knowing who it was— 

Wait, wait, wait, how did he know? I never told him. Or did I? No way! I swear I never told him about Gerald! 

I turned to him with the side of my lips twitching, as I still tried to put on a force serious smile on my face. “Roye, Declan. I'm thinking that I'm just assuming, but did you happen to run a background check on me?” I ask with a serious smile.

Declan's eyebrows perked up, the side of his lips also lifting a little. Forming a smirk on those sinful lips of his.

“And what if I did so?” He cockily asked, and here I thought he was going to stutter like what I read in those romantic novels and whatever before. 

I guess I'm not fit to be the dominant character here.

“W-why would you do that?” I  asked. Of course, I am well aware that I'm the one who just stuttered. Standing straight and looking away from him, while clearing my throat at the same time.

“Do you really wanna know?” He asked, suddenly he's unexpectedly so close to me, and I almost gasped. It's a good thing I didn't take a step back from him because I don't want to appear intimidated by him, even though my stomach and chest are already in a state of panic.  

His face also suddenly darkened. His demeanor changed and that made me more nervous than before.

What? What is this? I didn't say anything taboo, right? 

He leaned forward and pulled me by my waist in a not so gentle move. I was shocked at first, but this is Declan we're talking about so I remained calm somehow. I don't need to be afraid of him. 

“Love, did you really think I will let you go away from me in that five years without knowing what you're doing at the same time?” He said this in a very serious tone. His low voice sent shivers down my spine. 

I gulp as I felt his hands tighten its hold on both sides of my body. 

My eyes eventually fell out from staring at his eyes. I completely accept the defeat in our intense staring contest. But some part of me is still not giving up, so instead, I stare directly into his pointy nose. 

Then, does that mean we're not really disconnected from each other in those five years? Is he saying that he still knows my everyday life after all those years?

And I'm the only one who's been overthinking every day and night about his whereabouts. What is he up to? If he is eating his meal at the same time as me. Is he meeting...somebody new at that time while my brains are already drowning in questions about him? 

Good gracious. I almost sent myself to see a psychiatrist over nothing.

Declan chuckled and ruffled my hair. His intimidating demeanor had vanished and been replaced by his normal demeanor. Declan's bright side, I must say. 

“You look relieved.” He commented and completely let go of me. He started putting on his black cap and a face mask to cover himself from the paparazzi. 

“O-of course! I just found out that you never really forgot about my existence in those five years. Though that's kind of really possessive, I can't deny the fact that I'm still astonished...” I finished ny sentence with a faint but satisfied smile on my face.

Declan picked my hand and intertwined my hands with his. He immediately gave it a slight squeeze, and even though he's wearing a mask, I can tell that he's smiling under it. 

“I'm too obsessed with you to even think of forgetting you.” He said this in a playful tone, and I just scoffed at him, shaking my head at the same time.  

He's always creeping me out whenever he's saying that he's obsessed with me, but at the same time, part of me still likes it.

Perhaps I'm the creepy one here. 

I mentally sigh.

We left my apartment after we both finished preparing. This meeting with Gerald is very important. Because today is the day I will persuade the person to do the building of our house.

I told him that I was with Declan today, and when I said that, he immediately showered me with questions. Because all he knew was that Declan and I were not in contact anymore. Given the fact that Declan is already a popular singer, and that I didn't really clear the situation between Declan and I. For me, I just think that it is not the right time. Gerald even tried to court me before, once he got fed up with me ignoring his questions about Declan and I, but I immediately turned him down and only offered him friendship. 

That's the only available relationship I can offer to anyone, unless it's Declan himself.

”Then I'll also bring someone with me.” And so he said before hanging up the phone.


”I guess no one will recognize you here anymore. You can already take of that mask and cap.” I told Declan once we settled down at our reserved table. No one is still here, so it means that Declan and I are the first ones here. 

Declan did what I suggested and comfortably sat beside me.

”Oh, did we make you wait too much?“ Declan and I were both startled at the same time when Gerald's voice popped out behind us.

I immediately turned my head to look at the source of the voice when I saw the familiar figure of someone behind Gerald. I automatically stand up in my seat when the figure behind Gerald scoots closer behind the latter's back, as if he's hiding from us. 

Gerald noticed where I'm currently looking at, and a soft smile immediately appeared on his face. “Come on princess, you don't have to hide frome them.” He said, looking behind him, slowly pulling the boy that was hiding on his back earlier. 

And that's where I gasped in shock when I finally saw the face of the "princess" Gerald was calling.

