Quiet In Beverly Hills - YB I...


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My second YUNGBLUD book, I'm back, my chickens! All types of requests are open, fluff, smut and angst! Reques... More

Massages [S]
Fool [F]
First Time [S]
Nesting [F]
Asthma [A]
Like A Virgin [S]
Baby Blud [F]
3rd Party [Poly S]
Nanny [F]
Tattoo [F]
Bunny [S]
Tattoo - 2 [S]
Places We Don't Talk [A]
Masquerade [F]
Vienna [A/F]
Time To Heal [A]
Disneyland [F]
Teacher [A]
Double Date [F]
Disneyland Pt 2 - [S]
Graduation [S]
Skinny Dipping [F]
Lick Of Paint [S]
Lotus [S]
Interviews [F]
50 Shades Of Fuck-No [A]
Stretch Marks [A/S]
Anniversary Trip [A]
Carmilla [A/N]
Dom's Adoration [S]
Good Boy [S]
Being Dad [S]
Boyfriend Material [S]
Intimate Scenes [F]
A Day Of First [S]
Body Shot [S]
Gala [S]
Sweeney Todd [S]
Announcement/Final Chapter

Bookstore Girl [F]

449 9 31

Summary: Dom's attention is caught by a particular woman in the bookstore

A/N; This is just some cute Dom fluff, possibly inspired by my love of book shopping <3

Word Count: 3,400


July 5th.

July 5th was the first time I met Y/N.

My friend from schools birthday was coming up, and for a couple of weeks I'd been absolutely stumped on what to get them for a present, until, when I went round their house, it seemed hopelessly obvious.

They loved reading. Since I'd first met them, they had a lot of books. He was close to having a library of his own, if he kept collecting books at the rate he was doing so.

So, I looked out and found his Goodreads account, and looked through his "Read" list. It didn't seem there were many books he hadn't read, but I knew the kind of genres I was looking for.

Fantasy, romance and new adult books were mainly the genres that he read. So, without much more of a plan, I went into the local Waterstones in Doncaster.

As soon as I walked in, I was slightly overwhelmed by the amount of books there. While the store wasn't that big, there was still more books to pick from than I could possibly think about. 

Looking through the selection of the rest of the books, it really did not narrow anything down. Genres and sub genres seemed to blend into the other, and even fantasy seemed to go past what I was originally looking for.

The process got more and more difficult the more I thought about it. I would find a book, and it would look good, then I checked his account, and he'd have read it. Find a new one, check again.

Read it.

This process continued for a while until I drew my eyes away from the shelf I was looking at, and I saw her.

She immediately caught my attention, it was near impossible to ignore her. She was crouching down to reach the lower shelves, a pile of about five or so books resting on her crouched knees.

Her baggy black jumper hung loosely, showing her shoulders, and she was wearing a white layered skirt that came just below her knees. There was a thin pearl belt around the skirt, but it was clearly more decorative than actually helping as a belt.

And she was wearing a lot of jewellery. Various necklaces, rings, decorated her neck and hands, with bracelets around her wrists and earrings in. On top of all this, Docs and white knee high socks, hair done in a claw clip.

Quickly looking at the names of the books that she was carrying, and most were romance, a couple fantasy and some a mix of the two. In conclusion, exactly what I needed to buy for my best friends birthday.

There it was. This perfect, or possibly nightmare scenario, laid out right in front of me.

A beautiful girl right in front of me, who's taste in books is the exact same as my best friends, and I'm stupidly clueless about which of these books are even worth buying for them.

Suddenly, the butterflies come, and they swarm quickly. My stomach is set on fire, through the nerve of being in a new environment, talking to somebody that I didn't even know. She had headphones in, I'd hate to have been annoying.

Taking in a deep intake of breath, I walked over to her, and stupidly, stopped for a moment, considering whether to crouch down to her level. But she said something before that could even happen.

"I'm sorry if I sound stupid, but it's my mates birthday soon, and I want to buy some new books for them, but I don't know where to start. Do you have any recommendations?" I asked, saying it all quite quickly.

Her body seemed to relax as I explained why I was talking to her, and instead of some attempt to make a move onto her. Grabbing her stack of books, and moving them off her lap and holding them properly.

"Oh sure! What kind of genres are they into?" She asked, and she payed me, and as I noticed, my appearance some more attention.

