Haikyuu Imagines

بواسطة jachary4eva

34.1K 281 42

There will be: Lemon/Smut 🍋 Fluff☁️ Angst/Sad☔️ Yandere⛓ Started: 10/13/20 - Ended ?/?/? المزيد

!Short Intro!
Yu Nishinoya ☔️
Koshi Sugawara 🍋
Ryunosuke Tanaka ☁️
Toru Oikawa 🍋
Shoyo Hinata ☔️
Kotaro Bokuto ☔️
Tobio Kageyama ☁️
Kei Tsukishima ☁️
Daichi Sawamura ☔️
Yū Nishinoya ☁️
Tetsuro Kurro 🍋
Ryunosuke Tanaka ☔️
Shoyo Hinata ☁️
Kotaro Bokuto 🍋
Kei Tsukishima ☔️
Koshi Sugawara ~ ☔️/☁️
Tobio Kageyama ☔️
Yū Nishinoya ☔️
Tadashi Yamaguchi ☔️
Kei Tsukishima ☔️/☁️
Ryunosuke Tanaka ☔️
Tsukishima ☁️
Kenma ☔️/☁️
Kuroo 🍋
Tobio Kageyama ☔️
Tobio Kageyama ☁️/☔️
Tadashi Yamaguchi ☔️
Toru Oikawa ⛓
Daichi Sawamura ☔️
Tsukishima Kei ☔️
Kenma ☁️
Daichi Sawamura ☔️
Koshi Sugawara ☁️
Kei Tsukishima ⛓
Ryunosuke Tanaka ☔️
Tobio Kageyama ☁️
Tetsurō Kuroo ⛓
Tobio Kageyama ☁️☔️
Ryunosuke Tanaka ☔️
Shōyō Hinita ☁️/🌧
Kenma Kozume ☔️
Asahi Azumane⛓️
Yū Nishinoya ☔/ ☁️
Yu Nishinoya ☔
Ryunosuke Tanaka ☔
Hajime Iwaizumi ☔️

Kotaro Bokuto ☔

77 0 0
بواسطة jachary4eva

Warning: Swearing // Death

Just breathe. Just breathe.

I clutched the bottom hem of my sweater. The fabric soaked up the sweat on the palms of my hands.

"Ma'am?" The officer to the left caught my attention.

The first thing I noticed about her was her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. She tilted her head to the side and looked at me intensely. The other officer just stood there as if he was a statue in my walkway.

"He's dead?" I choked out, tears brimming my eyes.

"He was in a car accident." The 'statue' officer informed me. "You need to come to the hospital, they have papers that need to be signed"

My eyes brimmed with tears as I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. Does that mean he's-

"I-" I started to speak but my words got caught in my throat. "My daughter... is upstairs."

"Bring her or call someone to come watch her. These papers do need to be signed tonight." The man spoke. The woman beside him looked at him with a glare.

"Take your time miss, the hospital is Saint Jones Memorial." She explained.

I slowly nodded as tears brimmed my eyes. The police officers slightly bowed before turning around and making their way back to their patrol car. I placed my shaky hand on the wooden door and shut it, the click filling the silence I was now filled with. I pressed my back up against the door as I slowly slipped down to the ground. I pressed my hand to my chest, feeling my heart pound in my chest.

"Wake up... wake up... wake up." I began to sob uncontrollably as I cupped my face with my hands. My lungs ached as I felt my world crashing down. I pressed my hand tightly against my lips as I muffled my sobs.

I'm not sure how much time passed by before I was able to get back up and walk over to my phone that sat on the kitchen island counter.

Who would I even call?

Akaashi? Kuroo?

What would I even say to them?

I looked through my contacts, unsure who would even pick up. Bokuto's parents aren't even in the country right now, how would I even tell them? Would I wait? Do I tell them now? Unsure of everything, my head spun.

I pressed Tsukushima's contact, letting the phone ring for a few seconds. I'm not sure why him, he's never been too fond of children. But he's the only one that I know doesn't show his emotions as much as the others. Maybe that's why I chose him. So I didn't have to deal with someone else's pain right now.

"Hello?" His groggy voice mumbled through the phone. I had woken him up, it is 6am right now.

"Hey Kei." I tried to speak fluently, but my voice cracked.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" I heard him shift in his bed, his voice louder and clearer.

"I-" I tried to speak, my voice getting caught in my throat just like before with the officers. "Bokuto got in a car accident." I forced the words to escape my lips. "He's- I need someone to watch Nina."

"I'm on my way, I'll be there soon." Was all he said before we hung up.

He got here a lot quicker than I expected. He softly knocked on the door before entering. I stood up from my spot on the couch. My arms wrapped around my middle and my eyes red and puffy. As soon as he saw me his eyes softened and he immediately made his way to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pulling me into his chest. I couldn't hold it in, tears poured down my cheeks as he held me. It only took me a few moments before I could regain my composure, my eyes were starting to run out of tears and I could feel my mind get numb. We sat down on the couch, and Kei patiently waiting for me to speak. I took a deep breath through my parted lips and then let it out.

"They told me he got into a car accident..." I kept my head down and eyes on my hands. "They didn't say it straight out, but... he's- he's gone Kei." Tears flooded my eyes as my lips began to tremble.

He placed his hand on my back and rubbed small circles against my clothed back.

"I'm here for you Y/n." His voice was soft and sweet, nothing like I've ever heard from him. "I'll keep Nina safe."

I slowly nodded as I lifted my head up and wiping my blood shot eyes.

"I need to go." The harsh words slit my tongue. "I need to go to the hospital."

"Do you want me to call anyone?" He offered.

"Not yet..." I shook my head. "I need to see him first."

"I understand."

I almost didn't drive to the hospital, the fear of something happening to me never left my mind as I drove as safely as I could.

Now I'm standing in front of the room his body lays. His black spiky hair peaking out from the top of the sheets. I wrapped my left arm around my middle and placed my right hand against my chest as I slowly walked over to the side of the bed. My heart pounded heavily in my chest, it felt as if I was about to explode. I lowered my right hand to the sheet and pinched the edge. Part of me hoped this was someone else, someone else with black spiky hair. But as I pulled down the sheet it became real. There was no more "what if". That's his face.

His eyes shut and his lips just barely parted. The look of his face looked so peaceful. Part of me felt comfort in that, that maybe he is peaceful right now. That maybe before he was in so much pain and he's not anymore. Tears began to pool in my eyes again as I leaned down. I pressed my warm shaky lips to his cold still ones. His lips still soft just like how they always were. As I stood back up straight I ran my hand through his hair.

"I love you." I softly spoke to him, hoping he could hear me. "Nina and I- we'll be okay..." My breath caught in my throat as I squeezed my eyes shut. "Baby." I began to sob, I cupped my mouth with my hand to muffle the noise. "Baby I don't know what to do without you." The truth fell from my lips. "I don't know what to do."

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