Evan's eyes widened in surprise as he pointed his finger at me. 

“A-angelo? It's you?” He pointed, and I nodded my head quickly, with a huge smile on my lips. Declan and Gerald frown at the same time, both looking at Evan and I. 

“Hi Evan!” I quickly rushed over to him and pulled him into a friendly hug. His other hand, that was clutching Gerald's shirt earlier, is now also wrapping around me. 

I haven't taken any over time these past weeks, and because Declan is always fetching me, I seldom go to the convenience store where Evan is working. Yep, so I kind of miss him already, and it's good to see him right here. 

I broke the hug and looked at the smaller boy and at Gerald, who has a confused look, but he is smiling anyway.  “Wow. I didn't know that you guys knew each other.” Gerald said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I pat Evan's shoulder. “Well, ssame here. It's just been almost two weeks, but look at you...” I smirk at Evan, teasing the guy, as he blush profusely. 

I step away from him and pull up Declan from his seat and introduce the big guy to Evan. I know that Evan's a big fan of Declan's band, so I'm kind of excited about introducing them to each other.

“Evan, meet my boyfriend Declan.” I said. But of course, even though he's a fan and my friend, I still have to let him know that there's a limit to being a fanboy.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw the smirk on Declan's face. He appears to be amused by it. But then I almost flinched when I realized what I had just done. I suddenly remembered Veena's words, and that made me look away while biting on my bottom lip. 

Evan's eyes widened in shock. He look at me and back to Declan with a jaw drop. He seems like he wanted to say something but cannot make a sound. Gerald and Declan snickered at the boy's reaction.

“Nice to meet you. I'm Leron's boyfriend. But that's actually a private matter right now, so I would like you to keep it secret. For now.” Declan said, emphasizing the words "for now," and eventually shaking hands with Evan, who looked like a statue right now.   


“Now shall we start already? Before I started getting jealous.” We heard Gerald state this with a grin on his face. I rolled my eyes once he started pulling away from us and to his side. Guiding the boy towards a seat. 

I sigh. Well, at least Evan is in good hands. 

The four of us eat first and then talk casually without any awkwardness. That's very good, because I totally thought that Declan and Gerald would never get along. But I think for them past is already past, and the fact that both of them already have their own boys, not like before when they are both fighting over one girl. 

Ha, really. What a turn of events.

In the end, I successfully persuaded Gerald to be our engineer. I already expected this outcome, but still, I still think that it would be too rude of me to just say it like a normal person. I don't know, maybe because I've been with him ever since, and he even became my partner. So, I thought that informing him about it with this dinner would not offend any of us. And it turned out to be right.  

“Then, have a nice night. Let's talk about the preparation next time.” Gerald said, shaking my hand and then it's Declan's turn to shake with him. 

“Thank you for your time as well. You made my wife happy,” Declan said and I frown at him and glared at the same time. Gerald smirk.

“Yeah, sure. I've been with him in the past few years, so this one is really nothing. And just so you know, you also made my wife happy, so thank you as well.” I shake my head. My head is aching just by looking at them giving each other a tight-lipped smile. 

So instead of watching the two, I just decided to finish my water while I massaged the bridge of my nose.

We called it a night after that. And because tomorrow is Sunday, I've decided to stay the night at Declan's place. He actually begged me to do it because I can't say no to him. In return, I just nodded my head in an answer. I received a lot of kisses in return. 

That night, before we went to the living room, because Declan insisted that we watch a movie first, Arson called me. 

The prosecutor is too busy these days. I've been wanting to hang out with him and Declan, just like the old times. But he needs to refuse because of work. Even if I told him that we would cash out Declan with a lot of food, he just couldn't go. So I'm kind of excited when he's finally the one who's calling me this time.


“Hey there. I just wanted to know about your day. And to tell you that the case I've been investigating was already done. And damn! I can't explain the relief I'm feeling right now. I felt like a bunch of mountains had been moved away from me.” My heart almost broke when I heard his cheerful voice, but I could clearly sense the tiredness in him. He really sounds so tired right now. 

“That's good, that's good! Congratulations.” I said, also in my cheerful voice. Declan was listening all this time, but he's just staring at me, not saying anything.

“Yep. Thank you. So...we can hang out anytime right now.” He said, a little bit hesitant. I then sigh.

“Oh, Arson. I've been waiting for that. But, I suggest that you should rest for now. You sound really beat up, honestly. As if you're not even happy about your achievement.”  I said and he chuckled on the other line that made me smile a little.