She immediately seemed more comfortable, her fingers strumming over the paperback book that was on top of the pile she was carrying. She was looking up at me, not really making direct eye contact, but just meeting my eye level.

I saw her eyes glancing up and down quickly, taking a few seconds on each of the way up. I took a moment to take in her eyes, and their colour. They were absolutely beautiful. The way the light reflected off them; just gorgeous.

"Mainly like fantasy, romance, preferably the two together, anything new adult," I explained, and as I said, I saw the small remnants of a smirk on the outer corner of her lips. As though this was almost a moment she'd been waiting for.

"Oh perfect! Follow me," She said. Without physically touching me, she began to go down to the opposite side of the bookstore, walking quite quickly. I quickly tried to keep up with her, as she got to a small section titled new adult.

Her mind was working quite suddenly, and very quickly. She was quickly darting around, her eyes browsing over the books before quickly grabbing one off a shelf, or a table display. It surprisingly only took five or so minutes before she had 6 books built up for me.

"I don't know how many of those they've read, but these are some of my favourite recommendations, they definitely come to mind first," She said, a small smile on her face.

Checking his account, he'd only read one of the books out of the six that she selected. "Wow, you just found me five, thank you!" I said, and she smiled all the wider. "You're so, so welcome!" She said, as she began to browse through shelves again.

"Do you live in the Donny area?" I asked her, and she shook her head. "London, but I've got family up here, so I come here a lot, mostly weekends,"

"Same man!" I said, and she burst out with a giggle. "What's your name?" I asked. "Mine's Dom,"

"Y/N," She replied.

"It's a pretty name," I complimented her, and I could swear I saw a light flush come onto her face. We kept some small talk, until I made my way over to the till to pay.

I didn't see her as I was leaving.

July 13th

Tom, Adam and me were all back in Doncaster, we'd just played a gig here the night before. Tom had been going on for months now, about this book of photography, that had just come out, and apparently he needs it more than anything else.

Making our way into the same Waterstones, it makes me more comfortable now that I've been to this place before. Tom immediately makes a dash to the display which had multiple copies of the book he wanted.

I stuck standing next to Adam, and it was just, normal. Adam was browsing through a couple of books, but as someone who struggled with reading; reading wasn't usually one of my favourite activities, so no books were catching my eyes. So, my eyes began to wander.

Then that's where I saw her again. Y/N.

She was wearing a white crop top, a dark blue ankle length skirt, her hair tied up with a matching dark blue bandanna. She had another stack of books in her hand. It was becoming clearer to me this was one of her favourite places.

Looking up from the shelf, her eyes widened, and she broke out into a smile. "Dom!" She laughed, as she walked up to me. Immediately Adam gave me the look. He was confused what the hell was going on.

To be fair, I couldn't even blame him. A girl, who I hadn't even mentioned to him before was coming up to me, excited to see me, and on a first name basis. 

"Why do we keep bumping into each other?" I asked her, and she beamed a smile. "Must be good luck," She beamed, as she hugged the small stack of books to her chest. Then Tom came back over.

"Who's this?" He asked me, and she beamed a little. "Y/N, I saw Dom here a couple of weeks ago," She laughed, as she began to wonder off back to the romance section. "SEE YA DOM!" She giggled.

I was not living this down anytime soon.


August 5th

I'm still extremely surprised that this AM shirt from 2013 still fits me. I'm wearing a black tank top, with the white sound wave from the AM cover on the chest, black jeans with chains and my creepers.

Tom and Adam bought me tickets to see Arctic Monkeys for my birthday, which is probably one of my favourite bands of all time. And when they were performing in Royal Albert Hall, they decided to get me tickets.

I was having the time of my life in the concert environment, when I'm watching someone perform, instead of being the performer myself. The lights around the stage, the energy, the excitement of everyone, the guitar riff.

Already having the time of my life watching one of my favourite bands perform in front of me, I heard shouts of my name, above all of the noise. A girls voice.

"DOM!" She shouted. 


"HI!" I shouted back as she made her way over to me. She was glowing, she looked so happy, a plastic cup with beer in hand. She was wearing a black crop top, skirt, fishnets and army boots.

Just as she was making her way over to me, she nearly tripped, her boots falling one into the other.

