Can You Love Me Most? | 𝘙đ˜ĻīŋŊ...

By jxlvpin

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"𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 đĨđ—ŧđ—ŧ𝐤𝐞𝐝 đĸ𝐧𝐭đ—ŧ 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆, 𝐈 đŖ𝐮đŦ𝐭 - 𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘." ĪŸ Selene Black is the younge... More

Author's Notes
1| Hello
2| Dementor! Dementor!
3| First Lesson
4| Nice Isn't He?
5| We Meet Again
6| Patronus
7| Brother
8| It Can't Be, Can It?
9| T H E T R U T H
10| Opinion
11| Heal
12| Waterloo
13| The Marauder's Map
14| Innocent
15| Holidays
16| Under the Mistletoe
17| Christmas Bliss
18| Trust Gred and Feorge
19| Triumph
20| Tighter Security
21| Hurt
22| Monica's Discovery
23| Valentine's Day
24| Killjoy
25| Remus's 34th
26| Hermione
27| A Change of Patronus
28| Confessions
29| The Fight
30| Regrets
31| Champions
32| Luke Montez
33| Exams
34| Padfoot's Plan
35| Mission Slightly Failed
36| Chaos at the Shrieking Shack
37| Revelations
38| Peter Pettigrew
39| The Full Moon
40| And Everything Fell Into Pieces
41| Heartbroken
42| Last Hurrah
43| Last Train Ride and Letters
44| Ghost
45| 19th
46| Safe and Sound
47| The Beginning of The Auror Life
48| Training
49| Back at Hogwarts
50| The Third and Final Task
51| Aftermath
52| News
53| The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
54| Recruiting For the Order
55| Reunion
56| Apology Accepted
57| Anastasia Dolohov
58| Peace Offering
59| Finally
60| The Advance Guard
61| Harry
62| Night Talks
63| Affirmations
64| Celebrations
65| False Alarm
66| Sick
67| Caught In The Act
68| A New Affair
69| Adjusting
70| Return
71| Suspicions
72| Lyall Lupin
73| Strained
74| Grief
75| Date
76| Mark Me
77| Mates
78| Red
79| St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
80| Happy Anniversary
81| Christmas at Grimmauld Place
82| First Day of the Year
83| Jealousy, Jealousy
84| Hell
85| Love of My Life
86| Congratulations, We're Engaged
87| The Will of Orion and Alphard Black
88| Down South
89| Last Days
90| Forever
91| Charles Dumbledore
92| Love Me
93| Just The Two Of Us
94| Angry, But In a Playful Way
95| An Unexpected Surprise
96| A Little Lupin
97| Level Nine, The Department Of Mysteries
98| You Promised
99| Spread Your Wings And Fly Away
100| A New Beginning
101| An Extraordinary Attachment
103| Butterflies and Baby Names
104| Come Back, Please
105| A Nostalgic Place
106| Reunited
107| I Gave You My Heart
108| The French Veela
109| Preparations
110| February 10th, 1997
111| Welcome To The Family
112| Everything
113| King Of My Heart
114| Dumbledore's Downfall
115| Until The End
116| Harry's Arrival
117| Mr. And Mrs. William Weasley
118| Everything Has Changed
119| Regulus Arcturus Black
120| The Capture
121| Not Who He Seems
122| Good To Have You Back
123| Enough
124| Birthdays and News
125| Two Unexpected Gifts
126| It's Happening
127| The Battle Begins
128| Fire & Blood
129| Live For Me
130| The End

102| Remus' Babies

4.9K 92 12
By jxlvpin

A/N : Lots and lots of fluff are in the way, so brace yourselves.

That's my little rant for today, enjoy x

"I'll see you later evening. The meeting will be long, unfortunately." Remus whispered, kissing my forehead and pulling on his tattered, old robes that I helped him place properly.

"It's alright." I smiled at him, quickly taming the strands of his hair that were sticking out quite messily. "Mad-Eye agreed to excuse Padfoot and Ana for a day. They'll be here in a few minutes."