“Don't say that, Angel. I'm actually really happy. And yeah, I'm fucking tired. That's all.” He said in a playful tone.

“Hm, then rest. And maybe you should also go find a love life. So that someone will take care of you at a time like this.” I seriously offered but he just chuckled my words off.

“I don't know Angel. I haven't even gotten laid for some quiet time right now, really,” I scrunch my nose in disgust.  “And even if I have someone who will take care of me, I don't want her to think that I just need her when I'm like this. Maybe if my time is already stable, I can find someone I'll also take care of.”

Declan laugh and I just smile.

“What a sweet jerk you turned out to be. Man, you just need sex.”  Declan inquired as he held my hand to pull my phone and put it near his mouth. 

“Is that the fucker Deckie? You're actually with him right now?” Arson asked one after another and I just answer him with a 'yes'. “Fuck you dude! I'll beat your ass up once we meet. I got so drunk at Emman's part, I haven't even got the chance to talk to you properly.” Arson whines, and Declan just laugh.

“I'll wait for that, Ars.” Declan replied, and after a few minutes of fooling around, Arson eventually hung up the call, saying that he was too tired and he couldn't stay up late. And we promised each other that we'd go out to eat and talk about some things. 

I threw myself beside Declan and he immediately wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I closed my eyes as I felt him kiss the side of my head. “Ready for a movie or wanna to go to bed already?” He softly asked. I'm not sleepy yet either, so I picked the first choice.

After picking a movie within five minutes, the two of us settled beside each other on his large sofa. The movie was an action genre. There's a police officer and a badass girl. At first, the two of them were enemies, but in the middle of the movie, they became allies to pursue the main villain. But in the middle of their resting time, the scene became heated.

The excitement and powerful moments I felt earlier while watching the fighting scene suddenly became awkward and I don't know... but I'm somehow getting turned on. 

I sigh and pretend to look away. I flinched when Declan shifted in his seat. He's currently taking a pillow from beside him. I was just watching him at first, but when he lent me the pillow from the sofa, I became enthralled.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and look at him, dumbfounded. “W-what's this for?” I asked, and couldn't help but stutter because of the fact that my manhood was already awake under my pajamas. 

“That's SPG.” He said, gesturing at the TV where the girl and the boy are in the middle of their intimate session. The woman moaned so loudly that I really flinched because of it. 

“Yes, it is. S-so what?”

Declan chuckles and throws away the pillow he'd just lent me earlier. Ahh! That could be helpful to cover me. Why didn't I realize it sooner? No, why does it have to be like this? 

“I was really kind to even think of giving the pillow to you, but your reaction turned me on. I changed my mind.”



I look up at him and meet his eyes. But all I could see in it was pure lust and excitement. 

Damn, did he find out that I was already turned on? What is he? Is he a dog? Can he smell me?

He leaned in closer and looked down on my lower body.

“You're hard.” He said, clenching his jaw as if he's refraining himself doing something.

My face heated so badly and my heart was already in wild. It's beating so fast that it almost hurts my chest.

“J-just don't look at it.”

I immediately said and covered it with a pillow that was near my side. I feel like no one can ever explain the humiliation I am facing right now. To say that my face is the only thing hot right now is such an understatement. My entire body is hot, honestly.

“I can't. It's too much of a bother.” He seriously said, almost in a whisper. His voice is low and husky, and that didn't help me. It just gives me some tingling sensation that immediately flows towards my manhood. I almost whimper.

This time, he put the rest of his body on the sofa. He's kneeling in front of me. He's too close. That's why I decided to move back, but then he's too quick to pull the pillow from my firm hold and stop me from moving by capturing both of my legs.

“What are you doing?” I asked as he suddenly pulled me using my feet. That made me fall back on the sofa. Now I'm lying instead of sitting. 

“Have you ever touched yourself before in here?” He asked with a sly smile on his face. His hands are already traveling from my feet towards my butt.

My eyes widened in surprised. I bite in my lower lip as he started massaging my bottom.

“I-I never did that! O-oi! What are you planning?” I nervously asked, trying to suppress the moans that's been trying to escape from my lips.

He look at me and smirk.

“Say, do you want to experience it then?” He asked. I get frozen on my spot and have to think before opening my mouth again. 

“I, I actually wanted to give it to you after our wedding...” 

Declan was still after hearing those words from me. The smirk on his face got blown away by an unseen wind, and he looked taken aback by what I just said. I thought he was mad. That's why I immediately sat up and was ready to talk things out, but then he started chuckling.

