Zabini Heiress ~ Dramione

By hh_2000

595K 12.7K 2.4K

It had been too long, why reveal the truth after years? Hermione Granger was believed to be Muggleborn most... More

Help - Ch.1
Back - Ch.2
Alone - Ch.3
Home - Ch.4
Day 1 - Ch.5
Together - Ch.6
Test - Ch.7
Shredded - Ch.8
Match - Ch.9
Shock - Ch.10
Misery - Ch.11
Visiting - Ch.12
Finding - Ch.13
Diagon Alley - Ch. 14
Celebration - Ch. 15
Kings Cross - Ch.16
Prefects - Ch.17
Hogwarts - Ch. 18
Reality - Ch.19
Snap - Ch. 20
Report - Ch. 21
Broken In - Ch. 22
Aurors - Ch.23
Ministry - Ch. 25
October - Ch. 26
Distant - Ch. 27
Potions - Ch. 28
Halloween Dance - Ch. 29
Back - Ch. 30
Quidditch - Ch. 31
Ghost - Ch. 32
Rumours - Ch. 33
Truth - Ch. 34
December - Ch. 35
Fight - Ch. 36
Break - Ch. 37
Zabini Manor - Ch. 38
Flashes - Ch. 39
Clue - Ch. 40
Magic - Ch. 41
Connection - Ch. 42
Christmas - Ch.43
Finally - Ch. 44
Apologizes - Ch. 45
Evidence - Ch. 46
Greetings - Ch. 47
Staying - Ch. 48
Morning - Ch. 49
New Years Eve - Ch. 50
Dining - Ch. 51
Ball - Ch. 52
Surprise - Ch. 53
Teddy - Ch. 54
Paper Ring - Ch. 55
Hogwarts Express - Ch. 56
Curfew - Ch. 57
5 Years Later - Ch. 58

Trouble - Ch. 24

10.1K 213 14
By hh_2000

Hermione returned to the common room an hour later. She walked in and froze. Draco and his friends were there. She was supposed to be asleep. She cursed under her breath as they noticed her. "Where were you?"Pansy questioned, getting up from her seat. "I had to speak with McGonagall"Hermione said. "In the dead of night?"Blaise said, staring at her suspiciously. "8 is not the 'dead of night'"She scoffed as she headed to her room.

"You said you were going to sleep"Pansy snapped. "Alright, I'm going to sleep now, I just had to talk with McGonagall"Hermione rolled her eyes as she opened the door. "Yeah, definitely"Draco said sarcastically as he got up. He walked past her, his hand wrapping around her wrist as he pulled her into her room, closing the door behind them.

"Don't bother lying, where were you?" Draco questioned.

"I'm not lying, I went to see McGonagall!"She snapped.

"That isn't just what you did, your neck goes red when you're lying"He told.

Her hand shot to her neck, "it does not!"She argued.

"Granger, where were you?" He repeated.

She huffed, looking away from him. Did her neck really go red when she lied? "I don't have to tell you"She said. "Did you forget I have to take care of you? I shouldn't have even let you leave alone this morning! Either tell me, or I'll find out from McGonagall"He snapped.

She glared at him, McGonagall would tell him. She had already been against it. "I went to see Ron" Hermione told.

"What?"He snarled. "What made you think that was a good idea, are you mad?"Draco questioned. "I had to find out what he wanted and I did!"She said. "Granger, did you not see what he did to you? He could've attacked you again!"He snapped.

"And he could've attacked you! He was planning on it!"She told. "I can handle him"Draco scoffed. "If I'm not allowed to go around alone, neither are you!" Hermione demanded. "He could've hurt you a lot worse than he hurt me!"She said.

"What else did you find out from him?"He questioned. He had to know what she thought was worth risking her safety for. "Lavender Brown has also been breaking Hogwarts rules. And Laws. She's been slipping things into his food, love potions. If he's going to get suspended and punished, so should she"She told. "And what does that have anything to do with you? Why get involved?"He snapped.

"She is the reason Ron got to this point. This would've never happened, we would've never gotten this distant if it weren't for her. Ginny is already collecting evidence for me. And tomorrow I'm going to confront her"She told.

"You and your bloody Gryffindor heart, always putting yourselves at risk for others"He muttered under his breath, running a hand through his hair. "You go sleep, you're too unpredictable when awake"He told. "I have to do rounds"She said. "No, I'll do them, you're staying here"He argued. "McGonagall specifically said no doing rounds alone!"She reminded.

"And you were told to not leave alone"Draco told. "I don't have to listen to you"Hermione scoffed. "You're staying here, you're going to sleep and we'll talk tomorrow"He said. He walked out of the room before she could argue.