"Are you sure you'll be fine? And our baby –"

"Shut up, Rem!" I giggled, cupping his cheeks and kissed his warm, familiar lips to calm him down. "I am perfectly cable of looking after myself. And our daughter."

We both smiled. I was still not over the fact that our baby was a girl, and I kept repeating it to myself to remind me that it wasn't a dream.

"Alright," he finally calmed down, touching both of my hands. "I better get going. I love you both."

"And we love you." I said to his ear, our lips meeting again. He touched my cheek, before disapparating through Floo Powder.

With a sigh, I immediately went to the kitchen to prepare lunch for my brother and Ana. To my surprise, they hadn't arrived yet at the time they had promised to come. So I waited at the kitchen table, expecting them to burst the door open at any moment.

But they didn't.

"Oh, I think Uncle Padfoot and Auntie Annie are enjoying themselves, for now, sweet girl." I grinned, looking at my stomach.

The bump was now getting bigger as compared to last weeks, like what I read in the baby book. Remus hadn't noticed yet, and I had decided to surprise him later evening. I kept laughing to myself how come he hasn't seen it even though it was quite visible to me.

Sitting on the rocking chair in the large sunroom, I summoned a book in my hand while I waited for them to arrive.

Little Women

I smiled, looking at the book's cover, and glanced down at my stomach once more, a hand placed on it.

"You know, your Daddy used to read this to me before we had you. And soon, I'll read this to you when you come out of my tummy." I whispered, flipping the book open and beginning to read to her.

The sound of my whispers and little giggles mixing with each other in the room. I had read that the baby would start kicking in a few more weeks. But I was already excited and longed to feel her little kicks. But I had to wait.

Around the 3rd or 4th chapter, I dozed off, nausea kicking in again.

When I woke up an hour later, I was assuming to be alone.

That was until I felt a small nudge at my arm and the rocking chair shaking slightly which caused me to rub the socket of my eye tiredly as I saw Sirius mindlessly poke my cheek, attempting to wake me up, craning down with a withdrawn look.

"Oh, finally!" he cried out, smirking and flinging up his arms. "I've been standing for half an hour!"

"And I've been waiting for you for two hours," I said in exasperation, grinning at his look of feigning shock. I carefully lifted myself from the chair and he enveloped me into a tight embrace.
"What took you two so long?" I glanced at Ana, who was drinking a glass of whiskey.

"Oh, nothing." she replied bluntly, a mischievous smile curling up her lips as her face turned scarlet and chuckled with Sirius which caused me to roll my eyes at as I proceeded to the dinner table, the appealing smell of lunch filling my senses and I couldn't resist any longer.

" is my favorite sibling feeling lately?" Sirius asked after a while of silence, watching me eat and stroking my back.

"If Reggie was right here, he'll totally feel offended," I whispered in faked reprimanding and winked. "I am 4 months pregnant, dearest brother, your niece is craving lots of chocolate like her father, and believe me...I'm peaking."

Ana and I laughed together whilst Sirius pulled a confused expression. "Peaking? What the hell does that even mean?" he asked, scoffing.

"Did Azkaban advance your actual age?" Ana teased, squealing softly as he tickled her skin playfully with an annoyed yet amused grin.
"I're very cultured...thanks for the correction, dear." He nodded in agreement this time.

"Oh, Selene, you're showing!" she gasped in surprise, looking at my baby bump with a beam. Sirius looked carefully and almost fainted in happiness.

"I know," I sighed. "It seems only yesterday when I found out. I'm going to surprise Rem later, I'm sure he's going to be so adorable when he sees it."

"You two haven't come up with names yet?" she asked me and I shook my head.

Sirius glanced at me.

"Really? How 'bout Actual-Proof-That-"

"No." I firmly said, causing him to groan in defeat.

I waited for Remus to arrive safely that evening, never leaving the living room as I sat there, waiting to see him step inside the threshold as the other two sat by the dinner table, playing a game of wizard's chess.

9:00 in the evening.

