Can You Love Me Most? | 𝘙đ˜ĻīŋŊ...

By jxlvpin

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"𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 đĨđ—ŧđ—ŧ𝐤𝐞𝐝 đĸ𝐧𝐭đ—ŧ 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆, 𝐈 đŖ𝐮đŦ𝐭 - 𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘." ĪŸ Selene Black is the younge... More

Author's Notes
1| Hello
2| Dementor! Dementor!
3| First Lesson
4| Nice Isn't He?
5| We Meet Again
6| Patronus
7| Brother
8| It Can't Be, Can It?
9| T H E T R U T H
10| Opinion
11| Heal
12| Waterloo
13| The Marauder's Map
14| Innocent
15| Holidays
16| Under the Mistletoe
17| Christmas Bliss
18| Trust Gred and Feorge
19| Triumph
20| Tighter Security
21| Hurt
22| Monica's Discovery
23| Valentine's Day
24| Killjoy
25| Remus's 34th
26| Hermione
27| A Change of Patronus
28| Confessions
29| The Fight
30| Regrets
31| Champions
32| Luke Montez
33| Exams
34| Padfoot's Plan
35| Mission Slightly Failed
36| Chaos at the Shrieking Shack
37| Revelations
38| Peter Pettigrew
39| The Full Moon
40| And Everything Fell Into Pieces
41| Heartbroken
42| Last Hurrah
43| Last Train Ride and Letters
44| Ghost
45| 19th
46| Safe and Sound
47| The Beginning of The Auror Life
48| Training
49| Back at Hogwarts
50| The Third and Final Task
51| Aftermath
52| News
53| The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
54| Recruiting For the Order
55| Reunion
56| Apology Accepted
57| Anastasia Dolohov
58| Peace Offering
59| Finally
60| The Advance Guard
61| Harry
62| Night Talks
63| Affirmations
64| Celebrations
65| False Alarm
66| Sick
67| Caught In The Act
68| A New Affair
69| Adjusting
70| Return
71| Suspicions
72| Lyall Lupin
73| Strained
74| Grief
75| Date
76| Mark Me
77| Mates
78| Red
79| St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
80| Happy Anniversary
81| Christmas at Grimmauld Place
82| First Day of the Year
83| Jealousy, Jealousy
84| Hell
85| Love of My Life
86| Congratulations, We're Engaged
87| The Will of Orion and Alphard Black
88| Down South
89| Last Days
90| Forever
91| Charles Dumbledore
92| Love Me
93| Just The Two Of Us
94| Angry, But In a Playful Way
95| An Unexpected Surprise
96| A Little Lupin
97| Level Nine, The Department Of Mysteries
98| You Promised
99| Spread Your Wings And Fly Away
100| A New Beginning
101| An Extraordinary Attachment
102| Remus' Babies
103| Butterflies and Baby Names
104| Come Back, Please
105| A Nostalgic Place
106| Reunited
107| I Gave You My Heart
109| Preparations
110| February 10th, 1997
111| Welcome To The Family
112| Everything
113| King Of My Heart
114| Dumbledore's Downfall
115| Until The End
116| Harry's Arrival
117| Mr. And Mrs. William Weasley
118| Everything Has Changed
119| Regulus Arcturus Black
120| The Capture
121| Not Who He Seems
122| Good To Have You Back
123| Enough
124| Birthdays and News
125| Two Unexpected Gifts
126| It's Happening
127| The Battle Begins
128| Fire & Blood
129| Live For Me
130| The End

108| The French Veela

2.9K 81 9
By jxlvpin

"It's hard to believe." I chuckled to myself one afternoon in the Burrow's living room.

"What's hard to believe?" George asked, sipping a glass of his juice with an interested grin.

"That you and Fred both fancied me. And only one of you got caught by my husband." I giggled as George scratched his head in confusion.

"You forgot didn't you–"

"Of course, I didn't!" George exclaimed, making me burst into fits of laughter. "Yeah I'm really sorry, it was just a silly crush and I've gotten over it. As well as Freddie."

"It's alright, I meant I did have a lot of guys gushing over me during my years at Hogwarts." I breathed, George merely shook his head with a chuckle.

"But if there's one beautiful woman. It's her."

My attention then snapped unto Bill's fianceé, Fleur. I recalled that I had a brief encounter with her during the Triwizard Tournament two years ago.

And indeed, she was a Veela.

Quarter Veela to be precise.

Which made her unirresistibly beautiful.

"I gotta agree, Georgie. Bill's got a fine taste in women." I snickered.

"I beg your pardon?"

I was now looking face-to-face with her porcelain-looking face, her blue-ish and mysterious eyes locking with mine as she just gazed at me curiously. I coughed and sat up straight.