Morning came around and Hermione was sitting in the common room with Ginny. "I got the love potion, and yes, I used gloves. It has her finger prints all over it. She was hiding it in her trunk"Ginny told. "Great, McGonagall and Malfoy should be here any minute. We've called the less emergency aurors as well. So when they get here, we'll enter Gryffindor tower"Hermione said.

"I don't get why you're going so deeply into this? Ron hurt you. This must be because of your hatred for Lavender? Not to avenge Ron?"Ginny questioned.

"Ron and I were friends for years. He doesn't deserve to suffer alone when she's the reason he got that far. I've done research on this potion. Lavender has been giving it to Ron, so it forced him to be in love with her. But it also forced him to hate who she hates. It's a very strong and rarely found potion" Hermione explained. "Ron has done terrible things, I won't deny it, but she played a part in it"She said.

Draco and McGonagall arrived soon after with 4 non-emergency aurors. "I've explained to them what you told me, you've gotten the evidence?" McGonagall asked. Hermione nodded, handing McGonagall a bag, the potion inside.

"Very well. Malfoy, Granger, you two will enter Gryffindor tower and bring Lavender Brown to my office, two Aurors will stand guard with you in case she attacks"McGonagall told. "Ms.Weasley, you must not be seen with them. You will stay here"She added.

"What, why? I want to be there!"Ginny said, getting up from the couch. "Ginny, if Lavender finds out you got the evidence, she'll target you. Just stay here, I'll tell you everything when we get back"Hermione assured. "Ugh"Ginny groaned, falling back into her seat.

They left the common room, McGonagall heading for her office as Draco and Hermione headed to Gryffindor tower. "I can't tell if you're getting revenge for yourself or Weasel"Draco said. "It's only fair that she gets punished as well"Hermione shrugged. He rolled his eyes, he just didn't understand.

"Did you go to madam Pomfrey?"She questioned. "Granger I said I'd go later"He told. "And when exactly is later? You need to get it healed"She snapped, throwing a glare at him. "Fine, I'll go before Lunch"He said, rolling his eyes again.

They stopped in front of the portrait of the fat lady. Hermione Said the password before turning to the aurors. "Stay out here, we'll call you if things get out of hand"Hermione told, there was no need to cause stress for anyone else. Draco entered the common room before she was done talking, wanting to see how it was like.

"Malfoy!"Hermione snapped. Everyone in there hated him. She rushed after him but he was already in, every eye towards him. "The dungeons are much better"He scowled, hating how bright and cheerful the room looked. "We aren't here for you to judge the common room"She scoffed, hitting his arm. She turned to the common room, ready to speak. Her eyes glanced around, looking for Lavender. "We need Lavender Brown"She said.

"What?"Parvati questioned.

"What's happening?" Dean asked.

"Is she in her dorm?"Hermione asked, turning to Parvati. "Yeah, I'll... I'll go get her"Parvati said, confused. Parvati disappeared up the stairs and Harry walked over. "You've got everything?"He asked.

Hermione nodded. "This is really nice of you, Hermione, you didn't have to do this"Harry said. Hermione smiled, bringing him into a one armed hug. She heard Draco scoff and rolled her eyes. "You have to go to the head dorm, Ginny will blow if she stays there alone"Hermione told, pulling away.

Harry left as Parvati and Lavender came rushing down. "Have you seen Ron?"Lavender asked, her face covered in worry. Hermione saw Draco smirk out of the corner of her eye. "What? Why is he smirking? Granger, where is Ron?"Lavender questioned. "You'll be joining him very soon, don't you worry"Draco said.

"What?" Lavender muttered, turning to Hermione.

"Lavender Brown, you are under arrest for criminal charges"Hermione said, a small smile appearing on her face.

"What!"Parvati snapped.

"Criminal Charges?"Neville repeated.

"Criminal Charges! I didn't do anything!"Lavender shouted, stepping away from them. The aurors rushed in at the sudden noise. "You are also being sued by Ronald Weasley, and having a restraining order put against you for your crimes"Hermione went on as the aurors pulled out their wands.

The fear on Lavender's face made Hermione want to laugh. "You committed a crime. You could spend years locked up, all because you wanted a Weasel to be with you" Draco told, his smirk growing as Aurors cuffed her and took her wand.

"What is happening!"Parvati questioned, trying to reach for Lavender but the aurors pulled her away. "Lavender Brown is being taken to the ministry for further inspection"An Auror said. They pulled Lavender away, heading to the door but Hermione grabbed Lavender's arm.

Hermione met her eyes. Lavender was crying. "I'm going to make you regret the day you decided to meddle with our relationship"Hermione said softly. "I hate you, I hate you!"Lavender spat as Aurors dragged her out of the common room.


Hermione headed back to the common room with Draco, she had finally gotten rid of her. She was about to enter through the portrait when Draco stopped her, grabbing her forearm. She looked over her shoulder at him with a puzzled expression. "What?" Hermione said.