”That's...so innocent of you.” He said and suddenly hug me tightly. A sigh of relief escape my mouth as I hug him back eventually.

After awhile, he broke the hug and look at me intensely.

“Then, if you said so...let's try something more simple.” He said, and the loud and fast beating of my chest began again. 

“What new?” I asked, but instead of answering me, He suddenly put his hands on my waist and pulled me up. And in just a blink of an eye, I was already sitting on top of his lap, but with my back facing him. 

I wanted to ask him what he was doing, but then a wet kiss suddenly landed on the crook of my neck. making me arch my back. He sucked my neck, not forgetting to leave some marks and hickeys there. And once he pulled away, I really thought that was the end.

“Are you still sensitive here?” He asked, and I immediately got nervous when he asked that. But then I was already too late and already weakening in his hold as he started licking the tip of my ear and nibbling on it. 

I groaned as tears started to flow in the corner of my eyes. I felt weak. I'm so weak. The way his tongue touches my earlobe, hitting my piercing intentionally, I can't help but grind my back on his now hardened manhood.

“Hmm. Seems like you're still.” He said, licking my right ear one more time before pulling me off his lap and onto the sofa.  

This time, I got fooled again, thinking that we were already done. When suddenly, Declan put me on all fours. Yes, I'm so weak right now. Right now, I'm on my hands and knees. My arms are wobbling, but I tried my best to hold my body up, because I want to see what Declan is up to. 

I noticed him pulling down his boxers, which are, by the way, the only clothes he's wearing.

My eyes immediately widened in realization. I thought we'd do it on our honeymoon??


“Hush. Don't worry. I'm keeping my promise.” He said, leaning closer and connecting our lips without any hesitation. I hummed in his mouth as he quickly shoved his tongue inside. 

I felt his hands on both sides of my body until they reached my pajamas and he began pulling them down, along with my boxer. My manhood sprung out immediately, and that made me immediately turn red.

I opened my eyes and broke the kiss. He smiled at me, but I nervously looked at him with a slight frown on my face. I don't want to hurt his feelings. That's why I'm not saying anything. But to be honest, I'm scared—

“Put your thighs together. Close it tightly,  hm?” He whispers in my ears before kissing my temple. Even though I'm a bit wobbly, I tried my best to do what he said. 

I'm saying that I'm scared, but I'm obeying like a bitch. Shit.

“Good. Now relax yourself, baby. Your body's too stiff.” He said and I felt him shower kisses on my clothed back.

Oh right, I still have my shirt on. He didn't touch my nipples today, though it's not like I wanted him to... 

I was so deep in thoughts while blushing to myself when I suddenly felt Declan's dick entering my thighs! 


I tried to suppress my moans as our manhoods started hitting each other from behind my back. He held onto my hips and began thrusting his dick inside, between my thighs. He cursed, and I shut my eyes tightly. Wincing and groaning ever so often.

He's thrusting too fast! My thighs are starting to feel hot. 


“Fuck. Baby, you're loosening. Keep it shut.” He demanded, but I'm already too weak to do so. That's why, instead of me, he did it himself as he put his other hand on the side of my right thigh and pushed it to press it more into the other.

“I'm close baby. Hang on.” He said in a panting voice that made my chest warm and my stomach cramp.

I didn't respond, just gave him a nod. I'm busy biting my lower lip because I don't want to make some weird sounds that I know I'll regret later.

But damn... this feels so good.

Suddenly, Declan harshly pulls me by my waist. And now I'm in a different position. Instead of being on all fours, my knees are the only ones keeping me up now. I held Declan's one arm that was around my waist to guide myself. 

Declan slid his thing between my thighs as quickly and deeply as he could in that new found position.

“D-declan, I'm about to...nghh!!”

I didn't get to finish my sentence when I just suddenly released, barely unconscious of it. Some of my cum even got splattered on my cheeks. And after that, I just felt myself getting weaker and weaker. completely resting myself on Declan's huge body. 

He didn't mind, though. He was still supporting my waist and thighs as he continued to thrust in and out, until he finally also cum. 

“Did you like it?” asked Declan in one breath as we both fell down on his sofa. He turned me around, and now I'm on top of him, our bodies facing each other. I stared at him with my sleepy eyes as he brush off the small amount of my cum on my face.

I wanted to tell him that I loved it, but then the goddess of sleep immediately pulled me into her dreamland.  

But not without hearing Declan's "I love you.”

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