"Oh, sorry. It was nothing." I chuckled awkwardly.

"I see," she said quietly. "I just hoped you know, that eet's very rude to laugh at somebody."

At her words, Mrs. Weasley and Ginny both glanced at her reproachfully like she was a mass murderer or something as she looked back at them with hesitation and regret at what she had said.

"My apologies, I was ze one who was being rude." she gave me an apologetic look as I slowly tried to take in her French accent.

"No, no, no. Everything's fine." I reassured. She smiled softly and sat next to me on the sofa, a shocked gasp eliciting from Ginny before she was shushed by Mrs. Weasley.

"Um... I never got to formally introduce myself but I'm Selene Lupin. And of course, I've heard so much about you, Fleur." I stuck out my hand which she gladly accepted.

"Bonjour, Selene," she warmly shook it. "Lupin? Oh mon, you two are perfect for eech other! I could not help but observe you two on Christmas Eve. Bill told me zat you 'ave been close friends with 'is family for a very long time."

"Yeah, they're like my family as well."

Her eyes were now trained on my stomach and she couldn't help but smile again.

"I zee were the knitted sweaters were for."

I chuckled.

"Is it a boy or a –"
"A very healthy girl." I interrupted with a giggle.

She beamed at this. "Then zat's wonderful! It's easier taking care of a girl than a boy."


"You are ze murderer's sister, no?"

The entire room had suddenly stopped their conversations at that question. Ron was sniggering in the corner along with the twins, while Ana and Ginny were looking at the French Veela with a mutual disgusted face. Molly had dropped the plate she was scrubbing in the sink and was glaring at Fleur with utter fury. But for me, however, this was the moment that made me like the newest addition to the family of seven, my mouth slightly fell agape until I let out a small grin.

"Half-true, half-not."

"I did not mean to offend you!" Fleur was saying with a bashful smile on her face. "I just wanted to show you zat I was not afraid of you or Sirius! It was either zat or to say that I expected you to be more prettier!"

I snorted at that. "Oh please, I haven't inherited a single trace of vanity from the House of Black!"

But apparently, everyone (especially Molly) was still not impressed with Fleur's comment and they all went out of the room, leaving the two of us alone as I hummed awkwardly.

"I should not 'ave said that," she huffed to herself in disappointment. "I 'ave a foul tendency to say things before I can even theenk about it very clearly."

"Hey, it's fine," I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I found it quite funny and Mrs. Weasley? Let's just say, she's a bit too... conservative and traditional ... but you know, she'll get used to you. She's really nice once you get to know her."

She scoffed lightly.

"I theenk otherwise."

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Isn't it obvious? She despises me so much! Ever since Bill brought me 'ere... they have been looking at me like I am a dangerous insect that must be squashed immediately." she explained throatily as I was engulfed by a briefly long silence.

"Did you do anything that offended her?"

"No, I tried my very best to fit in with Bill's family, but it seems they despise me no matter what I do."


"But you see," she looked around the room cautiously and moved closer so that she was whispering to my ear. "One night, I overheard her and Ginny, that Bill and I might have rushed in the engagement, we started to get to know each other last year when I was working at ze Gringotts, and I formally met the Weasleys last summer."

"No wonder why," I sighed. "Well, Mrs. Weasley isn't as bad as she seems, she's just... protective of her children and she just wants what's best for them. And... I think it's the very first time one of them brought over a girl, so totally understandable."

She looked at me blankly.

"And Ginny? She's very sweet, you'll love her and she'll love you. She treats everyone with kindness... and she'll consider you part of their family once she gets to know you."

"I hope she does."

"So... when's the wedding?" I asked excitedly, deciding to change the rather gloomy topic.

"Summer, I suppose. Will you be attending?"

"Anything for Bill."

Fleur smiled gratefully.

"Y'know, you don't have to speak too much eenglish with me, I've studied French when I was young." I said, exaggerating the English with my best French voice which made her giggle.

"Vraiment?" she tested, slightly bouncing in excitement.

"Oui je peux." I smirked.

"By the way, how did you and Lupin become a couple?"

My cheeks blushed furiously and I nervously

"Now that's... a very long story."

A/N :  Short and slightly boring chapter, I know. I've been busy with school lately 'cause of lots of projects. And Fleur's one of my favorite HP characters, and she's so underrated! It's such an injustice by JKR and the films, so for my fellow Fleur stans, I'm finally giving the attention she deserves! :)

Oh, and I might have butchered on her accent, but I'll do my best in her following appearances 😭

Slight spoilers: Chapters 109-110 are gonna be a rollercoaster ride.

- jxlvpin

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