Indeed, this meeting was taking longer than expected. The room was getting quite hot, so I stood up and opened all the windows, inhaling the fresh wind and letting it cool the room before sitting down on the couch again.

"Thanks for that," Ana said, breathing in relief, focused on her pawn. "It's getting hot in here."

"Because obviously, I'm right in front of you." Sirius smirked, laughing out loud as she smacked him playfully with her taken horse and pawns.

I chuckled to myself at their lovey-dovey, laying down in a more comfortable position.

Until I heard the click of the door.

Remus was panting, his face very tired and there was a glint of fear in his eyes.

"Where is–"

Ana immediately sprung up before I could, and embraced him, like she was the one in a relationship with him. Remus laughed.

"And I thought you were my wife for a split second." he said, giving Sirius a brotherly hug as well.

"Thanks guys...I'm really sorry if the meeting took so long. Dumbledore had new plans and I couldn't leave as much as I want to." said Remus guiltily.

"Nah, mate, it's fine." Sirius patted his shoulder in reassurance. They bid us goodbye before disapparating to their flat.

Remus looked at me, with a playful grin.
"Now, would you think I'd forget my own wife?"

I laughed before approaching his warm, and protective arms, relishing the way he embraced me tightly as we kissed in the way we always did and loved.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting...dinner would sound nice, eh?" he mumbled, his beautiful green eyes meeting mine before resting his chin on my head.

"I already had, I got too hungry." I pouted, I heard him laugh from above me.
"It's alright, Molly served us dinner there as well. Getting some sleep sounds better?"

I hummed in approval. But then I remembered.

"Oh, before that," I breathed excitedly, looking at his curious and confused face. "I have a surprise for you."

"Alright?" he furrowed his eyebrows.
With a soft exhale and smiling at his face, I held his hand and directed it to my growing baby bump. He gasped in surprise, looking at me with wide eyes as I nodded at him, assuring him that it was real.

Remus laughed in disbelief, placing his other hand on my stomach and he sniffed slightly.
"How come I've never noticed?" he shook his head, wiping his happy tears. "I've been so busy that I never realized our little girl is growing up."

I just smiled at his adorable and touching manner. And not long after, we were sitting together on the couch, the sounds of our happiness echoing through the whole room. I kept reminding myself that his laugh was, without a doubt, the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.

He was beaming as he pressed his ear against my stomach and rubbed it gently, listening to our baby. "I see," he said in surprise, and I smiled as well to see him hearing her thoughts. "Mummy read you a book this morning? Now that sounds wonderful. Don't worry, she'll continue it tonight, with a bit of help from me."

I giggled, stroked his hair, and stared at my stomach.

"Such a wonderful daddy, you got."

A proud smile curled on his face as he looked up at me. "But mummy prefers me to be naughty." He kissed my stomach repeatedly, he held my hand tightly whilst his free hand traced delicate patterns all over my belly.

A few, blissful minutes passed, he was still listening and talking to her while I just watched them in awe and love. Then, he finally looked up at me once more with a loving smile on his face and then looked at the still open windows.

"It's a bit cold in here, we should probably head upstairs and I ought to close the windows before my babies both get sick." he whispers to my ear, standing up as he did so.

'His babies. His babies getting sick. How cute can he even get?'

"I'm your baby?" I looked at him, rubbing myself to find some warmth.

Finally closing the windows, he replied.

"Always have, and always will be. You're my first baby who gave me another gorgeous one."

I blushed and hummed.

"Well daddy, your babies want a kiss from you." I smiled brightly at him.

He moved closer to me, dropping to his knees, cupping one of my cheeks. "Do they now?"

His green eyes shined like diamonds, and he kissed my belly one more time. He now held both of my cheeks and we kissed passionately and a second later, he lifted me in bridal style and carried me to our bedroom.

He never left my side that night, he held me closely, one hand entangled in my hair as the other was on my belly.

He was worth the world.

Him, and our daughter.

And I was content to be blessed with a small, yet perfect family.

A/N : To all the strong, and independent women around the world, Happy International Women's Day!

- jxlvpin

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