Immediately, I grabbed her waist as fast as possible, and tried to support her body. Immediately there was something intoxicating about her. The way I could feel her skin pressed up against mine, and her body so close to mine.

"Sorry," She apologized as she stabilized herself, but I shook my head. "It's okay," I said to her, as I put my arm around her, to make sure she'd stay together. Adam and Tom were giggling like schoolboys behind me, so I silently rolled my eyes.

As the song continued, Y/N was slowly getting way more flirtatious. Physically too. The way her body moved against mine, when they got to the slower songs, or songs with bigger guitar riffs, her ass would brush against my middle.

She was turning me on so much, but I knew tonight wasn't the night. She was already drinking a beer, and from what she had told me, she'd had a couple anyways. My goal was to make sure she got home in one piece; as she didn't seem to have anyone with her.


As the concert finished, Y/N was clearly slightly intoxicated. She was walking just fine in her army boots, and physically lucid, but the way she was acting was just like someone who was not in of the right mind.

"Y/N, do you want me to take you home?" I asked her, as Adam and Tom had already gone into the local pub for a drink afterwards, not ready for my birthday celebrations to end just yet.

"Yes! I need a big sexy man to take me home," She said, in a giggly tone, as she threw her arms around me, as my hand rest on her lower back keeping her stable.

"How far are you from your house?" I asked her, and she just managed to grab out her phone, unlock it, and pass me her Google Maps. Thankfully, the directions to the venue were able to be reversed to her house.

"I'll call you a taxi, let's get you home," I said, as I called an Uber for us. I was very protective of her the whole time I was waiting for the car with her. There were a lot of men there, and a lot of intoxicated ones at that.

While Y/N wasn't doing anything to illicit these men's attention, though a woman should never be blamed for a man's lack of impulse control, I knew from men being far too comfortable being open with me, how disgusting their view of women was.

Y/N was a girl, from how she'd told me, in her early twenties, drunk outside a venue, with a group of generally larger men, who at any point could've convinced her to have come with them.

That's why, without much actual contact, I was very much trying to give the impression to the men that she was with me. 

Just keeping my arm around her, making sure she didn't wander, calling her love just loud enough they would hear me, making her burst out into fits of giggles every single time. Thankfully, before anyone decided to try anything, our car showed up.

As we both got into the car, her drunken state continued so much more. "You're so fucking sexy man," She giggled, as she tried to make her way over to sit in my lap, though her seat belt held her back.

"No, Y/N, stay in your seat, I need you to get home safe," I said, waiting the rest of the 10 minutes before we got back into her house. And as we did so, she stepped out of the car, and I held onto her tightly.

"Do you have your keys?" I asked her, as she just got to her front door. She opened her keys, but she dropped them, her hands shaking. "Okay, let me do it," I said, picking up the keys.

I tried the different keys until one slid into the door and opened it, getting her into the front door. The first thing I saw as I stepped into her house was the sheer amount of books. She was clearly such a bookworm.

She had three bookcases in her living room full of books, and a book pile stood next to her sofa. "Let's get your boots off before you try and go up the stairs," I said, as I slowly encouraged her to sit.

For some reason she decided to sit on the floor, but it helped me reach the laces of her boots, as I untied them, undid the zip, and got them off her feet. "Carry me upstairs, handsome," She teased, refusing to get off the floor.

Sighing in exasperation, I picked her up off the floor in a bridal carry, and begin to carry her up the stairs. Getting her to her bathroom, as I eventually found her bathroom, and got her sat down on the counter, finding her makeup wipes.

She burst out giggling, as I cupped her face and wiped her makeup off her face. "When are you taking me to bed!?" She huffed, as I finished taking off her makeup, throwing it in the bin.

"Not now Y/N, you're drunk," I said, taking her into her bedroom, and carrying her into the bedroom, and getting her into her bed, and tucking her in. "C'MERE!" Y/N cried out.

"I need you!" She said, as she kicked her feet back and forth, annoyed, clearly emotionally distressed. I sat down on the bed, putting my hand over hers. "Kiss me, please!" She said, rolling her eyes.

Not wanting to actually kiss her, I kissed my hand, putting it on her forehead, though something about the physical touch managed to calm her down and relax her enough. She wraps her arms around me, a small shake coming over her body.