"Say you won't go out alone again"Draco fold, pulling her away from the portrait. "What?"She questioned.

"You agreed yesterday and still left alone. Swear you won't leave alone. I don't care who's with you, it could be a bloody first year, just swear you won't go around alone" Draco said.

Hermione rolled her eyes and tried to pull her arm away. "Malfoy, both Ron and Lavender are gone. I can go out alone, it's not that big of a deal"She told. "Granger just swear to it"He snapped.

She looked up at him with a bored look. He seemed completely serious. "Fine, fine. I won't leave alone ever again, okay? Don't get your wand in a knot"She said, raising her hands in surrender.

Draco didn't seem to believe her, raising an eyebrow. "I swear to merlin, I won't leave alone"She swore. "You better not lie Granger"He warned, dropping her arm. She rolled her eyes again and entered through the portrait.

"Well what happened?"Ginny questioned, jumping up from her seat. "They took her"Hermione smiled. "She's gone? For good?"Harry asked. Yes he was upset with Ron, but what Lavender did was unacceptable. "I'm sure you'll be notified of the details later Potter"Draco said, walking past them. They kept quiet as he walked to his room, closing the door behind him.

"I still can't believe he agreed to help" Ginny rolled her eyes as she sat down. "Why would he agree to help?"Harry asked, turning to Hermione suspiciously. "What're you looking at me for?" Hermione questioned.

"Hermione, Malfoy despises Ron, why would he even think of helping him? You had something to do with it, and if I know Malfoy, he doesn't care what any of us have to say, including you. So how did you bribe him?"Harry Said.

"Bribe him?"Hermione scoffed. She looked back at Harry, there was no humour in his attitude. "No Harry, I am not sleeping with Draco Malfoy" Hermione said.

"What!"Ginny questioned. "What made you think that's what he meant?"Ginny snapped. "Because I know exactly how he thinks. If you want to know why he's helping, just ask"Hermione told.

"Why?"Harry questioned.

"Because my Mother has signed him up as baby sitter. I am now not allowed to go anywhere alone so he was forced to agree" Hermione explained. "Baby sitter? You're saying Malfoy is baby sitting you?" Harry repeated. "I thought it was only for one night?" Ginny said, a grin slowly spreading across her face.

"One night? What does she mean?"Harry asked, staring from Ginny to Hermione. "At the quidditch match. Malfoy had to watch me under my mother's request"Hermione told, glaring at Ginny who smirked proudly.

"And now he's being told to 'babysit' me for who knows how long"Hermione added, turning to Harry. "So he was forced into helping Ron because of your mother?"Harry said slowly, summarizing most of it.

"Basically, yes"Hermione nodded. "Not because of her mother"Ginny scoffed. Ginny wanted to continue but Hermione's glare silenced her. Though it didn't make her grin waver for a second.

"Okay so now Lavender is gone, what's going to happen next? I mean what Lavender did had to effect Ron's charges" Harry said. Hermione glanced over at him before sighing. "I don't think my mother plans on dropping anything, Harry. She's getting a restraining order and I'm going with her soon to approve of it. Me and Ron might've been friends but I have to put my family first"Hermione told.

"We don't blame you Hermione. If your brother attacked mine, I'd do the same" Ginny reassured. Before Ginny could continue, they heard the portrait open. "Hermione?"They heard. Hermione's head snapped towards the door. "Mother?"Hermione Said as she stood. "Hermione!" Eleanor cried as she rushed towards her. Hermione broke into a grin, she didn't realize how much she'd missed her.

As Eleanor hugged her daughter, McGonagall entered the common room. "Blaise Zabini will be here shortly, I wish you the best at the ministry" McGonagall smiled, before stepping out. "Oh dear, how have you been doing?"Eleanor asked as she pulled away. "Good. Mother... I'd like to introduce you to my friends"Hermione said, slowly turning her head to Ginny and Harry.

"Good morning, Mrs. Zabini"The two said together as they stood. "Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley" Hermione introduced. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you both"Eleanor smiled, her eyes staying on Ginny. "You came by to the manor didn't you? Twice?" Eleanor asked. Ginny went a light red, the second time she had practically broken the door down. Ginny nodded.

"I heard from Blaise that you forced your way" Eleanor said. "No, No, Mother I didn't say that" They heard in a rushed tone. Blaise practically ran over. "I said- I said that she-"Blaise tried to come up with a coverup as Ginny glared at him. "My apologies, I had an appointment with your daughter"Ginny said, her glare hardening. "It's my fault, I overslept"Hermione told her mother, stepping in.

"Aunt Eleanor? I thought you wouldn't come by till the afternoon"Draco said as he entered the common room. "There was a change of plans. We have to leave in an hour, but I wanted to speak with you before I left"Eleanor said, smiling. "We'll leave" Hermione told, grabbing Blaise and Ginny's hands before dragging them out.

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