"I need you, please don't leave me," She said, as I ran my hand through my hair, soothing her and shushing her. "I'm not going to leave you, I'm staying here, you're intoxicated right now, but I'll be downstairs. I'll be here in the morning,"

She nods, as I walk out of the room, closing the door behind me, as I go back downstairs. She had some blankets and cushions on the sofa, so I make myself comfortable under the heavy blankets, turning some into cushions.



I open my eyes, and there's a girl, who isn't Y/N is standing in the living room, a bathrobe around her. "Who the fuck are you?! Y/N!!" She hollers.

Oh for fuck's sake.

"What?!" Y/N asks, as she makes her way into view at the top of the stairs, rubbing her eyes, her hair messy, still wearing her outfit from the night before, and her eyes widen as she sees me sitting up on the sofa.

"Who is this?!" The other girl asks, and Y/N cheeks flush, and I swear it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

"Oh my god, Steph, relax. This is bookstore guy, the one I was telling you about," Y/N says, as she walks down the stairs from the top and sits down next to me.

"I didn't expect a Waterstones to be the place you find someone to shag, so honestly all power to you," Steph says, making her way into the kitchen, their house being very open plan.

"One, we didn't shag. Two, we weren't on the bloody lash at Waterstones. Elena and Jack abandoned me going to the Arctic Monkeys gig, and I was already drunk. Dom made sure I got home alright," Y/N explained.

"JACK FUCKING DITCHED YOU!?" Steph shouted. I'm beginning to realise Steph is definitely one for dramatics.

"They both did. Elena's parents came down to visit, and she hasn't introduced them to Jack yet, so they wanted to get that done with. And I didn't have anyone else who wanted to go see them, so I sold the other two, and went myself,"

"I mean I can't blame them, my family would go ballistic if it took me 18 months after going out with a guy to finally introduce them. Didn't Elena's sister get married like four months back?" Steph asked.

"Yeah, October. Jack skipped as her plus one, because he didn't apparently want to take the attention away from Elena's wedding being the 'new' one in the family," Y/N added.

"Or maybe he's just terrified of Elena's abulea," Steph chuckled.

"Well I'm glad you got back in one piece. Cheers Dom," Steph added at last, as she finished pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"I'm going upstairs so I better not hear anything rocking," She said, as Y/N flipped her off silently, as she cozies up to me. Once Steph is out of view, Y/N lets out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry about her," She apologizes, but I just laugh. "Nah it's fine love, you should see my mates," I add, and I see a faint smile on her lips.

"Sorry about how I acted last night too. I don't remember exactly what I said, but I was definitely intoxicated," She said, as though she was avoiding my gaze, looking down at the floor. "Love, it's okay," I said, placing my hand over hers.

"Can I kiss you now?" She asked me, as she finally meets my eyes again. "Of course my love, c'mere," I said. She slowly made her way up to me, as her legs almost straddle my own left thigh, as she presses her lips on mine.

I devour the taste of her lips, as she rocks herself against my leg, encouraging her own soft moans, but she tries to keep it quiet, biting down on my own lip to stop her own moans, though that almost draws out my own.

Her hands roam my body, moving underneath the tank top to caress my chest, as I roll my head back a little, and she meets my movements. The way she rocks in the same way that I do, and she's so clearly into it, how she meets my body.

Lips pressed against mine, I cradle her waist. "Perfect girl," I say, and she lets out a small whimper. As we finally leave the kiss, I get up off the sofa, as she lets out a small whine at the lack of contact.

"I guess this means you're leaving now," She says, but I shake my head. "Not forever. I'll give you my number and Instagram, I can't just leave you now," I say, in a soft tone, and she beams out.

"Write it here," She said, passing me a scrap piece of paper and a pen. Quickly writing down my number and my Instagram, she writes me down her own. I press a quick kiss to her cheek, as I put my shoes on, and leave.

Looking at my phone, there's texts from Tom.


Are you coming home soon? You alright?

Did you go home w/ bookstore girl?

Yeah, I'm on my way home now.

That's who we were; bookstore boy and bookstore girl.


A/N!! AH I know this is so different from my usual writing, but I honestly had so much fun with this!

Also please let me know if you'd like me to talk more about the actual books I've been reading because honestly I have been reading so much more outside of Wattpad and I'm loving it!


Lana 🐔

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